Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 6, York. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1999.
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'Index', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 6, York, ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1999), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 6, York. Edited by Diana E Greenway (London, 1999), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 6, York. Ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1999), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Aberford (W.R.)
Acchelin, Acelin, see Attilin
Achard, can.
Acklam (E.R.)
Acomb (Northumb.)
-, (W.R.)
Acton Burnell (Salop)
Adam de Belstede
Adam of Bitton
Adam le Brus
Adam of Osgodby
Adam of Thorner
Adderbury (Oxon)
-, see also Thomas of
Adelulf, prior of Nostell
Adenulf dei Conti of Anagni
Adrian IV, pope
Adrian V, pope
Agnes Fossard
Agnes de Grandson
Agnes de Percy
Agnes de Vescy
Ailred of Rievaulx
Ailric, can.
Ailward, can. of Beverley
Ailward, can. of York
Aimery de Rochechouart
Alan, M., can.
Alan, father of Achard
Alan Basset
Alan of Melsonby
Albano (Italy), cardinal-bp.
Albert of Lavagna
Aldebrandinus Caetani
Alexander, can.
Alexander, IV, pope
Alexander, succentor of vicars
Alexander of Bayeux
Alexander of Dorset
Alice de Gant
Alne (N.R.)
Amadeus of St John
Amaury de Montfort
Ambrose, prior of Nostell
Ampleforth (N.R.)
-, preb.
Anagni (Lazio, Italy) see Adenulf dei Conti of Anagni; John of Anagni
Ancher Pantaléon of Troyes
Andrew de Grimston
Andrew of Languissel
Angers (France), bp.
Angerus, M., can.
Anglesey (Cambs.), Aug. priory
Anjou (France), count
Anselm, abp. of Canterbury
Ansfrid, can.
Ansketil, prior of Hexham
Ansketil, of Nostell
Antony Bek
Apesthorpe (Notts.)
-, preb.
Apulia, see Simon of Apulia
Arches, honour (DB)
-, see also
Osbern de Arches
Arenis, see Robert de Arenis
Arkendale (W.R.)
Arnulf, M., can.
Arnulf of Lisieux
Arnulf Sottovagina (Sottewaine)
Arraz, see Stephen de Arraz
Arundel family
-, see also Osbert Arundel; Reginald Arundel; Roger Arundel
Ashley (Northants)
Attilin, M., can.
Aubigny, see Roger d'Aubigny; Samson d'Aubigny
Augustine, prior of Newburgh
Aumale (Seine-Maritime, France), countess
Aunay (Launay-sur-Calonne, Calvados, France),
-, see also Ralph d' Aunay
Aunerus, M.
Avignon (France), bp.
Avranches (France), bp.
Axminster (Devon)
Aymer de Valence
Aymo of Savoy
Bacun, see Simon Bacun
Bar-le-Duc (Meuse, France)
-, see also Henry,
count of Bar-le-Duc; Theobald of Bar-le-Duc
Barkston (W.R.)
Barlby, see Robert de Barlby
Barmby Moor (E.R.)
Barnby, preb.
Barnstaple, Devon, archdcn.(Exeter dioc.)
Baro, see Ralph de Baro
Bartholomew, archdcn. of Richmond
Bartholomew of Ferentino
Bartholomew des Roches
Barugh, Great and Little, N.R.
Basset, see Alan Basset; Fulk Basset; Stephen Basset
Bath and Wells, bp.
-, see also Wells
Bavent, see Roger de Bavent
Bayeux (France), bp.
-, cath., can.
-,-, chapter
-,-, precentor
-,-, treas.
-, see also Alexander of Bayeux; Osbert of
Bayeux; Thomas I ('of Bayeux'); Thurstan of
Bayeux; William of Bayeux
Beal (W.R.) see Robert de Behal
Beaulieu, see Hugh of Beaulieu
Beaumont (Maine, France), vicomte
-, see also Charles de Beaumont; Louis de Beaumont
Becket, seeThomas Becket
Bedford, archdcn. (Lincoln dioc.)
-, see also Ralph of Bedford
Behal, see Robert de Behal
Bek, see Antony Bek
Bellesmains, see John of Canterbury
Belmeis family
Belstede, see Adam de Belstede
Benedict, cardinal, see Boniface VIII
Benedict, nephew of Robert of Winchester
Benedict of Peterborough
Berard of Naples
Bernard, prior of Hexham
Bernard of Clairvaux
Bernard de Got
Bernard of Languissel
Bernard of Saint-Omer
Bernard, Elias son of, see Elias
Bertram de Bulmer
Berwick, see John de Berwick
Bessy, see Hugh de Bessy
Beverley (E.R.), Minster, can.
-, chanc.
-, chapter
-, prec.
-, provost
-, sacrist
-, see also William of Beverley
Bichill, preb., see Knaresborough
Bilton (W.R.)
-, preb.
Birstall (W.R.), see William of Birstall
Biseth, see Robert Biseth
Bishop Auckland (co. Durh.), college, can.
Bishop Wilton (E.R.)
-, preb., see Wilton
Bitton (Glos.) see also Adam of Bitton; Robert de Button; Thomas of Bitton
Blois (Loir-et-Cher, France), count
-, see also Henry of Blois
Blund, see John Blund
Blyth (Notts.), Ben, priory
-, see also William de Blyth
Bodham, see William de Bodham
Bogo de Clare
Bole (Notts.)
-, preb.
Bonaventura, abp.-el.
Boniface VIII, pope
Boniface of Cocconato
Boniface of Saluzzo
Bordeaux (France), abp.
Botevant, preb.
Boville, see Sewal de Boville
Boys, see Guy de Boys
Boyton (Wilts.)
Bramham (W.R.)
Brand, M., can.
Brantingham (E.R.)
Brawby (N.R.)
Brearton (W.R.)
Bréauté, see Fulk de Bréauté; Nicholas de Bréauté
Breton, see Walter le Breton
Bridge Hewick (W.R.)
Bridgnorth (Salop), college, can.
-, dean
Bridlington (E.R.), Aug. priory
Broi, see Philip de Broi
Brun, see Richard le Brun
Brus, see Adam le Brus
Buckingham, archdcn. (Lincoln dioc.)
Bugthorpe (E.R.)
-, preb.
Buher, see Walter Buher
Bully fee (DB) see also Roger de Bully
Bulmer, see Bertram de Bulmer
Burchard du Puiset
Burgundy (France), count
Burnel family, see also Robert Burnel; William Burnel
Burton, West (Notts.)
Burton Salmon (W.R.)
Bury St Edmunds (Suff.), Ben. abbey, abbot,
Butevilain family, see also Robert Butevilain
Button, see Bitton
Caen (Calvados, France), see also John of Caen
Caetani, see Aldebrandinus Caetani; Francesco Caetani; James Caetani; John Caetani
Calixtus II, pope
Calne, see William of Calne
Cambrai (France), bp.
Camilla, see Tedisius de Camilla
Canterbury, abp.
-, clerk
-, abp.-el.
-, archdcn.
-, see also John of Canterbury
Cantilupe, see Hugh de Cantilupe; Thomas de Cantilupe; Walter de Cantilupe
Carlisle, bp.
-, bp.-el.
Carlton (par. Stockton-on-the-Forest, N.R.)
Carlton Husthwaite (N.R.)
-, preb. see Husthwaite
Cave, North (E.R.)
Cave, South (E.R.)
-, preb.
-, see alsoWilliam of Cave
Cawood (W.R.)
Caythorpe (E.R.)
Ceccano family, see also Thomas de Ceccano
Charles de Beaumont
Charny, see Peter de Charny
Chartres (France), cath., can.
-, prec.
-, vicomte
Chauvent (Switzerland), see also William of Chauvent
Chemillé, see William de Chemillé
-, bp.
-, see also Peter of Chester
Chichester, bp.
-, cath., can.
-,-, chanc.
-,-, dean
-,-, prebs.
-,-, prec.
Childswickham (Glos.)
Church Fenton (W.R.)
-, preb. see Fenton
Cincius, pr.
Clairvaux (France), Cist. abbey, monk
-, see also Bernard of Clairvaux
Clare, see Bogo de Clare; Richard de Clare
Clarel, see John Clarel
Clay, Sir Charles (1885-1978)
-, see also William del Clay
Clayworth (Notts.)
Clement IV, pope
Cleveland (N.R.), archdcns.
-, vice-archdcn.
-, archdcnry.
Cliffe, South (E.R.)
Clifford, see Richard de Clifford; William de Clifford
Clifton (W.R., near York)
Cocconato (Asti, Italy) see also Boniface of Cocconato; Uberto of Cocconato
Colchester, archdcn. (London dioc.)
Cologne (Germany)
Colonna family, see also John de Colonna; John de Colonna son of Landulf
Conan, archdcn.
Conisbrough (W.R.)
Copt Hewick (W.R.)
Corbeil (Seine-et-Oise, France) see also Peter of Corbeilv
Corbridge (Northumb.) see also Thomas ofCorbridge
Corner, la, see William de la Corner
Cornubia, see Richard de Cornubia
Cornwall, earl
-, see also Richard of Cornwall
Cornwell (Oxon) see also Richard deCornubia
Cottam (E.R.)
Cottesbrooke (Northants)
Coulton (N.R.)
Coutances (France), cath.
-, see also Walter of Coutances; William of
Coventry, archdcn.
-, Lichfield, bp.,
-, see also Lichfield
Crassus, see John le Gras; Roger Crassus
Crowcombe (Somt)see also John de Crowcombe
Cunde, Cundi, see Roger de Cunde
'D.', prec.
Daniel, nephew of John le Romeyn
Darlington (co. Durh.), college, can.
David, kg. of Scotland
Derby, archdcn. (Coventry and Lichfield dioc.)
'Derci', see William de Perchi
Dinan (France), see Peter of Dinan
'Dinand', archdcn.
Dodsworth, Roger (1585-1654)
Dorset, archdcn. (Salisbury dioc.)
-, see also Alexander of Dorset
Douai (France), cath., provost
Drax (W.R.)
Driffield, Great and Little (E.R.)
-, preb.
Droxford (Hants) see also John of Droxford
Dublin, cath., can.
Dugdale, Sir William, xxxii
Dunnington (E.R.)
-, preb.
Durand, archdcn.see also Nicholas son of Durand; William son of Durand
Durham, archdcn.
-, bp.
-, bp.-el.
-,-, cath., chapter
-,-, prior
-,-, priory
E. Ruffus
Ealdred, abp.
East Riding, archdcns.
-, vice archdcn.
-, archdnry.
Ebrard, see Erard
Ecclesfield, see Stephen de Ecclesfield
Edmund, earl of Cornwall
Edmund de Mortimer
Egiptius, see John Egiptius of Ferentino; Peter of Ferentino
Eleanor, countess of Leicester
Eleanor, queen
Elias son of Bernard
Elkesley (Notts.)
Ellerburn (N.R.)
Elloughton (E.R.)
Ely, Ben. abbey, abbot
-, bp.
-, bp.-el.
-, see also William of Ely
Erard, M., can.
Eresby (Lincs.) see also Philip de Willoughby
Ernisius de Tywa
Espec, see Walter Espec
Eu, see William of Eu
Eugenius III, pope
Eustace, M.
'Everard', see Erard
Evesham (Worcs.)
-, Ben. abbey
-, see also Hugh of Evesham; Simon of
Ewelme, see Nicholas of Ewelme
-, bp.
-, cath., chapter
-,-, can.
-,-, dean
-, see also John of Exeter
Eya, see Philip de Eya
Fairburn (W.R.)
Farrer, William
Fécamp (Seine-Maritime, France), Ben. abbey, abbot
-, see also William of Fécamp
Fenton (Church Fenton, W.R.), preb.
Fenwick, see Thomas de Fenwick
Ferentino (Italy), see Bartholomew of Ferentino; John Egiptius of Ferentino; Peter of Ferentino; Roffredus of Ferentino; Stephen of Ferentino
Fieschi family
Figheldean (Wilts.) see also Peter of Figheldean
Finchale (co. Durh.), Ben. priory
Fishlake (W.R.)
Flambard,, see Ralph Flambard
Flammaville, see Maud de Flammaville
Flaxton (N.R.)
Flixton (Lancs.), preb. in Lichfield cath.
Foliot, see Gilbert Foliot
Forde, see Robert de la Forde
Fossanova (Lazio, Italy) see also Stephen of Fossanova
Fossard, see Agnes Fossard; Nigel Fossard;
Robert Fossard
-, honour (DB)
Foston on the Wolds (E.R.)
Fountains (W.R.), Cist. abbey
-, abbot
-, monk
Francesco Caetani
Francesco Caetani (the younger)
Franciscus, M.
Fridaythorpe (E.R.)
-, preb.
Fulk, can.
Fulk, steward of Percy honour see also Gilbert son of Fulk
Fulk Basset
Fulk de Bréauté
Fulk Lovel
Fulk Paynel
G., ? preb. Warthill
Gaimar, see Geoffrey Gaimar
Gandavo, see Simon de Gandavo
Gant, see Alice de Gant; Gilbert de Gant; Hugh de Gant; Robert de Gant; Walter de Gant
Gargrave (W.R.)
Gate Helmsley (N.R.)
Gentile Orsini
Geoffrey, archdcn. of Nottingham
Geoffrey, archdcn. of York
Geoffrey, can.
Geoffrey, count of Anjou
Geoffrey, prior of Nostell
Geoffrey, provost of Beverley
Geoffrey de Muschamp
Geoffrey of Norwich
Geoffrey Plantagenet
-, abp.
-,-, abp.el.
-,-, royal chanc.
-,-, treas.
-,-, chs. mentioned
Geoffrey de Sancto Medardo (or Sancto Marco),
Gerard, abp.
Gerard, archdcn.
Gerard, can.
Gerard de Grandisson, archdcn. of Dorset
Gerard de Grandisson, preb. of York
Gerard son of Osbert
Gerard de Vuippens
Gernagot, can.
Gernagot, Nicholas son of, see Nicholas
Gerold, can.
Gerold Grossus
Gerold son of Serlo,
Gervais, see John of Exeter
Gervase, can.
Giffard, see Godfrey Giffard; Hugh Giffard; Walter Giffard
Gilbert, can.
Gilbert, chapl. of John son of Letold
Gilbert, prec.
Gilbert Foliot
Gilbert de Gant ,(DB)
Gilbert of Salisbury
Gilbert son of Fulk
Gilbert de Tywa
Giles le Rous
Gimundus, can.
Giovanni Romanus, and his wife Maria
Giso, bp. of Wells
Givendale, Little (E.R.)
-, preb.
Glanville, see Ranulph de Glanville
Gloez, see William de Gloez
-, archdcn. (Worcester dioc.)
-, earl
-, see also Walter of Gloucester
Godard, M., can.
Godfrey Giffard
Godfrey de Kimitone (of Ludham)
Godfrey de Lucy
Godfrey of Ludham
Goodmanham (E.R.)
Got, see Bernard de Got; William (Seguin) de Got
Grafton (W.R.)
Grandisson (Grandson) family see alsoAgnes de Grandson; Gerard de Grandisson;John de Grandisson; Odo de Grandisson
Gras, le, family see also John le Gras
Grateley (Hants)
Greenfield, see William de Greenfield
Gregory IX, pope
Gregory of York
Grey family, see also Henry de Grey; John de Grey; Robert de Grey; Walter de Grey
Grimston (par. Dunnington, E.R.)
Grimston (par. Kirkby Wharfe, W.R.)
Grimston, see Andrew de Grimston; Martin de Grimston; Thomas de Grimston
Grimston, North (E.R.)
Grindale (E.R.)
Grossus, see Gerold Grossus
Grunerius son of Peter de Vico Placentini
Guala, papal legate
Guisborough (N.R.), Aug. priory
Guy, M., abp.'s clerk
Guy, M., mag. schol.
Guy de Boys
H., [? vice-]archdcn. of Cleveland
Haget family, see also Robert Haget
Hambleton (W.R.), see also William ofHambleton
Hambye (Manche, France)
Hamo, dean
-, preb.
-, prec.
-, treas.
-, his son Hamo
Hamo de Valognes
Hamund, can.
Handsworth (W.R.)
Harenis, see Robert de Arenis
Harewood (W.R.)
Harold, M., can.
Hasculf Paynel
Hatfield, see Thomas Hatfield
Haxby (N.R.)
Healaugh (W.R.)
Hedon, see Thomas de Hedon
Helmsley (N.R.)
Henry, can.
Henry (III), count of Bar-le-Duc
Henry I, kg.
Henry II, kg.
-, his wife Eleanor
-, his son Henry
Henry III, kg.
Henry of Blois
Henry de Grey, can.
Henry de Grey, clerk
Henry of Huntingdon
Henry of Lavagna
Henry Marshal
Henry de Merdene
Henry Murdac, abp.
Henry of Newark
-, abp.
-,-, archdcn. of Richmond
-,-, dean
-,-, preb.
Henry of Skipton, archdcn. of Nottingham
Henry of Skipton, vicar of Gargrave
Henry de Somerset
Henry de Sully
Herbert, can.
Herbert of Winchester
-, his wife Emma
-, see also William Fitz Herbert
Herbert, see Peter Fitz Herbert
Hereford, bp.
-, cath., can.
-,-, prec.
Hereman, bp. of Salisbury
Hervey Walter
Heslington (E.R.)
Hexham (Northumb.), church
-, Aug. priory
-,-, can.
-,-, priors
-, see also John of Hexham; Richard of Hexham
Hilary, M., abp.-el.
Hillam (W.R.)
Hinderwell (N.R.)
Holdebert, can.see also Stephen son of Holdebert; William son of Holdebert
Holderness (E.R.), see Roger of Holderness
Holgate (W.R., near York)
Holme (Holme Archiepiscopi), preb.
Holme Archiepiscopi (E.R., lost village),
Honington, see J. de Honington
Honorius, M., can.
Honorius II, pope
Honorius IV, pope
Hooton Roberts (W.R.)
Hotham (E.R.)
Howden (E.R.)
-, college, can.
-, see also Roger of Howden
Hoyland High (W.R.)
Hubert, [? vice-]archdcn. of York
Hubert Walter
Huddleston (W.R.)
Huggate (E.R.)
Hugh, archdcn.
Hugh, can. (son of Robert Butevilain)
Hugh, count of La Marche
Hugh, dean
Hugh of Beaulieu
Hugh de Bessy
Hugh de Cantilupe
Hugh de Cantilupe (another)
Hugh the Chanter, see Hugh Sottovagina
Hugh of Evesham
Hugh de Gant
Hugh Giffard
Hugh de Menethorpe
Hugh Murdac
Hugh de Pinconio
Hugh du Puiset
Hugh du Puiset, vicomte of Chartres, and his wife Agnes
Hugh Sampson
Hugh of Selby
Hugh Sottovagina (Sottewain) the Chanter,
archdcn. of Cleveland
-, historian
-, preb.
-, prec.
-, his relatives
Hugh de Tywa
Hugolino, cardinal-bp. of Ostia, see Gregory IX
Huntingdon, Aug. priory, can.
-, earl, 2n
-, see also Henry of Huntingdon
Huntington (N.R.)
Husthwaite (Carlton Husthwaite, N.R.), preb.
-, see also John of Husthwaite
Ilbert de Lacy (DB)
Innocent III, pope
Innocent IV, pope
Insula, see Peter de Insula; Roger de Insula
Isabel, widow of kg. John
Ivinghoe (Bucks.) see also Ralph of Ivinghoe
J. de Honington
James Caetani
James Judici
James son of Nicholas
James of Spain
Jeremy, abp.'s clerk
Jeremy, archdcn. of Cleveland
Jeremy, can. of Rouen
Jernegan of Tanfield
Jocelin of Louvain
John, bp. of Exeter
John, cardinal-dcn. of S. Maria in Cosmedin
John, cardinal-dcn. of S. Nicola in Carcere Tulliano, see Nicholas III
John, count of Mortain, 38; kg.
John, kinsman of archdcn. Jeremy
John XXI, pope
John, preb. South Cave
John, M., preb. Fridaythorpe
John, prior of Nostell
John, provost of Douai
John of Anagni
John Bellesmains, see John of Canterbury
John de Berwick
John Blund
John of Caen
John Caetani degli Orsini, see Nicholas III
John of Canterbury (Bellesmains),
John Clarel
John de Colonna
John de Colonna son of Landulf
John de Crowcombe
John of Droxford
John Egiptius of Ferentino
John of Exeter (Gervais, Gervasii)
John de Grandisson
John le Gras
John de Grey
John de Grey of Rotherfield, and his wife Hawisia
John of Hexham
John of Husthwaite
John de Kirkeby
John de Lacy
John de Langeton the elder
John de Langeton the younger
John de Lasenby
John de Lethebroc
John Marshal
John Maunsel the elder
John Maunsel the younger
John de Mettingham
John de Morton, see John le Romeyn the younger
John de Morwick
John le Romeyn the elder, archdcn. of Richmond,
-, preb.
-, subdean
-, treas.
-, his family
John le Romeyn the younger (son of the elder)
-, abp.
-,-, el. at Rome,
-,-, preb.
-,-, his family
John of St John
John of Salisbury
John de Sancto Laurentio
John son of Letold
John son of Robert
John Thoresby
John de Tywa, can.
John de Tywa, knight
John de Warenne, can.
John de Warenne, earl of Surrey
Jordan, can. (1150s)
Jordan, can. (c. 1200)
Jordan, M., can.
Jordan Orsini
Jordan Piruntus
Judici, see James Judici
Kendal (Kirkby Kendal) (Westmld)
Kimitone, see Godfrey de Kimitone
Kings Ripton (Hunts.)
Kirkby, South (W.R.)
Kirkby Kendal, see Kendal
Kirkby Malzeard (W.R.)
Kirkby Overblow (W.R.)
Kirkby Wharfe (W.R.)
Kirkeby, see John de Kirkeby
Kirkham (E.R.)
-, Aug. priory,
-,-, prior,
-, see also Walter de Kirkham
Knaresborough (W.R.)
-, preb.
Kyme, see Ralph de Kyme
Lacy, see Ilbert de Lacy; John de Lacy; Robert de Lacy; Roger de Lacy
la Forde, Lafford, see Robert de la Forde
Lanchester (co. Durh.), college, can.
Laneham (Notts.) and see also Roger of Laneham; Roland of Laneham; William of Laneham
Lanfranc, abp. of Canterbury
Langeton, see John de Langeton; Walter de Langeton; William de Langeton
Langford (Notts.)
-, preb., see Masham
Langres (France), bp.
Langtoft (E.R.)
-, preb.
Langtoft (? N.R.)
Langton-by-Wragby (Lincs.), see also Simon of Langton; Stephen of Langton
Languissel (near Nîmes, France), see also Andrew of Languissel; Bernard of Languissel
Laon (France), cath., can.
Lasenby, see John de Lasenby
Laughton (Laughton en le Morthen, W.R.), preb.,
Laurence, clerk
Laurence, M., can.
Laurence, M., preb. Strensall
Laurence of Lincoln
Laurence de Sancto Nicholao
Lausanne (Switzerland), bp.
Lavagna (near Genoa, Italy) see also Albert of Lavagna; Henry of Lavagna; Percival of Lavagna
Laysingby, see John de Lasenby
Le Mans (France), cath., can.
Le Puiset (Eure-et-Loir, France), family see also Burchard du Puiset; Hugh du Puiset
Leake (Notts.)
Ledes, see William de Ledes
Leeds (W.R.), see also Paulinus of Leeds
Leicester, countess
-, earl
Lennerton (W.R.)
Leofric, bp. of Exeter
Leonard, can. of Southwell
Leonard, M., papal chapl.
Leonard Odelini
Lethebroc, see John de Lethebroc
Letold, see also John son of Letold
Letolf, can.
Lichfield, cath., can.
-,-, chanc.
-,-, preb.
-,-, see Flixton
-,-, prec.
-, see also Thomas of Lichfield
Liège (Belgium), bp.
Limoges, see Margaret of Limoges
Lincoln, archdcn.
-, bp.
-, bp.-el.
-, cath., can.
-,-, chanc.
-,-, dean
-,-, prebs., see also Nassington
-,-, prec.
-,-, treas.
-, earl
-, see also Laurence of Lincoln
Lisiard de Musters
-, his son John
Lisieux (France), bp.
Llandaff, cath. can.
-, treas.
London, archdcn.
-, bp.
-, cath. of St Paul
-,-, can.
-,-, chanc.
-,-, dean
-,-, college of St Martin le Grand, dean
-,-, provost
-, see also Walter of London
Longchamp, see William Longchamp
Lotherton (W.R.)
Louis de Beaumont
Louis of Savoy
Louth (Lincs.), see also William de Luda
Louvain, see Jocelin of Louvain
Lovel, see Fulk Lovel
Lucy, see Godfrey de Lucy; Richard de Lucy
Luda, see William de Luda
Ludham (Norf.) see also Godfrey of Ludham; Richard of Ludham; Thomas of Ludham
Luke, nephew of Robert of Winchester
Luke de Sabello de Urbe
Lumby (W.R.)
Lusignan (France), see Aymer de Valence
Lutton, see Nicholas de Lutton
Lyfing, abp.
Lyon (France), abp.
-, cath., can.
Lythe (N.R.)
M., can.
Macrus, see Roger Macrus
Magnus, see Robert Magnus
Mainard, M., can.
'Majoricensis' (? Mallorca), can.
Malapalude family, see also Nicholas de Malapalude; Philip de Malapalude; Richard de Malapalude; Roger de Malapalude; William de Malapalude
Malet honour (DB) see also Robert Malet
Mallorca (?), can.
Manfred of Vercelli
Mappleton (E.R.)
Mar, see Roger de Mar
Marche, count of La Marche
Margaret of Limoges
Marisco, see Richard de Marisco
Market Weighton (E.R.)
-, preb., see Weighton
Marmion, family, see also Roger Marmion
'Maroman', 'Maromari', see Roger 'Maroman'
Marshal, see Henry Marshal; John Marshal; William Marshal
Martin IV, pope
Martin de Grimston
Martin of Pattishall
Martin de Sancta Cruce
Marton (E.R.)
Marton (W.R., Claro)
Marton (W.R., Craven)
Masham (N.R.)
-, preb.
Maton, see Richard de Maton
Matteo Ross Orsini
Matthew Scot
Matthew Sottavagina (Sottewain)
Maud de Flammaville
Mauley, see Peter de Mauley; Stephen de Mauley
Maunsel, see John Maunsel
Maurice, M., can.
Meaux (E.R.), Ben. abbey
Medicus, see Roger Medicus
Melsonby (N.R.), see also Alan of Melsonby; Roger of Richmond
'memorie': 'bone memorie', 'pie memorie'
Menethorpe (E.R.), see also Hugh de Menethorpe
Merdene, see Henry de Merdene
Messina (Sicily), cath., prec.
Mettingham (Suff.), see also John de Mettingham
Micklefield (W.R.)
Middlesex, archdcn. (London dioc.)
Milford, North (W.R.)
Milford, South (W.R.)
Millington (N.R.)
Mitton, Great (W.R.)
Melton, see William Melton
Monk Fryston (W.R.)
Monkgate (in York), see Thomas of Monkgate; York, city
Montbrun, see Peter de Montbrun
Montfort, see Amaury de Montfort; Simon de Montfort
Morgan, archdcn. of Richmond
Mortain (Manche, France), count
-, honour (DB)
Mortimer, see Edmund de Mortimer; Roger de Mortimer
Morwick, see John de Morwick
Mottisfont (Hants)
Moutiers (Ille-et-Vilaine, France), see also Lisiard de Musters
Mowbray, family
-, honour
-, see also Roger de Mowbray
Murdac, see Henry Murdac; Hugh Murdac
Muschamp, see Geoffrey de Muschamp
Muskham (Notts.)
-, North (Notts.), preb. in Southwell Minster
Musters, see Lisiard de Musters
Naples (Italy), see Berard of Naples
Napoleo Orsini
Narbonne (France), abp.
-, cath., can.
Nassington (Northants), preb. in Lincoln cath.,
Nawton (N.R.)
Newark (Notts.)
-, see also Henry of Newark
Newbald (N.R., near York)
-, (? E.R.), (preb. Riccall)
-, (? N.R.), (preb. Warthill)
-, North (E.R.)
-,-, preb.
-, South (E.R.)
-,-, preb.
Newburgh (N.R.), Aug. priory
-, prior
Newthorpe (W.R.)
-, preb.
Newton, East (N.R.)
Newton on Ouse (W.R.)
Nicholas, can., (c. 1130 - c. 1155)
Nicholas, can., (c. 1160 - c. 1180)
Nicholas, M., can.
Nicholas, cardinal-bp. of Tusculum
Nicholas, nephew of Gregory IX
Nicholas, III, pope (John Caetani degli Orsini),
Nicholas, IV, pope
Nicholas de Bréauté
Nicholas of Ewelme
Nicholas de Lutton
Nicholas de Malapalude
Nicholas of Selby
Nicholas son of Durand
Nicholas son of Gernagot
Nicholas son of Hugh
Nicholas de Stuteville
Nicholas de Trailli
Nicholas of York, archdcn. of Wilts.
Nicholas of York, can.
Nicholas of York, clerk
Nicholas of York, official of bp. of Salisbury
Nicholas, James son of, see James
Nigel Fossard (DB)
Nîmes (France), bp.
'Norcie Waleys', see also Richard de Cornubia
Norfolk, archdcn. (Norwich dioc.)
Normandis, see Stephen de Normandis
Northampton, archdcn. (Lincoln dioc.)
-, earl
Northumberland, archdcn. (Durham dioc.)
Northwell (Notts.), preb. in Southwell Minster
Norwich, bp.
-, see also Geoffrey of Norwich
Nostell (W.R.), Aug. priory
-, priors
Nottingham, archdcns.
-, archdcnry.
-, St Mary's church
Nowell, see Ralph Nowell
Odelini, see Leonard Odelini
Odo, bp. of Bayeux
Odo de Grandisson
Old Malton (N.R.)
Oliver of Sutton
Orkney, bp.
Orléans (France)
Orsini, see Gentile Orsini; Jordan Orsini; Matteo Rosso Orsini; Napoleo Orsini; Nicholas III
Osbaldwick (N.R.)
-, preb.
Osbern de Arches (DB)
Osbert, M., can.
Osbert Arundel
Osbert of Bayeux
Osbert, Gerard son of, see Gerard
Osgodby (E.R.), see also Adam of Osgodby
Osmund, bp. of Salisbury
Osney (Oxon), Aug. priory, prior
Ossington (Notts.), Hospitallers, prior
Ostia (Italy), cardinal-bp.
Otley (W.R.)
Otto, cardinal-dcn. of S. Maria in Via Lata
Otto of Tonengo
Ottobono, cardinal
Ouseburn, see Roger de Ouseburn
Oxford university, chanc.
P., succentor of vicars
Pagham (Suss.)
Palestrina (Italy), cardinal-bp.
Pandulph de Sabello
Pantaléon, see Ancher Pantaléon
Paris, cath., can.
Passelew, see Thomas Passelew
Passemer, see William Passemer
Pattishall (Northants), see also Martin of Pattishall
Paulinus of Leeds, see also Thomas son of Paulinus
Paynel, see Fulk Paynel; Hasculf Paynel
Pembroke, earl
Penistone (W.R.)
Pepin, see Roger Pepin
Perchi, see William de Perchi
Percival of Lavagna
Percy honour
-, steward
Percy, see Agnes de Percy; Richard de Percy; William de Percy
Peter, archdcn. of Lincoln
Peter, archdcn. of Nottingham
Peter, nephew of John le Romeyn
Peter de Charny
Peter of Chester
Peter of Corbeil
Peter of Dinan
Peter of Ferentino
Peter of Figheldean
Peter Fitz Herbert
-, his son Reginald
Peter Gimund of Rome
Peter de Insula
Peter de Mauley
Peter de Montbrun
Peter de Rievaux
Peter des Roches
Peter de Ros
Peter Russinol
Peter de Sabello
Peter of Savoy, preb. South Newbald
Peter of Savoy, preb. Wistow
Peter of Sherburn
Peter son of Nicholas Sarraceni
Peterborough, see Benedict of Peterborough
Philip de Broi
Philip de Eya
Philip de Malapalude
Philip of Poitou
Philip de Willoughby
Pickering (N.R.), see also Robert of Pickering; William of Pickering
Pinconio, see Hugh de Pinconio
Piruntus, see Jordan Piruntus
Plantagenet, see Geoffrey Plantagenet
Pocklington (E.R.)
Poitiers, bp.
Poitou, see Philip of Poitou
Pontefract (W.R.), Cluniac priory, monk
Pontifical, Romano-German
Pont, l'Evêque (Calvados, France), see also Roger of Pont l'Evêque
Poppleton, Upper (W.R.)
Porto (Italy), cardinal-bp.
Preston (E.R.)
Preston (Lancs.)
R., can.
R., succentor
Rainer, sub-archdcn. of Cleveland
Ralph, archdcn. of Cleveland
Ralph, archdcn. of Richmond
Ralph, can.
Ralph, prior of Nostell
Ralph, succentor of vicars
Ralph d'Aunay
Ralph de Baro
Ralph of Bedford
Ralph Flambard
Ralph of Ivinghoe
Ralph de Kyme
Ralph Nowell
Ralph de Sancta Columba
Ralph de Sancto Laurentio
Ralph de Valognes
Ralph de Warneville
Ranulph, can.
Ranulph, treas.
Ranulph de Glanville
Ranville (arr. Vire, Calvados, France)
Reginald, can. Southwell
Reginald Arundel
Reims (France), cath., can.
Reiner of Skipton
Reinevilla, Reineville, family, see also Thomas de Reinevilla
Rennes (France), bp.
Retford (Notts.)
Riccall (E.R.)
-, preb.
Richard, abbot of Whitby
Richard, M., can.
Richard, earl of Cornwall
Richard, I, kg.
Richard, ? preb. Warthill
Richard, succentor of vicars
Richard, succentor of vicars (another)
Richard le Brun
Richard de Clare
Richard de Clifford
Richard de Cornubia
Richard of Cornwall
Richard of Hexham
Richard de Lucy
Richard of Ludham, and his wife Eda
Richard de Malapalude
Richard de Marisco
Richard de Maton
Richard 'de Norcie Waleys', see also Richard de Cornubia
Richard de Percy
Richard de Taunton
Richard de Umfraville
Richard de Warter
Richard of York
Richard, William son of, see William
Richer, can.
Richmond, archdcns.
-,-, vice-archdcn.
-, archdcnry.
-, honour
-, sheriff
-, see also Roger of Richmond
Rievaulx (N.R.), Cist. abbey, abbot
-, see also Ailred of Rievaulx
Rievaux, see Peter de Rievaux
Ripon (W.R.)
-, Minster, can.
Ripplingham, see Robert de Ripplingham
Robert, cook of John son of Letold
Robert, ? preb. Grindale
Robert, preb. Warthill
Robert, provost of Beverley
Robert, vice-archdcn. of York
Robert de Arenis
Robert de Barlby
Robert de Behal
Robert de Bethune, bp. of Hereford
Robert Biseth
Robert Burnel
Robert Butevilain
-, his son, see Hugh, can.
Robert de Button
Robert Fossard
Robert de Gant
Robert de Grey
Robert Haget
Robert de Lacy
Robert de la Forde
Robert de la Forde senior
Robert Magnus
Robert Malet (DB)
Robert Pepin, see also Roger Pepin
Robert of Pickering
Robert de Ripplingham
Robert de Ros
Robert of Scarborough
Robert son of William
Robert son of William Fitz Ralph
Robert de Turnham
Robert of Winchester
Robert of Woodkirk
Robert, John son of, see John
Rochechouart (Haute Vienne, France), vicomte; see also Aimery of Rochechouart; Simon of Rochechouart
Roches, see Bartholomew des Roches; Peter des Roches
Rochester, bp.-el.
Roffredus, M., can.
Roffredus of Ferentino
Roger, abbot of Evesham
Roger, ? archdcn. of Cleveland
Roger, can. (1130s)
Roger, M., can. (1254)
Roger, prior of Durham
Roger Arundel
Roger d'Aubigny
Roger de Bavent, and his wife Matilda
Roger de Bully (DB)
Roger Crassus
Roger de Cunde
Roger of Holderness
Roger of Howden
Roger de Insula
Roger de Lacy
Roger of Laneham
Roger Macrus
Roger de Malapalude
Roger de Mar
Roger Marmion
Roger 'Maroman' ('Maromari')
Roger Medicus, can. of Lincoln
Roger Medicus, can. of York
Roger de Mortimer
Roger de Mowbray
-, his clerk
Roger de Ouseburn
Roger Pepin, M., subdean
Roger Pepin, M. (another)
Roger Pepin, succentor
Roger of Pont l'Evêque, abp.
-,-, his chapl.
-,-, his clerk
-,-, his nephew
-,-, his son
-,-, chs. mentioned
Roger Reinfrei, William son of, see William of Coutances
Roger of Richmond
Roger de Sancto Edmundo
Roger of Seaton
Roland of Laneham
Romanus, see Giovanni Romanus; James Caetani; John le Romeyn; Jordan Orsini; Stephen the Roman
Rome, cardinal-dcn., S. Adriano
-,-, S. Eustachio
-,-, S. Maria in Cosmedin
-,-, S. Maria in Porticu
-,-, S. Maria in Via Lata
-,-, S. Nicola in Carcere Tulliano
-,-, SS. Cosma e Damiano
-, cardinal-pr., S. Crisogono
-,-, S. Lorenzo in Lucina
-,-, S. Maria in Trastevere
-,-, S. Prassede
-,-, SS. XII Apostoli
-, cardinals, see also Albano; Ostia; Palestrina;
Porto; Tusculum
-, S. Spirito in Sassia hospital
Romeyn family, see also John le Romeyn
Ros family, see also Peter de Ros; Robert de Ros
Rostand, M.
Rotherfield Greys (Oxon), see also William de Langeton (alias of Rotherfield); William of Rotherfield
Rouen (France)
-, abp.
-, archdcn.
-, cath., can.
-,-, dean
-,-, prec.
-,-, treas.
Rowley (E.R.)
Rufinus, can.
Rufinus of Tonengo
Rufus, Ruffus, see Giles le Rous
'Rumfredus Scottus'
Russinol, see Peter Russinol
Sabello, see Pandulph de Sabello; Peter de Sabello
St, Albans (Herts.), Ben. abbey, abbot
-,-, clerk
-, clerk
St Davids, cath. can.
St Giles, see Simon de Sancto Egidio
St John, see Amadeus of St John; John of St John
Saint-Omer (Pas-de-Calais, France), cath., can.,
-, see also Bernard of Saint-Omer
Sainte-Barbe-en-Auge (Calvados, France), 8n;
-, see also William of Sainte-Barbe
Sainte-Mère-Eglise (Manche, France), see William of Sainte-Mère-Eglise
Salisbury, bp.
-,-, official
-, cath., can.
-,-, chapter
-,-, dean
-,-, prebs.
-,-, treas.
-, see also Gilbert of Salisbury; John of
Salton (N.R.), 95
-, preb.
Saluzzo (Italy), marquis, see also Boniface of Saluzzo
Sampson, archdcn. of York
Sampson, bp. of Worcester
Sampson, see Hugh Sampson
Sampson, abbot of Bury St Edmunds, xxvii
Samson d'Aubigny
Sancta Columba, see Ralph de Sancta Columba
Sancta Cruce, see Martin de Sancta Cruce
Sancto Edmundo, see Roger de Sancto Edmundo
Sancto Egidio, see Simon de Sancto Egidio
Sancto Laurentio, see John de Sancto Laurentio; Ralph de Sancto Laurentio
Sancto Marco, Sancto Medardo, see Geoffrey de Sancto Medardo
Sancto Nicholao, see Laurence de Sancto Nicholao
Sarraceni, Nicholas, see Peter son of Nicholas Sarraceni
Savard, prior of Nostell, 60
Savelli family, see also Luke de Sabello; Pandulph de Sabello; Peter de Sabello
Savoy, see Aymo of Savoy; Louis of Savoy; Peter of Savoy; Thomas of Savoy; William of Savoy
Scarborough (N.R.), see also Robert of Scarborough
Scot, Scottus, see Matthew Scot; Rumfedus Scottus
Scotland, 4; see also David, kg. of Scotland
Scriven (W.R.)
Seamer (N.R.)
Seaton (Rutl.), see also Roger of Seaton
Selby (W.R.), see Hugh of Selby; Nicholas of Selby
Senlis (Oise, France), see Simon of Senlis
Sens (France), abp.
Serlo, M., can.
Serlo son of Serlo
Serlo de Sunninges
Serlo, Gerold son of, see Gerold
Sewal de Boville, abp.
-, archdcn. of York
-, dean
-, preb.
Sherburn in Elmet (W.R.)
-, preb.
-, see also Peter of Sherburn
Sigillo, see Simon de Sigillo
Simeon, abbot of Ely
Simon, can.
Simon, nephew of cardinal Nicholas
Simon of Apulia
Simon Bacun
Simon of Evesham
Simon de Gandavo
Simon of Langton
Simon de Montfort
-, his wife, see Eleanor, countess of Leicester
Simon of Rochechouart
Simon de Sancto Egidio (St Giles)
Simon of Senlis
Simon de Sigillo
-, his sister Alice
-, his son Robert
Simonburn (Northumb.)
Sinningthwaite (W.R.), Cist. priory, prioress
Sirus, ? mag. schol
Skeffling (E.R.), 11n; see also Roger of Holderness
Skelton (N.R., near Saltburn)
Skelton (N.R., near York)
Skipton on Swale (N.R.), see also Henry of Skipton; Reiner of Skipton
Skipwith (E.R.)
Sleaford (Lincs.), see also Robert de la Forde
Somerset, see Henry de Somerset
Sottovagina (Sottewain), see Arnulf Sottovagina; Hugh Sottovagina; Matthew Sottovagina; Thomas Sottovagina; William Sottovagina
Southwell (Notts.)
-, Minster, can.,
-,-, chapter
-, see also William of Southwell
Spain, see James of Spain
Stafford, archdcn. (Coventry and Lichfield dioc.),
-, college, dean
Stainby (Lincs.)
-, see also William de
Stanford on Avon (Northants)
Stanton (unknown county)
Steeton Hall (W.R.)
Stephen, brother of count of Burgundy
Stephen, can. (3 or more individuals)
Stephen, kg.
-,-, his clerk
Stephen, nephew of cardinal-bp. of Palestrina
Stephen, prior of Nostell
Stephen de Arraz
Stephen Basset
Stephen de Ecclesfield
Stephen of Ferentino
Stephen of Fossanova
Stephen of Langton
Stephen de Mauley
Stephen de Normandis
Stephen the Roman
Stephen son of Holdebert
Stephen of Sutton
Stephen de Vancha
Stillington (N.R.)
-, preb.
Stockton on the Forest (E.R.)
Strensall (N.R.)
-, preb.
Stubbs, see Thomas Stubbs
Studley (W.R.)
Stuteville, see Nicholas de Stuteville; William de Stuteville
'Suchon' (? near York)
Sully, see Henry de Sully
Sunninges, see Serlo de Sunninges
Surrey, earl
Sutton on Trent (Notts.), see also Oliver of Sutton; Stephen of Sutton
Sylvanus, abbot of Rievaulx
T., can.
Taney, see Walter de Taney
Tanfield, see Jernegan of Tanfield
Taunton (Somt)
-, archdcn. (Bath and Wells dioc.)
-, see also Richard de Taunton
Tavistock (Devon), Ben. abbey, abbot
Taynton (Glos.)
Tedisius de Camilla
Testard, see William Testard
Tew (Oxon), see also Tywa
Theobald, abp. of Canterbury
Theobald of Bar-le-Duc
Thockrington (Northumb.)
-, preb.
Thomas, I ('of Bayeux'), abp.
-, his nephew, 2; see also Thomas II, abp.
-, chs. mentioned
Thomas II, abp.
-, chs. mentioned
Thomas, brother of John le romeyn the elder
Thomas, prec.
Thomas of Adderbury
Thomas Becket, abp. of Canterbury
Thomas of Bitton
Thomas de Cantilupe
Thomas de Ceccano
Thomas of Corbridge, abp.
-, chanc.
-, preb.
-, sacrist of chapel
Thomas de Fenwick
Thomas de Grimston
Thomas Hatfield
Thomas de Hedon
Thomas of Lichfield
Thomas of Ludham
Thomas of Monkgate
Thomas Passelew
Thomas de Reinevilla
Thomas de Sancto Stephano
Thomas of Savoy
Thomas son of Paulinus
Thomas Sottovagina (Sottewain)
Thomas Stubbs
Thomas of Wakefield
Thomas de Wythen
Thoresby, see John Thoresby
Thorner (W.R.), see also Adam of Thorner
Thornton (Lincs.), Aug. priory, can.
Thorpe Salvin (W.R.)
Thouars (Deux Sèvres, France), archdcn.
Thurstan, abp.
-, his nephew, see also Osbert of Bayeux
-, chs. mentioned
Thurstan, archdcn. of Nottingham
Thurstan of Bayeux
Tickhill (W.R.)
Tillemir, see William Tillemir
Tole, see William son of Tole
Tollerton (N.R.)
Tonengo (Asti, Italy)
-, see also Otto of
Tonengo; Rufinus of Tonengo
Topcliffe (N.R.)
Torpenhow (Cumb.)
Torre, James
Tosti, can., see also William son of Tosti
Tours (France), abp.
-, cath., treas.
Trailli, see Nicholas de Trailli
Troyes, see Ancher Pantaléon of Troyes
Tunstall (E.R.)
Turcope, Turcople, Turcopula, see Geoffrey Turcople
Turnham, see Robert de Turnham
Tusculum (Italy), cardinal-bp.
Tywa, see Ernisius de Tywa; Gilbert de Tywa; Hugh de Tywa; John de Tywa
Uberto of Cocconato
Ughtred family
Ulleskelf (W.R.)
-, preb.
Ulrich, lord of Vuippens
Umfraville, honour, see also Richard de Umfraville
Urban IV, pope
Vacarius, M., can.
Valence, see Aymer de Valence
Valognes family, see also Hamo de Valognes; Ralph de Valognes
Vancha, see Stephen de Vancha
Varneville-Bretteville (Seine-Maritime, France)
Vauclair (Aisne, France), Cist. abbey, abbot
Vercelli (Italy), see Manfred of Vercelli
Verdun (France), bp.
Vescy,, see Agnes de Vescy
Vico Placentini, see Grunerius
Villandraut (Gironde, France)
Vuippens (cant. Fribourg, Switzerland), see also Gerard de Vuippens; Ulrich, lord of Vuippens
W., archdcn. of Nottingham
W., can.
Wadworth (W.R.)
Wakefield, see Thomas of Wakefield
Walcher, bp. of Durham
Waleby, see William de Waleby
Walkelin, bp. of Winchester
Walkingham (W.R.)
Wallop, Nether (Hants)
Walter, archdcn. of York
Walter, prec.
Walter le Breton
Walter Buher
Walter de Cantilupe
Walter of Coutances
Walter Espec, and his sister Aubreye
Walter de Gant
Walter Giffard, abp.
Walter of Gloucester
Walter de Grey, abp.
-, his relatives
Walter de Grey the younger
Walter de Kirkham
Walter de Langeton
Walter de Langeton, can.
Walter of London
Walter de Taney
Walter de Wisbech
Walter de Woburn
Walter, see Hervey Walter; Hubert Walter
Walthe of, prior of Kirkham
Warenne, see John de Warenne
Warneville, see Ralph de Warneville
Warter, see Richard de Warter
Water Fulford (E.R.)
Warthill (N.R.)
-, preb.
Watton-at-Stone (Herts.)
Wawne (E.R.)
Weaverthorpe (E.R.)
Weighton (Market Weightom E.R.), preb.
Wells, archdcn.
-, bp.
-, cath., can.
-,-, chapter
-,-, dean
-,-, treas.
Wetwang (E.R.)
-, preb.
Whalley (Lancs.)
Wharram-le-Street (E.R.)
Whitby (N.R.), Ben. abbey, abbot
-,-, monk
Whixley (W.R.)
Wiayn, see Thomas de Wythen
Wickwane, see William de Wickwane
Wigginton (N.R., near York)
Wigmore (Herefs.)
William, archdcn.
William, archdcn. (another)
William, archdcn. of Nottingham (1150s)
William, archdcn. of Nottingham (1249)
William, archdcn. of Richmond
William, cardinal-dcn. of S. Eustachio
William I, kg.
William II, kg.
William, nephew of John le Romeyn
William, prec. of Rouen
William, prior of Hexham
William, vice-archdcn. of E.R.
William of Bayeux I
William of Bayeux II
William of Bayeux (another)
William of Beverley
William of Birstall
William de Blyth
William de Bodham
William Burnel
William of Calne
William of Cave
William the chaplain
William of Chauvent
William de Chemillé
William del Clay
William de Clifford
William de la Corner
William of Coutances
William of Ely
William of Eu
William of Fécamp
William Fitz Herbert,
-, treas.
-, canonization
-, chs. mentioned
William de Gloez
William (Seguin) de Got
William de Greenfield
William of Hambleton
William of Laneham
William de Langeton, can.
William de Langeton the younger
William de Langeton, alias of Rotherfield, abp.-el.
-, archdcn. of York
-, dean
-, preb.
-, succentor
-, chantry
-, his relatives
William de Ledes
William Longchamp
William de Luda (Louth)
William de Malapalude,
William Marshal,
William Melton,
William Passemer,
William de Perchi,
William de Percy (DB)
William de Percy, can.
William de Percy of Petworth
William of Pickering
William of Rotherfield, archdcn. of Richmond
William of Rotherfield, treas.
William of Sainte-Barbe
William of Sainte-Mère-Eglise
William of Savoy
William son of Bartholomew
William son of Durand
William son of Holdebert
William son of Ralph
William son of Richard
William son of Roger of Pont l'Evêque
William son of Tole
William son of Tosti
William Sottovagina (Sottewain)
William of Southwell
William de Stainby
William de Stuteville
William Testard
William Tillemir
William de Waleby
William de Wickwane
-, abp.
-,-, chanc.
-,-, preb.
William of Winchester, can. of London
William of Winchester, can. of York
William de Wisbech
William de Wyville
William of York
William, Robert son of, see Robert
Willoughby of Eresby, see Philip de Willoughby
Willoughby on the Wolds (Notts.)
Wilton (Bishop Wilton, E.R.), preb.
Wiltshire, archdcn. (Salisbury dioc.)
Wimund, can.
Winchester, archdcn.
-, bp.
-, cath. priory, monk
-, see also Herbert of Winchester; Robert of
Winchester; William of Winchester
Wingrave (Bucks.)
Winterbourne Bassett (Wilts.)
Winteringham (Lincs.)
Wisbech (Cambs.) see also Walter deWisbech; William de Wisbech
Wistow (W.R.)
-, preb.
Withernwick (E.R.)
Woburn, see Walter de Woburn
Wombleton (N.R.)
Woodkirk, see Robert of Woodkirk
Worcester, archdcn.
-, bp.
-,-, clerk
Wycombe (Bucks.)
Wythen, see Thomas de Wythen
Wyville, see William de Wyville
-, abps.
-,-, chanc.
-,-, chapl.
-,-, chs.
-,-, clerk
-,-, datary
-,-, official
-,-, proctor
-,-, registers
-,-, seneschal
-,-, vicar-general
-, archdcns.
-,-, vice-archdcn.
-,-, without territorial title
-,-, Minster, cans., passim
-,-, chancs.
-,-, chantries
-,-, chapel of St Mary and Holy Angels
-,-, chapter
-,-, deans
-,-, masters of schools
-,-, prebs.
-,-, precs.
-,-, schools
-,-, subdeans
-,-, subtreas.
-,-, succentors
-,-, treas.
-,-, vicars choral
York, city, churches, St Andrew's priory
-,-, St Leonard's hospital, xxviii; master
-,-, St Mary's abbey, abbot
-,-, St Maurice, Monkgate
-,-, St Michael
-,-, St Michael at Ouse Bridge
-,-, St Sampson
-, mayor
-,-, streets and places, Aldwark
-,-, Barkergate
-,-, Fishergate
-,-, Fossgate
-,-, Goodramgate
-,-, Layerthorpe
-,-, Micklegate
-,-, Minster Close
-,-, Minster Yard
-,-, Monkgate
-,-, Newbigging
-,-, Ogleforth
-,-, Petergate
-,-, St Andrewgate
-,-, Stonegate
-,-, Tang Hall
-,-, unspecified
York, see also Gregory of York; Nicholas of York; Richard of York; William of York