
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 4, Salisbury. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1991.

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'References', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 4, Salisbury, ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1991), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'References', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 4, Salisbury. Edited by Diana E Greenway (London, 1991), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"References". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 4, Salisbury. Ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1991), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Works in print and manuscripts which are cited in the text in abbreviated form. This is not an exhaustive list of works consulted.

1 Fasti John Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300, comp. D. E. Greenway. Vol. I, St. Paul's, London; vol. II, Monastic Cathedrals; vol. III, Lincoln. London, 1968-77. In progress.
2 Fasti John Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541, comp. J. M. Horn, B. Jones and H. P. F. King. 12 vols. London, 1962-7.
AS Chs. Sherborne Charters of Sherborne, ed. M. A. O'Donovan. British Academy, Anglo-Saxon Charters iii, 1988.
ASC The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, ed. in translation D. Whitelock. London, 1961.
Acta Chichester The Acta of the Bishops of Chichester 1075-1207, ed. H. Mayr-Harting. Canterbury and York Society lvi, 1964.
ann. Dover annals of Dover priory, in BL, Cotton MS Julius D. v fos. 14r-70v.
Ann. Dunstable 'Annales de Dunstaplia', in Annales Monastici, ed. H. R. Luard (5 vols., Rolls series xxxvi, 1864-9) III 1-408.
Ann. Margam 'Annales de Margan', ibid. I 1-40.
Ann. Oseney 'Annales de Oseneia' and 'Chronicon Thomae Wykes', ibid. IV 1-352.
Ann. Plympton 'Annales Plymptonienses', in Ungedruckte Anglo-Normannische Geschichtsquellen, ed. F. Liebermann (Strasbourg, 1879) pp. 25-30.
Ann. Tewkes. 'Annales de Theokesberia', in Annales Monastici I 41-180.
Ann. Waverley 'Annales de Waverleia', ibid. II 127-411.
Ann. Wint. 'Annales de Wintonia', ibid. pp. 1-125.
B Salisbury Diocesan Records, at Trowbridge, Wiltshire Record Office, D1/1/2, Liber Evidentiarum B.
Bec Docs. Select Documents of the English Lands of the Abbey of Bec, ed. M. M. Chibnall. Camden 3rd series lxxiii, 1951.
Biog. Camb. A. B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Cambridge to 1500. Cambridge, 1963.
Biog. Ox. A. B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to 1500. 3 vols. Oxford, 1957-9.
Book of Fees Liber Feodorum. The Book of Fees commonly called Testa de Nevill. 2 vols. in 3. London, 1920-31.
Bull. Inst. Hist. Res. Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research.
C Salisbury, Dean and Chapter Archives, Liber Evidentiarum C.
CCR Calendar of the Close Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (1272-1313). 6 vols. London, 1892-1908.
CPL Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland: Papal Letters. Vol. I, 1198-1304; vol. II, 1305-1342. Ed. W. H. Bliss. London, 1893-5.
CPR Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (1232-1313). 9 vols. London, 1893-1913.
CRR Curia Regis Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (1196-1242). 16 vols. London, 1922-79. In progress.
CYS Canterbury and York Society.
Cal. Docs. France Calendar of Documents preserved in France, illustrative of the History of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. I: 918-1206, ed. J. H. Round. London, 1899.
Can. Osm. The Canonization of Saint Osmund, ed. A. R. Malden. Salisbury, 1901.
Cant. Profs. Canterbury Professions, ed. M. Richter. Canterbury and York Society lxvii, 1973.
Cart. Baioc. Antiquus Cartularius Ecclesiae Baiocensis, ed. V. Bourrienne. 2 vols. Paris, 1902-3.
Cart. Bradenstoke The Cartulary of Bradenstoke Priory, ed. V. C. M. London. Wiltshire Record Society xxxv, 1979.
cart. Christchurch cartulary of Christchurch, Twynham: BL, Cotton MS Tiberius D. vi, in 2 parts.
Cart. Cirencester The Cartulary of Cirencester Abbey, ed. C. D. Ross and M. Devine. 3 vols. Oxford, 1964-77.
cart. De Vaux cartulary of De Vaux college, Salisbury: BL, Add. MS 28870.
Cart. Glastonbury The Great Chartulary of Glastonbury, ed. A. Watkin. 3 vols. Somerset Record Society lix, lxiii, lxiv, 1947-56.
Cart. Lacock Lacock Abbey Charters, ed. K. H. Rogers. Wiltshire Record Society xxxiv, 1979.
Cart. Lewes Wilts. 'The Wiltshire, Devonshire and Dorset portion of the Lewes chartulary', ed. W. Budgen and L. F. Salzman, in The Chartulary of Lewes Priory. The portions relating to counties other than Sussex. Sussex Record Society, 1943.
Cart. Loders Cartulaire de Loders, ed. L. Guilloreau. Evreux, 1908.
Cart. Reading Reading Abbey Cartularies, ed. B. R. Kemp. 2 vols. Camden 4th series xxxi, xxxiii, 1986-7.
Cart. Sandford The Sandford Cartulary, ed. A. M. Leys. 2 vols. Oxfordshire Record Society xix, xxii, 1938-41.
Cart. Southwick The Cartularies of Southwick Priory, ed. K. A. Hanna. Hampshire Record series ix, x, 1988-9.
Cart. St Nich. The Fifteenth Century Cartulary of St. Nicholas' Hospital, Salisbury, ed. C. Wordsworth. Salisbury, 1902.
Cart. St Frideswide The Cartulary of the Monastery of St. Frideswide at Oxford, ed. S. R. Wigram. 2 vols. Oxford Historical Society xxviii, xxxi, 1895-6.
Cart. Waltham The Early Charters of the Augustinian Canons of Waltham Abbey, Essex, 1062-1230, ed. R. Ransford. Woodbridge, 1989.
cart. Wherwell cartulary of Wherwell priory: BL, Egerton MS 2104A.
Cart. Winch. Chartulary of Winchester Cathedral, calendared by A. W. Goodman. Winchester, 1927.
carta bishop Osmund's charter of 1091; for which see below, p. xli.
Cat. Libr. Sal. A Catalogue of the Library of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury. London and Salisbury, 1880. (MSS described by E. Maunde Thompson.)
Ceremonies Ceremonies and Processions of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury, ed. C. Wordsworth. Cambridge, 1901.
Chron. Maj. Matthaei Parisiensis Monachi Sancti Albani Chronica Majora, ed. H. R. Luard. 7 vols. Rolls series lvii, 1872-83.
Chron. Wykes See above, Ann. Oseney.
Civil Pleas Wilts. 1249 Civil Pleas of the Wiltshire Eyre, 1249, ed. M. T. Clanchy. Wiltshire Record Society xxvi, 1971.
Close R. Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III. 14 vols. London, 1902-38.
Comp. Peer. G. E. C., The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, ed. V. Gibbs et al. 13 vols. in 14. London, 1910-59.
Councils & Synods Councils & Synods with other documents relating to the English Church I, 871-1204, ed. D. Whitelock, M. Brett and C. N. L. Brooke. 2 parts. Oxford, 1981; II, 1205-1313, ed. F. M. Powicke and C. R. Cheney. 2 parts. Oxford, 1964.
DB Domesday Book, seu Liber Censualis Wilhelmi Primi. 2 vols. London, 1783.
Dean Cosyn Dean Cosyn and Wells Cathedral Miscellanea, ed. A. Watkin. Somerset Record Society lvi, 1941
Diceto Radulfi de Diceto Decani Lundoniensis Opera Historica, ed. W. Stubbs. 2 vols. Rolls series lxviii, 1876.
Diplom. Docs. I Diplomatic Documents I, ed. P. Chaplais. London, 1964.
EEA English Episcopal Acta. 6 vols. Vols. I and IV: Lincoln, 1067-1185 and 1186-1206, ed. D. M. Smith; vols. II-III: Canterbury, 1162-1190 and 1193-1205, ed. C. R. Cheney, B. Jones and E. John; vol. V: York, 1070-1154, ed. J. Burton; vol. VI: Norwich 1070-1214, ed. C. HarperBill. British Academy, 1980-90. In progress.
EHR English Historical Review.
Eadmer, HN Eadmeri Historia Novorum in Anglia, ed. M. Rule. Rolls series lxxxi, 1884.
Early Rolls of Merton Early Rolls of Merton College, Oxford, ed. J. R. L. Highfield. Oxford Historical Society, new series xviii, 1964.
Early Yorks. Chs. Early Yorkshire Charters. 12 vols. Vols. I-III, ed. W. Farrer. Edinburgh, 1914-16. Vols. IV-XII, ed. C. T. Clay. Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 1935-65.
Edwards, Sec. Caths. K. Edwards, The English Secular Cathedrals in the Middle Ages. 2nd ed. Manchester, 1967.
Eubel Hierarchia Catholica Medii Aevi, ed. C. Eubel. 3 vols. Münster, 1912-23.
Eyton, Itin. Hen. II R. W. Eyton, Court, Household and Itinerary of King Henry II. London, 1878.
Flor. Wig. Florentii Wigorniensis Chronicon ex Chronicis, ed. B. Thorpe. 2 vols. English Historical Society, 1848-9.
Foss, Judges E. Foss, The Judges of England with Sketches of their Lives. 9 vols. London, 1848-64.
GC Gallia Christiana. 16 vols. Paris, 1715-1865.
GFL Letters and Charters of Gilbert Foliot, ed. A. Morey and C. N. L. Brooke. Cambridge, 1967.
Gerv. Cant. Gervasii Cantuariensis Opera Historica, ed. W. Stubbs. 2 vols. Rolls series lxxiii, 1879-80.
Greenway, 'Orders' D. Greenway, 'Orders and rank in the cathedral of Old Sarum', Studies in Church History, xxvi (1989) pp. 55-63.
HMC Historical Manuscripts Commission (Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts).
HMC Var. Coll. Historical Manuscripts Commission, Report on Manuscripts in Various Collections. 8 vols. London, 1901-14.
HMC Wells Historical Manuscripts Commission, Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Dean and Chapter of Wells. 2 vols. London, 1907-14.
Heads of Relig. Houses The Heads of Religious Houses England and Wales 940-1216, ed. D. Knowles, C. N. L. Brooke and V. C. M. London. Cambridge, 1972.
Hist. Univ. Ox. I The History of the University of Oxford, ed. T. H. Aston. Vol. I: The Early Oxford Schools, ed. J. I. Catto. Oxford, 1984.
Innocent III, Cal. Letters The Letters of Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) concerning England and Wales, calendared C. R. Cheney and M. G. Cheney. Oxford, 1967.
Inst. D. Greenway, 'The false Institutio of St Osmund', in Tradition and Change: Essays in honour of Marjorie Chibnall, ed. D. Greenway, C. Holdsworth and J. Sayers. Cambridge, 1985.
Interdict Docs. Interdict Documents, ed. P. M. Barnes and W. R. Powell. Pipe Roll Society, new series xxxiv, 1958.
JS Epp. The Letters of John of Salisbury. I: The Early Letters, ed. W. J. Millor, H. E. Butler and C. N. L. Brooke. Nelson's Medieval Texts, 1957; revised ed. Oxford Medieval Texts, 1986. II: The Later Letters, ed. C. N. L. Brooke and R. A. B. Mynors. Oxford Medieval Texts, 1979.
Jaffé P. Jaffé, Regesta Pontificum Romanorum ad annum 1198, ed. W. Wattenbach, S. Loewenfeld, F. Kaltenbrunner and P. Ewald. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1885-8.
John Wore. The Chronicle of John of Worcester 1118-1140, ed. J. R. H. Weaver. Oxford, 1908.
Jones, Fasti W. H. Jones, Fasti Ecclesiae Sarisberiensis... from the Earliest Times to the Present. 2 pts. Salisbury, 1879-81.
Kealey E. J. Kealey, Roger of Salisbury Viceroy of England. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, 1972.
Knowles, Episcopal Colleagues D. Knowles, The Episcopal Colleagues of Archbishop Thomas Becket. Cambridge, 1951.
Landon, Itin. Ric. I L. Landon, The Itinerary of King Richard I. Pipe Roll Society, new series xiii, 1935.
Le Neve-Hardy John Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae, corrected by T. D. Hardy. 3 vols. Oxford, 1854.
Leland, Itin. The Itinerary of John Leland, ed. L. Toulmin Smith. 5 vols. Oxford, 1906-10.
Major, 'Familia' K. Major, 'The familia of archbishop Stephen Langton',English Historical Review xlviii (1933) 529-53.
Materials for Becket Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, ed. J. C. Robertson and J. B. Sheppard. 7 vols. Rolls series lxvii, 1875-85.
Med. Librs. Medieval Libraries of Great Britain, ed. N. R. Ker. Royal Historical Society, 1964.
Med. Librs. Suppt. Medieval Libraries of Great Britain, ed. N. R. Ker, Supplement, ed. A. G. Watson. Royal Historical Society, 1987.
Mon. Ang. William Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum, ed. J. Caley, H. Ellis and B. Bandinel. 6 vols. in 8. London, 1817-30.
NMT Nelson's Medieval Texts.
Niger Salisbury Diocesan Records, at Trowbridge, Wiltshire Record Office, D1/1/5, Liber Niger.
Notley ch. roll Oxford, Christ Church Muniments, Notley charter roll.
Nova Const. The statute Nova Constitutio of 7 Jan. 1214/15, for which see below, p. xlii.
OMT Oxford Medieval Texts.
Ord. Vit. The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis, ed. M. M. Chibnall. 6 vols. Oxford Medieval Texts, 1969-80.
Oxford Chs. Facsimiles of Early Charters in Oxford Muniment Rooms, ed. H. E. Salter. Oxford, 1929.
PL Patrologia Latina, ed. J.-P. Migne. 221 vols. Paris, 1841-64.
PR Pipe Roll.
PRS Pipe Roll Society.
PUE Papsturkunden in England, ed. W. Holtzmann. 3 vols. in 4. Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Phil.hist. Klasse, new series xxv, 3rd series xiv-xv, xxxiii. Berlin, 1930, 1935-6. Göttingen, 1952.
Pat. R. Patent Rolls of the Reign of Henry III (1216-32). 2 vols. London, 1901-3.
Psalter list List of prebends showing division of Psalter, see below, p. xlii.
RCHM Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
RS Rolls series (The Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages, published under the direction of the Master of the Rolls). 99 vols. London, 1858-96.
RSO MS Salisbury Diocesan Records, at Trowbridge, Wiltshire Record Office, D1/1/1, Registrum Sancti Osmundi.
RSO Vetus Registrum Sarisberiense, alius dictum registrum S. Osmundi Episcopi, ed. W. H. Rich Jones. 2 vols. Rolls series lxxviii, 1883-4.
Rec. Hist. France Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France, ed. M. Bouquet et al. 24 vols. Paris, 1738-1904.
Reg. Alex. IV Les Registres d'Alexandre IV, ed. B. de La Roncière et al. 3 vols. Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 2nd series xv. Paris, 1895-1959.
Reg. Bon. VIII Les Registres de Boniface VIII, ed. G. Digard et al. 4 vols. Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 2nd series iv. Paris, 1907-39.
Reg. Bronescombe The Registers of Walter Bronescombe (1257-1280) and Peter Quivil (1280-1291). Bishops of Exeter, ed. F. C. HingestonRandolph. London, 1889.
Reg. Clem. V Regestum Clementis papae V, ed. Order of Saint Benedict. 7 vols. Rome, 1885-92.
Reg. G. Giffard Episcopal Registers, diocese of Worcester. Register of Bishop Godfrey Giffard, 1268-1301, ed. J. W. Willis Bund. 2 vols. Worcestershire Historical Society, 1902.
Reg. Gandavo Registrum Simonis de Gandavo diocesis Saresberiensis 1297-1315, ed. C. T. Flower and M. C. B. Dawes. Canterbury and York Society xl, xli, 1934.
Reg. Greg. IX Les Registres de Grégoire IX, ed. L. Auvray. 4 vols. Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 2nd series ix. Paris, 1890-1955.
Reg. Hemingby Hemingby's Register, ed. H. M. Chew. Wiltshire Record Society xviii, 1963.
Reg. Hon. III Regesta Honorii Papae III, ed. P. Pressutti. 2 vols. Rome, 1888-95.
Reg. Innoc. IV Les Registres d'Innocent IV, ed. E. Berger. 4 vols. Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 2nd series i. Paris, 1884-1921.
Reg. Malmes. The Register of Malmesbury Abbey, ed. J. S. Brewer and C. T. Martin. 2 vols. Rolls series lxiii, 1879-80.
Reg. Martival The Registers of Roger Martival, Bishop of Salisbury, 1315-1330, ed. K. Edwards et al. 4 vols. Canterbury and York Society lv-lix, lxviii, 1959-75.
Reg. Nicolas IV Les Registres de Nicolas IV, ed. E. Langlois. 2 vols. Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 2nd series v. Paris, 1886-1905.
Reg. Pecham The Register of John Pecham, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1279-1292, ed. D. L. Douie et al. Canterbury and York Society lxiii-lxiv, 1908-68.
Reg. Pontissara Registrum Johannis de Pontissara, Episcopi Wyntoniensis, 1282-1304, ed. C. Deedes. 2 vols. Canterbury and York Society xix, xxx, 1915-24.
Reg. Sutton The Rolls and Register of Bishop Oliver Sutton, 1280-1299, ed. R. M. T. Hill. 8 vols. Lincoln Record Society xxxix, xliii, xlviii, lii, lx, lxiv, lxix, lxxvi, 1948-86.
Reg. Urbain IV Les Registres d'Urbain IV, ed. L. Dorez, J. Guiraud and S. Clémencet. 4 vols. Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 2nd series xiii. Paris, 1899-1958.
Reg. Winchelsey Registrum Roberti Winchelsey, Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi, 1294-1313, ed. R. Graham. 2 vols. Canterbury and York Society li, lii, 1952-6.
Regesta Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum 1066-1154, ed. H. W. C. Davis, C. Johnson, H. A. Cronne and R. H. C. Davis. 4 vols. Oxford, 1913-69.
Rot. Grosseteste Rotuli Roberti Grosseteste, Episcopi Lincolniensis 1235-1253, ed. F. N. Davis. Canterbury and York Society x (also Lincoln Record Society xi), 1914.
Rot. Gravesend Rotuli Ricardi Gravesend, diocesis Lincolniensis, 1258-1279, ed. F. N. Davis. Canterbury and York Society xxxi (also Lincoln Record Society xx), 1925.
Rot. Litt. Claus. Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londinensi asservati, ed. T. D. Hardy. 2 vols. Record Commission, 1833-44.
Rot. Litt. Pat. Rotuli Litterarum Patentium, ed. T. D. Hardy. Record Commission, 1835.
Rot. Welles Rotuli Hugonis de Welles, 1209-1235, ed. W. P. W. Phillimore. F. N. Davis and H. E. Salter. 3 vols. Canterbury and York Society i, iii, iv, 1912-14.
Rubrum Salisbury Diocesan Records, at Trowbridge, Wiltshire Record Office, D1/1/3, Registrum Rubrum.
Russell, Dict. J. C. Russell, Dictionary of Writers of Thirteenth Century England. Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, special supplement no. 3, 1936.
Rymer Foedera, Conventiones..., ed. T. Rymer. 2nd ed. 20 vols. London, 1727-35.
Saltman, Theobald A. Saltman, Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury. London, 1956.
Sar. Chs. Charters and Documents, illustrative of the History of the Cathedral, City, and Diocese of Salisbury in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, ed. W. Rich Jones and W. Dunn Macray. Rolls series xcvii, 1891.
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Sayers, Papal Govt. J. E. Sayers, Papal Government and England during the Pontificate of Honorius III (1216-1227). Cambridge, 1984.
Taxatio Taxatio Ecclesiastica Angliae et Walliae auctoritate P. Nicholai IV, circa A.D. 1291 [Ed. T. Astle, S. Ayscough and J. Caley]. Record Commission, 1802.
Tout, Chapters T. F. Tout, Chapters in the Adminstrative History of Mediaeval England. 6 vols. Manchester, 1920-33.
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US Use of Sarum, ed. W. H. Frere. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1898.
VCH The Victoria History of the Counties of England.
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Will. Malmes., GR Willielmi Malmesbiriensis de Gestis Regum, ed. W. Stubbs. 2 vols. Rolls series xc, 1887-9.
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