Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1977.
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'Archdeacons: Oxford', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln, ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1977), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Archdeacons: Oxford', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln. Edited by Diana E Greenway (London, 1977), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Archdeacons: Oxford". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln. Ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1977), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Covered Oxon. (Taxatio pp. 30-2, 43-5). Spirs. total in 1291 £2,410 11s. (ibid.p. 32b).
Alfred preb. unident. p. 110
First archdcn., appd. by bp. Remigius before May 1092 (D.C.M. p. 302).
Walter (fn. 1) preb. unident. p. 117
Succeeded Alfred (D.C.M. p. 302). First occ. 1111 × 12 (Chron. Abingdon, ed.J. Stevenson (R.S. xii) II 116, 120). Also provost of St. George's collegiate church,Oxford (H. E. Salter, in E.H.R. xxxiv (1919) 385; P.U.E. III no. 55). Occ. in L.P. I,of ? c. 1132 (app. 2 no. 20). Last occ. prob. early 1151 (Salter, art. cit. p. 384; cf.Ann. Oseney p. 27, and Facsimiles of Early Charters in Oxford Muniment Rooms, ed.H. E. Salter (Oxford, 1929) no. 60). D. before 6 Feb. [1152] (P.U.E. III no. 79),prob. before 1 Oct. 1151 (below).
Robert Foliot prebs. unident., Langford Ecclesia, list 41
Can. First occ. 1 Oct. 1151 (B.L., Harley Chs. 84. C. 47 and 48, see app. 12),before 24 Feb. 1152 (Cart. Thame I no. 48, see app. 13), and before 28 Sept. 1152(Reg. Godstow I no. 467, see app. 14). Also bp.'s official (Papal Decretals Lincolnp. 59); can. of Hereford. Last occ. as archdcn. 1173/4 (Cart. Osen. V no. 512A). Bp.of Hereford, el. 1173, cons. 6 Oct. 1174. Prob. related to Gilbert Foliot, bp. ofHereford (1148-63) and London (1163-87), and to bp. Robert de Chesney (1148-66)(see G.F. pp. 44-5).
M. Walter of Coutances ? preb. Langford Ecclesia, list 41
First certain occ. 14 March 1176 (Scammell, Puiset p. 277), but occ. perhapsearlier, 1173 × 78 (cart. Godstow fo. xv v). (fn. 2) Can. and treas. Rouen; keeper of king'sseal (Delisle-Berger, introduction pp. 106-13). Bp. of Lincoln, el. 8 May 1183, cons.3 July (list 1). (fn. 3)
M. John of Coutances (fn. 4) prebs. Farndon, list 36; ? Langford Ecclesia, list 41
Treas. of Lisieux. Prob. appd. archdcn. by bp. Walter of Coutances, whose nephewhe was, therefore before Dec. 1184 (Delisle-Berger, introduction p. 394; cf. list 1).Occ. as can., but prob. already archdcn. in L.P. II, of c. 1187 (app. 33 no. 18). First archdcn. Nov. 1187 (Scammell, Puiset p. 283), and perhaps before May 1186(Cart. Osen. IV no. 119B), also 1185 × Jan. 1188 (Delisle-Berger II no. 675). Alsodean of Rouen from 1188, and retained treasurership of Lisieux (Delisle-Berger,introduction p. 394). Bp. of Worcester, el. possibly Jan. 1196, certainly before25 June, cons. 20 Oct. (Fasti 1066-1300 II 100).
M. Walter Map preb. ? Langford Ecclesia, list 41
Precentor (list 3). Appd. archdcn. by bp. 1197 (Diceto II 150), but presum. to beidentified with W. archdcn. of Oxford, who occ. Sept. 1196 (P.R. 8 Ric. I (P.R.S.n.s. vii) p. 91). (fn. 5) Occ. c. 1198 (R.A.L. II no. 637, see app. 45). Bp.-el. of Hereford,1199; bp.-el. of St. Davids, 1203. Last occ. 27 May 1208 (Rot. Litt. Pat. p. 84a).D. before Sept. 1210 (C.R.R. VI 93; cf. Gir. Cambr. V 410). Commem. 1 Apr.(Hereford obit.: Rawlinson, Hereford app. p. (10)).
M. John of Tynemouth (fn. 6) preb. Langford Ecclesia, list 41
Can. Presum. not yet archdcn., occ. as can., Lent 1210 (R.A.L. X no. 2851; cf.IV no. 1265). First occ. as archdcn. 1210 × 12, perhaps as early as 1211 (ibid. Xno. 2895; cf. Luffield Chs. I no. 60). D. 1221, between 25 March and Aug. (Ann.Dunstable p. 66; cf. Rot. Welles II 193-4).
Matthew [de Stratton] [preb. Sutton, list 63]
Occ. five times only: 2 Aug., 5 Aug., 8 Aug., 12 Aug., and 27 Sept. 1221 (Rot.Welles II 192-4). Presum. to be identified with Matthew de Stratton, archdcn. ofBuckingham by 25 Dec. 1221 (list 12).
M. Adam de Sancto Edmundo (fn. 7) preb. Langford Ecclesia, list 41
Can. Presum. not yet archdcn., occ. as can., 24 Jan. 1222 (Rot. Welles II 196).First occ. as archdcn. 11 June 1222 (ibid. p. 197). Last occ. after 17 June 1235 (Rot.Grosseteste pp. 443, 446). Archdcnry. vacant before 16 June 1236 (ibid. p. 445). D. asarchdcn. 4 or 5 Kal. March (R.A.L. X no. 2740, endorsement), so presum. 26 or27 Feb. 1236.
M. Roger de Weseham preb. Aylesbury, list 15
First certain occ. 27 May 1237 (Close R. 1234-7 p. 533), and several times in year17 June 1236-16 June 1237 (Rot. Grosseteste p. 449, and details in MS. roll III m. 1,omitted in pd. ed.). For full name and title see Rot. Grosseteste p. 454. Last occ.throughout year 17 June 1239 - 16 June 1240 (Grosseteste roll III m. 3, detailsomitted in Rot. Grosseteste pp. 462-5), and occ. receiving one mand. after 17 June1240 (Grosseteste roll III m. 4, Barford entry, detail omitted in Rot. Grossetestep. 469). Had been succeeded by 13 July 1240 (below), and had become dean ofLincoln by 21 Aug. 1240 (list 2).
John de Sancto Egidio preb. Leighton Buzzard, list 44
Can. (lists 18, 44). (fn. 8) First occ. as archdcn. 13 July 1240 (Rot. Grosseteste p. 358;for full name see ibid. p. 317). Last occ. in year after 17 June 1249, receiving fivemands. (Grosseteste roll III m. 7, details omitted in Rot. Grosseteste pp. 495-7). (fn. 9) Not to be identified with either of two men called John of St. Giles (for whom seeBiog. Ox. III 1626). Perhaps to be identified with John of Banbury, can. (belowp. 130).
M. Richard of Gravesend prebs. unident., Langford Manor, list 42
Treas. of Hereford from before 1239. First occ. as R. archdcn. in year before16 June 1250, receiving four mands. (Grosseteste roll III m. 7, details omitted inRot. Grosseteste pp. 495-7). Occ. with full name and title July 1252 (VC 2/1 nos. 203,205) and 30 Nov. 1252 (ibid. no. 206). Presum. to be identified with unnamed archdcn.who went to council of Lyon with bp. Robert Grosseteste, 1250 (Chron. Maj. V 96). (fn. 10) Dean of Lincoln by Aug. 1254 (list 2).
M. Robert de Mariscis (Marsh) (fn. 11) preb. Aylesbury, list 15
Can.; bp.'s official, vicar-general during bp.'s absences 1245 and 1250 (Rot.Grosseteste pp. 330, 498-9). Presum. not yet archdcn., occ. as official of Lincoln24 July 1253 at Oxford (cart. Crowland fo. 94v), and as can. after 9 Oct. 1253, s.v.(Ann. Dunstable p. 190; cf. Ann. Burton p. 425, dated 1253 in Councils and Synods,II, ed. F. M. Powicke and C. R. Cheney (Oxford, 1964) 472 n. 3). Presum. becamearchdcn. in or after 1254, but no early occ. (cf. Mon. Franc. I 198-203). Also preb.of Wells. (fn. 11) Last occ. 29 June 1258 (Ann. Oseney pp. 120-1). Had been succeeded by8 July 1259 (below) and had become dean by 2 Feb. 1259/60, presum. after 17 Oct.1258 (list 2).
M. Henry of Sandwich (fn. 12) preb. unident. p. 112
First occ. 8 July 1259 (Cart. Osen. IV no. 33A), and in year before 2 Nov. 1259(Gravesend roll VI m. 1, Sarsden ('Cerceden') entry, detail omitted in Rot. Gravesendp. 213). Also preb. of London (Fasti 1066-1300 I 84). Archdcn. until became bp. ofLondon, el. 13 Nov. 1262, temps. 15 Jan. 1263, cons. 27 May (ibid. p. 3). (fn. 13)
M. Richard de Mepham preb. Thame, list 64
Archdcn. of Stafford (Lichfield dioc.). First occ. as archdcn. of Oxford 27 Sept.1263 (Close R. 1261-4 p. 312). Last occ. 27 Apr. 1272 (Gravesend roll VI m. 8, St.Ebbe's inqu. and mand., detail omitted in Rot. Gravesend p. 223). Became dean ofLincoln 1272, after c. 8 Sept. (list 2). (fn. 14)
M. John de Maidenstan preb. Stow Longa, list 62
Archdcn. of Bedford (last occ. prob. 10 Jan. 1273, list 12). First occ. as archdcn.of Oxford 18 Jan. 1273 (C.C.R. 1272-9 p. 41). Last occ. 24 March 1274 (Gravesendroll VI m. 9, Essenden inqu. and mand., detail omitted in Rot. Gravesend p. 225).Became dean of Lincoln between 15 Sept. and 23 Nov. 1274; d. by 12 June 1275(list 2).
From March 1274 to Nov. 1275 business of archdcnry. done by official (Gravesendroll VI m. 9).
W- preb. unident. p. 117
Occ. three times only: before and on 4 Nov. and 23 Nov. 1275 (Gravesend rollVI m. 9, Wendlebury and Heyford inqus. and mands., details omitted in Rot. Gravesend p. 227); and some time before 7 Jan. 1277 (Gravesend roll VI m. 11, Clanfieldinqu., detail omitted in Rot. Gravesend p. 232).
M. Nicholas de Hegham preb. Leighton Buzzard, list 44
Archdcn. of Bedford, with which title last occ. 24 March 1277, officiating inarchdcnry. of Oxford (Gravesend roll VI m. 11, Goring entry, (fn. 15) detail omitted inRot. Gravesend p. 233; see list 13). First occ. as archdcn. of Oxford shortly before30 Oct. 1278 (Gravesend roll VI m. 13, Westwell inqu., detail omitted in Rot.Gravesend p. 234). Last occ. 28 Feb. 1280 (Reg. Epp. Peckham I 99). Became deanof Lincoln by 24 June 1280 (list 2).
An unnamed archdcn. occ. 27 May 1284 (Reg. Epp. Peckham II 719).
M. Simon de Gandavo (fn. 16) preb. unident. p. 117
First occ. 2 Nov. 1284 (Reg. Epp. Peckham III 836-7). Also preb. of Salisbury;chanc. of Oxford university 1291-3. Last occ. 23 Sept. 1297 (Reg. I fo. 346v). Bp.of Salisbury, el. 2 June 1297, temps. 7 Aug., cons. 20 Oct. (fn. 17)
[Pontius de Salino
Can. of Hereford, obtained archdcnry. before Amadeus of Savoy, but res. onpapal mand. of 24 Nov. 1298 (Reg. Bon. VIII no. 2871: not in C.P.L.).]
[Amadeus of Savoy preb. Thorngate, list 65
Can. of Lincoln; archdcn. of Rheims. First occ. as archdcn. of Oxford 21 Feb.1298, going to papal court (Chancery Warrants 1244-1326 (1927) p. 90). Papal his favour in dispute with Pontius de Salino (above). Also preb. of Salisbury.Last occ. as archdcn. 4 Apr. 1299 (C.P.R. 1292-1301 p. 404). Still alive 6 Apr. (ibid.p. 301). But prob. never in possession of archdcnry. (cf. below).]
Archdcnry. said to be vacant from before 18 Jan. to 15 Feb. 1298 (Reg. I fo. 347r-v).
M. William de Sardene (fn. 18) preb. Welton Brinkhall, list 67
Can. Coll. by bp. to succeed M. Simon de Gandavo 15 Feb. 1298 (Reg. Sutton VI69). Occ. as archdcn. shortly before 11 May 1298 (Reg. I fo. 347v) and continuouslythereafter (ibid. fos. 348 ff.). Also preb. of London (Fasti 1066-1300 I 49), Hereford,Lichfield, and Salisbury. D. 5 Nov. 1303 (Reg. II fo. 277v).