
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1977.

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'Chancellors', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln, ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1977), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Chancellors', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln. Edited by Diana E Greenway (London, 1977), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Chancellors". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln. Ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1977), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.



Church of All Saints in the Bail, Lincoln, (fn. 1) with houses, and houses in Eastgate,one carucate in fields of Lincoln and its tithes, and tithes of 4 cultures of preb. ofHumphrey the subdean (Dunham and Newport), and 100s. p.a. from rents of archdcnry. of Lincoln, conf. to chancery by pope 5 June 1163 (R.A.L. I no. 255p. 205). Church of All Saints mentioned as belonging to chanc. ? c. 1165 ( 287, see app. 25), c. 1189 × c. 1193 (R.A.L. I no. 289, see app. 38), and1203 × 05 (R.A.L. I no. 288); chanc. had property in par. All Saints by c. 1160(ibid. IX no. 2493); church of All Saints united with chapel of St. Mary Magdalene9 Jan. 1317 (L.S. II(1) p. lxxiii); chanc. had messuage in par. St. Mary Magdalene1319 (Dij/81/1/29). Property in Eastgate mentioned as belonging to chanc. early1150s (R.A.L. X nos. 2681-2, see app. 11). 100s. paid 'de camera episcopi' Sept.1167 and Sept. 1168 (P.R. 13 Hen. II (P.R.S. xi) p. 58, and 14 Hen. II (P.R.S. xii)p. 77, where it is said to have been established temp. Henry I). See also R.A.L. IXnos. 2474-2541, 2596, 2652, X nos. 2686-7, 2706, 2720, 2722. For the house of thechanc., see X 82.

Valuation of 1291: Cancellaria £4 (Taxatio p. 56a).


? M. Albinus of Anjou preb. unident. p. 110

Placed among dignitaries and described by Henry of Huntingdon as 'magisterquippe meus' (D.C.M. p. 301). Presum. appd. by bp. Remigius before May 1092,and still in office in Henry of Huntingdon's early years at Lincoln, c. 1100 (cf. belowp. 112). Commem. as can. and sacerdos 18 Dec. (obit. I 164). For the possibility thathe was master of the schools, see discussion in Edwards, Sec. Caths. pp. 180-1.

No master of the schools or chanc. occ. in L.P. I of ? c. 1132 (app. 2).


M. Hamo preb. unident. p. 112

Said to have been appd. chanc. temp. bp. Alexander, so before c. 20 Feb. 1148(12th-cent. catalogue of books in cathedral, pd. Gir. Cambr. VII 165-71, esp. p. 168).Not given title, but prominent member of chapter and 'magister' when occ. prob.second half of 1147 (R.A.L. I no. 302, see app. 9); called 'magister' c. 1150 (Reg.Godstow I no. 466, see app. 10) and 'doctor' c. 1150 (Danelaw Chs. no. 283, seeapp. 10). First occ. as chanc. early 1150s (R.A.L. II no. 331, X no. 2681, and DanelawChs. no. 383, see app. 11). Last occ. 1179/80 (B.L., Add. MS. 6118 fos. 330v-331r).D. 1182 (Selden ann. fo. 450r). Commem. 17 Aug. (obit. I 160). So presum. d.c. 17 Aug. 1182. A Breton, brother of M. Alexander archdcn. of Stow (B.L., Add.MS. 6118 fo. 387v; and see below p. 45), and of Peter abbot of Missenden (obit.I 158). Donor of books to the cathedral (ibid., and Gir. Cambr. VII 170).

M. Walter Map prebs. unident., ? Langford Ecclesia, list 41

Presum. not yet chanc. when occ. without title Dec. 1183 × Dec. 1184 (R.A.L.II no. 341). (fn. 3) First occ. as chanc. before 9 May 1186 (cart. Hereford: Bodl., MS.Rawlinson B. 329 fos. 53v-54r). (fn. 4) Occ. in L.P. II, of c. 1187 (app. 33 no. 20).Became precentor after 18 Oct. 1188 (list 3), and had been succeeded as chanc. before24 March 1190 (below).

M. Stephen [de Swafeld] (fn. 5) prebs. unident., Sutton, list 63

First occ. 1189/90, presum. 15 Sept. 1189 × 24 March 1190 (Cart. Ramsey II179-80, see app. 37). Last occ. c. 1189 × c. 1193 (Cart. Osen. II no. 1040, R.A.L. IIno. 338(1) and (11), IX no. 2501, see app. 38). Became archdcn. of Buckingham byc. 1194 (list 12), and had been succeeded as chanc. by 22 March 1194 (below).

M. William de Montibus (fn. 6) alias de Monte preb. unident. p. 118

Can. First occ. as chanc. 22 March 1194 (H.M.C. Rutland IV 113-14). Last occ.c. 1212 (R.A.L. X no. 2736). D. shortly after 14 Apr. 1213 (Chron. Melrose, ed.A. O. and M. O. Anderson (1936) p. 57; Chron. Lanercost, ed. J. Stevenson (MaitlandClub, 1839) p. 10).

M. Roger de Insula preb. unident. p. 117

First occ. 27 Feb. 1214 (Liber Ant. p. 72), and perhaps earlier, before 13 Apr. 1214(cart. St. Leonard's hosp., York: B.L., Cotton MS. Nero D. iii fo. 69r). (fn. 7) For fullname and title see Reg. W. Gray, ed. J. Raine (S.S. lvi) p. 133. Last occ. 29 March1220 (Liber Ant. p. 100). Became dean of York by 8 Apr. 1220 (Fabric Rolls of YorkMinster, ed. J. Raine (S.S. xxxv) p. 144). (fn. 8)

M. Richard Le Grant alias Weathershed (fn. 9) preb. unident. p. 116

First occ. 16 Dec. 1220 (Liber Ant. p. 103; cf. R.A.L. X nos. 2745-7, of before29 Sept. 1222). Chanc. until became abp. of Canterbury, prov. 16 or 19 Jan. 1229,temps. 24 March, cons. 10 June (Fasti 1066-1300 II 6).

M. William Blund of Lincoln (fn. 10) preb. ? Corringham, list 30

Archdcn. of Leicester (list 10). First occ. as chanc. before 19 Dec. 1229 (Rot.Welles II 307). Last occ. 17 May 1237 (Rot. Grosseteste p. 254). Had been succeededbefore 26 Dec. 1238 (below), and became precentor before 1239 (list 3). (fn. 11)

M. Nicholas de Wadingham (fn. 12) preb. unident. p. 114

First occ. before 26 Dec. 1238 (R.A.L. III no. 741). (fn. 13) Last occ. Michaelmas1264 × 19 May 1265 (ibid. VIII no. 2209). D. by 18 Sept. 1277 (Rot. Gravesendp. 77). Commem. at Durham (Liber Vitae Dunelm., facsimile ed. A. H. Thompson(S.S. cxxxvi) fo. 66v). (fn. 14)

M. Henry of Chichester (fn. 15) prebs. S. Scarle, list 58; Nassington, list 53

Occ. after 13 Nov. 1264 (R.A.L. VIII no. 2216; A/1/6 no. 927), (fn. 16) and after 28 Feb.1267 (VC 2/1 no. 163). (fn. 17) Last occ. Apr. 1270 (Dij/88/1/10). Commem. 15 Nov.(R.L. I).

M. John Le Romeyn (the younger) preb. N. Kelsey, list 55

First occ. Oct. 1274 × 12 June 1275 (R.A.L. IX no. 2535) (fn. 18) and Michaelmas1274 × Michaelmas 1275 (ibid. × no. 2875). Last occ. 25 June 1278 (ibid. no. 2824).Became precentor before 29 Sept. 1278 (list 3). (fn. 19)

M. Simon de Baumburg (fn. 20) preb. N. Kelsey, list 55

First occ. 18 Dec. 1281 (Durham document, B.L., Cotton MS. Julius D. ivfo. 140v). Last occ. 30 Oct. 1287 (Reg. Sutton I 101), and 12 Aug. 1287 × 9 Feb.1288 (R.A.L. VIII no. 2291). (fn. 21)

M. John of Dalderby preb. N. Kelsey, list 55

First occ. 24 Apr. 1291 (Reg. Sutton II 91). Chanc. until became bp. of Lincoln,el. 15 Jan. 1300, temps. 18 March, cons. 12 June (list 1).

M. Ralph Barry (fn. 22) preb. N. Kelsey, list 55

Coll. by bp. 5 Aug. 1300 (Reg. II fo. 275r). Last occ. in year Sept. 1315-Sept. 1316(Bj/2/4 fo. 116r). D. before 4 Sept. 1316 (Reg. II fo. 293r).


  • 1. Almost certainly conf. as preb. by pope 6 Feb. 1146 (R.A.L. I no. 252 p. 198), not All SaintsHungate, as identified by Foster.
  • 2. Hugh, Osbert, and William, listed by Henry of Huntingdon among dignitaries, but without title(D.C.M. p. 301), and thought by Le Neve-Hardy (II 91) to have been chancs. before M. Hamo,were prob. archdcns. of Stow (see list 14).
  • 3. Temp. bp. Walter of Coutances (list 1).
  • 4. Temp. Robert Foliot, bp. of Hereford.
  • 5. For the name, see below p. 40 n. 2.
  • 6. For the name, that of a Lincs. family, see H. Mackinnon, 'William de Montibus, a medievalteacher', in Essays in Medieval History presented to Bertie Wilkinson (Toronto, 1969) p. 32. For hiscareer, see ibid. pp. 32-45, and Biog. Ox. II 1298.
  • 7. Temp. S[imon of Apulia] dean of York (see C. T. Clay, in Yorks. Archaeol. Jnl. xxxiv (1939) 375).
  • 8. Peter of Bath is called chanc. of Lincoln 29 Sept. 1215 (C.Ch.R. I 131), but presum. in error; hewas certainly can. (below p. 133).
  • 9. For his career, see Biog. Ox. III 2188.
  • 10. He is called 'de Lincolnia' in Rot. Welles II 104, 193.
  • 11. John de Sancto Egidio is said in Le Neve-Hardy II 91 to occ. as chanc. 1239, but he was can. atthis time (list 44), and became archdcn. of Oxford in 1240 (list 11).
  • 12. Presum. Waddingham, Lincs.
  • 13. Temp. Alexander of Stavensby, bp. of Coventry and Lichfield.
  • 14. No trace has been found of Brian Twyne, said in Le Neve-Hardy II 91 to have succeeded M.Nicholas de Wadingham. Perhaps a strange confusion with Brian Twyne, the Oxford antiquary, whod. 1644 (D.N.B.).
  • 15. For his career, cf. Biog. Ox. I 414.
  • 16. Temp. M. Nicholas de Hich, subdean (list 6).
  • 17. Temp. William de Newport, rector of Cadeby (Rot. Gravesend p. 23).
  • 18. Temp. M. John de Maidenstan, dean (list 2).
  • 19. M. John Le Fleming who occ. as bp.'s chanc. 2 Sept. 1278, in Gravesend roll VII m. 12, is misleadingly given as chanc. in Rot. Gravesend p. 187. He was preb. Gretton (list 37).
  • 20. Also 'Bamburg'. Identified as Baumber, Lincs., in Reg. Sutton I index, but might be Bamborough, Northumb. In a Durham document (cited below) he is 'de Banburg''.
  • 21. Commem. 30 Jan. in 1472 (L.S. II(2) 812).
  • 22. For his career, see Biog. Ox. I 119.