
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1977.

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'Bishops', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln, ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1977), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Bishops', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln. Edited by Diana E Greenway (London, 1977), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Bishops". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln. Ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1977), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.



Bp. of Dorchester (Oxon.), cons. abroad, 1053 (A.S.C. 'C' p. 128). D. 1067, buriedat Dorchester (ibid. 'D' p. 146).


Monk of Fécamp (Ben., Seine-Maritime, France) (Will. Malmes., G.P. p. 312;Hen. Hunt. p. 212), prob. almoner (according to the list 'de navibus' attached to'Brevis Relatio', ed. Silas Taylor, History of Gavel-kind (London, 1663) p. 209).Bp. of Dorchester, nom. soon after Conquest, ? 1067 (Will. Malmes., G.P. p. 312),cons. by abp. Stigand and prof. obed., certainly before Apr. 1070 (see Cant. 32). (fn. 1) Depr. by pope Alexander II, for uncanonical cons. or for simony; went toRome with abp. Lanfranc after 29 Aug. 1070, and rest. by pope at abp.'s request;made prof. obed. to Lanfranc, presum. 1071 (Will. Malmes., G.P. pp. 66, 312;Eadmer, H.N. pp. 10-11; Cant. Profs. no. 32). Transf. see to Lincoln, papal approvaland first royal charter given before 21 Apr. 1073, prob. 1072 (R.A.L. I no. 2, andsee Med. Linc. pp. 64-5; cf. Will. Malmes., G.P. p. 312). D. at Lincoln prob. 8 May1092, the day before the dedication of the cathedral (Will. Malmes., G.P. p. 313;Hen. Hunt. p. 216; Hugh the Chantor: Hist. of Church of York, ed. C. Johnson (1961)p. 9). (fn. 2) Commem. 6 May (obit. I 157; Belvoir obit.: Camb., Trinity Coll. MS.O.9.25 fo. 139r).

Robert Bloet

Royal chanc. Nom. prob. at same time as Anselm (to abpric. of Canterbury) March1093 (A.S.C. 'E' p. 170; cf. Eadmer, H.N. p. 32). Cons. at Hastings, shortly before22 Feb. 1094 (Eadmer, H.N. p. 47; cf. Hugh the Chantor: Hist. of Church of York, ed.C. Johnson (1961) pp. 8-9), prob. 12 Feb., Sunday after dedication of church ofBattle, 11 Feb., when consecrating bps. were present (Chron. de Bello, [ed. J. S.Brewer] (1846) p. 41). (fn. 3) Prof. obed. n.d. (Cant. Profs. no. 50; cf. B.L., Harley RollA.3(8)). D. at Woodstock 10 Jan. 1123, buried at Lincoln (A.S.C. 'E' p. 188; cf. JohnWorc. p. 17; Hen. Hunt. p. 244; Will. Malmes., G.P. pp. 313-14). (fn. 4) Commem. 10 Jan.(obit. I 153).


Archdcn. in Salisbury dioc. (John Worc. p. 17; cf. Regesta II no. 1301). Nom.Eastertide (c. 15 Apr.) 1123 (A.S.C. 'E' p. 190; Hen. Hunt. p. 245; cf. John Worc.p. 17, giving Lent). Cons. at Canterbury 22 July 1123 (John Worc. p. 17; cf. Gerv.Cant. II 380). Prof. obed. n.d. (Cant Profs. no. 70). D. 1148, before 25 Feb., when hewas buried at Lincoln (Hen. Hunt. p. 280). Commem. 20 Feb. (obit. I 155), 18 Feb.(Durham obits.: Durham, D. & C. Libr., MS. B.IV. 24 fo. 16v; Liber Vitae Dunelm.[ed. J. Stevenson] (S.S. xiii) p. 141). Nephew of Roger, bp. of Salisbury (1107-39);that he was not an illegitimate son is shown by references to his mother and father,and Roger his uncle (foundation charter of Haverholme (Cist., Lincs.), 1139: Bodl.,MS. Dodsworth 144 fos. 81r-82r). Brother of David, archdcn. of Buckingham(list 12).

Robert de Chesney (fn. 5)

Archdcn. of Leicester (list 10). El. 13 Dec. 1148 (Cant. Profs. no. 92). Ordainedpr. 18 Dec., cons. at Canterbury and prof. obed. 19 Dec. 1148 (ibid.). (fn. 6) D. c. 25 Dec.1166, prob. 27 Dec. (P.R. 13 Hen. II (P.R.S. xi) pp. 57-8; see G.F.L. p. 535 for discussion of chronicle evidence, to which should be added Selden ann. fo. 450r, givingdate of d. as 27 Dec. 1167). Commem. 27 Dec. (obit. I 164), 26 Dec. (Hereford obit.:Rawlinson, Hereford app. p. (31)). Uncle of Gilbert Foliot, bp. of Hereford (1148-63), and London (1163-87) (G.F. p. 50), and of Gerard, prob. can. (below p. 124)and Martin treas. (list 5), and presum. related to Fulk de Chesney, can. (p. 122).

[Geoffrey Plantagenet

Archdcn. of Lincoln (list 7). El. c. May 1173 (Diceto I 368; cf. Ann. Wint. p. 61).Conf. refused by pope and abp.; left for papal court 8 Oct. 1174 (Diceto I 393).Perhaps retained archdcnry. until papal conf. as bp.-el. (list 7). Conf. by pope beforeJuly 1175 (Gesta Hen. II I 93; Diceto II 10). Declined to be ordained, and res. 6 Jan.1182, being appd. royal chanc. at same time (Gesta Hen. II I 271-2; Diceto II 10).Archdcn. of Rouen and treas. of York 1182-9; abp. of York 1189-1212. Illegitimateson of king Henry II (his life by Gerald of Wales, in Gir. Cambr. IV 355-431).]

M. Walter of Coutances (fn. 7)

Treas. of Rouen and archdcn. of Oxford (list 11). El. 8 May 1183 (Diceto II 14;cf. Gesta Hen. II I 299). Ordained pr. 11 June (Diceto II 14; cf. Gesta Hen. II I 304).Cons. at Angers 3 July 1183 (Diceto II 145; cf. ibid. p. 15, Gerv. Cant. I 306, GestaHen. II I 304). Prof. obed. n.d. (Cant. Profs. no. 117). Presum. returned to England11 Aug. with abp. (Diceto II 20). Enthr. 11 Dec. 1183 (ibid. p. 21; cf. Gesta Hen. III 307). El. to abpric. of Rouen summer 1184 (Diceto II 21), conf. by pope 17 Nov.1184 (Regesta Pontificum Romanorum, ed. P. Jaffé and S. Loewenfeld (Leipzig, 1885-8)no. 15117), received at Rouen 3 March 1185 (Diceto II 33, i.e. one year, eleven weeksand five days after his enthronement at Lincoln). Still called bp. of Lincoln atChristmas 1184 (Gesta Hen. II I 333).

[Richard Fitz Neal, dean (list 2), Godfrey de Lucy, can. (below p. 126), and HerbertLe Poer, archdcn. of Canterbury and can. (p. 127), all proposed for bpric., butrejected by king Henry II, 1186 (Gesta Hen. II I 345-6).]

Hugh of Avallon (fn. 8)

Monk of la Grande Chartreuse (Isère, arr. Grenoble, France) and then prior ofWitham (Somt.) (Heads of Relig. Houses p. 149). El. 25 May 1186 (Diceto II 41-2,'8 Kal. June', given by Stubbs as 24 May). Cons. at Westminster 21 Sept. 1186(ibid. p. 42). Prof. obed. n.d. (Cant. Profs. no. 124). D. 16 Nov. 1200 (Life of St.Hugh II 208). (fn. 9) Canonized 17 Feb. 1220 (Reg. Hon. III no. 2334, not in C.P.L. I).

M. William of Blois I (fn. 10)

Precentor (list 3). El. before 6 July 1203, when castles (? and other temps.) rest.(Rot. Litt. Pat. p. 31b). Cons. at Canterbury and prof. obed. 24 Aug. 1203 (Cant.Profs. no. 143; cf. Chron. Maj. II 484, 'in die Sancti Bartholomaei Apostoli' = 24Aug., not 21 Aug. as given by Luard). D. 10 May 1206 (Chron. Maj. II 495; Ann.Worc. p. 394).

Hugh of Wells (fn. 11)

Can., unident. preb. (below p. 129); also preb. of London (Fasti 1066-1300 I 48),and archdcn. of Wells; keeper of king's seal. El. before 14 Apr. 1209 (Rot. Chart.p. 185a-b). Temps. shortly after el. (Wendover III 228). Cons. and prof. obed. atMelun 20 Dec. 1209 (ibid. p. 54; Flor. Wig. II 168; Cant. Profs. no. 147). Temps.withdrawn and remained abroad (Wendover III 231). Returned to England from exile16 July 1213 (ibid. p. 260, called 'Hubert'). Temps. prob. rest. 20 July 1213 (ibid.p. 261; cf. Rot. Litt. Claus. I 138a, 138b, 154a). D. 7 Feb. 1235 (Wendover IV 324;Schalby p. 204). (fn. 12)

M. Robert Grosseteste (fn. 13)

Archdcn. of Leicester, from 1229 to 1232 (list 10); preb. Leicester (list 43). Lic.el. gr. 19 Feb. 1235 (C.P.R. 1232-47 p. 94). El. 25 March (Ann. Oseney p. 82; cf.Ann. Tewkes. p. 95, giving Lent). Royal assent sought n.d. (Prynne, Recs. III 89),given 5 Apr. (C.P.R. 1232-47 p. 98). Temps. 16 Apr. (ibid. p. 100). Cons. at Reading17 June (Chron. Wykes p. 82; Ann. Wint. p. 87, '15 Kal. Junii' prob. for 'Julii'; cf.Ann. Tewkes. p. 97, '15 Junii', perhaps for '15 Kal. Julii'). (fn. 14) Prof. obed. n.d. (Cant.Profs. no. 171). Enthr. c. 2 Feb. 1236 (Ann. Tewkes. p. 97). Much disagreement insources on date of his d., but certainly early Oct. 1253, and presum. before 9 Oct.(Close R. 1251-3 pp. 420-1): (fn. 15) 4 Oct. (Ann. Wint. p. 94); 7 Oct. (chron. Hagnabyfo. 24v; Chron. Bury St. Edmunds, ed. A. Gransden (1964) p. 19; Ann. Burton inAnnales Monastici, ed. H. R. Luard (R.S. xxxvi) I 314); 8 Oct. at Buckden (Chron.Maj. V 407; Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores Varii, ed. J. Sparke (1723) I 112).Commem. at Lincoln 8 Oct. (L.S. I 337, document of 1322).

Henry de Lexington (fn. 16)

Dean (list 2). Lic. el. gr. 20 Nov. 1253 (C.P.R. 1247-58 p. 252). El. either 21 Dec.(chron. Hagnaby fo. 24v; cf. Ann. Dunstable p. 190, 'ante Natale'), (fn. 17) or 30 Dec. 1253(Chron. Maj. V 422; Schalby p. 206). Royal assent 18 Feb. 1254 (C.P.R. 1247-58p. 268). Abp.'s conf. 28 March (Chron. Maj. V 431). Temps. 1 Apr. (C.P.R. 1247-58p. 366). Cons. and prof. obed. at London prob. 24 May 1254 (Ann. Wint. p. 94, atLondon, Sunday after Ascension; Cant. Profs. no. 189, at New Temple, London,n.d.), but possibly 17 May (Ann. Dunstable p. 190, at Lambeth, Sunday beforeAscension; Chron. Maj. V 442, abroad, '16 Kal. Junii'). (fn. 17) Enthr. 29 June 1254 (Ann.Dunstable p. 190). D. at Nettleham, near Lincoln, 8 Aug. 1258 (Chron. Maj. V 712;Schalby p. 207). (fn. 18) Commem. 8 Aug. (R.L. I). Uncle of bp. Oliver of Sutton (see Reg.Sutton III pp. xiv-xv).

M. Richard of Gravesend (fn. 19)

Dean (list 2). Lic. el. sought n.d. (P.R.O., C.84/1/51), gr. 24 Aug. 1258 (C.P.R.1247-58 p. 651). El. either 21 Sept. (Ann. Oseney p. 121) or 23 Sept. (Chron. Maj.V 719). Royal assent 13 Oct. (C.P.R. 1247-58 p. 653). Temps. 17 Oct. (ibid.). Canterbury 3 Nov. 1258 and prof. obed. (Ann. Oseney pp. 121-2; Chron. Maj.V 721; prof. obed., Cant. Profs. no. 199, gives date of cons. as '1259'). Supporter ofSimon de Montfort (for his susp. by papal legate, and exile 1265-7, see Rot. Gravesendpp. xi-xiii). Still alive 16 Dec. 1279, at Stow Park (ibid. pp. 189, 212), where he d.18 Dec. (Schalby p. 208; chron. Hagnaby fo. 27v). (fn. 20) Commem. 18 Dec. (B.L., CottonCh. xi. 43). Uncle of M. Richard of Gravesend, archdcn. of Northampton (Rot.Gravesend p. v; list 9).

M. Oliver of Sutton I (fn. 21)

Dean (list 2). Lic. el. gr. 1 Jan. 1280 (C.P.R. 1272-81 p. 356). El. 6 Feb. (chron.Hagnaby fo. 27v; Schalby p. 208). Royal assent 18 Feb. (C.P.R. 1272-81 p. 363).Abp.'s conf. 25 Apr. (Ann. Worc. p. 477). No information on rest. of temps. Lambeth 19 May (Reg. Epp. Peckham I 115; chron. Hagnaby fo. 27v; Schalbyp. 208). (fn. 22) Prof. obed., n.d. (Cant. Profs. no. 223). Enthr. 8 Sept. 1280 (Ann. Oseneyand Chron. Wykes p. 284; cf. R.A.L. III no. 966). D. at Nettleham 13 Nov. 1299(R.A.L. III no. 967; chron. Hagnaby fo. 47r; Schalby p. 211). Nephew of bp. Henryde Lexington (see Reg. Sutton III pp. xiv-xv), and brother of Stephen of Sutton,archdcn. of Northampton (ibid. p. 85; list 9).

M. John of Dalderby (fn. 23)

Chanc. (list 4). Lic. el. sought 22 Nov. (P.R.O., C.84/13/40), gr. 25 Nov. 1299(C.P.R. 1292-1301 p. 481). El. 15 Jan. 1300 (Schalby p. 212). (fn. 24) Royal assent sought18 Jan. (P.R.O., C.84/13/42), given 7 March (C.P.R. 1292-1301 p. 491). Abp.'sconf. 17 March (Churchill, Cant. Admin. II 119-20, 124-5; P.R.O., C.84/13/43).Temps. 18 March (C.P.R. 1292-1301 p. 492). Cons. 12 June at Canterbury and prof.obed. (Schalby p. 212; chron. Hagnaby fo. 47v; prof. obed., Cant. Profs. no. 245,gives date of cons. as 4 Nov. 1302, presum. a confusion with Walter Haselshaw, bp.Bath and Wells, ibid. no. 248). Old and infirm, so pope reserved see for prov. 24 Apr.1319 (Reg. John XXII no. 9332 = C.P.L. II 189). D. 12 Jan. 1320 (Schalby p. 214).


  • 1. Gir. Cambr. VII 14 ('Vita S. Remigii') states falsely that he was cons. by Lanfranc.
  • 2. Flor. Wig. II 30 gives [7 May] two days 'biduo' before the dedication on 9 May; Gir. Cambr. VII21 gives Ascension Day [6 May] 'the fourth day before the dedication'.
  • 3. Cf. Regesta I no. 348.
  • 4. Selden ann. fo. 449r gives 10 Jan. 1124.
  • 5. The family derived from Quesnay-Guesdon (Calvados, arr. Bayeux, cant. Caumont-PÉventé,France); see L. C. Loyd, Origins of some Anglo-Norman Families, ed. C. T. Clay and D. C. Douglas(Harleian Soc. ciii) pp. 27-8; also D. Knowles, The Episcopal Colleagues of Abp. Thomas Becket(Cambridge, 1951) pp. 15-16, and G.F. p. 50. For Robert's career, see Biog. Ox. I 406.
  • 6. See also G.F.L. nos. 75, 80-1, and notes; and A. Saltman, Theobald, Abp. of Canterbury (1956)pp. 106-7, for discussion of this election.
  • 7. Called of Coutances, but born in Cornwall, according to Gir. Cambr. VII 38 (followed by Schalbyp. 199), and a 13th-cent. list of abps. of Rouen, cited by Delisle-Berger, introduction p. 107. For anaccount of his career, see Delisle-Berger, introduction pp. 106-13.
  • 8. Avallon (Yonne, France); see Life of St. Hugh II 164.
  • 9. Diceto II 171 gives 1 Dec. 1200.
  • 10. Presum. Loir-et-Cher, France; William was connected with (perhaps related to) Hugh du Puisetand the Blois family (see Scammell, Puiset p. 235 and pp. 1-21). Cf. Biog. Ox. III 2153.
  • 11. He took his name from his archdcnry. of Wells (see, e.g., Rot. Chart. p. 185a).
  • 12. Given as 8 Feb. in Flor. Hist. II 215.
  • 13. For his career, see Biog. Ox. II 830-3.
  • 14. Wendover IV 324-5 and Ann. Oseney p. 82 give 3 June, but Grosseteste's pontifical years seem tohave been dated from 17 June (see K. Major, in Grosseteste p. 218).
  • 15. This evidence must lead to the rejection of 10 Oct. (Schalby p. 205) and 14 Oct. at Buckden(Ann. Dunstable p. 187).
  • 16. Laxton, Notts.; see Reg. Sutton III p. xiv and n. 4, and Rufford Chs. I p. xcviii.
  • 17. Ann. Wint. p. 94 gives 17 May 1254 for his el.; chron. Hagnaby fo. 24v gives 27 March for his cons.
  • 18. Ann. Oseney p. 121 gives 15 Aug.; chron. Hagnaby fo. 25r gives 21 Aug.
  • 19. Kent; see Rot. Gravesend p. v. For his career, see Biog. Ox. II 803-4.
  • 20. Ann. Oseney and Chron. Wykes p. 282 give 13 Dec.
  • 21. Sutton on Trent, Notts.; see Reg. Sutton III pp. xiii-xvi, and Rufford Chs. I pp. cx ff. For hiscareer, see Biog. Ox. III 1822-3.
  • 22. Ann. Oseney and Chron. Wykes p. 284 give 12 May, which is shown to be incorrect also by thedating of Sutton's pontifical years (e.g. Reg. Sutton I 13, 25).
  • 23. Lincs.; he was rector of Dalderby (see Reg. Sutton I 185, 203, VII 85). For his career, see Biog.Ox. I 534.
  • 24. Chron. Hagnaby fo. 47v gives 14 Jan.