
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 1, St. Paul's, London. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1968.

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'References', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 1, St. Paul's, London, ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1968), British History Online [accessed 1 February 2025].

'References', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 1, St. Paul's, London. Edited by Diana E Greenway (London, 1968), British History Online, accessed February 1, 2025,

"References". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 1, St. Paul's, London. Ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1968), British History Online. Web. 1 February 2025.


Works in print which are cited in the text in abbreviated form. This is not an exhaustive list of works consulted.

A.S.C. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, ed. in trans. D. Whitelock. London, 1961.
Acta SS. J. Bolland, Acta Sanctorum, Octobris vol. 111. 3rd ed. Paris, 1868.
Ann. Mon. Annales Monastici, ed. H. R. Luard. 5 vols. Rolls ser. xxxvi, 1864-9.
Beaven A. B. Beaven, The Aldermen of the City of London. 2 vols. London, 1908-13.
Biog. Ox. A. B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to 1500. 3 vols. Oxford, 1957-9.
Brooke, Composition C. N. L. Brooke, 'The composition of the chapter of St. Paul's, 1086-1163', Camb. Hist. Jnl. x (1951) 111-32.
Brooke, Deans C. N. L. Brooke, 'The deans of St. Paul's, c. 1090-1499', Bull. Inst. Hist. Res. xxix (1956) 231-44.
Bull. Inst. Hist. Res. Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research.
C.C.R. Calendar of the Close Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. 56 vols. London, 1892-1963.
C.Ch.R. Calendar of the Charter Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. 6 vols. London, 1903-27.
C.P.L. Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland: Papal Letters. Vol. 1, 1198-1304, ed. W. H. Bliss. London, 1893.
C.P.R. Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. 69 vols. London, 1901-66.
Cal. of Wills Calendar of Wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London, 1258-1688, ed. R. R. Sharpe. 2 vols. London, 1889-90.
Cart. Clerkenwell Cartulary of St. Mary Clerkenwell, ed. W. O. Hassall. Camden 3rd series lxxi, 1949.
Cart. Colec. Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Johannis Baptiste in Colecestria, ed. S. A. Moore. 2 vols. Roxburghe Club, 1897.
Cart. Colne Cartularium Prioratus de Colne, ed. J. L. Fisher. Essex Archaeological Society, Occasional Publications i, 1946.
Cart. Osen. Cartulary of Oseney Abbey, ed. H. E. Salter. 6 vols. Oxford Historical Society lxxxix-xci, xcvii-viii, ci, 1929-36.
Cheney, Eng. Bps.' Chanceries C. R. Cheney, English Bishops' Chanceries, 1100-1250. Manchester, 1950.
Chron. Maj. Matthaei Parisiensis Monachi Sancti Albani Chronica Majora, ed. H. R. Luard. 7 vols. Rolls ser. lvii, 1872-83.
Chrons. Edw. I and II Chronicles of the Reigns of Edward I and Edward II, ed. W. Stubbs. 2 vols. Rolls ser. lxxvi, 1882-3.
Comp. Peer. G.E.C., The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, ed. V. Gibbs et al. 13 vols. in 14. London, 1910-59.
Curia Regis Rolls Curia Regis Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. 14 vols. London, 1922-61.
D.N.B. Dictionary of National Biography.
D.S.R. Diceto's Statute of Residence. [See above p. xiv]
Davis, London lands H. W. C. Davis, 'London lands and liberties of St. Paul's, 1066-1135', in Essays in Medieval History presented to T. F. Tout, ed. A. G. Little and F. M. Powicke. Manchester, 1925. [See also above p. xiii]
Diceto Radulfi de Diceto Decani Lundoniensis Opera Historica, ed. W. Stubbs. 2 vols. Rolls ser. lxviii, 1876.
Domesday Book Domesday Book, seu Liber Censualis Wilhelmi Primi. 2 vols. London, 1783.
Dugdale W. Dugdale, The History of St. Paul's Cathedral in London. London, 1658.
E.H.R. English Historical Review.
Early Yorks. Charters Early Yorkshire Charters. 12 vols. 1-111, ed. W. Farrer. Edinburgh, 1914-16. iv-xii, ed. C. T. Clay. Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 1935-65.
Ekwall, Studies B. O. E. Ekwall, Studies on the Population of Medieval London. Stockholm, 1956.
Essays to Poole Essays in History presented to R. L. Poole, ed. H. W. C. Davis. Oxford, 1927.
Eyton, Antiquities of Shropshire R. W. Eyton, Antiquities of Shropshire. 12 vols. London, 1854-1860.
Eyton, Itin. Hen. II R. W. Eyton, Court, Household and Itinerary of King Henry II. London, 1878.
Flor. Hist. Flores Historiarum, ed. H. R. Luard. 3 vols. Rolls ser. xcv, 1890.
G.F. A. Morey and C. N. L. Brooke, Gilbert Foliot and his Letters. Cambridge, 1965.
G.F.L. The Letters and Charters of Gilbert Foliot, ed. A. Morey and C. N. L. Brooke. Cambridge, 1967. [See also above p. xiv]
Gerv. Cant. Gervasii Cantuariensis Opera Historica, ed. W. Stubbs. 2 vols. Rolls ser. lxxiii, 1879-80.
Gesta Hen. II Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi Benedicti Abbatis, ed. W. Stubbs. 2 vols. Rolls ser. xlix, 1867.
Gibbs Early Charters of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London, ed. M. Gibbs. Camden 3rd series lviii, 1939. [See also above p. xiv]
Greenway, Succession D. E. Greenway, 'The succession to Ralph de Diceto, dean of St. Paul's', Bull. Inst. Hist. Res. xxxix (1966) 86-95.
H.B.C. Handbook of British Chronology, ed. F. M. Powicke and E. B. Fryde. 2nd ed. London, 1961.
Hackett, Reg. Eleemosynariae Registrum Eleemosynariae D. Pauli Londinensis, ed. M. Hackett. London, 1827. [See also above p. xiii]
Hale The Domesday of St. Paul's of the year MCCXXII, ed. W. H. Hale. Camden Society lxix, 1858. [See also above p. xiii]
Hist. Church York The Historians of the Church of York and its Archbishops, ed. J. Raine. 3 vols. Rolls ser. lxxi, 1879-94.
Hist. MSS. Comm., Rep. Var. Coll. Historical Manuscripts Commission, Report on Manuscripts in Various Collections. 8 vols. London, 1901-14.
Hist. St. Paul's A History of St. Paul's Cathedral and the men associated with it, ed. W. R. Matthews and W. M. Atkins. London, 1957.
Innocent III, Cal. Letters The Letters of Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) concerning England and Wales, ed. C. R. Cheney and M. G. Cheney. Oxford, 1967.
Innocent III, Selected Letters Selected Letters of Pope Innocent III concerning England (1198-1216), ed. C. R. Cheney and W. H. Semple. London, 1953.
J.S. Epp. The Letters of John of Salisbury, vol. 1: The Early Letters, ed. W. J. Millor, H. E. Butler and C. N. L. Brooke. London, 1955.
Le Neve, Fasti 1300-1541 J. Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae, revised ed. H. P. F. King, J. M. Horn and B. Jones. 12 vols. London, 1962-7.
Loyd, Anglo-Norman Families L. C. Loyd, The Origins of Some Anglo-Norman Families, ed. C. T. Clay and D. C. Douglas. Harleian Society ciii. Leeds, 1951.
Lunt, Financial Relations W. E. Lunt, Financial Relations of the Papacy with England to 1327. Mediaeval Academy of America, xxxiii. Cambridge (Mass.), 1939.
Materials for Becket Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, ed. J. C. Robertson and J. B. Sheppard. 7 vols. Rolls ser. lxvii, 1875-85.
Mon. Ang. W. Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum, ed. J. Caley, H. Ellis and B. Bandinel. 6 vols. in 8. London, 1817-30.
Moore, St. Barts. N. Moore, The History of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. 2 vols. London, 1918.
Newcourt R. Newcourt, Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale Londinense. 2 vols. London, 1708-10.
P. N. Middlesex J. E. B. Gover, A. Mawer and F. M. Stenton, The Place-Names of Middlesex. Cambridge, 1942.
R.S.A. W. Stubbs, Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum. 2nd ed. Oxford, 1897.
Rec. Hist. France Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France, ed. M. Bouquet et al. 24 vols. Paris, 1738-1904.
Reg. Alex. IV Les Registres d'Alexandre IV, ed. B. de La Roncière et al. 3 vols. Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 2nd series xv. Paris, 1895-1959.
Reg. Antiq. Linc. The Registrum Antiquissimum of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln, ed. C. W. Foster and K. Major. 8 vols. Lincoln Record Society xxvii-ix, xxxii, xxxiv, xli, xlvi, li, 1931-58.
Reg. Bon. VIII Les Registres de Boniface VIII, ed. G. Digard et al. 4 vols. Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 2nd series iv. Paris, 1907-39.
Reg. Epp. Peckham Registrum Epistolarum Fratris Johannis Peckham Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis, ed. C. T. Martin. 3 vols. Rolls ser. lxxvii, 1882-5.
Reg. Greg. IX Les Registres de Grégoire IX, ed. L. Auvray. 4 vols. Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 2nd series ix. Paris, 1890-1955.
Reg. Innoc. IV Les Registres d'Innocent IV, ed. E. Berger. 4 vols. Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 2nd series i. Paris, 1884-1921.
Reg. J. Pecham The Register of John Pecham, Archbishop of Canterbury, ed. D. L. Douie et al. 2 vols. Canterbury and York Society lxiii-iv, 1908-68.
Reg. Nic. IV Les Registres de Nicolas IV, ed. E. Langlois. 2 vols. Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 2nd series v. Paris, 1886-1905.
Reg. Pontissara Registrum Johannis de Pontissara, Episcopi Wyntoniensis, ed. C. Deedes. 2 vols. Canterbury and York Society xix, xxx, 1915-24.
Reg. Sutton The Rolls and Register of Bishop Oliver Sutton, ed. R. M. T. Hill, 5 vols. Lincoln Record Society xxxix, xliii, xlviii, lii, lx, 1948-65.
Reg. Urbain IV Les Registres d'Urbain IV, ed. L. Dorez, J. Guiraud and S. Clémencet. 4 vols. Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 2nd series xiii. Paris, 1899-1958.
Reg. W. Giffard (York) The Register of Walter Giffard, Lord Archbishop of York, ed. W. Brown. Surtees Society cix, 1904.
Reg. Winchelsey Registrum Roberti Winchelsey, Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi, ed. R. Graham. 2 vols. Canterbury and York Society li, lii. 1952-6.
Regesta Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum, ed. H. W. C. Davis, C. Johnson, H. A. Cronne and R. H. C. Davis. 3 vols. Oxford, 1913-68.
Rep. Historical Manuscripts Commission, Ninth Report, Part I, appendix 1 by H. C. Maxwell-Lyte, pp. 1-72. London, 1883. [See also above p. xiii]
Richardson, Guala H. G. Richardson, 'Letters of the legate Guala', E.H.R. xlviii (1933) 250-9.
Richardson, William of Ely H.G. Richardson, 'William of Ely, the king's treasurer (?1195-1215)', T.R.H.S. 4th series xv (1932) 45-90.
Robinson, Somerset Historical Essays J. A. Robinson, Somerset Historical Essays. London, 1921.
Rolls ser. The Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages, published under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. 99 vols., 1858-96.
Rot. Gravesend Rotuli Ricardi Gravesend, diocesis Lincolniensis, ed. F. N. Davis. Canterbury and York Society xxxi, 1925.
Rot. Litt. Claus. Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londinensi asservati, ed. T. D. Hardy. 2 vols. Record Commission, 1833, 1844.
Round, Commune of London J. H. Round, The Commune of London and other studies. Westminster, 1899.
Saltman, Theobald A. Saltman, Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury. London, 1956.
Simpson, Two inventories W. S. Simpson, 'Two inventories of the cathedral church of St. Paul, London, dated respectively 1245 and 1402', Archaeologia, 1(2) (1887), 439-524.
Southern, Ranulf Flambard R. W. Southern, 'Ranulf Flambard and early Anglo-Norman administration', T.R.H.S. 4th series xvi (1933) 95-128.
Statutes Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesie Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londinensis, ed. W. S. Simpson. London, 1873. [See also above p. xiii]
T.R.H.S. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society.
Tout, Chapters T. F. Tout, Chapters in the Administrative History of Mediaeval England. 6 vols. Manchester, 1920-33.
Visitations 1249-52 'Visitations of churches belonging to St. Paul's cathedral, 1249-1252', ed. W. S. Simpson. Camden Miscellany ix. Camden new series liii, 1895.
Watney, St. Thos. Acon J. Watney, Some Account of the Hospital of St. Thomas of Acon, in the Cheap, London. London, 1892.
Woodruff, Professions C. E. Woodruff, 'Some early professions of canonical obedience to the see of Canterbury', Transactions of St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society vii (1911-15) 161-76.
York Minster Fasti York Minster Fasti, ed. C. T. Clay. 2 vols. Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series cxxiii-iv, 1957-8.