Extracts from the Records: 1540

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1871.

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'Extracts from the Records: 1540', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp98-102 [accessed 12 February 2025].

'Extracts from the Records: 1540', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp98-102.

"Extracts from the Records: 1540". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp98-102.


31 January 1539-40.

Distrublance pvnesing.

It is statute and ordanit be the prouest and baillies, that becaus thair is dyuers pure persouns convict of distrublance and hes na guids to assyth the pairty and pay the dewteis to the towne, that thairfore quhen sic persouns ar convict, and hes nocht to mak assythment, that thai be putt in the irnis at the croce during the townis will.—(In ane convict buik.—Tr.)

23 June 1540.


Forswamekill as Jhonn Auny, Egiptiane, and his complices committit art and part of the fellown and crewall slawchter of Thomas Kichertsoun, sone to Dauid Kichertsoun burgess of this burgh, and obtenit remissioun, and had na guids to mak assythement to the pairty thairfore, quhairfore at command of oure Souerane Lords lettres the said Jhone and all vtheris the Egiptianes in tyme cuming ar decernit banist this towne, and neuir to cum thairin in ony tyme cuming, vnder the payne of scurgeing thame throw the samyn; and certificatioim maid be oppin proclamatioun that and ony of thame wer apprehendit within this burch thai suld be scurgeit and vtherwayis pvnist as accordis.— (Ibid.—Tr.)

13 July 1540.

The passege to Sanct Gelys kirk callit our Lady steppis.

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis for the communitie thinkis expedient that the commoun buthis be foremalyt, to the effect that with the males thairof, in sa f er as may be gottin, the land pretenyng to James Prestoun at the kirk end and eist entres thairto mycht be bocht for the weill and policie of the kirk and gude toun, and consenttis to gyf xvijxx merkis to the said James for his said land, in consideratioun of the yeirlie males thairof comptand x Ii. for the merk and x merkis mair in the hale extends to sa mekill.

14 July 1540.

Lady steppis.

The quhilk day, in the presens of the prouest baillies counsale and communitie sittand in jugement, comperit James Prestoun and consentit and wes contentit to resaue the sowme of xvijxx merkisfor his hous and land at the eist entres of thair College Kirk of Sanct Geill, and to resing the samyn in the townis handis ad remanentiam, and warrand the samyn land to thame annuell fre at all handis, except for ane annuell rent awand thairof yeirlie of sex merkis to the kirk, and viij merkis annuell rent awand thairof yeirlie to Jhonne Malcome as thay pleis devise best thairintill.

16 July 1540.

Buithis foirmalyt.

The prouest baillies and counsale, sittand in jugement, ordanis ane of the baillies and officiaris pas to the nychtbouris occupearis of the commoun buthis pertenyng to the gude toun, and warne and charge ilk ane of the nychtbouris allegeand thame to haue the samyn in rentale to deliuer content and pay of fore male of thair buthis to the avale of fyve yeris to cum, to the effect that with the samyn James Prestonis land at the eist end of the kirk may be bocht, and mak ane entres to the kirk for the honour of God and policie of the gude toun; certefeing euery ane of the saidis personis that hes the saidis buthis and thay refuse till do the samyn. thair buithis salbe rowpit and set at Mertymes nixt to cum to thame that will gyf maist male be yeir thairfor; and alsua gyf thay refuse to warne thame to flyt at Mertymes nixt to cum, sua that the gude toun may dispone vpoun thair buthis to the maist avale of thair commoun gude.

31 July 1540.

The names of thame that payit the foremailles and war rentellit.

The prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis granttis thame to haue resauit fra William Symsoun curatour to Jhonne Wicht, maister Dauid Boithuell, Robert Adamsoun, Jhonne Rentoun, William Rynd, William Aikinheid, Henry Lyllie, Jhonne Kyle, George Heryott, Alane Mosman, Richert Young, Alexander Auchinlek, Jhonne Gibsoun, Stevin Bell, Archebald Harwye, foremale gevin to James Prestoun for the passege to the kirk; and discharges the saidis personis thairof during the said space prouiding that thay and ilk ane of thame compeir euerilk Mertymes evin during the samyn space and pay thair xij d. in the tolbuith, conforme to thair rentell and to auld vse and consuetude thairof, but preiudice of thair rentale in tymes cuming.

25 August 1540.

Grant to Symon Preston, provost, of the office of common clerk for life.

VNIUEKSIS et singulis ad quorum noticias presentes litere peruenerint, balliui consules et communitas Burgi de Edinburgh salutem in Domino sempeternam: Noueritis nos pro bono et fideli seruicio nobis et reipublice dicti nostri burgi per honorabilem virum, Symonem Prestoun huiusmodi burgi prepositum modernum, multipliciter facto et impenso, dedisse concessisse et hac presenti scripto nostro confirmasse, necnon dare concedere et hac presenti scripto nostro confirmare prefato Symoni Prestoun preposito, nostrum officium clericatus dicti burgi, cum vniuersis et singulis suis feodis deuoriis proficuis et pertinentiis, prototo tempore vite sue, cum potestateper se aut alios plures vel vnumidoneos notarios et scribas deputandos, pro quibus respondere tenebitur, dictum officium exercendi, ac cum feodis deuoriis et pertinentiis eiusdem, intromittendi leuandi et eadem recipiendi, adeo libere bene et in pace sicuti aliqui communis scribe dicti burgi per antea huiusmodi officium exercerunt, feoda proficua deuoria et pertinentia quecunque eiusdem receperunt leuarunt, aut eiusdem gaudebunt: Faciendo inde nobis et successoribus nostris qui pro tempore f uerunt dictus Symoun Prestoun, pro toto tempore vite sue, et eiusdem notarii deputate sufficientes et idonei vnus aut plures, scripta et seruicia que scribe communis et clerici dicti nostri burgi facere et probere solit in curiis et aliusmodi consueti fuerunt. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum commune dicti burgi presentibus est appensum apud dictum burgum vicesimo quinto die mensis Augusti, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo quadragesimo.

[To all and sundry to whose knowledge the present letters shall come, the Bailies, Councillors, and Community of the Burgh of Edinburgh, greeting in God everlasting. Know ye us, for the good and faithful service done and rendered in many ways to us and the commonwealth of our said burgh, by the honourable man Symon Prestoun, present provost of the said burgh, to have given, granted, and by this our present writing to have confirmed, and also to give, grant, and by this our present writing to confirm to the said Symon Prestoun, provost, our office of clerk of the said burgh, with all and sundry the fees, duties, profits, and pertinents for the whole term of his life, with power by himself or others, his deputies more or one, fit notaries and clerks, for whom he shall be held responsible, to exercise the said office, and to intromit with, uplift and receive the fees, duties, and pertinents of the same, as freely well and in peace as any other com mon clerks of the said burgh formerly exercised the said office, or received and uplifted the fees, profits, duties, and pertinents whatsoever, or enjoyed the same, Rendering therefor to us, and our successors who shall be for the time, the said Symon Prestoun, for the whole time of his life, and the same notaries depute sufficient and capable, one or more, the writings and service which the common clerk, and the clerks of our said burgh, have been used and wont to render and perform in courts and otherwise. In witness whereof, our common seal of the said burgh is appended to these presents, at the said burgh, the twenty-fifth day of the month of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and forty.]

27 August 1540.

Royal confirmation of preceding grant.

JACOBUS Dei gracia Rex Scotorum, omnibus probis hominibus suis ad quos presentes litere peruenerint salutem: Sciatis nos quandam donationem et Literam factam per balliuos consules et communitatem burgi nostri de Edinburgh dilecto nostro Symoni Prestoun preposito eiusdem, de officio clericatus communis dicti nostri burgi, cum omnibus feodis proficuis et deuoriis eidem pertinentibus, pro toto tempore vite sue, de mandato nostro visam lectam inspectam et diligenter examinatam, sanam, integram, non rasam, non cancellatam, nec in aliqua sui parte suspectam, ad plenam intelleixsse sub hac forma:

Vniuersis et singulis ad quorum noticias presentes litere peruenerint, [etc., as in the above gift, dated 25 August 1540.]

Quamquidem donationem et literam in omnibus suis punctis et articulis condicionibus et modis ac circumstanciis suis quibuscunque, in omnibus et per omnia, forma pariter et effectu vt premissum est, approbamus ratificamus ac pro nobis et nostris successoribus pro perpetuo confirmamus; saluis nobis et nostris successoribus seruiciis per clericos communes dicti burgi nostri in huiusmodi officio clericatus ante presentem nostram confirmationem nobis debitis et consuetis. In cuius rei testimonium presentibus literis nostris confirmacionis magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus, apud Sanctam Andream, viceseptimo die mensis Augusti anno, Domini millesimo qungentesimo quadragesimo, et regni nostri vicesimo septimo.

Royal ocnfirmation of preceding grant.

[James, by the grace of God King of Scots, to all his good men to whom the present letters shall come, greeting. Know ye that a certain gift and letter made by the bailies, councillors, and community of our burgh of Edinburgh to our beloved Symon Prestoun, provost of the same, of the office of common clerk of our said burgh, with all the fees, profits, and duties belonging to the same, for the whole time of his life, has by our command, been seen, read, inspected, and carefully examined, being whole, entire, not erased, not cancelled, nor suspected in any part of it, in this form:—

To All and sundry to whose knowledge the present letters shall come, etc., as in above gift. Which gift and letter, in all its points and articles, conditions and forms, and circumstances whatsoever, in all and by all, according to the form and effect as is premised, we approve, ratify, and for us and our successors for ever comfirm: Reserving to us and our successors the services used and wont to us by the common clerks of our said burgh in the said office of clerkship before our present confirmation. In witness whereof we have commanded our great seal to be affixed to our present letters of confirmation, at St.Andrews, the twenty-seventh day of the month of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and forty, and in the twenty-seventh year of our reign.]

3 September 1540.


It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsall that all maner of vagabounds, sorneris, and all vtheris havand na craft quhairvpoun thai may leiff, remoue thame furth of this towne within viij houris nixt heirafter, vnder the payne of scurgeing thame throw this towne, cutting thair lugs, and banesing the samyn for all the dayes of thair lyves.