Extracts from the Records: 1538

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1871.

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'Extracts from the Records: 1538', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp87-92 [accessed 12 February 2025].

'Extracts from the Records: 1538', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp87-92.

"Extracts from the Records: 1538". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp87-92.


22 May 1538.

Dischargeing the doun geving of the fermes of the mylnis.

The quhilk day, Mongo Tennand, Williame Sym, baillies, Nicholl Carncors, dene of gild, Thomas Vddart, thesaurer, Mr Hew Rig, Maister Thomas Marioribankis, assessouris, Symon Prestoun, George Cant, Robert Watsoun, Mr Dauid Irland, James Carmichaell, Henry Lillie of the counsall, and Williame Adamesoun, elder, sittand in jugement, disassentis to the pronunciatioun of the forme and minute of act maid in fauouris of Walter Scott the xiiij day of Maij instant, for allowance to him of xl li. be Robert Watsoun thesaurare, for the tyme of the rest awing be the said Walter of the males of the commoun mylnis to the guid toun, and als cassis annullis and decernis the said minute and forme of act efter the tenour of the samyn of nane availl force nor effect and to be cancellat in tymes cuming, and inhibitis the clerkis to gif furth ony copye to the said Walter thairof, becaus the said Williame Sym, baillie, in quhais name the said minute wes formet, declaret at the making thairof he disassentit to the geving furth or pronunciatioun thairof vnto the tyme the counsale had avisit and decernit thairvpoun.

13 June 1538.

Ane persoun deputt to keip the mercats of woll hyde and skyn.

It is statute and ordanit be the baillies and counsale, for the commoun weill of the merchants and all fremen of this towne, that the mercatt woll hyde clayth and skynnis repairand thairto be obseruit and keipit be James Andersoun for this yeir to cum, swa that the buithis quhairin the said merchandice ar kepit be haldin close lokkitt, and na sek oppinit in buith nor in merkatt quhill vj houris in the morning, and thairafter euery freman may bye thairof as thai think expedient; and that nane forestalleris strayngeris nor vnfremen vse the fredome of this gude towne; and als oft as the said James findis ony maner of persoun vnfremen strayngeris or forestalleris byand merchandice contrair to the tenour heirof, to aduerteis the nixt nychtbouris or officeris of the gude towne for the tyme, swa that the saidis merchandice may be withhaldin and coft be the fremen and nychtbouris according to thair fredome; and thairfore the saidis baillies and counsale ordanis ane precept to be maid to the said James Andersoun of the sowme of iiij li., to be payit be the thesaurer for his lawbouris and diligence taikin and to be done anent the keping of the said merkatt; and the said James swore to serue leillie and trewlie and keip the said merkatt but feid favour frawde or gyle during the tyme foresaid.

26 June 1538.

Poynding for flesche standmailis.

The quhilk day, the baillies and counsale, sittand in jugement, ordanis the officeris to pas poynd and distrenyie all and sindrie the flescheouris occupyaris of the standis of thair flescheous, ilk persone for the sowme of xl s. for the male of thair saidis standis of the termes of Mertymes and Witsounday last bypast awing be thame to the gud toun, and that thai appryse the guidis to be poyndit be thame with all deligence, and mak reddy penny thairof for payment to be maid to the thesaurar of the saidis males of the termes forsaidis.—[This on ane lowse leiff.—Tr.)

8 July 1538.

Assythments modefeit.

(Ane Agnes Wricht being convict for trublance, assythment is modifiet and decernit be the baillies and counsale that scho be putt in the irnis at the croce, or ellis aboue the croce on the skaffald, that all the pepill may se, and oppin proclamatioun to be maid of the caus thairof, and thairafter till be banist.—Tr.)

9 July 1538.

(Thairafter becaus scho was fugitiue, the officeris ordanit to seik and apprehend, and gif scho culd nocht be gottin the officeris to pas to the croce and declair hir banist, and the caus thairof.

The lyke assythment anent ane Helene Halliburtoun, to be putt on the said skaffald, with ane ressoun of paper about hir heid declaring the caus, and to be banist.—Tr.)

16 July 1538.


It is statute and ordanit be the baillies and counsall, that ilk seriand pas in his quarter and warne and charge ane honest man of ilk close or twa, and failyeing of ane honest persoun in ane close to pas to the next and swa fortherwart, to compeir before thame at 4 afternone to resaue certane chairges till be gevin thame anent the keping of beggares within thair bounds and clossis, vnder the payne of v li. till be taikin of thame that failyeis heirin, but favouris, and as thai will ansuer to the Kingis Grace thairvpoun.

Red; Litster treyis.

Item, that the red besyde James Makgill be removit with all diligence vpoun the townis expenssis to fulfill the waistis at the West Port, and that the persouns that laid the samyn be callit swa that the samyn expenssis may be recoverit vpoun thame. Als that the litster treyes beneth the Over Bow be removit alyke wayis incontinent.

Meill merkat.

Item, that the meill merkat be removit of the hie gaitt and place vsit thairto, and vtheris victuallis alykewayes, and sawld at the fute of James Aikmanis close.

Gres merkat; Coillis.

Item, that the gres mercat aboue the Tolbuith be chayngeit, and in tyme cuming that the gres be sawld at the fute of the kirk yaird. Item, that the gres at the Nether Bow and mercatt thairof be remouit and vsit in tyme cuming at the hill and entrie to the Blackfreiris; and als that the cole sellares sitt thair with thair coillis alykwayes for selling thairof.—(In the convict buik.—Tr.)

17 July 1538.

Aray in gownis.

Entrie of the Quenes Grace. Item, it is deuysit for the honour of the Kingis Grace and the guid towne at the entry of owre Souerane, that thair be 12 persouns accowterit and arrayit in gownis of veluott with thair pertinentis, viz., foure thairof in purpour, vtheris foure in tanny, and vtheris foure in blak veluott; That ar to say, Maister Jhone Chepman, Androw Murray, Jhone Carkettill, and Maister Thomas Marioribankis in purpour; William Adamsoun, William Littill, Gilbert Lawder, and Alexander Mawehane in tanny; Symoun Prestoun, George Henrysoun, Alexander Adamsoun, and Maister Hew Rig in blak, as thai will ansuer to the Kingis Grace thairvpoun.—(Ibid.—Tr.)

Craftis araying.

It is devysit be the prouest baillies and counsall that euery deykin pas writt and gif in bill swa mony of his craft as will be cled in Fransche clayth to thair gownis, with dowbletts of veloutt, satyne, dammes, or silk, honest hois, and vtheris abulyements of thair persoun efferand thairto, and that the remanent of the craftis be in thair honest aray, and cum nocht quhair the provest baillies and counsall ar to the said entrie, bot pas to thair plesure.

[Inhabitants arraying.]

Item, that na maner of persoun of quhat estaitt or degre he be of be sene in cumpany with the prouest baillies and counsale at the entre of the Quenis Grace, except sa mony as beis gevin in bill and chairget speciallie, other personallie or at thair dwelling place, vnder the payne of banesing the towne for yeir and day, and ay and quhill thai obtene owre Souerane Lordis licence and dispensatioun; and that all vther inhabitants [of] this towne bayth men and wemen be in thair best clething in tyme of the said entry, and haif thame honestlie as efferis, and be on the stairis or vpoun the hiegaitt and latt na vyle persouns be in thair company, and that oppin proclamatioun be maid heirof.


Item, the provest baillies and counsale ordanis Robert Hector to compleitt the wark taikin on hand be him vpoun the croce at the entrie of the Quenis Grace and to haif the samyn weill putt to poynt vpoun Fryday the ix of Julij instant at 4 afternone, vnder the payne of [blank], and as he will ansuer to the Kings Grace at his vtter chairge.

Calsay halding clene.

Item, that all nychtboures haiffand foir tenements dicht the calsay fornent the samyn to the middis of the calsay, and remoue all filth and staynes thairfra the morne be none, vnder the payne of xl s. till be taikin of thame that failyeis, but fauoures; and that thai hald the said calsay fra thine furth clene quhill after the entrie of the Quenis Grace; and that oppin proclamatioun be maid heirof be the belman.


Item, that oppin proclamatioun be maid yitt as of befoir that quhatsumeuir beggare beis fund heirafter within this burch or ony pairt thairof sall be taikin scurgeit and brynt on the cheik, but mercy, according to the said act maid of before.

[Furnishings and order.]

Item, it is devysit that thir persouns following, viz., James Bassenden Alexander Spens, for the Nether Bow; Robert Graham, William Tod, for the Trone to ansuer; Patrik Lindsay, Jhone Purves, George Leche, for the Croce to ansuer; Robert Hector, Robert Watsoun for the Tolbuith to ansuer; Maister Dauid Ireland, William Symsoun, and Jhone Symsoun, for the Over Bow to ansuer; the Archidene of Sanctandrois, William Loch and James Hill, for the West Port to ansuer; Dauid Lindsay and Robert Bischope, and awaitt vpoun the grathing of thair rowmes in skaffetting personages and ordour thairof, ilk ane for thair awin rowme, and quhat expenssis thai mak thairpoun ordanis Thomas Vddart thesaurer to ansuer thame at all tymes as he or his chaplane beis requyrit, quhilkis expenssis sall be gevin in to him in writt, and this to be done with avyse of the said Dauid Lindsay anent all ordour and furnesing.


Item, it is devysit that xvj or thairby of the maist honest men of guid of this towne pas and delyuer the propyne within ane howre after the Quenis grace cuming to the Abbay or thairby.

Item, it is devysit that Maister Henry Lawder be the persoun to welcum the Quenis grace in sic abulyement, and with the words in Fransche, as sall be devysit with avyse of Maister Adame Otterburne, Maister James Fowlis and Dauid Lyndsay.—(Ibid.—Tr.)

18 July 1538.


The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the persouns abouewrittin (quhair is namet 37 persouns), till be on horsback with fute mantill, veluos harnesing, and swa mony as ar ordanit for the paill till haif thair veluos gownis, and the remanent to be in gowne of silk agane the Quenis grace entrie at sic place as sall be devysit.


The baillies and counsall ordanis Thomas Vddert, thesaurer, to perfurneis to xvj persouns till be seriands at the entrie of the Quenis grace, thairof the 7 commoun officeris and the remanent, viz. James Andersoun, William Wilkyne, Rowe Donaldsoun, Jhone Nicolsoun, seruand to George Fothringhame, Patrik Darling, Rowie Walderstoun, Jhone Arnott, Alexander Punfray, and Walter Lamb, ane lufray in maner following, that is to say, ane coitt of blak with slevis indentit berand the townis airmis, ane pair of blak hois, and to ilk ane of the said 7 officeris ane marabas bonet with ane quhyte fedder worth xvj s., or the said xvj s. to bye the same, quhilk being delyuerit sall be thankfully allowet to him in his nixt comptis, kepand this precept for his warrand.

(Thir actis [16th, 17th, and 18th, July] were maid for the honorabill entrie of the Quene.—Tr.)

24 September 1538.

(Syndrie acts anent the pest, daitit 24 Septembris 1538.—Tr.)

10 December 1538.

Regatouris, Wylde mett.

It is statute and ordanit be the prouest and baillies that gif ony nichtboures apprehendis ony wyld meitt in ony the regratoures handis quhilkis thai refuis to sell of the pryces contenit in our Souerane Lords lettres, viz. the pair fatt cunings for xl d., and vtheris that ar nocht verray fatt for ij s. or xxviij d. the maist, the lakkest sort for xvj d. or xx d. the pair, ane pair of pairtriks ij s. viij d., a pair of pluvares xvj d., a quhap that is greitt xij d., a blakcoik xij d., a littill quhape vj d., a mure fowle viij d., a widcoik viij d., a wyld guis iij s. iiij d., a wyld duke x d., ane teill iiij d., that it be lefull to the apprehendare to withbald the said wyld meitt vnto the tyme the officeris be aduerteist thairof and to incur na skayth thairthrow.—(In a convict buik.—Tr.)

14 December 1538.

Furlotts in the meill merkatt.

It is statute and ordanit be the prouest and baillies that na maner of regratouris, meill sellares, nor vtheris persouns, haif furlotts to mett in the meill merket except allanerly the gatherer of the pitie customes in tyme cuming, and gif neid beis ordanis the officeris to serche and seik the merkett, and gif thai fynd ony persone vsand furlotts of thair awin and takand proffitt thairfore, to tak the samyn furlotts and delyuer thame to the said gatherer, vnto the tyme the provest and baillies avyse for punitioun thairfore.—(In ane convict buik.—Tr.)

18 December 1538.

Regratouris, wyld meitt; To bring to merkett.

It is statute and ordanit be the prouest and baillies, and als at the desyre of Jhonne M'Cullo catour to our Souerane Lord, dischairges all and sindry the persouns, regratoures of wyld meitt, that nane of thame be thame selffis nor vtheris sell nor by to forestall or regraitt owtwith this burgh or within the samyn quhatsumeuir wyld meitt, vnder the pane of banesing the towne, vnto the tyme thai haif command and chairge in the contrair; and that it be lefull to all and sindry persouns to bring to the merkett be thame selff the wyld meitt, sell and dispone thairvpoun with the byaris as thai can convene thairvpoun.