Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1871.
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'Extracts from the Records: 1533', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp60-66 [accessed 12 February 2025].
'Extracts from the Records: 1533', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp60-66.
"Extracts from the Records: 1533". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp60-66.
12 February 1532–3.
Fleschouris Candylmakaris.
The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale decernis and ordanis the brether of the Candilmakaris till extent and beyr all portable charges with the breder of the Fleschouris that salhappin within this burgh in tyme to cum, ay and quhill the saidis Candilmakaris obtene sufficient discharge be sentence that thay sould nocht stent with thame, and that without preiudice of onye rycht of the saidis Candylmakaris; and ordanis thame to pay to the Flescheouris for thir twa last extenttis xl s.
8 March 1532–3.
The patronage of Sanct Jhonis alter the townys.
The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale gevis and granttis the prebend of Sanct Jhonis alter, scituat within thair College Kirk of Sanct Geyll, now vacand in thair handis as patronis of the samyn be dimissioun and resignatioun thairof be Sir Robert Steill last prebendare of the samyn, with all and sindrye liberteis commoditeis and proffittis pertenyng thairto ony maner of way, to Sir Walter Turnbull chaiplane, as the vse hes bene in sic caissis.
12 March 1532–3.
[Bonnetmakers, Wobsters, Walkers, and Shearers.]
The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the Bonetmakaris pay the half of the extent all tymes to cum to the Wobstaris till help and suple thame, and the vther half to the Walkaris and Scheris, and to begyn and pay v s. at this terme.
27 March 1533.
Fermorraris multer.
The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, William Glen grantit that he maid in his barn and kyllis through the quhilkis he hes the akerris of the Burromwre fyve makings of malt sen Mertymes that last wes, ilk tyme ane chalder, quhairfor thai ordane the said William Glen till content and pay to the saidis fyrmoraris for ilk thre bollis of malt that he hes maid sen Mertymes ane pek, and siclyke in tymes cumming.
27 May 1533.
[Ship freighted.]
Jacques Lynnie hes lattin his schip callit the Mary commonly to fraucht to the nichtbouris of the towne for thair guids to be furit in Flanders, for the fraucht of xv s. vj d. greit, the serpleth of the woll and skyn and clayth efferand thairto, and this fraucht is maid after the forme of the acts of parliament and statutes of the towne maid thairvpoun, the port oppin and the nychtbouris first seruit, and the guidis to be layit frie on the schore, soluto decano x s. Jehan Russell fraincheman maister of the Pitty Pansy hes payit to the dene of gild viij s. for his schip to the kirk werk, howbeit scho wes nocht frauchtit bot hes laidnit hir with his awin guidis in the samyn. Item, sum hes quhair thai payet x s., sum xij s.—(In the lowse leiff.—Tr.)
13 August 1533.
[Ship freighted.]
The quhilk day, Symon Rychertsoun hes lattin his schip callit the Bark of Haddingtoun commonly to frawcht to the nychtbouris of the town for thair guidis to be furit in Flanders, for the fraucht of xx s. greit, the serpleth woll skyn and all vther guidis owerheid, frie of all expenssis except prymegilt, and the clayth and vther guidis efferand thairto, and that the boitt and all the schip be frie before the caipstok, and this frauchting, etc.
22 August 1533.
[Seal of cause to the Skinners and Furriers.]
Till all and sindry quhais knauledge thir present letteres saltocum, the provest baillies and counsale of the Burgh of Edinburgh greting: Witt youre vniuersiteis that the day of the dait of thir present letteres comperit before ws sittand in iugement the kirkmaisteris and the laif of the maisteris and brether of the Skynnar craft and Furrour craft of the said burgh, and present till ws counsaly gaderit thair bill of supplicatioun of the quhilk the tenour followis:— My lordis provest baillies and worthy counsale of this guid toun, vnto your richt honorabill discretionis humlie menis and schewis the kirkmaisteris and the laif of the maisteris of the Skynnar craft and Furrour craft within this burgh viz., William Akinheid kirkmaister, Stevin Bell, Henry Cranstoun, Robert Huchesoun, Henry Lille, Johnne Gibsoun, William Loch, Thomas Bischop, Johnne Huchesoun, William Scott, Robert Haithwy, James Ramsay, Thomas Clerksoun, George Hammiltoun, Johnne Park, Andro Romannos, Johne Watsoun, William Coldane, William Watsoun, William Wallange, Adam Wricht, Thomas Quhite, James M'Lellane, Thomas Hervy, James Andersoun, Johnne Auld, Johne Fairlie, Thomas Wischart, James Forat, James Huchesoun, skynnaris; the names of the furrouris, Robert Bischop dekin, Dauid Ferry, Johnne Craig, Archibald Loiche, Alexander Duncane, William Duncane, Adam Makcalyeane, Thomas Singiltoun, William Carnys, Dauid Younger, Walter Somervell, Thomas Andersoun, Matho Cant, and Richart Henrisoun, that quhare, first, for the loving of Almichty God, the honour of the realme, the worschip and proffit of this gude toune and all oure Souerane Lordis lieges and vtheris reparand thairto, and in exempill of vtheris and for the augmentatioun of divyne seruice at the altare of Sanct Cristofer our patrone of the samyn altare situate within youre College Kirk of Sanct Geill of the said burgh, we desire that we micht haue thir statutis, articulis, and rewlis eftir following grantit and gevin till vs be youre autorite quhairthrow gude rewle and giding may be had amangis ws of the sadis craftis, baith maisteris and seruandis, and oure successouris thairof in all tymes tocum, becaus it is said be commoun autorite that multitude but rewlis makes confusioun, and for till eschew the vice thairof, and to be eschewit in tyme tocum, we desir thir rewlis eftir followand: In the first, that sen all incresment of vertew practikis and knaulege standis in gude begynning and foundment, and fra thinfurth to continew in vertew and perseuerance to finale end, that fra thynefurth na maner of personis of the saidis craftis of skynnaris and furroris be sufferit to set vp buth nor pull skynnis within this burgh without he be first freman and burges of the samyn, fundin sufficient and abill in werkmanschip and vthirwayis, and admittit thairto be the provest baillies and counsale and sworne maisteris of the craftis, and than for his vpsett to pay, gif he be ane skynneris son burges within this burgh ten schillingis, and gif he be ane vthir mannis son to pay for thair vpsett the sowme of fyve pundis vsuall money of Scotland, to the reparatioun and vphalding of divyne seruice at oure said altare; and at na maner of maisteris of the saidis craftis tyest hous [or] herbery any vtheris maisteris prentice or servand; and gif ony dois in the contrar he sall pay ane pund candill of walx, and thaireftir als oft as the falt happennis at the discretioun of the provest baillies and counsale the persoun falctand to be pvnist; and at ilk maister haldin buth within this said burgh of the saidis craftis sall pay his oulklie penny to the reparatioun of the ornamentis of oure said altare and sustene the preistis meit thairof as it cumis about: Item, that na fals stuff be sauld till our Souerane Lordis liegis vnder the pane of half ane pund candill of walx to oure said altare als oft as it beis ouretane; and at the fals stuff be present to the provest baillies and counsale sale, and thai to remeid and reforme the samyn as thai sall think expedient for the tyme; and gif ony personis of the saidis craftis intromettis or withhaldis the gudis of the said altare or craftis, and sustenis pley thairintill, he to pay and deliuer liuer the samyn with the expensis of his proper gudis gif he be fundin in the falt; and at the saidis kirkmaisteris and principall maisteris of the saidis craftis that sall happin to be for the tyme may haif full faculte leif and preuilege, with ane officar of the tovne to pas with thame for to poynd and distrenye gif neid be for the taking rasing and inbringing of thir dewiteis forsaid to the sustentatioun tatioun and vphalding of Goddis seruice as said is, but danger stop or impediment, and that all the maisteris of the sadis craftis that takkis ony persoun in prenteis with thame sall pay to the reparatioun of the said altare the sowme of twenty schillings: Quharfore we humile beseik youre lordschip and wisdomes, sen we ar twa craftis and vnite oure self in cherite togiddir to the vphalding of Goddis seruice and for the honour of this gude toune and proffit of all oure Souerane Lordis liegis, and sen thir oure sempill desiris and petitionis ar resonable and conforme to equite and are consonant to the gude reule honour of vthir realmes and provinces, that ye wald grant to vs thame ratifyit approvit and confermit be yow vnder youre commoun sele of caus, in perpetuall memoriall riall of gude reule to be had in tyme tocum, with youre ansuer heirapoun we humilie beseik: The quhilk supplicatioun and desiris before expremit beand red in iugement, and we thairwith beand ripelie avisit, we thocht the samyn consonant to ressoun, and thairfore ratifyis approvis and confermes the samyn for ws and our successouris als lang as thai salbe sene expedient speidfull and proffitabill for the commoun proffit to the provest baillies and counsale of this burgh that sall happin to be for the tyme; and this till all and sundry quham it efferis we mak it knawn be thir oure letters. In witnes of the quhilk thing we have gart append to thir presentis our commoun seall of caus. At Edinburgh the twenty-twa day of the moneth of August, the yeir of God ane thousand fyve hundreth threty and thre yeris.
Hec est vera et indubitata copia principalis litere, statutorum communitati
Pellipariorum et Foderatorum burgi de Edinburgh per prepositum
balliuos et communitatem eiusdem eiis concessis, et per eosdem roborate
et confirmate sub eorum communi sigillo, fideliter copiate et collationate
per me notarium publicum subscriptum nil addito vel remoto quod
facti substanciam mutaret aut intellectum variaret, sub meis signo et
subscriptione manualibus.
Ita est, Andreas Richartsoun notarius publicus manu propria
premissa asseruit.
[This is a true and undoubted copy of the principal letter of statutes to the community of Skinners and Furriers of the burgh of Edinburgh, granted to them by the Provost, Bailies, and Community of the same, and by them ratified and confirmed under their common seal, faithfully copied and collated by me, notary-public subscribing, under my sign and subscription manual, nothing being added or taken away which could change the substance of the deed or vary its meaning. So it is. Andrew Richartsoun, Notary public, certifies the premises with his own hands.]
17 September 1533.
[Seal of cause to the Cordiners.]
Till all and sindry quhais knaulege thir present literis sall tocum, the prouest ballies counsale communite and dekynnis of craftis of the burgh of Edinburgh greting in God euirlesting, Wit youre vniuersiteis that the day of the date of thir present lettres comperit before ws sittand in jugement the dekyn kirk maisteris and brether of the craft of Cordinaris within the said burgh, videlicet, Thomas Mureleyis dekin, James Litiliohnne, Richart Nicholson, Robert Borg, and the remanent of the haill brether of the said craft, and presentit before ws thare bill and supplicatioun in maner and forme as efter followis, lowis, that is to say; To yow my lordis provest bailies and worthy counsale of this gude town, humlie menis and schawis your dailie seruitouris the dekyn kyrkmaisteris and brether of the Cordinaris within this burgh, that quhair it is weill kend to all your wisdomis how for the lowing of God and vphalding of dewyne seruece we mak grete reparatioun and expens at oure altare of Sanctis Crispine and Crispiani situat within your College Kirk of Sanct Geill, and has na lowing to vphald the samyn and daly chaplane thairat bot oure ouklie penny gaderyt amangis the brether of the said craft, quhilkis ar bot a few nommer, to the regarde of vther greit craftis within this burgh, quhilk has grantit to thame ouklie one the merket day ane penny of all stuf belanging thare craftis brocht fra landwart Canongait or vther placis to be sauld within this burgh, for sersing of the gudnes and fynes tharof, sua that oure Souerane Lord and his liegis be nocht begylit tharewith anent the vnsufficientnes of the samyn, and to that effect oure said Souerane Lord of his special grace has direct his writtingis to yow praying yow effectuislye and als chargeing that ye grant and geve syklike priuelege and fredome to the dekyn and maisteris of oure said craft of Cordinaris within this burgh that we may ouklie on the merket day haue and tak ane penny to the reparatioun of our said altare and vphalding of dewyne seruice tharat of all barkit leddir and maid stuf belanging oure craft that beis brocht fra landwart Canongait or vther partis to be sauld within this said burgh, for sersing of the gudnes fynes and warkmanschip of the samyn, sua that oure Souerane Lord and his liegis be nocht begylit tharwyth as saidis; Beseking heirfor youre lordschippis and wisdomes that ye wald grant ws be your autorite till haue and tak ouklie on the merket day ane penny of ilk dakyr of barkit leddir, and of ilk stand of maid stuf belanging till oure said craft, that beis brocht fra landwart Cannongait or vther pairtis to be sauld within this burgh to the reparatioun of oure said altar, siklyke as vther craftis within this burgh has, sen it is for the commoun weill and with the grace of God we sall do sua for the honoure of God and vphalding of devyne seruice at oure said altare and for the vniuersale weill of oure Souerane Lordis liegis, that youre lordschippis salbe contentit tharof, with your deliuerance heirintill humlie we beseik; and als the saidis dekin and maisteris producit oure Souerane Lordis lettres vndir his signet and subscriptioun manuall of the date at Striuelyng the secund day of Merche, and of his rigne the tuenty yeir desyrand and chargeand ws till consent to the samyn. The quhilk supplicatioun and bill beand opinlie red before us in jugement, and thairwith we beand ryple avysit in all poynttis and artiklis contenit thairintill, fyndis the samyn consonant to resoun and for the commoun weill of all oure Souerane Lordis liegis of this burgh and vtheris reparand tharto, and tharfor we consent gevis and grantis for ws and oure successouris to the saidis dekyn kirkmaisteris and brethir of the said craft of Cordinaris now present and thare successouris in all tymes tocum full faculte and fredome that thai ouklie on the merket day haue and tak ane penny to the reparatioun of thair said altare of Sanctis Crispin and Crispiniani and vphalding of dewyne seruice tharat, off ilk dakyr of barkyt leddir and siklyk of ilk stand of maid stuf belangand thare craft that beis brocht fra landwart Cannongait or ony vther pairtis to be sauld within this said burgh, for sersing of the gudnes fynes and warkmanschip of the said stuf, swa that our said Souerane Lord and his liegis be nocht begylit tharwytht anent the insufficientness of the samyn, conforme to the command and desyre of our Souerane Lordis lettres and writtingis direct to ws thairapon, and syklike as vther craftis has within this said burgh, dischargeing thaim and thair successouris of ony takin of sik pennes fra ony persone duelland within this burgh; and this to all and sindry quham it efferis or may effeir we mak it knawin be thir presentis. In witnes of the quhilk thing we haue to thir present lettres hungin oure commoun seill of caus, at Edinburgh the xvij day of the moneth of September, the yeir of God ane thousand fif hundreth thretty and thre yeris.