Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1871.
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'Extracts from the Records: 1529', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp3-18 [accessed 12 February 2025].
'Extracts from the Records: 1529', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp3-18.
"Extracts from the Records: 1529". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp3-18.
24 February 1528–9.
Regratouris dischargeit.
It is statute and ordanit that na maner of persoun regratouris man nor woman within this burgh regraitt nor sell wylde fowlis nor tayme nor vther stufe fra this hour furth vnder the payne of banesing of the towne, and quhair thai can be apprehendit other be the officeris or any vther mediat persoun thai sall be banist this towne and thair wylde meitt and tayme that thai haif escheitt to the officeris, and that all maner of persouns that takis wylde meitt, or land men that bringis wylde meitt or tame, to this towne, sall be frie to sell thame daylie at the cors on quhat pryce thai and the byare can agrie thairvpon, and that na vther persoun occupie nor vse the samyn vnder the payne foresaid.—(The same statute 24 Januarij 1527.—Tr.)
28 February 1528–9.
Lowsing of twa buithes.
The quhilk day, the baillies and counsale decernis and ordanis Mungo Tennent, thesaurer of this yeir bygane, till content pay and delyuer till Jhone Purves, thesaurer, the sowm of twa hundreth merkis restand in his hands of the commoun guid of the said last yeir he wes thesaurer, and dischairges him thairof be this present writt now and for euir; and als ordanis the said Jhone Purves thesaurer till content and pay incontinent till Michaell M'Quhen for the commoun buith quhilk he hes in wedsett of the guid towne, for redemptioun of the samyn, the sowm of fiftie pundis, and to William Rynd for ane vther buith quhilk he hes in wedsett thre scoir punds, and to resaue ower thair rycht of the said twa buithis with all lettres and euidents maid to thame thairvpoun, quhilk sowmes beand payit be the said Jhone Purves thesaurer sall be thankfully allowet to him in his compts, kepand this writt and precept for his discharge and warrand.—(In the lowse leiffes.—Tr.)
[Annual owing to Friars Preachers.]
(Ane act quhairin mentioun is maid of ane vj s. viij d. annuell awand to the Freiris Predicatouris furth of the landis of William Lyndsay, burges, lyand at the nether end of the Flesche Merkat on the sowth syde of the Kingis streitt.— In the lowse leiffes.—Tr.)
13 April 1529.
Pro Georgeo Mayn.
Decimo tertio die mensis Aprilis, anno Domini jm vc xxixno, indictione secunda, pontificatus domini nostri Clementis Pape septimi anno vjto, in mei notarij publici et testium subscriptorum presentia, personaliter constitutus Johannes Mauchane qui ex suo propria confessione confessus est prout sequitur in vulgari—[On the thirteenth day of the month of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and twenty-nine, in the second indiction, in the sixth year of the pontificate of our lord Pope Clement the Seventh, in presence of me, notary-public, and witnesses subscribing, compeared personally John Mauchane, who, of his own proper confession, confesses as follows in the common tongue]:— Johne Mauchane grantis him wele content and thankfulle pait be the deliuerans of George Mayn of the some of iijxx vj libris xj s. iiij d. vsuale money of Scotland, in the name and behalf of the Erle of Muray, for certane silkis and vther merchandice coft and ressauit be the said Erls facttouris fra the said Johne Mauchane within the tovne of Edinburgh, and herefor quitclames and dischargis the said George his airis executouris and assignais and als the said Erle his aires executouris and assignais for now and euirmar, but fraud and gile: And in takin hereof the said John Mauchane hes deliuerit till the said George the said Erles obligatione, quhilk contenit the said some, and als the said Johne discharge all actis maid befor the provest and baillies of the said burgh till him be the said George of the said sovme, [and] consentis that the samyn be of nane avale, force, nor effect in tyme cuming, bot the saymn tilbe put furth. Super quibus dictus Georgeus petiit instrumenta; Acta erant hec in taberna Nicholaij Carnecros hora xj ante merediem, Testibus Patricio Linlithgow, Johanne Lakprevik, et Willelmo Ogilvy. [Upon which the said George asked instruments. These things were done in the tavern of Nicholas Carnecros, in the eleventh hour before noon. Witnesses, Patrick Linlithgow, John Laprevik, and William Ogilvy.]
24 September 1529.
(The lyke statute [12 Maij 1502] that nane of certane townes suspect of pest repair heir nor be harbereit.—Tr.)
8 October 1529.
It is statute and ordanit be the provest ballies and counsall that na broustar na dry tapstar within this burgh tak apone hand to sell ony derrar aill fra Monunday furth at nixt cummys na xvi d. the galloun, and at it be gud and sufficient aill of the price forsaid commonlie tilbe sauld till all the Kingis liges, vnder the pane of viij s. for the first falt, the secund falt deling of thair aill, and the third falt to bring thar caldrone or kettellis to the cros and ding thame throw with ane puncione and spane thame fra the operatione for yer and day.
Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest ballies and counsall that all baxtaris within this burgh baik thar breid gud and sufficient stuff weill bakin and dryit, and at the ij d. laif wey xviij vncis, and the brovne breid efferand tharto, vnder the pane of ane wnlaw the first falt, and fra thine furth deling of thar breid. And at na hukstar within this toune tap nor sell ony quhite breid in for buthis fra Monunday furth vnder the pane of eschaeting of the breid and bannasing of thaim the toune; and at ilk baxtar haif bot ane buth to sell his breid in allanerlie, and his awin merk apone his breid.
Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest ballies and counsall that all maner of parsonis candilmakaris within this burgh that thai mak thair candill that thai sell till our Souerane Lordis legis of gud and sufficient stuff baith weyk and tallone and sufficient werkmanschip, and at thai sell the pund thairof commonlie for vj d. the rag weyk and v d. the lib. the hardis weyk, at thai haif thair ballandis and wechtis baith les and mar, and be redy till sell the samyne in pundis and half pundis in houssis and vtouth gif thai pas apone the hie gait, vnder the pane of viij s. for the first falt, and the secund falt eschaet of thair stuff, and the third falt spanyng of thar operatione; and quhen thai pas throw the tovne that thai be honestlie tursit vnder the panis forsaid; and at na candilmaker melt thair tallone on the foirgait vnder the said panis.
Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest ballies and counsall that all maner of stabillar within this burgh haif thair stabilis weill and sufficient furnest with hek and mangear, with sufficient lokis for the durris for sure keiping of the horsis that stabillis with thame, and sall sell thar best corne that wilbe meill till all our Souerane Lordis legis for vj d. the pek, and the secundar for v d. the pek, and at thai sell the stane of hay for iiij d. the stane, under the pane of viij s. for the first falt, the secund falt escheat of the stuff, and the thrid falt spanyng fra thair operatione; and at thai tak na stabill fee fra the personis that lugis with thame, thai byand thar corn and hay fra the said stabillaris; and at na maner of personis except stabillaris by nor sell ony aittis or hay to sell and regrait to the Kingis liegis vnder the pane of eschaeting of the stuff and bannasing of the toune.
Pultre and wyld foule.
Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest ballies and counsall for the commoune weill of this burgh and all our Souerane Lordis liegis reparand tharto, that all maner of personis that sellis pultrye duelland within this burgh or vtouth reparand tharto with syk stuff to sell in tyme cummyn that thai bring thar stuff forsaid, pultre and wyld meit, opinlie to sell at the merkat cors, and nocht to be haldin in covert under cloikis or gounis nor yit in thar housis, bot commonlie tilbe sauld till all thair Souerane Lordis liegis; and euery day heirfor to be ane merkat day at the merkat corse and nane vther place; and at thai begin thar merkat betuix viij and ix houris befor none and sa continew quhill xij houris, and at twa howris efternone and to continew quhill v houris at evin in winter and quhill vij houris in somer; and the strangeris bring and syk stuff to the merkat and out duellaris till haif the merkat dalie siklyke; and at na nychtbowr man or woman by fra the strangeris priualie or oppinlie to sell or regrait agane ony maner of wyld foull or tayme, nor at nane pas out of the toune to by ony wyld foull or tayme to regrait agane be the space of vj milis, vnder the pane of bannasing of the toune and eschaet of thar stuff that beis fund with thame; and at nane of the saidis regratoris he sene in the merkat amangis byaris and sellaris of wylde or tayme vnder the saidis paynes.
Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest ballies and counsall that na maner of persone man nor woman regrait nor by ony fische to tap nor sell agane to the nychtbouris of the toune nor to our Souerane Lordis liegis quhill xij houris be struikin, and fra ane hour efter none quhill vj houris at evin, vnder the pane of bannasing of the toune; and at na syk personis pas out the toune to the portis or vnder placis to by ony fysche to regrat agane vnder the said payne.
Item, that na maner of parsone man nor woman regratouris of fische, eggis, butter, cheis, frute or vther syk stuff hald ony maner of burdis or cramis to sell syklike stuf apone the hie gait nor vnder staris bot in thar awin house fra this tyme furth vnder the pane of bannasing of the tovne, and at nane of the saidis regratouris be sene in the merkat amangis byaris or sellaris on to the tyme of the saidis houris of xij at none and quhill vj houris at evin be past vnder the pane of bannasing, and at na regratour by ony butter or cheis bot on the merkat day and nocht quhill xij hours be strakin at none, vnder the pane of bannasing.
The statute to haue wappinnis redy in buthis.
Item, because in tymes past thar has bene slauchteris and murthoraris committit within the tovne in defalt of the officiaris and nochtbouris that rysis nocht to resist and pvnis the samyne, to the gret sclander and diffamatioune of the toune makand it to be fre to all syk mischeiffis. Heirfor it is statute and ordanit that euery merchand and craftisman haiffand thair foir buthis that thai haif in thair said buthis ane ax or twa or thre efter as thai haif seruandis, and to cum incontinent to the provest or ballies reddy to fortefy and manteine thar ouer men and justice; and quha that has nocht the said wappinnis fra Monunday furth nixt to cum and is nocht reddy to cum to thair ouer men incontinent as said is, to pay to the commone werkis of the tovne xl s. for the first falt, and for the secund falt gif he be ane man of substans to pay x li. to the commone werkis of the tovne, and for the thrid falt tyne his fre- dome. And gif he be ane man that has nocht substans and may nocht pay the said wnlawis, to tyne his fredome for yeir and day and forther induring the townis will.
That na broustaris nor regratouris be tholit.
Item, it is statut and ordanit be the prouest ballies and counsall that na maner of broustaris nor regratouris be tholit within this tovne bot thai that ar kend honest and substancious personis, fra Monunday furtht nixt to cum, bot thai that sall be admittit be the provest ballies and counsall, vnder the pane of bannasing of the toune.
The Meill Market.
Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest ballies and counsall that na maner of personis man nor woman that bringis ony meill to this merket within this tovne stryk vp the samyne quhill ix houris befor none, and at na persone house the samyne within houssis quhill iiij efter none be strykin ilk day, vnder the pane of eschaet tharof, and at na metteris of meill mak ony metting tharof within this toune bot at the awnaris of the said meill met the samyne thar self till all our Souerane Lordis liges, vnder the pane of bannasing, and at na personis sonis man nor woman regrait nor by meill to sell the samyn agane in smallis vnder the said panis of bannasing.
10 October 1529.
Anent bikkeringis.
It is statut and ordainit be the prouest ballies and counsall, forsamekle as thar has bene gret bikkyrringis betuix barnis and followis in tymes past, and diuers thar throw hurt in perrell of thar lyffis, and gif sik thingis be vsit thar man diuers barnis and innocentis be slane and diuisione arys amangis nychtbouris tharthrow, heirfor we charge straitlie and commandis in our Souerane Lord the Kingis name, the prouest and ballies of this burgh, that na sic bikkyrrangis be vsit in tymes to cum; certifing that and ony persone be fund bikkyrrand that thar faderis and masteris sall ansuer and be accusit for thar deidis, and gif thai be vagabondis thai to be scurgit and bannist the toune.
Regraiteris banist.
It [is] statut and ordainit be the prouest ballies and counsall of this toune, forsamekle as it wes statut that na maner of persone man nor woman regraite nor by ony fysche to tap nor sell agane to the nychtbouris of this toune nor nane vthir our Souerane Lordis liegis quhill xij houris be strikin, and fra ane hour efter none quhill vj houris at evin, vnder the pane of bannasing, nochtwithstanding Margret Clapane has contempnandlie brokin the said statut and coft osteris this day to regrait agane, in contrar the said statutis maid therapone, quharfor the prouest ballies and counsall bannasis the saidis Margret Clapane this toune indurand thar willis, and nocht to cum tharintill in the mein quhill vnder the pane of bannasing for all the dayes of hir lyff, and till removf within xxiiij houris vnder the said pane.
Banist for bying of wyld meit.
The quhilk day, it was statut and ordanit be the prouest ballies and counsall of this tovne that na maner of parsone man nor woman duelland within this tovne by fra ony strangearis priuatlie or oppinlie to sell or regrat agane ony maner of wyld foule or tayme, vnder the pane of bannasing of the tovne and eschaite of thar stufe that beys fundin with thame, nochtwithstanding William Cawder has contempnantlie brokin the said statutis, and coft certane pluveris and vther wild meit incontrare the said statutis, quharfor the saidis prouest and ballies banisis the said William this toune enduring thar willis, and nocht to cum tharintill vnder the pane of bannasing for all the dayes of his lyff, and till remouf within xxiiij houris.
Jonet Broune banist for euer.
Jonet Broune for hir demeretis is bannist this toune for all the dayes of hir lyf, and neuir to cum tharintill wnder the pane of deid, and to remouf incontinent vnder the said pane.
Relaxatione. Agnes Turnour.
The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest, Robert Henrysone is becuming souirte for Agnis Turnour that scho sall obserf and keip the statuttis of the toune, and at scho shall by na aittis to tap nor regrat agane till our Souerane Lordis liegis in tyme to cum, efter the forme of the said statutis, vnder the pane of xx li.
15 October 1529.
Agnes Turnour, Alison Home, Jonet Bell, Male Persone, and Cristan Reynaldsone bannist.
The quhilk day, forsamekle as it wes statut and ordanit be the prouest ballies and counsall that na maner of personis man nor woman suld by aittis or hay to sell and regrait agane to the Kingis liegis bot allanerlye stabillaris, vnder the pane of eschaet of the stuf and bannasing of the tovne, as the statutis maid tharapone proportis, quhilkis war opinly proclamit at the merket cors, neuertheles Agnes Turnour, Alisone Home, Jonet Bell, Male Peirsone and Cristiane Reynaldsoun has contempnandlie brokin the said statutis, and coft corn and aittis in greit to regrait agane, quharfor the saidis provest ballies and counsall bannesis the saidis Agnes Turnour, Alisone Home, Jonet Bell, Male Peirsone, and Cristiane Reynaldsone this tovne indurand the provest ballies and counsallis will, and nocht to cum in the tovne in the meyntyme vnder the payne of bannasing for euer quhill thai obtene licens, and to devoyd within xxiiij houris.
Gelis Murray and Christiane Blacat, spanit fra bying of aittis.
The quhilk day, the provest ballies and counsall ordanis that Gelis Murray and Cristiane Blacat decist and cess fra all maner of bying or selling of aittis or halding of stabillis to regrait the samyne in tyme to cum, bot spanis thame fra the said occupatione for all the dayis of thar lyf, vnder the pane of bannasyng.
Allane Blair convict.
The quhilk day, forsamekle as it was statute and ordanit that na persoune suld cum furth of Sanctandrois nor na vther suspect placis to this tovne vnder the pain of deid, nochtwithstanding Alane Blair has contempnandly dissobayit the samyn and cummyn to this toune furth of the said toune of Sanctandrois, and has incurrit the said panis, quharfor the provest ballies and counsall has dispensit with his lyf, and has bannist him this toune for all the dayis of his lyf, and nocht to cum within the samyn in the meyntyme vnder the pane of deid.
17 October 1529.
Relaxatio. [Fullertown.]
The quhilk day, in presens of the provest, Alexander Spens is becummyn souerte for [Elizabeth Fullertown] that scho sall obserf and keip the statutis of this tovn and nocht to by fische to regrait agane quhill the houris be strykin that is contenit in the statutis, vnder the pane of xx li., quharfor the provest and ballies relaxis hir that was bannist the tovn for brekin of the statutis, and admittis hir to cum till hir awin hous as scho was obefor.
Anent the pestilens.
It is statut and ordanit, forsamekill as the prouest ballies and counsall of this tovne are suirlie aduertiste that the pestilens is spred in diuers tonis and pairtis beyound the waltir, quharthrow it is gret dangeir to resaif ony personis duelland in ony pairtis beyond the said waltir of Fortht, that tharfor we command and charge in our Souerane Lordis behalf, the prouest ballies and counsall of this toune, that na maner of parsone duelland beyond the said waltir bring ony merchandice or repair within this burgh, nor that nane maner of parsone duelland in this toune resset ony sik personis or thar gudis, wnder the pane of pvnisione of thar personis and bannysing of this tovne for euir; Certifying all thame of Dunde, Sanct Johnestoune, Cowper, and all vther the tovnis of the northt syde, that we will nocht that thai cum to this nixt fair of Hellomes, nor that thai bruk the fredome tharof for this yeir, excepand alwayis the fair of nolt and sheip.
Relaxatione Margret Clapane.
The quhilk day, forsamekill as Margret Clapane was banist this toune of befor for the breking of the statutis in the bying of fische to regrait agane, and remanit furtht of the toune at the tounis wyll, quharfor the prouest ballies and counsall relaxsis the said Margret, and admittis her till cum till her awand hous within this toune; and scho oblices hir to obsarf and keip the statutis of the toune and nocht to faill tharintill, wnder the pane of bannasing for euer.
Oblis Besse Peny.
The quhilk day, Besse Penne oblissis hir neuir to by butter nor cheis nor othir stuff to regrait agane in tyme to cum, and to obserf and keip the statutis of the tovne wnder the pane of bannasing for euer.
20 October 1529.
[Sheriff Court.]
Curia vicecomitatis Burgi de Edinburgh, tenta coram balliuis ejusdem, in Pretorio dicti burgi, xxmo Octobris anno ImVc xxixo. [In the Sheriff-Court of the Burgh of Edinburgh, held before the bailies of the same, in the Tolbooth of the said burgh, on the twentieth of October, in the year one thousand five hundred and twenty-nine.]
Johne Henrisone. | George Bird. | Williame Richmond. |
Robert Cuming. | David Lausone. | Roule Donaldsone. |
Henry Russaule. | Robert Henrisone. | George Crag. |
George Yettis. | Henry Heriot. |
[John Dougall banist.]
Johne Dougall indytit and accusit for the airt and pairt of the thiftuis steling and conceling fra Walter Scot furth of his maling in the Dene, in harvist at last wes, of xxij schavis of bere, for the quhilk cause he was bannist this tovne induring the prouest and ballies will, and nocht to cum tharintill quhill he optene licence, vnder the pane of bannesing for euer, quit of the twa stowkis of aitis quhar thai war standand on the feld, and for the thifte fra the said Waltir of ane stouk of peis and ane vther of aitis, and for the thiftis fra Thome Home and his nichtbonris of ane boll of here, and for the thift of ane furlot of aitis quhilk was dicht in Richert Joysis barn.
Relexatio. Reyneldsoun.
The quhilk day, forsamekle as Cristiane Reynaldsoun was bannist the toune for bying and regrating of aittis and breking of the statutis of the tovne, and now the provest and bailies movit of pite has relaxit the said Cristiane to the fredome of the tovne, and William Elphinstone is becummyn souerte and cautioun that scho sail obserf and keip the statutis and nocht to fait in tyme tocum, vnder the pane of xxti lib.
Mettis and mesaouris to sell aittis or meill.
It is statut and ordanit be the provest bailies and counsall that na maner of personis, stabillaris and sellaris of meill, man or woman, within this burgh, tap or sell aittis or meill bot with ane sufficient lele mesour pek and ferlot, and at the samyn be brynt with the commoun merkyn irne of the tovne, vnder the payne of breking of the lvme, and ane vnlaw of viij s. for the first fait, and the secund fait spanyng, and at thai cum to the Tolbuth with thar pekkis and furlottis to merk the samyn.
The merket for aittis and horse corn.
It is statute and ordanit be the provest bailies and counsall that in tyme to cum thar be ane dalie merket of aittis haldin apone the hill vnder the wall foment Alexander Andersonis land; and tharfor chargis that na stabillar nor vther tak upone hand till by aittis quhill thai be present and sett dovne in the said merket, vnder the pain of ane vnlaw to be tane of thani that dois in the contrar, but fauouris; and all personis that bringis ony aittis to this toune to sell, that thai present and sell the samyn in the said merket and nane vther place within this toune.
21 October 1529.
Relaxatione. Alisone Home.
The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest and bailies Thorn Schort is becuming souerte for Alisone Home his moder, that scho sail keip the statutis of the toune and nocht to by aittis to sell agane wnder the pane of xx lib., quharfor scho wes relaxt till the fredome of this toune efter scho wes bennest the samyne for breking of the said statutis.
Relaxatione. Gilbert Skeillis wife.
The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest, Gilbert Skeill is becummyn souerte and cautioun for his wif, that scho sail obey and vnderly the statutis of the toune and nocht to intromet nor by aittis nor hay till sell and regrait agane to the Kingis liegis vnder the payne of xx lib., quharforthe said Gilbertis wif was relaxit agane to the fredom of the toune as scho was obefor or scho was bannist the samyn for brekin of the saidis statutis.
23 October 1529.
Relaxatione. Male Peirsone.
The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest baillie Mongo Tennent and counsale, James Cadder seruitour till our Souerane Lord is becumming souerte for Male Peirsone, that scho sall obserue and kep the statutis in tyme to cum that scho sall nocht by aittis or hay till regrait the samyn till our Souerane Lordis legis, efter the forme of the statutis mad tharapone, vnder the pane of x li., quharfor the said provest bailie and counsale relaxis hir fra the said bannessing and admittis hir till hir priuilege, and to cum till hir avne house as abefore.
Penes infirmitate.
The quhilk day, forsamekle as this contagius seiknes of pestilens is spred in sindry pairtis beyond the watter, and diuerse personis men women and boys reparis and ar ressett within this toune to the greit apperand perell and scaith, quharfor we charge straitlie and commandis in our Souerane Lord the Kingis naim, provest and bailies of this burgh, that na maner of person man nor woman induellar of this toune tak apone hand to house harbery or ressett ony maner of personis within thar houssis quhat pairt that euer thai cum fra, bot at thai cum and revele the samyn to the officiaris of the tovne, vnder pain of bannasing of the samyn.
Spaneing William Bartovne.
The quhilk day, fforsamekle as it wes clerlie wnderstand that William Bartone had brokin the statutis of the toune byand wyld foulis till regrait agane to the Kingis liegis, quharfor the prouest bailies and counsall dischargis the said William and spanis him his wyf and seruandis fra all maner of selling of wyld foulis or tayme, cvnyngis, or vther syk lyk stuff in tyme to cum, and at he vse na syk selling vnder the pane of bannasing for euer.
Command the officiaris till bring the pekis to burne.
The quhilk day, the prouest and bailies ordanis the officiaris till pas ilk ane of thame throw thar awin quarter and charge all parsonis that vsis mettis, pck, forlot, that thai bring thar mettis to the Tolbutht the morne tilbe brynt, wnder the pane of breking of thar messouris, and ane wnlaw tilbe tane of thame that falis.
Spaning meill sellaris.
Jane Reid. | Alisone Yong. | Anne Yeid. | Jonot Smyth. |
Besse Kar. | Wm. Andersone. | Male Maluf. | Margret Cwnynghame. |
James Foster. | Dem Cokeren. | Dem Wile. |
The prouest ballies and counsall commandis and chargis that nane 0f thir parsonis abone writtin by ony maner of meill in tyme to cum in the markat nothir efter none no forrow none nor na tyme of the day nor nycht to regrait agane, wnder the pane of bannasing of the toune for yeir and day, but fawouris.
Margeret Scheid alias Jamiesone, Johne Coppar alias Morson, ar banist this tovne for thar demeriteis, and nocht to cum heirintill vnder the pane of burning of thar cheikis and bannasing thame for euer.
13 November 1529.
Statute anent the regratouris of fische.
The quhilk day, the provest bailies and counsall statutis and ordanis that na maner of regratour of fysche, man nor woman, by ony fische to sell agane apone Wednisday quhill efter none; and dischargis thame of ony bying of fysche apone Fryday nothir forow none nor efter nor yit apone Satterday quhill efter none, vnder the pane of bannasing; and at nane of the said regratouris sell thar hering nor fische neir the outlandis men that bringis the fische to the toune bot on the tothir syde of the gait foment; and at the said regratouris be nocht fund in the merket amangis byaris and sellaris vnder the panis forsaid.
Dauid Cristeson banist.
Dauid Cristeson is banist this tovne because he is ane young stark fallow and beggis and will nocht wirk for his leving.
Irichman that singis with the las banist.
The quhilk day, Irichman that singis with the las and beggis throu the toune is banist this toune becaus he is ane sterk young fallow and will nocht werk, under the pane of burning of his cheik.
Jonet Heriot.
Jonet Heriot is ordanit be the prouest bailies and counsall till decis and ces fra all baging in tyme to cum, bot that scho werk for hir leving, vnder the pane of banasing.
23 November 1529.
Anne Broune.
The quhilk day, the provest bailies and counsall dischargis Anne Broune that scho cum nocht in the meill market nor met meill tharintill in tyme to cum, vnder the payne of bannasing of the toune.
Andro Gibson banist.
The quhilk day, the provest bailies and counsall has bannist Andro Gibsoun this tovne for euer, for his bying of the Kingis money apone ane hyear prys na it is strykin for and selling and regrating agane of the samyn, rasing the derth of money.
Pate Lorne and his wif dischargit.
The quhilk day, Pate Lorne and his wif is dischargit be the provest bailies and counsall fra all maner of bying or selling of buttir fresche or salt in tyme to cum, vnder the payne of bannasing of the tovne.
Anent bringing aill from Leith.
It is statute and ordanit be the prouest bailies and counsall that na maner of persone induellar within this burgh, man nor woman, bring ony aill furth of Leith till tap sell or drink in thar houssis fra Monunday furth nixt tocum quhill twa monethis be gane thareftar, vnder the pane of eschaet of the aill that cummys in the contrar, but fauouris.
Luk Jameson banist.
The quhilk day, forsamekill as Luk Jamesoun has brokin the statutes of the tovne in bying of herring in the merkat to sell and regrait agane, for the quhilk cause he is banist this toune induring the tounis will.
David Scot banist for yeir and day.
The quhilk day, Dauid Scot is banist this tovne for his demeriteis for yeir and day and breking of the statutis, and nocht to cum tharintill quhill he optene lycens.
William Lyndesay souirte for Issobell Merarche.
The qukilk day, forsamekill as it is wnderstand be the prouest that Issobell Merarche has brokin the statutis of the toune in bying of aittis and selling of thame agane in contrar the said statutis, for the quhilk scho hes incurit the pannis of bannasing of the tovne, nochtwithstanding because it wes the first falt the prouest has dispensit with hir at this tyme, and has tane William Lyndesay souirte that scho sall keip the statutis of the tovne in tyme to cum, vnder the pane of x li., but fauoris.
Statuta pro Infirmitate.
The quhilk day, forsainekill as it wes vnderstand that the seiknes of pestilens is richt vehement and perseweris still in Sanctandrois, and the spredin tharof was maist he conuersatione of nichtbouris trastand it had bene the het seiknes, and in defalt that the personis that war infekkit wald nocht releif the samyn, quharfor we charge stratlie and commandis in our Souerane Lord the Kingis name, provest [and] bailies of this burgh, that all maner of persones within this burgh that has ony persone, man woman or barne, seik within thar houssis, that thai hald thame be tharself and reweill the samyne to the prouest and officiaris of the tovne, vnder the pane of bannasing of thame the toune for euer.
Dauid Scot banist for all the dayes of his lyf.
The quhilk day, forsamekill as Dauid Scot wes bennest twys off befor for breking of the statutis of the toune, and contemplie disobait the samyn and come within the toune without licens, for the quhilk caus he wes curgit and he is new banist for all the dayes of his lyf, and nocht to cum tharin in the meyntyme wnder the pane of deid.
Robert Andersone curgit and banist for euer.
The quhilk day, forsarnekill as Robert Andersone grantit with his awin confessione that he staw x s. fra Andro Lausone fleschour, for the quhilk cause he wass curgit and banist this tone for all the dayes of his [lyf], and nocht to cum tharintill in the meynetyme vnder the pane of deid.
That nane pas beyond the water of Forth without licence.
The quhilk day, the prouest bailies and counsall statutis and ordanis in our Souerane lord the Kingis name, and tharis, that na maner of persone induellar of this burgh pas beyond the waiter of Forthe without speciall licence of the prouest, vnder the pane of bannasing for yeir and day; and als that na maner of persone induellar within this burgh nor vtheris by ony maner of clath, wou nor lyning nor yarne nor wther siklik stuf, beyond the waiter of Forthe to bring to this tovne, wnder the said pane of bannasing; and inlykwyse that na maner of persone man nor woman duelland within this burgh resset house nor harbery ony maner of persone duelland beyond the waiter of Forthe without leif of the prouest of the toune, vnder the said pane of bannasing.
15 December 1529.
Statuta anent the wxtouris.
The quhilk day, the prouest bailies and counsall statutis and ordanis that na maner of wxtar man nor woman within this burgh tap nor sell buttir nor chese nor eggis in thar housis nor vthout fra this tyme furth, bot thai that cummis to the prouest and gettis leif fra him tharto; and to find souerte that thai sall keip the statutis of the toune in tyme to cum, wnder the pane of bannasing.
The quhilk day, the provest ballies and counsall statutis and ordanis that the lang fage of quheit breid sauld be vnfriemen on the merket dais be guid and sufficient stuf weill bakin and dryit, and at thai keip the wecht and pais of the ij d. laif and iiij penny laif of quheit breid of the wecht of Leith; and als ordanis that the fowattis of Mussilburgh and vtheris sauld be vnfremen apone the merket dayis be weill bakin and dryit gude and sufficient stuf, and at thai keip the pais of the ij d. laif and iiii d. laif of quheit breid of the wecht of Leith, vnder the pane of eschaet of the samyne; and at na hukstar sell nor tap ony of the saidis fagis nor fowattis within thar housis in tyme to cum, vnder the said payne; and als ordanis that quhat persone that baikis ony aitt laiffis that thai be gude stuff and fresche, and at the penny laif tharof wey the penny laif wecht and thrid part wecht of quheit breid, vnder the said pane; and at the dekin and masteris of the baxtaris tak Thome Arnot officiar, or ony vthir officiar thai pleise with thaim dalie quhane thai lyk to put this act till executione.
The desyre of Thome Mereleys.
The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsall has considerit the desyre of Thome Mureleis till cum in to his awin house of the mure with his self wyf and barnis and guddis, vnclengeit, the prouest ballies and counsall has consentit tharto, he beand oblist apone his lyf heretage and gudis that na scaith nor infectione sall cum within his house nor throw the wnclengeing of his gudis in tyme to cum, and to remane be himself xv dayis efter his hame cummyn.
Statute of the aill.
The quhilk day, it is statut and ordanit, forsamekle as the provest ballies and counsall of this toune ar aduertist that the statutis of the aill is nocht kepit, bot the samyn sauld for xx d. and ij s. the gallone, quharfor we command and charge in our Souerane Lord the Kingis name, prouest and ballies of this burgh, that na maner of persone tap nor sell ony derrar aill fra this hour furth na for xvj d. the gallone, according to the first statute maid therapone, certifying thaim that the prouest will pas with the ballies in propir persone, and quhar he findis ony breking of the said statute thai salbe spanit and put fra ony brewing or tapping of aill quhill the nixt terme of Michaelmes, and banist the toune gif thai failye.
22 December 1529.
Plegts of the wxtaris.
The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest, Johne M'Gichane is becuming souertie his land and guidis that he sall obserue and keip the statut maid apone wxtaris anent the bying and selling of buttir cheise and eggis and all vther sicklik stuf, efter the forme of the said statut, and nocht to falye tharintill vnder the pane of xx li.
The samyn day, Mastir Thomas Marioribank is becuming inlikwise souertie for Besse Yallowleys that scho sall obserue and keip the said statut in all thingis efter the forme of the samyn, vnder the pane of xx li.