Extracts from the Records: 1552

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1871.

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'Extracts from the Records: 1552', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp162-175 [accessed 12 February 2025].

'Extracts from the Records: 1552', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp162-175.

"Extracts from the Records: 1552". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp162-175.


26 January 1551-2.

Anent burges sonis. Vnfremen.

The quhilk day, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that all maner of burges sonis within this burgh efter thay be maryit that thay outher pay extent with the rest of the nychtbouris of this burgh or than pay thair custum as vnfremen, and gif thair aithis vpoun thair guidis as vnfremen, and this to be obseruit for ane ordinence in tyme cuming.


The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale ordanis James Carmichaell dene of gild to sfceik wp all maner of personis buith duris that ar nocht fremen, and thole tham nocht to occupy ony maner of fredome vnto the tyme thay pay thair dewte thairfore.

10 February 1551-2.

Anent the flesche.

It is statut and ordanitt be the provest baillies and counsale in all tyme cuming, that na maner of flescheouris within this burgh, bayth land flescheouris and vthers, tak vpoun hand fra this day furth to sell ony derar flesche nor the best mwttoun bowke for xij.s., and werst for viijs., vunder the pane of excheting of the hale mwttoun that beis appewhendit with thame.

Anent the malt

Item, it is statute and ordanitt be the prouest bailleis and counsale in all tyme cuming, that na maner of maltman this burgh take vpoun hand to sell ony derar malt fra this day furth nor the ix furlottis for iij li. viij s., in consideration that the beir is commonle sauld for xxviij s., xxix s. and xxx s. the boll, and providit be the act of parliament that thai sall haif iiij s. betuix the boll of malt and beir, vnder the pane of v li.

8 April 1552.


It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that all maner of baxstaris within this burgh baik thair breid gude and sufficient stufe, and that the iiij d. laif wey xvj vncis, vnder the pane of xl s. to be tane of thame als oft as thay failye, and that the outlandis baxstaris have thair iiij d. laif weyand xx vncis vnder the pane of escheting thairof, and that na breid be bakin nor brocht to the merket to sell except iiij d. breid, twa pence breid, vj d. breid, and viij d. breid, vnder the said pane.

11 May 1552.

Penes burgenses.

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement findis and deliueris that all vnfremen nocht beand burgessis sworn and ressauit aucht to pay thair customes to the customer of the wyld auenturis and vther customes.

Anent the mettis in Leyth.

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale ordanis that Johne Dalmahoy, thair seriand and officer of the port and havin of Leyth, in all tymes cumyng keip the mesouris callit the watter mettis for salt, ry, quheit and beir, and siclik the ferlottis for meill and sic victuell, and to vplift the proffit of the mesowring thairof, viz., viij d. of the chalder, and vther sic dewiteis as vsit to be takin of befoir; providand alwys that this gift hurt nor preiuge nocht the fermorar of the wyld auenturis present nor nane tocum tuicheing his richt of the saidis mesouris.

27 May 1552.

Werkmen of Leyth.

Thomas Cunynghame, Johne Stewinsoun, Mongo Paterson, James Robeson, Johne Culros, Mertyne Purdy, Archibald Dikeson, William Richesoun, admittit werkmen be the prouest baillies and counsale and sworn to be leill and trew to the towne, and to haif allanerly thir prices for thair laubouris, viz.: fra ane freman for lossing and sellaring of ane twn wyne in punscheounis xij d., and of ilk twn pype wyne xvj d.; off the vnfreman for the lossing and sellaring of the twn punscheoun wyne xvj d., and pype wyne ij s.; and fra fremen for the cairting of the twn wyne on the schore viij d., and gif it be brocht furth of the sellar towit our vther wyne xij d. and of all strangearis xij d. the twn.

Anent the mettaris of victuall and salt.

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale findis that the chesing of the mettaris of all victuall and salt inbrocht to Leyth aucht to be be the counsale and the jugis, and that the commoun mesouris sald be deliuerit to the fermorar of the wyld auenturis to be vsit be quhame he plesis assigne thairto, &c.

Anent the kirk yard dyk.

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the eister stan dik of the kirk yard to be tane downe and the proppis tane away vpoun the expens of the choppis malis at the kirk yard fute.


The quhilk day, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that the pace of quheit breid be xiij vncis be our awin baxteris and xvij vncis be the outlandis, vnder the pane of xl s. to be tane of the baxteris of this burgh and eschete of the vther baxteris stufe.


The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale findis that the breid apprehendit with Hercules Methven is fer les nor the pace, and thairfor ordanis him to pay the vnlaw for xl s.

17 June 1552.

Anent the wechtis.

The quhild day, the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement ordanis Patrik Irland baillie of his consent to caus mak certane stane wechtis of leid and merk thame with the townis merk, and that thai wey stane, half stane, and sua; and ordanis the samyn to be deliuerit to the personis that kepis the buithis at the ovir trone and vtheris that weyis woll, butter, cheis and sic stuf; and that on thair expens that sall ressaif the samyn wechtis; and thair for dischargis all the wechtis that the saidis personis hes now presentlie and gif thai be fundin weyand thairwith to be pvnist.

Anent the woll mercat

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement statute and ordanit that na maner of woll brocht to the mercat of this burgh to sell be strikin up other inwith buithis or outwith handillet or weyit quhill vij houris in the mornyng, and that na vther personis nor fremen of this burgh by ony thairof quhill xij houris be strikin vnder the pane of eschete.

6 July 1552.

Anent the baillies comptis

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the foure baillies of the yeir of God jm vc xl yeris, viz., Alexander Brown, Robert Flemyng, James M'Gill and Maister Johne Prestoun to gif in thair compt of the extent of the Gallowis raid maid in that yeir, within xv dayis.

Anent the Borrow Loch.

The quhilk day, the prouest, baillies and counsale ordanis that na personis wesche ony claithis at the Borrow Loch in tyme cummyng, and dischairgis the burnmen to tak ony burn at ony wellis in the burgh vnder sic panis that the jugis ples imput to tham.

15 July 1552.

Ewart. Villa.

The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, James Ewart confessit and grantit that laitlie he beand in Leyth desyrit to haif bocht fra Andro Gray, strangear, certane barrellis of irn, and becaus thai culd nocht aggre thairupoun he desyrit Dauid Thomson induellar in Leyth to by the samyn, quha bocht the samyn to him, quhairthrow the saidis prouest baillies and counsale fand that he had broken the statutis of this toune maid, that na maner of burgessis of this burgh suld mak blok or by gudis in Leyth, and thairby he had incurrit the pains of xl li. contenit thairintill and thairfor decernis him to pay the samyn within xxiiij houris nixt heirefter, or failyeing thairof to enter in ward and remane quhill he pay the samyn to the thesaurer.

26 July 1552.


The quhilk day, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that all maner of baxstaris within this burgh baik thair breid gude and sufficient stufe weill dryit, and that the iiij d. laif wey xvj vncis, vnder the pane of xl s. to be tane of thame als oft as thay failye; and ordanis that the outlandis baxstaris frequentand to this merkit haue thair breid weill bakin and dryit as said is, and that the iiij d. laif wey xx vncis, vnder the pane of escheit thairof, and that thair be na breid except ij d. breid, iiij d. breid, vj d. breid, and viij d. breid, vnder the pane foirsaid. Primo Augusti, proclamat.


It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that na maner of maltmen within this burgh tak vpoun hand to sell ony darrer malt fra this day furth nor iiij li. the nyne furlettis, the grund malt, vnder the pane of v li. to be tane of thame that failyeis als oft as thay failye; and als that na brousteris nor dry toppisteris within this burgh sell ony darrer aill fra Setterday nixttocum furth bot for iiij d. the pynt, vnder the pane of xl s. for the first falt, dinging out of the calderin bodum for the secund falt, and the thrid falt spanying of thame fra the occupatioun of brewing.—(Act proclamat xxij Augusti.)


Item, it is statute be the prouest baillies and counsale in all tyme cuming that na maner of flescheouris within this burgh tak vpoun hand to sell ony darrer flesche nor the best mwttoun bouk for x s., the secunder for viij s., and the wors for vj s., vnder the pane of escheting of the mwttoun that sall be apprehendit with thame, and that nane of the saidis fleschouris blaw nor lat doun ony of the said mwttoun vnder the said pane.

9 August 1552.


(An entry similar to that anent "breid," of 26th July, "the iiij d. laif of the baxters within burgh to weigh xv vncis," and that of the outlands baxters "xxiiij vncis.")

2 September 1552.


Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that all maner of personis strangeris that hes ony gudis inbrocht to the port of Leyth, chairgabill guidis that aucht to be weyit at the ouir trone, that the samyn be brocht to this burgh and thair weyit at the trone thair and the dewitie of the weying thairof to be payit to the custumaris of the pittie customes; and gif ony of the saidis guidis happynnis to be bocht be fremen of this burgh be the Frank pund greit or siclikewyis be weying thairof that the customar be payit of his dewteis of the heid of the guidis siclik as the samyn had bene weyit; and that na strangearis be thairselfis or vtheris fremen of this burgh weyis ony guidis in Leyth or brocht hame be thame self or than bocht be thame fra straingaris vnder the pane of escheit thairof, and that na stapill guidis remane langar in Leyth nor thay may be caryit and brocht to Edinburgh vnder the pane foirsaid.

7 September 1552.

Gudis nocht enterit; Birny. Villa.

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement anent the clame gevin in be Robert Graham thesaurer of this burgh of Edinburgh, makand mentioun that it wes nocht vnknawin to tham that it pertenit to the priuilege of the said burgh that quhat time ony maner of schippis arryvit at the port of Leyth ladynnit with gudis the samyn suld be enterit in thair bukis, and the strangearis and vnfremen gudis being thairin to be insert and writtin thairin to be gevin vp be the entereris quhatsumeuir of the samyn; and gif ony of the straingearis and vnfremennis gudis wer fundin vnenterit the samyn to be eschete to him as thesaurer foirsaid; and quhair onye guidis hes bene fund vnenterit the samyn in all tymes bygane hes bene decernit eschete; and howbeit in the moneth of July last bypast, the xxv day thairof, the schip callit the Grewhound, quhairof, William Gibsoun wes maister, arryvit at the said port of Leyth enterit in the havin thairof, and the said William presentit or at the leist his clerk presentit tham self to the customer of the wyld auenturis, and enterit the said schip in the bukis of this burgh, and left furth of the said enteris ane punsioun of gudis acclamit to pertene to William Birny vnfreman induellar in Leyth, quhilkis aucht to haif bene enterit, quhairby the samyn suld be decernit eschete, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said clame gevin in thairupon; to the quhilk clame the said William Birny comperand personalie ansuerit and allegit that thair wes na falt done be him qualyfiit in the said clame nor that he gaif command to the said maister nor his clerk to leif the said punsioun of gudis furth of the enteres, to the quhilk Mr Thomas Weddell procuratour for the said Robert thesaurer foirsaid ansuerit that the samyn wes nocht neidfull to be libellat becaus the enteraris wer oblist to gif vp the haill guidis in the schip, and quhat wes nocht gevin up pertening to vnfremen the saymn wes eschete; and thairefter the said William allegit that he wes nocht suir quhether the gudis libellat pertenit to him or to William Aikman burges of Deip qua schippit the samyn, nochtwithstanding that his merk wes put thairon, and denyit alluterlie that the saymn pertenit to him; and [the] said Mr Thomas procuratour forsaid allegit that the samyn aucht as yit to be decernit eschete in respect of the enteres buke producit, quhairin thai wer nocht contenit; and thairefter the saidis prouest baillies and counsale decernit the said punsioun and gudis thairin to be eschete to the townis vs, and ordanis the said thesaurer to caus strik vp the samyn on Monunday nixt tocum at the mercat croce, and thair rowpit to the vitr availl, and to charge him in his comptis; and thairefter Francis Tennand, fermorer of the saidis wyld auenturis protestit that he war nocht hurt safer as the saidis gudis mycht pertene to him as fermorar foirsaid bot that he mycht haif place to persew thairfor.

9 September 1552.

Villa. Portaris.

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement ordanis that in all tymes to cum the auld ordinar wagis of the portaris be gevin to thame as efter followis alanerlie, without vther occasioun nor is now occurrit, and dischargis all hiear wagis, viz., that the portar of Nether Bow quhatsumeuir haif yeirlie vj li. to be payit quarterlie, and the portar of the Kirk of Feild elikwys, and Johne Weir keipar of the kirk of Gray-frere port to haif xl s. yeirlie; and anent the wagis bygane ordanis the thesaurer Robert Grahame to pay to Johne Galloway keipar of the Nether Bow xij d. daylie sen the thrid day of Junij last bypast to the dait heirof, extending to iiij li. xix s., and siclik to pay to Johne Baldrany kepar of the Kirk of Feild port vj d. daylie sen the said dait, extending to xlix s. vj d., quhilk beand payit, etc.

17 September 1552.

Anent the warkmen of Leyth.

The quhillk day, in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale comperit Thomas Cvynghame, Johnne Stevinsoun, Mongo Patersoun, Johne Culros, Mertyne Purdy, Archibauld Dicksoun, warkmen and penouris of the schoir of Leyth and become in the townis will for the dissobaying of Richard Trowop Edinburgh, masour, and vtheris seriandis of this burgh, in the refusing to tak doun James Culanis turnpik vpoun the schore of Leyth; and thairefter the saidis prouest baillies and counsale decernit, with consent of the saidis personis, gyf ony of thame failyeit in tyme cuming or war dissobedient to the officeris of this burgh or ony vtheris nychtbouris thairof to do that thing that is lesum, thay to be banist the fredome of this burgh of Edinburgh, schore of Leyth, and neuir to be fund thairin in ony tyme thairefter.

Berwik, Villa.

The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale comperit Chairlis Berwik, Inglisman, and confessit and grantit that he had coft fra George Clappartoun induellar in Leyth twa lastis salmound, and fra ane man of this burgh ane last pik, and had schippit the samyn in his schip lyand in the hewin of Leyth, the samyn schip nocht beand frauchtit be the dene of gild nor na licence grantit be him to the said Chairlis thairto, nor yit the dene of gildis dewite payit to him, quhairfore the saidis prouest baillies and counsale decernit the samyn twa lastis salmound ane last pik and all vther gudis being in the said schip to be escheit to the townis vse, and deliuerit to the thesawrar and to be lost incontynent furth of the said schip and the said thesawrar to be chairgit in his comptis of the awaill thairof.

7 October 1552.

Home, Villa.

The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, comperit George Home, sumtyme induellar in Deip, and desyre tham to prorogat the day quhilk wes assignit to his wif to produce his richt quhairby it wes allegit that he wes fre and aucht na custome, and thai prorogat the samyn quhill this day viij dayis, and ordanit the said George to produce his said rycht that day, with certificatioun and he failyeit he suld be vsit as vnfreman like as he is, and nocht be hard to produce ony rycht thairefter, and dischargit him of ony vsing of thair fredome.

Villa, Henrisoun.

The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, James Henrisoun producit certane articlis and ordinances concernyng the commoun weill of this burgh, desyrit the samyn to be red and ansuer to be gevin to him thairof, quhilk thai ressuit and declarit thai wald do.

[Proposals by James Henderson to the Toun of Edinburgh.]; Ane remembrance for the faderless and freyndles.

To the prouest baillies dekynnis and all wtheris honest men of Edinburgh (fn. 1) :—
Seing your wisdomes hes providit that the guidis of all persouns efter thair deidis salbe roupit, inlykwise till eschew the greit inconvenientis that dailie cumis apoun your barnis efter your deceissis, that a sworne inventour of the gudis of all thame that deis in your fredome suld be brocht in before yow be the intromittouris, that cautioun may be tane for the samin, with the proffit of x of the hundreth to be furthcuming till thame that hes rycht thairto, and failyeing thairof the samin to cum in the handis of the tovne that it may be lattin out to sic as will gif the like cautioun and proffit thairfore, the quhilk is the vse of nobill tovnis in all wther realmes.

Ane remembrance for failyeit lamit and seik personis.

Alsua, amangis wthiris your statutis and actis it wald be prowidit (for the help of your beidmen, beidwemen, in the dekeyit hospitalis and all wthir your nychtbouris dekeyit be the weris) that ane fair hospital suld be maid, seing ye may haue the samin compleit within vij yeris, and alsua eftir intertenyit with ane priest, ane surrigiane, ane medicinar, and xl beddis at vj d. the day, almaist with the thing that costis you nocht quhilk is be ane penny in the wolk of euery fire hous, and ane furnist bed of him that deis havand jm merkis of fre gudis, with ane privilegit peis ane or tua dayis in the wolk, and vnlawis prowidit for sewing and breking of your actis and statutis that be na takin thairof it offendis God and makis mysrule.

For the commoun welth of the toun, help of laboureris.

Alsua, that the toun may fluris in the tyme of my Lord Gouernour mair nor it did in the tyme of al kingis, gif ye sall nocht interprise the inbringing of the wattir of Leith till your North Loche (it being samekle to your profittis and sa lytill till your chargis) the quhilk was first put in heyd be his Grace gudeschire, and eftir consentit bayth be the king and your predecessouris, than may ye haue four fontanis our all pairtis of your tovne within vij yeris, takand na greittar impositioun thairto fra your vyne tapstaris than ye haue hurt be thair fals mesouris, and quhairvntill strangearis payis double mair nor ye, or than be sic thing as was gaderit to the lytill pece of calsay and impositioun that was tane to the pley of Myddilburgh before my discharge, and this sall rais your rentis.

[For making a fish market.]

And quhair as ye schrink till mak ane corne mercate and ane fische mercate with your commoun gude and ourcome of stentes that vsis till remane in the gaderaris handis, gif ye sall grant vnto me and my partynaris bot ane penny of ilk stand of your hukstaris and laid that cumis to your mercatis, we sall mak yow als fair ane fische mercate and als wis as is your flesche mercates, and likwise ane corne mercate that the laidis and personis that cumis thairto sall stand dry, quhair as now thai stand wet, and payis for ane brecham of stra ij d. apone your commoun streit, ye havand na wther, and the quhilk thing is les nor ye tak for the stand of your fleschouris.

[For making grounds for pastimes.]

And quhair as your commoun landis and pastour groundis is analit and put away be ane till help ane wther that was gevin yow be kingis for nurssing of the pepill and bringing of thame vp in lesum pastymes meit for deffence of the realme and tovne, insamekle that thair is no wther place left to play interludis in to draw pepill till the toune, nor pastyme ground for the induellaris, quhairthrouch thai ar compellit till greit chargis to seik thair plesour in wther tovnes; in remeyd quhairof, gif ye sall grant vnto me and my said pertynaris bot the lytill groundis that lyis betuix the Gray Freyer porte and the Kirk of Field, with ane penny of ilk hand bow, corsbow, and culvering, bowlis and wther pastymes, we sall big the said groundis for all sic necessaris and plesouris.

[For building a school and clerk's chamber, and completing the calsay.]

Alsua gif ye sall grant vnto ws for ane commoun weilth the space [blank] yeris the like impositioun of your maltmen (that sellis thair malt for double the price of the beir) as ye tak fra your baksteris to your commoun gude, we sall mak you ane fair scule to mak pepill cum to the toun, and ane clerkis chalmer to wryte your actis in, and compleit the nev calsay, the quhilk sall nocht hurt the teynd pairt of the rasing of pryces of the mylk, and for perfourmance heirof we sall set sufficient cautioun; grantand me, in rewarde of this and wtheris my seruice done vnto you apone my awin eexpenssis till your proffittis and honouris, bot the few of your Borrowloche and barrant groundis of the Borrowmvre that na man wald tak.

And in doing quhairof I sall caus yow haue freindis in France till the doun getting of all customis ye pay mair nor iiij d. of the frank.

By your oratour,
James Hendersoun.

[Acts anent bread, &c.]

[Of this date acts were passed relative to "breid," "malt," "aill," "meill," and "candill," in terms similar to those of 10th October 1551. The "iiij d. laif," baked by the baxters within burgh was appointed to weigh 26 ounces, and that sold by the outland baxters 30 ounces. Maltmen within the burgh were forbidden to sell malt at a higher rate than 9 firlots for 52 s.]

Ratificatioun of certane statutis maid the last yeir.

Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that the ackis and statutis maid the last yeir anent fische, pultre, stabillaris, hay, aittis, talloun, vagaboundis, flescheouris, myddyngis, assisis, standis on the hie gait, stoppis of tavernaris and regratouris be proclamit of the samyn form as thai ar of, and ratifiis the saymn in all poyntis.

10 October 1552.

Statuta penes officiarios, Penes seriandos.

Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that ilk seriand of the viij seriandis find sufficient cautioun for thir twa poyntis, viz., that quhat gudis he salhappin to intromett with as seriand other poyndit for executioun of decreitis or vtherwys deliuerit to him to apprys that he sall mak just compt and raknyng thairof; secundlie, that gif it salhappin ony maner of persoun to be enterit within bar or in the tolbuith for nocht finding of souertie and deliuerit to ane officiar or ma, gif that persone passis furth of ward vndeliuerit to the javillour his wif or seruandis and without souerte fund for him that the officiar sall refound to the jugis the skayth that thai may incur thairthrow.

Item, gif it salhappin ony of the saidis seriandis to ressaue ony [decreitis] fra ony maner of persoun and haldis the samin vnput to dew executioun within xv dayis thairefter, swa that he sall mak na payment of the soume specyfyit thairin to the pairty, that he salbe depryuit fra his office.

Item, gyf it salhappin ony of the saidis seriandis to be fund necligent in the serching of the brekeris of the statutis of the toun, or quhair thay apprehend ony thairof and makis nocht opinlie knawin to thair baillie bot conselis the samyn, thay to be deprivit fra their office.

Item, gyf it salhappin the saidis seriandis or ony of thame to misslippin or defraude ony pairty in wairnyng of ane vther to the speciall day as he gettis informatioun, or conforme to the actis of the proces, thay beand deliuerit to him, that thay salbe deprivit of thair office and the party to haue actioun aganis thame for his skayth and damnage.

Item, that the saidis seriandis convene daylie in the tolbuith at x houris and remane thair quhill the court be endit and done, and gyf thay be absent to be deprivit of thair office or vtherwis pwnist at the jugis will; and gyf thay be fund sluthfull necligent or fraudfull in ony vther poyntis of thair office to be deprivit.

Item, in tymes cuming gyf thair happynis ony seriand to deceis, or vtherwis thair offices to waik be resignatioun or depriving, that thair be nane chosin in thair rowme and place without he be ane qualifyit persoun and can reid and write.

21 October 1552.

Villa assissouris.

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, vnderstandand that thair assissouris in all tymes bygane hes bene in vs to avis and voit with the counsale in all besynes concernyng the commoun weill and vther effairis of the towne; thairfor ordanis tham to haif the samin power in tyme cumyng conform to thair auld vs.

3 November 1552.

Villa. Mansioun, anent the stallis.

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, haiffand respect to the grete expens maid vpoun the bigging of the north syde of thair stallis of the queir, wes content and consentit that the south syde thairof safer as is to be biggit be set in task to Andro Mansioun, wrycht; and that the prouest, the dene of gild, Robert Flemyng and Richard Gray maid price with him thairanent and ane contract thairupoun and to present the samyn in jugement eftir the saymn were subscriuit.

9 November 1552.

Anent the belman.

The quhilk day the prouest baillies and counsale ordanis that Patrik Guvane belman keipar of the knok haif ane key of the stepill dur to the effect that he may vesy and keip the said knok and ryng the commoun bell quhen he beis chargit thairto.

9 December 1552.

Villa Carmichaell.

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale oblissis tham and thair successouris to releif James Carmichaell dene of gild anent the sowme contenit in the indentour maid betuix him and Andro Mansioun anent the bigging of the south syde of the queir, conform to the indentour maid betuix them the v day of Nouember last bypast.

9 December 1552.

Anent the extent of vcli.

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis consentis that thair be ane extent and taxt gaddarit and vpliftit vpoun the haill towne of fyve hundreth pundis to furnis thair pairt of the men of weir that ar to pas to France, extending to iijxx xv men, conforme to the letteres of the Lordis direct thairupoun; and to that effect the saidis prouest baillies and counsale nemmit the personis following to extent the merchandis of this burgh and ordanis tham to be sworn thairto:—Johne Symsoun, Maister James Lyndesay, Johne Charteris, Johne Aslowane, James Bassinden, Alexander Ka, Johne Sym, Allane Dikkesoun.


  • 1. These proposals are contained in a document in the archives of the city. It bears no date, but was evidently addressed to the Magistrates and Council during the minority of Queen Mary,—probably between the 22d of December 1542, when the Earl of Arran was installed as Governor of Scotland, and the 12th of April 1554, when the Queen Dowager, Mary of Guise, was appointed Regent on the abdication of the Earl. It is scarcely to be supposed that such proposals would have been made while the country was distracted by contests for the regency, and the ravages of the English invaders, which extended from the death of King James V. till the conclusion of peace with England in April 1550. They are more likely to have been submitted after the conclusion of the peace, when attention was being directed to the "administration of justice, the improvement of the moral character of the people, and the recovery of the country from the ravages committed by the war." —[Tytler's History of Scotland, Vol. IV., p. 429.] The reference by the author of the proposals to the "pley of Middleburgh," and to the "doungetting of the customs in France," seems to point to his connection with these matters, and if so, helps to fix the date of the document as in the early part of Queen Mary's reign. On 2d April 1541, the Commissioners of the Burghs, at a Convention held in Edinburgh, resolved to "pass to the port and toun in Flandaris of the Dukis landis that will gyf and grant to thame maist and greitast priuelegis, and gif it war the Kingis grace plesour, erar to Myddilburgh nor Campheir, sua that the toun of Campheir grantit nocht nor gaif thame larger priuelegis nor Myddilburgh." They also resolved to pay the expenses of any embassy that the King might send to France, "for the doungetting of the xij d. and new imposition maid in France thairof upon ilk frank." [Antea, p. 105.] This resolution appears to have been confirmed by the commissioners of Burghs on the 6th of the same month. [Yair's account of the Scotch Trade in the Netherlands, 1776, p. 105.] And in the same year, Andrew Mowbray and James Henderson, as commissioners "from the town of Edinburgh in Scotland, for the advancement of the staple and the benefit of the nation of Scotland," appear to have reported in favour of Middleburgh as the staple port. [Ibid, pp. 107–110.] On 30th April 1541, the town council of Edinburgh ordained all ships "frauchtit be the gude toun to Flandaris at this vayage to pas to the port of Middilburgh," and on the same day obliged one Leonard Cornelius to take his ship to that port, "under the pane of ane hundreth pundis greit to be payit to James Henrisoun in the townes name, to be furth cummand to thair commoun gude." [Antea, pp. 105, 106.] On 19th May 1541, a contract was entered into between the town of Middleburgh and Andrew Mowbray and James Hendrysoun, "commissioners or deputies from the city of Edinburgh, and other burghs of the kingdom Scotland," by which the town of Middleburgh agreed to give the Scotch merchants certain privileges in consideration of the staple being held there. [See Contract in the Archives of the City. Abstract or Inventory of City Charters, Vol. I., p. 403. Printed Records of the Convention of Royal Burghs, Vol. I., pp. 551–554.] On 14th July 1541, the town council of Edinburgh engaged to pay the king $2000 Scots, lent by him for the whole burghs, and delivered to the Lord Cardinal, "for expeditioun and doungetting of the custome, and new impositioun of xij d. throw all the pairttis of France, new taikin fra the merchanttis of this realme of ilk frank waryt." [Antea, p. 108.] On 23d August 1541, James Henrisoun appeared before the town council of Edinburgh, "as ane of the commissaris direct fra the toun of Myddilburgh in thair names." [Ibid.] In the accounts of Robert Graham, tresaurer of the city of Edinburgh for 1553–4, the following entry occurs:—"Item, payit for the signet of the Quenis letteris, and drinksilver thairof, discharging paking of hirring in the Brinteland, and to James Hendersoun to pas thairto, quha remanit dyveris dayis thair, xxvj s. viij d. "[Printed Records of Convention, Vol. II., p. 542.] These entries show James Henderson to have been concerned in the fixing of the staple port at Middleburgh in 1541, and to have been engaged in the affairs of the Burghs in 1553. They also show that in 1541, efforts were made to have the duty exacted from Scotch merchants in France reduced. It may therefore be reasonably assumed that the same person was the author of the proposals in the document printed in the text, and that those proposals are the articles and ordinances which were submitted to the town council on 7th October 1552, and are referred to in the act of that date.