Extracts from the Records: 1548

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1871.

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'Extracts from the Records: 1548', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp131-145 [accessed 12 February 2025].

'Extracts from the Records: 1548', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp131-145.

"Extracts from the Records: 1548". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp131-145.


3 January 1547-8.


It is statute and ordanit be the baillies and counsale and thocht expedient be thame that thair be nychtlie fra thine furth ane watche, and the baillie that wakis to caus warne swa mony personis of his quarter as he pleissis for that nycht to watche be thame selffis or vther sufficient persouns in thair names and behalf, sufficientlie bodin with wappouns, and to convene nychtlie in the tolbuith at 8 houris at evin vnder the pane of xl s.

Vpbringing of strayngeris guidis.

The baillies and counsale ordanis George Gordoun to cart and bring vp his guids inbrocht be the schip callit the Fleying Hairt and contenit thairin, on his expenssis, to this burgh, except apillis wynes and vnyeouns, and that he sell the samyn vpbrocht guids to the fremen of the towne conforme to the pryces maid thairvpoun, and the saidis aipillis wynes and vnyeouns on the schip boddum and schore of Leyth to the fremen of this towne siclyke.

1 February 1547-8.

[Malt, ale.]

(The ix furletts malt l s. Aill v d. the quart. In the end of a convict buik.—Tr.)

8 February 1547-8.


(Staiblers to sell thair aitts for 6 d. the pek.—Tr.)

17 February 1547-8.

Watche. Ports.

(Anent watches as in this last act [3d January 1547] with additioun gif the nychtbouris failye, to pay to the officeris of that quarter xij d. to furneis ane man to watche in thair place that nycht vnder the payne of xl s. And the keyis of the portis to be delyuerit to the baillies of the quarter fra the closing quhill opinning, and the baillies namet.)

13 March 1547-8.

Selling of the wynes.

It is statute and ordanit, etc., that na maner of taverners nor vthers within this burgh sell ony of the new wynes laitlie cumin in the Fraynsche schips quhill viij dayes be run, and fra thine furth the samyn new wynes and awld wynes be sawld for xiiij d. the pynt, vnder the pane of x li. vnforgevin.

22 March 1547-8.

For making merchandice in Leyth.

In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, comperit Lucas Otow merchant, of the schip callit Sanct Bartilmo, and become in the townis will anent the breking of the statutes of the towne, and of the chairge gevin to him be the baillies commandand him to bring vp his haill guidis dry wairis and all vther staipill guidis to this burgh, and nother to brek bowke nor to mak merchandice nor blok thairof in Leyth quhill it first come to the towne, becaus he confessit the blok making and selling of his battery in the said towne of Leyth or that he come to this burgh, and that his marrow delyuerit ane pece veluott to James Barroun, and the said James Barroun is become souerty for fulfilling of the said will quhen the guid towne pleissis to declair the samyn.

8 April 1548.

[Selling of butter, &c.]

It is statute and ordanit, etc., that all maner of persouns bringares of butter cheis eggis or sic stufe to this burgh to sell, that thai present thair haill stufe to the mercat, and putt nane thairof in houssis nor in vther priuate places, vnder the payne of escheitt of the stufe that beis apprehendit nocht brocht to the mercat and sawld oppinly thair as said is; and siclyke that na maner of regratouris huksters by ony stufe as said is in houssis or vther priuate places or it be presentit to the mercatt, vnder the payne of halding of thame that failyeis in warde be the space of xlviij houris, and for the nixt falt putting of thair persouns in the irnis at the Croce be the space of 4 houris, and the thrid falt banesing of the towne.

19 April 1548.


It is statute, etc., for certane consideratiouns moving thame, that na maner of persouns dwelland within the said burgh that can handill and schute ony maner of artailyery pas furth of the said burgh without licence of the saidis provest and baillies vnder the payne of escheitt of thair moveabill guidis, and neuir to haif regres within the said towne in tyme cuming.

4 May 1548.

Merchandice in Leith.

The said Lucas [vide act, dated 22d March 1547] vnlawet in 40 s.

14 June 1548.


It is devysit be the provest baillies and counsale and thocht expedient that thair be daylie ane watche in day fra 4 houris in the morning to 8 houris at evin of xxiiij men, xij thairof to be at the Nether Bow and vj to the Kirk of Feild port, and the vthers to the West Port, and ordanis swa mony honest nychtbouris burgessis craftismen and vthers of the towne, begynnand at the sowtheist quarter and thairafter round about, to be wairnit be the officeris to enter at the said hour be thame selffis or ane sufficient man weill bodin in feir of weir with jak and halbart for thame; certefeand sic persouns as beis wairnit and comperis nocht at the said hour ilk persoun to pay v s. and to be poyndit thairfor; and thairafter ordanis the porteris nocht to opin the ports in tyme cuming quhill the watche be sett.

20 June 1548.


It is statute and ordanit that all taverneris and vtheris ventares of wyne within this burgh sell thair wynes, viz., clarett and quhyte wynes commonly for xij d. the pynt, vnder the payne of escheitt of the pvncheoun that is rynnand, and siclyke that na persouns ventares of wyne by ony siclyke wynes to be sawld agane bot sic as thai may sell the same for xij d. the pynt, vnder the payne of v li.—(In the convict buik end.—Tr.)

[Breid, aitts.]

(The 4 d. laif 22 vnce, strayngers breid 26 vnce. Hukstares to keip the same paice. Aitts 8d. the pek.—Tr.)

21 June 1548.


The prouest sittand in jugement ordanis that euery baillie of this towne pas throw the same his day about and se gif the statutes be kepit in all poynts anent ryue breid oattes hay candill and pultre, conform to the statutes.—(In the convict buik end.—Tr.)

28 June 1548.

Breid to the army be the baxters.

In presens of my Lord Dunkeld, my Lord Rothes, Galloway, my Lord Dunfermling and my Lord Setoun, and als in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, the baxters of this burgh consentit to furneis vj m breid in the day to the camp, and that as the paice beis gevin to thame be the counsale of this burgh, and quhateuir the paice beis the fyft pairt thairof to be defalket, and that to be for the carriages, and the carriage of this breid to be furnist be the prouest and Robert Hathwy; and twa commissaris to be direct to convoy the said breid to the campt, and gif it beis reft be the way my Lord Thesaurer to ansuer thairfore, and thai twa commissaris to caus it be resauet and delyuer the money thairfore, and gif ony of the said breid beis nocht of the paice to be gevin be the counsale, that haill burding to be escheitt to the said provest and Robert Hathwy, and on Sonday agane viij hours the breid and hors to be reddy to carry the samyn, and that the said provest and Robert Hathwy haif ijccrownis avanceit to thame aforehand; and thairefter the saidis provest baillies and counsale beand avysit, ordanis the saidis baxters to mak thair breid, and that the iij d. laif to wey xv vnce, and ordanis that thair suld be na vther breid sawld quhill the returning of the army.—(In the convict buik end.—Tr.)

5 July 1548.

Proclamatio. Baxters. Breid to the campt.

We do yow to wit: Forswamekill as the provest and baillies of this burgh ar suirlie informit and knawes that the baxters of this burgh has ane greitt nummer of breid baikin quhairwith the army suld haif bene furnist, quha refusis to resaue the samyn, thairfore I command and chairge that all owtland baxters bring na maner of breid to the merkatt within this burgh nor sell nane within the samyn, vnto the tyme that thre dayes be gane, that the saidis baxters of this burgh putt of thair breid now baikin; and ordanis the saidis baxters of this burgh sell thair breid conform to the statutes thairof.

6 July 1548.

[Maltmen, vnlaws.]

(Vnlawes of the maltmen v li., aill xl s., quhilk is statute to be tane by the Burrow vnlaw.—In ane convict buik.—Tr.)

25 July 1548.

Pro Waltero Young, Katerina Young, Henrico Watson, et Joneta Henryson.

Die vigesimo quinto mensis Julii anno Domini lm vc xlviii°, indictione sexta, pontificatus domini Pauli pape tercii anno xiiiito: In mei notarii publici et testium subscriptorum presencia personaliter constituti providi viri Walterus Young tutor legitimus ut asseruit Katerine Young pro se et nomine dicte Katerine ab vna, et Henricus Watson pro se et nomine Jonete Henrison eius sponse ab altera, concordarunt penes subscripta bon prout sequitur in vulgari, videlicet:—

[On the twenty-fifth day of the month of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and forty-eight, in the sixth indiction, the fourteenth year of the pontificate of Pope Paul the Third: In presence of me notary public and witnesses underwritten, personally appeared honourable men, Walter Young, tutor-at-law, as he asserted, of Katherine Young, for himself and in name of the said Katherine, on the one part, and Henry Watson for himself and in name of Jonet Henrison, his spouse, on the other part, and agreed concerning the underwritten goods as follows in the common tongue, namely:—]

The said Walter Young, tutor forsaid for himself and in name and behalf of the said Katherine his pupill, nammit and chesit Jhone Hart induellar of the Canogate besyde Edinburgh, and Thomas Boyis baxtar and burges of Edinburgh, for thaim on that ane part, and the said Henry Watson for himself and the said Jonet his spous, nemmit and chesit James Brown of the West Port, and Mychaell Henrison baxter, burgessis of Edinburgh, for thaim on the vther part, to apprise the arschip gudis wnderwrittin pertenyng to the said Katrine threw the deceis of vmquhill Jhone Young hir fader, now presentlie beying in the saidis Henry and Jonet handis and possessioun. Quhilk is personis and appreasarris forsaidis respectiue with consent of baith the saidis parteis wer sworn in thar presens to lelyle and trewlie apprise the samyn gudis, and the parteis inlykswys to abyde thairatt and appresit the samyn as followis: In the fyrst are gray hors to x merkis, ane blak bonet lynit with taffytye, and ane pair of blak hoys to xvi s., ane blak Spanye cloyk of France blak to iiii libris, ane schort coitt of Inglis grene to x s., ane dowblott of blak fustane to xii s., ane sark v s., ane lynnyng burdclath and ane towell, iii s. vi d., ane buyrd and form stule and rowndale xlviii s., ane langsadill v s., ane irne chymnay with rakkis cruke tangis and speitt xlv s., ane stand bed with bowster scheittis blankettis cod couerlet and rufe lii s., ilk pund wecht of the best brasin pott gardying chandlar and pan to xv d., ilk pund wecht of tin of the best chargeour seruice plaite conterfutt dysche trunscheour quart pynte and chopyn stowpis of tyn to xx d., the best kyst to xvi d., ane meit almarye to xiiii s., ii tubbis xii d., ane bathsket with windinclaith syf ryddill sek and peyk x s., ane harro sled hemmis and carsadill iiii s., ane ryddyng sadill and ane laid sadill to xx s., ane irne graip and ferlott vii s., ane flesche fatt ane quheill and ane pair of cardis to v s. And thairefter the said Walter Young protestit in name and behalf forsaid that the said apprysing hurt nocht nor did na preiudice to the said Katerine and him incais thai mycht preif ony mair airschip gudis quhilk aucht to pertene to the said Katerine threw hir said faderis deceis or yit vther better arschip gudis than the forsaidis gudis abon appresit, bott that thai mycht call thairfore tyme and place competent as law will. And thairefter the said Henry for himself and the said Jonet his spous offerit him than presentlie reddye to deliuer the saidis arschip gudis abon appresit to the said Walter tutor forsaid he fyndand him sufficient cautioun thairfore that in cais ony skaith or danger hapinit tharthrew in tyme cumyng that the samyn be imputt to the said Walter and nocht to him or his said spous, or that thai be nocht oblist to ansuer thairfore fra this tyme furth. Super quibus dictus Walterus et Henricus nominibus quibus supra hinc inde petiierunt a me notario instrumentum. Acta infra locum habitationis dicti Henrici situatum extra portam occidentalem burgi de Edinburgh in suburbanis eiusdem horam circiter xii in meridie anno ut supra: Testibus Joanne Henryson, Alexandro Mason, et magistro Thoma Young notario publico. [Upon which the said Walter and Henry, in the names foresaid respectively, asked from me a notarial instrument. Done within the dwelling-house of the said Henry, situated without the Westport, of the burgh of Edinburgh, in the suburbs of the same, about the twelfth hour of noon, in the foresaid year. Witnesses, John Henrison, Alexander Mason, and Mr Thomas Young, notary public.] J. Stewinson.

5 August 1548.

Pro Roberto Maluile, Laurentio de Ovile, Augustino Polliciar ac eorum collegis.

Die quinto mensis Augusti anno Domini jm vc xl octauo, indictione sexta, pontificatus domini Pauli pape tertii anno xiiiito: In mei notarii publici et testium subscriptorum presencia personaliter constituti prouidi viri Laurentius de Ovile et Augustinus Polleciar mercatores Francie, insequentes pro tempore exercitum Gallorum contra Anglos in partibus Scotie, mihi notario publico subscripto nationis Scotie sermonem Gallicanam intelligenti exposuerunt et attestabantur, verbis gallicis prout sequitur in effectu, quod secundo die mensis instantis Augusti, horas inter nonam et decimam a meredie, motis et excitatis contentionibus ac verbis rixosis infra domum prouidi viri Roberti Mailvile burgensis burgi de Edinburgh in Scotia, inter quondam Joanne de Schane, gallum, natum in ciuitate Lugdunensis situatum super riuo nuncupato Ron in Francia, et Joannem de Cargyllyng, etiam gallum natum in ciuitate vocata le Schevyng jacente in Britannia infra Galliam et episcopatum diui Pauli, dictum Cargyllyng petiisse a dicto Schane decem solidos monete Gallicane per eum ut asseruit eidem debitos, cui dictus Schane respondens dixit se nihil eidem debere: Itaque ea occasione verbis inter eosdem vltro citroque habitis tandem dictum Cargyllyng apprehenso candelabro existente super tabula prefati Roberti idem in dictum Joannem de Schane proucisse quod fortuitu cicidit super dictum Robertum quo viso dictus Schane simul atque dictus Robertus huiusmodi ictum accepit candela tunc extincta pugionem suum nudum eduxit domumque dicti Roberti egrediens illico reuertebatur ad eiusdem cubiculum in eadem apprehenso per ipsum in sua manu vocato sermone scoticana ane jedwart staff gallice ane jefflyng exclamans verbis gallicis in effectu quis est qui me vult: Cui prefatus Schane simulatque huiusmodi verba audiuit ense et pugione suis evaginatis irrumpebat in dictum Cargyllyng (animo ut astantibus constabat) eundem percutiendi: Itaque dum hec agerentur alius nomine Joannes Barron mercator et gallus se inter dictos Schane et Cargyllyng ne invicem vulnera infligerent immiscuit: Interea prefatus Schane existimans se percussurum dicto Cargyllyng prefatum Joannem Barron ictu sui gladii mortifico percussit letaleque vulnerans eidem inpigit quo expiravit: Certificantes vlterius dictus Laurentius de Ovile et Augustinus Polliciar prefatum Robertum Malvile Scotum eorundem hospitem pro tempore, omnino innocentem ac inculpabilem dicti homicidii ac omnem suam curam et diligentiam adhibuisse ad idem impedientem dictum quod Barron horam circiter vndecimam noctis sub silentio, antequam supremum vite habitum emisisset sue mentis compotentis existentem prefatum Robertum sue mortis ac vulneris concorditer prorsus innocentem declarasse, prout similiter Joannes Schavage capitaneus cuiusdam navis regis gallorum ut asseruit, Joannes de Poschye mercator, et Duncanus Hoge, dictum Robertum innocentem ut supra attestabantur, ac eundem defunctum ut premittitur dicta hora idem declarasse, necnon Laurentium de Ovile et Augustinum Polliciar similiter innocentes dicte sue mortis attestabantur et defunctum idem declarasse, ac dictum Joannem de Schane sibi vulnus lethale predictum incussisse, cui veniam sue mortis vive vocis oraculo donauit, ac [non] prefato Cargyllyng. Super quibus prefatus Robertus Laurentius, Augustinus, Joannes de Cargylling, et Joannes de Mywn nomine et ex parte dicti Joannis Schane petiierunt hincinde respectiue instrumentum. Acta infra domum habitationis dicti Roberti, situatum in burgo Edinburgensi, horam circiter primam post meridiem anno ut supra: Testibus domino Dauid Lawson sacel lano Scoto sermonem gallicanam intelligenti, Joanne Schavage, Joanne Mason, mercatori, Aurelense, Mertyno Barra, Sebastiano Mynnett, Joanne Poschye, et Duncano Hoge Gallis. J. Stewinson.

[On the fifth day of the month of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and forty-eight, the sixth indiction, the fourteenth year of the pontificate of our lord Pope Paul the Third: In presence of me notary public and witnesses, underwritten personally appeared honest men, Laurence of Ovile, and Augustine Polleciar, French merchants in the train of the French army against the English now in Scotland, and set furth and certified in French to me notary public subscribing of the Scotch nation understanding the French tongue, to the following effect, that on the second day of this present August, between nine and ten hours before noon, there arose disputes and opprobrious words within the house of an honest man, Robert Mailvile, burgess of the burgh of Edinburgh, in Scotland, between the deceased John of Schane, a Frenchman, born in the city of Lyons on the river Rhone in France, and John of Cargyllyng, also a Frenchman, born in the city called Schevyng, lying in Britanny within France and the bishoprick of St Paul, the said Cargyllyng having asked from the said Schane, ten shillings of French money which he owed him, as he alleged, to which the said Schane answered that he owed him nothing: By reason of which words had between them on both sides, Cargyllyng seizing a candlestick on the table of the said Robert, threw it at the said John of Schane, but by chance it struck Robert, which being seen both Schane and Robert struck one another, the candle being then extinguished, and Schane drawing his unsheathed dagger went out of the house of the said Robert and immediately returned to the said chamber, holding in his hand what is called "ane jedwart staff" and in French "ane jifflyng," shouting in French who "is he who dare follow me?" Which words the said Schane hearing, he drew his sword and dagger and rushed on the said Cargyllyng with the intention as appeared to the bystanders of wounding him: While these things were done a certain John Barron, a French merchant, lest Schane and Cargyllyng should wound themselves, threw himself between them. In the meantime the foresaid Schane, fearing to be wounded by the said Cargyllyng, struck the said John Barron with his sword, by which he mortally wounded him, whereupon he expired; moreover the said Laurence of Ovile, and Augustine Polleciar certified the said Robert Malvile Scotchman, their host for the time, to be innocent and not guilty of the said homicide, and that he used all his care and diligence to prevent the same; and the said Barron about the eleventh hour at the dead of night, before he expired, being of sound mind, freely declared the said Robert to be innocent of his death and wound; as likewise John Schavage, captain of a certain ship of the French king, as he alleged, John of Poschye, merchant, and Duncan Hog attested the said Robert to be innocent as aforesaid; and as the said deceased had declared as aforesaid at the said hour, declared and attested also Laurence of Ovile and Augustine Polliciar likewise innocent of his death; and the said John of Schane to have inflicted on him the mortal wound, and not the said Cargyllynge. Whereupon the said Laurence, Augustine, John of Cargyllynge, and John of Mywn, in name and behalf of the said John Schane, asked respectively a note. Done in the house of the said Robert situated within the burgh of Edinburgh, about the first hour afternoon in the foresaid year. Witnesses, Sir David Lawson, chaplain, a Scotchman understanding the French tongue, John Schavage, John Mason, merchant of Orleans, Martin Barra, Sebastian Mynnett, John Poschye, and Duncan Hoge, Frenchmen.]

15 October 1548.

[Anent actions depending before the town.]

Item, that all maner of persouns indwellares within this towne and vthers that hes ony actiouns depending afoir the towne or to be persewit, that thai present thame thair claimes and vther writtings that thai ar to produce that day before x houris, and delyuer the samyn to the clerks in the burgh, certefeand thame that dois nocht the samyn that thair claimes nor vther writtings sall nocht be resauet for that day.


Item, becaus the prouest and baillies hes bene euill seruit in tymes past quhen they had ado with assyssis or inqueists, and that the nychtbouris thairof refuissis to cum quhen thai wer chairgeit, thairfore it is statute that all sic persouns that ar wairnit to assyssis or inqueists be the officeris and refuissis to cum, that thai sall be poyndit for the vnlaw of xviij s., but favouris.

Vplifting of prysses.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Alexander Park, Frances Tennend, Robert Hathwy, and Michaell Lochmylne, to pas after none to Leyth and visy the guidis inbrocht in the prysses bocht be Patrick Loch, and to mak pryces thairof with the said Patrik.

Huirding of talloun.

Item, that nane of the flescheoures keip thair talloun of ony greitt quantitie to ly lang besyde thame, bot requirit and refusand to dispone and sell the same to be vsit and to serue the nychtbouris, thai to incur the said pane of escheitt of the stufe, v li. to the commoun werke and banesing.


Item, that the said candilmakeris of thair awin consents by na kitchein fie nor paynsche tawche in hurt of the occupatioun of cordiners in tyme cuming, vnder the said payne.


Item, that quhatsumeuir persoun that happinis to awaitt vpoun canells talloun that is bocht within this burgh and had furth thairof be ony maner of persoun, that the samyn sall be escheitt and the apprehendare officiar thairof sall haif the samyn for his travell.

Middings, Filth.

That all persouns haiffand fuilyie and middings in the hie gaitt and commoun streitts tak the samyn away betuix this and Setterday nixttocum with certificatioun and thai failyie the baillies will dispone thairvpoun and caus the samyn be careit away; and siclyk that euery nychtbour on euery Setterday at evin mak clene fornent thair awin hous bayth in the Hie gaitt and Kowgaitt and vinellis, after the awld vse, for keping of the towne clene, vnder the payne of viij s. to be tane als oft as thai failyie.


That na maner of wemen within this burgh speciallie the frute sellares be fund on the hie gaitt flyting with vthers or with the officeris of the burgh or vsing of ony maner of bairdrie, certefeing thame that beis apprehendit that thai sall be putt in to the govis and thair haldin sex houris; and ordanit the thesaurer to big the samyn govis to the effect foresaid and for stancheing of vnhonesty and vther vyle things vsit be the frute sellares on the hie gaitt that the baillies provyde sic convenient places for thame as they can devyse.

Burne lederis. Paynsches dichting.

That na maner of persouns ledares of burne tak the sam furth of the wellis within this burgh bot to pas to the Loch and vthers conveneient places quhair thai vse; and siclyke that na paynsches be weischein nor dycht at ony wallis bot priuatlie in houssis vnder the payne of pvnissing of thair persouns at the discretioun of the provest baillies and counsale.

October 1548.

[Of this date an act was passed as to the price of ale in the same terms as the Ale. act in October 1546.]

2 November 1548.

Offering of guidis.

Forswamekill as thair is ane act of parliament maid for stayncheing of greit derth of guidis inbrocht be strayngeris and vthers to this port of Leyth, that the provest and baillies of Edinburgh suld mak pryces of all guidis as ar inbrocht at the said port bayth strayngeris and vtheris, thairfore it is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that in tymes cuming all maner of persouns, inbringers of guidis at this port of Leyth pryse guidis or vthers after thai enter thair guidis in the townis buikis that thai offer the samyn to the towne to mak pryces of, and nocht to brek bowlk of the samyn vnto the time the samyn be done, vnder the paynes bayth contenit in the saidis acts of parliament and townis priueleges of Edinburgh.

Breking of bowlk.

Patrick Loch become in will for his falt in hurting the townis priuelegeis, in bying of certane pryssis and breking bowlk thairof, laitlie tayne be James Lister and his company in weir.

3 November 1548.


(Officeris fies during the pest, and that thai mak na warning to the tolbuith and of ansuering thame of bowets and candills.—Convict buik end.—Tr.)

7 November 1548.

Vnfremen bying.

It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that na vnfremen dwelland within this burgh or owtwith the samyn by on mercat dayes or vthers within this burgh ony maner of hyde woll skyn or siclyke merchandice, except it be fra fremen and burgessis of the said burgh, vnder the payne of escheitt of the stufe that beis apprehendit bocht as said is, the twa pairt thairof to the commoun guid, and the third to the apprehendare.—(In the convict buik end.—Tr.)

20 and 21 November 1548.


(The aythis of maltmen tane gif thai brak the statutes or nocht.—Tr.)

21 November 1548.

[Anent tavernors.]

That na maner of persoun hald oppin tavern bot thai that ar burgessis and gild brether and payis thair dewty to St Anthones altare, and for obser uing heirof ordanis all the baillies, or ony twa thairof, to pas and dischairge vtheris to vent wyne and to steik vp thair durris quhill thai be burges and gild brether.—(Counsale buik.)

23 November 1548.

Breking of wairde.

The maltmen for breking warde adiugeit be avyse of the assessoris to pay ilk ane iij li., to remayne in warde quhill mess, and thai to offer to the hie altare ilk ane ane walx candill of ane quarter wecht to St Geill, to ask the provest baillies and counsale forgifenes, to pay the vnlaw or thai cum furth with the lv s. vnlaw contenit in the statutes or fynd souerty actit.

Regraters vnfre.

It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that ane baillie or ma pas with the officeris and discharge all maner of regratouris and vthers within this burgh to by butter cheis eggis frute fische hering or siclyke stufe to sell agane, except swa mony as ar fremen, fremenis wyffes, and beis admittit be the guid towne, and sall find souerty actit in the buikis for keping of the statutes of the towne, vnder the payne of escheitt of the stufe that beis apprehendit bocht be ony vthers and pvnissioun of thair persouns, and that na frute wyffes stand on the hie gaitt bot on the mercat dayes, vnder the paynes foresaidis.

24 November 1548.

Middings. Brynt lands.

For eschewing of pest seiknes and evill savour that all persouns haiffand middings mwk and fuilyie in the Hie gaitt, Kowgait, or commoun venellis; and siclyke all persouns haiffand brynt landis or fallin downe caus clenge and carie away the filth thairin betuix this and Thurisday nixttocum and thairafter to steik vp in massie wall the durris and windois of thair said brynt land to the effect that na filth be gadderit thairin vnder the payne of xl s. to be tane of ilk persoun that failyeis heirin, but favouris.

1 December 1548.

Lint bocht in Leyth.

It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that all lint to be bocht in Leyth, and speciallie it that is bocht laitlie be certane merchants of this burgh, be brocht to the Over Trone and thair weyit, and nane to be abstractit nor haldin in tyme cuming, vnder the pane of escheitt.

7 December 1548.

Pryce and denying.

That all ventares of wyne and taverneris within this burgh sell thair claret and quhyte wynes to all our Souerane Ladeis lieges oppinly, and that thai haiffand wyne deny nocht the samyn fra this day furth quhill Tuysday nixt for xiiij d. the pynt, vnder the payne of the pryce of half ane twn of wyne and spayning fra the venting of wyne be the space of ane yeir thairafter, and fra the said Tysday furth for xij d. the pynt, vnder the pane foresaid.


Baxters breid in the town, 4 d. laif to wey 20 vnces, in consideratioun the quheitt sawld for 36 s. the boll, the bred to be 4 d. 6 d. viij d.; the payne spayning for 2 yeir; and warne vther vnfremen to be inputt in his place for that space be the provest and baillies.

11 December 1548.

[Order by Privy Councill as to price of wine.]

The quhilk day, forsamekle as it wes devisit be the Lordis of Priue Counsale in presens of the provest baillies and counsale of Edinburgh and with thair consent that all wynis of Burdeaux that ar ellis cumin in Leith suld be sauld and bocht for xxv li. the twn and the Rochell wyne for xx li. the twn and that the samin suld be sald commonly to our Souerane Ladyis liegis, viz., the Burdeaux wyne for xij d. the pynte and the Rochell wyne for x d. the pynte and that all merchandis and byaris thairof suld sell the samin commonly as said is and nocht hide nor kepe the samyn vnder the pane of escheting thairof, and thai that dois in the contrar to be pvnist as regratouris: Neuertheles as the saidis Lordis is informit the saidis wynis is nocht sald of the price foresaid, and thai that hes the samyn to sell concelis and will nocht sell the samyn for furnissing of the Quenis liegis commonly conform to the said ordinance: Thairfor ordanis ane officer of armes to pas incontinent and command and chairge the saidis provest and bailles to mak ane act in thair bukis conform to the ordinance of the saidis Lordis maid of thair avin consents as saidis, and thairefter that thai caus the samin tobe kepit and put to executioun within thair jurisdiction in all poyntis, with certificatioun to the saidis provest and baillies and thai failye heirintill that thai salbe reput and haldin as assisouris and pairt takeris with the saidis regratouris and salbe callit and persewet criminale as the principalis and pvnist thairfor as accordis.
George Lord Setoun.