Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1871.
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'Extracts from the Records: 1546', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp119-126 [accessed 12 February 2025].
'Extracts from the Records: 1546', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp119-126.
"Extracts from the Records: 1546". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp119-126.
4 January 1545-6.
Frawchting of schips.
It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale, that the dene of gilde, present and to cum, quhen he frawchtis ony schips, tak with him certane of the counsale to sufficient nummer, or ellis frawcht the schips in jugement, and als that he tak souerty of the skipper that he sall resaue the nychtboures guids of this towne befoir ony vthers and sall resaue na vthers quhill thai be first seruit, and that na mair frawcht be tane at the port nor is specifeit in the buikis.
Thesaurer Pryces of strayngera guids.
Item, it is statute and ordanit, etc., that the thesaurer, present and to cum, quhen ony strayngeris arryvis with thair schips at this port of Leyth, tak souerty at thair entres gevin that thai sail nocht sell thair guids bot to fremen; and that the pryces of thair guidis be maid according to the act of parliament; and tak with him certane of the counsale as sail be namet to him quhen the said strayngeris happinis to cum; and that na nychtboures, merchants or vtheris, in tyme cuming quhen ony sic strayngeris cumis, mak ony priuate pactioun or bying of the strayngers gudis and merchandice that happinis to aryve at this port, vnto the tyme the said thesaurer and counsale mak pryces thairof conforme to the said act of parliament, vnder the payne of escheitt of the guidis that the merchand byis, to redound to the byare, and the sellare to be payit; and gif the guidis be nocht resauit, he that makis the conditioun and pactioun by the towne to pay xx li. to the towne.
Pryces of the guidis, and distributioun thairof.
Item, it is statute and ordanit that the clarett and quhyte wynis laitlie cum in the schip callit the Carvell of Flissin, the skipper Geilis Bukhorne, be sawld commonly for xviij d. the pynt, and Romaneis for xviij d. the pynt; and anent the laiding in the said schip at this tyme the pryces followes, as the guid towne and the merchants hes this day appoyntit, viz., the Burdealx wyne xxxviij li. the twn, the Romany xix li. the steik, Orleanis wyne xlj li. the twn, the irne with the trone wecht vj s. the stayne, and that euery merchant be ansuerit accordinglie. Adame Mawchane and William Mwreheid to pas for resaving of the guids, and thai to distribute the sam amangs the merchants and tavernares, and to resave the money and mak the merchantis payment and all the wairing.
Item, that the wyne Osay be sawld for ij s. the pynt, vnder the payne of xx li.
5 January 1545-6.
(Acts anent the clengeing of claythis, to serche, and quhat place ilk quarter suld be clengeit and thair gudis placeit.—Tr.)
26 January 1545-6.
(This act [31 January 1543, anent stowppis] ratefeit be the provest baillies and counsale and deykinis.—Tr.)
(The wynes ordanit to be sawld for xviij d. the pynt, quhyte wyne and claret, vnder the payne of x li.—Tr.)
10 February 1545-6.
Striking vp guidis in Leyth. Weying thair.
The provest baillies and counsale hes statute and ordanit that na nychtbour of this burgh, in tyme cuming, pas to Leyth and caus ony strayngers strik vp ony dry wair guids or to brek bowk thairof, bot to suffer the samyn to be brocht to this burgh and first sene with the thesaurer as vse is, and thairafter the nychtboures to be ansuerit gif thai lyke to bye as efferis, vnder the payne of x li. to be taikin of the nychtbouris that failyeis heirin, to be applyit to the commoun guid or kirk wark; nor yitt that nane mak weying of lint, irne or siclyke guidis in Leyth other oppinly or priuatly, and that oppin proclamatioun be maid heirvpoun at the merkat croce and on the schore of Leyth.—(In a convict buik end.—Tr.)
Craig in voluntate.
In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Robert Craig become in the townis will for metting of certane canves bocht be him within the towne of Leyth fra the Frensheman that last arryvet, in hurt of the fredome and priuelege of the guid towne.
The sam day, in presens of the provest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, Robert Scott referrit him in the townis will for vpstrikin of his geir and offering thairof to sell in the said towne, and Frances Tennend for fulfilling of the will, etc.
(Edward Patersoun in will for the lyk falt.—In the convict buik end.—Tr.)
27 February 1545-6.
Taverners. Mesoures.
It is statute and ordanit be, etc., that na maner of persoun hald oppin taverne within this burgh in tyme cuming bot thai that ar burgessis and gildbrether and payis dewty to St Anthonis altare; and als that nane of thame haif fals mesures to sell thair wyne with, vnder the pane of v li. to be taikin of thame that beis apprehendit havand the said fals mesouris, and als of breking of the samyn.
2 March 1545-6.
[Of this date, an act with reference to the pest was passed "anent the reule at the West Port."]
2 April 1546.
[Of this date, an act with reference to the pest was passed, "anent spynning and cairding anent new infectioun."]
13 April 1546.
Item, it is statute and ordanit be, etc., that na maner of persoun be sufferit to cary away furth of the towne in laids the meill that cumis to the merkett, and becaus it is careit to furneis owre awld innemeis, and that the porteris stop the samyn.
20 April 1546.
Flescheours, Talloun, Candilmakers.
It is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies counsale and deykins that na flescheouris nor vthers persouns within this burgh sell ony talloun to strayngers inhabiteris of ony vther townis owtwith this burgh, bot to the nychtbouris thairof, and to the candilmakers, and that na freman vther nor the said candilmakeris by ony talloun mair nor to his awin vse, and that nane of the candilmakers be thair self nor be thair seruands of thair awin consents carry ony candill owtwith the towne to sell in landwart, nor that thai melt in talloun of thair awin nor of vthers to sell by the vse of thair candilmaking, vnder the pane of escheitt of the stufe als oft as thair are apprehendit doand in the contrair, and payment of the sowm of v. li. to the commoun warks and banessing of the towne.—(Anent the brekares of the foresaid statute. In the convict buik end.—Tr.)
30 May 1546.
Watche. Prouest
It is deuysit be the prouest baillies and counsale for the commoun weill of this burgh, that thair be ane watche nychtlie fra thine furth of x persouns and ane officer at the leist, and that the said officer haif dowbill waige and remane with thame; and that the said watche begyn in the quarter quhair it left. And als it is devysit that thair be xv persouns for ane certane space to pas with the provest weill bodin with jak, gavilling and halbart, or siclyke lang wapoun, and xij heirof to be furnist be the merchants, and quhair ane merchant may nocht furnis that twa tak the chairge of ane man, and the crafts to furnis thre amangs thame all, and ilk ane of the xv to haif xx d. in the day for thair waige. Attour the prouest baillies counsall and deykins hes faythfullie oblist thame be bphalding of thair hands to tak trew afald pairt for the defence of the guid towne and nychtbouris thairof in tyme cuming in all thair actiouns lefull and honest.
6 August 1546.
Fische, Regratouris.
It is statute and ordanit be the prouest and baillies that the officeris warne all bringares of fische or any of fresche fische and salt, to be sawld in this burgh in plane merkett, that nane of thame sell thair fische greitt or small to regratouris, vnder the payne of escheitt of the fische, and that this statute be proclamit.
11 August 1546.
The custome and dewtie of schippis and prissis arriving at Leyth. Assys. Bollis.
The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest and baillies, comperit Maister Thomas Marioribankis and William Kar and become souertie for William Forster capitane of the Lyoun, to ansuer the fermoraris of the wyld aventuris on the morne anys in the day, of foure bollis ry for the excis bollis of ane before the mast and ane vther behind of the tua prissis of victuell takin be the said Lyoun, and siclike to ansuer thame of foure bollis salt for the excise bollis of vther tua prissis ladyn with salt taikin be the said schip, and siclike to ansuer thame of viij d. for ilk chalder, bayth of the cornys and salt cum in the saidis prissis, as dewtie apertenyng to the gude toun be ressoun of thair fredome and rycht.
16 August 1546.
Pryce of certane pryses gudis.
The pryces of the victualls and vthers guids laitlie cum in be the pryses takin be the Cristopher and hir company to the nummer of sex weirmen, maid be the provest baillies and counsale:— In the first the boll of quheitt watter mett, xxx s.; the boll ry watter mett, xx s.; item, the j c. waynescott, xx li.; item, the j c. daillis, xv li.; the scoir lynt, viij li.; the stayne walx, xiij s. iiij d.; the last assis, xij li.; the last tar, xij li.; the last pik, xij li.
8 October 1546.
(The wynis to be sawld for xij d. the pynt.—Tr.)
[Wine measures.]
It is statute, etc., that na maner of taverneris sell thair wynis in tyme cuming with ony chopin bot with the chopin that hes the townis merk, and that the samyn be just haill and sound, vnder the payne of ane pvnscheoun of wyne to be taikin of thame that failyeis heirin but favouris, and the chopin of chopins that ar fundin fals and iniust to be brokin.
12 October 1546.
Item, anent the staibleris, the maist pairt thairof comperand vpoun the 12 of Octobris anno vt supra,consentit to sell thair best aits for hors corne for ix d. the pek, and the secundare for viij d. the pek, and the stayne of hay fra thine furth for vj d., vnder the payne of ane vnlaw.—(In ane convict buik end.—Tr)
That all maltmen within the fredome of this burgh sell thair malt fra thine furth to our Souerane Ladeis lieges, and that thai tak na mair bot 3 li. 12 s. for the ix furletts grundin malt, vnder the payne of escheitt of the stufe that beis fundin sawld darrer nor the said pryce; and certefeand all owtland maltmen that thai kepe the same statute quhilk is maid with consent of the maltmen of this burgh or maist pairt thairof, and gif the owtland maltmen failyeis heirin the provest and baillies sall purches lettres to persew thame to the vtter rigour.
And that thairby the browsteris brew thair aill guid and stark and sufficient for iiij d. the pynt, certefeand thame and thair aill be nocht fundin stark weill maid and gude of the pryce foresaid the samyn sall be delt.
[Sellers of wild fowls.]
In presens of the provest and baillies sittand in jugement, James Lokky and William Bartilmo, sellares of all maner of wyld fowlis, of thair awin frie will hes consentit that in tyme cuming quhill St Androis day nixt that thai sall sell thair wyld meitt of the pryces vnderwrittin till all our Souerane Ladeis lieges repairand within this burgh, viz., etc.—(In the convict buik end.—Tr.)
30 October 1546.
Malvasie, Romany, Osay
That all taverneris within this burgh sell thair Malvysie that thai now haif for ij s. the pynt, and the Romany and Osay for xvij d. the pynt, vnder the payne of escheitt of the pece that rynnis and beis fundin vtherwayes darrer sawld.
Beir and aittis.
(That the merkatt of beir and aittis be haldin fra thine furth in the rowme of the awld fische merkatt.—Tr.)
October 1546.
Regratours, Browsters, Huksters
Item, that na maner of regratouris, hukestares, caik baxteris, topsteris or browsteris be sufferit within this towne without thai be mareit folks, wedois, and thai persouns fynd souerty to be actit in the buiks that thai sall keip the statutes of the towne, vnder the pane of xl s. to be tane of thame swa oft as thai failyie.—(In the end of ane convict buik.—Tr.)
That na aill be sawld darrer than xxxij d. the galloun fra Mononday furth, vnder the payne of xx s. for the first falt, and the secund falt of spayning fra the operatioun (Octobris 1546 and 1548. In the end of the convict buik.— Tr.)
10 December 1546.
Rens, Romany, Malvyse, Burdeaulx wynes.
It is statute be the baillies and counsell, anent the pryces of wynis, that na taverneris within this burgh tak vpoun hand to sell ony darrer wynes fra thine furth nor after followes; that is to say, the Rens wyne xxtid. the pynt, the Romany xvj d., Malvasy ij s., clarett and quhyte wyne, Burdeaulx, for xij d. the pynt, vnder the payne of x li. for the first falt, and for the secund falt discharging of thame that sellis the said wyne.
14 December 1546.
Vnlawes of taverneris.
The provest baillies and counsale decernis and ordanis that the vnlaw of x li., contenit in the statutes laitlie maid anent the pryces of wynes, be takin of thame that hes brokin the said statutes selland thair wynes darrer nor the said statute beris; and als ordanis that the said vnlaw be applyit to the reparatioun of the hie altare; and the baillies vplift the same fra the saidis brekares of the statutes and delyuer the samyn to the dene of gild to that effect; and the saidis provest and baillies hes fundin that thir persouns following hes brokin the said statute and incurrit thairby the paynes of x li. contenit thairin, viz., James Mawchane for selling of Rens wyne darrer than xx d., William Fischear for selling of Romany darrer nor xvj d., George Cairnys, etc.
(The staibleris to the nummer of xix personis callit in and fund souerteis to keip the statutes, vnder the payne of xl s.—Tr.)
20 December 1546.
Selling of strayngers guidis.
It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale, anent (blank) for strayngeris in selling of thair guids inbrocht be thame within this burgh to fremen of burrowes: In the first, all silkis and clayth to be sawld in haill steiks; item, worsetts siclyke to be sawld in steiks; and all vther merchandice that is to be mesurit with elne to be sawld in steiks and nocht cuttit; Item, clowes cannell mases granis mugallis saffroun and siclyke, that the samyn be sawld in grossis or at the leist nocht half dusonis; item, at vther grossis merchandice to be sawld in grossis and half grossis; item, sewing silk, sewing gold, sewing sylver, to be sawld in punds; item, irne to be sawld in thowsands; item, mader to be sawld in polks; item, allum to be sawld in cark; item, hemp to be sawld in polk; item, wynes to be sawld in tun and half tun, and generallie all vther merchandice accordingly.
30 December 1546.
(The men of weir cum fra Sanct Androis and vagabundis dischargeit the town quhill the pest be repressit, vnder the payne of deid.—Tr.)