Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1869.
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'Extracts from the Records: 1461-68', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp19-25 [accessed 13 February 2025].
'Extracts from the Records: 1461-68', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp19-25.
"Extracts from the Records: 1461-68". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp19-25.
(In the rentale 1461, the customes of Leyth ar termit this wayes.—Tr.)
[Setting of Leith customs.]
Quo die, parue custume de Leyth de pok pak barel et hujusmodi bonorum cum lie metsyluer ac lie pittie heavin syluer quam habuit Johannes Peblis in assedatione viz: lie pitie heavin siluer omnium bonorum librorum hominum omnium burgorum Scotie assedantur, etc.
[Which day the petty custom of Leith of pok, pak, barrel, and sicklike goods, with the "met-siller," and the "petty haven siller" which John Peblis held in tack—viz., the "petty haven siller" of all the goods of the free men of all the burghs of Scotland,—are set, &c.]
7 October 1462.
Gild be his wyfe.
Joannes Chapellane effectus frater gilde ratione sponse sue Agnetis filie Joannis Quhyte et finiuit xx s. soluendo.
[John Chapellane made gild brother in right of his wife Agnes, daughter of John White, and compounded by paying twenty shillings.]
[Election of officers.]
(In the Head Court after Michaelmas 1462 is electit ane provest, dene of gild, and thesaurer, ane watter baillie, twa gild seriandis, twa appreciatores vini, and duodena burgi ar thirty-two. —Tr.)
Election of Schippis.
It is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies counsall and communitie of the tovn, that the wittuallis that cumis in and the tymmer at the port of Leith be strangeris salbe bocht in the tolbuyth as maner is of befoir for a certane price, and gif that it beis nocht bocht, that na neichtbour tak in hand to by the saidis victualis or tymmer to regrait and deir agane vpoun the nychtbouris, and gif ony dois, the said vittuall and tymmer salbe tane be the officeris and distribute amangis the nychtboures of the price that is bidden thairfoir in the tolbuyth, that gif ony man of vther burrowis wald by the saidis vittuallis to haif furth of the tovne, the nychtboures to by it of that price that thai gif thairfoir to be distribute amangis the nychtboures, and this statute to endure quhill Michaelmes next. Item, it is ordanit that na nychtbour nor vther tak vpon hand to warne ony strangaris of the price of vittuallis in the cuntrey, nor that na nychtbour schaip thame to by ony vittuallis or to bid ony price thairfoir befoir the entrie, and quha sa dois in the contrair heirof or brekis this statute sall pay to the kirk wark of Sanct Gele ilk persoun singularlie be him self ane chalder of quheit but remissioun.
[Election of officers.]
(In the Heid Court after Michalmes 1463 is electit ane provest, dene of gild, and thesaurer, ane watter baillie, twa gild seriands, twa appreciatores vini, and duodena burgi ar thirty-two in nummer, quhairof euerie ane stylit be his craft.)—(Lowse leiffes.—Tr.)
7 October 1463.
Joannes Greg effectus est frater gilde, et finiuit pro libertate iij li. etc.—(Ib.)
[John Greig is made brother of the gild, and paid for the freedom £, etc]
Gild. Secund sone.
Willelmus Frog effectus est frater gilde, tanquam secundus filius Alexandri Frog, et finiuit pro libertate xx s. soluendo etc.—(Ib.)
[William Frog is made brother of the gild, as second son of Alexander Frog, and compounded for the freedom by paying 20s. etc.]
Gild. Air.
Willemus Vernour filius et heres Willelmi Vernour effectus frater gilde et finiuit species et vinum.—(Ib.)
Willelmus Vernour filius et heres Willelmi Vernour effectus frater gilde gild, and paid spices and wine.]
Craftisman gild.
Willelmus Vernour saidiller effectus est frater gilde pro xx s. ad instantiam Regis.—(Ib.)
[William Vernour, saddler, is made brother of the gild for 20s., at the instance of the King.]
13 December 1463.
Feying of ane miller to the mylnis.
It is appointit and accordit buituix Franskyn Knychtsone on the ta pairt and Alexander Turing, fermaris of the mill, on the ta pairt, and Johne Mawar wricht and seruand to the mylne, on the vther part, that the said Johne Mawar Feying of Miller. salbe leill and trew to the said fermorar withoutin dissimulatioun fraud or gyle in the governance of the myle to the proffeit, qubill the terme of Mertemes nixt to cum, and the said Johne [sall remane] at the hous of the said myln and vesy thame daylie at thai walter nocht na behuifull thing to thame that he aucht to find, and gif at thai walter acht in his default, sa that thairthrow the myle be ydill and may nocht gang, the said Johne sall amend that to the fermararis and skaith on his awin cost, vtherwayes than effeiris thame to ly for mending af thame selff, and the said John sall tell the fermararis gif the myln wantes anything that the toun sall gif thame, sa that thai may mak thame be mendit be the toun, that thai ly nocht ydill in the touns defaltt, and swa the said John sall continuallie remane ewist about the said myln quhair he may wesy thaim and their faltis and nocht put [pas] thairfra without thair askit and obtenit of the said femorairs, and gif be pas way without thair leif to tyne his seruice that he sould haif and the said fermoraris sall gif to the said Johne the tene corne of all cornes of the said mylne, and the said Johne sall do to the fermoraris and to the myln in all things lyk as he did to the towne of befoir and as he awcht to do. (Amang the auld leiffis of this dait.—Tr.)
[Rentale and sett of ane tenement pertening to the toun.]
(Siclyke in the assedatioun maid in the said buik anno 1463 besyde the premissis thair is contenit the rentale and sett of ane tenement pertening to the town as follows:—Tr.)
In tenemento ville prope lie kirk style due bothe anterioris bothe assedantur Johanni Strathauchin pro iij li. xj s., plegio Adame Despens.
Taberna subtus assedatur Patricio Baroun pro 30 s., plegio Willelmo Baroun.
Camera supra cum supermo sollario assedatur domino Henrico de Kingdon pro ij mercis.
[In the town's tenement, near the kirk style, two booths of the outer booth are set to John Strathauchin for £3, 11s.; surety Adam of Spence.
The tavern below is set to Patrick Baroun for 30s.; surety William Baroun.
The chamber above, with the uppermost apartment, is set to Mr Henry of Kingdon for 2 merks.
[Rentale and sett of tenement belonging to the town.]
Aula cum camera et sellarijs in horto ecclesis assedantur Thomas Swift pro v mercis xij d., plegio Jhone Swift.
Le cungziehous assedatur Alexandro Tod pro xxx s., plegio seipso.
Vnum sellarium assedatur Nicolao Hanna pro x s., plegio Willelmo Ramsay.
Alium cellarium assedatur domino Joanni Walker pro xij s.
Supremum sollarium in horto ecclesie assedatur Willelmo Baroun pro xx s., plegio etc.
Due camere assedantur Henrico Hakket pro xx s.
Lie throwgang assedatur Willelmo Met pro viij s., plegio seipso.
Camera domini Alexandri Barroun assedatur sibj pro xx s., allocati in feodo sui.
The hall, with the chamber and cellars in the kirkyard, are set to Thomas Swift for 2 merks, 12d.; cautioner John Swift.
The cunyie-house is set to Alexander Tod for 30s., on his own security.
A cellar is set to Nicholas Hanna for 10s.; cautioner William Ramsay.
Another cellar is set to Mr John walker for 12s.
The uppermost chamber in the kirkyard is set to William Baroun for 20s.; cautioner, etc.
Two chambers are set to Henry Hakkett for 20s.
The througang is set to William Met for Ss., on his own security.
The chamber of Mr Alexander Baroun is set to himself for 20s., assigned for his fee.]
(Als in the sam buik, in the assedatioun maid 1466, the mylnes ar set in this maner:—Tr.)
[Setting of the mills.]
The mylnis ar sett to Alexander of Turing for twa yeir to cum for xiiijxx merks yeirly, to be payet at the termes aucht and wont, and with the girs of the towne and siclyke dewiteis and multure as auld vse and custome wes of before, he biggand the said mylnis of his awin expenssis in this maner, the twa hous of the mylne with stane and lyme, ekand the lenth of lik hous xx fute of lenth and in breid xxij fute within the wall, and loft the said twa hous sufficiently, and make a chimnay in the wall of ilk mylne besyde the hopper, and the durris with hewyn stane; and to begyn to the bigging of the ta mylne now at Fastrounsevin nexttocum, and the tyther the nixt yeir at the samyn time, and to make the ruiffes of guid tymmer and theik thame with sclaitt. Plege for payment of the sowme and for the fulfilling of the said wark Jhone of Fallsyde Jhone of Fowlis; and the wall to be bygit of sufficient thiknes and heicht be the sicht of the provest baillies and counsall.
Marche 1467.
[Commoun clerk.]
(Nota. At this tyme Thomas Vynthank wes commoun clerk. (Lowse leiff.—Tr.)
15 February 1468.
[Custome and anchorage of schippis.]
(One ane lowse leiff, quhair is the daitt 15 Februarii 1468, is contenit.—Tr.)
The custome and anchorage of schippis pertening to the town vse and wont of vnfremen, as followes:—
20 March 1468.
[Letter of advice to the Burgh of Aberdeen as to a doubtful legal question.]
Richt honorable and worschipfull schiris, and wele beluwyt nichtburis, we commaunde ws hartily to yow; and pleyseth you to wit that we hauf rassauyt and vnderstandin your lettere sende til ws and present be the berar, making mensioune that thar is a questioun hapnyt with yow that a burges of your burgh, the quhilk is decessit, hapnyt to marry twa wyffis, and in the fyrst wiffis tyme conquest a lande within your said burgh, and hade with hir a douchter; and efter tha fyrst wyffis decesse he hapynt to mary ane vther wyff, with quhilk he gat sonnys and douchteris; the quhilke lande conquest in the fyrst wyffis tym was vnassynyt be him til ony of his saide barnys in his tym; and at ther is now cummyn befor you the dochtir of the fyrst wyff, clamande the said land as air thairto, and to be knawin be you to the saymn and richt; swa the son of the secunde wyff, askande him to be kende to the said lande as air til his fadir, prayng ws that forsamekle as sic a case has nocht hapnyt with you in tyme bygane, that we walde pass togidder with the consaile of men of law, and avise tharapon, and to certyfy you in write with the berar. For the quhilkis we hafe passit togidder with men of law, and has commonyt apon the saide mater, beande wele and rypely avisit, thus we mak known and findis, that the dochter gottyn in the first wyffis tyme aucht of resone and law to suceede to the heritage conquest and gottyn in tha said fyrst wyffis tym, of lesse than it was assignit of befor in the fadyris tyme, vt patet in legibus burgorum in capitulo vbi dicit de homine habente duas vxores, etc. And this we declair and certyfiis to your nichtbourhedis be thir presentis, the quhilkis the blessit Trinitie euermar conserve in guid hele and prospertie. Writtyn vnder our common sele of cause, at Edinburgh, the xx day of the monethe of Marche.
Prepositus balliui et consules burgi de Edinburgh vobis prompti in omnibus. Honorabilibus circumspectisque prudentis viris preposito balliuis et consulibus ville de Aberdene vicinis et amicis nostris sincere delectis.