Extracts from the Records: 1509

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1869.

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'Extracts from the Records: 1509', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp122-125 [accessed 13 February 2025].

'Extracts from the Records: 1509', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp122-125.

"Extracts from the Records: 1509". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp122-125.


15 May 1509.

Wobsteris, Walkaris.

The quhilk day the provest baillies counsale and kirkmaisteris hes consentit and ordanit that in tyme to cum baith the craftis, viz, webstaris, wakeris and scheraris, in alltymes of processioun quhair euir thair bannaris beis borne, that thai pas togedder and be incorporat vnder ane baner in als formis as thai pleis; and to be maid in this wys, that thair baneris of baith the saidis craftis be paynitt with the imagis figuris and armis of the webstaris, and principalie becaus thai ar found the elder craft and first placit; and with the ymagis figuris and armys of the said scheraris and wakaris quarterrie rynnand togedder; and the armes of the webstaris, viz. thair signe of the spule to be vnmaist in ilk baner; and ilk ane of thair craftis to haue thair bymarkis on thair awin bannaris that thai mak principale cost vpoun for the keiping of the samyn; and the said scheraris and wakeris to pas vnder the bannar of the wobstaris quhill thai may gudlie furnis thair awin, and the armys of the said scheraris and wakeris to be now put in the webstaris bannaris gif thai may be gudlie formit and gottin thairvntill.

19 July 1509.

Villa penes nauium per Andream Berton captain.

Decimo nono die mensis Julij, hora xi ante meridiem, anno Domini jm vc nono, indictione xii, pontificatus Julii Pape secundi anno vito. In honorabili viri Alexandri Lawdir prepositi burgi de Edinburgh infra regnum Scotie presentia sentia personaliter constitutus Petrus Lempsoun nauclerus, cuiusdam nauis vocate le Fasterinsolum de Handwarpe, sua propria voluntate non coactus exposuit et declarauit quod excellentissimus et serenissimus princeps supremus dominus noster Rex huius incliti regni Scotie decreuit et ordinauit dictam nauim jamdudum per Andream Bertoun captam cum istis bonis viz. triginta funibus, quinque cabilis, tresdecim barrellis bitumenis, duabus saculis lupili hoipe, vnum le mawnd, vno sero pleno luti, vc cannys et aliis rebus paruulis sibi restitui et deliberari, De quibus idem nauclerus et sui marinarii Arnoldus Peterson et Gilbrandus Clawson et quidem alii fatebantur se bene contentos et plenarie persolutos, atque de eiisdem et omnibus aliis bonis in dicta naui tempore sue captionis existentibus et cum quibus idem Andreas aliqualiter intromisit et de suis dampnis et interesse inde sustentis exonerarunt et quitteclamauerunt dictum S. sicuti tenore presentis instrumenti exonerarunt et quitteclamauerunt dictum S. D. N. Regem ipsum Andream omnesque alios suos mercatores et legios quoscunque de predictis naui apparalibus suis et bonis superius expressis et aliis quibuscunque nunc et imperpetuum Super quibus honorabilis et discretus vir magister Jacobus Henrison nomine ville petiit instrumentum munimandum sigillo communi ad causas: Acta apud Edinburgh ante mansionem ipsius magistri Jacobi hora quasi supra presentibus ibidem Willelmo Carmychael, George Dikson, Patricio Richartson, Willelmo Hoppar, et Patricio Barron.

[On the nineteenth day of the month of July, at the eleventh hour before noon, in the year of our Lord 1509, the twelfth indiction, and the sixth year of the pontificate of Pope Julius the Second. In presence of an honourable man Alexander Lawdir Provost of the Burgh of Edinburgh, within the kingdom of Scotland, personally compeared Peter Lempsoun, master of a certain ship called the Fasterinsolum of Antwerp, and of his free will, uncompelled, set forth and declared that the most excellent and most serene Prince, our Sovereign Lord the King of this renowned kingdom of Scotland, decerned and ordained the said vessel lately captured by Andrew Bertoun, with the following goods: thirty ropes, five cables, thirteen barrels of pitch, two sacks of lupili hoipe [?], one mawnd, one sack full of wald, five hundred cannys, and other small things, to be restored and delivered to him; of which the said captain and his seamen, Arnold Peterson and Gilbrand Clawson, and some others, acknowledged themselves to be well content and fully paid; and of the same and of all other things in the said ship at the time of her capture, and with which the said Andrew at any time intromitted, and of his damages and expenses thereby sustained, they exonered and discharged, as by the tenor of the present instrument they exonered and discharged our said Sovereign Lord the King, the said Andrew, and all others his merchants and lieges whatsoever, of the foresaid ship, her furnishing and goods above expressed, and others whatsoever, now and for ever. Upon which an honourable and discreet man Master James Henrison, in the name of the town, asked an instrument to be sealed with the common seal for causes. Done at Edinburgh, before the house of the said Master James, at the foresaid hour, being there present William Carmychel,. George Dikson, Patrick Richartson, William Hoppar and Patrick Barron.]

27 September 1509.

Clengeing of the Calsay.

The quhilk day, in presence of the provest baillies and counsale and community, Thomas Jhonstoun calsay maker, and Jhone Broun saltare, present thair supplicatioun desyring the clengeing and dichting of the hie gaitt, and to fynd and sustene for that intent hors with close cairts, quheill barrowes and vther neidfull instruments thairfore, and thai to haif dewteis vsit and wont; with the quhilk desyre the prouest baillies counsale and community beand ryplie avysit, it wes considderit sa and appoyntit that the said Thomas and Jhone sall clenge the hie streitt fra the Castelhill to the heids of Leyth Wynd and Sanct Mary Wynd on bayth the sydis the gaitt, after the forme of the act maid thairvpoun of before, and als that thai sall furneis and mak yeirly, as lang as thai bruik the said office of calsay dichting, fourty ruids of calsay to be maid and compleittit at all pairtis of the said burgh quhair it sall be sene maist behufull and expedient to the provest baillies and counsale for the time, vpoun thair laubouris costs and expenssis, for the quhilk clenging and furnesing of the said fourty ruids of calsay yeirly, with the consent and avyse of the community foresaid, thai sall haif and it sall be lefull to thame to raise and ressaue yeirly and at all tymes convenient thir proffeitts wedges and dewteis vnderwrittin, viz. To tak of euery buith volt sellar and chalmer of ilk foreland plenist and inhabite of the hie streett on bayth the sydes of the same ane penny in the quarter, viz. iiij d. in the yeir, and of euery flescheour occupeand his stok on the hie gaitt with flesche or fische, for the clengeing of thair inhonestie and filth of the same, four penuies ilk quarter, viz. xvj d. in the yeir. Item of ilk owt flescheour selland thair flesche on stoks or burdis on the merket Mononday to pay on that Mononday ane halfpenny for clengeing of his stand. Item, of ilk huikster selland and tappand fische in the merkat, heiffand na buith on the forgaitt, to pay j d. ilk quarter, viz. iiij d. in the yeir. And of the daylie cummers and sellares of fische that dwellis nocht in this burch, of ilk hors laid a halfpenny or the worth of a halfpenny of the stufe thairof at the will of the gevare. And the said clengers of the gait to haif thair dewteis of the victualle merkats vsit and wont, viz., of ilk laid thair dischefull market and brynt with the townis mark, and of the half laid the half dische full. And of ilk vther hors laidfull of guidis laid down in the merkatt to be sawld, a halfpenny. And as for the burdings brocht vpoun men or wemenis heids or baks or in their hands to pay nathing. And of ilk hors cumand with laids to the towne, standand and eittand thair meitt on the streitt owtwith a stabill, and swa remanand langer nor thai may be staiblitt, sall pay for ilk heid swa standand and fuilzeand the gaitt ane halfpenny. Item, the prouest bailles and counsale hes constitute the said clengeouris of the gaitt to consider and espye all the regratouris in the fische merkett bye na fische to regraitt agane before the hour of xij of the day, becaus it is forbidden be statutes maid thairvpoun. And at the brekkares to be pvinst thairfor after the forme of the samyn. And at na thing be tayne of the stufe sawld on hors bak nowther hydes, mantis, hors corne, nor swa siclyk guids, without it be laid down in the merkett and thair remayne quhill it be sawld. (In the same (convict) buke.—Tr.)