Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1869.
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'Extracts from the Records: 1506', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp108-111 [accessed 13 February 2025].
'Extracts from the Records: 1506', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp108-111.
"Extracts from the Records: 1506". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp108-111.
17 January 1505–6.
Johannes Frances.
xvii die mensis Januarii, hora xi ante merediem, de speciali mandato prepositi burgi de Edinburgh, apud crucem fori eiusdem, Thomas Arnot vnus seriandorum dicti burgi proclamauit literam supremi domini nostri Regis, sub suo magno sigillo, directam Johanni Francis, super conseruatorie preuilegiorum nacionis mercatorum Scotie, in vulgari lingua Scotica, vt omnes audientes populi presentis potuisset intelligere. Et hoc super idem Johannes conseruator huiusmodi nationis petiit instrumentum, Testibus dicto preposito, viz. Alexandro Lauder, Johanne Levingtoun, magistro Dauid Lauder vicario de Ersiltoun, Kentegerno Stevensoun, Alexandro Gray, Alexander Edgar, nuncio dicti burgi et multis aliis.
[On the seventeenth day of the month of January, the eleventh hour before noon, by special command of the Provost of the Burgh of Edinburgh, Thomas Arnot, one of the serjeands of the said Burgh, proclaimed at the market cross thereof, a letter of our Sovereign Lord the King, under his Great Seal, directed to John Francis, in regard to the conservatory of the privileges of the merchants of the nation of Scotland, in the common Scotch language, that all the people present hearing might understand. And upon this the said John, conservator of this nation, asked instruments. Witnesses—the said Provost, viz., Alexander Lauder; John Livingtoun; Master David Lauder, vicar of Ersiltoun; Mungo Stevensoun, Alexander Gray; Alexander Edgar, messenger of the said burgh, and many others.]
10 May 1506.
Statutes maid in the yeir of God jm vc vjto
Letteres discharging paking and pelying in Leith and Cannogait.
JAMES, be the grace of God King of Scottis, to our customaris of our burgh of Edinburgh present and tocum, greting, Forasmekle as it is vnderstand be the lordis of our counsall that we ar greittumlie defraudit in our cvstomes throw pakking and peling of merchand gude in Leith to be had furth of our realme, and throw selling of strangearis guidis in Leyth vnenterit to our burgh of Edinburgh, in contrare our lawis and actis of parliament, and throw selling of clayth and vtheris guidis to strangearis in Leith vnsene or customit be yow, Oure will is heirfor and we charge yow straitlie and commandis vncontinent, thir our lettres sene ye pas and in our name and authoritie command and charge be oppin proclamatioun at the merkat cors of our said burgh all and syndrie our liegis and strangearis reparand within our realme, that nane of thame tak vpon hand to pak or peill in Leith or in the Cannogait ony maner of merchandice or guidis to be had of our realme, or to schip the saymn packet thair or in ony vther placis vnto the tyme that the saidis guidis be sene and custumit be yow our saidis custumeris, and the customes and dewties thairof lelely payit as effeirs, nor that na strangearis bringand merchandice or guidis within our realme to our port of Leyth sell or mak mercat thairof in Leith or ony vther places to ony maner of personis quhill entre be maid thairof to our toun of Edinburgh, and their dewties payit according to our actis and statutis maid thairvpoun, vnder the pane of escheiting of all the saidis guidis packet schippit or sauld vnenterit in maner aboue written; charging lykwys that na skipperis nor maisters of schippis saill furth of our realme fra our said port with thair schippis chargit with ony merchandice or guidis quhill the samyn be lelely enteret to yow our saidis customeris, and the cokket thairof deliuerit to thame and entred vnder the samyn pane; nor that na maner of persons mak merket with strangearis of claith hydis woll or ony vther merchandice that aucht ws custome in Leith, bot that thai cum and mak the market thairof in our burgh of Edinburgh, that the samyn be nocht secretlie schippit and we defraudit of our customes aucht thairof, lykeas we haue bene in tymes bygane, vnder the samyn pane of escheiting of the saidis guidis bayth to the byaris and sellaris; and efter the said proclamatioun that ye diligentlie serche and seik be your self your seruandis and factouris quhair ony maner of personis our liegis or strangearis dois incontrair this our proclamatioun and inhibitioun in ony pointis, and quhair ony beis apprehendit that ye escheit the saidis guidis and inbring the samyn to our vse according to our saidis actis and statutis as ye will ansuer to ws vpoun the executioun of your office; and that ye in our name promit and gif to the sercheouris and fyndaris of the said escheit guidis ane pairt thairof according to thair labouris, and caus the mair diligence be done thairin: the quhilk to do we commit to yow our saidis custumeris present and to cum coniunctlie and severalie, and to your seruandis and factouris that sall be lymmit be yow thairto, for the quhilk ye sall be haldin to ansuer our full power be thir our lettres, gavin vnder our Signet at Edinburgh, the x day of Maij and of our rigne the xviij yeir.
Ex deliberatione dominorum consilij.
25 September 1506.
Continuatioun of the chesing of officeris.
The provest baillies and counsall hes continuit the chesing of the electis of the officeris of the toun quhill this day viij dayis in the samyn effect as it is now, becaus certane of the nychtbouris ar yit furth of the toun quhilkis ar chosin vpoun the counsall.
26 September 1506.
We do yow to witt that it is statute and ordanit and als thocht expedient be the provest baillies and counsale, for the commoun proffeitt and honesty of this burch, that na maner of swyne be haldin within this towne in the hie streitts nor venellis outwith hous nor outwith band, vnder the payne of slauchter of the swyne and escheitt of the samyn to the lokman Patrik Fressail, quhilk is ordanit to slay the samyn quhair euir he can apprehend thame vtwith hous and band as said is fra Mononday afternone furth nixt tocum, and that thai devoyd the said swyne tomorne at none vnder the said payne. (In the same [convict] buik.—Tr.)
6 October 1506.
Curia post festum St Michaelis tenta vj° Octobris 1506.
[The court after the Feast of St Michael, held on 6th October 1506.]
The prouest and counsale fyndis x s. quheitt and decernis the pais thairafter.
Item, xij d. aill and viij d. aile and na darrer vnder the paynis contenit in the statutes
Item, that na regratouris of wyld fowle or tayme or yitt of fische vnder the paynis contenit in the statutes.
Proclamatio. Malt bying in Leyth.
We do yow to witt that it is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies and counsall of this burgh, for the common proffitt of the samyn, and all our Souerane Lordis lieges repairand, for till eschew the exorbitant [price] of aill quhilk is speciallie throw the bying of malt be our nichtbouris in Leyth, nocht sufferand it to cum to the Kings merket and thair to be sawld after the forme of the act of parliament, that thairfor nane of our nichtbouris nor indwelleris within this burgh take vpoun hand fra this tyme furth to pas to Leyth to by ony malt to brew sell and regraitt, vnder the payne the first falt to ane vnlaw of viij s., and thairafter escheitt of the malt als oft as it may be owertayne and gottin swa brekand this statute but favouris. (In the same buik,—[i.e. the convict book, beginning in July 1505.]—Tr.)