Churchwardens' accounts: 1556-7

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1556-7', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1556-7', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1556-7". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.

[a.d. 1556–7.

William Holstocke Wardens.]
William Pasmer

(fn. 1) Hereafter folowethe Thaccompte of William Holstocke, Churche Warden with William Pasmer of the parishe Churche of Saynte Marye at hill' in London, from the feast of the nativite of oure Lorde God anno 1556 vnto the feast of the Nativite of our Lorde god Anno 1557.

The Rentes and receiptes.

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(fn. 2) Rec' towardes the paskall' lyght at easter of suche as did receyve of the parisheners xij s viij d iij quarteres
Rec' more at easter of the parishioners for ther iiij offerynge dayes xlix s vij d
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Rec' of Mr yonge for the wast of iiij of the Churche torches at his mans buriall' xvj d
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(fn. 3) Hereafter folowethe paimentes that I, William Holstocke, Churchewarden of the parishe of Saynte Mary at Hill, hathe layd oute abowte the affayres of the sayde Churche in many parselles, as hereafter dothe ffoll'owe, in Anno domini 1557.

The Charges of the quere, as hereafter folowethe.

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Payed to sir Ioh'n mychell for one monthe servinge and beynge Curat and after died x s
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Payed to sir Ioh'n Gliatson, morrowmas priest, for one quarteres wagis and iij weekes lix s vj d
Payed to sir Iohn parkyns, a base, for to helpe the quere when hobbes was dead, and to have viij d daye everi holy daye and sundayes xv s viij d
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Payed to Ioh'n hobbes, quondocke, for one quarters wages endynge at thannunciacion of our Ladye, and borrowed xvj s viij d of the nexte quarter & dyed lvj s viij d
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(fn. 4) Payed to Thomas Mundie for his whoale yeares wages endynge at Cristmas last iiij l'i
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(fn. 5) Hereafter folowethe payementes by me, William Holstocke, Churchewarden of the parishe of Saynt mary at hyll', Layede owte abowte the affayres of the churche in many parselles, as hereafter dothe followe.

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Item, payed for ij bookes for the Churche, named the homylis and the sacramentes: the Curat, henry Ioye, beynge commaunded by the ordenari to be had the ixth of Ianuarii iij s
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Item, payed for holy and Ivye agaynst Cristmas to garnishe the Churche ij s viij d
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(fn. 6) Item, payed the xxviijti of Ianuarii To frauncis Iasper for one whoale yeares quitterent of the Southe Churcheyarde dewe to the kynge and quenes highnes at mighelmas last past x s
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Item, payed to Mr maunsefelde for the subsedewe [subsede dewe ?] for our parsons benefice dewe to the kynge and the Quenes highnes iij l'i v s
Item, payed more for the quittaunce makynge iiij d
Item, payed more to Mr maunsefelde for Mr parsons Tenth of the benefice iij l'i xiij s iiij d
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Item, payed for a clothe mendynge of paynted Imagery, and for corde to hange the same clothe withall' vp before the roode and let it downe, the xth of marche iiij d
Turne over the Leafe.
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(fn. 7) Item, payd the xvijth daye of aprill' for a stand of good ale for the maundye ij s viij d
Item, payed the daye before saide to the sompner for bryngynge the Crismatori at easter xij d
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Item, paied to a mason the xxvijti daye of aprill' to mend the wyndowe for the sacrament xj d
(fn. 8) Item, paid to a smythe to make a gynne of Iron for the sacramente to runne vp in by the lyne xij d
Item, payde for a lace of sylke for the sacrament v s
Item, payed for another lace of sylke for to plucke downe and lett vp the sacramente iij s
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Item, payde to fyve ryngars that ronge the same daye that the Kynge and the Quenes hignes cam through london; by commaundment of the bisshop to rynge xx d
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Item, payd for thred to bynd the palmes, box & you j d
Item, payd for ij reedes to lyght the sepulture vj d
Item, for the oyle and crealme bryngyng from the bisshop j d
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(fn. 9) Item, payed to William mundye the xijth daye of maye for his Charges to rochester to hier a conducte, a base, for our Churche ij s
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Item, payd the iiijth daye of Iulii to sir Bunntynge, one of the prestes of Saynt Magnus, for servyng the Cure the satterday and sondaye next ensuynge after Mr Ioye, Curatt, departed xvj d
Item, paid to Mr parsons woman that kepes his house for a quitterent of the newe house in the northe churcheyarde, for one whoale yeare iij s iiij d
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Item, payed for borrowynge of a sylver Crosse and ij Candelstyckes of sylver and a senser of sylver to occupye of our ladis daye viij d
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(fn. 10) Item, paid to the plummer, Mr Rychardson, for ix l'i of soulder, at vij d the pownd, v s iij d, and more for a plum of leade for the sacrament, viij d v s xj d
(fn. 11) Payed to olde mundy for drynke for the syngyng men of the quere iiij d
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Item, paid to Ioh'n howorthe at iij sondrye tymes for wyne for the whoale yeare for the ministracion of the masse, and for the hoselynge wyne and for the festivall' dayes, as dothe appeare xxxij s x d
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Item, paid for syngynge bread at sondry tymes for one whoale yeare xxij d
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(fn. 12) Item, payed to Ioh'n howe, organ maker, the xxixti daye of november for mendyng of bothe the payre of organs agaynst the Sumpcion of our Ladye ij s
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Item, paid to Mr Archedeakin of polles for Mr parsons visitacion which was dewe at myghelmas last iij s iiij d
Item, paid for a booke of statutes towchynge our chauntres xij d
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Item, paid for a keye for the doore that commythe owte of Love Lane into the northe churcheyarde iiij d
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(fn. 13) Item, paid to a prest that did serue our Cure the sondaye folowinge that sir Ioh'n mychell' dyed, beynge our Curat, and lefte vs desolate viij d
Item, paid for a processionar for to be occupied in our quere at servis tyme xvj d
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  • 1. leaf 798.
  • 2. leaf 798, back.
  • 3. leaf 799, back.
  • 4. leaf 800.
  • 5. leaf 800, back.
  • 6. leaf 801.
  • 7. leaf 801, back.
  • 8. leaf 802.
  • 9. leaf 802, back.
  • 10. leaf 803.
  • 11. leaf 803, back.
  • 12. leaf 804.
  • 13. leaf 804, back.