Churchwardens' accounts: 1551-2

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1551-2', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1551-2', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1551-2". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.

[a.d. 1551–2.

Robert Young Wardens.
Edmund Candish

(fn. 1) Here after ffolloyth Thacompt of Robert Yovng, Churchwardyn with Edmond Ca[n]dish of the parish church of Saynt Mary at Hill of London, ffrom the ffeast of Saynt Myhell TharCangell in ye yere of our Lord god M'ccccclj vnto the ffeast of Saynt Miell Tharcangell in the yar of our Lord god 1552, that is to saie, for one whole yere.

The Renttes and Recepttes.

* * * * *

(fn. 2) Recevede of ssarttayn of the Parishe towardes the payment of the Cvrattes waiges more than maister parson dothe allove, as hereafter Insvith.

Rec' of Thomas Cleton, Thellder, iij s iiij d; of Thomas Nicollson iij s iiij d; of Thomas Lorimor ij s; of William Kelly ij s; of Andrian Searle ij s; of Thomas Lvcas xx d; of William Stewen iij s iiij d, & of Edmonde candish xx d

Suma to xix s iiij d.

Rec' of ffranceis Semper, for a fyne or Incom for ye mesvaige or tenement set and being in ye north church yeard of ye seid parishe Church of Saynt marie at hill, wherin ye seid ffranceis Nowe Inhabith and dwelleth, ffyve povndes. In consideracion of which ffyve povndes for a fyne or Incom as aforesaid it was condissendyd, concludid & agreid, ye Seven & Tw[e]ntie daie of March, in the Sixt yere of the reign of our souerangne Lord king Edward ye Sixt, by ye most avncienttes of ye said parishe of Saint mari at hill, yat ye said ffranceis Semper & his wife should have, hovld & Inioie ye fforeseid mesvaig or tenement, ffrom ye feast of ye Annvnciacion of our blessed Ladie ye virgin In the said Sixt yere of ye Reign of our seid Soueraingne Lord king Edward the Sixt vnto the end & terme of Twentie yeres ffrom thence next Insving & ffully to be complet, yellding & paing therfore yerelly to ye Church wardins of ye seid parishe Church of St mari at hill for the tyme being, Thertie shillins of lawfull monie of Ingland at ffowre Termes in ye yere vsvall in ye Citte of London, by even porcions, & yat ye Churchwardins of ye seid parishe Church of St mari at hill for ye time being shovlld kepe & maintain the sied mesvaig or tenement ffrom wind & wether tide dvring all ye seid Terme.

Svma totalis of the Receittes, xxxix l'i vij s vij d.

(fn. 3) Wherof ys payde owt as hereafter Inssvith, yat is to Saye:—

Payde to Sir Iohn Sharping, preist, for one qvarters wayges ended at our Lady daye xviij s iiij d
* * * * *
Payd to William Dawe, our base, for his wholle yeares wayges vj l'i
* * * * *
(fn. 4) Payd for the Conffermacion of ye Indenter for the hovses in the northe Churche yeard wherin Mr parson & ffranceis Semper dwell & for the bovsshoppes Sealle to have it Reiesterd in ye bousshoppes Court xj s viij d
* * * * *
Payd for bred and drynke on Ester daye in the vestre for the Qvyre vj d
* * * * *
Payd vnto a goulde smith for to take the sylluer ffrom a gospell boke & to waye it vj d
* * * * *
Payd to sir hvgh winter, Cvrat, towardes the paiment of one quarters waiges in stephen kevaldes time xxv s
* * * * *
(fn. 5) Payd for bred and wyne the xth daye of december ij d q'
Payd for writing agayne of the Inventory of our Churche gooddes by Reason yat ye other was Retorned by the kinges Maiestes commissioners iiij s
Payd for bred and wyne ye Sonday before Christmas ij d ob.
* * * * *
Payd owt of the sayd Rent to sir Allyn persy, Clarke parson of the sayd Church, for a qvitrent as well for the Seyd hous wherin ffranceis semper dwelleth as for the hovs wherin the Seyd sir Allyn Persy nowe lyeth in the north Church Yeard of ye sayde parishe church iij s iiij d
* * * * *
(fn. 6) Ioh'n Crovcher oweth to the Said Church for The Tyth of his hovs for one whole yere ended at Mihillmas Anno Domini 1552, of ye gift of Mr parson xj s
* * * * *

There was delyuered also at the ende of this accompt, ij gret bokes apertayning to the seid Church. And in one of the saide bokes were contayned in, the Accompttes of nycolas Awsthorpe, Thomas Lvcas, William Stewen, Edmonde Candishe, and meny others.

[ (fn. 7) Inventories, etc., see p. 50.]


  • 1. leaf 745.
  • 2. leaf 745, back.
  • 3. leaf 746.
  • 4. leaf 746, back.
  • 5. leaf 747.
  • 6. leaf 747, back.
  • 7. leaf 748.