Churchwardens' accounts: 1536-7

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1536-7', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1536-7', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1536-7". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.

[a.d. 1536–7.

Thomas Malby Wardens.
Iohn Bird

Obit List.

Quitrent List.

Chantry Accounts.

Church Rents.]

(fn. 1) Paymentes ffor the Chirche.

* * * * *
Item, ffor ij queres of paper iiij d. Item, ffor a quere of paper Royall' viij d xij d
* * * * *
Item, paid for xv elles of brod clothe to make surpluces ffor the conductes, at vijd ye ell', viij s ix d. Item, ffor makyng of iiij surpluces ij s x s ix d
Item, paid ffor iij elles di. of brucell' cloth to mak a surpluce, at vij d ij s [. . ?]
* * * * *
Item, paid to a man ffor beryng of ye copes to grace chirche agayn whan ye kyng & ye quene Rode thorowgh the Citie ij d
* * * * *
Item, paid ffor ij quylles ffor the organs iij d
* * * * *
Item, paid to Wolston ffor makyng of ye stages ffor ye prophettes vj d
Item, paid ffor hiryng of ye Raymentes for the prophettes ij s
* * * * *
Item, paid ye xx day of aprell' to pristes, clarkes, conductes, sexten, brede, drynke & masse peny at ye obbyt of Iohn Weston vj s j d
* * * * *
Item, paid to a syngynge man yat was sent ffor to be hyred xij d
* * * * *
Item, paid ffor iij ll' of Rope ffor the organs, at j d ye ll' iiij d ob.
* * * * *
Item, paid to a lernyd man 'ffor serchyng in ye kynges escheker ffor the chauntries longynge to the chirche xvj d
Item, paid ffor byndyng of ye bok yat lith affore ye parishe pryste vj s
* * * * *
(fn. 2) Item, ffor Ryngyng of the gret bell' vj owres ffor quene Iane, and ffor Ryngyng of ye belles dyuers peles to the same ij s vj d
Item, paid to ij men ffor beryng of ye copes to powlis, & home agayn at the byrthe of prynce edward xij d
* * * * *
Item, paid to a tylar for mendyng a serteyn hole in ye chirche iij d
Item, paid ffor a key for ye west chirche dore iiij d
* * * * *
(fn. 3) Item, paid to a man yat watched ye gongffarmers ij nyghtes viij d
* * * * *
Item, ffor owr lady masse, wyne to serue ye pryst at ye alter ffor the hole yere xxj d

quyte Rentes.

* * * * *

(fn. 4) Alowaunces.

* * * * *
Item, ffor the wryttyng of the Inventory of ye goodes of ye chirche and all' the ornymentes of the same iij s iiij d
* * * * *

(fn. 5) Casuall' Receytes.

Item, Rec' ye xx day of merche ffor a pyt in ye chirche & a knyll' with ye gret belle ffor thoms Wolston xiij s iiij d
Item, Rec' ye xiij day of may ffor a pytt & a knyll' ffor Wylliam smythe xiij s iiij d
Item, Rec' the xvj day of Iulii ffor a pyt & a knyll' ffor master game xvj s viij d. Item, Rec' ffor ye ston yat lithe vppon hym xx s xxxvj s viij d
Item, Rec' the xx day of Iulii ffor a pyt in the pardon chirche yarde ffor Wylliam brokes wyff iij s iiij d
Item, Rec' ye xix day of August of Mr burnynghill' ffor a pyt for his child in ye pardon chirche yarde ij s
Item, R' of Iohn Dawson for a pyt for his child in ye pardon chirch yard ij s
Item, R' the xvij day of septembre ffor a knyll' withe the gret bell' ffor Iohn Dawson vj s viij d. Item, Rec' ffor his pyt in ye pardon chirch yarde iij s iiij d x s
Item, Rec' of Master Chalyner ffor a pyt for Mrs goswell' within the chirche vj s viij d
Item, Rec' of mastres goodwyn ffor a pyt ffor her mayd in the pardon chirche yarde ij s
Item, Rec' of master byrde ffor a pyt ffor his child In the pardon chirche yarde ij s
Item, Rec' of master osborn for a pyt for Anne dukkelyng iij s iiij d
Summa of thes Receytes, iiij l'i xiiij s viij d.

[Wax Reckoning.]

(fn. 6) Clarkes Wages and the beame lighte.

Item, Rec' of ye parryshons this yere ffor the clarkes wages as yt apperethe by ye Rowle of gaydryng of ye same viij l'i iij s ij d
Item, Rec' ffor ye pascall' money & ye beame liggh't yis yere xj s vj d
Summa of ye Rec' for ye clarkes wages & ye
pascall' money, viij l'i xiiij s viij d.


Item, paid to Wylliam paten, paryshe clarke, ffor a yeres wages vj l'i xiij s iiij d
Item, paid to Ihames sharpulles, conducte, ffor a yeres wages viij l'i
Item, paid to Iohn day, conducte, ffor iij quarteres wages vj l'i
Item, paid to thomas tallis ffor half [a] yeres wages iiij l'i
Item, paid to thoms Ex ffor a quarter & ij wekes & ode dais after cristmas xlviij s
Item, paid to Roger Centon ffrom the xiiij day of ffebruar to owr lady day ye annuncyacon, xxvj s viij d. Item, paid to hym more ffor v wekes & od dais after mydsomer, xvij s xliij s viij d
Item, paid to thoms hogeson, sexten, ffor his yeres wages iiij l'i
Summa of ye paymentes of the clarkes wages, xxxiij l'i v s.
So the paymentes amountes ouer & above the Receytes, xxiiij l'i x s iiij d.


(fn. 7) Item, more alowyd for bulman, a bedman, whiche was voyde viij wekes, at iij d the weke ij s
Summa dewe to the chirche, xviij l'i vij s viij d ob..
Wherof paid to Thomas becwithe vppon a chales viij l'i
Item, paid to Wylliam burnynghill' yat he lent vppon a senser vij l'i vj s
Item, paid to thoms malby of old det which was ffor lyme at ye buyldyng of ye howsis at seynt kateryns xij s
Rest onpaid dewe to the chirche, xlix s viij d ob.
Item, more Rec' of Robert nycolson ffor the parsons dewtye iij l'i, & notwithstondyng ye dewty ys iij l'i xij s x d ob., but ye Masters of ye par[i]she Remyttyd ye Rest for serteyn consyde[r]acons iij l'i
So Rest to ye chirche v l'i ix s viij d ob., Remaynig in thoms malbis hondes.


  • 1. leaf 678, back.
  • 2. leaf 679.
  • 3. leaf 679, back.
  • 4. leaf 680.
  • 5. leaf 680, back.
  • 6. leaf 681.
  • 7. leaf 681, back.