Churchwardens' accounts: 1520-1

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1520-1', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 1 April 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1520-1', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed April 1, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1520-1". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 1 April 2025.

[a.d. 1520–1.

Robert Game Wardens.]
Iohn Potter

[Obit List. Quitrent List. Chantry Accounts. Church Rents. Quitrents and Payments.]

(fn. 1) Item, paid to Mestres Segesmond for money that she lent to þe church' v l'i
* * * * *
Item, paid to Mr Alen for the Bede Rowle of the Church' ij s
* * * * *
(fn. 2) Item, paid to sir Joh'n Borugh'brig by the Comaundement of the Masturs of the parisshe for his labur on the holydays from Christemas to candilmas vj s viij d
* * * * *
Item, paid for a days labur of a carpenter for makyng of the same dore and mendyng of the almeres & mendyng of ye Iudassis in þe Roode lofte viij d
* * * * *
(fn. 3) Item, paid for mendyng of the syluer holy-watur sprynkyll and sowdryng of the same and for Syluer to the same iiij d
Item, paid for Garlondis on Corpus cristi day for þe Crossis and þe quere v d ob.
Item, paid for beryng of viij torches that day, to viij men viij d
Item, paid for iiij dosen Garlondis withe Roosis and lavender for the Clerkys and the quere, and for iij Garlondis for the Crossis and ij Garlondis for Mastur Doctor and Mastur Alen ij s ix d
(fn. 4) Item, Spent vppon the kynges chappell for theyre dyner that day xx s, of the which' I ask alowaunce of xiij s iiij d
* * * * *
(fn. 5) Item, paid for latessing of the iiij wyndowys in the Steple next to the bellis, for euery wyndowe ix
yerdis and a halff of lattes. Summa xxxviij yerdis, the yerd ij d ob. Summa paid viij s
* * * * *
Item, paid to Joh'n Balaham for ij days, to make clene the Steple ayenst the halowyng of the bellis viij d
Item, paid for ij burdens of Russhis to strawe vnder the bellis iij d
* * * * *
Item, paid for mendyng of the lok on þe wyket in þe pardon chirch'yard iij d
* * * * *
Item, paid for Ryngyng of Mr Ientilles knyll with þe great bell vj d
Item, paid for Ryngyng of a knyll for Mr Roches seruaunt for vj owres vj d
* * * * *
(fn. 6) Item, paid [for] Ringing of the pelis at Mastur Ientillis Buryeng x d
Item, paid for Ryngyng of the pelis at Mr Rochis seruaunttes buryeng x d
Item, paid for makyng of the pit for Mr Rochis seruaunt iiij d
Item, paid for pavyng of Mastur Rochis seruaunttes grave viij d
Item, paid for the Ryngyng of Mr Doctors knyll vj d
Item, paid for Ryngyng of the pelis at Dirige and Masse x d

Vestmenttes and Copis.

Item, paid for a vnce of venes golde iij s viij d & for an ounce & di. of Ryband xv d. Summa iiij s xj d
Item, paid for halff an ounce of yelowe sylke for þe copis vj d
Item, paid for halff an ounce of yelowe threde iij d
Item, paid for Saffron and flowre and blake sylke xij d
Item, paid to Richard peirson, browderer, the first day of Iunnii, for viij days & a halff wourke in mendyng of vestymenttes & Copis, for euery day viij d. Summa v s viij d
Item, to William the Browderer, for v days wourke, þe day vj d. Summa ij s vj d
Item, for ij yerdis & a halff of Bukram, the yerde vj d. Summa xv d
Item, paid for an oun of yelowe thr[e]de and blewe threde ij d
Item, paid for iij quarters of Reband vij d ob.; and for whight threde j d. Summa viij d ob.
Item, paid for threde of dyuers colowris iij d ob.
Item, paid for Cadas Reband and blake Reband for the courtens of Mastur Camb[r]iges alter an for yelowe threde ij d
Item, paid for vj yerdis of blewe Bokeram, the yerd vj d. Summa iij s
Item, paid for tawney threde for the vestymenttes j d
Item, paid to Richard peirson for xvj days wourke, þe day viij. Summa x s viij d
* * * * *
Item, paid for Takyng downe of the bridge that was made owte of the parsonage into the chirche ledis iij d
* * * * *
(fn. 7) Item, paid for lix ll' of Newe metall in the Sanctus bell' which' was more than the olde bell did way, for euery ll' iiij d. Summa xix s viij d
* * * * *

(fn. 8) Casuell Resceitis.

Rec' for the knyll of the greate bell for Mastur Ientyll vj s viij d
Rec' for his buryall in the Churche xiij s iiij d
Rec' for the buryall of vstums seruaunt in þe pardon chirch'yard ijs
Rec' for the buryall of Mr Roches seruant in þe church' xiij s iiij d
Rec' for his Knyll' of the iiijth bell' vs
Rec' for his pitt in the Churche iij s iiij d
Rec' for the pelis at that dirige and Masse xx d
Rec' for the knyll of Robert Gamys seruaunt viij d
Rec' for his graue in the Greate churchyerde iiij d
Rec' for the knyll' of Mr Doctour hatclyff vj s viij d
Rec' for the pelis at Dirige and Masse xx d
Rec' of William Alderston for his entraunce in þe howse vj s viij d
Rec' of Stephyn Saunderson in pardon chirchyerd ij s
Rec' for his knyll' of the second bell viij d
Rec' for the buryall of Robert Austhorp in þe pardon chirch'yerd ij s
Summa of the Casuelles, iij l'i vj s.

(fn. 9) Clarkis wagis and Bemelight.

Rec' of the Clarkis wagis this yere, as aperith by þe Rowle vij l'i xvj s j d
Rec' for pascall' money and Bemeligh't xij s j d ob.
Summa of thes parcelles viij l'i viij s ij d ob.


Item, paid to Ioh'n Snowe, Clerk, for a hole yeris wagis vj l'i
Item, paid to William Wylde, Sexten, for his yeres wages xl s
Summa of the paymenttes, viij l'i.
Rest of the Clarkes wages and the money of the Bemeligh't, viij s ij d ob.

[Wax Reckoning. Allowances. Rehearsal.

The new rector now introduces the custom of appending signatures to the year's accounts.]

(fn. 10) Memorandum: the xiij day of ffebruarii, in the yere of our lord god ml vc xxjti, and in the xiij yere of the Rayng of King henre the viijth, this Acompt, made by me, Ioh'n Potter, in the presence of Mr Alen, Curat of the Chirch', Mr Robert Aldernes, William Roche, Ioh'n Austhorp, Andrew Evyngar, Ioh'n Woulff, Thomas Clayton, Robert Game and Ioh'n Wall', with other moo; and at this day there was brough't, in money, by me, the said Ioh'n Potter, by this Acompt, Summa, the which' money at this day was put in þe ch'urch' box, of the which' box the keys remayne in the hondis of Mr Alen, Mr Aldernes, and Ioh'n Potter, to euery of them a key. xviij li x s ij d

Per me, Iohannem alanum, curatum ecclesie diue marie at hyll'.

Per me, Robert Aldurnes.

Per me, Wylliam Roche.

Per me, Iohannem Austhorpe.

Per me, Andrew Evyngar.

Per me, Ioh'n Wolf.

[A mark, see facsimile.]

Per me, Robard Game.

Per me, Iohnannem Walle.


  • 1. leaf 457.
  • 2. leaf 457, back.
  • 3. leaf 458.
  • 4. In margin—"Abated of this xiij s iiij d the sum of iij s iiij d, so was alowed x s."
  • 5. leaf 458, back.
  • 6. leaf 459.
  • 7. leaf 459, back.
  • 8. leaf 460, back.
  • 9. leaf 461.
  • 10. leaf 463.