Inventories of the church

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Inventories of the church', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Inventories of the church', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"Inventories of the church". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

In this section


[An Inventory of the Church Furniture in a.d. 1431.]

(fn. 1) Arem' that William Baker, Pewtrer, & John Hetheman [made] the first day of May, þe ere of kynge herry þe vje, after þe conquest xe

ffirst, a cowpe of siluer and gelt, to bere in goddes body, with cristall'

Also a cowpe of seluer for goddis body

Also a cowpe of laton & ouergylt

Also v chales of seluer, iiij gilt & j white

Also ij cruettes of seluer

Also iij paxbredes of seluer & gilt

Also ij crossis, on siluer & gelt & anoþer kristall'

Also iij sensers of siluer & gilt

Also ij sheppis of seluere

Also a lytill' cofir with relekys

Also a cloth' of gold cald a fertour, þe champ red

Also anothire fertour of cloth' of (fn. 2) gold, champ blu

Also iiij stavis of red clothid with' damaske

Also a sengil vestyment of white cloth' of gold

Also a sengil vestement of blu with sterres

Also a elew vestement with ij toneclys

Also a white vestement of o sewte with' briddes & grefons of gold

Also a red vestement of satyn with lyons of gold of o sevte

Also a hole vestement of blak veluet of o sevte

Also a hole vestement of blu veluet with' sterres & mones of golde

Also iij blu copes of þe same sevte with sterres & mones

Also a white cope with briddes & grefons of gold

Also a rede cope of selk with lyons of gold

Also a blas cope of veluet

Also j elew cope of selk

Also ij grene copes of selk with beres

(fn. 3) Also a vestement of o sewte of blu ray with on cope of the same sevte

Also a sengel vestement with a tonecle & a cope of þe same sevte

Also a cope with kynges

Also a olde sengil vestement of grene selk poudrid with floures

Also a olde blu vestement of bord alysaundre with chakerid

Also a sengil vestement of red lyned with grene selk

Also a olde vestement with serkelys lyned (fn. 4) with blu tarde

Also a olde vestement of red lyned with elow bokeram

Also a olde vestement of white selk for lente

Also a sengel vestement of white busteyn for lent

Also a olde vestement of red selk lyned with elew, for good friday

Also ij children copes

Also a myter of cloth' of gold set with stones

Also v corporas for principall' dayes

Also vj seoudaries corporas & a case

Also vij pelewes of selk of diuers colours

Also iij principall' towels for þe hye awtere

Also xxj auter clothis of lynnen

Also ij towayles for crosses

Also v smale towayles

Also iij feriall' towayles to wype on handes

Also ij sewdarie of lynne cloth' enbraudid with gold

Also ij masse bokes and a pistelarie

Also ij grete antyphaners

Also iiij olde smale antyphaners

Also ij legendes & a manwell' & a Ordynall'

Also iiij grayels & iij sawters & iiij processionares & a marteloge

Also vj candelstykkis of laton more & lasse & a kandelstyk of laton with foure nosis

Also ij olde crosses of laton & ij stanes for þe principall' crosses & ij baner clothis

Also a cheste with evydens þat longeth' to þe chirche

(fn. 5) Also haue in mende of ij chales wheche were broke to þe vse of þe cherche, on to twey sheppis & anoþer to þe princypall' coupe with þe cristall'

(fn. 6) Also a pece of seluer was broke to amend þe fote of þe crosse (fn. 5) of seluer

Also a boke of laweis callyd decretallis

Also a stop & a styk of laton

[An Isolated Inventory of the Furniture of a House in 1485.]

(fn. 7) + Ihesus.

The which' maryn entird at Mighelmas Anno tercio

[R Res . . es. iiijti?]

Thies goodes after wryten be delyuerd to Maryun Conteryn and to Powle prioures, attorney of Maryn conteryn, marchaunte of venyse, by the handes of Ioh'n Bedham whan he entyrd into the place in Botolf lane wher nowe one peter Conteryn dwellith', Anno 1485.

In the Cheffe Chaumbre

a standyng bed, made with estrychborde, with the hed on the same wyse.

In the chambre ouer the parlour

a standyng bed, a fforme, and iije barris of yryn for to hyng on corteyns.

Item, a chambre within the same chambre

a standyng bed, corven with estrich' borde of beyond see makyng and a fforme.

In the Inner Chaumbre

a standyng bed and a fforme & ij° trestilles.

In another chambre

a bed without a botom.

In the parloure

a [spear ?] with ij° leves.

In the Bottrye

iiij schelves.

In the Chambre ouer þe gate

a standyng bed.

In the Chambre ouer þe Kechen

a standyng bedd, a foreme & a stole.

In Antonyes Chambre

a standyng bedd.

In the Chaumbre by þe Sommer parlour a standyng bedd, a grete, new, standyng almerye with iij levys.

In the chaumbre next Seynt botolphus chirch' yard a standyng bedd.

In the next chaumbre lye

a standyng bedd, also a coumptour that Ioh'n de pount had covird with grene clothe.

a Coumptour in the chaumbre ouer the well', couerd with grene.

ij° Cowmptoures by antonyes chaumbre couerd with grene.

a Cowmptour by the chaumbre þat peter vatas had couerd with grene.

a newe cowmptour in the highest chaumber ouer the strete, couerd with grene.

In the Kechen

iij schelves, ij dressyng bordes, ij greate fformes, a fforme, and a greate almarye with ij leves.

In the larder house

ij Schelves.

In the house nexte the gardyn

ij schelves and a grete bynn to leye in otes.

In the Stable

a Racke & a mawnger, and it is new planked.

ffor the well'

a Bokett with a cheyne of yryn.

Also ther be xxx spryng lockes & keyes.

and ther be xxij stock lockes & keyes.

Also ther be iiij plate lockes for the greate almarye & keyes.

Also v plate lockes & keyes with v boltes, yryn.

Also ther is, for the postern gate, a plate locke with a bolte, yryn, & ij keyes.

Also v plate lockes with v cleket keyes.

Also all' the glass wyndowes in the saide place, and in the comptores longyng to the saide place [benethe?] myne, hole and sufficientely amendyd, and made at the commyng in of the saide Powle. And so to leve hem att the goyng owte of the saide Maryn and of his attorney by Couenaunt made bytwene hem & me þe saide I. Bedham.

[An Inventory of the Church Furniture, made in 1496–7.]

[This Inventory was probably made in 1496–7, if we may judge from the date of a transaction in 1492 mentioned at the end, and the fact that our Accounts show that an Inventory was made in 1496–7. Also the mention of the late parson, William Wyld, and the name of a donor, Dr. Atclyff, point to this period.]

(fn. 8) The Inventorye of the Chyrch goodes.

The Appareyle ffor the hyghe Aulter.

Item, ij° awlter clothes of Russett cloth' of golde, of the gyffte of Mr Wylliam Marowe & William & Th. his ij° sonnes by the helpe of Mr Joh'n Smarte, grocer.

Item, a corporas caase of the same.

Item, ij° Curtens of Russett sarsynet frengid with sylke.

Item, a Sewte of Rede satyn ffygryd with golde, of the gyffte of the saide Mr Wylliam Marowe and of Ioh'n Smarte, grocer, conteynyng iije Coopes, ij° Cheasybles, ij° Aulbes, ij° Amyttes, ij° stoles, ij° fanons & ij gyrdylles.

Item, a cheasyble of cloth' of golde þat Maister Cambryge made, with an Albe & Amyttes, an Albe, stole & fanon; And a gyrdyll' of sylke made lyke a call' with a corporas caase.

Item, an aulter of whyte damaske with the ffrontel palid with purple clothe of golde and white. And a awlter cloth', dyapre, sewed to the same.

Item, ij Curteynes of white sylke to the same.

Item, an awlter Cloth'e, Blewe velveut powdird with fflowres of golde and the ffrontell' of the same sewte.

Item, a frontell' for the schelffe standyng on the alter, of blue sarsenet with bryddes of golde, and ij° blew Curteynes of sylke, ffrenghid.

Item, a peyer Allter Clothes of Grene bawdkyn bothe above & benethe, with ij° Curteynes of grene sarsnet ffrenged with sylke blu, grene, yelou & Rede.

Item, a Sewte of whigh't clothe of golde, of the gyffte of Ioh'n Mongeham, ffisshmonger, conteynyng iije copes, j cheasible, ij Tonucles, iije Albes, iije amytes, iije stoles, iije ffannones & iij girdelles.

Item, ij° Awter clothes of Red cloth' of golde and whight, panyd. And ij° curtens of Red sarsynet and whight, panyd & ffr[e]ngid with silke.

Item, a corporas case with þe one side of clothe of golde of Tysew, al gold, & the oþer syde grene saten barryd with lasis of golde, of the gyffte of Elizabeth gooswell'.

(fn. 9) Item, a Sewte of Reede Cloth'e of lukis Golde, conteynnyng a Coope with' a cheasible, ij° tonykles, iij Aulbes, iije Amytes, iije stolis, iije fanon & iije gyrdilles, of the gyffte of Wylliam Baker, peautrer.

Item, a Reede vestment, broudred with lyons of golde, of Reede Saten, that is to saye—a cheasible and a tonykle to the same with ij° Awbis, ij° Amytes, ij° stoles, ij° ffanones & ij° girdels, late amended, And a coope therto of reede saten poudird with lyons.

(fn. 10) Item, a Coope of white clothe of baudekyn garnyshid with byrdes, grefons and ffloures of golde, prest & dekyn of þe same [nspend ?]. (fn. 10)

Item, a Blewe vestment of velvet, poudyrd with lambes, mones & sterres. The cheasible, þe albe, the Amys, the stole, the fanon & gyrdill'.

Item, a Canapye of blue cloth'e of baudkyn, with birdes & ffloures in golde.

Item, a Canapye of Rede sylke with grene braunchis & white ffloures poudryd with swannys of golde betwene the braunches.

(fn. 11) Item, a vestyment of the gyffte of maister wylliam wylde, late parson of this chirch', conteynyng—a chessyble of blew saten fugerid with syluer, with' an albe, an Amys & o gyrdyll'.

Item, ij Corperas Casis of Clothe of gold And iiij of nedyll' wourke, And vj other casys, of dyuers wourkes.

Item, vj Copes for children, of dyuers sorttes: & viij smale stremers of þe gyfte of Mr Remyngton & Mr Ryvell': And oþer square baners.

Item, a Myter for a bysshop at seint Nycholas tyde, garnysshid with syluer & amelyd and perle and Counterfete stone.

Item, ij cheyres of Iron for Rector Coris.

Item, a pyx clothe for the hight auter, of Sipers frenged with gold, with knoppis of golde & sylke of spaynesshe makyng, of the gyft of Mr doctor hatclyff, parson.

Item, a pix clothe of Sipers, ffrenged with grene sylk & Red, with Knoppis syluer & gylt with corners goyng, of Mistres Duklynges gyffte.

Item, iij crosse stavys clothes, gyldyd, with Images of golde.

Item, a Canape for the pyx, of red velwett with iij Crownys of laton.

Item, a Canape for þe pyx, of whigh't Baudekyn lyke clothe of golde.

Item, a deske of laton with a [ff ?]akon.

Item, ij standardes of laton.

Item, on the high auter ij gret Candylstykes & iij small'. And on sent Stephyns Awter ij Candylstykes.

Item, ij Crosse staves, laten, gyldyd.

Item, ij gylt fete for Crossys, and oon Coper & gylt.

(fn. 12) The Aulter Clothes.

ffirst, an Awlter cloth', diaper, hole & sounde, conteynyng in length'e iij yardes di., In Breede j ell' with' iij pt Blew Rayes at the one ende.

Item, an Awlter Cloth'e, diaper, conteynnyng in length'e iij yardes di., In Breede j ell' with iiij Blew Rayes at euery ende of the saide cloth'.

Item, a cloth'e of ffyne diaper, crosse werke, content in length' v yardes quarter, in Breede j ell', & the one ende fasid oute longe.

Item, a clothe, hole, diaper, content in lengthe iiij yardes, in Brede a large yard, gernyschid with blewe at both'e endes.

Item, a cloth'e of Crosse diaper, ffyne, content in lengthe ix yerdes and in brede a ell'.

Item, an olde Aulter cloth'e, diaper, content in length' iij yerdes di. In brede j yerd, merked with' iije Reyes at euery ende.

Item, another broken pece, diaper, content in length' ij yerdes di., in brede a yerd, merked with' ij blew reyes in the myddes.

Item, another aulter cloth', diaper, content in length' iij yardes di., In brede iij quarters & nel', with iije blynde Reyes at euery ende.

Item, an olde diaper cloth'e of iij [peces ?] content in length' vij yerdes di., In brede j yard: full' of holis.

Item, a diaper cloth'e, wrack, content in length'e iij yardes di., In brede j ell'.

Item, an olde diaper cloth', content in length'e iiij yardes & di. o quarter, In brede j yerde.

Item, an olde diaper cloth' with losenghis, content iiij yardes, In Brede o yerde large, with' a blew marke on the ende.

Item, an olde diaper cloth'e, conteynnyng in length'e iiij yardes di., In Brede a large yerd, with iij brede Reyes in the one ende.

(fn. 13) Item, a playne clothe, peacid in the myddis, conteynnyng in length'e iiij yerdes quarter, In Brede a large yarde, with an Antony Crosse of Rede on the one ende.

Item, a broken Awlter Clothe, pleyne, content in length'e iij yardes quarter, In Breede a yard & di. o quarter, with' iij blue Reyes in myddes.

[Choir Apparel.]

Item, viij surplyces for the quere of þe whiche ij haue no slevys.

Item, in Rochettes for children vij.

Item, in Albys for chyldren vj, & vj Ameses with parelles & iij Albys and Ameses withowte parelles.


Item, ij peyre of old organs.

Item, v grete belles and a sanctus bell', of the which' v greate belles the iiijth great bell' was clere of þe gyfte of Ioh'n Duklyng, ffysshmonger, as is graved vppon þe bell'.

Item, iiij holywatur stopps of laton.

Item, iiij gret quysshons with downe, ij of them with sylke and ij with ffustean.

Item, iij smale Candylstykes of laton for Tapurs.

Item, iiij Candylstykes of laton with braunches for Talough candell'.

Item, a gylt Table of the Trynete, for to sett on the high' Aulter.

Item, a Coporas Case of Nedyll' wourk the bakside purpill' velwet, and a ffyne Corporas therin with semys of gold, of the gyfte of Mistres Iulyan Roche.

Item, more of the gyfte of the same Iulyan, a syluer bell' parcell' gylt.

(fn. 14) Towelles.

Item, a ffyene diaper towell', hole, conteynnyng in length' vj yardes iij quarters, In Brede di. o ell', with a blewe Raye et eyder ende.

Item, a diaper towell', hole, content in lengthe v yardes o quarter, In Brede di o yard, with' vj strakis at euerye ende.

Item, a diaper towell' of cross werkes, ffyne & hole, conteynnyng in length' x yardes, in Brede iij quarters large.

Item, a ffyne diaper towell', cheker werke, content in length'e vj yardes di., in Brede di. o yard di. quarter, Chekred at bothe endes with blew & tawnnye.

Item, a diaper towell', hole, content in lengthe viij yardes, in Brede di. o yard.

Item, a diaper towell', Cheker werkes, hole, content in length'e x yardes, in brede di. o ell', with blewe rayes at eyther ende.

Item, a diaper towell', content in length'e vij yardes iij quarter, in brede di. o yard, with iij white Reyes at eyder ende.

Item, a diaper towell', content in length' v yardes, in brede di. o yard, Broudred at bothe endes.

Item, a ffyne diaper towell', content in length' iij yardes iij quarters di., in brede iij quarters with iij blue Reyes at the one ende.

Item, a ffyne diaper towell', content in length' iiij yardes di., in Brede di. o yerd, broudred at bothe endes.

Item, a diaper towell' conteynnyng in length iij yardes di., in brede iij quarters, Reyed at both'e endes.

wrack Item, an olde diaper towel, conteynnyng in length' vij yardes iij quarters, In brede di. ell'.
Item, an olde Broken towell', content in length' v yardes iij quarters, in brede iij quarters.

Item, a course diaper towell' of the gyffte of patryck wolf, late yoman, content in length'e and in brede.

(fn. 15) Pleyne Towelles.

Item, a pleyne towell' content in length' iij yardes iij quarters di., In Brede j quarter di.

Item, a pleyne towell' content in length' ij yerdes di., In Brede di. yerd.

Item, a towel, content iij yardes di., In Brede o quarter.

Item, a towell', content in length' iij yardes, In Brede di. yerd.

Item, a towell', content in length' iiij yardes, In Brede di. yerd.

Item, a towell', content

Item, ij Aulter Clothes, canvas, content apece iiij yerdes, In Brede a yard & di. quarter.

Item, ij dyapre Tableclothis for the high' Auter, of the gyffte of Mestres Ientyll'.

Item, a Towell' of the gyfte of Mother Ienet.

Item, a ffyne Ryven Surplis in a lynnyn Bag, of the gyffte of sir Ioh'n Colyns. (fn. 16) this Surples was geven vnto Maister Welliam Weld, parson, be the asentt of the parysh in the yer anno 1492 be the handis of me Ricardo cloos. (fn. 16)

[An Inventory, imperfect, of a.d. 1523 (?)].

Five pages of MS. B have clearly been set aside to contain the following Inventory. Little more than one of these pages is, however, occupied by text, the rest remain blank. The date of the Inventory may with some degree of certainty be fixed by the fact that the page immediately before the Inventory contains matter of the date 1523, and the back of the last blank page has reference to matters of the year 1524.

(fn. 17) The Inuentory of the Chirch' Goodes.

Item, an aulter clothe of fyne dyapre with a Cros of Sylke in the Middes and att euer ende, merked in ij places with Emmys, & Crownys ouer the M. & at euery ende v blewe Mylynges, the length' þerof iij elles iij quarters.
Item, a Dyapre aulter cloth', on Marked, of the length' iij elles di.
Item, a playne aulter cloth' Merked with sylke, in the Middis our lorde beyng in the sepulcre, in lenth'e iiij elles & quarter.
Item, a dyapre alter clothe, on merked, of þe lengthe of ij elles di.
Item, a dyapre aulter clothe merked in the myddes with a Cros of Sylke, of the length' of iiij elles quarter.
Item, a Diapre alter clothe Merked in the middis with an M. and at the Ende with k & v, which is in lenth iiij elles quarter.
Item, a playne alter clothe merked with a Crose of Sylke in the Middis, whiche is in lenthe iij elles di. & more.
Item, a peced alter clothe with a Seme in the Middis, of oon ell' & di.
Item, a worne alter clothe of dyapre of ij elles long and di. ell' broode, ij elles.
Item, olde Seer dyapur cloth' of an oon ell' di.
Item, an Olde Seer dyapur Towell' of iij elles quarter
Item, v dyapur hand Towelles & woon playne Towell'.
Item, a holybred clothe of dyapre made doble with a ffrenge at the Ende, merked with Red Sylke with .k. & v.
Towelles, Dyapre & playne.
Item, a Newe Towell' of dyapre branched lyke damaske, of the gyfte of Mestres Roche, merked with W & R, off length' xiij elles, & iij quarters of a yerd brood.
Item, a Dyapre Towell' merkyd with whigh't threde lyke ij Trewlovis, in length' xiij elles, in bredith iij quarters xiij elles, & in b[r]edith iij quarters.
Item, a Towell' of Dyapre, blewe Mylyd at bothe endis, with an M Crowned of Red sylke merkyd in þe Middes, in lengh't viij elles.
Item, a Towell' of Dyapre Towell, merked in the myddes with a crowned M of blake sylke, in length'e ij elles iij quarters.
Item, Towell of Dyapre merkyd in the Middes with a Crowned M of blake Sylke, which is in length' v elles.
(fn. 18) Item, an aulter clothe of ffyne Dyapre, merked with Reed sylke in ij placis with' Ihesus, of the length' off iiij elles.
Item, a Towell of dyapre merked with blake sylke in þe myddis with M Crowned, whiche is in length' ij elles iij quarters.
Item, a playne Towell' merked in the myddes with blake sylke with an M Crowned, which' is in length' ij elles di.
Item, playne Surplices for Men, aftir chappell gyse.
Item, Reveld Surplices for Men.

[An Inventory of the Contents of the House of John Porth, a.d. 1531 (?).

John Porth was buried in St. Mary's church, in 1525. By his will, made in January, 1524, he directed that the goods at the 'George' at Billingsgate should, at the termination of his lease of that house, be sold, and the proceeds be divided between the poor and in masses to be said in St. Mary's church.]

(fn. 19) +

here aftor foloythe the Inmytory Iohn port, layt the kynges seruant, as aftor foloythe.

In the halle.

Item, the hyngyng In the halle, 50 yerdes, at ij d the yerde. Somme argent viij s iiij d
Item, the Cortyng of the wendo iiij d
Item, hallffe a dose Cvshens viij s
Item, a nolde pagent of Ihesus iiij d
Item, two bankers of Corse vardours of ix yerdes, at xij d the yerde. Some ix s
Item, viij olde Coshens, at vj d the pese iiij s
Item, two peses of Kentyshe Carpetes viij d
Item, a dobell Cownter of damske vj s viij d
Item, a tabull with a payre of foldyng trustylls ij s
Item, iiij Ioyntes scells, at iiij d the pesse. Some xvj d
Item, a nolde cobbord v s iiij d
Item, a stakyd fforme vj d
Item, two tornyd chares iiij d
Item, a lytyll olde oster bord and a pesse of kentes kerpetes vj d
Item, a close chare x d
Item, a chare of spaynysche makyng xvj d
Item, a closse chare of wanskott
Item, a hyngyng beme of laten with iiij snosses v s
Item, a payre of andionis and a payre of tonkes with a fyer Raike, with a lityll fyer choffell viij d

(fn. 20) In the payrlar.

Item, a hangyng of grene say with a bordor of xxxvij yerdes, at ij d the yerde. Some
Item, vj paygentes, with a lytyll one ij s viij d
Item, vj coshens of nannt makyng iij s
Item, a Carpet of [? ow]tnold vardors iij s iiij d
Item, a nolde Carpet of Kentesshe make viij d
Item, a nolde medell Cowntor ij s
Item, iiij Ioynede formes of wanskot iiij s
Item, two tornede chayres and a [? I]ake iiij s
Item, a Rownde tabull of sypars with a fott ij s
Item, a nolde Rownde tabull with a fott xvj d
Item, a Rownde cobbord with a saylyng hause viij s
Item, a hangyng with iiij nosses with a hangyng glase viij d
Item, a payre of awndorns, cast of yrone ij s
Item, iiij olde bokes and a standyche iiij d
Item, two halbardes and a bell xx d
Item, two olde polakes xvj d
Item, two olde sale[thes ?] & ij payre of splentes ij s
Item, two bokelers xvj d
Item, two lytyll tabolles of emaige iiij d
Item, a payre of olde tabolles, playng vj d (fn. 21)

(fn. 22) +

In the bottry.

Item, a garnyshe of vessell:—iiij olde chargors, iiij platers, xvj deshes, viij sasers, two potyngars, weyng 152 at iij d ob. the ll' xlvij s x d
Item, two basens, two ewars iij s iiij d
Item, v olde basens, gret and small, iij pottyll pottes iij quartes, two peyntes for wyne, iij pottell pottes, two quartes, two peyntes, two halffe peyntes for ayll, ij holly wator stokes, a botell of tenne, weyng all 56 ll', at ij d ob. the ll' xj s viij d
Item, iiij barbors basynges, with broken candelsteks and latten basyns, iiij ewars, weyng 53 ll' at ij d the ll' viij s x d
Item, v small candellstekes xx d
Item, a nolde cobord, a nolde beme, with other olde lomeber iij s iiij d
Item, vj large candelstekes vj s
Item, xiiij brase pottes grett and small and a small fyre chaffor, a brasene mortor and a freter chaffor, vij small chaffors with scelles, two lytyll posnettes, weyng all iij c xlij ll', a j d ob. the ll' xlvij s iij d
Item, xiij payns grett and small, viij kettelles bound and vnbond, weyng 148 ll', at ij d the ll' xlvj s viij d
Item, v barbor basyns and a collendar all' weyng xiiij ll', at ij d the ll' ij s iiij d
Item, vj speyttes and a burd spett ij s iiij d
Item, a payre of cobe yrons xij d
Item, a payre of Rakes xij d
Item, a pot hangar and a pot hoke iiij d
Item, a drepyng pane and a fyer pane xij d (fn. 23)

(fn. 24) +

Item, a payre of tonges and a fyre shoffell' and a fyer forke and a choping knyffe ij s
Item, iij treyvettes iiij d
Item, in lede 40 ll' xvj d
Item, a stone mortor and a skomor viij d
Item, two bowlles with other olde lomer in the kechyng xij d

In hes chamber.

Item, the hangyng of the chamber, 50 yedes, at ij d the yerde, Some viij s iiij d
Item, a siler, payntede, with iij cortens of grene bokerame vj s viij d
Item, two fether bedes with a bolster, one vij quartes the other viij quartes, Some xiij s iiij d
Item, a nolde matres viij d
Item, a payre of wollen blanketes ij s
Item, a Couereng of vardor on his bede, of xxviij stekes, at viij d the yerde, Some xviij s viij d
Item, a bed stede, two fett chestes and a stalyd forme ij s
Item, a nolde coberd with a deske iiij s
Item, a skawer chest of oke, that the awtor was on v s iiij d
Item, a nater clothe and a front of whit damaske and Rede velvett frenged with whit and Rede, with a pesse of olde valante xiij s iiij d (fn. 25)

(fn. 26) +

Item, a super altare vj d
Item, two lytyll tabelles of sypars xx d
Item, a crusyffexe and a emage of owr lady and a paxe xij d
Item ij crewettes and a pevter candelsteke viij d
Item, a nator clothe of lennyn iiij d
Item, a sprewse chestes and two olde skawer chestes ij s viij d
Item, a shorte standert chest, rownde, and a nother longer chest, rownde, Some xiij s iiij d
Item, two schepe chestes xvj d
Item, a nolde closse chere and a Ioynt stolle xij d
Item, a payre of small andryons vj d
Item, a coueryng of vardor, fyne, xxiiij stekes, Some xxvj s viij
Item, iij pesses of kentes carpettes in wendo iiij d
Item, another couereng of olde emagery worke, xxx stekees xx s (fn. 27)

(fn. 28) +

In the chamber ouer the hall'.

Item, the hole hangeng iiij s
Item, a nolde ffether bede and a bolster viij s viij d
Item, a nolde seler with a tester, payntyd ij s
Item, a nolde broken coueryng of tapesey xvj d
Item, a standyng bede stede with ij sett bankes xx d
Item, a nolde presse of wanskott viij s
Item, a tabull and a payre of strestells ij s
Item, a nolde cowntor and a nold setell' xvj d
Item, two olde skewre chest ij s
Item, another skawer couer of wanskott iiij s
Item, a garde vyanse and a torsyng couer xij d
Item, a nolde skawer couer low and a lytyll sprewse cheste ij s
Item, a nolde broken presse
Item, a pyllo with a Cownter vallans ij s viij d (fn. 29)

(fn. 30) In the lytyll chamber next.

Item, the hangyng in thes chamber, 24 yerdes, at ij d the yerde, Some iiij s
Item, a tester of the bede with a seller ij s
Item, a fetherbede with a bolster x s
Item, a standyng bedestede, a s[ti]s clothe with a forme xvj d
Item, a lytyll torseng couer ij s
Item, a nalmery, olde, with a deske viij d
Item, a skawer chest xx d
Item, iij small couers xij d
Item, a lytyll taboll, foldyng, with' one trestell of the spaynyardes makyng iiij s (fn. 31)

(fn. 32) +

Item, in the longe standert chest: fyrst a nolde Iakett of cremysyn velvett iiij s
Item, a payr of slevys of cremysng velvet In-broderet with damaske golde xx s
Item, a payre of sleves of the same velvet viij s
Item, a lynyng of a Robe of whit sarsenet, two pesses withowt sleffes xiij s iiij d
Item, a pesse of olde sarsenet, whit vj d
Item, a Remnant of tawny velvett, moth eyten, Some v s
Item, a quarter and a halffe of cremysyng velvett iij s iiij d
Item, a lytyll Ierkyng of cremysyng velvet xx d
Item, iij schredes of clothe a tessewe vj s viij d
Item, iij lytyll schredes of clothe a sylver xvj d
Item, x small schredes of tensyn satten iij s iiij d
Item, dyuers small schredes of velvet xvj d
Item, a quarter and a halffe of whit satten xvj d
Item, a quarter Rede a quarter whyt of saten burges viij d
Item, vj yerdes and a quarter of naro tasco
Item, xxiiij corsse Romney boge xij s
Item, a spanyshe skyne, yello viij d
Item, ij yerdes of lenneg clothe, naro viij d (fn. 33)

(fn. 34) +

The napry.

Item, taboll clothe of dyapar, content vij yerdes, at vj d the yerd iij s vj d
Item, a nolde taboll clothe of corsse dyapar, broken viij d
Item, v olde towelles of dyapar, broken, xxx yerdes, at ij d the yerd v s
Item, ij olde hengen towelles iiij d
Item, ij dossen dyapar napkyns viij s
Item, a corsse dyapar clothe of corse, content ix yerdes ij quarter, at iij d the yerd ij s v d
Item, a longe towell of dyapar of xiiij yerdes ij s iiij d
Item, iiij shoortt playne tabul clothes, viij elles, at ij d the ell xvj d
Item, a tabull clothe of cosse dyamons, content iiij yerdes, at iij d the yerd xij d
Item, ij towelles of dyapar, content ix yerdes, at ij d the yerde xviij d
Item, ij olde tabull clothes, broken iiij d
Item, iij shettes of iij breddes, holonde x s
Item, a payre of two bredes and a halffe v s
Item, a beryng shett with a seme iiij s
Item, a dossen broken napkyns xij d
Item, a payre of shettes of holond of [iij ?] bredes ij s viij d
Item, ij payre of flexen shettes iiij s viij d
Item, v payre of shettes, a xvj d the pesse vj s viij d
Item, vj pyllobers of holond, Some ij s (fn. 35)
(fn. 36) Item, vj pyllobers of canves xiiij d
Item, an olde Rayll of a yerd and (fn. 37) half ij s
Item, vij shorttes, olde, at xij d the pesse vij s
Item, vj olde smokes and good iiij s

Hes Rayment.

Item, a gowne of tawny chamlett furryd with blake buge xxvj s
Item, a nolde gowne of skerlett furryd with blak boge of spayne xvj s
Item, a nolde gowne of velvett furryd with blake lame and faced with bugge xx s
Item, a gowne of vyolett furred with feches xx s
Item, a Rossett olde gowne furred with conny and facede with foxe xiij s iiij d
Item, a nolde blake gown furred with olde blake conny x s
Item, a gowne of pewke with blake sarsnet xiij s iiij d
Item, a nolde gowne of pewke lyned with satten of sypars and faced with blake chamlett viij s
Item, a gabarden of skayrlett garded with blake velvett vj s viij d (fn. 38)

(fn. 39) +


Item, a Iakett, olde and playne, of blake velvett ffurryd with lame and bugge xiij s iiij d
Item, a Cott of Tawny chamlett lynede with yello cotton v s
Item, a Cott of Russett marbell' gardede with velvett iiij s
Item, a nolde grene cott Rydyng cotte xx d
Item, a nolde Iakett of Russett satten furred with Ienettes, pryse vj s viij d
Item, a nold Iaket the ouer part blake velvet, the neder part saten, furyd with lame and boge, whyt iij s iiij d
Item, a nolde broken Iaket of blake velvet f[urr]ed with blake lame ij s
Item, a nolde Iaket of blake chamlet foryd with blake lame ij s
Item, two olde Ierkyns of blake saten, pryse vj s viij d
Item, a nolde Iaket of tawne lyned with yello Cotton of chamlet xvj d (fn. 40)

(fn. 41) +

Item, a nolde gowne lakyng the (fn. 42) . . . . . feryd with brokene ffoxe xvj d
Item, a doblet of Cremysyng velvett clevyd with tawne velvet iij s iiij d
Item, a nolde doblet of Cremysyng Satten, pryse iiij s
Item, a nolde doblet of blake satten viij d
Item, two olde doblet of satten, one whyt the other blake, Some xx d
Item, two Cottes of ffence, one coueryd with tewke the other with bokeram xvj s
Item, two armyng doblett and a pare of Sleffes of maylle, pryse xvj d
Item, a payre of skarlet hosse and a pare of blake, pryse iiij s
Item, two olde Caps and two ondercaps x d
Item, a pello of party sylke (fn. 43)

(fn. 44) +

The wyffe[s] Rayment.

Item, a gowne of Tawny chamlett furred with gray xxxvj s viij d
Item, a gowne of cremysyn furred with bogge of spayne xxx s
Item, a gowne of vyolett furryd with gray xx s
Item, a nolde gowne of murre furred with gray xiij s iiij d
Item, gowne of vyolet furryd with callybar and mynkes xxx s
Item, a nolde gowne of blake furryd with blake sankes xiij s iiij d
Item, a nolde gowne of blake furryd with sankes xx s
Item, a nolde gowne of blake furryd with old gray viij s
Item, a nolde gowne of cremysyn lyned with sarsnett and purfelyd with blake velvet xxvj s viij d
Item, a gowne of pewke lyned with t[?]eke purfelyd with tawny velvett xiij s iiij d
Item, a nolde gown of murrey lyned with bukeram and purfelyd with blake velvett xiij s iiij d
Item, a kerttell of damaske, the bodys of saten, olde, lynede with yello cotton x s
Item, a nolde kerttell of satten, broken ij s viij d
Item, a nolde kerttell of blake chamlett iij s iiij d
Item, a nolde kerttell of tawny chamlett iiij s (fn. 45)

(fn. 46) +

Item, a nolde broken kerttell of tawny chamle (fn. 47) xx d
Item, es a yerde of cremysyn clothe, mothe eiton ij s
Item, iij yerdes of whytt cotton xij d
Item, ij ol olde furres of kallybar viij s

Her bonettes.

Item, a bonnett of blak vellvet garnyched with damaske golde xxvj s viij d
Item, a nolde bonett of blake velvet, worne sore, pryse iiij s
Item, olde ffrontlettes of dyuers Collors, of velvett, pryse viij s
Item, iiij parteletes of velvett of (fn. 48) tawne and blake two feryd with Cony and two vnefferyde, Some iiij s
Item, two olde tepettes of sarsenett, worne, pryse xvj d
Item, a kerstenyng towell, broken ij d (fn. 49)

(fn. 50) In the garrett ouer the greytt chamber.

Item, iij pesses of olde payntyd hangynges viij d
Item, a nolde Co[bord ?] and a chest, payntyd xvj d
Item, a bede stede with pyllors xx d
Item, olde torches, broken xx d
Item, a nold peyre Clavycordes viij d
Item, ij pyllos of down couerd with olde broken sarsnett ij s
Item, vj playne pyllos of down, of dyuers sorttes vj s viij d

In the garrett next the streyt.

Item, in dyuers lomber therfore a sylke [w womon ?] iij s iiij d

In the chamber ayenst the streyt.

Item, iij perses of olde hangyns xij d
Item, ij olde fetherbedes withowt bolsters viij s
Item, a stondyng bedstede and a payre of blankettes of wollen (fn. 51) and a norwege (fn. 51) coueryng ij s

In the shope.

Item, ij lode of tawle ? wode iiij s
Item, in bellettes ij s (fn. 52)
Item, in colles

(fn. 53) +

In the Countyng howse.

Item, iij Swourdes and a hangar & a dager iiij s
Item, a premer, prented in parchement withe ij Claspis of Syluer iiij s
Item, a demy portuos, prynted xij d
Item, a prymmer lymmed with gold and with Imagery, wretyn hond viij s iiij d
Item, an old purse and a pyncase of clothe of gold, price of bothe ij s
Item, an Image of our lady of Mother off perle, price iiij d
Item, a payer of smale syluer bedes iij s iiij d
Item, a standysshe of Sypres iiij d
Item, ij Remnaunttes of Sarsenet iiij d
Item, iij olde doblettes and Shredys of velwet viij s
Item, a lytell button of Course golde xij d
Item, an olde lytell coueryng for a lytell Trokell bed ij s
Item, an olde pelyon with the pelyon clothe of old chamlet vj d
Item, ij dossen poynttes wither [du or en ?]des of sylk viij d
Item, xxxvj elles of browne lynnen clothe, the ell iiij d, Summa xij s
Item, oþer olde gere founde in the howse xvj d
Item, an ounce & di. of Corall ij s vj d
Item, a Carpett of Ieen makyng viij s iiij d (fn. 54)

(fn. 55) Certen stuff at [the George].

Item, Certen Stuff at the George at byllingesgate, as aperyth by the Testament of Mr porthe (fn. 56)

Sperat dettes.

Item, sir henre wyot, knygh't, for his wages xx s
Item, the prior of Amysbury iijli ix s viij d


Item, for the Recouere [for ?] the howses at þe stokkes by patent, the Summa of xxjli xvij s vj d
Item, for the lees of a howse at Byllingesgate xx s

(fn. 57) Desperat dettes.

The Abbot of Bewly iij (fn. 58)
Item, Mr Copynger xvj li
Item, the Abbot of Ramsey v l'i vj s viij d
Item, the pryour of Tho[w ?]erdreth v l'i xiij s iiij d
Item, Robert Ionys xx s

Dettes that the Testatour oweth.

Item, to the Bere wyffe xl s
Item, to the wever for wevyng of lynnen clothe v s
Item, for howse Rent lv s x d

ffynerall Expences.

Item, ffynnerall expences wither nesessary charges lxxiijli vj s viij d
Item, the probate of þe Testament with other necessary charges.

(fn. 59) +

Playte and Iewells.

Item, a standyng Cope, gelt, with a Couer chassy . . . (fn. 58) vpryght and a women In the bodome poys . (fn. 58) xlj ons, at iijs vjd, Some argent vij. (fn. 58)
Item, standyng Cope, playne, with a Couer gelt with a Rosse and a garlent In the bodom, weyng xviij ons, at iij s vj d iijli iij s
Item, iij goblettes, gelt, with a Couer, and In the cnope a whyt shelde with a grene lyone graven, weyng lxxij ons, at iij s vj d xij li xij s
Item, a lyte, playne, stondyng cope, gylt, with a Couer, with a broken flower of amell broken in the bodom, weyng
Item, iij goblettes, parsell gelt, with a Couer with a Coll'ombyn In the tope, weyng lvj ons, at iij s iiij d, Some ix l'i vj s viij d
Item, a playne peysse with a stare and a mane shereng In the bodom, weyng x ons, at iij s ij d, Some xxxj s viij d
Item, a pesse, parsell gelt, with saynt gregores petty In the bodome, weyng ix ons, at iij s ij d the ons, Some argent xxviij s vj d
Item, two pesses, parsell gelt, chassyd, with a Couer, weyng xxxix ons, at iij s ij d iiij l'i xj s x d (fn. 60)

(fn. 61) +

(fn. 62) . . . . . . smalle pesses, parsell gelt, with sonbe[am ?]es in the bodom, weyng xxiij ons, at iij s iiij d the ons, Some iij l'i xvj s viijd
Item, two Rownde saltes with a Couer, parsell chassyd, weyng xlij ons, at iij s iiij d the ons, Some vij l'i
Item, vij spones with postells, and on gelt (fn. 63) spone, weyng xij ons di., at iij s ij d the ons, Some xxxix s vij d
Item, x spowns with dyomond Cnops, weyng ix ons, at iij s the ons, Some xxvij s
Item, two flat massors, one brokene, weyng xvij ons, at ijs the ons, Some xxxiiij s
Item, two medell massors with olde bonds and bossys, weyng xiij ons di., at ij s iiij d xxxj s vj d
Item, a flat lytell massor with owt a bosse, weyng iiij ons, at ijs the ons, Some viij s
Item, two skawere salttes, viij skawere wyth the Couers, parsell gelt, weyng xxxij ons, at iij s iiij d the ons, Some v l'i vj s viij d
Item, xiij spons with the postells, gelt, weyng xxij ons, at iij s iiij d, Some iij l'i xiij s iiij d
Item, two standyng massors with a brokene Couer, and two Cnops of masors Couers, weyng xxviij ons, at ij s viij d, Some iij l'i xiiij s viij d
Item, a naylle pott, parsell gelt, the couer brokene, weyng xij ons and a halffe, at iij s iiij d, Some xlj s viij d
Item, a lyttell brokene nott with a Couer, geltte, weyng xiij ons, at ij s viij d the ons, Some xxxiiij s viij d (fn. 64)

(fn. 65) Iewells for her body.

Item, a gerdell of Selvar lyned with blake velvett with xxxij Rosses, and another gerdell lyned with Cremysyne velvett, weyng bothe the gerdells xix ons, at iij s iiij d, Some iij l'i iij s iiij d
Item, a brodde gerdell of selver with xij stodes of Selvere, weyng xij ons, at iij s iiij d xl s
Item, a gerdell of lome worke with a bokell and a pendant the Corsse damaske golde, weyng vij ons, at iij s iiij d xxiij s iiij d
Item, a demysent with a chyne and a pommander and a pendantte a treangell of selver and gelt, vj ons, at iij s iiij d, Some xx s
Item, two payre of bedes, of selvar geltt, weyng xiij ons, at iij s iiij d, Some xliij s iiij d
Item, a payre of Corall bedes gawdyd with gawdys of selvar and geltt and two payre of Iette bedes gawdyde with selver and gelt, weyng x ons, at iij s and iiij d the ons, Some argent xxxiij s iiij d
Item, a demessent and two pare of hokes of selver and gelt, weyng v ons: Some, at iij s iiij d the ons, Some xvj s viij d
Item, v grett Rynges of gold, fyne, weyng iij ons and halffe quarter, at xxxvjs the ons, Some v l'i xij s vj d
Item, xv Rynges and two smalle Iem[o?]s and a lyttyll small chyne of golde, weyng ij ons iij quarters, at xxxiij s iiij d, Some iiij l'i xj s viijd (fn. 66)

(fn. 67) +

(fn. 68) broken selvar one ounse iij quarters, at iij s ij d the ons, Some v s vj d ob.
Item, a lyttell shelde of golde Innamyled with whyt and grene and with iij perlls, weyng a qwarter of a nounce, prasyd at viij s (fn. 69)

(fn. 70) Pledges.

Richard Garlond Item, a Cup with a couer gylt, vpright, chased, of the weight of xv ounces & a quarter delyuered in to þe vestry
Item, a Maser, Garnysshed with syluer gylt, with a Roose and a garlond of fflowrys in the bottom
Item, a proper Salt, parcelles gylt, viij square, with a gylt knop, weyng x ounces iij quarters
Item, vj sponys with knoppis wrethen & gylt, weyng vj ounces di. & di. a quarter
Ioh'n Ioh'nson Item, more: vj Sponys with woodos gylt, weyng viij ounces & di.
Item, vij Sponys with postelys, poyse xij ounces di.
Mistres luke Item, a Nutt with a couer gylt with a George vppon the couer, weyng xl ounces & di.
Item, a whigh't pares boll', weyng xx ounces
Mistres luke (fn. 71) Item, a lytell Salt, viij square with a couer, parcelles gylt, weyng x ounces.
Item, vj sponys with wrethen knoppis, vj ounces di.
Item, a lytell fflat maser with a bose, vj ounces.
Item, a lytell gylt Cupp with a couer, chased, weyng xv ounces.
Ioh'n Iohnson Item, vj Sponys with woodos and vij Sponys with postelys, weyng xxj ounces. (fn. 71)
Endyrby paid Item, a stondyng gylt cup with þe couer and on the knop the barbours armys, weyng xxij ounces. v l'i
Item, a Goblet, parcell gylt, pounsed, weyng xix ounces.
Item, a stondyng Maser with a couer, the knop vj square, weyng xv ounces. All to plege for

(fn. 72) Pledges.

Mr Alde[rne]s Item, a stondyng cup with a couer gylt, pounsed with pescoddes, weyng xxx ounces di. x l'i
Item, a Salt, Gylt, with the couer with sonnbeamys, weyng xxv ounces; to pledge for
Item, a lytell chales with the patent, parcell gylt, weyng vij ounces, the whiche chales was delyuered to Mr Aldernes in þe vestry þe xxviij day of Merche in þe presence of Mr Roche, Iohn Austhorp, Andrewe Evyngar wither moo.
William Alderston Item, a lytell Goblet, weyng v ounces di.
Item, a peyer of Course Shetes.
Andrew Evyngar Item, a Ryng with a dyamond.
Item, a Stondyng Cup with a couer gylt, weyng xxiij ounces.
Item, a gylt Salt with owte a couer, xiij ounces di.
Ioh'nson, baker, paid Item, a greate Maser with a brode bond and a bose with a lybberdes hed, weyng xj ounces, for xxviij s
Alys howe Item, a peyre of bedes of Ieett gaudeyd with syluer, and a Treangle of Syluer & gylt.
Item, iij yerdes of Course Tawney Medley.
Item, an olde gowne of vyolet ffurred with blake lambe.
Item, an olde womans gowne of blewe ffurred with Shankes.

[Inventories of the Furniture of the Church in 1553.]

(fn. 73) These parselles of Napre Insving, latly apertayning to ye seyde Church of Saint Mary at Hill, were delyuered to doctor Crome, Mr bassell & Rycharde Grafton, apointed by ye Kinges maiestes commissioners in yat behalf, ye tenth daye of ffebrvary in the Seventh yere of ye reign of our souerange Lord King Edwarde ye Sixt, in ye presence of Wolstone win, William brafild, William Kelly, Audrian Serle and Edmond Candishe:—

ffirst, delyuered xxxix aubes with lj amices & xij auter clothes, vij of diaper and v of playne cloth.

delyuered xix Svrplices with ij towelles of diaper.

These parselles of plat and ornamenttes Insving, latly appertayning to ye foreseid Church of Saynt Mary at Hill, were delyuered to Stephen Kerton, Cetezen & Allderman of London, Georg Heton and Wylliam Allyn, Commissioners by the Kinges maieste in yat behalf, apointed the therd daye of maye in the Seventh yere of the reign of our Souerangne Lord King Edwarde the Sixt, in the presence of Thomas Cleton the ellder, Wolston win, William Brafild, William Kelly, Avdrian Serlle, William Steven, Edmond Candisshe, Thomas Shotsham, Ioh'n Heyns, Harry worland, Wylliam Holstoke, Henry Smith, mercer, Robert Heyes, Artheur malbe, Thomas papworth, Ioh'n archer, Stephen skidmor, wythe dyvarars other.

(fn. 74) ffirst, delyuered a challis of sillver gilt with ye pattin, waing xiiijten oz a half.

& j Crismatory of silluer, waying xv oz.

delyuered ij shippes with ij spones of silluer, parsell gilt, waying xxviij oz.

& ij silluer sensers, parsell gilt, wayng lxxx oz.

delyuered a Cross of silluer gilt with a Cristoll in it bovnd with latten wire, waing xlv oz.

delyuered the silluer of gospell boke, gilt, waing xxxiij oz.

delyuered ij silluer Candelstickes, parsell gilt, waing xlviij oz.

delyuered a pix of Sillver, wayyig viij oz.

delyuered a Canipe Clothe of Red damaske branched withe govld & ij Corporas Cases, one of Red velvett with [bovsaes ?] knottes. licke gould and ye other of Cloth a govld.

delyuered xj Corperas cases & iij of them Cloth a govld.

delyuered a Svte of Red Clothe of govld & iij Copes of ye same.

delyuered a Svte of blew Clothe of govld & iij Copes of ye same.

delyuered a Svte of whit Cloth of gold & iij Copes of ye same.

delyuered a Svte of Red velvet and iij Copes of ye same.

delyuered a Svte of blew velvet and iij Copes of ye same.

delyuered a Svte of whit velvet & j Cope of ye same.

delyuered a Svte of grene bodkin & a Cope of ye same.

delyuered a Svte of Red bodkin & a Cope of ye same.

delyuered a Svte of blacke velvet & a Cope of ye same.

delyuered a Svte of Red with lyons of gold and a Cope of ye same.

delyuered a Svte of whit damaske and ij Copes of ye same.

delyuered for a preist & a deaken of yeolowe silke.

delyuered ij owld Copes & vj owld Tynacles.

delyuered viij Chilldrens Copes and ij Cross Clothes, one of Red silke and the other of grene.

delyuered a Canipi Cloth of Red bodkin with viij stremars.

delyuered a stayned Cloth yat went about ye Sepultev.

(fn. 75) delyuered xv banner clothes & a vestment of gren bodkin.

delyuered for a preist & a deaken of Red and Russet damaske.

delyuered for a preist & a subdeaken of blew bodkin.

delyuered for a preist a vestment of blew with bovnchis of leckes.

delyuered ij vestmenttes, j of gren ye other of blew velvet.

delyuered one owld vestment of sattyn a bridges.

delyuered a vestment of whit bvstine with a Red cros.

delyuered j owld whit vestment of damaske & iiij Copes bodkin with ij Copes of blacke vorsted.

delyuered iij vestmenttes, one of whit, another of Red, and the other of grene silke.

delyuered ij vestmenttes, one of Red silke the other grine.

delyuered iiij vestmenttes, one of blew bodkin, another of Red bodkin, one of whit cloth, ye other of whit bvstine.

delyuered Cortins of Red & whit Sarcenet.

delyuered whole haninges of Russet Clothe of gold and Covrtins of Russet silke.

delyuered Cortins of blew silke with j ovld cope of blacke welvet.

delyuered one haning, beneth, for ye heigh avter, of whit damask.

delyuered Cortins of whit sarcenet with whole haninges for ye heigh avter, of grine bodkin, & certins of grine silke.

delyuered for Saint Christoffers avter, an haning above, of Cloth a gold, with Cortins of blew silke.

delyuered for St Annes avter, one haning above, of Cloth of gold, with Cortins of Red & whit sarcenet.

delyuered for St Katherins avter one haning beneth, of blacke vellvet & Red satten cortins of Red & whit silke.

delyuered for our ladies avtter, one haning beneith, of whit silke, and Corttyns of the same.

delyuered j other haning beneth, for our ladies avter, of blacke satten.

delyuered ij basons, one of latten & ye other of pevter.

delyuered iiij laten Candellsticckes.

delyuered a bell Cavlled a sacaring bell.

(fn. 76) These parselles of ornamenttes, Napre and belles Insving, now apertainning to the seid Church of Sayt Mary at Hill', were delliverid by the said Robert Yovng at the end of this Accompt to stephen Kevald, Churchwardin of the seid parishe Church, saflie to be kept to ye vse of the same Church.

ffirst, a Challis of Sillver, parsell gilt, with The patten, waing xxx o.

Item, a Challis of Sillver, gilt, waing with ye paten xviij o.

Item, whole haninges for ye heigh avtter, of cloth of govld, Contayned in leinth iijd yeardes iije quarters lacking a naile, in bredethe a yeard & iije quarters, with one other haning benethe for the high avter, of blew velvet branched with gold.

Item, a haning benethe for the highe avter, of grine bodkin branched withe govld.

Item, a bvring Clothe a govld & blacke velvet.

Item, a bvring Clothe of blew bodkin branched with gold.

Item, a bvring Clothe of ovld blacke velvet with katherins whelles, & an ovld bvring Cloth for Chilldren withe a Crvcifix in ye middest.

Item, xv Cortins ij of grene silke and The rest of payntted Clothes.

Item, x avter, one owld of silke and the rest of paynted Clothes.

Item, a Cope of yeoloe silke, & iije Tinacles, one of Red silke, another of blewe bodkin, and the other of lennen Clothe.

Item, a preist, deaken & svbdeaken of grine bodkin.

Item, iiij Canipi staves with iiij knoppes, gilt, & ij qvoissions, j of grine silke, ye other of nedelworke.

(fn. 77) Item, ij gret qvoissians and nine small.

Item, ij basonnes, one latten, the other pevter.

Item, In the vper vestre a gret chist bard with yron.

Item, In the lower vestre iije Small' Chistes.

Item, In at ye vestre dore a Chist with ij lockes.

Item, In ye qvire ij settelles with lockars apece.

Item, before my ladie paiges pew, a chist with ij lockes.

Item, a gret owld Chist bovnd with yron, & ij stovlles.

Item, In our ladies Chappell, a chist with ij lockes.

Item, before ye Qvire, a long ssettell with ij lockes.

Item, before ye pvllpit, a Chist with one locke.

Item, In ye Southe part of the Churche, ij long settelles, In the which we were wont to pvt our torchis.

Item, In the Northe part, a Settell to set apon.

Item, In the Roud loft iije pair of harms with ij paire of spellentes, ij sallettes & ij blacke howbardes.

Item, more in the Roud loft; a long Chist with the fframe of the Sepvllev[r ?] in yt.

Item, in the vestre, a Chist with iiij latten Candellstickes & a pixe, & a Crosse ffote of latten.

Item, ij Crvettes of leed & v gret Torchis.

Item, more; iiij staf torchis with iiij short Red torchis.

Item, owld yron, amongest ye which yer is a spit with Cortin Roddes and a sertain of owld leed.

Item, more; a painted Cloth yat did hang before ye Roud.

Item, In one of the settelles in ye sovth part of ye Church, v Torchis, Svm long, som short.

Item, ij fovnt Clothes, j wrovght with Red silk, ye other of gould.

Item, a Canipe Cloth of Red sarcenet sarving Svme tyme for the pixe.

Item, a ffringe with knoppes of silke beloning Svme tyme To a Sacrament Clothe.

Item, ij paire of Organs, ye one gretter yen ye other.

Item, a towell of diaper, in bredeth iije quarters of a yeard, in leinthe Ten yeardes.

Item, a Towell of dammaske worke, in bredethe iije quarters of a yeard, In leinthe xiij yeardes a half.

Item, an avter Clothe of diaper, in leinthe v yeaddes, in bredeth a yeard a qvarter.

(fn. 78) Item, an avter Clothe of diaper, in leinthe v yeardes, in bredeth yeard qvarter a half.

Item, auter Clothe of diaper, in leinth iiij yeardes & better in bredeth a yeard and a qvarter.

Item, xj Svrplices & x aubes, to be mad into Surplices.

Item, in the steple, v gret belles & one Santes bell.

Item, a Mas boke, with ij antiphonars, one greter yen ye other.

Item, a graill, with a littell mas boke.

Item, a gospell boke & x bokes of song to be sovng at mas, in parchement, with v Caroll bokes.

Item, v littell song bokes, in parchement, & v song bokes in paist, with v song bokes to be song at mas, in paist.

Item, a gret boke Cavlled a leigend, which was paid for as here after ffolloithe:—Mr cleton, Thellder, iij s iiij d, Mr Lorimor ij s, Mr brafild ii js iiij d, Mr broke iij s iiij d, Mr Stewen iij s iiij d, & Robert Yong iij s iiij d, and all the rest was paid owt of the Chist in ye Churche of the moni that was Receued at the Commvnion Table, xxj s iiij d—xl s.

Item, ij belles of latten, beloning somtyme to ye Canipe.

Item, a boxe of evidences apertayning to the bell at Towre hill.

deliverid also aqvittaunce in latten being in [print ?] for the Subsede of the Church for the Svmma of iij l'i vj s.

(fn. 79) ano domini 1553.

These parselles of ornamenttes, latlye apertaning to our Churche of Saynt Mari at hill, ar nowe Restorede agayne by the Qvenes maiestes goodnes, for the vse & behovf of ye seid Church, ye xxjth daye of december in the ffirst yere of her maiestes reigne, to the Intent yat god maie be ye more honorably & Reuerenly served; the which ornamenttes were Receued of Arther Stovrton at ye Qvenes wardroppe at westminster, & were deliverid bi the handdes of ye fforeseid Arther Stovrton, by Indenture, vnto Steven Kevald & Thomas shotsham, then being churchwardins of the seid parishe Churche, In the presence of Thomas Lvcas, William stewen, Nicolas Altroppe, Thomas Mvndy, Ioh'n harison, Thomas bachgate & Robert Young, thes parselles hereafter Insving, yat is to saye:—

ffirst, iije Copes of Rede Clothe of gould, the preist, a deaken, & Subdeaken of ye same.

Item, iije copes of whit Cloth of gold, the deaken, & Subdeaken of the same.

Item, a Cope of blewe Clothe of gold, the preist, deaken, & Subdeaken of ye same.

Item, for ye highe avter, ij haninges of Clothe of gold Reised with Russet vellet.

Item, a haning for St Christoffers avter, of Clothe a gold Reiseid with wite & grin vellet.

(fn. 80) Thes parselles hereafter Insving were geven of our parishners as hereafter Insvithe, yat is to saie:—

Receued, of the gifte of Thomas Cleton, thellder, a Crosse of Copper gilt.

Item, for a preist, a vestment of grine bodkin.

Receued, of the gifte of William Stewens, ij Courttins of whit silke.

Receued, of the gifte of William Brafild, ij paire of Corttins of Red & whit sarcenet.

[Leaves 761–2b form virtually a duplicate of leaves 749 b–750 b, but the goods were delivered by Robert Young to Stephen Kavoll, and by Kavoll to Thomas Shotsham. After the box of evidence item the list concludes with:—"iij antyphonars, ij grayles, ij hymnolles and ij processyonars," the final acquittance note being omitted. Leaf 763 is virtually a copy of leaves 751 b–52.]


  • 1. leaf 9.
  • 2. 'of of' in MS.
  • 3. leaf 9, back.
  • 4. 'lyned lyned' in MS.
  • 5. Scratched out.
  • 6. leaf 10.
  • 7. MS. B, leaf 24.
  • 8. MS. B, leaf 25.
  • 9. MS. B, leaf 25, back. This Inventory throughout has each page headed:— 'The Inventorye of the Chyrch' goodes.'
  • 10. Scratched through.
  • 11. MS. B, leaf 26.
  • 12. MS. B, leaf 26, back.
  • 13. MS. B, leaf 27.
  • 14. MS. B, leaf 27, back.
  • 15. MS. B, leaf 28.
  • 16. In a different hand.
  • 17. MS. B, leaf 89.
  • 18. MS. B, leaf 89, back.
  • 19. leaf 725.
  • 20. leaf 725, back.
  • 21. In corner of page, 46s 10d.
  • 22. leaf 726.
  • 23. 9li 4s 3d in corner.
  • 24. leaf 726, back.
  • 25. 3li 19s 8d in corner.
  • 26. leaf 727.
  • 27. 3li 10s 50s in corner.
  • 28. leaf 727, back.
  • 29. 42s 8d in corner.
  • 30. leaf 728.
  • 31. 26s 8d in corner.
  • 32. leaf 728, back.
  • 33. 4li 3s 10d in corner.
  • 34. leaf 729.
  • 35. 3li 2s 5d in corner.
  • 36. leaf 729, back.
  • 37. MS. and and.
  • 38. 7. 7. 6d in corner.
  • 39. leaf 730.
  • 40. 46s in corner.
  • 41. leaf 730, back.
  • 42. Damp has rotted away the leaves in part.
  • 43. 33s. 2d in corner.
  • 44. leaf 731.
  • 45. 12. 4. 8d in corner.
  • 46. leaf 731, back.
  • 47. leaf rotted away.
  • 48. MS. of of.
  • 49. 58s. 10d in corner.
  • 50. leaf 732.
  • 51. Scratched through.
  • 52. 55s in corner.
  • 53. leaf 732, back.
  • 54. 3li in corner.
  • 55. leaf 733.
  • 56. xls scratched out.
  • 57. leaf 733, back.
  • 58. Leaf rotted away.
  • 59. leaf 736, back.
  • 60. 39 . 17 . 2d in corner.
  • 61. leaf 737.
  • 62. Leaf rotted away.
  • 63. MS. gelt gelt.
  • 64. 34 . 7 . 9d in corner.
  • 65. leaf 737, back.
  • 66. 22 4 2d in corner.
  • 67. leaf 738.
  • 68. Leaf rotted away.
  • 69. 13s vd ob in corner.
  • 70. leaf 739, back.
  • 71. Scratched out.
  • 72. leaf 740.
  • 73. leaf 748.
  • 74. leaf 748, back.
  • 75. leaf 749.
  • 76. leaf 749, back.
  • 77. leaf 750.
  • 78. leaf 750, back.
  • 79. leaf 751, back.
  • 80. leaf 752.