Churchwardens' accounts: 1503-4

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1503-4', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 1 April 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1503-4', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed April 1, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1503-4". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 1 April 2025.

[A.D. 1503–4.

Iohn Mongeham Wardens.]
Andrew Evyngar

[Chantry Accounts and Church Rents, Payments and Reparations of the same. The Chantries now pay a small subsidy to the King: Nasing's Chantry pays 4s. 6d.]

The paymentes for the Cherch'e.

* * * * *
(fn. 1) Payd for nayllys to mend the flooyr of the Roodloft ij d
* * * * *
Payd for box at the hallovyng of þe Cherch'e to vasch'e þe Avttyres j d
Payd for a skop and a gret laddyll' ij d ob.
Payd for bred, ale & vyn at the halloyng of the Cherch'e vij d
Payd to the svffrycan's man for the barrellys & tvbbys iiij d
Payd for xij ellys of bryssell' to mak Cressomes for the ballys v s
* * * * *
spent at the abbottes in at the ettyng of a bok þat my lord Abbot of valttom gavf to the parysch'e xx d
* * * * *
Payd for iij ellys and quarter of Normandy Canvas to mak larger the lenttyn Cloth'e for the hey avttyr. xvij d ob.
Payd to vovllf for the staynyng of the sam Cloth'e iij s iiij d
* * * * *
Payd for settyng of the Corttens heyyr to the hey Avttyr iij d
* * * * *
Payd to a marbler for settyng in of iiij emagys iij s iiij d
* * * * *
spent appon seyr Ioh'n Nell' & deyv[er]s of þe parysch'e at hys fyrst Cvmyng and the godes peny gyfyn hym v d
* * * * *

[The New Pulpit.]

(fn. 2) Payd to Ioh'n bvll' for hys labyr for makkyng þe pvlppet ix s viij d
Payd to hys man for xiij dayys vark to the sam iiij s iiij d
Payd for Nayllys to the sam pvlppet ij d
Payd for savyng of stvff to the sam vj d
Payd to a massyn for settyng in þe yerns in to the pellyr v d
Payd for v l'i yeryn to the sam at j d ob. þe l'i vij d ob.
Payd for a peyyer of garnettes to the sam vij d
Payd to the jovyner that kyt the lynttelles for þe sam pollpet xij d
Payd for ij gyrddyllys for the prestes avbbys j d
Payd for a Cord for the Clovth'e afor the Rood and for the savns bell' iiij d
* * * * *
Payd for ij Reddys to lyth'e Canddyllys vyth'e ij d
Payd for skovrryng of the lattyn ageynst Estyr xx d
Payd to a govlldsmyth'e for makkyng a senssers foott. ij s viij d
Payd for a novns & di. and di. quarter of sylvyr to þe sam v s iiij d
* * * * *
Payd for a hasp and a stappyll' for seynt Catterns Chappell' dor iiij d
Payd for a gogyn to the savns bell' ij d
* * * * *
(fn. 3) Payd to Phellyp, Carppyntter, for makkyng the mens pevys xxvj s viij d
* * * * *
spent appon the mendyng ovyr the styer of the Roodloft iij d
Payd for a lok, ij keyys, a stappyll' set in vyth'e led & a Ryng to þe Rodlovft dor xx d
* * * * *
Memorandum: that Ioh'n Blas gavf to seynt [Ianes ?] avttyr the sylk to mak of a gospler, and the parysch'e to pay the makkyng, for the vych'e I payd as hyt apperryth'e by a byll' x s viij d ob.
* * * * *
spent at the havyng in of the ston for the steppyll' vynddovs in to the Cherch'e & for þe stovyng of them j d
Payd to syr Reychard, the morromas prest, for a goddes peny ij d
* * * * *
Payd for Nayllys to mend vyth'e the gret pev j d
Payd to a jovyner, for makkyng the parclos of the Rodlvft and the Crestys and for the sellyng vndyr Neth'e xxvj s viij d
(fn. 4) Payd for Nayllys to the sam vark iiij d
Payd to a massyn and hys man, ij dayys & di. to vndyrpyn the pevys in seynt Cattyrns Chappell' ij s viij d
* * * * *
Payd for the tynnyng of a peyyer of garnettes for the gret dor ovt of the Chappell' in to þe qvyer ij d
* * * * *
Payd to the glassyng of þe gret vyndd[ow] vyth'e þe Trenyte in the sovth'e yell' xxv s iiij d
* * * * *
Payd to Phellyp, Carpyntter, for the makkyng of the Nev vemens pevys iiij l'i
Payd to hym mor for the Remevyng and settyng vp the ovlld vemens pevys xx s
Payd for Nev stvf to the sam pevys xij d
Payd for oovlld borddes to flovyr þe sam pevys xij d
* * * * *
Payd to a Boy þat hovlp to ber Rvbbys in to þe Cherch'e ij d
* * * * *
(fn. 5) Payd for a stay bar of yerryn to stay the Nev pevys in to þe vavtt ij d
* * * * *
Payd for a C of Reed for the vynddovs x d
Payd for thred and for Reddyng of þe vynddovs v d
Payd for iij lood iij sakkes lym to set þe fvnt, and vnddyrpynnyng the Nev pevys and the oovlld in the sovth'e yell' ij s vj d
* * * * *

(fn. 6) The Casvell' Resseyttes

Receuud de andrev Evyrryngger at his ACvnt makkyng lix s ix d ob.
Receuud de Wylliam Revell' for brekkyng grvnd for hys chylld in the pardon Cherch'e yerd ij s
Receuud de Thomas Baat for Brekkyng grvnd for hys vyf in seynt Cattyrns Chappell' xiij s iiij d
Receuud for the Berryyng of a povr voman, for brekkyng Grvnd in the gret Cherch'e yerd xj d
Receuud de harry Edmonddes for Brekkyng Grvnd for hys vyf in the pardon Cherch'e yerd ij s
Receuud de Ioh'n bvll' for ovlld tymbyr xij d
Receuud [de] Ioh'n of vappyng for a vhelbarrov x d
Receuud appon hokmonday, gaddyrd by the vyffys xx s iij d
Receuud de mastyr atclyf for brekkyng grvnd for hys avllmys man in the pardon Cherch'e yerd ij s
Receuud de Thomas vattes for brekkyng grvnd in the Cherch'e for Thomas hvnt xiij s iiij d
Receuud de Ioh'n Collyns for brekkyng grvnd for hys Chylld in þe pardon Cherch'e yerd ij s
Receuud [de] Myltton for brekkyng grvnd for hys vyf in the Cherch'e xiij s iiij d
Receuud de (fn. 7) mastyr Ioh'n for brekkyng grvnd in the Cherch'e for Thomas Collyns xiij s iiij d
Receuud for iij lood of ston for þe pament afor þe lovmbarddes plas iij s iiij d
Receuud de Ioh'n havlhed for Brekkyng grvnd in the pardon Cherch'e yerd for Ioh'n foox ij s
Receuud de Mastres Nors for a chylld berryd in þe gret Cherch'e yerd iiij d
Summa totallis, vij l'i ix s ix d ob.

(fn. 8) The Clarkkys vagys, bemlyth'e & pascavll' lyth'e.

Receuud for the holl' yer, qvarttyrly gaddyrd, for þe Clarkkes vagys v l'i iiij s ix d
Receuud for the bemlyth'e thys yer gaddyrd xj s ij d
Receuud for the pavscavll' lyth'e xiiij s
Summa totallis, vj l'i ix s xj d.

Paymenttes to the Clark and Sextten.

Payd to Ioh'n lav, parysch'e Clark, for hys yers vagys iiij l'i xiij s iiij d
Payd to Ioh'n boll', sextten, for hys yers vagys xl s
Summa totallis, vj l'i xiij s iiij d.
Soo the paymenttes Exseyddys the Resseyttes thys yer, iij s v d.

[Obits. Wax Reckoning. Allowances. Rehearsal.]

* * * * *

(fn. 9) Item, that was payede to Mawndye, mason, for the steple wyndow vj l'i

Rest clere to the chirch', vij l'i ij s viij d, by Ioh'n Mongeham, warden.

Item, Ioh'n Mongeham most paye xiij s iiij d. Summa totalis, vij l'i xvj s, accoumptid the xxj day of Ianyver, anno 1504.

Payde by me, Ioh'n Mongeham, þe viij daye of feverer, Anno 1504, to Master Ioh'n wyngger, allderman, for money dew to hym for leed, as it aperythe more playnely in the boke of the chyrche byldyng in þe plomer parselles, summa vij l'i xvj s 728.


  • 1. leaf 224, back.
  • 2. leaf 225.
  • 3. leaf 225, back.
  • 4. leaf 226.
  • 5. leaf 226, back.
  • 6. leaf 227.
  • 7. MS. 'the.'
  • 8. leaf 227, back.
  • 9. leaf 228, back.