Churchwardens' accounts: 1499-1500

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1499-1500', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1499-1500', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1499-1500". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.

[A.D. 1499–1500.

Harry Edmond Wardens.
William Smart

Chantry Accounts.

Church Rents.


(fn. 1) Clarkes wages, Beme lygh't & pascall' lygth'.

ffyrst, Receyuyd off the hole yere quarterly Gaderyd ffor the Clarkes wages. Summa v l'i viij s
Item, Receiuid of þe beme lygth' this yere. Summa xx s ij d
Item, Receiuid at Ester, ffor pascall' mony. Summa xj s ob.
Summa, vj l'i xix s ij d ob..

(fn. 2) Casuelles in this yere.

ffyrst, Receyuyd off the wyffes in this parysh in mony Gaderyd on hok monday. Summa xv s ixd ob.
Item, off men in the parysh Gaderyd on the tvysday. Summa vj s xj d ob.
Item, of Edward pekman, taylor, be the handes of Ioh'n Betman, draper, off olde dett that wasse dew to þe Cherche, & delyuerd his plegges xl s
Item, off Robert hotyng ffor the pytte off his Chyld in the pardon Chercheyard. Summa ij s
Item, ffor the Beryyng off þe man off orford in the Grett Chercheyard. Summa ij s
Item, off Th. Cayes, waterman, be the handes off Ioh'n Mongham, Bequethed to the cherche be the Seyd Th. Summa vj s viij d
Item, off William halles wyffe ffor her husbondes pytt in þe Cherche xiij s iiij d
Item, off the goodwyff Mascall' ffor þe knell' of þe gret bell' di. a day vj s viij d
Item, ffor þe pytt off her hosbond in þe Cherche. Summa xiij s iiij d
Item, ffor the makyng off his graue. Summa ij s
Item, off the goodwyff mascall' ffor the pytt of her sone stephene in the pardon Cherche yard ij s
Item, of Iohn halhed ffor the grett bell' ffor Masteres Bons ffor di. a day. Summa iij s iiij d
Item, off Iohn Condall' ffor the pytt & knell' off his mayde xvj d
Item, off William halles wyff ffor þe pytt & knell' off her mayde xvj d
Item, off Ioh'n Mongham ffor a stranger that was Beryd in the Grett Cherche yard. Summa xij d
Item, off Ioh'n halhed for a. stranger that was beryd in the Grett Cherche yard, ffor the Grownde. Summa xx d
Item, off Rauff Cokkes wyffe, ffor þe pytt of her hosbond in þe pardon Cherche yard ij s
Item, Th. Caunterbery, ffor a olde Chest þat was in the store house xiiij d
Item, off Rych. Chelmysford of olde dett that was dew sethen the tyme off Ioh'n Mylton beyng Cherche wardeyne. Summa xx s
(fn. 3) Item, of Robert debnam, Clarke, be the handes off his wyff of his bequest vj s viij d
Item, of Ioh'n derham, grocer, ffor þe pytt off Iohn gybson in þe pardon yard ij s
Item, of Robert hotyng, ffor þe pyt of his Chyld in þe pardon Cherche yard ij s
Item, of William Reuell', ffor the pytt off his chy[l]d in the pardon Cherche yarde. Summa ij s
Item, off Maister doklyng ffor his wyffes pytt in the Cherche xiij s iiij d
Item, ffor the knell' off the grett bell' ffor di. a day vj s viij d
Item, ffor the makyng off the pytt ij s
Item, off Maister Ioh'n ffor sir Adame pytt in the pardon Cherche yard ij s
Item, ffor the knell' off the medyll' bell' ffor di. a day ij s iiij d
Item, ffor the wast off ij torches þat longith to þe hey aulter xij d
Item, off Iohn halhed ffor the medyll' bell' ffor his mayd ffor di. a day iij s iiij d
Item, ffor her pytt in the pardon Cherche yard ij s
Item, ffor the lytyll' bell' ffor his Sone ffor an owre iiij d
Item, ffor his Sone pytt in the pardon Cherche yard ij s
Item, ffor the lytyll' bell' ffor a owre ffor his Chylde iiij d
Item, Receuud off Maister Ioh'n ffor the bequest off William hall' to the Cherche. Summa iij s iiij d
Summa, ix l'i xiiij s xj d


(fn. 4) Paymentes to the Sexteyne & Clarke.

ffyrst, payd to Robert debnam, Clarke, ffor his yeres wages iiij l'i xiij s iiij d
Item, to Rych Abell' ffor his wages, the Rent off his house Be yere, viij s. Item, in mony beSydes, vj s. Summa xiiij s
Item, payd to lennard, that was heryd be my masteres off the parysh, hauyng ffor Euery halyday vj d when that he Comyth, & payd to hym with þe concepsion of oure lady day tyll' Crestmase euen, euery halyday, vj d. summa ij s
Summa, v l'i ix s iiij d.

[Wax Reckoning.]

(fn. 5) Reparasions off the Chercherentes.

* * * * *
Item, ffor ij new keye ffor the pyxt box vj d
Item, ffor a new key to the store house dore iij d
Item, ffor the mendyng of iij lokkes ffor the iij quyre dores vj d
* * * * *

(fn. 6) Paymentes ffor the Cherche.

* * * * *

Item, ffor wrytyng off the Bedrow iiij d
* * * * *
Item, to Ioh'n nott & to his Company Syngers on seynt barnabeys day v s iiij d
Item, ffor a Rope ffor the Grett bell' weyng x lb. x d
Item, ffor caryag and warffage off ij lodes stone ffrom wolkey vij d
Item, to Ioh'n wulffe ffor gyldyng and Sylueryng off the olde Crosse staffe v s
Item, to Robert Clarke ffor mendyng dyuers albys, Surplyces and aulter clothes, wasshyn, & ffor the settyng on off a parell' off the Same xvij d
Item, ffor Byrche at mydsomer iiij d
Item, ffor a Crosse staff makyng iij d
* * * * *
(fn. 7) Item, ffor Ryngyng off Ioh'n mascalles knell' vj d
Item, ffor the makyng off his pytt iiij d
Item, payd at Selere, in the presens off Master Alderman Ioh'n doklyng, Thomas hunt, Ioh'n mylton and othere dyuers off the parysh at the Chesyng off the new Clarke vj d
Item, ffor a Rope ffor the lytyll' Sawnse bell' iiij d
Item, ffor Bred, ale and wyne on alhalowne day vij d
* * * * *
Item, payd to Master doklyng ffor Costes spent to the Abbott off Waltham at the abbottes in iij s
Item, payd in Costes spent when Master doklyng, Th. hunt, Robert hotyng, Th. Colyne at there Rydyng to Waltham to speke with the Abbott ffor the kechen viij s vij d
* * * * *
Item, to Margeret Sotton ffor the makyng off vj Rochettes ffor Chelderne to were in the quyre xij d
* * * * *

[The two Allowances. The Rehearsal.]

(fn. 8) Nota. Rekened the xviij day of Ianuarii, Anno 150[1], in the presence of My lorde the mayer Vylliam Remyngton and Mr William Wylde, parson, and Maister William Atclyff and other of the parysche as I. ducklyng, I. Milton, I deraham, Robert howtyng, & other moo. And ther is mony browt in, xxij l'i xvj s j d.

Item, Thomas colyns chargid hym with Is that he Receuyd. And xxx s iiij d is in pledgis in lynnyn clothe, the which is paid by William smert.

Summa totalis, xxvj l'i xv s v d. And William smert hath the pledges.

(fn. 9) Rest due, xxiiij l'i vj s v d.

The which xxvj l'i xvj s v d is delyuerd the same day to Thomas Colyns vppon the Rekenyng of expences vppon the Masons werkmanschipp, & ffor stones for the Steple whiche was browghte in Rekenyng by the saide Thomas colyns and harry Edmond, whereof thay chargid them selff with lvij l'i xix s xj d. And paide by them as it apperith in their Rekenyng lxix l'i iiij s ix d ob.. And so ther was owyng to them in Surplysage xj l'i iiij s x d ob.. Therffore thay Resseyuyd the xxvj l'i xvj s vd, of the which' due to them xj l'i iiij s x d ob.. So Remaynneth in Thomas Colen his handes xv l'i xj s vj d ob., to be bestowed in tyme to com vppon the werkes of the steple.

Also it is remembred that Sir Ioh'n plommer browte in a Rekennyng that ther was owyng vnto hym for Reparacions done in his howse, clerly Rekened, xiij s ij d, which' Gylberd gentyle schall' paye and dyscharge in his Accoumpte.

Also William Smerte asketh' allowaunce of Robert dempnahams howse which' is Rekened at xx s, and it is but xvj s viij d, the allowaunce is iij s iiij d, which' William smert hath atteyned it in his owne handes.

The Rest cler is xxiiij l'i iij s j d.

Memorandum. Resseyuyd be me, Thomas Colyns, of Wylliam smart xxiiij l'i iij s j d, Beside ls that I Resseyuyd of William Smerte in the ffyrst accoumpte, and chargid mye self with all', and paide in mye Rekenyng þat I laied owte to the mason ffor stone and other thynges necessary, as it apperith' more playnly in myne Acoumpte, vhereof allowed to Thomas colens in surplisage that he layed owte of his purs xj l'i iiijs x d ob.. So he hath in his handes to bestowe vppon the werkes of the steple xij l'i xviij s ij d ob..


  • 1. leaf 176.
  • 2. leaf 176, back.
  • 3. leaf 177.
  • 4. leaf 177, back.
  • 5. leaf 178, back.
  • 6. leaf 179.
  • 7. leaf 179, back.
  • 8. leaf 180, back.
  • 9. leaf 181.