Churchwardens' accounts: 1492-3

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1492-3', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 1 April 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1492-3', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed April 1, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1492-3". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 1 April 2025.

[a.d. 1492–3.]

(fn. 1) Thys ys the Accountte of vs, Rychard Cloose and Robard howtyng, wardens of the goodys and Renttes belongyng vnto the cherch of sayntt mary at hyll' in london, for an hole yere from Myhelmas, Anno 1492, to Myhelmas Anno 1493.

ffyrste, we charge vs wyth the olde dettes that we haue Resseuid wythin thys yere of owre Accountte:—

In primys, of mothyr boyis xij d
Item, of Robard debenam, clarke ij s vj d
Item, of Wylliam halle viij s iiij d
Item, of Thomas bynckys xx d
Item, of Masters Byrlynges vj s viij d
Item, of The wardenys of sentt botolphus ij s vj d
Item, of Robard hodyham iij s iiij d
Item, of harry Vaveser ys wyffe, for beryinge of barnardys wyffe and for þe clarke ys wagys of olde xviij s
Item, of Thomas devardys wyffe for mastyr Remyngton, the whyche we hadde in bryke v s vj d
Summa, xlix s vj d.

(fn. 2) Item, we charge vs as wele wythe the cherche Renttes as wyth the Renttes belongyng to the chauntres for an hole yere at Myhelmas laste passed.

(fn. 3) Item, the cherche Renttes xv l'i xv s vj d
Item, Nasyngys Chauntre ix l'i viij d
Item, Rose Wrytylles Chauntre vj l'i xiij s iiij d
Item, Rychard Gosselynys Chauntre viij l'i xij s viij d
Item, Ioh'n Causton ys Chauntre xviij l'i iiij s iiij d
Item, Ioh'n Bedhamys Chauntre xiij l'i vj s viij d
Item, Mastyr Wylliam Cambryge ys Chauntre x l'i
Summa, iiijxx j li. xiij s ij d
Item, we Charge vs wythe the Clarke ys wagys and wythe sartayne mony Resseuyd for the bemelyght in the sayd yere. Ressayuyd be iiij quarters of the yere ix l'i x s
Item, we charge vs w[i]th the mony that we Resseuide at estyr for the pascall' xj s xj d ob.

(fn. 4) Item, we Charge vs wythe sartayne Casseweltes Resseuid wythe in thys sayd yere:—

In primys, of leppam of Colchestyr, for byrying of one of hys men xij d
Item, of develyn ys wyffe, for berying of Ioh'n Ionys chylde xij d
Item, of harry vaveser ys wyffe, for berying of hys sone and one of hys seruaunttes iiij s vj d
Item, of Mastyr brande, for a grave stone v s
Item, for berying of a man of maldon iij s iiij d
Item, Resseuid of Mastyr Ioh'n Redy at iij tymys xix d
Item, for þe waste of ij tapers for the obett of syr Ioh'n Bradmere v d
Item, for berying of Petyr Andrewys wyfe xiij s iiij d
Item, for berying of a stranger iij s iiij d
Item, for berying of Thomas huntt ys wyffe and ffor the knyll'e xvj s viij d
Item, for berying of hys dowtyr ij s
Item, of Thomas bate for byrying of a stranger iij s iiij d
Item, for berying of Thomas semere ij s
Item, of Mastyr cloose for berying of hys ij prentys and Thomas baker iiij s
Summa, iij l'i xviij d.
Summa, totalys of þe hole charge thys yere ys iiijxx and xvij li. vj s j d ob..

(fn. 5) Here ffolowyth The paymenttes as wele of that belongyth to the Cherche as to the Chauntres.

ffyrste, payd to the Abbott of Waltham, for a quyte Rentt goyng owte of the Tenementtes of Ioh'n Weston, for an hole yere at myhelmas laste passed xxxviij s
Item, payd to Robard ffyherbard and Godfray oxenbryge, wardens of the parysshe of sentt Gorgys in botolphus lane, in london, for a quite Rentt goyng owte of the tenementt of Ioh'n Weston, for a hole yere at myhelmas xx s
Item, payd to the prior of Crychyrch, in london, for a quite Rentt goyng owte of the tenementt of Ioh'n Weston, for a hole yere at Estyr laste passed iij s

Obbettes kepte at The costys of the cherche.

Item, payd for The kepyng of the obett of Ioh'n Weston, the xix day of Apryll', to prestys and clarkys iij s vj d
Item, ffor the obett of Mastyr Ioh'n bradmere kepte the xxiij day of novembyr iij s vj d
Item, to syr Ioh'n Plomere for kepyng of the morowe mas, for a hole yere at myhelmas xx s
Item, to Mastyr Ioh'n Redy for þe Reherssyng of the namys of the founders of the chauntres and for þe bede Rowle, for a hole yere at myhelmas xvj d
Item, to syr Ioh'n Plomer in party of paymentt of the vij l'i the whych' he lentt to the Reparacion of the Newe howsyng in the prestes alye xx s
Summa, v l'i ix s iiij d.

(fn. 6) The Costys of the ij Clarkys.

Item, payd to Robart debename, Clarke, for a hole yere ys wagys paste at Myhelmas iiij l'i xiij s iiij d
Item, payd to saundyr worsselay for iij quarters of a yere an vj wokys iij l'i
Item, payd to Mascall' towarde the Reparacion of the Newe Ile xvj s viij d
Summa, viij l'i x s.

The Costys of the quere.

In prymys, for ix ll' candyll', ix d.
Item, to parys for swepyng of the cherch' and makynd clene of the pewys, ij d.
Item, for wyne one xijth day, viij d.
Item, to parys, þe xxiij day of Ianyuere, for makyng of a payre of trestylles and for ij quartres for the fete of þe same trestylles, viij d.
Item, for iiij ll' candyll', iiij d.
Item, to the goodman proyne, þe xxviij day of Ianyuere for xx fadym of small' Rope, vj d.
Item, the xxx day of Ianyuere for xvj elles and a halfe of holonde clothe to make ij surples and for to mende the Aubys and othyr thynges in the cherch, pris þe ell' vj d. Summa, viij s iiij d.
Item, (fn. 7) to mastyr dokelyng for xvij ll' of Ropys for the belles, xxj d.
Item, for ij quarters and for makyng of anothyr payre of trestylles, vj d.
Item, for a ll' candyll, j d.
Item, for naylys, j d.
Item, for swepyng of the lytyll' cherchyarde, ij d.
Item, to the smyth for mendyng of the sauntys bell', xxij d.
Item, for makyng of a ladyr for þe stepyll' and for ij pecys of tymbyr for þe same ladyr, xiiij d.
Item, payd for holme on crystemas euyn, iiij d.
[Summa], xvij s iiij d
(fn. 8) Item, payd to ij porters for laying vpe of the tymbyr and for beryng of þe pewys and othyr stuffe into the storeh[ow ?]e, vj d.
Item, for iij laborars for berynge owte of þe stonys owte of the cherchyarde and for gravelyng of both cherchyardys for iij dayis & di. iij s x d.
Item, for wyne one owre lady day in lentt, iiij d.
Item, for palme, boxe and flowrys on palmson eve, viij d.
Item, for bromys and naylys, j d.
Item, to a laborar for makyng clene of þe prestys Alye and for gravelyng of the cherch'yarde, viij d.
Item, for wyne on palme sonday, viij d.
Item, to Thomas hunttes sone the same day, j d.
Item, for a quartyr of colys on estyr eve, v d.
Item, for dyssplyng Roddys, ij d.
Item, for ij ll' candyll', ij d.
Item, to Kyrstofyr kychyn ys man for sartayne thynges that he made in the cherch, x s.
Item, for naylys, iij d.
Item, for tayntyrhokes and ffor wachyng of the sepulture, xij d.
Item, for skowryng of the latayne, xxj d.
Item, for viij baner stavys, viij d.
Item, to parys for swepyng of the cherchyarde, ij d.
Item, to Robard clarke for makyng of ij surples and ij Rochettes, and ffor othyr thynges that he mendyd, v s.
Item, for havyng awaye of the smale stonys in the cherchyarde, ij d.
Item, to parys for takyng downe of þe supulture, ij d.
Item, to the mason for makyng of the ffuntt, for xv dayis workemanshype, x s.
Item, to hys laborar for v dayis labor, ij s j d.
Item, for fyllyng of the ffuntt with watyr, j d.
Item, for wyne one holy thrusday, vj d.
Item, for ffyllyng of the ffuntt with watyr at Whytsontyde, j d.
Item, payd for the swaype of þe cherch dore and for garnattes for the pewys and for a locke and a kaye to the same dore and a kaye to the stayre dore in the vestry and for batteryng of the mason ys irynys, x s.
[Summa], xlix s vj d.
(fn. 9) Item, for wyne on corpus crysty day, iiij d.
Item, for garlondes on the same day, iiij d.
Item, for beryng of iiij torchys, viij d.
Item, for Roose garlondys on sentt barnaby ys day, xx d.
Item, for wyne and ale to þe prestys and clarkys the same day, ix d.
Item, for wyne on sentt barnabyis euyn for bowier and hys chylderyn and othyr prestes and clarkys att þe sone, viij d.
Item, to bowier and pye for a Rewarde, iij s iiij d.
Item, to parys for mendyng of the sanctes bell', iiij d.
Item, the Raker, for a hole yere at Myhelmas, viij d.
Item, to Raffe þe porter, for makyng clene of the cherchyarde for ij dayis and a half, xv d.
Item, payd to the porters for beryng of the bras pottes of harry vaveserys into þe vestry, iij d.
Item, to harry marsshe ys man for makyng clene of the porche, ij d.
Item, payd to a clarke, for a Rewarde, þe xxiij day of auguste, that wolde a bene in seruys, viij d.
Item, for wyne at the Tauerne the same tyme, v d.
Item, for di. a dayis worke on the cherche Roffe and on the prestes chambrys to a tyler and hys man, vij d.
Item, for di. a c tyle, iij d.
Item, payd for pavyng of iij tese of grownde at the weste ende of the cherch', xviij d.
Item, for a loode of gavell' to þe same, iiij d.
Item, for havyng awaye of the Robiis in pardon cherch'yarde and for brekyng downe of the wall'e ouer mastyr Ryvell', iiij d.
Item, to Robard Clarke for mendyng of the iij whyte copys, a chesebyll', ij tvnekylles of the same sute and for mendyng of the Aubis to the same, ij s.
Item, for bromys, j d.
Item, for candyll', j d.
Item, for xv ll' of candyll', xv d.
Item, payd to the plomere for a pype of lede for þe ffuntt and for a ll' di. of sawdyr to sowdyr þe same pype, xij d.
Item, payd to cyrstofyr kechyn for sartayne thynges dune in the chyrch' at dyuers tymys, besyde hys byll', viij s viij d.
[Summa], xxvij s v d.
(fn. 10) Item, to the ssmyth' for ij garnattes, ix smale Rynges, for tylles, and for a locke and iij kayis and a dyssh' of Iryn for the lytyll' senser and for othyr thynges that he made, iiij s iiij d.
Item, payd to crystofyr kychyn for sartayne thynges that he made for the cherch' as hyt aperyth' by his Byll'. Summa, iij l'i xiij s iiij d.
Item, to the skreuener in lombard strete for wrytyng of ij dedys and the bede Rowle and for othyr thynges that he made for the cherch, iij s iiij d.
Item, payd to wylliam Gele for makyng of a pewe and mendyng of the vestry dore be Rychard Close ys tyme and for makyng of ix coffynys and the dore of the almery that we laye owre dedes and Indenturs in. Summa, xiiij s.
Item, for havyng awaye of xij lodys of Robys owte of bothe cherchyardys, iiij s.
Item, to parys for makyng clene of the guttyrs in þe snowe, iiij d, and for swepyng of the chyrch'.
Item, payd to Ioh'n delanavsa for wyne drvnky be mastyr Remyngton and þe parson and mastyr cloose at þe cherches coste, xxj d.
Item, payd for byrche on mydsomer euyn, iiij d.
Item, payd to Thomas Mundys for naylys ffett at dyuers tymys for þe cherche and for the bochers howse in estchepe, v s iij d ob..
[Summa], v l'i vj s viij d ob..
Summa totalys of þe costes of þe quere and othyr thynges to þe behove of þe cherch, ix l'i xij s v d ob..

Expensys in wax to the waxchaundeler.

Item, payd for xvij ll' of waxe, pris þe ll', vij d. Summa, ix s xj d.
Item, payd to Roger Mydylton for strekyng of xiijxx ll' and xvj of waxe and for dressyng of iiij torchys on corpus crysty day, x s.
Summa, xix s xj d.
Item, the sayd Roger owyth to the cherch iiij ll' di. of waxe the whych he Resseuid in endys at crystemas.

(fn. 11) Reparacionys of the cherch Rentys.

Item, for a plancke for the bocher ys stall'e in estechepe that was bowrght of cyrstofyr kechyn iij s iiij d
Item, for lockes, kayis, stapyllys and henges and hokys to þe same howse xviij d
Item, for iiijxx pavyntylys for Wylliam hall' hys seler and for pavyng of the same ij s
Summa, vj s x d.

Vacacion of the cherch Renttes.

Item, we aske alowans of the vacacion of Mastyr wylliam, Combys chambyr, for j quartyr ij s vj d
Item, for the vacacion of the lowe chambyr that syr Iamys sannys dwellyd in, for di. a yere vj s viij d
Item, for the vacacion of the lytyll' howse in estechepe, for di. a yere xiij s iiij d
Summa, xxij s vj d.

The Costes and paymentt of nasynges chauntre.

Item, payd to syr Ioh'n Tyllyslay, preste, to syng for the sayd Ioh'n Nasyng, for a hole yere at myhelmas laste passed vj l'i xiij s iiij d
Item, to the abbott of Waltham, for a quite Rentt goynge owte of þe tenementtes of Ioh'n Nasyng, for a hole yere at myhelmas xxij s


Item, payd to Wylliam olyuere, for sartayne thynges that he Repayryd in hys howse and for proppyng of the dore vj s
Summa, viij l'i xvj d.

(fn. 12) The Costys and paymenttes of Roose Wryttyll' and Ioh'n Weston ys chauntre.

Item, payde to syr Robard hall', preste, to synge for the sayd Ioh'n Weston and Roose Wryttyll', for a hole yere at myhelmas last passed vj l'i xiij s iiij d

The Costys and paymenttes of Rychard Gosselyn ys chauntre.

Item, payd to syr Iamys sannys, preste, to synge for the sayd Rychard Gosselyn, for an hole yer at myhelmas laste passed vj l'i xiij s iiij d
Item, payd to þe pryores of Kylborne for a quite Rentt goying owte of the tenementtes in faystyr lane, for a hole yere at myhelmas laste passed. vj d
Item, payd for the obett of the sayd Rychard gosselyn, kepte þe fyrste day of decembyr last passed iiij s viij d
+ Item, that the sayd Rychard Gosselyn gave to the cherch wardenys for the tyme beyng be hys bequeste iij s iiij d (fn. 13)


Item, for a kaye to shaylys wyff for the Alye gate iiij d
Item, for mendyng of her chymenay and for tylyng of here how[s]e and stopyng of a hole in þe guttyr vij d
Item, for a Rope for the well', wayng x ll' x d
Item, for makyng of a pentes and for naylys and bordys to the same on barettes howse xxj d


Wacacion of the howse that exmewe dwellyd in, for on quartyr xj s viij d
Summa, vij l'i xiij s viij d.

(fn. 14) The Costys and paymentes of Ioh'n causton ys chauntre.

Item, payd to Syr Wylliam Boyis, preste, to synge for the sayd Ioh'n Causton, for a hole yere paste at myhelmas vjl'i xiij s iiij d
Item, payd to the bretherede of sentt Thomas, fowndyd within the parisshe cherch of sentt Maungnus, in london, for a quite Rentt goyng owte of Ioh'n ffyssihes howse, for a hole yere at estyr last passed vj s
Item, to the mastyrs of the bryge howse, for a quite Rentt goyng owte of Ioh'n ffyssihes howse, for an hole yere at myhelmas laste passed xiij s iiij d
Item, for the obett of the sayd Ioh'n Causton, kepte the ffyrste day of Auguste, to prestes and clarkys and for Ryngynd, and to pore pepyll' iiij s vj d


Item, payd for hegyng of the gardyn and ffor polys for the gardyn at þe towre hyll' xiij d
Item, for ij kayis vj d
Item, for pavyng of þe pamentt agenste Rychard chemeshow ys howse and craplas howse and the este ende of the cherche, for viij tese, prs þe tese, vij d. Summa iiij s viij d
Item, for iij lodys of gavell' to þe same xij d


Item, for the vacacion of þe howse þat wylliam wettlay dwellyd in, by iij quarters vj s
Item, for the howse thatt Anes benett dwellyd in, by iij quarters vj s
Item, for the howse þat garolde dwellyd in, by ij quartyr iiij s
Item, for the vacacion of the garden that Corteman kepte, by a lole yere at myhelmas laste passed xiij s iiij d
Summa, ix l'i xiij s ix d.

(fn. 15) Costes spent in the lawe aenste the pryores of sentt Ellynys for Ioh'n causton ys chauntre.

Item, payde for xxxij galonys of maumsay to Anteny bavyon, the whych was sentt to my lorde bryan and my lorde hussy, pris the gelon, x d. Summa, xxvj s viij d
Item, for ij Runlettes for þe same wyne ij s viij d
Item, for beryng of the wyne, to þe ij porters iiij d
Item, to Mastyr Mardantt, at pollys, the xxj day of Auguste v s
Item, for ale the same tyme j d
Item, payd to Mastyr close for expensys that spentt at the tempyll' v d
Item, payd for a gose, ij kenyis, and a dosen larkes sentt to my lorde bryan and my lorde hussy to þe bysshope of Elye ys plasse, pris xxj d
Item, for a pottell' of Raynysshe wyne and a potell' of Rede wyne sentt to them the same tyme xij d
Item, spentt on the paryssh'sonys that wentt thythyr þe same tyme, and that mastyr close spent on mastyr plomer vij d
Summa, xxxviij s vj d.

(fn. 16) The Costys and pamenttes of Ioh'n Bedham ys chauntre.

Item, payd to syr Ioh'n plomer, preste, to synge for the sayd Ioh'n bedham, for an hole yere at myhelmas laste passed vj l'i xiij s iiij d
Item, payd for the obett of the sayd Ioh'n bedham, kepte the xvj day of maye laste passed, to prestes and clarkys and pore pepyll', and to þe cherch' wardenys xiij s iiij d
Item, payd to Gabryell' de vrs toward hys Reparacion of the grete plase inc sentt botolles lane, for a hole yere at myhelmas liij s iiij d
Item, payd to iij pore men of thys parisshe, that ys to wette:—Wylliam parys, Raynolde bulle and Ioh'n topelady, euery sonday in þe yere, xij d. Summa lij s
Item, payd to Ioh'n derham and Rychard kokkes, for oyle spentt in the lampe and for lampys within the quere in thys yere of owre accounpte, vj galonys and a potell' of Ioh'n derham and iij galonys and a potell' of Rychard kokkes, pris þe galon, xij d. Summa x s j d
Summa, xiij l'i ij s j d.

(fn. 17) The Costys and paymenttes of Mastyr wylliam Cambryge ys chauntre.

Item, payd to Mastyr Wylliam Combys and to syr Wylliam stokys to synge for the sayd mastyr wylliam Cambryge with syr Ioh'n lovell' for an hole yere at myhelmas passed (fn. 18) vj l' xiij s iiij d
Item, payd ffor the obett of þe sayd mastyr wyll'iam cambryge, kepte the xix day of auguste, to prestes and clarkys and for Ryngyng iiij s viij d
Item, for brede and ale and chese to þe pore pepyll' and to all' þe parysshe viij s viij d
Item, to the mayre and to þe sheryves and to the swerdeberer atte the same obett. (fn. 19) Summa xv s
Summa totalys, (fn. 19) xxviij s iiij d.


Item, for a tyler and hys man for a dayis labor on þe howsyng at þe stokys xiij d
Item, for ij sackys lyme iiij d
Item, for iij quarteronys of tyle vj d
Item, for naylys, legys and hengys for Rychard Iryke ys howse xij d


Item, ffor the wacacion of the howse that Wylliam Raynsford dwellyd in, for iij quarters xx s
Summa, ix l'i iiij s vij d.

(fn. 20) The Costys and paymenttes of the Reparacion of þe Copyng of the new Ile.

Item, payd to þe masonys for a wekys worke for xxij dayis xx s viij d
Item, payd to iij masonys and ij laboras for a wekes wagys xvj s
Item, payd to the masonys for iij workemen and iij laborars, for xj dayis for the workemen and xviij dayis the laborars xiiij s x d
Item, payd to þe plomer for castyng of xxxiiij c of lede quarter ix ll', at xij d þe c. Summa xxxiiij s
Item, payd to þe plomer for a c xj ll' of lede, and for xvj ll' of sowdyr, and for naylys for the guttyr at þe weste ende off þe cherch xij s viij d
Item, payd to Thomas debardys wyffe for xiij ml' di. of bryke, pris þe ml' iiij s. Summa liiij s
Item, to the mason for iiij men and iij laborars for iiij dayis xv s viij d
Item, xvj lodys of sande viij s
Item, xliiij lodys of lyme and iij sackes. Summa, vj c xj sakes lyme at vs þe c. Summa xxxij s
Summa, x l'i vij s x d.

Item, Resseuid of mastyr smartt, in lede that was spentt at þe copyng of þe sayd Ile, xxix c and a quarter, the wyche the cherch owyth' for

(fn. 21) potacionys.

Item, we aske alowans of potacion mony that we have gevyn vnto the tenanttes at þe Resseui[n]g of owre mony for owre Renttes v s
Item, for makyng vppe of thys owre accounpte vj s viij d
Summa, xj s viij d.
Summa totalys of the dyscharge payd within thys
yere of owre accounte ys iiijxx xiij li. xvj s v d ob.
Reste due to the chyrche. Summa iij li. ix s viij d

Whereof there ys owyng thys yere in dettours handys thes parcelles folowyng.

Ioh'n harris, waterman iij s iiij d
Wylliam hall', waterman v s
Iohn westehowse vj s viij d
Thomas bynckes xx d
Ioh'n Nele v s
Nycolas smytheson x s
Gylys garrolde, gardener iiij s
harry pebyll', marener ij s
dyryke Ioh'nson, wever ij s
Mothyr boyis ij s
Wylliam harryson ys wyff at myle ende iij s
+ Ioh'n smythe, haburdassher x s
+ Iohn mowse, clarke vj s viij d
Summa, iij l'i xvj d.
Reste in mony of thys acounte in owre hondys viij s iiij d
Vhereof alowed to Robert howtyng for that that he acoumpted mor than he sholde haue done v s xd; rest ij s vj d.
Paide to Ioh'n maskall' the xij [ ? ] yere anno 1494, ij s vj d, in þe presence [of Mr Alderman & Mr Atclyff ?].

(fn. 22) Thes bene the olde dettes that have be lefte vnpayde by the cherch' wardenys in tymes paste.

Robard a Crapelas xxij s
Ioh'n huntyngfelde vj s
Thomas Recheforthe iiij s
Wylliam harryson ys wyffe vj s viij d
Resseuid per w. overay ij s. Rest iij s iiij d.
Ioh'n smythe, haburdasshere xv s
[ ? ] ixs j d, rest v s xjd.
Ioh'n Moswe, clarke xxvj s viij d
rest xiij s iiij d.
Thomas Mowse, capper xvj s
rest iiij s.
+ Rychard chemshowe xx s
+ wylliam wylkynson xv d
+ Wattkyn Galleson ij s
The taylor ther nextt iiij s
Nycolas welles, bargeman xvj d
Nycolas thornle iij s
Resseuid ij s per mascall', Rest xij d.
+ Ioh'n polyuere for berying of mastres bremonger xiij s iiij d
Resseuid xiij s iiij d per mascall'.
Ioh'n westehowse iiij s
wylliam whetelaye iiij s
Ioh'n hogges wyffe iiij s vj d
Annes benett xvj d
(fn. 23) Rychard Closse Anno ml' cccc lxxxxiij.
Robert owtyng


  • 1. leaf 95.
  • 2. leaf 95, back.
  • 3. 'cherche, 1 yere' in margin.
  • 4. leaf 96.
  • 5. leaf 97.
  • 6. leaf 97, back.
  • 7. MS. Item, Item.
  • 8. leaf 98.
  • 9. leaf 98, back.
  • 10. leaf 99.
  • 11. leaf 99, back.
  • 12. leaf 100.
  • 13. This item feebly crossed out.
  • 14. leaf 100, back.
  • 15. leaf 101.
  • 16. leaf 101, back.
  • 17. leaf 102.
  • 18. MS. past passed.
  • 19. Scratched out.
  • 20. leaf 102, back.
  • 21. leaf 103.
  • 22. leaf 103, back.
  • 23. leaf 104, back.