The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.
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'Wills', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 1 April 2025].
'Wills', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed April 1, 2025,
"Wills". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 1 April 2025.
In this section
[MS. B. is a book containing a series of copies and abstracts of documents, the collection of which was commenced in 1486.]
(fn. 1) The Testament of Rose Wrytell'.
[a.d. 1323, but from 1486 copy.]
In the name of God: Amen. on Saturday, in the feest of Saynt Barnabye thapostle, The yere of our lord god m4 ccc xxiij, and the xvj yere of the Reigne of Kyng Edward, the Son of Kyng Edward; I, Rose Wrytell', wydue, sumtyme the wyf of William ffayrstede, Clerk, make my testament of my tenementes & Rentes which' I haue in the parissh' of Saynt Mary atte hill' of london in the fourme foloyng.
I gyve and bequethe to Robert hamond, Citezein and Corder of london, & to Margery his wyf, my Nece, the doughter of Piers atte lee of wrytell', all' my tenement with thappurtenauntes which' I haue & dwell in, in the said parissh', togider with all' the vesselles & necessaryes beyng in the same tenement belongyng to bruyng, and also all' my tenement with þappurtenauntes which' I haue in the said parissh' of the gyfte & feoffament of William of Sandwych', toward Billyngesgate of london, and xx d of yerely quyte Rent which' I haue & yerely receyue of the tenement sumtyme Rauf a Beryes, Cordewaner, in the same parissh', To haue & to hold the forsaid ij tenementes with thappurtenauntes, togider with the said vesselles & necessaries, and also to receyue yerly the said xx d of quyte Rent to the forsaid Robert & Margery, & to the heires of their bodyes laufully begoten, hoolly, frely, & peasibly for euermore, Of the chief lordes of the fee by the seruice therof due & of right accustumed, And also yeldyng & paying therfore yerely vj marc of money, wherwith' I charge the seid tenementes for euer. And the which' yerely vj marc I bequethe to the sustentacion of an honest Preest to syng dyvyne seruice euery day & yere for euermore in the said Chirch' of Saynt Mary atte hill' at the Awter of Saynt Edmond the Kyng & martir, for my Soule & for the soule of the said William sumtyme myn husbond, & the soules of my ffader & moder William & Maude & all' christen soules.
And yf it hap the forsaid Robert & Margery to deceasse withouteheires of their bodyes laufully begoten, than I bequethe the forsaid tenementes with' thappurtenauntes togider with the said vesselles & necessaryes, & the said xx d of quyte Rent to my next heyre, To haue & to hold to hym & his heires of his body laufully begoten, & so from heyre to heyre grely in fee & in herytage for euer, Of the chief lordes of the fee by the seruice therof due & of right accustumed. And for the forsaid yerely vj marc to the sustentacion of the said Preest as is aforsaid to be paid, So that none of myn heyres shall' nat sell', alien, nor gyve, nor with eny Rent or seruyce charge the said tenementes, Rent, vesselles, & necessaryes, nor eny part of them, This I adde to & Woll', that they which' shall' hold the said tenementes after my deceasse shall susteyn for euer the Ornamentes belongyng to the said Chauntry, & also a taper of wex of iiij lb. weight to brenne there before the ymage of our lady.
And yf it hap (fn. 2) that they which' shall' hold the said tenementes after my deceasse woll' nat susteyn and maynteyn the same tenementes with the vesselles & necessaries aforsaid; Or elles yf that they suffre the said tenementes wilfully to decay or fall' doun, Or yf that they gyve, sell, or alien the same tenementes, vesselles & necessaries, or eny part of the same, or charge the same with eny Rent or seruyce, or eny part therof, ayenst my Wille aboueexpressed, wherthurgh the said yerely vj marc to the sustentacion of the said Preest in the fourme aforsaid can nat be levyed & payd; that than they shall' vtterly for euermore lakke, be put & excluded from my bequeste to them aboue made of the forsaid tenementes, Rent, vesselles, & necessaries for ceassyng the said Preestes seruice; I woll' that their estate, righ't & possession in the same tenementes, rent, vesselles & necessaries, by force of my bequeste aboue made, shall' ceasse for euer. And than I woll' and bequethe that the forsaid tenementes & Rent, with the said vesselles, necessaries, & other thappurtenauntes, withoute eny ageynseying or lette of eny persone, shall' hoolly remayn to the parisshens of the forsaid Chirche of Saynt Mary atte hill' for the tyme beyng for euer, To hold by the seruice therof due to the chief lordes, and for the forsaid yerely vj marc to the sustentacion of the said Preest as is aforsaid to be payd, So that the said Chauntry in no wise fayle.
Item, I woll' that the said Preest be chosen, & in the Ordynaryes stede be presented to the forsaid Chauntry by myn Executours while they live, and after the deceasse of myn Executours I woll' that the said Preest be chosen & presented to the said Chauntry by the parisshens of the said Chirch' of Saynt Mary at hill' for euermore. And I woll that the same Preest be at all' hours canon in the said Chirch', and yf he be necligent therof & doo it nat, or yf he evyll' bere hym or behaue hym, & that by the said parisshens it be duely proeved, that than anon he be ammoved & put oute of the said Chauntry, and another honest Preest in his stede be chosen & presented to the said Chauntry in the fourme aforsaid, To the which' myn executours & to the parisshens and preest aforsayd I bequethe, gyve & graunte, full' power to entre in to the said tenementes with þappurtenauntes for euery defaute of payment of the said yerely vj marc for the sustentacion of the said Preest at iiij pryncipall' termes of the yere & in the Citee of london vsuell' to be payd, & in the same tenementes to distreyne & distresses lefully to bere awey & reteyn till' the said yerely vj marc for the sustentacion of the said Preest, Ornamentes & taper be fully payd. And of this my testament I make myn executours & cetera.
[The two following Notes are in a different hand. The final paragraph of the first commencing 'And now at Midsomer' is clearly a still later addition of 1504.]
(fn. 3) The Rentall of Rose Wrytell.
A tenement of olde tyme callid the 'Swann on the hope,' lying in temmystrete in the parysch' of Seynte marye atte hill', bytwene the tenement of my lady Astrey in the west partye, and tenement belongyng to the chyrche of Seynte [blank] on the Est partye. And Boundyth' to the tenementes of Rychard Gosslyne on the northe partye, with o yard & an Entrey durre byldyd ouer yt vnto loue lane on the Est side; and the Schopp of the saide tenement strechith' vnto the kynges hye waye in temmystrete on the sowthe partye. And the saide tenement occupyeth' william Miln, yremonger, paying yerelye vj l'i xiij s iiij d, and he to make all' maner reparacyons vppon hys propre costes by yer. And now at Midsomer, anno 1504, Ioh'n halhed, grocer, hath' a lesse of þe saide tenement for xxiiij yer.
Seynte Botolphis, in temmystrete.
The parson and the parisshens of Seynte Botolphus ar bounden by the reason of a deede made by Sir Thomas Snodlonde, parson of the saide Chirch' of Sent Botolphus, hevyng the date of owr lorde m1' iijc lij, Beryng ij s vj d a yer of Quyterente, payable euery half yer at Ester & at Mighelmas by euyn porcyone, The which' quytrente now a late daye was behynde, not payed by the space of vij yer compleate, Whervppon Mr William Wylde, parson of this chirch' of Seynte Mary atte hyll', with Wylliam prewne and Ioh'n halhed, chirch'wardeyns, Resseyued the iiij daye of nouember, the yer of owre lorde god ml cccc lxxxvj for the reragis of the said vij yeres, Summa xvij s vj d, by the handes of Richard odiham and Thomas Bodyley, chirch'warden of the saide chirch' of Seynte botolphus, Maister Ioh'n Neele beyng parson of the saide chirch' at that tyme. They deleyed yt by cause we schewed not owre Euydence.
(fn. 4) The testament of Ioh'n of Causton.
[a.d. 1353, but from 1486 copy.]
In the name of god: Amen. I, Ioh'n of Causton, Citezein & mercer of london, beyng hole of mynde & in gode memory, the xxxt day of the moneth' of Iuly, The yere of our lord god ml ccc liij, make & ordeyn this my present testament conteynyng my last Will' in the fourme ffolowyng:—ffirst, I bequethe & commend my Soule to god, & cetera, And my Body to be buryed in the Chirch' of Saynt Pancrace, beside Soper lane of london, in the North' Chapell' of our lady of the same Chirch', & cetera.
Item, I gyve & bequethe to the said Thomas of langton for terme of his lyf, And after his deceasse to the Prioresse & Couent of the hous of Saynt Elyn withyn Bisshoppesgate of london, & to their Successours for euermore, all' that tenement with thappurtenauntes wheryn I dwell the day of makyng herof, in the parissh' of Saynt Mary atte hill' of london, the which' is sette betwene the tenement sumtyme the Erle of Penbrokes on the North' part, and the Chircheyerd of the same Chirche on the South' part, togider with iiij s of yerely Rent to the said tenement, due of the tenement which' Richard of lamehithe sumtyme held in the parissh' of Saynt Andrewe huberd beside Estchepe of london of the graunt of the Prioresse & Couent of the hous of Saynt Elyn. Also I gyve & graunt to the same Thomas for terme of his lyf and after his deceasse to the said Prioresse & Couent of the hous of Seynt Elyn those ij Shoppes with Solers aboue bielded & thappurtenauntes, which' I haue at Billyngesgate, with the keye lying to & thappurtenauntes in the said parissh' of Saynt Mary atte hill'. I gyve also & bequethe to the same Thomas for terme of his lyf, & after his deceasse to the said Prioresse & Couent of the said hous of Saynt Elyn, those iij Shoppes, with the gardyn therto lying, & all' other thappurtenauntes which' I haue withoute Algate, in the parissh' of Saynt Botolphe there, and those ij Shoppes with Solers aboue bielded & thappurtenauntes beyng in parisch' of S Andrew hubberd, which' I late purchaced of Iohane, which' was the wyf of Robert the Roper, sumtyme Citezein & Bladare of london, & the tenement sumtyme of Ioh'n yonn on the west part.
Moreouer, I bequethe & gyve to the said Thomas for terme of his lyf, & after his deceasse to the said Prioresse & Couent of the said hous of Saynt Elyn of london, & to their Successours, all' that tenement with shoppes & othir thappurtenauntes, which' I haue in the parissh' of saynt leonard of Estchepe of london, the which' is sette bitwene the tenement, sumtyme Ioh'n of Oxenf on the North' part, & the tenement of Iohane, sumtyme the wyf of Thomas of ffreestone on the South part; To haue & to hold all' & singuler the foresaid tenementes with the shoppes, gardyn, rent, (fn. 5) & key, with other thappurtenauntes, to the same Thomas for terme of his lyf, & after his deceas to the said Prioresse & Couent of the forsaid hous of Saynt Elyn of london & to þeire Successours, wele & peasibly for euermore, Of the chief lordes of the fee by the seruice therof due & of right accustumed, So that of all' the said tenementes, shoppes, garden, rent & key, with thappurtenauntes, there be found and honest preest to syng dyuyne seruice in the said Chirch' of saynt Mary atte hill' for euermore for my Soule & the soules of my fader & moder, & of Basill' & Eve sumtyme my wyfes, Symond of Abyngdon, Stephen his Son, William my Son, William of Cawston my Cosyn, & Ioh'n of langton, & for the soules of our Brethern, Sustern, Sonnes & Doughters & all' christen Soules. And I woll' that the same Preest be euery day at hours canon, & at all' dyuyne seruice in the same Chirch' of Saynt Mary atte hill', after the laudable custumes of he said Citee, & namely, that he be euery Day in the same Chirch' after evensong, at the tyme of syngyng of Salue Regina, and that he syng the same or elles help the Syngers after his cunnyng in the honour of our blessed lady the virgyn withoute he be lette for a resonable cause.
And I woll' that of all the said tenementes with the rent, keye, shoppes & gardyn & other thappurtenauntes, there be payed xx s sterlynges to iiij of the worthyest men of the said parissh' of Saynt Mary at hill', therwith' to fynde & susteyn v tapers to brenne at conuenient tymes in the same Chirch' vnder the fourme that foloweth' for euermore, that is to sey, that there be .ij tapers brennyng vpon the Iren Beame afore the ymage of our lady atte high' awter on Sondayes & halydaies, and ij tapers brennyng before the Aungelles Salutacion of the ymage of our lady in the body of the said Chirch', euery evenyng at the tyme of syngyng of Salue Regina from the begynnyng to the endyng. And that there be one taper brennyng on Sondayes & halydayes at the South' awter of the same Chirch' bitwene the ymages of saynt Thomas the martir & seynt Nicholas, to the laude & honour of the same seyntes. And I woll' that the saide Preest to syng in the said Chirch' of Saynt Mary, as is aforsaid, be chosen and presented to the Officiall' of my lord the Archedeken of london, or to his commyssary, by the said Thomas while he lyveth, and afterward by the parson of the saide Chirche for the tyme beyng, & also by iiij of the worthyest & myghtyest men of the said parissh', & therupon the same preest to be laufully inducte in the same; And that the same Preest take & haue euery yere for his sustentacion & labour, of the said tenementes, rent, shoppes, gardyn & key, with thappurtenauntes, x marc sterlynges, at iiij principall' termes of the yere & in the Citee of london vsuell', by even porcions. And that the parson of the same Chirche take & (fn. 6) haue euery yere for his labour to be doon in the day of myn Annyuersary aboute the syngyng of the same, of the tenementes, shoppes, key, gardyn & rent aforsaid, iij s iiij d; and for the chief Clerk xij d, & for the vnder Clerk vj d for euer, So that the said parson & Clerkes for the tyme beyng hold solempnely for euer the day of myn Annyuersary, euery yere in the Chirch' aforsaid, and that they doo & syng the same Day for my Soule & the soules aforsaid, Placebo & Divige & masse of requiem by note, & other dyuyne seruice, to the same Annyuersary due & accustumed for euermore.
And yf it hap the said Thomas while he lyueth', or after his deceasse the said parson & iiij worthy men of the said parissh', whan the said Chauntry shall' be voyd to abide by xv daies togider and chese nat nor present an honest preest to the same Chauntry, that than I woll' & ordeyn that the said Officiall' or his commyssary anon, after that the said xv daies be past & ronne, admytte for that tyme an honest preest to the said Chauntry, & hym set & inducte in the same, No preiudice therby fallyng nor growyng another tyme to the said Thomas while he lyueth', nor afterward to the said parson & iiij worthy men, as is aforsaid Chosers whan they woll' another tyme be therof more diligent & ware to chose in due tyme an honest Preest to the said Chauntry.
And yf it hap, as god defende, that the said Thomas while he lyueth', or afterward the said Prioresse & Couent & their Successours, or the possessours of the said tenementes, shoppes, Rent, with the key & gardyn & thappurtenauntes in the payment of the said yerely x marc to be payd to the said Preest for his sustentacion at the termes aforsaid or at eny of them to defayle, Than I woll' & ordeyn þat it shall' be lefull' as wele to the said Preest for the money to hym due & beyng behynde in that behalf, as to the said parson for hym & his Clerkes for the yerely payment of iiijs xd to them as is aforsaid due, & to the iiij worthy men of the said parissh' for the said xx s for the sustentacion of the said v tapers, to entre in to the said tenementes with shoppes, Rent, gardyn, key & other thappurtenauntes, & to distreyn in the same & distresses to take & reteyn till' they be fully satisfied & payd of al maner money to them in that behalf due, and so to doo as often as the said yerely Rentes shall' be behynde.
Item, I woll' & ordeyn that the said Thomas while he lyueth' & after his deceasse that the said Prioresse & Couent of the said hous of Saynt Elyn for the tyme beyng & theire Successours, or the possessours of the said tenementes, shoppes, Rent, key, gardyn & thappurtenauntes whatsoeuer (fn. 7) they be, shall' repair & susteyn ayenst wynde & rayne all' the houses & other necessaries of the said tenementes & shoppes with thappurtenauntes, & whan nede shall' be, shall' bielde them newe with their owne propre costes & expenses for euermore; And that anon after my deceasse the said Prioresse & Couent & their Successours hold euery yere the day of myn Annyuersary solempnely in the said Chirch for euermore. And yf it hap the said Thomas while he lyueth', or the said Prioresse & Couent or their Successours, or the possessours whatsoeuer they be of the said tenementes, in eny of the charges before wreten to be done & paied as is aforsaid, to defayle by half a yere & them woll' nat pay nor doo whan therto by the said Preest, parson & iiij worthy men of the said parissh' they shall' be duely requyred, that than I woll & ordeyn that they shall' be from thensforth' vtterly excluded & put from all' maner profite that of these tenementes shall be had & receyued, and that than the same tenementes with the shops & other thappurtenauntes shall' remayn to the said parson & iiij worthy men of the said parissh' for euermore, therwith' to fynde & susteyn the charges aforsaid. And yf it appere that the said Preest greuously trespas, than he to be put oute & ammoeved by the said Officiall' or his commyssary, & another Preest in his stede there be inducte in the maner & fourme aforsaid; The which', yf the said Officiall' or his commyssary doo nat, or it prolong or tary to do it by vj daies after that he be enfourmed or knowe of the said trespas, Than it shal be lefull' to the said Thomas while he lyueth', or afterward to the said parson, with iiij worthy men of his parissh', by their owne auctorite to admove & put oute the said Preest so trespassyng as is aforsaid, and another Preest to chose withyn the said xv Daies, by the same Officiall' or his commyssary to be admytted & inducte in the said Chauntry. And yf it hap the said Preest so trespassyng to appele or ageynsey his said admovyng & puttyng oute by the said Officiall' or his commyssary & by the said Thomas & parson in the fourme aforsaid to be made, or eny his behavyng concernyng the premisses, than I woll' & ordeyn that another Preest nat induct in the fourme aforsaid shall' hoolly receyue & take the money for the same Preest as is aforsaid ordeyned; And that the said Preest so appelyng or ageynseying be vtterly excluded & put from all' maner profite which' he shuld haue & receyue by reason of this my testament.
Also, I woll' & graunte that the said Thomas & parson & iiij worthy men, which' shall' haue besynes & labour aboute the repayryng & susteynyng of the said tenementes with the key, gardyn & shoppes, be parteners in the masses & other dyuyne seruices by the said preest to be seyd & doon for euermore, & cetera.
Item, I gyve & bequethe to god & the said Chirche of saynt Mary atte hill' & to the parisshens of the same for the tyme beyng, my tenement brewhous with the houses aboue bielded, & thappurtenauntes, which I late purchaced of Ioh'n lucas, Clerk, & Richard de Tystor, executours of the testament of Ioh'n of Gildeford, sumtyme (fn. 8) Citezein and Clerk of london, lying in the parissh' of Saynt Mary atte hill' aforsaid, To haue & to hold the said tenement, with all' thap- purtenauntes, to the forsaid Chirch' & parisshens for the tyme beyng, in perpetuall' almesse, & to the help of susteynyng of another Preest to syng for euermore in the said Chirch' of Saynt Mary at hill', for the soule of henry Barnard & all' christen soules, So that the same Preest be alwey chosen & presented to the said Chauntry whan it shall' be voyd, by the parson & iiij worthy men of the said parissh', & cetera.
(fn. 9) The testament of Ioh'n Nasyng.
[a.d. 1361, but from 1486 copy.]
In the name of god: Amen. The yere from the Incarnacion of our lord god ml ccclxj, And the xxxv yere of the Reigne of kyng Edward the iijde; I, Ioh'n Nasyng, Bruer, Citezein of london, in gode & hole mynde, make my testament in this wise that foloweth'. ffirst, I bequethe my Soule to all' myghty god & to our lady & all seyntes, And my Body to be buried in the Chirch' of Saynt Mary atte hill' of london, & cetera.
Item, I bequethe the halvendele of all' my godes therwith' to fynde a Preest, an honest man, to syng dyuyne seruice in the said Chirch' of Saynt Mary atte hill' for my soule & the Soules of my ffader & moder, & of all' of them that I am bound to, & all christen soules, as long as the money of the same halvendele woll' strecche & endure.
Item, I bequethe to Iohane my wyf, for terme of her lyf in the name of her dower, & for all' thynges the which' may falle to her by reason of my Deth in eny wise, all' my tenement with the shoppes therto lying, & thappurtenauntes sette & lying in the parissh of Saynt Mary atte hill' aforsaid, To haue & to hold to her for terme of her lyf as is aforsaid, Of the chief lordes of the fee by the seruice therof due & of right accustumed. The which' tenement with the shoppes & thappurtenauntes after the deceasse of the said Iohane my wyf, I bequethe to remayne to the parson & iiij of the worthiest men parisshens of the Sayde Chirch' of Saynt Mary atte hill for the tyme beyng, & to their Successours, parsons & parisshens, for euermore, vnder this condicion, that they fynde an honest Preest to syng dyuyne seruice for euer in the said chirche of Saynt Mary atte hill' for my Soule & other soules aforsaid, To haue & to hold the said tenement & shoppes with thappurtenauntes to the said parson & parisshens & to their Successours, parson & parisshens for the tyme beyng for euermore, in the fourme aforsaid, Of the chief lordes of the fee by the seruice therof due & of right accustumed. The which' Preest I woll' shall' be chosen & presented to the Officiall' of london by the said Parson & iiij parisshens & their Successours Parson & parisshens for the tyme beyng, & therupon by the said Officiall' to be inducte & institute in the said Chauntry, & so to doo as often as the same Chauntry shal be void.
And yf it hap the same Preest, or eny other Preest his Successour, by eny cause to be vnable, or of other lyvyng & condicion than gode & honeste, Than I woll', incontynently, that the said Preest shall' be remoeved & put oute of the said Chauntry by the said parson & parisshens & their Successours parson & parisshens for the tyme beyng And another honest Preest in his stede by them to be chosen & presented, & in the said Chauntry to be inducte & institute in the fourme aforsaid, & thus to doo as often as such' caas shall' hap. The Residue of all' my godes, & cetera.
(fn. 10) The testament of Ioh'n Weston.
[a.d. 1407, but from 1486 copy.]
In the name of god: Amen. I, Ioh'n Weston, Citezein and merchaunt of london, beyng hole of mynde & of body the xviij day of the moneth' of Iuly, the yere of our lord god ml' cccc vij, and the viijth yere of the Reigne of Kyng henry the iiijth, make & ordeyn this my present testament & last wille as touchyng my tenementes lying in the said Citee of london in this wise:—ffirst, I bequethe my Soule to all'myghty god, my Creatour, & to our blessed lady the virgyn, his moder, & to all' seyntes, And my Body to be buryed in the Chirch' of Saynt Mary atte hill', beside Billyngesgate of london. Item, where I, the said Ioh'n Weston & Iohane my wyf, late Ioyntly purchaced of William Neell' & Alice his wyf, which' was the wyf of Ioh'n Walworth', late Citezein & vynter of london, a tenement with thappurtenauntes sette in the said parissh of Saynt Mary atte hill', in the Strete ledyng from Seynt Margaret Patyns toward Billyngesgate, that is to sey, bitwene the tenement sumtyme Robert of Roo, Sporyour, on the North part, & the tenement sumtyme Symond of Moordon on the parties of the South' & West, & the kynges high' wey on the partie of the Est, To haue & to hold to vs the said Ioh'n Weston & Iohane my wyf, & to the heires & assigneis of me the said Ioh'n Weston for euermore as in a dede therof to vs made more pleynly it may appere.
I gyve & bequethe, anon, after the deceasse of the said Iohane my wyf, all' the forsaid tenement with thappurtenauntes, to god & to the said Chirche of Saynt Mary at hill', & to Thomas Atherston, nowe parson of the same Chirch', & to his Successours parsons of the said Chirch', for euermore, & to the Wardeyns of the Chirche werke, & other parisshens of the said Chirch', & to their Successours wardeyns & parisshens of the same Chirch', for euermore, therwith to doo & fulfille my willes vnderwreten, that is to sey, to pay of the Issues & profites of the said tenement with thappurtenauntes whan it shall' comme to their handes after the deceasse of the said Iohane my wyf, yerely for euermore vj marc sterlynges, to the help of the susteynyng of a preest, an honest man, to syng dyuyne seruice in the said Chirch' of Seynt Mary atte hill', at the awter of seynt Ioh'n Baptist there, for my Soule & for the soule of the said Iohane my wyf, & for the soules of our ffaders & moders, & of all' those soules that we be bound to pray for, & for all' christen soules, So, alwey, that the parisshens of the said Chirche of Saynt Mary atte hill' woll' fulfille the full' & competent sustentacion of such' an honest Preest to syng dyuyne seruice in the fourme aforsaid,
And also to take & pay therof yerely to the parson of the said Chirche of Saynt Mary atte hill for the tyme beyng, xx d, yf he be personally in the said chirch' to sey euery yere placebo & Dirige by note & a solempne masse in the day of myne annyuersary for my soule & other soules aforsaid; & to pay & distribute (fn. 11) yerely, xx d to be devided evenly amonges other preestes of the same Chirche beyng at my said Annyuersary, & to pay yerely to the maister Clerk of the said Chirch' iiij d & to the vnder clerk ij d for ryngyng of Belles & for doyng their Offices other weyes in due fourme as to a yerely mynde perteyneth'.
And also to take & pay yerely & for euermore viij s for the sustentacion of ij torches of wexe to brenne euery Sonday & other holy daies at the high' awter of the said Chirch in the masse tyme at the leuacion of the blessed Sacrament & after as it is the vse; willyng that the same Torches be renewed as often as nede shal be.
And also to take & pay yerely & for euermore to the werkes of the Body of the said Chirch' iij s iiij d sterlynges. And all that shall' comme ouer of the profites of the said tenement with thappurtenauntes ouer the premisses fulfilled, I woll' that it shall goo & remayne, yerely to be distributed by the handes of the Wardeyns of the said Chirche of Saynt Mary atte hill' for the tyme beyng, in the Day of myn Annyuersary amonges poore people, most nedefull', dwellyng in the said parissh of Saynt Mary atte hill', to pray for my soule & other soules aforsaid. And I woll' that the forsaid Wardeyns of the said Chirch for the tyme beyng, by the ouersight of ij other honest men of the same parissh, after the deceasse of the said Iohane my wyf, haue the disposicion of the said tenement with thappurtenauntes, & that lete to ferme & the rent therof togader to fulfille therwith my willes before wreten and also to repair & susteyn therwith the same tenement with thappurtenauntes wele & competently.
and I woll' & ordeyn that the said Preest be chosen by the said Chirche Wardeyns & by ij other worthy men of the same parissh' for the tyme beyng. And I woll' that the same Preest be an honest man & of gode fame. And that the said Preest be in the said Chirch' at matens, masse, evensong, & at the Salue with the collet & De profundis, & at all' other hours canon as it besemeth'. And yf the same preest so chosen vnhonestly behave hym, than I woll' that he be ammoeved & put from his seruice by the said wardeyns & parisshens and another honest preest in his stede by them to be chosen, And so to doo from tyme to tyme as often as such' caas shall' hap. To haue & to hold all' the forsaid tenement with the appurtenauntes, as sone as it shall' fall' after the deceasse of the said Iohane my wyf to the forsaid parson, wardeyns & other parisshens of the said Chirch' & to their Successours parson, wardeyns & other parisshens of the said Chirche for the tyme beyng, for to fulfill' & pay all' the charges aforsaid accordyng to my Wille aboue rehersed, Of the chief lordes of the fee by the seruice therof due & of righ't accustumed for euermore.
And I woll' & ordeyn that after the deceasse of the said Iohane my wyf, after that the said tenement with thappurtenauntes comme to the handes & possession (fn. 12) of the said parson, wardeyns & parisshens of the said Chirch' by reason of this my testament, yf, than, the same parson, wardeyns & parisshens or their Successours wilfully defayle in doyng & fulfillyng of my willes before rehersed, or that they otherwise translate or chaunge the said tenement with thappurtenauntes, that than I woll' & ordeyn that the forsaid tenement with thappurtenauntes shall' goo & remayn to the Mayre or Wardeyn & Comenaltye of the Citee of london & to their Successours, to the vse & sustentacion of the brigge of london, & to fynde an honest Preest of newe to be chosen to syng dyuyne seruice for euermore daily in the Chapell' of london Brigge for my soule & other soules aforsaid, & also to hold & kepe yerely for euermore in the same Chapell' myn Annyuersary in the fourme before wreten, To haue & to hold to the wardeyns of the said Brigge, in the name of the said Mayre or Warden & Comenaltye of the Citee of london, & to their Successours in the fourme aforsaid for euermore, Of the chief lordes of the fee, & cetera.
(fn. 13) The testament of Richard Gosselyn.
[a.d. 1428, but from 1486 copy.]
In the name of god: Amen. I, Richard Gosselyn, Citezein & Iremonger of london, beyng hole of mynde & in gode memory the xxvj day of the moneth' of Aprill', The yere of our lord god ml' cccc xxviij . . . . I bequethe to Beatrice my wyf the reuersion of all' those londes & tenementes . . . . in the parissh' of Saynt leonard in ffoster lane . . . Soo, alwey, that the same Beatrice duryng her lyf fynde & susteyn an honest preest to syng dyuyne seruice in saynt Kateryn's Chapell' withyn the Chirch' of St Mary atte hill' beside Billyngesgate of london, & to be at all' hours canon in the same Chirch' as it besemeth', Praying for my soule & for the soules of . . . . And anon after the deceasse of the said Beatrice . . . I bequethe to sir William Spark, nowe parson of þe said Chirche of Saynt Mary atte hill', & to Ioh'n Gretyng & William Gilham, nowe wardeyns . . . . all the forsaid londes & tenementes (fn. 14). . . . [to] fynde & susteyn yerely for euermore an honest preest . . . . to syng dyuyne seruice daily for euermore in the said Chirch' of saynt Mary atte hill' and morowe masse at seynt Kateryn's awter there for my soule & other soules aforsaid . . . And yf the said parsons, wardeyns & iiij parisshens of the said Chirch' . . . . varye of their said chosyng of the same preest by the space of xl daies, & can nat accorde, than I woll' & ordeyn that the said Preest be chosen for that tyme by the Mayre of the Citee of london.
(fn. 15) Item, I woll & ordeyn that the forsaid parson & wardeyns . . . kepe yerely . . . myn Annyuersary.
Item, I woll' . . . . a taper of wexe of vlb. weight to stonde & brenne beside seynt Kateryn's awter euery Sonday & euery double feest, prycipall' feest, & solempne feest yerely for euer.
Item, I woll' & ordeyn that the said parson, wardeyns . . . pay yerely for euermore to ij poure men or to ij poure women, most nedefull', dwellyng in the said parish' of saynt Mary atte hill' for the tyme, that is to sey to either . . . . euery weke . . . vj d sterlynges perpetually to pray for my soule & other soules aforsaid; Willyng that the same ij poure men or ij poure women so to receyue & haue the said almesse as is aforsaid wekely, be named & chosen Iustely & truly of pure conscience withoute eny favoure, after the gode discrecion of the said parson, wardeyns & iiij honest parisshens . . . . .
(fn. 16) And yf the yerely Rentes . . . . extende & drawe ouer & aboue my bequestes . . . . . the same ouerplus & surplusage . . . . to the vse of the Chirch' werkes . . . . Savyng, alwey, I woll' that the said Chirchewardeyns of Saynt Mary at hill' for the tyme beyng, shall' take & haue yerely for euermore of the same ouerplus & surplusage for their labour aboute the premisses Iustly & truly to be doon, iij s iiij d betwene them evenly to be devided . . . . .
(fn. 17) The testament of William Cambrugge.
[a.d. 1431, but from 1486 copy.]
In the name of god: Amen. I, William Cambrugge, Citezein and Grocer of the cite of london, beyng hole of mynde & in gode memorye the xxvij day of the moneth' of Decembre The yer of our lord god after the course & accomptyng of the Chirch' of England ml' cccc xxxj . . . . . my Body to be buryed in the Chapell' of Saynt Stephen the martir, by me made & ordeyned on the North' part of the Chirch' of Saynt Mary at hille beside Billyngesgate of london. Item, I bequethe by this my present testament, to god & to the said Chirch' of Saynt Mary atte hill' & to maister Ioh'n horne, nowe parson of the said Chirche, Thomas Knolles, William Burton & to Ioh'n Wellys, nowe Wardeyns of the Comenaltye of the crafte of Grocers of london . . . all those my tenementes . . . . (fn. 18) in the fourme & condicion folowyng, that is to sey I woll, bequethe & ordeyn that the forsaid wardeyns . . . . shall fynde & susteyne yerely for euermore an honest Preest sufficiantly lerned in dyvynete to syng & sey dyuyne seruice in the said Chapell' of Saynt Stephen by me late ordeyned & bielded withyn the said Chirch' of Saynt Mary atte hill', for my Soule & for the Soules of Iohane & Anne my wyfes, luke my ffader, Alice my moder, & for all the soules that we be bound to pray for & for all' chisten soules. And also that the same Wardeyns & their Successours fynde & susteyn v tapers of wexe of a lb. apece to brenne vpon my candylstyk, by me ordeyned in the same Chirch', in the honour & worship of oure lord Ihesu criste & of our blessed lady seynt Mary the virgyn & of all Sayntes in euery feest of our blessed lady Saynt Mary & in euery double feest at the first evensong & at the last evensong & at matens & high' masse, & in euery lowe feest at the masse onely. Willyng alwey that the forsaid v tapers of wexe be renewed as often as nede shall' be with the old wexe lefte & with (fn. 19) newe wexe to be put therto, euery taper to be of the weight aforsaid. And that the said Wardeyns . . . . kepe yerely for euermore the Day of myn Annyuersary in the said Chirch' of Saynt Mary atte hill togider with the commemoracion of þe soules aforsaid, that is to sey, with placebo & Dirige, & masse of Requiem on the morowe folowyng, by note . . . . at my forsaid Annyuersary ij tapers of wexe to brenne, j at myn hede & j at my fete . . . . moreouer that the same Preest duryng all' the tyme that he shall' stonde in the said seruice, sey euery day placebo & Dirige, with the commendacion of Soules & the vij psalmes & the letany ferial' except most double feestes. And also I woll' & ordeyn that the said wardeyns . . . . . pay euery yere for euermore after my deceasse to the Mayre or Wardeyn of the Citee of london for the tyme beyng (fn. 20) vjs viijd sterlynges, and also to the Shyryffes of the same Citee for the tyme beyng, that is to sey to either of them iijs iiijd, and to the Mayres Swerd berer for the tyme beyng xxd sterlynges, to this entent that the same Mayre, Shyryfes & Swerd berer for the tyme beyng shall' ouersee that the premisses in all' thynges be truly maynteyned . . . . And whatsoeuer shall' come ouer vnspent of the issues & profites aforsaid ouer & beside the said charges fulfilled I woll alwey that it shall' remayn & be spent to the vse of the said Chirche of Saynt Mary atte hill' . . . . .
And yf the forsaid Wardeyns . . . . pay nat nor fulfill' the payments & charges aforsaid . . . . Than I woll & ordeyn by this my present testament that the forsaid wardeyns of the Comenaltye of the Grocery of london or their Successours shall' lese all' their title & interesse therof . . . . than my forsaid bequeste . . . . to the forsaid parson & his Successours made shall' stonde . . . . And yf it hap the same parson or his Successours . . . ceasse by the space of a yere of fyndyng & susteynyng of the said Preest . . . . than I bequethe all' . . . . to the vse and sustentacion of london Brigge . . . .
[Churchwardens' Note.]
(fn. 21) Also it hathe bene acustomyd that vppon Cristmas day at the magnificat in the Evensong, be ordeyned for euerye preste, clark & childe xv small' candelles waying all' ij lb. di. And euery persone hauyng a surplise shall' haue one of thise smale candelles brennyng in their handes & so to go on procession to the tombe of Mr. Cambryge syngyng a Respond of Seynte Stephen with the prose therto; that done, a versicle with the colet of S Stephen, And in goyng into the Queer a Antempne of owre ladye: Beryng ij candilstickes of syluer with the tapres on yt and a Sencer with a schyp.
(fn. 22) The testament of Ioh'n Bedham.
[a.d. 1472, but from 1486 copy.]
In the name of our lord Ihesu criste our Savyour: Amen. The Secunde day of the moneth' of Nouembre, The yere of our lord god ml' cccc lxxij . . . . I, Ioh'n Bedham, Citezein and ffish'monger, of the Citee of london, beyng hole of mynde & in gode memory, make & ordeyn this my present testament . . . . .
Item, I, the said Ioh'n Bedham, gyve and bequethe to maister William Wylde nowe parson of the parissh' Chirch of Saynt Mary at hill' aforsaid, & to Ioh'n Bremonger & Ioh'n Dey nowe wardeyns of the godes, Rentes & werkes of the same Chirch', & to their Successours parson & wardeyns of the same Chirch' for the tyme beyng & to the parisshens of the same, all' that my grete Tenement, with the houses, celers, Solers, gardyn therto adioynyng, & other thappurtenauntes sette as wele in Seynt Botophes lane beside Billyngesgate of london in the parissh' of seynt George beside Estchepe of london as in love lane in the parissh' of seynt Mary atte hill aforsaid, and the which forsaid grete tenement with the houses, celers, solers, gardyn & other thappurtenauntes lyeth bitwene the tenement wheryn Piers Alfold nowe dwelleth', in seynt Botolphes lane belongyng to the Chauntry of William kyngeston in the Chirch' of saynt George aforsaid, and the tenement perteynyng to seynt Dunstones Chirch' in the Est of london in love lane aforsaid on the North part, and the parsonage & Chirchyerd of seynt Botolphes Chirche aforsaid and the gardyn sumtyme Richard Gosselyns on the South part in Brede, & it streccheth' in lengthe from seynt Botolphes lane aforsaid toward the west vnto love lane aforsaid toward the Est. The which' grete tenement with thappurtenauntes sumtyme was William Cauntbrigge, sumtyme Citezein and Iremonger of london, & afterward henry Somers . . . . (fn. 23) vnder the condicion therwith to doo, hold, obserue & fulfille all' & singuler my my (fn. 24) willes & ordenaunces herevnder wreten . . . .
I woll' & ordeyne that the said parson & wardeyns of the said Chirch' of Saynt Mary . . . shall' fynde & susteyn yerely for euermore a preest, an honest man of gode fame & honest conuersacion, to syng & sey dyuyne seruice daily in the said Chirch' of saynt Mary at the hill' . . . . for the soules . . . . Willyng that the same preest shall' syng his masses in the said Chirch' of seynt Mary atte hill' at the awter in saynt kateryns Chapell' there, euery Day anon & Immediatly after the morowe masse in the said Chirch of seynt Mary, to be song yf the morowe masse in the same Chirche be contynued as heretofore it was wont to be & now is vsed, Or elles in defaute of the same morowe masse that my said Preest syng daily resonable tymely his masse in stede & tyme of the morowe masse there as sone as he may duely & resonably . . . . And ferthermore, I woll' that the said preest so to be ordeyned & for me to syng, be personally euery day in the said Chirche of seynt Mary atte hill' at all' houres canon, & at all' seruices in the same Chirche to be seyd & song, & that he be helpyng in the same in all' thynges as he best can, And namely, that the said Preest sey euery werkeday in the said Chirche of seynt Mary atte hill', his matens, pryme & hours, evensong & complene, placebo & dirige, & all' his oth'er prayers & seruices by hym self or with his ffelawes preestes of the same Chirch' . . . .
(fn. 25) Item, I woll' that the said wardeyns of the said Chirch' . . . . shall' fynde & susteyn for euermore a lampe with oyle in the quere & high' Chauncell' of the same Chirche of seynt Mary, to brenne alwey as wele on Dayes as on nyghtes before the blessed Sacrament . . .
Item, I woll' that the said wardeyns . . . . pay to iij poure people most nedefull' . . . . dwellyng in the said parissh' of seynt Mary atte hill', euery Sonday wekely euery yere for euermore, that is to sey, to euery of the same poure people iiijd in honour of the blessed Trynyte . . . .
(fn. 26) I woll' that the same wardeyns . . . kepe yerely for euermore in the said Chirch' of seynt Mary atte hill' myn Annyuersary . . . .
(fn. 27) And I woll' that all' & euerych' that which' shall' remayn yerely vnspent . . . . it may be spent & bestowed vpon the susteynyng & newe bieldyng of the said tenement with (fn. 28) thappurtenauntes & vpon the repayryng & renewyng of the vestymentes & Ornamentes belongyng to the awter in seynt Kateryns Chapell' aforsaid . . . . .
(fn. 28) Item, I the said Ioh'n Bedham gvve . . . to maister William wyld, nowe parson of the said Chirche of seynt Mary . . . . for the tyme beyng, & to Ioh'n Bremonger & Ioh'n Dey, nowe wardeyns of the same Chirche of seynt Mary atte hill', & to their Successours . . . . & to the parisshens there, all that my grete Gardyn . . . . beside (fn. 29) the Tourehill in the parissh' of Saynt Botolphe withoute Algate in the suburbes of london . . . . To this entent, that the same parson & wardeyns of the said Chirch' of seynt Mary at hill' & their Successours for the tyme beyng shall' pay yerely for euermore to an honest preest . . . . to syng, daily, morowe masse in the said Chirch' of seynt Mary . . . . the said preest . . . . to . . be alwey charged specially & deuoutly to pray daily at his said morowe masse . . . . (fn. 30) for the soule of the said Ioh'n Nasyng . . . .
(fn. 31) Ihesus.
Parte of the wyll' of thomas Ryvell', grocer, Concernyng the wele of owre Chyrche; at the begynnyng the xvij daye of the monethe of merche, the yere of owre lorde god ml' cccc lxxxxvj:— and the second egalle parte of my seyde goodes, Iuellis, Catallis and dettes I bequethe to Margery Ryvell', Alis Ryvell' and Iulyan Ryvell' my doughters amongest them egally to be devyded and to be delyuerd vnto them when they schall cum to ther lawfull' ages or be maryed. And yf any of my seyde dougters dye before they cum to theyre lawfull' ages or be maryed, than I wyll' that the parte of her that so schall' decesse remayne to the other of them thanne beyng on lyve, & so of euery of theym. And I wyll' that my sayd chyldern togethyr with theyer parttes of my seyde goodes, Iuellis, catallis and dettis by me to theym above bequethed schal be in the guydyng and kepyng of þe seyde Iohanne my wyff, my executryx vnder named, sche fyndyng therto suffycyentt suerte afore the meyer and Aldermen of the cite of london acordyng to þe custome of the same cite. and yf all' my seyde chyldern dey byfore they cum to ther lawfull' ages or Maryages, than I wyll' that all' my seyde second parte of my seyde goodes, Iuelles, Catalls & dettes be devided into ij egalle partes wherof one parte I bequethe vnto the parson and Chyrche Wardens of seyntt mary hyll' besyde byllyngges gate of london, vnder condycion foloyng, that is to wete, I wyll' that the seyde parson, Chyrche Wardens of the same goodes fynde or cawse to fownde an honest preste of gode name and fame to synge and prey for my sowle, þe sowles of my father and mother and all' Crysten sowles, by þe spase of as many yeres as they schalle seme best by theyr dyscrecyons, in the seyde Chyrche of seyntt Mary hyll'. and the other parte of my seyde second parte of my goodes, Iuelles, Catalles and dettes I bequethe to þe seyde Iohanne my wyff therwythe to do, ordeyn and dyspose her fre wyll' yff sche thane be lyvyng. And yff sche than be deed than I bequethe her seyde parte of the seyde second parte of my seyde goodes, Iuelles, Cattallis and dettes towarde the beoyldyng and reparacion of the seyde Chyrche of seyntt Mary hyll'.
Anno domini mli cccc lxxxxvij.
(fn. 32) The Testament of Ioh'n Mongeham.
[a.d. 1514.]
In dei nomine: amen. The xxth day of may, in the yere of our lorde god a thousande five houndrith & xiiijth. I, Ioh'n Mongeham, citeyn and ffisshmonger of London, havyng my hole mynde and good Remembraunce, laude be to god, I make and ordeyne this my last Will' and Testament in fourme vndir wretyn. Tat is to sey,—ffirst I geve and bequeth' my sowle to Ihesu criste, my redemer, and to his blessid mother our lady seint Mary, and to all' the seinttes in hevyn. And I will' that my body shal be buryed in the southe Ile within the parissh churche of Seint Mary at hill', directly afore the wyndowe of the vij werkes of mercy.
Item, I geve & bequeth' to þe high' avter in the same chirch' for tithes forgoten, in dischargyng of my conscience iijs iiijd.
Item, I geve & bequeth' ij Torches to the Chirchwardens of the seid chirch' & their successours, they to be light & Burned at þe sacryng tyme of þe high' masse vppon high' and doble ffestes in þe wourship of þe blessid sacrament.
Item, I geve & bequeth' vj Torches, that is to sey, to euery of the iije brotherodes ffounded, ordenyd & kept within þe foreseid chirch' of Seint Mary at hill, to euery of the breþerhodes ij Torches, that is to say, to þe brotherhod of Seint Christofur ij, And to the brotherhod of Seint Katheryn ij, And to þe brotherhod of Seint Anne other ij.
Item, I will' that myne Executrix vndir named shall geve or cause to be geven to the poure people in peny dole þe day of my buryeing the Summa of xls, except I do deale it with myne hondis or I depart this present lyeffe.
Item, I geve & bequeth' xxs to be distributed amonge þe poure parochians of Seint Mary at hill' by þe discression of myne executrix.
Item, I will' þat myne executrix shall by (fn. 33) lynnen clothe and to make, or cause to be made, as many shirttes and smockes therof as shall extend or amount to the valure of xls, And she to geve the said shirttes and smockes to poure people where most neede shall appere aftir hir discression. Also I will' þat my seid Executrice shall redeme and pay þe fees of xij presoners lyeng in þe kynges bench', the Merchelsee, Neugate, or Ludgate which' doith lye for þer fees only off delyuery. Also I geve and bequeth' to the parishe chirch' of Seint Mary at hill for oon hole sute of vestymenttes, Whigh't or Blake, with iij Copes and all oþer thynges therto perteyning, to be bough't by thaduyse of the parson and the ij Chirchwardens of the same chirch' within a quarter of a yere immediatly aftir my departyng owte of this present lyffe xl. l'i sterling, excepte I do by the seid sute before I depart from this trauncetory worlde. Also I geve and bequeth' toward the Reparacions of the body of the parissh' chirch' of Seint Clementtes, in Rochestur, where I was boorne, vjs viij d.
Item, I geve and bequeth' to Alis my wyffe and to her ereres or assingnes My Messuage at Mepam & all my londys & Tenaunttes with thaportenaunces in Mepam and luddisdon in the counte of Kent, to geue & to sell at her owne plesure. Also I geue & bequeth' to euery of the vj men of my ffelysship that shall bere my body to the chirch', xij d. Also I geue & bequeth' xl s to the wardens & ffeliship ffisshmongers of london, toward a banket to be kept at ther hall the day of my buryall or aftirward at ther owne plesures. Also I will that myne Executrice, her executores or administrators, shall pay for the purches of londis or Tenaunttes within þe Citie of london to the yerely value of ffyfty shillinges aboue all charges and annell reparacions resonably to be estemyd, as mych' money as shal be though' nesesary by þe lymytacion assingment of Mr William hatclyff, doctor of Divinite, parson of þe seid chirch' of Seint Mary at hill, William lawson, Clerke, and Cristofur halis, or ij Survivours of þem Iountly or þe Survivor of them only. Wherof I will þe same doctor hatclyff, William lawson and (fn. 34) Cristofur halis, and the Surviuor or Surviuors of them, by thaduyse of suche Counselours as they or eyther of them shall seme expedient, shall take astate in fe symple to þe vses and Intenttes vndir wretyn, That is to say, to thuse of Alys my wyff and her Assingnes for terme of her lyffe vndir ffourme & condicion vndir wretyn, that is to say, that the same Alys my wyff, yerely duryng her lyff, shall kepe a Solempne Obet for my Sowle and for the sowlis of my ffather & Mother, William & Ione, and all cristen sowles, and she to spend yerely at the seid Obett xs, in fourme vnder wretyn, That is to sey, ffirst I will that the parson of þe seid chirch' of Seint Mary at hill shall haue viijd iff he be present at dirige or masse, and his curate shall haue for dirige & masse and þe bedrowle viij d, And to viij prestis & ij Clerkes iij s iiij d. Item, for wax viij d. And to þe clerke for dirige & Masse for Ryngyng xx d. Also I will that ther shal be bough' a dosen of brede, price xij d, and a kylderkyn of ale, price ij s, And to be spent alway aftir the dirige is sonnge, amonges the prestis & clerkes and other the parisshens beyng at the seid dirige. And that aftir the decese of the seid Alis the seid londis or Tenementtes shall goo to thuse of the vj wardens of my ffeliship ffisshmongers of london, and to þe Comynalte of þe same and to their Successours wardens, vppon condicion that they shall kepe solemply, my seid Obett or Annuersary yerely for euermore þe same day of the Moneth' my sowle shall depart from þe body, in þe parisshe chirche of Seint Mary at hill within london. That is to sey, dirige be note on þe Even, and Masse be note on the Morewe ffoloyng; & þat þe seid vj wardens with other of the ffelyship ffisshmongers be (fn. 35) yerly present in their lyverey at þe same. Obett or Annuersary after þe good Custume of oþer obettes or Annuersaris nowe kept by þe seid feliship within þe Citie of london.. Also I will þe seid vj wardens for the tyme beyng shall haue yerly at the same Annuersary, euery of theym xx d yff they be present at þe seid Annuersary. Also I will þe same wardens shall content and pay yerely x s to þe parson of Seint Mary at hill', his curate, viij prestes and ij Clerkes, for wax, for belles Ryngyng, for brede & ale as is aboue wretyn (fn. 36) ffor kepyng of the same dirige . . . .