Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 2 April 1645', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646(London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].
'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 2 April 1645', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646(London, 1802), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,
"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 2 April 1645". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.
Die Mercurii, Aprilis 2, 1645.
THE Grand Committee of the whole House, according to former Order, proceed to the Consideration of the Business of the Church, concerning such scandalous Persons, as are not to be admitted to the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
Mr. Whittaker called to the Chair.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.
Resolved, &c. That the Committee of Lords and Commons for Advance of Monies, at Haberdashers-Hall, do forthwith advance and pay unto such as the Assembly of Divines shall appoint to receive the same, Five hundred Pounds; to be distributed among such of the Assembly, as are in the greatest Want.
The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.
Ordered, That the Committee of the Revenue do, with their best and first Conveniency, pay unto such Person or Persons as the Assembly of Divines shall appoint to receive the same, Five hundred Pounds; to be distributed among such of the Assembly, as are in the greatest Want.
Ordered, That the Committee, appointed to consider of supplying the Wants of the Members, do meet To-morrow in the Afternoon: And that Mr. Rigby be added to this Committee: And that all that will come shall have Voices at it: And they are to bring in an Ordinance to this Purpose on Monday Morning next: And the Care hereof is especially referred to Mr. Rigby.
It is further Ordered, That the Supplying of the Wants of the Members of the Assembly be referred to the Consideration of this Committee likewise.
Sir Robert Pye carried up to the Lords the Order for Two thousand Pounds for Abingdon, out of the Ordinance of Thirty-two thousand Pounds: The Order for referring the Papers presented by the Spanish Ambassador, concerning Captain Jackson and Captain Taylor: The Order for Five hundred Pounds, out of Haberdashers-Hall, to the Assembly of Divines: The Order concerning a Thousand Pounds to Sir Wm. Constable.
A Letter, from Oxon, Martii 31 1645, from Captain Legge, concerning the Discharge of the Mayor, and some Aldermen, of Yorke, and of Sir Wm. Riddall, according to the respective Articles upon the Surrender of the Places where they were.
Ordered, That my Lord General shall write a Letter, in Answer to this Letter, according to such Directions, as he shall receive from both Houses.
Ordered, That the Business concerning Mr. Pine be taken into Consideration after the Message.
A Message from the Lords, by Dr. Aylett and Dr. Heath;
The Lords desire a Conference, by Committees of both Houses, presently, in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, concerning the Lord General, and other Lords. They have sent down an Ordinance concerning Two great Cakes; in which they desire the Concurrence of this House. They have likewise received a Petition from one Mr. Symon Blackwell Minister; which they recommend to the Consideration of this House.
The Ordinance was read; and, upon the Question, passed.
The humble Petition of Symon Blackwell Minister, desiring to be preferred to the Parsonage of Merstham in the County of Surry, was this Day read. And
It is Ordered, That this House doth grant the Petition; upon Certificate from the Assembly of Divines (to whom he is to this Purpose referred) of the Abilities and Fitness of the Petitioner for that Charge and Cure.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message: And, as to the Ordinance concerning the Custom of bringing Two great Cakes into the Church at Twickenham, on Easter-Day in the Afternoon, they do agree; and to a Conference presently, as is desired; and have taken the Petition into Consideration; and put it into a Way.
Sir Robert Pye brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to all the Orders carried up by him.
Mr. Sollicitor, Mr. Recorder, Sir Peter Wentworth, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.
An Ordinance for securing the Two hundred Pounds, lent and advanced by the Commissioners of Excise for Serjeant-Major Carre, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.
An Ordinance for securing the Two hundred Pounds, lent and advanced by the Commissioners of Excise, for Supply of the Garison of Windesore, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.
Ordered, That the Commissioners of Excise do make Payment of the Three thousand Pounds, formerly assigned for General Langherne's Forces, in its Course.
Sir Peter Wentworth reports, from the Conference, That my Lord Grey of Werke said, That the Lords had desired this Conference, to acquaint this House with Two Papers; one received from the Earl of Essex Lord General; and the other expressing the Sense of the House of Peers, touching the Paper from my Lord General; and the Actions of other Lords in laying down their Commissions: And that they desire, That the Paper from my Lord General, being the Original, may be returned.
The Paper received from my Lord General, and That from the Lords, were both read.
Ordered, That the Paper from my Lord General be entered in the Journals of this House; and the Original returned.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth accept of the Surrender of my Lord General's Commission.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth accept of the Surrender of the Earl of Denbighe's Commission.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth accept of the Surrender of the Earl of Manchester's Commission.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth look upon this Action of these Lords in this Conjuncture of Time, as a fit Testimony of their Duty to the Houses of Parliament, under whom they have so long served in so eminent Employments.
Mr. Recorder, Mr. Sollicitor, Mr. Nicolls, Sir Peter Wentworth, Mr. Reynalds, Mr. Holles, Sir. Ben. Ruddyard; Sir Gilbert Gerard, Sir Arthur Heselridge, Mr. Knightly, Mr. Lisle, Sir Anth. Irby, Mr. Long, Sir Henry Heyman, Sir Christ. Wray, Mr. Rous, Sir Philip Stapleton; Sir Robert Harley, Mr. Pierpoint, Sir John Corbett, Mr. Maynard:
Resolved, &c. That it be referred to this Committee, or any Five of them, to take into Consideration the Services and Fortunes of the Earls of Essex, Denbigh, and Manchester, in such a Way as may, according to their several Merits, express the Acceptance and Value the Houses have of their Faithfulness and Industry in the Commands and Hazards they have undergone for the publick Good of the Kingdom, and Safety of the Parliament.
Resolved, &c. That it be referred to this Committee, to take some speedy Course, that the Officers, which are laid aside, who have served under the Earls of Essex, Denbigh, and Manchester, or any of them, may have Satisfaction in the Point of their Arrears, by the Payment of some Part thereof for their Support, and securing the Remainder by the Publick Faith. It is referred, That Mr. Nicholl do take care in this Business. And this Committee are to meet To-morrow in the Afternoon at Two of the Clock, in the Exchequer-Chamber; and so from time to time.
It is also further referred to this Committee, to prepare and bring in an Ordinance for discharging the Wardships of such Persons as have died in the Parliament's Service: And Mr. Maynard is desired to take care herein.
Ordered, That the Earl of Manchester's Answer to the Charge against him in this House, shall be reported; and taken into Consideration on Tuesday next.
Ordered, That Mr. Pine do attend the House on Friday next.
Ordered, That Mr. Rigby do bring in and report the Ordinance for Lancashire To-morrow Morning.
Ordered, That the Six Clothiers be discharged from any further Restraint; giving Security to stand to the Order of this House, touching the Cloaths brought by them from the Enemies Quarters: And Mr. Speaker is hereby authorized and desired to take the said Security accordingly.
Ordered, That Sir Henry Vane, Sir Thomas Witherington, and Mr. Blackston, be heard To-morrow Morning touching the Northern Affairs.
Having received this great Charge, in Obedience to the Commands of both Houses, and taken their Sword into my Hand, I can, with Confidence, say, that I have for this now almost Three Years, faithfully served you; and, I hope, without Loss of any Honour to myself, or Prejudice to the Publick; supported therein by the Goodness of God, and the Fidelity and Courage of a great many gallant Men, both Officers and Soldiers: But I will neither trouble you, not myself, by repeating either the Difficulties or Danger we have overcomed, or the Service I have done you. I see by the now coming up of these Ordinances, that it is the Desire of the House of Commons, that my Commission may be vacated; and it hath been no particular Respect to myself (whatever is whispered to the contrary) that hath made me thus long omit to declare my Readiness thereto; it being not unknown to divers Men of Honour, that I had resolved it after the Action of Gloucester; but that some Importunities (pressed on me with Arguments of Publick Advantage, and that by those of unquestionable Affection) over-ruled me therein. I now do it; and return my Commission into those Hands that gave it me; wishing it may prove as good an Expedient to the present Distempers, as some will have it believed; which I shall pray for with as hearty Zeal, as any can desire my doing which I now do. I think it not immodest, that I intreat both Houses, that those Officers of mine, which are now laid by, might have their Debentures audited, some considerable Part of their Arrears paid them for their Support, and the Remainder secured them by the Publick Faith; and that those of them that remain questioned, may be brought to some speedy Tryal, whereby they may receive either the Punishment or Justification that is due to them: Under which Notion, I remember only Three; of whom I must testify, that they frankly and courageously have adventured their Lives, and lost their Blood, for the Publick; and That with continued Fidelity, for ought ever I could observe.
My Lords.
I know that Jealousies cannot be avoided in the unhappy Condition of our present Affairs: Yet Wisdom and Charity should put such Restraints thereto, as not to allow it to become destructive. I hope that this Advice from me is not unseasonable, wishing myself, and my Friends, may, among others, participate the Benefit thereof; this proceeding from my Affection to the Parliament, the Prosperity whereof I shall ever with from my Heart, what Return soever it bring me; I being no single Example, in that kind, of that Fortune I now undergo.
THE Lords and Commons, taking into Consideration, that there is a Custom anciently used in the Parish-Church of Twickenham in the County of Middlesex, to bring in Two great Cakes yearly into the said Church upon Easter Day in the Afternoon, to be distributed amongst the younger Sort of People; which, by reason of Scambling and Contention about the same, hath caused great Disorder, to the Profantion of the Lord's Day, and Scandal to the Parishioners there; It is therefor Ordained, by the Lords and Commons, That the said Custom, for the Providing and Bringing of the said Cakes, as aforesaid, is hereby absolutely abolished and taken away, and to be hereafter no more used: And that, in lieu thereof, the full Value of the said Cakes be made into ordinary Loaves of Bread, and disposed of by the Minister and Churchwardens, for the Time being, to the Poor of the said Parish, upon such Day as they shall think fit: And all Parties performing the same shall incurr no Forfeiture nor Prejudice thereby.