House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 10 March 1645

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 10 March 1645', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646(London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 10 March 1645', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646(London, 1802), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 10 March 1645". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.


Die Lunæ, Martii 10, 1644.


THE humble Petition of Rich. Chambers Alderman and Sheriff of London was this Day read; and committed unto Mr. Ellys, Mr. Recorder, Mr. Strode, Sir Anth. Irby, Mr. Holland, Colonel Ven, Mr. Jo. Ashe, Mr. Rolle, Mr. Blakiston, Mr. Vassall, Mr. Ed. Ashe, Mr. Long, Sir Rob. Pye, or any Three of them, to take into Consideration the Desires of the Petition; and to consider of the Place in the Custom-House, now in the Possession of Sir Tho. Dawes; and to represent the State of it to the House; and to bring in an Ordinance for the Settling of that Place upon the Petitioner, if it may be done; if not, to consider of some other Place in the Custom-House to be settled upon the Petitioners; and to report it to the House: And are to meet upon it To-morrow at Two of Clock, in the Duchy-Court: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records.

Ordered, That the Committee for Plymouth do bring in an Ordinance for continuing the One per Cent. for the Maintenance of the Garison of Plymouth; and likewise for confirming and settling the Proposition made by the County of Kent, for Maintaining of their Forces at Plymouth, if the City, being acquainted with the said Proposition, shall assent thereunto.

The House being informed, That the Sheriff of the County of Cornewall, and Captain Leighton, were at the Door, with a Petition from the Garison and Town of Plymouth; and a Petition from the Captains and Officers of the Ships at Plymouth;

They were called in; and did prefer the said Petitions.

The which were read.

A Letter from the Mayor was likewise read: And

Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee of the West, to settle the Business, if they can; or otherwise, to report to the House.

Ordered, That the Day of Publick Thanksgiving, appointed by both Houses to be kept on Wednesday next the Twelfth of this Instant March, be observed, on the same Day, in all the Churches and Chapels within the Lines of Communication: And the Assembly of Divines are desired to take notice hereof; and to employ their best Endeavours and Care herein: And my Lord Mayor is further desired to give Notice hereof to all the several and respective Ministers.

The House being informed, That divers Ministers of the City of London were at the Door;

They were called in; and did present a Petition, in the Name of the Ministers of the City of London, assembled at Zion College:

The which was read; and the Divines called in: And Mr. Speaker, by the Command of the House, gave them Thanks for their Care; and acquainted them, That the House intended presently to fall upon the Consideration of the Matter of the Petition concerning the keeping back from the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper scandalous and ignorant Persons. He further acquainted them, That he was commanded to signify unto them, That the Houses always intended, and so ordered, That the Publick Thanksgiving, appointed to be kept on Wednesday the Twelfth of this Instant March, should be observed and kept in all Churches and Chapels within the Lines of Communication; and desired them to acquaint their Brethren herewith.

An Ordinance for applying to the Relief of Plymouth, Weymouth, and Melcomb, the Collections that shall be made on the next Day of Publick Thanksgiving, being the Twelfth of this Instant March, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords, for their Concurrence, by Mr. Whaddon.

Resolved, &c. That Three thousand Pounds be charged, and forthwith raised, out of the Excise, for Supply of the Forces to be sent to Sir Wm. Brereton; and paid to Walter Frost Esquire, Secretary to the Committee of both Kingdoms, to be disposed of by the said Committee.

Mr. Whaddon likewise carried up to the Lords the Title of the Directory; and the Ordinance, concerning the new Commissioners of the Customs: And was to desire the Lords to expedite the List of the Officers of the Army under Sir Thomas Fairfax.

Mr. Whaddon brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to the Ordinances carried up by him; and to the Title for the Directory: And, as to the List, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Mr. Scowen reports, from the Committee at GrocersHall, an Estimate of the Arms to be provided for the Magazines.

Resolved, &c. That Thirty-one thousand Nine hundred Eighty-nine Pounds be provided for furnishing a Magazine of Arms for Horse and Foot, and Cloaths for the Foot.

He also reports an Estimate of the Charge for the Providing of Things for the Train of Artillery, according to the List.

Resolved, &c. That Four thousand Four hundred and Six Pounds be provided for Supply of the Train of Artillery.

Mr. Scowen likewise presents a List for a Month's Pay of the Army by way of Estimate, besides the Charges of Intelligence, &c.

Resolved, &c. That the Scoutmaster-General in this Army shall have Seven Pounds per diem; and be bound to keep Twenty Scouts.

Resolved, &c. That it be referred to the Committee, where Mr. Scawen has the Chair, to take into their Consideration the State of the Garisons, or other Forces, not employed in this Army, and the constant Pay allotted to them; and to present their Opinions to the House.

Resolved, &c. That Consideration may be had of such Officers omitted in the new Model as are actually in Service, and have deserved well of the Publick, for to put them in such Employments as are fit for them, and as for present may be had; or otherwise to provide for them according to their Deserts, that they may be reserved for future Employment: And the Consideration of this Business is referred to the Committee, where Mr. Tate has the Chair; who is speedily to take the same into Consideration; and to report to the House.

Ordered, That the Propositions offered as furtherable to the more speedy Recruiting of the Army, when the List is past, and Money provided, this Day reported to the House, be referred to the Consideration of the Committee of both Kingdoms.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee, where Mr. Scawen has the Chair, to prepare and bring in an Ordinance for imposing and levying a Penalty upon the several Wards in the City, and several Parishes, for every Man they shall harbour, after they have sent them to the Army, except they have lawful Leave from his Captain, with the Approbation of the Colonel: And likewise to bring in an Ordinance for repaying the Counties for the One thousand Horse they shall provide for the Train, out of the Third Month's Assessment; and also, that the Charge of pressing Soldiers, and of Coat and Conduct-money to the Rendezvous, shall be borne by the Committees, and the Counties; to be reimbursed out of the Third Month's weekly Assessment.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms, to take into their speedy Care the Reducing of the Forces according to the new Model; and to recruit the rest.

Mr. Ellis reports, from the Committee at GrocersHall, several Particulars: Whereupon.

It was Resolved, &c. That, in case the Monies that shall be raised upon the Ordinance for the monthly Assessment, for Maintenance of the Forces under the Command of Sir Tho. Fairfaxe, shall not be sufficient to reimburse Those that shall advance the Eighty thousand Pounds, this House doth Declare, That they will take it into Consideration, in what other way they shall be satisfied so much Monies as shall fall short of their said Reimbursements.

Mr. Ellis reports also the Propositions, tendered by the Committee at Grocers-Hall, to the Common Council, for the Providing of Eighty thousand Pounds: Which were read; and, upon the Question, assented unto (fn. 1).

Mr. Sollicitor, Sir Hen. Vane, Mr. Prideauxe, Sir Jo. Ivelyn, Mr. Crew, Colonel Ven, Mr. Perepoint, Mr. Bond, Sir Tho. Soame, Mr. Recorder, Mr. Reynolds, Sir Sam. Roll, Mr. Rous, Mr. Strode, Mr. Bedingfeilde, Mr. Jenour, Mr. Ellis;

This Committee, or any Four of them, are appointed to go this Day to the Court of Aldermen, and Committee of Common-Council, and to propound the Propositions this Day voted; and to treat with them concerning the Monies desired; and to receive their Propositions: And have the like Power from the House, as formerly they had as a Sub-Committee at Grocers-Hall.

Ordered, That Mr. Ashe do, To-morrow, give an Account to the House, in what Readiness the Forty thousand Pounds for the Scotts Army are.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms, to consider of the Estimate of the Magazine of Victual this Day read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the West, to examine and secure the Two thousand Pounds, and the Estate of a Delinquent, informed of and not yet discovered: And the Proceed thereof to be employed for recruiting Colonel Ludlowe's Regiment; and the rest, for the Service of the West.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leech and Mr. Page;

The Lords have commanded us to deliver unto you this Ordinance: It is for the Election and Establishing of Elders in every Congregation; in which they desire the Concurrence of this House. They have likewise sent down the Names of divers Gentlemen to be added to the Deputy-Lieutenants of the County of Essex; in which they desire the Concurrence of this House. The Lords do concurr in the Essex Ordinance.

The Names of the Deputy-Lieutenants to be added were read; videlicet, Richard Harlington, Arthur Barnardiston, Wm. Goldingham, Deane Tindall, John Meade, and George Pyke. Several Questions were put upon every one of them; and the Question, upon every one of them, passed with the Affirmative, except upon Mr. George Pyke:

Upon whom, the Question being put;

It passed with the Negative.

The Ordinance for the Election and Establishing of Elders in every Congregation, was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, committed unto a Committee of the whole House: And

It is Ordered, That the House be resolved into a Committee To-morrow Morning at Eight of Clock.

And it is Ordered, That the Committee do take into Consideration, in the first Place, that Clause of the Ordinance, that concerns the keeping from the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ignorant and scandalous Persons; and that they report That to the House, before they proceed to the Consideration of any other Clause.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has taken their Lordships Message into Consideration: And, as to the Ordinance, they will take it into speedy Consideration; and send Answer by Messengers of their own: And, as to the Names of the Deputy-Lieutenants, to be added to the Deputy-Lieutenants of the County of Essex, they agree to all, but Mr. George Pike; and, as to him, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leech and Mr. Page;

The Lords have returned a List of the Officers of Horse and Foot: To which they do consent, with some Alterations; in which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Ordered, That Mr. Nicoll do, To-morrow Morning, bring in the Ordinance for a Thousand Pounds out of the Excise, for Abingdon.

Resolved, &c. That Sixty Barrels of Powder shall be furnished out of the publick Stores, for the Service of the County of Lancaster; and delivered to Mr. James Wainewright.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Kentish Petition be revived; and meet this Afternoon; and so from time to time, as they shall think fit.

Ordered, That the Petition of Colonel John Booth be read To-morrow Morning, the first Business.

Ordered, That the Ordinance concerning Lincolnshire be read To-morrow Morning.

Ordered, That Five hundred Musquets, furnished now in the Magazine, which were of those which Mr. Hill and Mr. Pennoyer did furnish to the State, be delivered to Colonel White, for the Supply of the Lord Fairfax his Army.

(†) Propositions (with all humble Submission) offered, as furtherable to the more speedy and orderly Recruiting of the Army, when the List is passed, and Money provided.

I. IT being impossible to recruit all the Foot in any one Town; That there may be several Places appointed to the several Regiments to quarter in, until they be recruited; and those so near together, that, at one Day's Warning, or little more, they may be brought together.

II. That the City, and several Counties, bring up their several Numbers of Men to the several Regiments in their several Quarters, as London, so many to make up such a Regiment in such a Quarter; so of the rest: Which will prevent much Strife and Confusion.

III. That Money, Arms, and Cloaths, be in Readiness and ordered to be presently given out, as soon as the several Recruits come to their several Regiments.

IV. That Two, or rather Three Regiments of Foot, be procured out of the City (if it may be) to lie in Redding with some one of the old Regiments, to be recruited there, if That Place be capable of receiving so many; else those Regiments of the City may serve That Turn for the present Occasion, and no longer: This would not only much countenance and further the Work, but amuse the Enemy.

Redding, Henly, Okenham, Maydenhead, Windsore, Stanes, Egham, Colebrook, Uxbridge, Kingston, Hounsloe: If this Way be approved, he is willing to give his humble Advice (if asked) Which Regiments may be laid in each Place.

THE Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled, taking into their Consideration the great Distress and Calamity of the Town of Plymouth, Melcombe-Regis, and Weymouth, Order, That the Collections, on the General Thanksgiving-Day, being the Twelsth of this present Month of March, be taken and employed for the Relief of the Widows, maimed Soldiers, and others, poor and destitute, in and of the Towns of Plymouth, Weymouth, and Melcombe: And commend the same to the charitable and tender Compassions of all good Men and Women; requiring the Ministers in the several Congregations, to stir up and exhort their Auditors to all Readiness and Chearfulness in so good and godly a Work. The said Lords and Commons further Order, That the said Collections be taken by the several Churchwardens in the usual Manner; and then delivered and paid to Michael Herring Merchant, at Goldsmiths-Hall; giving his Acquittances for his Receipts: The said Monies to be disposed of by the Committee for the Safety of the West, for the Ends aforesaid: And the Collectors are, within Seven Days after their respective Receipts, to give Account, in Writing, to the said Michael Herring; to the end the same may be speedily employed as aforesaid: And the Lord Mayor of London is hereby desired to distribute Copies hereof accordingly, to the several Parishes within the Lines of Communication.

Mr. Ellis reports, from the Committee at Grocers-Hall;

I. It is desired, that Eighty thousand Pounds be advanced for the present putting the Forces under the Command of Sir Thomas Fairefaxe into the Field.

Resolved, &c. Those Persons that shall advance the Eighty thousand Pounds, shall have the Nomination of the Treasurers for the receiving all the Monies to be gathered upon the whole Ordinance for the Raising of Forces under the Command of Sir Thomas Fairfax.

II. Those Treasurers shall have a Salary of Threepence in the Pound, and all other Fees by the last Establishment allowed by the Treasurers of Wars; they performing all Things belonging to the Duty of that Place, and allowing Four hundred Pounds per Annum for one who shall be appointed by the Parliament to keep, a a Check upon all the Receipts out of the Country from the Collectors, and Payments for the Use of the Army.

III. The Persons that advance the Eighty thousand Pounds, shall be reimbursed Twenty-six thousand Six hundred Sixty-six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four-pence per Month, with Interest, after the first Four Months Receipts, to the Use of the Parliament, upon the said Ordinance.

IV. There shall be such further Declaration upon that Clause of the Ordinance (in case the War shall so long continue) as shall be reasonably desired.

Resolved, That this House doth approve of these Propositions.


  • 1. There is a Memorandum to direct the Propositions to be entered at the End of this Day's Proceedings: And they are entered afterwards; and marked (†).