House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 15 May 1645

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 15 May 1645', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646(London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 16 March 2025].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 15 May 1645', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646(London, 1802), British History Online, accessed March 16, 2025,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 15 May 1645". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), British History Online. Web. 16 March 2025.


Die Jovis, Maii 15, 1645.


THE humble Petition of Henry Lord Blayney, Baron of Monnaghan, in the Realm of Ireland, was this Day read: And likewise a Certificate, under the Hand of Wm. Collins, Auditor to the Irish Army, That there is due to the Petitioner, as Lieutenant-Colonel of a Regiment of Foot, and as Captain of a Company in the same Regiment, in the Province of Ulster and Kingdom of Ireland, for his own Pay, and the Pay of his Waggon, the Sum of One thousand Four hundred and Five Pounds Six Shillings: And

It is thereupon Ordered, That, as to the One thousand Four hundred and Five Pounds Six Shillings Arrear, certified, under the Hand of the Auditor, to be due unto him, the said Lord Blayney shall have the Publick Faith of the Kingdom: And that, as to the rest of the Petition, it be referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms.

Sir Tho. Widdrington reports, from the Committee, .. the Amendments to the Ordinance for raising Monies in the County of Derby, by a monthly Assessment, for maintaining the Forces of that County, were this Day read: And likewise the Names of divers Persons, to be Committees of the said County, were all likewise read.

The Amendments were read; and, upon the Question, assented unto: And divers of the Committees Names were assented unto; and re-committed, as to the Names not agreed upon.

The humble Petition of Colonel Mazeres was this Day read: And

It is thereupon Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Eastern Association, to provide him some considerable Proportion of his Arrears, to accommodate him in his Return towards France.

Ordered, That Major Rigby, and Major Robinson, Officers of Colonel Rigbye's Regiments, and Captain Crawford, a Captain of Colonel Moore's Regiment, shall be referred to the Committee at Haberdashers-Hall, to make Discovery of any Papists or Delinquents Estates that are concealed (upon a Recommendation from Mr. Speaker) towards the Payment of some part of the Arrears due to those Regiments, upon a Certificate of such their Arrears from the Committee of Accompts.

Ordered, That Mr. Clare shall be referred, upon a Recommendation from Mr. Speaker, to the Committee at Haberdashers-Hall, to make Discovery of any Malignants Estates that are concealed to the Value of Four hundred Pounds.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the West, to receive Information and Discovery touching any concealed Goods or Estate, upon a Recommendation from Mr. Speaker: And that Part thereof be employed for the Service of the West, and other Part thereof for the Service of Abingdon and Oxfordshire, after that Satisfaction shall be made to the Discoverers.

Sir John Evelyn reports from the Conference Yesterday, concerning the Navy, and the Isle of Ely;

"That the Earl of Warwick told us, By Direction from the Lords, he had given in an Account to them of the State of the Navy: Which was read at the Conference: And that, after the same was there read, the Lord Gray of Warke acquainted them, That the Lords had taken that Paper into Consideration; and were of Opinion, that a greater Number of Ships were necessary for the present Service of the Kingdom."

"The Earl of Warwick further acquainted them, That some Scotts Ships had been lately taken; and that it may be feared, more will be daily taken."

"The Earl of Denbigh also acquainted them, That, as to the Votes concerning a Committee to govern the Forces in the Isle of Ely, the Lords had agreed: But, as to the Vote for Colonel Russell to be Governor there, they could not agree; but did earnestly recommend Colonel Davies to that Employment, for the Reasons in a Paper delivered then by him."

The Paper, concerning the State of the Fleet now at Sea, was read, in hæc verba;

MY Lords, in Obedience of your Lordships Command received Yesterday, I do present unto you the State of the Fleet now at Sea, as followeth:

The Number of Ships and Vessels provided for this Summer's Expedition (besides Six for Guard of the Fishermen and Colliers) are Forty-nine; whereof about Ten are small Vessels; and, of them, some of little other Use but as Pacquet-Boats: Which Ships and Vessels are thus to be disposed; viz.

For a Guard of the Irish Seas, Nine; whereof Two are Pacquet-Boats; one employed remote on the North-west of Ireland.

For the Scotch Guard, in pursuance of the Treaty, Seven; besides one more that is to be taken up.

Designed to the Blocking-up of Bristoll, Seven; whereof Three taken out of the other Squadrons; and Four Additionals (besides Two Shallops), and Two other Shallops for Weymouth,

At Guernzey, for Safeguard thereof, and blocking up Castle-Cornett, Three.

For Convoy at the Downs, less cannot attend than Five.

There will be through the whole Expedition, in Port, to revictual, repair, go up with Prizes, &c. by Estimation, Five; in toto, Thirty-six.

So there will rest Thirteen; Upon which the Performance of these Services will necessarily depend,

The Attendance of the Enemies Ports in the West and North of England;

The appointing of Ships to lie before Ostend, Dunkerk, Newport, St. Mallo, &c. to intercept Ammunition, &c.;

The Encouragement and Relieving of the Parliament's Ports;

The Plying at Sea, from the North of England to the Land's End Westward;

The Preventing and Resisting of Affronts for maintaining of the Sovereignty of the Seas.

And, considering the daily and great Losses of our Merchants by Sea;

The Number of Ships employed against the Parliament, under Presence of his Majesty's Commission;

The further Preparation of Shipping in Holland, Ostend, and other Parts of Flanders, to infest the Trade of this Kingdom; and that, if the Enemy continue to disturb the Trade of the Kingdom, and seize our Ships, the Enemy will be thereby furnished with a considerable Fleet from ourselves,

The Customs and Excise, whereby the Preparations both by Sea and Land are maintained, will be much withdrawn;

The Merchants will be impoverished in their Estates, and discouraged in their Trade;

The Mariners will be partly necessitated, through want of Employment here, and partly encouraged by the Profitableness of Employment elsewhere, to be take themselves to Foreign Services;

I shall be bold therefore humbly to offer to Consideration, Whether the publick Service of the Kingdom will not suffer, if a greater Number of Ships be not provided, and set forth.

The Paper of Reasons, Why the Lords cannot consent with the Commons in their Choice of Colonel Russell to be Governor of the Isle of Ely; but, instead of him, did earnestly recommend Colonel Davies; was likewise read, in hæc verba;

"The Lords do concurr in their Opinions with the House of Commons, That there shall be a Committee appointed by both Houses, to order the Militia of the Isle of Ely; and to which the Governor (who shall be agreed upon) shall be subordinate: But, concerning their Choice of Colonel Russell to be Governor of that Island, their Lordships cannot give their Consents: But, instead of him, do earnestly recommend to them Colonel Davies; and for these Reasons;"

"I. Because, That being a Place of such Concernment, both for the Advantage of Situation in its own Strength and natural Defence, and for being surrounded with those Counties which afford us our greatest Subsistence, it will be necessary to place a Soldier of known Abilities, Fidelity, and Experience, in a Command of such Importance, as may carry with it the Preservation even of the Parliament and of this Cause, rather than a Gentleman of the Country, who is young in Years, and hath not had that Experience in military Affairs, which may make him fit to be intrusted with the Keeping of a Place of so high Consequence, in a Time of so great Danger."

"II. There being great Factions and Divisions amongst the Gentlemen and Inhabitants of that Island, though all may be of good Affections to the Parliament; but differing in Opinions in point of Church-Government, which may make them differ amongst themselves in Affection, and thereby hinder the Progress of the publick Affairs; it will conduce more to the Quieting and Settling of all Divisions, to place Soldiers and Strangers there, and one not engaged in their several Interests, and free from all Faction, than to intrust some of the Gentlemen of the Island, as a Committee, with the directive Part, and put the Power of the Militia into the Hands of another Gentleman of those Parts, so to endanger the fomenting those Differences and Disorders, which, in most Parts of the Kingdom, have chiefly retarded the good Success of our Arms."

"III. Both Houses being pre-engaged for Colonel Davies Preferment, and the House of Peers more particularly for that Employment to which their Lordships formerly recommended him to the Committee of Lords and Commons appointed for the Nominating of Officers; their Lordships are so well informed of the Worth and Ability of that Gentleman, and of the great Service he hath done the Parliament in some eminent Occasions, with the Loss of his Blood, and of one of his Limbs, that they are so far from receding from their former Opinions, and Choice of him, as, for these Considerations, they do the more seriously insist upon their former Resolutions; and desire the Concurrence of the House of Commons, that Colonel Davies may be Governor of that Island."

The House resumed the Consideration of the Report of the Conference with the Lords, Yesterday made by Mr. Lisle, concerning the Command in Chief of the Fleet for this present Summer's Expedition: And

It is thereupon Ordered, That the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Admiralty and Cinque-Ports be injoined forthwith to grant a Commission to Captain Batten, for the Place of Vice-Admiral for this Summer's Expedition: And that they likewise give him such Instructions as may be necessary for the commanding in Chief, and directing the Fleet now at Sea, for this Summer's Expedition, till both Houses take other Order.

The Question was propounded, Whether the Lords Concurrence should be desired to this Order:

And then the Question being put, Whether this Question should be now put;

The House was divided.

The Noes went out.

Sir John Evelyn, and Tellers for the Noe: 41.
Mr. Ellis, With the Noe,
Sir H. Vane, and Tellers for the Yea: 39.
Sir Wm. Waller, With the Yea,

So the Question passed with the Negative.

Ordered, That the Report for the Eastern Association be heard To-morrow Morning, the first Business after the Speaker comes to the Chair.

Ordered, That Colonel Ven be heard the next Business after that of the Eastern Association for Windsore-Castle.