Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 12 April 1645', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646(London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].
'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 12 April 1645', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646(London, 1802), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,
"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 12 April 1645". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.
Die Sabbati, Aprilis 12, 1645.
Ordered, That all the Members of the House do, by Wednesday next, peremptorily, bring in to the Committee appointed to consider of the Necessities of the Members, the Value of such Places as they enjoyed and held by the Gift of the Two Houses of Parliament.
This Order to be set up at the Door.
Mr. Reynolds reports, from the Conference desired by the Lords touching the Earl of Warwick's laying down his Commission of the Place of Lord Admiral, That my Lord Gray delivered in a Paper, with many Expressions of Faithfulness and Readiness in the Earl of Warwick to serve the Parliament; and a free voluntary Delivering up of his Commission to both Houses of Parliament.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth agree with the Lords in Acceptance of the Earl of Warwick's Commission.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth look upon this Action of his Lordship, in this Conjuncture of Time, as a fit Testimony of his Duty to the Houses of Parliament, under whom he hath so long served in so eminent an Employment.
Resolved, &c. That it be referred to that Committee which is appointed to consider of the Services and Fortunes of the Earl of Essex, to take the Services and Fortunes of the Earl of Warwick in such a Way, as may, according to his Merits, express the Acceptance and Value the Houses have of his Faithfulness and Industry in the Commands and Hazards he hath undergone, to the publick Good of the Kingdom, and Safety of the Parliament. And further, it is likewise referred to the same Committee, to take into their Considerations those Officers of the Earl of Warwick's, that have been faithful to the Service of the Parliament.
My Lords,
Being lately in Kent, to speed out the Fleet, that an Easterly Wind might not prevent their seasonable Getting forth of the River; and receiving Notice of an Ordinance of Parliament, whereby the Members of both Houses, holding Offices under their Authority, stand discharged after the End of Forty Days; I thought it my Duty (after my giving in Charge to the Captains then in those Parts to be faithful . . . . . Trust) to make my Return back; that I might testify my chearful Compliance with the Houses Resolution. While I have had the Honour to serve the Parliament in the great Trust by them reposed in me, both since my being Lord Admiral, and before, I have endeavoured to perform my Duty with Fidelity and Diligence; being acted therein by no other Design, but a Desire to advance God's Glory, and my Country's Service: And my Endeavours, though accompanied with those common Infirmities that are incident to Men, have, through the Blessing and Goodness of God, not being without some visible Advantage to the Publick; being made instrumental to preserve the Parliament's Interest in the Fleet, when it was laboured, by Letters and Commands, under the Broad-Seal, from his Majesty, to be turned against them: And some Service hath accrued to the State by the Relieving of our Friends, and Interception of Supplies intended to the Enemy, besides these less observeable Preventions of Danger, which, without a vigilant Eye, might have infested the Kingdom. But, as I did, in Obedience to the Command of both Houses, receive, and hitherto manage, That Employment; so did my Heart, with all possible Readiness, submit to their Pleasure, so soon as it was held forth in That Ordinance: And therefore, in Testification of that high and honorable Esteem that I owe, and sincerely bear, to their Wisdoms, I do, with all Humility and Chearfulness, resign and surrender into their Hands the Office of Lord Admiral, wherewith they were pleased formerly to intrust me: And shall value it as my highest Honour and Contentment, next to my God, to be serviceable to them and my Country, in any other Condition, whereinto his Providence shall cast me; not counting my Person, nor dearest Interests, too precious to be laid out in Maintenance of That great Cause of Religion and Liberty, wherein they are so justly engaged. And, in all their Resolutions, my faithful and ready Concurrence shall demonstrate to all the World, that my highest Ambition is no other, than to contribute my best Endeavours for their Service; and that I am resolved to stand and fall with them in the Upholding of God's Truth, and the publick Liberty; knowing well, by many Years Experience, that the Welfare of this Kingdom cannot subsist without God's Blessing in the Preservation and Safety of the Parliament: Which I here present as the real and candid Expressions of a Mind full of Integrity and humble Respect towards them. And I shall join my Prayers, together with my utmost Assistances, that as God hath thus far honoured them with doing of great Services to his Name; so he will continue to shine upon their Councils, until this shaken Kingdom be established upon a lasting, honourable, and holy Foundation.
An Ordinance for giving more Power to the Commissioners of the Customs to substitute Under-Officers, the better to enable them to carry on the Affairs of the Customs, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.
Mr. Greene presented an Oath, to be presented to the Waiters of the Customs and Excise: The which was read; and, upon the Question, passed; and approved of.
Ordered, That the Persons appointed to take care of the Danish Ship at Portsmouth, and of her Lading, in regard of the Insufficiency and Leakiness of the Ship, shall have Power, and are hereby authorized and required, to break open the Hatches of the said Ship, and remove the Landing in her into some other Ship, and such safe Place as they shall be directed by the Committee of the Navy, with the Consent of the Merchant-Adventurers and Eastland Merchants, or the Governors or Deputies.
An Ordinance for reimbursing the Commissioners of Excise Eight thousand Pounds, advanced by them, for setting forth more Ships for the Service of the State, overand-above the Ships appointed for the Summer's Fleet, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed, and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.
Resolved, &c. That the Committee of Lords and Commons for Foreign Affairs shall have Power to treat with the Spanish Ambassador, that some Course may be taken to prevent the taking the Ships or Goods belonging to the Subjects of this Kingdom, by the Persons employed in Spanish Vessels commissionated by the King of England; and for the Restitution of the Ships and Goods that have or shall be taken by such Persons so commissioned.
Resolved, &c. That the Committee of Lords and Commons for Foreign Affairs shall have Power to consider of and appoint and Agent or Consul to lie in Flanders, to take care of and act the Business of the Kingdom, according to such Instructions as he shall receive from both Houses.
The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.
An Ordinance for constituting a Committee of Lords and Commons to do and execute all Things appertaining to the Office of Lord High Admiral, and Lord Warden of the Cinque-Ports, was this Day read the First and Second time.
Resolved, &c. That the Committee in this Ordinance shall consist of Six Lords and Twelve Commoners; whereof Seven to be of the Quorum.
Resolved, &c. That this Ordinance shall continue until the First of October next.
Ordered, That all Orders made by this Committee shall be made, Sitting the Committee.
Resolved, &c. That this Ordinance shall be committed unto the Committee of the Navy.
Ordered, That the Business of the Church be taken into Consideration, by the Grand Committee of the House, on Friday next.
A Letter from Sir Thomas Fairfax, from Windsor, of April the Eleventh 1645, was this Day read; and ordered to be referred to the Consideration of the Committee of the Army, as to the Sending of the Monies and Necessaries desired.
There were likewise inclosed Two Letters, read; one from Lieutenant-General Cromwell; and one from Colonel Massie; both of the Ninth of April 1645; relating the Postures and Marches of the Enemy: The which were read.
Ordered, That one other Thousand Pounds, to make up the Thousand Pounds, appointed Yesterday, Two thousand Pounds, be advanced out of the Excise, for Payment of the Horse to be sent by Sir William Waller to Colonel Massie.
Mr. Stephens, Mr. Nicoll, and Mr. Hodges, are to go to the Commissioners of the Excise; and acquaint them with the great Necessity of the Payment of this Money.
Mr. Greene carried up to the Lords an Order concerning the States Ambassadors Paper: An Ordinance for Payment of Monies to the Garisons of Poole and Weymouth, out of the Excise, for Six Months: An Ordinance for settling Mr. Goodwyn in the Vicarage of Watford; and of Doctor Burges in the Lecture at Paul's, London: An Order for Payment of Eight thousand Pounds out of the Excise, to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Time being, at the End of Eight Months, for setting out Ships: And Two Votes, referred to the Committee for Foreign Affairs; one to treat with the Spanish Ambassador about Taking of Ships; another to have Power to make an Agent or Consul for Flanders.
Ordered, That the Business concerning the Waggoners be taken into Consideration, the first Business, on Monday Morning.
Resolved, &c. That Five thousand Pounds be forthwith furnished, and charged upon the Excise, for the Forces under the Command of Sir Wm. Brereton.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edward Leech and Mr. Page;
The Lords have commanded us to deliver unto you this Order: It is for inlarging the Power to the Committee of Lords and Commons for Foreign Affairs, to hear the Complaints of the French Resident; and to receive the Complaints of the English Subjects. They have received a Petition from Sir Hammon le Strange and Mr. Clench; and have made an Order upon it: In which they desire the Concurrence of this House. They desire to put this House in mind of the Ordinance for Rutlandshire; and of the Petition of Captain Hunckes: And do acquaint the House, That the Fleet Prison being not so safe or fit for Persons that are accused of Capital Crimes; therefore they have thought fit to remove Mr. Griffith to Newgate.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House hath considered of their Lordships Message: And, as to the Order concerning inlarging the Power of the Committee of the Lords and Commons for Foreign Affairs; and as to the rest; the House being in Consideration of Matters of great Importance; they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.
Whereas the House of Commons hath this Day resolved, That Five thousand Pounds be paid unto the Forces under the Command of Sir Wm. Brereton, out of the Receipts of the Excise, next after the Assignments already set: But, because the Necessities of those Forces require a speedy Supply; It is Ordered, That Mr. Recorder, Mr. Vassall, Sir Thomas Soame, the Lieutenant of the Tower, Sir Ralph Ashton, Mr. Ashherst, and Colonel Ven, or any Two of them, do treat with the City of London, or any particular Persons thereof, who are to receive Twenty thousand Pounds, or any other like considerable Sum suddenly, payable out of the Excise, for the Loan of Five thousand Pounds, upon the Security of the Excise; to be paid in Course, with Interest, next after the Monies already assigned.
Mr. Pierrepont reports, from the Committee of both Kingdoms, the Business concerning Ireland.
Resolved, &c. That Twenty-six Days Pay shall be furnished and paid, out of the Eighty thousand Pounds raised for Ireland, to the British Officers.
An Ordinance for constituting a Committee to reside with the Brittish and Scottish Forces in Ireland, to act as a joint Committee with the Commissioners of Scotland, upon such Instructions as they shall receive from hence, for the better carrying on the War of Ireland, was this Day read the First and Second time.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth hold it inconvenient, that Officers of the Armies in Ireland should be admitted into the Committee that is to direct the Managing and Carrying on the War in Ireland.
The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.
Mr. Hollis and Mr. Perrepont are appointed to prepare Reasons, to be offered to the Lords for this Declaration.
Ordered, That Mr. Recorder be added to the Committee for the Comptroll upon the Receipts of the Excise.
Ordered, &c. That Mr. Alderman Pennington do, from this House, recommend it unto the Lord Mayor, and the Committees of Westminster and Middlesex, to quicken the Bringing in of the Monies to be raised upon the Ordinance for Ireland.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth declare, That the Engagements, Loans, and Arrears, of the Irish Officers shall be satisfied out of the Rebels Lands, after the Adventurers and former Engagements upon those Lands shall be discharged.
Mr. Reynolds is appointed to prepare an Ordinance to this Purpose.
Ordered, &c. That Mr. Erle do make Report, from the Committee of the West, of the Business concerning the Scotts Officers, on Monday Morning next.
Ordered, &c. That, on Monday Morning next, the first Business, the Commission and Instructions for Sir Charles Coote to be Lord President of Connaght, * * * *.
Ordered, &c. That Mr. Pierrepont have the Leave of this House to be absent, for the Recovery of his Health.
Ordered, &c. That Mr. Hollis, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir John Merrick, Sir Arthur Haselrigge, Colonel Long, and Sir Henry Cholmely, Members of this House, be examined this Afternoon, at the Committee of Examinations, touching Sir Wm. Balford's Business.
Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do grant his Pass for Mr. Hollis to transport Three Summer Nags, and a Mare, to his Mother the Countess of Clare, into France, Customfree.
Ordered, &c. That Mr. Speaker do grant his Pass for Lieutenant-Colonel James Balfour to transport Four little Summer Nags into Holland, with Anthony Delahay and David Grey, his Servants, and their Necessaries.
THE Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled, having caused several Ships to be taken up for the Service of the State, over and above the Ships appointed for the Summer's Fleet; the Charge of which Ships will amount unto Eight thousand Pounds; It is therefore Ordained and Declared, That Eight thousand Pounds be charged upon the Receipts of the Excise: And that the Commissioners of Excise do make Payment thereof out of the Receipts, at Eight Months End: And the said Eight thousand Pounds to be paid unto Sir Henry Vane junior, Knight, Treasurer of the Navy, or unto the Treasurer of the Navy for the Time being, for the Use aforesaid: Whose Receipt shall be a sufficient Discharge for the said Eight thousand Pounds unto the said Commissioners of Excise. And Notice of this Ordinance is to be given to the Commissioners of Excise, to the Intent the same may be registered with them.
IT is this Day Ordered, by the Lord and Commons, assembled in Parliament, That the Committee of Lords and Commons for Foreign Affairs shall have Power to hear the French Resident, upon such Matters as are referred, and depending before the said Committee; and to receive and consider of any other Papers, which shall be given in unto That Committee: And the Committee have further Power to receive the Petitions and Complaints of the Subjects of this Kingdom, on Injuries done by the French, or any other Nation; and to demand Satisfaction thereupon from the Ambassadors or Resident of such Nation.
Whereas, by the Votes and Resolutions of both Houses of Parliament, of the Eleventh of April, 1644, it is ordained, That Committees be nominated and appointed, by the joint Advice of both Kingdoms, of such Numbers and Qualities as shall be by them agreed on, to be sent, with all convenient Speed, to reside with the Brittish and Scottish Forces in Ireland, under the Command of the Right Honourable the Earl of Leven; and to be enabled with all ample Instructions, by the joint Advice of both Kingdoms, for the Regulation of the said Forces, and the better carrying on of that War: And whereas the Parliament of Scotland hath appointed Committees, and have sent some of them to reside there, for the Purposes aforesaid, in pursuance of the said Votes: The Lords and Commons, assembled in Parliament, do nominate, ordain, and appoint, Arthur Annisley Esquire, Sir Robert Kinge Knight, and Wm. Bedle Colonel, or any Two of them, to be a joint Committee with the said Committees and Commissioners of Scotland; to advise, consult, and direct, concerning the carrying on and managing of the War in that Kingdom for the best Advantage thereof: Wherein they are to observe and follow such Instructions, Orders, and Directions, as they shall herewith, or from time to time hereafter, receive from both Houses of Parliament, or from the Committee of both Kingdoms at Westminster. Provided, That this Ordinance shall continue for Eight Months, and no longer.