House of Commons Journal Volume 12: Index - E

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 12, 1697-1699. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1803.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 12: Index - E', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 12, 1697-1699(London, 1803), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 12: Index - E', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 12, 1697-1699(London, 1803), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 12: Index - E". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 12, 1697-1699. (London, 1803), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.


9° & 10° Gul. III. Parl. 3. Sess. 3. A. 1697, & 1698.

EARTHEN-WARES . Vide Supply.

Easingwould , Petition from, 15 Feb. Vide Air.

East-India Company, Proposals from, 4 May. Considered in a Committee of the whole House, 4 & 5. Report of Progress, 4. Of Resolution, that House be moved to appoint a Committee to settle the Trade thereto; Matter referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, 5. Vide Supply. —their Charter of 1693, ordered, 2 June. All Charters since 1660, ordered, 3. Another Proposal presented, 10. Vide Supply. Account of the Revenues in India, and Charges of the Forts, ordered, 11. Representation of the Committee of the Company, presented, 15. Another Proposal read, 20.—State of the Company to be considered in a Committee of the whole House; Papers referred, 2 June. Parties to attend, 2 & 4. Select Committee to inspect their Books touching Dividends and new Subscribers, 2. Report of Progress; Committee to inspect their Books in general, 4. Report to be made, 11. Made; Motion for Satisfaction to the late Subscribers, 14. Debate thereon adjourned, 14, 15. & 17.
-, — Petition referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, 24 May.—Another, to lie on the Table for future Consideration, 9 June.

Elections and Privileges, Committee appointed; Instruction to hear but Two Counsel of a Side, 3 Dec. Committees added, 10 Jan. Committee adjourned, 14 Mar.—controverted; Reports. Vide Flint Town, Hindon, Grantham, and Cambridge County.—Returns to be questioned in Fourteen Days—Members, returned for Two or more Places, to make Election within Three Weeks—Persons, returned upon double Returns, to withdraw till Returns determined, 3 Dec.
-, — Bill to regulate them, ordered; Instruction to provide against Expences, 22 Jan. Bill read, 25 Feb. Order for Second Reading, 7, 12. 21. & 26, Mar. Committed, 5 Apr. To be reported, 11 & 16. Reported; Clause added; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. 19.
-, — Bill to secure the Freedom of them, ordered, 11 Feb. Read, 16. Order for Second Reading, 21 & 28 Feb. 5 & 12 Mar.
-, — Bill to prevent false and double Returns, ordered, 7 May. Read, 21. Committed, 23. 27. & 30, May, 1. 7. 11. & 16, June. Committee impowered to receive a Clause for more easy electing Knights of Shire, 27 May. Bill missing; Committee to inquire into it—new Bill ordered, 17 June. Read, 18. Committed; Committee impowered to receive Clauses for Sheriffs to adjourn the Poll, 20. For enlarging the Time for delivering Precepts to the Cinque Ports, 21.

Eling , Petition from, 28 Jan. Vide New-forest.

Ellis , John, Petition, 10 Feb. Vide Glass Wares.

Elwes , Robert, Petition, 19 Feb. Vide Ankolme.

Ely , Bishop of, and Successors, Bill, from Lords, to lease a Manor-house and Demesne Lands, 12 Jan. Read, 13. Order for Second Reading, 15. Committed, 17. Reported, and passed, with an Amendment, 21. Amendment agreed to by Lords, 24. Royal Assent, 7 Mar.

Employments . Vide Offices.

England , New, Petition of Merchants and Traders, 28 Mar. Vide Hudson's Bay.—Another relating to the Duty on Whalefins, offered; Question for receiving it, Neg. 30 June.

Entreprenant , Ship. Vide Ruby Prize.

Escapes of Debtors, Petition, relating thereto, referred to a Committee, 21 Jan. Other Petitions presented, and referred, 3 Feb. Committees added, 5. Committee have Leave to sit in a Morning, 10. Report; Bill for the Relief of Creditors in Cases of Escapes, ordered, 21. Presented, 25. Read, and withdrawn, being brought in with Penalties, 4 Mar.—new Bill presented, 7. Read, 16. Committed, 24. Committees added, 25 & 26 Mar. 7. 11. & 14, Apr. Committee have Leave to sit in a Morning till Ten o'Clock, 30 Mar. Petitions against Bill, presented, and referred, 9, 15. & 18, Apr. 7 & 14 May. Petitioners to be heard by the Committee, 18 Apr. Bill to be reported, 6 & 7 May. Reported; Petition read, and considered. Further Consideration of Report adjourned, 9. Counsel to be heard at Bar, 9 & 14. Heard; Bill-recommitted; Instruction to receive a Clause in favour of the Petitioners, 16. Committees added, 19. Petition presented and referred, 21. Bill to be reported, 25. Reported; Clauses added; Bill to be ingrossed, 28. Passed, 3 June.

Escrich , Petition from, 14 Feb. Vide Air.

Essex , Petition from, 25 Jan. Vide Leather.

Estates , forfeited. Vide Supply.

Estimates . Vide Supply , and Accounts.

Etkins . Vide Privileges.

Ettrick , Antony, Bill to sell Part of his late Wife's Lands, ordered, 14 Mar. Read, 16. Committed; Petitions against Bill, presented and referred, 22. Committees added, 26. Bill reported and to be ingrossed, 4 Apr. Passed, 8.

Evans . Vide Privileges.

Evesham , Petition from, 19 Jan. Vide Leather.
-, — new Writ, 23 Feb.

Exbury , Petition from, 7 Feb. Vide New-forest.

Exchange , inland Bills of, Bill for better Payment of them, read, 12 Feb. Committed, 17. Reported, and to be ingrossed, 16 Mar. Passed, 21. Agreed to by Lords, 8 Apr. Royal Assent, 16 May.

Exchequer . Vide Outlawries.—Bill for Relief of Persons not having registered their Tickets, and for Dispatch of Business therein, ordered; Instruction, 8 Dec. Read, 18. Committed; Instruction to receive a Clause for enlarging the Time for Dividends thereon at the Bank, 20. Bill reported, and to be ingrossed, 22. Passed, 23. Agreed to by Lords; Royal Assent, 14 Jan.
-, — Bills. Vide Accounts, and Supply.—Mr. Marryott presents, and reads, his Information touching false Indorsements thereof; examined; sent with a Messenger to fetch Book and Papers; no Person to speak with him, or deliver Letter to him; ordered into Custody. Vide Marryott. Mr. John Knight, Mr. Burton, Mr. Wm. Knight, and Mr. Crawford, to be summoned immediately; Serjeant's Report; Examination before the Treasury Board, ordered; Mr. Crawford examined, and to attend again; Marryott's Information read; Mr. John Knight heard; withdraws; Resolution thereupon. Vide Knight, John. Order that he have a Copy of the Information, and give in his Answer in Writing; Marryott presents the Book and Papers, 4 Jan. Minutes of the Treasury, 1 Nov. 1697, and Burton's Confession read; Marryott's Information read again; Burton's Request, that it might be read Paragraph by Paragraph, assented to; Burton examined; Resolution, and Order thereupon, 5. Vide Burton. Minutes of Treasury, 11 Nov. 1697; Report of Trustees for circulating Exchequer Bills, and Darby's Letter, read; Order thereupon. Vide Darby. Mr. Knight's Letter to the Speaker, and Answer to the Information, read; Officers to Trustees for circulating Exchequer Bills, examined; Mr. Wm. Knight examined; Order thereupon, 7. Vide Knight, Wm. Further Examination adjourned; Parties to attend, 10. 12. 17. 18. 24, 25. & 28, Jan. 1 & 3 Feb. Resumed; Parties examined, 12. 18. 22. 24, 25. & 28, Jan. 1 & 3 Feb. Account of Charges relating to the Subscription for circulating Exchequer Bills, and of Exchequer Bills sunk, ordered, 12 Jan. Note given in Trust for Marryott, read, and to be kept by the Clerk, 18. Account of Money upon Excise, charged, May 1697, presented, and read, 22. Mr. Duncomb heard; Resolution, and Order thereupon, 25. Vide Duncomb. Burton presents, and reads, his Case, 3 Feb. Parties examined; One reprimanded, 6.
-, — Petition of Officers against the Bill for passing Sheriffs Accounts; Question for referring it to the Committee on the Bill, Neg. Petition rejected, 19 Feb.

Excise . Vide Accounts and Supply.—Accounts of Bills of Exchange payable to the Commissioners in milled Money and Gold, and paid in Exchequer Bills, ordered, 16 Feb. Parties to attend, 16 & 17. List of Persons who sent the Bills of Exchange; and those who paid them in Exchequer Bills, and an Account of the Sums returned and paid, ordered, 17. Presented; Parties examined; Question, that receiving Exchequer Bills was illegal, Neg. 22.

Exon , Petitions from, 14 Dec. Vide Woollen Manufacture.— 30 Dec. & 18 Jan. Vide Leather.—27 Jan. Vide Ireland. —18 Feb. Vide Exchange, supra.—relating to Hamburgh Trade, to lie on the Table for future Consideration, 16 Mar.
-, — Bill, to erect Workhouses therein, ordered, 14 Mar. Read, 22. Committed, 28. Committee have Leave to sit in a Morning till Ten o'Clock, 30. Petition presented, and referred, 2 Apr. Bill reported, and to be ingrossed, 13. Passed, 15. Agreed to by Lords, 5 May. Royal Assent, 16.

Eye , new Writs, 3 Dec. & 7 May.

10° & 11° Gul. III. Parl. 4. Sess. 1. A. 1698, & 1699.

EAST-INDIA Company's Petition for the Preservation of their Trade, to be considered, 24 Feb. Considered; Bill ordered, 27. Presented, 3 Mar. To be read, 8. Read; Question for Second Reading, Neg. Rejected, 9.

Eastlow new Writ, 22 Dec.

Eccles , Captain Wm. Petition to be added to the List of Halfpay Officers, assented to, 19 Apr. Vide Army.

Elections and Privileges, Committee appointed; Instruction to admit but Two Counsel of a Side, 12 Dec. Committee impowered to alter Days for hearing Causes, 24 Jan. To hear no more after a Day appointed, 18 Mar. To report, from time to time, as they dispatch any Matter, 29.—Controverted, Reports and Hearings. Vide Aylesbury, Haslemere, Ludlow, Ludgershall, Midhurst, St. Mawes, Mitchell, Bramber, Tamworth, Malmesbury, Abingdon, Corfecastle, Reading, Agmondesham, Great Bedwin, Wigan, Aldborough, Dartmouth, Bedford County, Hastings, Newark, Hindon, Fowye, Orford, Weobley, Guilford, Coventry, Bishopscastle, Thetford, Lestwithiel, Litchfield, Newark upon Trent, St. Ives, Bridgnorth, Westminster, Cricklade, Pontefract, York City, Brackley, Brecon Borough, Minehead, Dunwich, Malden, Clitheroe, Newport, and Sudbury.—Right of Election determined; viz. Hastings, Ludgershall, and Tamworth.—Returns to be questioned in Fourteen Days.—Persons returned upon double Returns, not to sit till Returns determined—Members, returned for Two or more Places, to make Election within Three Weeks, 12 Dec. Make Election, 16 & 22 Dec. 2, 3, & 4, Jan.—Resolution against Aliens voting thereat, 22 Dec.
-, — Bill to regulate them, ordered, 14 Dec. Instruction relating to Aliens, 22. Bill read, 28 Feb. Committed, 1. 8. 13. 15. 22. & 24, Mar.
-, — Petition of the Clerk of the Crown, touching Returns, referred to a Committee; Instruction relating to the Cinque Ports, 10 Jan. Committees added, 21. Report; Bill for allowing ancient Fees to him and Returning Officers, ordered; Instruction concerning Returns, 6 Feb.
-, — Bill to prevent irregular Proceedings in making Returns, ordered, 31 Jan. Read, 18 Feb. Order for Second Reading, 20. Committed, 21. Reported, and to be ingrossed, 6 Mar. Passed, 8. Agreed to by Lords, 21. Royal Assent, 24.
-, — Bill to regulate the Method of qualifying Votes, ordered, 31 Jan. Presented, 23 Mar. To be read, 25 & 30.
-, — clandestine, Bill to prevent them, and enforce the Laws touching a Scrutiny, ordered, 3 Mar.

Eloy , Captain Isaac Gouquett St. Petition for Bill to naturalize him; Bill ordered, 24 Feb. Read. 25. Committed, 28. Reported, and to be ingrossed, 1 Mar. Passed, 2. Agreed to by Lords, 14. Royal Assent, 24.

England , New, Petition of Merchants trading thereto, relating to the Duty on Whale Fins, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, 18 Apr. Vide Supply.

Erle , Major-general, List of Officers in his Regiment to be disbanded, presented, and referred to the Committee of Supply, 25 Mar. Vide Supply.

Error , Writs of. Vide Writs of Error.

Escapes , Bill for Relief of Creditors therein, ordered, 17 Dec.

Essex , Petition from, relating to the Bill for prohibiting distilling Spirits from Corn, to lie on the Table for future Consideration, 24 Jan.—Another, 6 Feb. Vide Woollen Manufacture.

Essington , Wm. Vide Jones.

Estimates . Vide Accounts.

Evesham , Petition from, relating to the Duty on Leather, 14 Feb.

Exchequer . Vide Outlawries.—Petition of Officers, presented, 17 Jan. Referred to the Committee on Sheriffs Bill, 1 Feb. Vide Sheriffs.

Excise , List of Commissioners, ordered, 11 Feb. Presented, and referred to a Committee, 13. Report; to be considered; Members concerned to attend, 17. Report considered; Proceedings thereupon, 20. Vide Woolaston.
-, — hereditary, Petition of Patentees, Assignees, and others, touching a Fund sufficient to answer Money due to them, referred to a Committee, 23 Mar. Committee impowered to send for Persons, Papers, and Records; another Petition presented, and referred, 31. Report; re-committed, 4 May.

Exon , Petition from, relating to the Hamburgh Company, to lie on the Table for future Consideration, 11 Feb.—Another, relating to the Bone-lace Bill, to lie on the Table for future Consideration, 12 Apr.