House of Commons Journal Volume 10: 13 April 1689

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 10, 1688-1693. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 10: 13 April 1689', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 10, 1688-1693(London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 19 March 2025].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 10: 13 April 1689', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 10, 1688-1693(London, 1802), British History Online, accessed March 19, 2025,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 10: 13 April 1689". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 10, 1688-1693. (London, 1802), British History Online. Web. 19 March 2025.


In this section

Sabbati, 13 die Aprilis; 1° Willielmi et Mariæ.


Excise on Beer.

A PETITION of the common Brewers of the City of Norwich, and the County of the same; complaining, That the Gaugers have of late Years returned Strong Beer for Mild Beer, and for Ale; by means whereof the Petitioners have been charged for Excise as for Ale, and not had Allowances as the Law allows; and also complaining of other undue Proceedings of the Gaugers; was read.

Ordered, That the Petition do lie upon the Table, to be considered, when the Matter of the Revenue comes under the Consideration of the House.


A Petition of the Brewers of the Town of Great Yarmouth; complaining, That, although the Petitioners have brewed and sold only Strong and Small Beer, but that the Gaugers have of late Years charged it for Ale; and have gauged their Worts hot in the Backs and Coolers, and not in the Tun; by which, and other means, they have not the Allowances by Law allowed; was read.

Ordered, That the Petition do lie upon the Table, to be considered, when the Matter of the Revenue comes under the Consideration of the House.

A Petition of the Brewers of the Town of Colchester; complaining, That they, having brewed Beer, have been charged by the Officer of the Excise as for Ale; which is Twenty Pounds per Cent. to their Prejudice; and that, since January last, they have brewed only Beer, and tendered Excise as for Beer; but that it would not be received: And praying a Regulation of the Statutes relating to the Excise.

Ordered, That, the Petition do lie upon the Table, to be considered, when the Matter of the Revenue comes under the Consideration of the House.

Yarmouth Haven.

A Bill for explaining and making effectual a Statute made in the First Year of King James the Second, concerning the Haven of Great Yarmouth, was read the First time.

Resolved, That the Bill be read a Second time.

Act of Henry 5, touch Elections.

Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to take away the Statute of the First of King Henry Fifth, touching the Electing of Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, who are resident, to serve in Parliament.

Foreign Protestant's Nat.

A Bill for a General Naturalization was read the First time.

Resolved, That the Bill be read a Second time.

Commissioners of Great Seal to execute Lord Chancellorship.

An ingrossed Bill, sent down from the Lords, intituled, An Act for establishing the Lords Commissioners for the Great Seal to execute the Office of Lord Chancellor, or Lord Keeper, was read the First time.

Resolved, That the Bill be read a Second time.

Supply Bill; Poll Tax.

A Bill for granting a Supply to their Majesties by Poll, was read the First time.

Resolved, That the Bill be read a Second time.

Privilege- a Person reprimanded and discharged.

A Petition of John Wyld, Bailiff of Cricklade, in the Custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House, praying to be discharged out of Custody, was read.

Ordered, That the said Bailiff be discharged out of Custody, paying his Fees, and having the Reprimand of the House.

And he was brought to the Bar; and had a Reprimand accordingly, upon his Knees.

Address on declaration to maintain the Church, &c.

Mr. Auditor Done reports from the Committee appointed to prepare an Address of Thanks to his Majesty, for his gracious Declaration to maintain the Church of England by Law Established; and to desire him to continue his Care of the same; and to desire him to issue out his Writs for Calling of a Convocation, withal acquainting him, that it is not intended thereby to delay the taking into Consideration the giving Ease to Protestant Dissenters; That the Committee had prepared an Address accordingly: Which he read in his Place; and afterwards delivered the same at the Clerk's Table: Where the same being Twice read; and some Amendments made thereto at the Table; was agreed to by the House, and is as follows:

May it please your Majesty,

WE, your Majesties most loyal and obedient Subjects, the Commons, in Parliament assembled, do, with utmost Duty and Affection, render to Your Majesty our most humble and hearty Thanks, for Your gracious Declaration, and repeated Assurances, that You will maintain the Church of England Established by Law, which Your Majesty hath been pleased to rescue from that dangerous Conspiracy that was laid for its Destruction, with the Hazard of Your Royal Person.

The Doctrine and Practice of the Church of England have evinced the Loyalty beyond the Contradiction of her most malicious Enemies; and the Misfortunes of former Princes can be attributed to nothing more than their Endeavours to subvert it, and disable the Members thereof from contributing to their Support and Defence.

We therefore humbly pray Your Majesty will be graciously pleased to continue Your Care for the Preservation of the same, whereby You will effectually establish Your Throne, by securing the Hearts of Your Majesty's Subjects within these Your Realms; who can no way better shew their Zeal for Your Service, than by a firm Adherence to That Church, whose Constitution is best suited to the Support of this Monarchy.

We likewise humbly pray, That, according to the ancient Practice and Usage of this Kingdom in Time of Parliament, Your Majesty will be graciously pleased to issue out Your Writs for Calling a Convocation of the Clergy of this Kingdom, to be advised with in Ecclesiastical Matters; assuring Your Majesty, it is our Intention forthwith to proceed to the Consideration of giving Ease to Protestant Dissenters.

Resolved, That the Lords Concurrence be desired to the said Address.

Ordered, That Mr. Auditor, Done do carry up the Address to the Lords, for their Concurrence.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Mr. Herbert of Ludlowe have Leave to go into the Country, for Three Weeks.

Congratulation on their Majesties Coronation.

Mr. Speaker acquaints the House, That, upon their Attendance on their Majesties Yesterday, to congratulate them upon their Coronation, He spoke to them as followeth; viz.

YOUR most loyal and dutiful Subjects, the Commons of England, assembled in this present Parliament, having, to their unspeakable Joy, seen Your Majesties placed upon the Imperial Throne of this Kingdom, they have desired Access at this Time to Your Royal Presence, humbly to congratulate Your Majesties upon this Occasion, and to wish Your Majesties a long and prosperous Reign, with all the Blessings that ever did attend a Crown.

We are all sensible, that Your Majesties Greatness is the Security of Your Subjects: It is from Your Power that we derive to ourselves an Assurance of being defended from our Enemies; and from Your Justice, that we expect a full Enjoyment of our Laws and Liberties: But that which completes our Happiness, is, the Experience we have of Your Majesties continual Care to maintain the Protestant Religion; so that we can no longer apprehend any Danger of being deprived of that inestimable Blessing, either by secret Practices, or by open Violence.

To the King. May the same Divine Providence, which has hitherto preserved your Majesty in the greatest Dangers, and so often given You Victory over Your Enemies, still crown Your Undertakings with Success.

To the Queen. And may those unparalleled Virtues, which adorn Your Majesty's Royal Person, be the Admiration of the present Age, and an Example to the future.

And may the Lustre of Both Your Names so far outshine the Glory of Your Predecessors, that the Memory of their greatest Actions may be forgotten, and Your People no longer date the Establishment of their Laws and Liberties from St. Edward's Days, but from the most auspicious Reign of King William and Queen Mary.

And that his Majesty was pleased to speak to the effect following; viz.



WE return you Our hearty Thanks for the Kindness and Respects that you have, upon all Occasions, shewed to Both of Us: We shall take care, to the best of Our Power, of all Things that conduce to the Good of the Kingdom; and I doubt not, but by God's Assistance and Yours, We shall be able, in a short time, to make you a flourishing People.

The Speaker thanked.

Ordered, That the Thanks of the House be returned to Mr. Speaker for his Speech to their Majesties; and that he be desired to print the same; and also his Majesty's Answer thereto: And that he do desire his Majesty to print his Majesty's said Gracious Speech.

Dissenters Toleration.

Ordered, That the Bill for Toleration, lately ordered to be brought in, be read To-morrow Morning, at the first Sitting of the House.

Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance.

The House then proceeeded to read the Amendments to the ingrossed Bill, sent down from the Lords, intituled, An Act for the Abrogating the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance, and appointing other Oaths; the Second time.

And the same were read accordingly; and, upon the Question, severally put thereupon; the same were agreed unto by the House, and are as followeth:

1 Press, 1. 28, after "made," insert "repeated."

Id. 1. 41, leave out "so."

Id. 1. 42, after "made," insert "repeated."

2 Press, 1. 4, leave out "or hereafter shall be."

Id. 1. 7, leave out from the Beginning of it to the first "and" in 1. 31; and instead thereof insert as follows, "in their Majesties High Court of Chancery, or in their Majesties Court of King's Bench, in publick and open Court, between the Hours of Nine of the Clock and Twelve in the Forenoon, before the End of Trinity Term next; or at the General Quarter Sessions to be holden for that County, or Place, where he and they shall be, inhabit, or reside, in open Court between the said Hours of Nine and Twelve of the Clock in the Forenoon, before the First Day of August next: All which shall be put on Record in the respective Courts."

Id. 1. 33, after "make," insert "repeat."

Id. 1. 34, leave out "so."

Id. 1. 43, leave out from "accordingly" to "and."

3 P. 1. 34, and instead thereof insert the Clause [A.].

Clause [A];

That all Persons hereafter to be admitted into any Office or Employment, Ecclesiastical or Civil, or to be in any Capacity, whereby they were to take the abrogated Oaths, shall take the new Oaths, as they should have taken the former, under the like Penalties and Forfeitures; and for all Persons now having any Office or Employment, Civil or Military, that shall neglect or refuse to take the new Oaths before the First of August, the Office or Employment to be void: And that if any Bishop, or other Person, having any Ecclesiastical Dignity or Benefice, shall neglect or refuse to take them before that Time, to be suspended from their Office for Six Months; and if they do not do it in that Time, to be deprived ipso facto: And if the Masters, or Heads, or Fellows, of Colleges, Hospitals, Schools, Professors of Sciences, neglect or refuse by that Time, to take them in the like Times, to suffer the like Suspension and Deprivation: And if any others refuse to take the Oaths, when tendered by any Persons authorized to tender them, to be committed to Gaol, for Three Months, unless they pay for the first Offence a Sum not exceeding Forty Shillings; and, at the Three Months End, if they refuse, for Six Months, unless they pay a Sum not exceeding Ten Pounds, and under Five Pounds, for the Use of the Poor, and give Sureties for the Behaviour, and to appear at the next Assizes or Sessions; and, if they there refuse to take the Oaths, then to be uncapable of any Office, and to remain bound to the good Behaviour till he take the same; and also, for inrolling the Taking the Oaths in the several Courts and Sessions.

4 Press, 1. 6, leave out "be obliged to."

Id. 1. 21, leave out "be obliged."

Id. 1. 23, leave out "to."

Id. 1. 23, after "make," insert "repeat and subscribe."

Id. 1. 39, leave out from the Beginning the whole Proviso to "and" in 1. 47.

A Clause was proposed to be made Part of the Bill: Which was twice read; and, upon the Question put thereupon, agreed unto by the House:

That, for such as have been elected into any Office in any Corporations, since 11 Decembris 1688, if they take the Oaths before the First of August, it shall be as good as if they had taken the Oaths upon their Admission: And that, for such as have been admitted into Offices and Places of Trust since Michaelmas last, and could not take the Oaths and the Test, that if they take the same before the End of Trinity Term, or the First of August, it shall be as good as if they had done the same before.

Resolved, That the Bill, with the Amendments and Clauses, be read a Third time To-morrow Morning.

And then the House adjourned till Monday Morning, Nine of the Clock.