The Convention Parliament (William): The convention becomes a Parliament - begins 20/2/1689

The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1680-1695. Originally published by Chandler, London, 1742.

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'The Convention Parliament (William): The convention becomes a Parliament - begins 20/2/1689', in The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1680-1695(London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'The Convention Parliament (William): The convention becomes a Parliament - begins 20/2/1689', in The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1680-1695(London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"The Convention Parliament (William): The convention becomes a Parliament - begins 20/2/1689". The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1680-1695. (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

In this section

A Bill to prevent Disputes concerning the Convention Parliam.

The same Day an engrossed Bill from the Lords, for removing and preventing all Questions and Disputes concerning the assembling and sitting of this present Parliament, was passed with some Amendments.

A Motion relating to the Liberties of Corporations over-ruled.

The 25th, a Motion being made that a special Committee be appointed to consider of the Violation of the Liberties and Franchises of all the Corporations of the Kingdom, especially the City of London; the House divided on the previous Question, and it passed in the Negative, Yeas 121, Noes 145.

Revenue voted expired.

The 26th, the Question was put, whether the Revenue was expir'd by the Vacancy of the Throne, or whether it was devolv'd on their Majesties; and it passed in the Affirmative for the Expiration.

Resolve to stand by the King, &c

The 27th, his Majesty by Message acquainted the House, 'That the late King James was sail'd with French Troops from Brest, in order to land in Ireland.' Upon which it was resolv'd nem. con. That the House will stand by, and assist the King with their Lives and Fortunes, in supporting his Alliances abroad, in reducing of Ireland, and in Defence of the Protestant Religion and Laws of the Kingdom. To which, the next day, they desir'd the Concurrence of the Lords; and afterwards presented to his Majesty in the Form of an Address.

A present Supply voted.

The 28th, Resolv'd, That a present Aid be given to his Majesty, not exceeding the Sum of 420000 l.

And that the said Aid be levied by a Monthly Assessment for six Months, at the Rate of 68820 l. 19s. 1d. per Month.

State of the Revenue delivered in by Sir Robert Howard.

March 1. Sir Robert Howard deliver'd in, according to Order, a State of the Yearly Value of the several Branches of the Revenue, which was as follows:

l. s. d.
The old Customs on a Medium of 4 Years, from 1685 to 1688 517507 12 10¼
The Duties late in the Wood-Farm, Coal-Farm, and the Grant of the French Tonnage, all newly expir'd 19500 00 00
The 4½ per Cent. Rent of the Log wood-Farm, and Seizures of uncustomed and prohibited Goods 12119 4 4
The Excise on a Medium of 4 Years 610486 10 9
The Hearth-Money per Ann. about 200000 00 00
The Post-Office per Ann. about 55000 00 00
The small Branches, about 26350 00 00
The new Impositions on Wine and Vinegar granted for 8 Years to come, 4 Years and ½ from Christmas last, and ending June 24, 1693 172901 10
Tobacco and Sugar 148861 8 00
French Linnens, Brandy, Silks, &c. 93710 8
1858436 14

[The two last Branches charg'd with a Loan of 84888 l. 6s. 9d. to be paid with Interest in the Course of the Register, as the Money comes in.]

King's Message relating to Hearth-Money.

The same day, the King sent the following Message to the House:

'William R. His Majesty having been inform'd that the Revenue of the Hearth-Money is very grievous to the People, is therefore willing to agree either to a Regulation of it, or to the taking it wholly away, as this House shall think most convenient; and, as in this, his Majesty doth consider the Ease of the Subject, so he doth not doubt but you will be careful of the Support of the Crown.'

Resolved nem. con. That the humble Thanks of this House be given to his Majesty, for his most gracious Message; and that an Address of Thanks be prepared accordingly.

A second Message by Mr. Hampden.

Mr. Hampden (fn. 1) acquainted the House, That he had a Message from his Majesty, 'That his Majesty hath had credible Information, that there are several Persons in and about this Town, that keep private Meetings and Cabals to conspire against the Government, and for the Assistance of the late King James. That his Majesty has caus'd some of these Persons to be already apprehended and secur'd, upon Suspicion of High-Treason, and that he thinks he may see cause so to do by others, within a little Time: But that his Majesty is between two great Difficulties in this Case; for that, if he should set those Persons at liberty that are apprehended, he would be wanting in his own Safety, and the Safety of his Government and People: On the other hand, if he should detain them, he is unwilling to do any Thing, but what shall be fully warranted by Law, which he has so often declar'd he will preserve: And that, therefore, if those Persons should deliver themselves by the Act of Habeas Corpus, there would be another Difficulty. That his Majesty is likewise unwilling that excessive Bail should be taken in this Case; his Majesty remembring that to be one Article of the Grievances presented to him. That ordinary Bail will not be sufficient, for Men that carry on such Designs, who, in Hopes of succeeding, will not stick at forfeiting a small Sum: And that this falling out, when the Parliament is sitting, his Majesty, therefore, thought fit, to ask the Advice of the House therein, and intends to advise with the Lords also.

A Bill to suspend the Habeas Corpus Act.

Resolved, nem. con. That the humble Thanks of this House be return'd to his Majesty for his most gracious Message, in desiring the Advice of this House. And that a temporary Bill be brought in, to empower his Majesty, to apprehend, and detain all such Persons as he shall have just Cause to suspect are conspiring against the Government.

The same day, the Lords sent down an Address, in which they advis'd and desir'd the King to secure suspected Persons, till the first Day of Term, for the Concurrence of the House; as, likewise, signify'd by Message, That they had enter'd in their Journals, a like Vote with that of the Commons, relating to the standing by the King, &c. with their Lives and Fortunes.

Amendments to the Bill for suspending the Habeas Corpus Act.

The 4th, The Temporary Bill for suspending the Habeas Corpus Act, being read; an Amendment was propos'd, That that present Act shall continue till the 17th of April, and no longer, and agreed to. But a second in these Words (and is never to be drawn into Precedent or Example hereafter) was rejected.

A Clause was then offer'd by way of Addition to the said Bill, which provided, That the Expences and Fees of all Persons so committed, should be defray'd by the Public: which was likewise over-ruled.

After which a Proviso being first inserted, That the said Act should not any way affect the Privileges of Parliament, or the Persons of the Members, till the Matter of Suspicion be first communicated to the House; the Bill was passed.

Sir Joseph Tredeaham's Report from the Committee of Grievances.

The 5th, Sir Joseph Tredenham reported from the Committee of Grievances, as follows:

'1. Resolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Rights of the City of London, in the Election of Sheriffs in the Year 1682, were invaded, and that such Invasion was illegal, and a Grievance.

'2. Resolved, nem. con. That the Judgment given upon the Quo Warranto, against the City of London, is a Grievance.

'3. Resolved, nem. con. That the late Prosecutions of Quo Warranto's against the other Cities, Two Universities, the Towns-Corporate, Boroughs, Cinque-Ports, and Plantations, and the Judgments thereon, and the Surrender of Charters, to the Violation of their ancient Rights, are illegal, and Grievances.

'4. Resolved, That the Commissions and Instructions for regulating Corporations, and putting Tests in order to electing Members for Parliament, are illegal, and Grievances.

'5. That the promising of Votes to take off the penal Laws, and Tests; is a Violation of the Rights of Parliament, and a Grievance.

'6. That the Collecting the Customs, and part of the Excise, between the Death of King Charles II. when these Duties were determin'd; and the Parliament that was call'd afterwards, was illegal, and a Grievance.

'7. That the levying Money, otherwise than the Law allows, and the disarming of Protestants, and the quartering of Soldiers, the pressing of Horses and Carriages, contrary to Law, are Grievances.

'8. That the House be moved to appoint a particular Committee, to examine into the Matters aforesaid, and who were the Authors and Advisers thereof.

To every Particular of which the House agreed, and a Committee was appointed accordingly.

The 6th, Mr. Speaker acquainted the House with his Majesty's Answer to their Address of Thanks, relating to the Hearth-Money, which was as follows.

The King's Answer to an Address of Thanks.

'I am glad I have done what is so acceptable to you; I shall always be ready to do any thing that may be for the Ease of the Subject, as well as for the Safety and Glory of the Kingdom.'

The 8th, Mr. Speaker read his Majesty's (fn. 2) Answer to the Address of both Houses, declaring they would stand by him, &c. with their Lives and Fortunes, which was contained in these Words:

'My Lords and Gentlemen, If any thing could add to the Esteem and Affection I have for Parliaments and particularly for this, they would be much encreased by the Kindness you shew to me, and the Zeal you express for the Public Good in the Address you have made, which in the Matter, as well as the Manner, hath every thing in it that ought to recommend it to me.

'I assure you I will never abuse the Confidence that you shall put in me; being fully persuaded that there is no sure Foundation of a good Agreement between a King and his People but a mutual Trust: When that is once broken, a Government is half dissolved: It shall, therefore, be my chief Care never to give any Parliament cause to distrust me; and the best Method I can use for that Purpose is never to expect any thing from them, but that which shall be their own Interest to grant.

'I came hither for the good of the Kingdom, and, since it is your Desire that I am in this Station, I shall pursue the same Ends that brought me.

'God hath been pleased to make me instrumental to redeem you from the Ills you fear'd, and it is still my Desire, as well as my Duty to preserve your Religion, Laws, and Liberties, which were the only Inducements that brought me into England, and to these I ascribe the Blessings that have attended this Undertaking.

'When I spoke last to you, I told you of the Necessity of assisting our Allies, and more especially the States of Holland, whose readiness to relieve you, at their too great Hazard and Expence, from the Extremities you lay under, needs no other Argument to move you to the Consideration of it.

'As I was then a Witness of their Zeal and Affection to promote the Expedition, and second my Endeavours, even with a Neglect of their own Safety; so I am now sensible of the inevitable Ruin they have drawn upon themselves, by giving you this Assistance, if you should not return it to them.

'They have really exhausted themselves to such a degree both as to Men and Money, that it is not easily to be imagin'd, and I am confident your Generosity will have as little Bounds towards them, as theirs had towards you: And that you will not only enable me to make good the Treaty with them, and repay what they have actually laid out upon this Occasion, of which an Account shall be given to you. But that you will farther support them to the utmost of your Ability against the power of their Enemies, who must be yours too, by their Interest and their Religion, and do certainly design the Ruin of Holland to be a step to your Destruction.

'I need not take pains to tell you the deplorable Condition of Ireland, which by the Zeal and Violence of the Popish Party there, and by the Assistance and Encouragement they have from France, is brought to that pass, that it is not advisable to attempt the reducing it, otherwise than by a very considerable Force, which I think ought not to be less than 20000 Horse and Foot; which by the Blessing of God, will make the Work shorter, and in consequence, the Charge easier, tho' the first Expence must, of necessity, be great.

'You must consider that, towards the more speedy and effectual Success in relation to Ireland, as well as with a Regard to France, there must be such a Fleet, as may, in conjunction with that of the States, make us entirely Masters of the Sea that nothing can be sent from France either to Ireland, or any where else, that may give Disturbances to us, or our Allies.

'I must also recommend the Consideration of the Revenue to you, that it may be so settled, as that it may be collected without Dispute.

'My Lords and Gentlemen, These Things will amount to a great Sum, and must of consequence be a present Weight upon the People; but, considering that neither your Religion, nor your Safety, can probably be secur'd without these Means, I conclude you will think nothing can be too great a Price for their Preservation: And I will engage my solemn Word to you, that whatever you shall give in order to these public Ends shall be strictly apply'd to them; and that as you so freely offer to hazard all that is dear to you, so I shall as freely expose myself for the Support of the Protestant Religion, and the Safety and Honour of the Nation.'

Motion for printing the Votes overrul'd.

The 9th, A Motion being made for printing the Votes, a Debate ensued, and the previous Question being put, the House divided, and it passed in the Negative. Yeas 145. Noes 180.

A Bill voted to apply certain former Grants of Money.

The 11th, It was resolved that Leave be given to bring in a Bill that all those Branches of the Revenue, which were due and payable by Law, in the Reigns of King Charles II. and James II. be collected to the Use and Service of the Crown, till June 24. 1689. as by Law they might have been in either of those Reigns; and that a Clause be added, to indemnify such as have already received Sums so due on the said Branches of the Revenue, &c.

The 13th, the Members for London, together with the Recorder and Sheriffs, waited upon the House with an Address, which was read to the House by Sir Humphrey Edwin, the senior Sheriff, and is as follows:

City Address to the Commons.

'We the Lord-Mayor, &c. in Common Council assembled, presume to address ourselves to this Honourable House with our most humble Thanks for your most excellent Conduct of Affairs in this great Exigency and Extremity, when our Lives, our Religion and our Estates were so imminently threatned; and especially for your Address to his Majesty of the 5th Instant, declaring your Resolution to assist and stand by his Majesty in supporting his Allies abroad, in reducing Ireland and in Defence of the Protestant Religion and Laws of this Kingdom.'

For which Address the Speaker return'd the Thanks of the House, according to order, as follows:

Their Thanks.

'Gentlemen, The House hath considered of the Address you have presented from the City of London, and have commanded me to return you this Answer: That they have taken notice of the most eminent Courage and Constancy the City hath shewed in the late Revolution, and the Services they have done the whole Kingdom on this occasion, and particularly the advancing so considerable a Sum of Money as was lent by you to his Majesty upon his first coming hither, at the time when the Condition of the Affairs of this Kingdom did first require it.

'I am farther commanded to tell you, that This House doth accept of your Address with great Kindness, and do give you their hearty Thanks for the same, with this farther Assurance, that your Care for the Public shall never fail of receiving from them the like Returns.'

After which both the Address and the Speaker's Answer were ordered to be printed.

Dutch Bill of Charges.

The 14th, the Committee to whom the Consideration of his Majesty's Speech was refered, deliver'd at the Clerk's Table an Account of the Charges laid out by the Dutch in the late Expedition to England, which, as to general Heads, is as follows.

(fn. 3) l.
The Charges of the Fleet 2,288,464 00 0
Pay, &c 189,616 00 0
Loss of two Ships 59,500 00 0
Provisions for the Horse, &c. 186,000 00 0
Freight of the Merchant-Ships, &c. 1,245,000 00 0
Wrecks of several 60,000 00 0
Provisions when the Fleet was drove back 175,000 00 0
Artillery, small Arms, &c.
Freight of Fishing-Boats for Landing the Foot, Loss of six, &c. 47,888 00 0
Pay to General Officers of all Sorts. 1,615,989 6 8
Charges of the Artillery, Hospital, &c. 85,612 19 8
Carried over 5,953,070 6 4
Brought over 5,953,070 06 4
French Protestant Officers 77,346 00 0
Freight of Boats 66,960 00 0
Quarters 89,624 02 5
Carts and Waggons 169,911 00 0
Horses to make good the Loss in the Storm 81,264 00 0
Levy-Money, and other Incidents 250,000 00 0
Payment of the Horse and Dragoons 391,420 12 6
Foot 531,205 14 8
Subsidies to several Princes 1,100,000 00 0
Total 7,301,322 01 8

Advice given that certain Troops were in Mutiny.

The 15th, Mr. (fn. 4) Harbord having acquainted the House that 800 Men of Monsieur Schomberg's Regiment that were ordered to the Sea-side to be embark'd, had mutiny'd at Ipswich, seiz'd on the Money for the Pay of the said Regiment, disarm'd their Officers, and had declar'd for the late King James:

Vote for an Address thereupon. ; Which is presented to the King.

Resolved nem con. 'That an Address be presented to his Majesty to desire him to take effectual care to suppress the Soldiers that are now in Rebellion, and to issue his Proclamation to declare them, and all that adhere to them to be Rebels and Traitors.' And the same day, the said Address being drawn and approved of, was, together with the Concurrence of the Lords presented to the King at HamptonCourt; who was pleased to return the following Answer:

His Majesty's Answer.

'That he should be very ready and careful to give such Orders, as the Lords and Commons should desire; and that he had already appointed three Regiments of Dragoons, with Orders to stop them and bring them to their Duty; and, if they will not submit, to fall upon them: And that he would (and did) send immediate Directions to his Attorney-General, to prepare a Proclamation, according to the Desire of both Houses, in the Address.'

600,000 l. voted to reimburse the Dutch.

The same day likewise, the House resolved nem. con. That a Supply, not exceeding 600,000 l. be given his Majesty, to enable him to defray the Charges laid out by the Dutch, in the Expedition for England.

Lord Russel's Attainder revers'd.

The 16th, the Lords signified to the House by Message, that they agreed to the Amendments made by the Commons to the Bill for reversing the Attainder of Lord Russel.

Vote to restore Bodies politic to their Liberties.

The same day the House agreed with the Committee of Grievances, that a Bill, or Bills, be brought in to restore all Bodies politic and corporate, in England, Wales, Berwick, New England, &c. to the State and Condition they were in May 29, 1660, and to confirm the Liberties and Franchises, which, at that Time, they respectively held and enjoy'd.

The Bill to suspend the Habeas Corpus Act, and that to annul Lord Russel's Attainder, passed.

After which the House being commanded to attend the King in the House of Peers, his Majesty gave the Royal Assent to The Bill for suspending the Habeas Corpus Act, and That, to Annul the Attainder of Lord Russel: And made the following Speech to both Houses:

The King's Speech to both Houses, in favour of Dissenters.

'My Lords, and Gentlemen,

NOW I have the Occasion of coming hither to pass these Bills, I shall put you in mind of one thing, which will conduce much to our Settlement, as a Settlement will to the Disappointment of our Enemies. I am with all the Expedition I can, filling up the Vacancies that are in Offices and Places of Trust, by this Revolution. I hope you are sensible there is a Necessity of some Law to settle the Oaths to be taken by all Persons to be admitted to such Places. I recommend it to your Care to make a speedy Provision for it: And as I doubt not but you will sufficiently provide against Papists, so, I hope, you will leave room for the Admission of all Protestants that are willing and able to serve. This Conjunction in my Service, will tend to the better uniting you among yourselves, and the strengthening you against your Common Adversaries.'

Account of the Produce of the Excise.

The 20th, Colonel Birch deliver'd to the House, according to Order, an Abstract of the Gross and Nett Produce of the Excise of England and Wales, for the last four Years, ending June 24, 1688.

l. s. d.
1685 Gross Excise of Beer, Ale; Cyder, Metheglyn, Strong - Waters, Coffee, &c. 627528 18
Gross Excise of Brandy, Mum, and Cyder imported 48491 4
676020 2
Per contra
Charges of Management 86263 11
Exported Beer, &c. 1138 11
Arrears 3721 5
Nett Produce 584896 14
1686 Gross Excise of Beer, Ale, &c. 638993 11 9 8 / 4
of Brandy, Mum, &c. 33741 3 10½
672734 15
Per contra
Charge of Management 85852 14 6
Beer, &c. exported 620 16 ½
Arrears 2128 2
88601 13 10¼
Nett Produce 584133 2 10¾
1687 Gross Excise of Beer, &c. 676866 10
of Brandy, &c. 41385 10 2
718252 0
Per contra
Charge of Management 87139 2 11¾
Allowance for Over-charge 5 4
Arrears 5216 11 11¾
92360 17
Nett Produce 625891 3
1688 Gross Excise of Beer, &c. 682172 9
of Brandy, &c. 50146 9 1
732318 18
Per contra
Charge of Management 88639 15
Allowance for Over-charge 30 4 10¾
Arrears 7290 4 11¾
95960 3
Nett Produce 636358 14

Account of the additional Excise.

Memorandum, The additional Duty upon Brandy, StrongWaters, &c. began July r, 1685, and is not included in the Account above.

l s d
Account of the said additional Duty.
1686 Gross Produce of the additional Excise on Brandy, &c. imported 27949 13 11
of the same on Home-made Strong-Waters 7583 7
Carried over 35533 1
Brought over 35533 1
Per contra
Poundage allowed to the Out-Port Collectors, at 2s. per Pound 946 16 7
Incident Charges at London, and Out-Ports 261 7
1208 4
Nett Produce 34324 17 3
1687 Gross Produce, &c. 37365 2 0
of Home-made Spirits 8614 9 11
45979 11 11
Per contra
Poundage 998 10
Incidents 348 17
1347 7
Nett Produce 44632 4
Gross Produce, &c. 45224 6
of Home-made Spirits 9292 13 5
54516 19
Per contra
Poundage 968 0
Incidents 322 7 7
1290 7
Nett Produce 53226 11 11¾

Sir Robert Howard, then, according to Order, delivered an Estimate of the Expences of the late King James, which on a Medium of 4 Years was as follows.

Estimate of the Charge of Government.

l. s. d.
To the Navy 417462 12 10⅓
           Ordnance 83493 9 3⅙
           Forces 610883 1
           Houshold 66006 2
           Treasurer of the Chamber 28443 5 2⅔
           Wardrobe 15125 3 11½
           Robes 2676 14 9
           Works 24663 19 3⅓
Foreign Ministers 32657 9 7
Stables 11045 13 00⅔
Sundry Fines and Salaries paid at the Exchequer 56495 12 7
Pensions and Annuities 146703 17
Band of Pensioners 6000 00 00
Bounties paid at the Exchequer in Gross Sums 27680 10 8⅙
Secret Services by Mr. Guy 89968 8
Secretary of State 6066 13 4
Sir Stephen Fox 9333 6 8
Privy Purse 16416 13 4
Jewels and Plate 15740 6 00⅔
Import Bills 96 12 00
Contingencies, not reducible to the foregoing Heads 82403 6
Total 1699363 2 9

At the Foot of this Account are added certain Notes, which indicate that the Principal and Interest to the Bankers and their Assigns, and the Interest of Money borrow'd is not comprehended in it.

As likewise that the Revenue is charg'd with the following Articles.

l s. d.
Mr. Thomas Fox for the Security of his Place as Receiver of the Customs. 20000 00 00
Mr. Duncombe for the like on the Excise. 20000 00 00
The City on the Excise. 185525 00 00
Mr. Hornby on the same 5000 00 00
Mr. Hall on the Hearth-Money 47000 00 00
277525 00 00
An Arrear to the Army and Navy about 300000 00 00
Six Years Arrears of 79566 l. 14s. 2d. for perpetual Interest to the Goldsmiths and their Assigns 477400 5 00
Total of the then National Debt 1054925 5 00

1200000 l. voted for the Annual Revenue.

The same day the House Resolv'd, That there be a Revenue of 1,200,000 l. per Ann. settled upon their Majesties for the constant necessary Charge of supporting the Crown in Time of Peace.

After which, the House divided on the Question, Whether a Committee should be appointed to consider and report to the House, what Sum may be necessary to allow by the Year for the Charge of a Summer and Winter-Guard at Sea; Guards and Garrisons by Land, and Office of Ordnance in Time of Peace, which passed in the Affirmative, Yeas 122, Noes 63. And a Committee was appointed to meet accordingly.

The 21st, the Speaker inform'd the House that his Majesty pass'd the Bill for a present Aid.

The same Day an Estimate of the Charge of Six Regiments of Horse, Two Regiments of Dragoons, and 25 Regiments of Foot (sixteen of which were to be rais'd) making 22330 Men, beside Officers, to be employ'd in Ireland, was deliver'd to the House; an Abstract of which is as follows.

Estimates of the Charge of the Army.

l. s. d. l. s. d.
per Diem. per Annum.
Six Regiments of Horse 365 19 00 133571 15 00
Two of Dragoons 101 3 4 36925 16 8
Twenty of Foot (though 25 are mention'd above) 1110 15 4 405429 16 8
Levy Money for 16 Regiments 34 6 00½ 12520 00 00
Contingencies 78 17 10½ 28796 7 5
Ordnance 81935 17 3
Transports and 10 Days Provisions 14937 13 4
Total 714117 6 4

The 22d, on the Motion for a Supply for the Reduction of Ireland, the House came to the following Resolutions, viz.

Supplies voted.

That a Supply be given his Majesty of the Sum of 302361 l. 17s. 10d½ for the maintaining. 22230 Men and Officers, and the Contingencies belonging to the same for six Months towards the Reducing of Ireland.

Nem. Con. That a farther Supply be given to his Majesty of 27451 l. 13 s. 4 d. for the Levy-Money and Transportation of the Forces aforesaid.

That a farther Supply be given to his Majesty of 81935 l. 17 s. 3 d. for providing Artillery, and other Necessaries for the Office of Ordnance for the Use of the Forces beforemention'd.

That it will be necessary that the like Supply of 302361 l. 17 s. 10d½ be hereafter granted for paying the Forces, &c. if the War shall so long continue.

Votes for the Estimate of a Fleet, and the mutual Obligations between England and Holland.

The 23d, The House agreed with the Grand Committee, on his Majesty's Speech, in the following Resolutions. That his Majesty be humbly desir'd to direct an Estimate to be sent to this House, of what Fleet will be necessary for this Summer's Service. And that he would cause the House to be inform'd what the mutual Obligations of Assistance are, by any Treaties, between this Crown and the States of Holland.

The 25th, Mr. Hampden deliver'd the following Message in Writing, from his Majesty.

'Willian R.

Mr. Hampden. ; A Message from the King, recommending on Act of Indemnity.

'HIS Majesty, out of an earnest Desire to deliver his People from the Guilt, Reproach and Penalties, which many of them may be liable to, and to put an end to all Controversies arising between his Subjects, by reason of any Disorders in the late Times, and to take away all Distinctions, and Occasions of Discord among them; to the end, that they, having an entire Confidence in his Majesty, and perfect Union among themselves, may be encourag'd in their Duty to his Government, and more fully and securely enjoy the Benefit of it: And his Majesty judging that the best Way to render this his gracious Purpose most extensive and effectual, is to pass an Act of free and general Pardon, Indemnity and Oblivion: His Majesty doth earnestly recommend the Consideration thereof to both Houses of Parliament, that, with all the Expedition, a Matter of this kind will admit, they may prepare a Bill for that Purpose, for the Royal Assent, with such Exceptions only as to them shall seem necessary for the Vindication of public Justice, the Safeties of their Majesties, and the Settlement and Welfare of the Nation for the future.'

Thanks voted.

Resolved, nem. con. That the Thanks of this House be given to his Majesty, for his gracious Message this Day, and a Committee was appointed to draw up an Address accordingly.

The 26th, Mr. Hampden acquainted the House, that he had receiv'd in a Letter from the Earl of Nottingham, one of the Secretaries of State, an Account of what Fleet will be necessary for this Summer's Service; also an Extract of the Treaty between this Crown, and the States of Holland, which were to the following Effect:

Estimate for the Fleet.

Navy-Office, March 23, 1683 / 9. An Estimate, &c.

l. s. d.
For the Wages, Victuals, and Wear and Tear for one Year, of 50 Ships of War of the 2d, 3d, 4th Rates, 15 small Ships; and 8 Fire-Ships; (as by a List thereof, apart,) to be employ'd in the Narrow-Seas, and Mediterranean; and also one 3d, 19 4th, two 5th Rates, and two FireShips, for the Plantations, and Convoys; according to a Project thereof, herewith presented. For the Charge of 17155 Men, serving in the said 65 Ships of War and 8 Fire-Ships, computed at 4l. each Man, a Month, is for one Month 68,620l. and for 13 Months 892,060 00 00
For the Charge of 4,540 Men, serving in the said 22 Ships of War, and two Fire-Ships, at 4 l. each Man, a Month, is for one Month 18,160 l.
and for 13 Months
236,080 00 00
Total l. 1,128,140 00 00

Extract of the Treaty, &c.

Extract of the Treaty with Holland.

Art. 4. If his Majesty or the said States-General, shall hereafter happen to be attack'd, &c. his Majesty and the said States-General, upon Notice and Demand of each other, shall jointly use their utmost Endeavour that such Molestation and Hostility may cease, and Reparation be given for the Wrongs and Injuries that shall be done to either of the Allies.

Art. 5. And in case the said Attack, &c. shall be followed with an open Rupture, the Ally, not attack'd, shall be obliged to come to a Rupture, two Months after the first Demand made by the Ally already engag'd in a Rupture; during which Time, he shall use all his Endeavours to mediate an Accommodation. Notwithstanding which, he shall, during that Time, give a powerful Succour to his Ally, according as shall be agreed upon by separate Articles, &c. it being left in the Choice of the Ally engag'd; whether he will continue to enjoy the Benefit of that Succour, in case the Conjuncture of Time, and the State of his Affairs; shall make him prefer it before an open Rupture of his Ally.

Sep. Art. 1. The Case mention'd in the 5th Art. happening, the said King and his Successors and the said StatesGeneral shall be oblig'd to assist each other, in the Manner following: That is to say, his Majesty of Great-Britain shall assist the States-General with 10,000 Foot, and the StatesGeneral shall assist his Majesty with 6,000 Foot, and both Parties reciprocally with 20 Ships of War well equipp'd and provided; which Succours shall be supply'd and maintain'd at his Charge who sends it to the Party attack'd.

2. Art. When the Necessity of Affairs shall make it appear that the Succours provided and settled ought to be augmented; the said King and the said States-General shall endeavour to come to an Agreement about it.

The said Extract, and the said Estimate were then referr'd to the Committee on the Supply

A Motion for settling a Revenue on the Princess of Denmark.

A Motion being then made, that the House would consider of a Provision to be made for a Revenue for the Princess Anne of Denmark, it was resolv'd, that the said Motion shall be considered when the Matter of the Revenue should come before the House.

Provisos added to the Bill for removing Papists from London.

The same day, Sir John Holt, from the Committee appointed to consider the engrossed Bill from the Lords, for the removing Papists and reputed Papists, ten Miles from London and Westminster, reported that the said Committee had agreed upon several Amendments to the said Bill; and had added two Provisos, one to except such as have inhabited for two Months, and another for nine Portugal Men and as many English Women for the Queen Dowager: To which Provisos and Amendments the House having agreed, the Bill was pass'd, and order'd up to the Lords for their Concurrence.

Prince George naturalized.

The 28th, the House pass'd the Bill for naturalizing Prince George of Denmark, without Amendments.

A Proviso to the Mutiny-Bill.

The same day, the following Proviso was added to, and made part of the Mutiny-Bill, viz. That in all Cases of Death, the Officers, who try the Prisoner, should take an Oath to try and determine the Matter according to the Evidence, and that no Sentence should be given by less than nine; and, if the Court were above that Number, then by the Majority: And that no Proceedings or Sentence should be given, but between eight o'clock in the Morning and one in the Afternoon.

A Proviso of for'd to the Bill for settling the Coronation-Oath.

After which a Proviso engrossed was offer'd as a Rider to the Bill to establish the Coronation-Oath then under Consideration, as follows: Provided always, and be it hereby declar'd, That no Clause in this Act shall be understood to bind the Kings and Queens of this Realm, so, as to prevent their Royal Assent to any Bill which shall at any time be offer'd by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the taking away, or altering any Form or Ceremony in the established Church; so as the Doctrines of the said Church, a public Liturgy, and the Episcopal Government of it be preserv'd.

The Lords demand a Conference on the Bill for removing Papists.

This occasion'd a Debate, in the Progress of which the Lords, by Message, desir'd a present Conference on the Subject Matter of the Bill for removing Papists, &c. which being granted, and the Members return'd, Mr. Hampden reported what pass'd on that occasion, as follows:

What pass'd at it.

'That the Earl of Pembroke manag'd the Conference, who said, that the Conference was desir'd on the Subject of the two Provisos added by this House. With regard to the first of which they pro os'd the Word fix might be inserted instead of two (Months) before Feb. 13. many Papists, it may be suppos'd, being come up to Town on ill Designs, that were Inhabitants here formerly.

'And with regard to the second, that they do not agree to the Change of the Proviso concerning the Queen Dowager, because her Majesty hath for many Years made such moderate use of her Marriage-Articles, that there hath not been any just Occasion of Complaint in her Enjoyment of them; and it may seem at this time, a kind of Severity to her Majesty to have those Articles still restrained by virtue of that Act which was made for the Preservation of the King her Husband, which Reason now ceases. And it is evident, in the time of the late King James, when her Majesty might have been encourag'd to entertain more Persons of her own Religion, those of her Servants and those in the most considerable Places continued, and others were received into her Family, tho' Protestants; and it is conceiv'd it may be of ill consequence, if her Majesty, by not living easily here, should be oblig'd to retire into foreign Parts.'

A Motion was then made to proceed upon the said Report, but over-ruled; Yeas 118, Noes 138.'

Proviso to the Coronation-Bill rejected.

The Debate on the Proviso to be added to the Bill for establishing the Coronation-Oath, was then renew'd; and the Question being put, for reading the said Proviso a second time, it pass'd in the Negative. And it was resolv'd that the Bill do pass.

The Bill to repeal the Corporation Act, a Motion thereon. ; The Debate adjourn'd.

April 1. The Bill for repealing the Act for governing Corporations having been read and committed, a Motion was made that it be an Instruction to the Committee, that none shall be admitted to any Place of Magistracy, unless he hath, within a twelvemonth before receiv'd the Sacrament, according to the Church of England: Which giving rise to a Debate, it was propos'd to adjourn the said Debate till Wednesday se'ennight. And the House dividing, it pass'd in the Affirmative, Yeas 116, Noes 114.

It was then resolved nem. con. That a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill of Comprehension.

Sir William Williams.

The Address of Thanks for the King's Message relating to the Bill of Indemnity, having been presented to his Majesty, Sir William Williams acquainted the House that his Majesty was pleas'd to give a most gracious Answer, to the Effect following:

The King's Answer to the last Address of Thanks.

'Gentlemen, I am pleas'd with doing what you like; and do expect you will farther proceed to expedite the Indem nity and Oblivion which tends so much to an Union; I shall be always forward to do my part in this, and all things, that may unite my People.

Proceedings on the Report of the last Conference with the Lords.

The 2d, the House having taken into Consideration the Report on Thursday last from the Conference with the Lords on the Bill for removing Papists, &c. Resolv'd to agree with the Lords in the Amendment by them propos'd, touching those who have been Inhabitants; but refus'd to comply with the Lords, in rejecting their Proviso with respect to the Queen-Dowager. In consequence of which, they referred it to the former Committee to draw up Reasons to be offer'd at a Conference with the Lords.

Three Acts pass'd.

The 3d, his Majesty came to the House of Peers, and pass'd three Acts; one, For exhibiting a Bill in this present Parliament, to naturalize Prince George of Denmark: One, To revive Actions and Proccss in Westminster-Hall: And the Act For punishing Mutiny and Desertion.

A Poll-Bill voted.

The 4th, the House agreed with the Committee on the Supply, (which had been before empowered by the House to consider of ways and means to raise it): That a Tax by a Poll-Bill be given to his Majesty, towards the reducing of Ireland; and the said Poll-Bill was afterwards drawn up on the following Heads:

Heads of the said Bill.

1. That all Debts and ready Money be taxed.

2. All Persons exercising any public Office or Employment.

3. All Persons receiving any Pensions or Stipends from his Majesty

4. All Judges, and Persons having any judicial Office, or Place of Profit; all Serjeants at Law, Counsellors, Atterneys, Sollicitors, Scriveners, Advocates, Proctors, public Notaries, and Persons practising the Art of Physic.

5. All Servants receiving Wages.

6. All Persons whatever, but such as receive Alms of the Parish, under the Age of sixteen.

7. All Dukes, Marquisses, Earls, Viscounts, Barons, and their eldest Sons.

8. All Baronets, Knights of the Bath, and Knights Batchelors.

9. All Esquires, or reputed Esquires; and all Persons owning or writing themselves such.

10. All Gentlemen, reputed Gentlemen, and all Persons owning or writing themselves such.

11 All Widows according to the Dignity of their late Husbands.

12. Every Gentleman having an Estate of 300 l.

13. All Dignify'd Clergy.

14. All Parsons holding two Benefices of the clear yearly Value together of 120 l.

15. All Merchants, Strangers, and Jews.

16. All Doctors of Divinity, (except such as have no Benefices) Law and Physic.

17. All Merchants trading in the Port of London, not free of the City of London.

18. All Merchants, and others, using any Trade or manual Occupation, and holding a House of 30 l. per Annum, within the Bills of Mortality.

19. All Members of the East-India Company for their Share in the joint Stock.

20. All Members of the Guinea Company, for their Shares in the joint Stock.

21. All Annuities and Rent-Charges.

22. And all Shares in the New-River Water.

Fee-Farm Rents were likewise mentioned by the Committee, but over-ruled in the House.

Mr. Papillon's Report from the Committee on the Navy, &c.

The 5th, Mr. Papillon reported from the Committee to whom the Consideration of the necessary Sums for a Summer-Fleet, and Guard at Sea, Guards and Garrisons at Land, and the Office of Ordnance in time of Peace, and of the 1,200,000 l. per Ann. to be settled upon his Majesty, &c. that the said Committee had resolv'd as follows:

That it is the opinion of this Committee, that 48 Men of War, Fire-ships, Yachts and Ketches, with 7040 Men, are necessary for a Summer and Winter-Guard in time of Peace.

That for the Charge of the said Ships, including the Ordnance, there be allow'd 4 l. per Man, per Month: which for 7040 Men amounts to 28160 l. per Month, and for one Year of 13 Months at 28 Days per Month, 366080 l.

That the Sum of 200,000 l. is necessary for the annual Charge of Guards and Garisons in time of Peace.

That 22600 l. is necessary for the annual Charge of the Office of Ordnance in time of Peace,

To all which Resolutions the House agreed.

Mr. Papillon likewise deliver'd in an Account of the Number of Ships of War necessary for a Summer and Winter Guard, with their several Stations, Quality of Ships, and Number of Men, which was as follows:

3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, Fire Yachts, Ketches, N0 of N0 of
Stations Rate Ships Ships Men
Streights 1 10 1 2 14 2495
Channel 2 10 2 5 2 21 2815
Ireland 1 1 2 130
Newfoundland 2 2 400
Canaries, to be supply'd from the Channel.
Jamaica 1 1 2 305
Barbadoes 1 1 200
Leward-Islands. 1 1 105
New-England 1 1 105
Virginia 1 1 2 108
Ireland 1 1 2 305
Totals 3 25 6 2 4 6 2 48 7040

He farther acquainted the House, that the Committee had not in their Report, inserted the Charge of the Navy, commonly call'd the Ordinary, which they find generally to be about 130000 l. per Ann. they conceiving the same not to be included in their Order, but is a constant and necessary Charge: And to be allowed out of the 1200000 l. per Ann. for the Revenue, and that the Officers of the Ordnance had also inform'd the Committee that there is an ordinary Charge in their Office for Salaries, travelling Charges and other Contingencies, of 18250 l. which is also to be allow'd out of the said 1200000 l. per Ann.

Mr. Papillon also reported, that the said Committee had resolved, that it was the opinion of that Committee, that 4 l. 5 s. for each Man per Month, of 28 Days in time of War, is an indifferent Estimate for the Charge of the Wear and Tear of the Ships of War, of the Wages and Victuals for the Men, and of the Charge of the Ordnance and Ammunition, and all other incident Charges.

He farther acquainted the House, that the Committee could not examine what Number of Men were required for the 65 Ships of War, and 8 Fire-ships; there being no Lift of the Quality of the said Ships, as mentioned in the Estimate, and therefore cannot assert what the total Charge amounts to.

Neither could the Committee examine what Number of Men were necessary for the other 22 Ships of War, and 2 Fire-Ships, not having any Particular of the Names of the Ships, nor the Project mention'd in the Estimate deliver'd to the House.

But, if the 65 Ships and 8 Fire-Ships have 17155 Men employ'd on them, the same at 4 l. 5s. per Man, will amount to 72,908 l 15 s. per Month, and for a Year of 13 Months, to 947,813 l. 15 s.

l. s.
viz. Victuals 223,015 00
Wages 334,522 10
Ordnance 89,206 00
Wear and Tear, &c. 301,070 5
947,813 15
If the 22 Men of War, and 2 Fire-Ships bear 4,540 Men, the same at 4l. 5s. per Head, amounts to 19,295l. per Month, and for one Year of 13 Months, 250,835l.
viz. Victuals 59020
Wages 88530
Ordnance 23608
Wear, and Tear, &c. 79677
But that there is to be deducted for the Charge of the Summer and Winter-Guards l. 366080 00
Remainder l. 832568 15

And the Wages are not payable till the End of the Year. And it appearing to the Committee by the Treaty and separate Articles between the King of England and States of Holland, that both the said Parties are reciprocally oblig'd to assist each other in Case of an Attack, and there being no Signification to the Committee of the Quality of the Ships, and Number of Men to be employ'd in them, &c. the Committee conceive themselves in no Capacity to give any Opinion thereupon.

That it requiring a considerable Time to have a true Information of the State of the Fleet, and to examine the same, the Committee are of Opinion, and order'd that this Report should be made to the House, of the Estimate, and to acquaint the House with the Reasons why they cannot give an Opinion of the other Matters abovesaid.

The 5th Mr. Speaker acquainted the House, that his Majesty had been pleased to direct him to give Notice to the House, that he had appointed a Gallery in the Abbey, and another in Westminster-Hall, and, also a Dinner for them in the Court of Exchequer, at the Solemnity, of their Majesty's Coronation, on Thursday next. But that he thought it not so convenient for the House to bear any Part in the Proceeding.

Lords pass the Coronation-Bill.

The 7th the Lords signify'd, by Message, that they had pass'd the Bill for establishing the Coronation-Oath without any Amendment.

Sir Thomas Clarges.

The 8th, Sir Thomas Clarges gave in his Report from the Committee, appointed to prepare Reasons to be offer'd at a Conference with the Lords on the Bill for removing Papists ten Miles from London, as follows.

The Commons do insist to retain the Proviso by them added, concerning the Queen-Dowager in lieu of that in the Bill.

Reasons to be offer'd to the Lords at a Conference on the Bill for removing Papists, &c.

1. Because it is no new Claim, and therefore, imposes no new Condition upon her Majesty: It being the same that is enacted in the 30th of King Charles II. in the Act for the more effectual preserving the King's Person and Government.

2. Because to make an Alteration in the Law, as it now stands, may look like some kind of Countenance to those of that Persuasion, at a time, when the Lords themselves have judg'd the Resort of Papists to London, to be of so dangerous Consequence to the Government, as to make this Act to remove them under great Penalties, ten Miles distant from it.

3. The Papists are no less active at this time in their Designs and Practices to disturb the Peace and Quiet of the Kingdom, than they were in the 30th Year of King Charles II. And, therefore, the like Reasons, which then induc'd the Parliament to make that Statute, remain, at this time, to persuade the House of Commons to keep the Force of it entire in all its Parts, since the Purport thereof does not only intend the Preservation of that King, from the Attempts of the Papists, but of his Successors, by restraining them from their Presence, or Places of Residence.

Order'd, That Sir Thomas Clarges do go up to the Lords, and desire a Conference on the Subject Matter of the last.

And, that Leave be given to bring in a Bill for Ease of Protestant Dissenters.

A temporary Bill, in favour of Irish Protestants.

The 9th pursuant to a Message from his Majesty, it was Resolv'd, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to enable the Irish Protestants (who have fled from thence) to exercise their Trades in Corporations in this Kingdom for some certain Time.

Three Acts pass'd.

The same day, the King came to the House of Peers, and gave the Royal Assent to An Act for Establishing the Coronation-Oath: An Act for the Naturalizing George Prince of Denmark, and settling his Precedence: And, an Act for naturalizing Frederick, Count Schomberg, and others.

An Address to call a Convocation.

The 13th, an Address to his Majesty was agreed upon, 'signifying the Thanks of the House for his Majesty's repeated Assurances in favour of the Church of England. 2dly, That the said Church was ever loyal: The Misfortunes of former Princes, were owing to nothing more, than their Designs to subvert it. 3dly, Praying his Majesty to continue his Care for the Preservation of the same, as the surest Means to establish his Throne. And 4thly, that a Convocation might be call'd.' The said Address concluded with assuring his Majesty, it was the Intention of the House, forthwith to proceed to the Consideration of giving Ease to Protestant Dissenters.

The King's Answer.

It was then order'd to the Lords for their Concurrence, which it receiv'd, and was afterwards presented to the King, who was pleas'd, by the Earl of Nottingham, to return the following Answer. 'That tho' his Majesty had had many Occasions, of assuring them he would maintain the Church of England, as by Law establish'd; yet he was well pleas'd with repeating these Promises, which he was resolved to perform, by supporting that Church, whose Loyalty he doubted not, would make him able to answer their just Expectations: That as his Design of coming over was to rescue them from the Miseries they labour'd under, so it was a great Satisfaction to him, that by the Success God had given him, he was in a Station of defending that Church, which had effectually shewn her Zeal against Popery, and should be always his peculiar Care: and he hoped the Ease they design'd to Dissenters, would contribute very much to the Establishment of the Church; and therefore he earnestly recommended to them, that the Occasions of Differences and mutual Animosities might be remov'd, and that as soon as might be, he would summon a Convocation.'

The same Day, Mr. Speaker acquainted the House, that he had waited upon their Majesties, with their Congratulations, which he had express'd as follows.

The Speaker's congratulatory Speech, upon the Coronation.

'Your Majesties most loyal and dutiful Subjects the Commons, &c. having, to their unspeakable Joy, seen your Majesties placed upon the imperial Throne of this Kingdom, they have desir'd Access, at this Time, to your Royal Presence, humbly to congratulate your Majesties upon this Occasion, and to wish your Majesties a long and prosperous Reign, with all the Blessings that ever did attend a Crown.

'We are sensible that your Majesties Greatness, is the Security of your Subjects. It is from your Power, that we derive to ourselves an Assurance of being defended from our Enemies, and from your Justice that we expect a full Enjoyment of our Laws and Liberties: But that which completes our Happiness, is, the Experience we have of your Majesties continual Care to maintain the Protestant Religion, so that we can no longer apprehend any Danger of being depriv'd of that inestimable Blessing, either by secret Practices, or by open Violence.

'May the same Divine Providence, which hath hitherto preserved your Majesty in the greatest Dangers, and so often given you Victory over your Enemies, still crown your Undertakings with Success.

'And may those unparallel'd Virtues, which adorn your Majesty's Royal Person, be the Admiration of the present Age, and an Example to the future.

'And may the Lustre of both your Names, so far outshine the Glory of your Predecessors, that the Memory of their greatest Actions may be forgotten, and your People no longer date the Establishment of their Laws, and Liberties, from St. Edward's Days, but from the most auspicious Reign of King William and Queen Mary.'

His Majesty made the following Answer, both in his own, and in the Queen's Name.

His Majesty's Answer.

'Gentlemen, We return you our hearty Thanks for the Kindness that you have, upon all Occasions, shewn to both of Us. We shall take care, to the best of our Powers, of all Things that conduce to the Good of the Kingdom. And I do not doubt, but by God's Assistance, and yours, We shall be able in a short time, to make you a flourishing People.'

The 15th, The Bill for abrogating the Oaths of Allegiance, &c. and appointing other Oaths, with certain Amendments, was pass'd, and sent up to the Lords.

The 16th, the two Houses had another Conference, on the Bill relating to the Queen-Dowager, but came to no Agreement thereon.

King James lands in Ireland.

The same day, likewise, certain Persons gave an Account to the House, of King James's landing in Ireland, attended by several English, and French Lords, &c.

Mr. Hampden moves, to address his Majesty to declare War with France.

After which the House resolv'd itself into a Committee to take into Consideration the State of the Kingdom, in relation to France, and our Alliances abroad; when, Mr. Hampden made a Motion, for an Address to his Majesty for a War with France, which the French had already begun by several Acts of Hostility at Sea, and in Ireland. He was seconded by Sir Thomas Clarges, and supported by another Member, who spoke thus: 'Mr. Speaker, I bear all the respect that I owe to Crown'd-Heads, but I cannot help saying, That it is of absolute Necessity to declare War with the most Christian Turk, who ravages all Christendom, and makes War more barbarously than the Turks themselves.'

Resolution thereon.

In conclusion, it was Resolv'd, nem. con. 350 being in the House, 'That by Address, upon the present Debate, it be humbly presented to his Majesty, that, if he shall think fit to enter into a War against France, the House will give him all such Assistance, in a Parliamentary Way, as shall enable him to support, and go through with the same.'

And an Address was order'd to be prepar'd accordingly.

The 18th, several Petitions were preferr'd against the East-India Company; and a Committee was appointed to take them into consideration.

The Queen Dowager's Bill pass'd.

The same day, the two Houses had a free Conference on the Queen-Dowager's Bill, when, by the Help of some few additional Amendments, the Difference between them was adjusted, and the Bill pass'd.

The 19th, certain Amendments to the Abrogation-Bill, by the Lords, were read, some of which were allow'd, and others rejected: And a Committee was appointed to prepare Reasons to be offer'd at a Conference thereon.

The Address for a War with France, reported by Mr. Hampden.

The same Day Mr. Hampden reported the Address to be presented to his Majesty for a War with France, which contain'd a Charge against the French King, of aspiring to Universal Monarchy; to compass which, he had been guilty of all kinds of Violence and Treachery: witness his groundless Declaration of War against the States, 1672. and his manifold Infractions of the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle: His Surprize of Strasburg. His building the Fort of Hunninghen. His Invasion of Flanders and Holland since the last Truce of 1684. His attacking the Fort of Philipsburgh without any Declaration of War; his wasting the Palatinate, and murdering an infinite Number of People there. His seizing the Principality of Orange. His Treacheries by his Embassadors resident in foreign Courts. His Bombarding Genoa, and obliging the Doge to make his Submission to him in Person, at Versailles. His Practices against England. His refusing to accede to any just Treaty of Commerce; the corrupt Influence he had on our Kings, Charles and James, his Enmity to our Parliaments. His seizing on part of Hudson's Bay. His commencing the War in Ireland: And his denouncing War against Spain. For all which Reasons, if his Majesty should think fit to enter into a War to put a stop to his growing Greatness, which threaten'd Europe with absolute Slavery, the House offer'd his Majesty such Assistance in a Parliamentary way, as should enable his Majesty, &c.


The Address was long, and declamatory, and not satisfying the House, was recommitted to the same Committee.

Sir George Treby.

The 20th, Sir George Treby reported the Reasons to be offer'd to the Lords at a Conference on the Abrogation-Bill, which serving to clear up the History of those Times are here inserted, as follows.

Reasons to be offer'd at a Conference on the Abrogation-Bill.

1. That it has been the Policy of the Common-Law, and Statute-Law to oblige Men to swear Allegiance to the King.

2. Allegiance is the common and necessary Duty of all Subjects, and is most strictly to be requir'd of Arch-Bishops, Bishops, and those who have ecclesiastical Dignities, Benefices, or Promotions, in regard they are highly entrusted in the Administration of the Government, draw great Dependencies, and are exemplary to the rest of the People: And several of them are, by Law, to administer the Oath of Allegiance to other Persons.

Allegiance is also strictly to be requir'd of all Governours, Professors and Fellows in Universities, and School-masters, because to them the Education of the Youth of the Kingdom is committed; and therefore, they ought to be known Persons of Loyalty and Affection to the Government.

3. The taking the Oaths publicly in open Court will better manifest Allegiance than the taking them privately before Persons appointed by Order in Council, and will be much more for the Ease of the Persons who are oblig'd to take the Oaths.

4. The best and most certain Means to have the Oaths taken, is to oblige Persons concern'd to tender themselves to take the said Oaths under Penalties. But, if the Oaths are not to be requir'd, unless tender'd, the said Persons might by absence, and otherwise, avoid the taking them with Impunity.

5. The Clause which the Commons sent to your Lordships allows much more Favour to the Arch-Bishops, or Bishops, and those that have ecclesiastical Dignities, Benefices, or Promotions, than to any Lay-Peers, or other Persons having Offices and Employments, and is more gentle in the Penalty than the Statutes heretofore made in like Case.

6. It is unreasonable and unsafe to distinguish the ArchBishops, Bishops and Persons having Ecclesiastical Dignities, Benefices, or Promotions, and such as are entrusted with the Education of Youth, from the rest of the Subjects in the Declaration of their Allegiance, and may tend to make a Division in the Kingdom, and may raise and countenance Factions both in Church and State.

7. It may tend to expose the King's Person and Government to Hatred and Danger, and occasion a general Discontent.

The same Day the said Reasons were declared to the Lords, and on the 22d a Conference between the two Houses ensuing thereon, Sir Thomas Lee made the following Report of the Lords Reply.

The Lords Reply.

The Earl of Nottingham manag'd for the Lords, who insisted on the former Amendments to the said Bill of Oaths, and gave these Reasons, viz.

In answer to the first and second Reasons alledg'd by the House of Commons, 'tis agreed that the Policy of the Law requires Men to swear Allegiance, and that 'tis the common and necessary Duty of all Subjects, and especially of the Clergy. But the Lords do not exempt them from taking these Oaths, but only differ with the House of Commons, about the Method by which they should be tender'd.

To the third Reason, if the Lords should agree that it is better to tender the Oaths in open Court than privately, yet that is not a sufficient Reason against the tendring them by Persons appointed by the King in Council, because the Officers and Judges of the Court may be so appointed by virtue of the Clause offer'd by the Lords; or if it is not clearly enough express'd, it may be express'd more explicitly.

To the fourth, the Clergy will be requir'd to take the Oaths by such Order in Council as is propos'd by the Lords, and their not appearing when so summon'd, will amount to a Refusal; or if it should not, the Lords would agree to any such Addition as would make it so.

As to the other Reasons; the Clergy and the Members of the Universities are not distinguish'd from the Laity, because upon all Promotions to any Degree of Preferment, they will be, equally with others, oblig'd to take the said Oaths; and even those that are already in such Stations, will be obliged to take the Oaths when required by Order in Council: and it seems to conduce more to the Settlement and Safety of the Government, that the King should be empowered to put the Fidelity of the Clergy to a Trial immediately, than to leave any, who are ill-affected, so much time as to the first of August, to be all that while undermining it.

The Clergy are oblig'd by the Prayers which they must read in the daily Service, to make such express and solemn Declarations of their Fidelity to the King and Queen by Name, that the putting them to the taking the Oaths is not so necessary to the public Safety, as in other Persons who are not bound to make such frequent Declarations of their Fidelity.

In so critical a time as the present, it is not to be doubted, but upon any case of apprehending their ill Affections to the Government, the tendering the Oaths by Order in Council, will not only take off all Imputation of Hardships from his Majesty, but justify, and even require a more rigorous way of Proceeding against those that shall give any cause of Offence.

Since, during Queen Elizabeth's long and glorious Reign, in which she had both the pretended Title of the Queen of Scots, and the deposing Power assum'd by the Pope to apprehend, this was found to be the safest way for the public Quiet; and the ill Effects of leaving the tendring of Oaths to the Queen's Discretion, not having appear'd in all that time of so much Danger, and so many Conspiracies against her Person; the following a Pattern taken from the best part of our History, seems more suitable to the present time, than the following other Methods; which the Lords think a sufficient Answer to the last Reason given by the House of Commons.

The Question being then put, That the House do agree with the Lords, it pass'd in the Negative without a Division.

The 23d, the House took into consideration the Amendments in the Poll-Bill; and Resolved, That it be left to their Majesties to nominate Commissioners (out of those in the Act for the granting a present Aid to their Majesties) to put the Act in execution.

Amendments to the Poll-Bill.

A Clause, whereby all Tradesmen, and others, using any manual Occupation, worth 300 l. and upwards, clear personal Estate should be rated as a Gentleman, being read a second time, was rejected.

Three Clauses were afterwards offer'd, viz. That Masters and Mistresses should pay for their Servants, and deduct it out of their Wages; that above-mentioned, relating to their Majesties appointing Commissioners; and that to exempt the Irish Nobility and Gentry, were agreed to by the House: and then the Bill with the Amendments and Clauses was order'd to be engrossed.

Sir Henry Goodrick.

The 24th, the following Address, relating to a War with France, which had been re-committed, was reported by Sir Henry Goodrick, agreed to, and ordered to be presented to his Majesty by the whole House.

A new Address for a War with France.

'We your Majesty's most loyal and dutiful Subjects, the Commons, &c. most humbly lay before your Majesty our earnest Desire, that your Majesty will be pleased to take into your serious Consideration the destructive Methods taken of late Years by the French King, against the Trade, Quiet, and Interest of this your Kingdom, and particularly the present Invasion of the Kingdom of Ireland, and supporting your Majesty's rebellious Subjects there; not doubting in the least, but that thro' your Majesty's Wisdom, the Alliances already made, with such as may hereafter be concluded on this occasion by your Majesty, may be effectual to reduce the French King to such a condition, that it may not be in his power hereafter to violate the Peace of Christendom, nor prejudice the Trade and Prosperity of this your Majesty's Kingdom.

'To this end we most humbly beseech your Majesty to rest assur'd upon this our solemn and hearty Promise and Engagement, That when your Majesty shall think fit to enter into a War against the French King, we will give your Majesty such Assistance in a Parliamentary way, as may enable your Majesty (under the Protection and Blessing God Almighty has ever afforded you) to support and go thro' the same.

A Bill pass'd for the seizing suspected Persons.

The same day, the Lords by Message signified they had several treasonable Letters under Consideration, which had been transmitted by Duke Hamilton from Scotland: in consequence of which, both Houses instantly passed a Bill to enable his Majesty to apprehend and detain suspected Persons.

Bill of Oaths pass'd by the Lords, with a Proviso.

After which, Sir George Treby reported from a free Conference with the Lords, That their Lordships had departed from their Disagreement, with respect to the Bill of Oaths, and did agree to the Amendments made by the Commons, with the Proviso following, (which they nevertheless acknowledg'd was contrary to all Course and Practice of Parliaments.)

The Proviso.

'Provided always, and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it be left to the King to allow, such of the Clergy as shall refuse the Oaths prescrib'd by this Act, as he shall think fit, not exceeding the Number of twelve, an Allowance out of their ecclesiastical Benefices, for their Subsistence, not exceeding a third Part; and to continue during his Majesty's Pleasure, and no longer.

The said Proviso, being thrice read, was agreed to.

Several Acts pass'd

The same day, the King came to the House of Peers, and gave the Royal Assent to several Bills, viz. An Act to empower his Majesty to apprehend suspected Persons: An Act for the Abrogating the Oaths of Allegiance, and appointing others: An Act for the removing Papists ten Miles from London: An Act for the taking away Hearth-money: And an Act to encourage the Exportation of Corn.

600,000 l. per Ann. granted for the Civil List.

The 25th, it was Resolv'd, That, out of the Public Revenue, for the Charge of the Civil Government, (including therein, what is to be allowed her Royal Majesty the QueenRegent, the Queen-Dowager, the Prince and Princess of Denmark, and the Mareschal Schomberg) there be allow'd the Sum of 600,000 l. per Ann.

700,000 l. for the Navy.

And, that 700,000 l. be given towards the Occasions and Charge of the Navy.

The same day, the Speaker, reported his Majesty's Answer to their Address for a War with France, which was as follows.

'W. R.

King's Answer to the Address for War.

'I receive this Address, as a Mark of the Confidence you have in me. Which I take very kindly, and shall endeavour by all my Actions to confirm you in it; I assure you that my Ambition shall never be any Argument to incline me to engage in a War, that may expose the Nation either to Danger or Expence. But, in the present Case; I look upon the War to be so much already declar'd by France against England, that it is not so properly an Act of Choice, as an inevitable Necessity, in our Defence.

'I shall only tell you, that, as I have ventur'd myself, and all that is dear to me, to secure this Nation from what it suffer'd, I am ready still to do the same, in order to the preserving it from all its Enemies; and, as I cannot doubt of such Assistance from you, as shall be suitable to your Advice to me to declare War against a powerful Enemy, so you may rely upon me, that no Part of that which you shall give for the carrying it on with Success, shall be diverted by me, to any other Use.'

The Poll-Bill pass'd.

The same day, the Bill for granting a Supply by a Poll-Tax, was pass'd, and sent up to the House of Lords.

A supplemental Bill order'd.

The 27th, a Sort of Supplemental Poll-Bill, was order'd to be prepar'd, by which, all Shop-keepers and Tradesmen, worth 500 l. and upwards, clear, personal Estate, were to be tax'd at the Rate, Gentlemen are tax'd in the Poll, in respect of their Title; with a Clause for Taxing the Inns of Court, and Chancery, by Commissioners to be appointed for that end.

Articles voted to belong to the Civil List.

The same day, the House agreed with the Committee on the Supply, that the following Articles are Part of the Charge of the Civil Government, viz.

The Sum of 18,209 l. 15 s. 4 d. 8 / 2 per Ann. to the QueenDowager: The Sum of 13,800 l. per Ann. paid to the Judges, Masters in Chancery, and Judges of Wales.

The Perpetuities out of the Customs (except 100 l. per Ann. to the Heirs of Colonel Fairfax) amounting to 338 l. per Ann.

And the Provision to the Princess Anne of Denmark.

It was, likewise, Resolv'd, that the Sum of 600,000 l. out of the public Revenue, shall be apply'd to the Service of the Navy, including the Ordnance for the same.

And farther, that Sir Robert Howard's Papers, containing the several Charges upon the Revenue, should be enter'd in the Journals of the House; by which it appear'd,

Abstract of certain Papers relating to the Revenues.

That there was paid at the Exchequer,
In Perpetuities l. 1431 12 0 159,562 1
In Pensions l. 158130 9
That there was paid elsewhere,
In Perpetuities l. 438 0 0 53,708 5
In Pensions l. 53270 5 0
Total l. 213,270 6

That the petty Farms, and other particular Estates of certain Parts of the Revenue were granted as follow:

The Prizage, an hereditary Duty on Wines, being one Tun in ten, and two, if above twenty, both of Foreigners, and Natives, unless exempted by Charter, or Prescription, not said to whom.

The Butlerage, or 2 s. per Tun of all Wines imported by Strangers, demis'd first by James I. to Sir Thomas Waller, for 40 Years, after certain Lives, (eleven Years of that Term to come,) the Reversion granted to George Fitzroy, Duke of Northumberland, with Remainder to Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Graston.

Twelve-pence per Chaldron on Sea-Coals, granted to the Crown for ever, by the Host-men of Newcastle, and demis'd by King Charles II. to Lord Mordaunt, and others for 31 Years at the yearly Rent of 1830 l. 12 s. 6 d. and afterwards to Charles Duke of Richmond and Lenox, and his Heirs, at 4 Nobles per Ann. Rent; saving to Sir Thomas Clarges, and his Heirs, a Grant before made to him, in Fee of 500 l. per Ann. demis'd by King Charles II. Anno 1667.

Four Shillings per 5 Chaldron, Duty on Coals exported, for 21 Years to Horatio, Lord Townshend, at the yearly Rent of 1000 l. and afterwards to William Etterick Esq; for 31 Years, at the same Rent.

Certain Customs not specify'd, demis'd by King Charles II. Ann. 1664, for 31 Years to the Earl of Kinnoul, at 240 l. per Annum Rent; but the Leases being vacated by the Death of that Prince, it was afterwards collected by Officers appointed by the Treasury, who, after the Charge of Management was deducted, were to pay 940 l. per Ann. to the Executors of the said Earl of Kinnoul, till the Residue of that Term was expir'd.

The hereditary Duty on Log-Wood, demis'd by King Charles II. to the Earl of Rochester (suppos'd to be a Trustee for Mr. Gwyn,) for 21 Years, from Mich. 1683, at 5 l. per Annum.

The Profits arising by Sealing Writs, &c. granted to George, Duke of Northumberland, and his Heirs Male, with the like Remainder in Taile to his two Brothers.

A Grant made By King James II. to one Ashenhurst and others for the Use of the Royal-Oak Lottery, 2200 l. per Ann.

To all which, is added a List of old Debts, amounting in theWhole to l. 861,768 12
And certain Charges on the Revenue, before-mention'd amounting to l. 277,525 00 0

The 29th, Sir Joseph Tredenham reported from the Committee of Grievances, the Matter to them refer'd, concerning Sir Thomas Armstrong, viz.

Report concerning Sir Thomas Armstrong.

That having summon'd Sir Sam. Astrey, the Clerk of the Crown, with the Record of the Outlawry of Hill. 35 and 36 Car IIdi, it appear'd that | the Quint. Ex. was Lune prox. post Fest. sanct. Andreæ Apost. 35 Car. IIdi. That the Award of Prosecution, was Die Sab. prox. post Quindec. let. Trinitat. 36. upon a Nibil dicit, which was but six Months after the said Outlawry. That Sir Samuel Astrey being examin'd, declar'd he was present at the Arraignment of Sir Thomas Armstrong, who, being ask'd why Execution should not be awarded against him, said, that by the Statute of 5 & 6 Edw. VI. cap. II. it is enacted, 'That, if the Party outlaw'd shall, within one Year next after the Outlawry pronounc'd, yield himself to the Chief-Justice of England, for the Time being, and offer to traverse the Indictment or Appeal, that then he should be receiv'd to the said Traverse.

That he was answer'd by the Lord-Chief-Justice Jeffreys, that he could pretend to no Benefit, since he did not render himself to the Lord Chief-Justice, as that Statute requires; and that the Court proceeded thereupon, to award Judgment against him as a Traitor, and believes he was executed accordingly.

That Mrs. Matthews, (Daughter of the said Sir Thomas) being likewise examin'd, said she was in the Court of King'sBench, when her Father was arraign'd. That he demanded to have the Statute of 5 and 6 of Edw. VI. read, and it was refused. That he, likewise, demanded Council and a Tryal, but it was denied; and he urging that Holloway, who was in the said Circumstance, had his Tryal, the Chief Justice said they had enough against Holloway. To which Sir Thomas reply'd, that then they had not against him. And added, His Blood be upon him, meaning the Lord Chief Justice, who said, Let it! I am Clamour-Proof! That she added, her Father had Council in Newgate, and Advice from an unknown Hand: That he was very much loaded with Irons and very ill us'd, that her Sister was struck by the Keeper of Newgate, and she herself committed by the Court of King's-Bench, for crying out, when Sentence was given, that her Father was to be murder'd.

Resolutions thereon.

Resolved, That the Award of Execution by the Court of King's-Bench, against Sir Thomas Armstrong, was a high Violation of Justice, and against the express Laws of the Land.

And that a Bill be brought in to reverse the Attainder of the said Sir Thomas Armstrong.

Vote relating to the Militia, Sea-Coasts, &c.

The 30th, it was Resolved, that his Majesty be humbly address'd to give Directions to the Lord Lieutenants to put the Militia of the several Counties into Order, especially those of London and Middlesex, and the Counties that lie upon the Sea-Coast. And that his Majesty would be pleas'd to appoint some small Vessels to guard the Coasts of this Kingdom, and the Coal-Trade.

Resolutions for raising the Navy Supply.

That towards the raising 700,000 l. for the Navy, a Tax be laid upon all Ground-Rents for new Buildings, upon new Foundations within the Bills of Mortality since March 25, 1660 except such as are within the Walls of London.

That Provision be made in such Bill against the Increase of new Buildings

That towards the said 700,000 l. an additional Excise be laid upon Beer, Ale and other Liquors, except Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, spirituous Liquors, and low Wines, for three Years, from June 24, 1689, according to the Rates in the Act of 29 Car. II. for an additional Excise.

That a Bill be brought in for applying to the public Use all such pecuniary Forfeitures as have been incurr'd for accepting and exercising any Office, or Employ, contrary to the Act of the 25th of Car. II. for preventing Dangers from Popish Recusants: And that such Persons, who have so acted, may not be employ'd for the future. (To this an Instruction was added, for a Clause to comprehend all Forfeitures on Informations then depending.) And that a Committee be appointed to receive Proposals for raising Money upon Security of Lands forfeitable in Ireland, for the present Rebellion.


  • 1. Privy-Counsellor and Commissioner of the Treasury; afterwards Chancellor of the Exchequer.
  • 2. According to Mr. Oldmixon, drawn up in Concert with the said Speaker.
  • 3. On the Face of that Account, it appears to be drawn for so much Sterling; but both by the exorbitant Sum-total, and the Allowance afterwards made by Parliament for its Discbarge, we must conclude it to be Guilders.
  • 4. Privy Counsellor.