King James' Parliament: The first convention - begins 19/5/1685

The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1680-1695. Originally published by Chandler, London, 1742.

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'King James' Parliament: The first convention - begins 19/5/1685', in The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1680-1695(London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 5 March 2025].

'King James' Parliament: The first convention - begins 19/5/1685', in The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1680-1695(London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 5, 2025,

"King James' Parliament: The first convention - begins 19/5/1685". The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1680-1695. (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 5 March 2025.

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From the Dissolution at Oxford, March 28, 1681, to the Death of Charles II. which happened Feb. 6, 1684-5, Parliaments seem hardly to be thought of: But being necessary to his Successor, one was summon'd to meet at Westminster May 19, when His Majesty being come to the House of Peers, commanded the Gentleman-Usher of the Black-Rod (viz. Sir Thomas Duppa Knight) to acquaint the House of Commons, that 'tis His Majesty's Pleasure they attend him immediately, who being come to the Bar of the Lords House, Sir Francis North, Baron of Guilford, and Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, having first received His Majesty's Pleasure, spoke to this Effect.

Lord Keeper North's Speech.

'My Lords, and you, the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the House of Commons, I am Commanded by His Majesty, to acquaint You, that there are divers Preliminaries for You to do, and several Oaths required by Act of Parliament, for us all to take, before you can proceed to Business. It is therefore His Majesty's Pleasure, that you, Gentlemen of the House of Commons, do go back to your House, and make choice of a Speaker, and come and present him to His Majesty at Four of the Clock, and when you have done that, and taken the usual Oaths, His Majesty will then acquaint you with the Reasons why he call'd you together.'

Sir John Trevor chosen Speaker.

The Commons being returned to their own House, my Lord Middleton named Sir John Trevor, as a fit Person for their Speaker, and one that would be acceptable to His Majesty; whereupon the Commons unanimously made Choice of Sir John Trevor, who took the Chair, and the House adjourned 'till Four of the Clock.

Post Meridiem. His Majesty being again seated on his Royal Throne, adorn'd with the Royal Ornaments, &c. sent the Usher of the Black-Rod, to command the Commons to attend him immediately in the House of Lords; where being come, the Commons presented Sir John Trevor, whom they had unanimously chose their Speaker. Sir John endeavoured to excuse himself to His Majesty, as being not capable of undertaking a Place of that great Weight and Importance, as the Office of a Speaker requires; but the Excuse not being allowed, the Lord Keeper, by His Majesty's Command, ratified and confirmed him Speaker; adding, that His Majesty was well satisfied of his Experience and Ability, and that he was every way sitted and qualified for that Employment. Mr. Speaker, after having made a short Speech, giving His Majesty Thanks for his Gracious Acceptance of him, made these humble Petitions following.

1. That they and their Servants might be free from Arrests.

2. That they might have freedom of Speech.

3. Access to His Majesty.

4. That all their Proceedings might receive favourable Acceptance.

All those the Lord Keeper told him were readily granted by His Majesty. Which being done, the Commons returned to their House, and adjourned.

The 22d, His Majesty being come to the House of Peers, and seated on the Throne, &c. sent the Gentleman-Usher of the Black-Rod to command the House of Commons to attend him immediately at the Bar of the Lords House, where His Majesty made a Speech to them.

The House being returned, Mr. Speaker reported His Majesty's Speech, which was read at the Clerks Table as followeth.

The King's Speech to both Houses.

'My Lords and Gentlemen,

After it pleased Almighty God, to take to his Mercy the late King my dearest Brother, and to bring me to the peaceable Possession of the Throne of my Ancestors, I immediately resolved to call a Parliament, as the best Means to settle every thing upon those Foundations, as may make my Reign both easy and happy to you: Towards which, I am disposed to contribute all that is fit for me to do.

'What I said to my Privy-Council at my first coming there, I am desirous to renew to you, wherein I fully declare my Opinion concerning the Principles of the Church of England, whose Members have shewed themselves so eminently Loyal in the worst of times, in Defence of my Father, and Support of my Brother, of Blessed Memory; that I will always take care to defend and support it. I will make it my Endeavour to preserve this Government both in Church and State, as it is now by Law Established; and as I will never depart from the just Rights and Prerogatives of the Crown, so I will never invade any Man's Property; and you may be sure, that having heretofore ventur'd my Life in the Defence of this Nation, I will still go as far as any Man in preserving it, in all its just Rights and Liberties; and having given you this Assurance concerning the Care I will have of your Religion and Property, which I have chose to do in the same Words which I us'd at my first coming to the Crown; the better to evidence to you, that I spoke them not by Chance, and consequently that you may firmly rely upon a Promise so solemnly made.

'I cannot doubt that I shall fail of suitable Returns from you, with all imaginable Duty and Kindness on your part, and particularly to what relates to the settling of my Revenue, and continuing it, during my Life, as it was in the Life-time of my Brother. I might use many Arguments to enforce this Demand, for the Benefit of Trade, the Support of the Navy, the Necessity of the Crown, and the Well-being of the Government it self, which I must not suffer to be precarious, but I am confident, your own Consideration of what is just and reasonable, will suggest to you whatsoever might be enlarged upon this occasion.

'There is one Popular Argument which I foresee, may be used against what I ask of you, from the Inclination Men have for frequent Parliaments, which some may think would be the best Security, by feeding me from time to time by such Proportions as they shall think convenient; and this Argument, it being the first time I speak to you from the Throne, I will answer once for all, that this would be a very improper Method to take with me, and that the best way to engage me to meet you often, is always to use me well.

'I expect therefore, that you will comply with me in what I have desired; and that you will do it speedily, that this may be a short Session, and that we may meet again to all our Satisfactions.

'My Lords and Gentlemen,

'I must acquaint you that I have had News this Morning from Scotland, that Argyle is landed in the West High-lands, with the Men he brought with him from Holland; that there are two Declarations published, one in the Name of all those in Arms, the other in his own; it would be too long for me to repeat the Substance of them, it is sufficient to tell you, I am charged with Usurpation and Tyranny, the shorter of them I have directed to be forthwith communicated to you.

'I will take the best care I can, that this Declaration of their own Faction and Rebellion may meet with the Reward it deserves, and I will not doubt but you will be the more zealous to support the Government, and give me my Revenue as I have desired it without delay.'

Thanks resolv'd.

Resolved, nemine contradicente. That the humble Thanks of this House be given to his Majesty for his most gracious Speech, and that the Lords Concurrence be desired thereto.

A Message to the Lords to acquaint them with the Vote of Thanks of this House, and to desire their Concurrence therein.

The Messengers being returned, acquainted the House, that their Lordships had agreed to the Vote of Thanks for his Majesties most gracious Speech, and that their Lordships had attended his Majesty to know his Pleasure when he would be attended therewith, and his Majesty had appointed 4 of the Clock this Afternoon, to be attended in the Banqueting House at White hall by both Houses of Parliament.

The late King's Revenue granted for Life.

Resolved, nemine contradicente, That all the Revenue given to his late Majesty, and enjoyed by him at his Death, be given and granted to his present Majesty King James the IId, and settled upon him during his Life.

Ordered, That Mr. Solicitor do bring in a Bill to settle the Revenue on his Majesty during Life.

The 23d M.r. Speaker reports his Majesties Answer to their Vote of Thanks for his most gracious Speech, to this Effect.

That his Majesty could say no more to them than what he had said, but that he would be as good as his word. And that he did not doubt but with the Assistance of both Houses, to maintain the Government against all Rebels and Traitors.

The Earl of Middleton delivered a Paper from his Majesty, entitled, The Declaration of Archibald Earl of Argyle, and others now in Arms, &c. viz.

Earl of Argyle's Declaration.

The Declaration of Archibald Earl of Argyle, Cowall and Campbel, Lorn, &c. Heretable Sheriff and Lieutenant of Argyle and Tarbet, and Heretable Justice General of the said Shires, and of the West Isles, and others; with his Orders to his Vassals and others in the said Shires, and under his Jurisdiction, to concur for Defence of their Religion, their Lives and Liberties.

I Shall not mention my Case published in Print in Latin and Dutch, and more at large in English, nor need I repeat the printed Declaration emitted by seveveral Noblemen and Gentlemen, and others of both Nations now in Arms; but because the Sufferings of me and my Family are therein mentioned, I have thought fit to declare for myself, that as I go to Arms with those that have appointed me to conduct them for no private or personal end, but only for those contained in the said Declaration, I have concorded with them and approved of their Design, so I claim Interest but in what I had before, the pretended Forfeitures of my Friends, and have sufficient Right to.

And that I do freely, fully, and as a Christian forgive all Personal Injuries against my Person and Family, to all that shall not oppose, but join and concur with Us in our present Undertaking, for the mentioned Reasons in the said Declaration. And hereby I oblige myself never to pursue them in Judgment.

And I farther Declare, that, obtaining the peaceable and quiet Possession of what belonged to my Father and myself before our pretended Forfeitures, I shall satisfy all Debts due from my Father and myself, and as my Faithfulness to his late Majesty and his Government hath sufficiently appeared to all unbiassed Persons void of Malice, so I do with Grief acknowledge my former too much complying with, and conniving at the Methods taken to bring us to the sad Condition we are now in, tho' (God knows) never concurring in the Design. I have now, with God's Strength, suffered patiently my unjust Sentence and Banishment three Years and a half, and have never offered to make any Uproar or Defence by Arms, to disturb the Peace, upon my private Concerns. But the King being now dead, and the Duke of York having taken off his Masque, and having abandoned and invaded our Religion and Liberties, resolving to enter into the Government, and exercising contrary to Law, I think not only just, but my Duty to God and my Country, to use my utmost Endeavours to oppose and repress his Usurpation and Tyranny.

And therefore being assisted and furnished very nobly by several good Protestants, and invited, and accompanied by several of both Nations to head them, I resolve, as God shall enable me, to use their Assistance of all kinds towards the ends expressed in the said Declaration.

And I do hereby earnestly invite and oblige all honest Protestants, and particularly all my Friends and Blood Relations to concur with us in the said Declaration.

And as I have written several Letters, so having no other way fully to intimate my Mind to others,

I do hereby Command all my Vassals every where, and all within my several Jurisdictions, with defensable Men in their Commands, to go to Arms, and to join with us according to the said Declaration, as they will be answerable at their Perils, and to obey the particular Orders they shall receive from me, from time to time.

Resolved, nemine contradicente, That this House will stand by and assist his Majesty with their Lives and Fortunes in Defence of his Royal Person, against Archibald Campbel the pretended Earl of Argyle and his Adherents, and all other Rebels, and Traytors, and others whatsoever, that shall assist them or any of them.

And such Members that are of his Majesty's Privy Council are desired to wait on his Majesty, and to know his Pleasure when this House shall attend him with this Vote.

The Earl of Middleton reports that his Majesty had been attended, and that 4 of the Clock was appointed to attend upon his Majesty at the Bar of the House of Lords.

Adjourn'd till 4. a-clock.

Presented to his Majesty.

Post Meridiem 4. The House attended his Majesty— And Mr. Speaker acquainted his Majesty with the Vote of the House (as aforesaid) to which his Majesty was pleased to make this Answer, viz.

His Answer.


'I could expect no less from a House of Commons so composed, as (God be thanked) you are: I rely on the Assurances you have given me, which are the natural Effects of Monarchical Church of England Men. I shall stand by all such, and, so supported, have no reason to fear any Rebels, or Enemies I now have or may have.'

The Commons returned to their House, and adjourned.

The 25th, A Bill for settling the Revenue on his Majesty during Life, was read a second time, and committed to a Committee of the whole House.

Immediately Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and the Committee went through the said Bill with Amendments. The House reassum'd— Mr. Speaker reported the said Bill with the Amendments— To which the House agreed.

Ordered, That the Bill be engrossed by to-morrow Morning.


The 26th, the engrossed Bill for settling the Revenue on his Majesty, during Life, was read a third time, and passed.

Ordered, That the Bill be sent up to the House of Lords, which was accordingly done.

Resolved, That the House do resolve itself into a Grand Committee this Afternoon about Religion.


The 27th, Sir Thomas Meers Chairman of the Committee for Religion, reports, That the Committee had drawn up two Votes (viz.) That it is the opinion of the Committee, that this House will stand by his Majesty with their Lives and Fortunes, according to their bounden Duty and Allegiance, in Defence of the Reformed Religion of the Church of England, as it is now by Law established. That an humble Address be presented to his Majesty, to desire him to issue forth his Royal Proclamation, to cause the penal Laws to be put in execution, against all Dissenters from the Church of England, whatsoever.

The previous Question being whether the Question should be then put, for the House to agree with the Committee:

It was carried in the Negative.

Resolved, Nemine Contradicente, That this House doth acquiesce, and entirely rely, and rest wholly satisfied on his Majesty's gracious Word, and repeated Declaration to support and defend the Religion of the Church of England, as it is now by Law established, which is dearer to us than our Lives.

A Message from the Lords to acquaint the House, That their Lordships have passed the Bill for settling the Revenue on his Majesty, during Life, without any Amendments.

Ordered, That Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Sir Thomas Player, Colonel Whiteley, and Colonel Birch, Commissioners appointed by the late Act of Parliament for disbanding the late Forces, do bring in their Accounts to this House, on Saturday Morning next.


The 30th, Sir Thomas Player, and Colonel Whiteley appearing, were called in, who gave some account of their Proceedings in disbanding the Army, and were ordered to attend again on Monday Morning next.

And also that their Accounts and Vouchers be brought in by the Auditor at the same time. And that Mr. Speaker be desired to write to Sir Gilbert Gerrard and Colonel Birch, who are in the Country, requiring them to bring in their Accounts speedily.

A Bill for Continuance of an Act for Re-building of Northampton, read, and ordered a second Reading.

A Message from his Majesty by the Usher of the Black Rod, for commanding this House immediately to attend him in the House of Peers. Where, being come, Mr. Speaker presented his Majesty with the Revenue-Bill, in hæc Verba.

The Speaker's Speech at presenting the Bill of Tunnage.

'May it please your sacred Majesty, The Commons of England have here presented your Majesty with the Bill of Tunnage and Poundage, with all Readiness and Chearfulness, and that without any Security for their Religion, tho' it be dearer to them than their Lives, relying wholly on your Royal Word for the Security of it; and humbly beseech your Majesty to accept this their Offer; and pray that God would bless you with a long Life, and prosperous Reign over them.

Upon this, his Majesty gave his Royal Assent to the said Bills, and made a Speech, as follows.

The King's Speech thereupon.

'My Lords, and Gentlemen,

I Thank you very heartily for the Bill you have presented me this day, and I assure you, the Readiness and Chearfulness that hath attended the Dispatch of it, is as acceptable to me as the Bill itself.

'After so happy a Beginning, you may believe I would not call upon you unnecessarily for an extraordinary Supply: But when I tell you the Stores of the Navy are extreamly exhausted, that the Anticipations upon several Branches of the Revenue, are great and burthensome; and the Debts of the King, my Brother, to his Servants and Family, are such as deserve Compassion; that the Rebellion in Scotland, without putting more weight upon it than it really deserves, must oblige me to a considerable Expence extraordinary: I am sure such Considerations will move you to give me an Aid to provide for those things, wherein the Security, the Ease, and the Happiness of my Government are so much concern'd. But above all, I must recommend to you the Care of the Navy, the Strength and Glory of this Nation, that you will put it into such a condition, as will make us considerable and respected abroad. I cannot express my Concern upon this occasion more suitable to my own Thoughts of it, than by assuring you I have a true English Heart, as jealous of the Honour of the Nation as you can be; and I please myself with the Hopes, that, by God's Blessing and your Assistance, I may carry its Reputation yet higher in the World, than ever it has been in the time of any of my Ancestors.

'And as I will not call upon you for Supplies, but when they are of public Use and Advantage, so I promise you, that what you give me upon such occasions, shall be managed with good Husbandry: And I will take care it shall be employed to the Uses for which I ask them.'

A Supply voted.

Resolved, Nemine Contradicente, That a Supply be given to his Majesty for Repair of the Navy, Ordnance, and Stores, and in Defence of the same, for all other Occasions mention'd in his Majesty's Speech.

Resolved, That an Imposition on all Wines and Vinegar be given to his Majesty; and that it be the same which was given to his late Majesty King Charles the Second, in the 22d Year of his Reign.

Ordered, That Mr. Solicitor do bring in a Bill for that purpose.

Resolved, That this House doth resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House on Monday, to consider of a farther Supply for his Majesty.

June 1st, A Bill for the additional Duty of Excise upon Wines and Vinegar, towards a Supply to be given his Majesty for Repair of the Navy, and Ordnance, and Stores for the same, and for Supply of his Majesty's Occasions, mention'd in his last Speech, read, and ordered a second Reading to-morrow.

The House then resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider of a farther Supply for his Majesty.

Mr. Speaker left the Chair.

Mr. Sollicitor took the Chair.

Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that a farther Supply be given to his Majesty, and that the same be raised out of Sugars and Tobacco.

The House reassumed, and Mr. Sollicitor reported the Votes of the Committee, as followeth, viz.

On Spanish and other Foreign Tobacco 6d. per Pound, be paid more than what is now paid.

On Tobacco of the Growth of English Plantations 3d. per Pound, more than what is now paid.

On Muscovado and Pannel Foreign Sugar, ½d. per Pound more than what is now paid.

On Foreign White Sugars, 1d. ½ per Pound more, &c

On Muscovado Sugars of English Product ¼ per Pound.

All Sugars else of English Plantations ¾ per Pound.

To which the House agreed, and ordered, That Mr. Solicitor do bring in a Bill for a farther Supply for his Majesty, to be raised out of Tobacco and Sugars, to-morrow Morning.

The Accounts of Sir Thomas Player and Colonel Whiteley, with part of the Accounts of Sir Gilbert Gerrard and Colonel Birch, for disbanding the late Forces, were this day brought into the House, and referred to a Committee to examine the same, and report their Opinions therein speedily to the House. Adjourn'd till eight to-morrow.

The 2d, Several Petitions complaining of undue Elections, read and referred to the Committee of Elections.

The Cause between Sir Jos. Williamson, and Mr. Heveningham about the Election for Thetford, was heard at the Bar. And then resolved, that no Mayor can duly return himself a Burgess to serve in Parliament for the same Borough for which he is Mayor at the time of Election.

Resolved, That Henry Heveningham Esq; is not duly returned to serve in this present Parliament, for the Borough of Thetford, he being Mayor of the Town.

The Bill for Importation of Wines and Vinegar, was read a second time, and committed to a Committee of the whole House, who immediately went through the several Paragraphs, and amended the same.

Mr. Sollicitor reported the said Bill, and Amendments, to which the House agreed.

Ordered, That the said Bill with the Amendments be engrossed.

Adjourn'd till 8 to-morrow.

The 3d, the House entring into Debate, whether the Election for Thetford should fall on Sir Jo. Williamson, or not; the House divided, and it was carried by five Voices, that Sir Joseph was not duly elected.

Ordered, That a Writ be issued out for a new Election.

The Bill for providing better Conveniencies for the King's Carriages, was read, and ordered a second Reading.

The engrossed Bill for the Imposition on Wines and Vinegar, was read a third time, and passed.

Ordered, That Mr. Sollicitor do carry the said Bill up to the Lords.

The 4th, A Message from the Lords, with an engrossed Bill, to reverse the Attainder of William Lord Viscount Stafford.

The 5th, A Bill for Reversing the Attainder of William, late Viscount Stafford, read a first Time, and Ordered a second Reading, which Bill is as follows,

The Bill for Reversing Lord Stafford's Attainder.

'Whereas William, late Viscount Stafford, was impeached of High-Treason, for Conspiring the Death of his late Majesty King Charles the Second of Blessed Memory, and the Subversion of the Government:

'And was Arraigned and Tried before the Peers in Parliament, for the said High-Treason, and was found guilty thereof, and condemned and executed:

'And whereas it is now manifest, That the said William, late Viscount Stafford, was innocent of the Treason laid to his Charge, and the Testimony whereupon he was found Guilty, false:

'Be it Enacted, by the King's most excellent Majesty, by, and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in Parliament Assembled, and by the Authority of the same: That the said Judgment and Attainder, and all and every Act and Acts of Attainder of Treason, of, or against the said late Viscount Stafford, shall be, and now is hereby reversed, repealed, revoked, annulled and made void to all Intents and Purposes, as f the same had never been.'

The 10th, The Case of Cricklade Election was reported, and it appearing that Mr. Freak had sometime abated one of the Electors 20 l. on Condition that he and his Friends will give their Votes for him:

The Question was put, Whether it was not a Bribe.

It was carried in the Affirmative: Yeas 224, Noes 60.

Resolved, That Mr. Freak is not duly Elected to serve in Parliament.

That Edward Wobb, and Charles Fox, Esquires, are duly Elected for Cricklade.

A Message from his Majesty to this House by Sir John Ernley:

A Message from the King, by Sir John Ernley.

'That his Majesty did heartily Thank the House for their Readiness in his Supplies. That he desired no more this Session than what they are about. That he would make Trial of the Impositions on Sugars and Tobacco, but if he should find them injurious to his Plantations, he would not make use of them, but hoped they would supply him some other Way.'

Report from the Committee, concerning the Prices of Corn, and Wool.

The 12th, Sir Richard Temple reports from the Committee appointed to consider of the Means to keep up the Price of Wool and Corn,

That it is the Opinion of the Committee,

That a Bill be brought in to supply the Defects in an Act for Improvement of Tillage and Breed of Cattle.

That all Persons be obliged to wear the Woollen Manufacture for six Months in the Year.

That the East-India Company by importing raw Silks is prejudicial to the Woollen Manufacture.

That Callico and East-India wrought Silks, are likewise prejudicial to the Woollen Manufacture

That all Women under the Degree of Gentlewomen, do wear Hats made of Wool, as formerly.

That all Coaches be lined with Cloath.

That all Shrouds used in Burials do weigh six Pounds.

To which the House agreed.

Ordered, That a Bill be brought in for the same Purpose.

The House Resolved into a Committee of the whole House, to consider of the Bill for Impositions on Sugar and Tobacco.

Whereupon Alderman Jeffreys, and others, were call'd in, and gave their Reasons, why the said Imposition on Tobacco would be prejudicial to the King's Customs, and the Dealers in Tobacco.

Sir Jo. Knight, and the Merchants of Bristol gave their Reasons also against the Imposition on Sugars.

They being dismiss'd— The House reassum'd.

And after several Amendments, the Bill was reported, and with the Amendments, Ordered to be Engrossed.


The 13th, The Engrossed Bill sent from the Lords for the Naturalization of several Persons therein mention'd, was read, and Ordered a second Reading.

Leave given to bring in a Bill for Conveying of fresh Water through several Grounds to the City of Rochester.

The Earl of Ossory's Bill read a third Time, and passed.

A Bill to prohibit the Importation of Gun-Powder, and small Arms, read, and Ordered a second Reading.

A Bill to enable Protestant Strangers to exercise their Trades in Westminster and elsewhere, &c. read, and Ordered a second Reading.

A Message from his Majesty by the Earl of Middleton, that the Duke of Monmouth and several of his Adherents were landed at Lyme in Dorsetshire, and had there set up his Standard.

Mr. Thorold and Mr. Dassel, the one Mayor of Lyme, the other an Officer belonging to the Customs, being in the Lobby of the House of Commons, were called into the House, where they gave this Account of the Landing of the Duke of Monmouth, as followeth, viz.

Account of the Duke of Monmouth's Landing.

That on Thursday Night about six or seven of the Clock, they discerned two Vessels and a Dogger at Sea, hovering near their Shore.

That they sent a Messenger in a Boat to know their meaning, and see who they were; but they took the Messenger on board and bound him.

That about half an hour after, they sent another Messenger in a Boat, and they kept him likewise; that about nine a Clock at Night they failed into the Cobb, and the Duke of Monmouth came on Shore with divers Men all well armed, and genteel in their Habit.

That the Duke led them on to the Market-place, or Cross of the said Town, and there set up his Standard, being a blue Flag, and exercised the Men himself, who were, as these Informants do guess, near 150, or thereabouts.

That the said Duke of Monmouth and his Men being asked what they came there for, said, to settle the Protestant Religion, and to destroy Popery: Inviting all Persons that would, to come and join with them; being told, there were no Roman-Catholicks there, but Protestants, and there was no need for them to come there.

That these Informants came away from Lyme about ten of the Clock that Night, and that they met many People on the Road, who said, they were going to join them.

Vote thereupon.

After which Relation, Thorold and Dassel withdrew.

Resolved, That this House do wait on his Majesty, and give their Thanks for his Favour in imparting the said Intelligence to this House, and do humbly offer to assist and stand by his Majesty with their Lives and Fortunes, against the said Duke of Monmouth, and all Rebels and Traitors, and all other his Majesty's Enemies, whatsoever.

Ordered, That a Committee do withdraw immediately, and draw up an humble Address for this Purpose, and that his Majesty be advised to take care of his Royal Person.

Resolved, That a Bill be brought in for the Attainder of Jam s Duke of Monmouth of High-Treason, praying his Majesty to issue out his Royal Proclamation, promising a Reward of 5000 l. to any that shall bring in the Body of the Duke of Monmouth dead or alive.

A Message from the Lords.


The 16th the House receiv'd the following Message from the Lords, viz. 'Mr. Speaker, the Lords, by the King's Command, have had communicated to them, a traitorous /?/er, entitled, A Declaration of James Duke of Monmouth, &c. upon which they have made this Order, and their Lordships desire the same may be return'd to them, as soon as the same shall be read, in regard it is to be burn'd by the Hands on the Common-Hangman, this day at one o'clock,

Monmouth's Declaration, order'd to be burnt by the Common-Hangman.

The said Paper and Order being then read, Resolved, nem. con. That this House doth agree with the Lords, and that the said Paper be burnt by the Hands of the CommonHangman accordingly.

The same day, Mr. Speaker reported to the House, his Majesty's Cracious Answer to their last Address, which was to this Effect:

'That he thank'd the House for their loyal Address; and particularly for their Care of his Royal Person: That he would venture his Life for the Defence of his People, and for their Peace. And that he did not doubt, but, with God's Blessing, and the Assistance of his loyal Subjects, to quell all Traitors and Rebels.'

After which, the House added a Clause to the Bill of Supply, making it High-Treason to assert the Legitimacy of the Duke of Monmouth, or Pretence to the Crown.

The 16th, A Message from the Lords that they had passed the Bill of Attainder of James Duke of Monmouth without any Alteration.

A Message by the Usher of the Black-Rod, commanding the House to attend his Majesty immediately in the House of Peers.— Where being come,

'His Majesty was pleased to give his Royal Assent to these five Bills following, viz. The Bill for Imposition on Wines and Vinegar. The Bill for Imposition on Sugars and Tobacco. The Bill for Attainder of James Duke of Monmouth. The Earl of Ossory's Bill, to enable him to make a Jointure. A Bill for Naturalization of several Persons.

The 17th, A Petition of the Weavers in London and Parts adjacent, was read, praying Leave to bring in a Bill for encouraging the Weaving-Trade.

Ordered, That Leave be given accordingly.

A Motion being made for a Supply to his Majesty,

Resolved, That the House immediately do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider of the said Supply.

Resolutions to lay a Tax on New Buildings.

Reports were made from the Committee, That a Tax be laid upon such new Buildings as have been erected within the Bills of Mortality, except such Houses as have been built within the Compass of the late several Fires in London and Southwark.

That no Buildings be erected on new Foundations, which are not already laid: And that a Bill be brought in accordingly. To which the House agreed.


The 18th, a Bill for Improvement of Tillage and Breed of Cattle, read, and ordered a second Reading.

Leave given to bring in a Bill, to make the Rivers Wye and Lugg navigable.

A Bill for conveying fresh Water to Rochester and Chatham, read, and ordered a second Reading.

A Message from his Majesty desiring a present Supply.

A Message from his Majesty by the Earl of Middleton, acquainting the House, 'That he judges it necessary for the Members (on whose Loyalty and Affection he depends wherever they are) to be present in their respective Counties, and therefore designs there shall be a Recess in a very few days; but because the Rebellion in the West will occasion an extraordinary Expence, his Majesty desires there may be a good Fund for a present Sum of Money, to answer the immediate Charge his Majesty must be at, and to the end the Bills now depending may not be prejudiced, his Majesty is pleased this Separation shall be an Adjournment, and for some short time only.'

400,000 l. granted.

Resolved, That a Supply not exceeding 400,000 l. be given to his Majesty for his present extraordinary Occasions.

'The House then resolved into a Committee of the whole House, to consider of the King's Message and Supply.

The House upon Report of the Grand Committee, appointed a Committee to bring in an Estimate of what the new Buildings (intended to be taxed) will raise at two Years full Value.

A Bill for taking off the Prohibition of French Commodities, read, and ordered a second Reading.

The Bill for settling the Queen's Jointure read.

A Bill sent down from the Lords for settling the Queen's Jointure, read, and ordered a second Reading; by consolidating the Estates-Tail and Reversion in Fee, which his Majesty hath in the Post-Office, and 24000 l. per Annum out of the hereditary Excise.

A Bill for Preservation of his Majesty's Person and Government, was read twice, and committed to a Committee of the whole House to-morrow Morning.

The 20th, the Bill sent down from the Lords for consolidating and settling the Estate of his Majesty in the PostOffice, and 24000 l. per Ann of the Excise, and the Bill to enable his Majesty to make Leases of Lands in the Dutchy of Cornwal, were read a second time, and ordered to be read a third time.

The House resolved into a Committee of the whole House, to consider of a Fund to raise the Supply not exceeding the 400,000 l. to his Majesty.

Report from the Committee of the Supply.

Upon Report of the Committee of the whole House, they agreed,

That French Linnens pay double Duties according to the Book of Rates.

That single Brandy imported pay double Duty.

That all Brandy above double Proof, pay Duty above what is now to be laid on single Brandy.

That 4 d. per Gailon be paid for all homeward Spirits, above what is now paid.

That Callicoes and other Linnens, imported from the East-Indies, pay 12 d. per Piece above what they now pay, to be repaid upon Exportation.

That wrought Silks imported from the East-Indies, pay 10 l. per Cent. above what they now pay, to be repaid upon Exportation.

That all Foreign wrought Silks pay 7 l. per Cent. above what they now pay, to be repaid upon Exportation: To which the House agreed, and order'd a Bill to be brought in accordingly. Adjourn'd.

The 22d, Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for the Encouragement of the Manufacture of Paper in England.

The two Bills sent from the Lords, one for consolidating his Majesty's Interest in the Post-Office, and 24,000 l. per Annum in the Excise; the other, to enable his Majesty to make Leases of Lands in the Dutchy of Cornwal; were read a third time, and passed.

Argyle taken.

The Lord Middleton acquaints the House from his Majesty, that Argyle is taken.

Ordered, That the Thanks of the House be presented to his Majesty, for his gracious Communication, which they receiv'd with great Joy and Satisfaction.


The 24th, the Bill for an Imposition on Silks, Brandies, East-India Commodities, &c. read a second time, and committed to a Committee of the whole House, to consider of the Bill, with power to bring in a Clause of Credit to raise Money for his Majesty's Supply.

Mr. Sollicitor reported the said Bill, with some Amendments: The Bill commencing from the first of July, 1685, till the first of July 1690. And a Clause to be added for giving the King a Credit for raising a Sum on this Revenue, at Interest, not exceeding the Rate of 81. per Cent.

Ordered, That the Bill and Clause be engrossed.

Adjourn'd till 9 to-morrow.

The 25th, the engrossed Bill for repealing a Clause for prohibiting French Commodities, passed.

For re-building St. Paul's passed.

The 25th, the Bill for an Imposition on Silks, Brandies, Linnens, &c. with the Clause of Credit to his Majesty, passed, and carried up to the Lords.

Several Bills passed.

The 27th, his Majesty sent for the Commons to the House of Peers, and there the Bill for his Majesty's Supply, and several other Bills passed the Royal Assent.

The 29th, An engrossed Bill for the Preservation of his Majesty's Person and Government, read a third time, and passed.

July 2d, The House being met, the Gentleman-Usher of the Black Rod commanded the Commons to attend his Majesty in the House of Peers immediately; where being come, his Majesty gave his Royal Assent to these following Bills:

An Act for the Improvement of Tillage, &c.
An Act for making St. James's a distinct Parish.
An Act for Encouragement of Building Ships.
An Act for reviving several Acts expired, or near expiring.
An Act for the Augmentation of the Vicaridges in the Bishoprick of Bangor.

The Parliament adjourn'd by Command.

Then my Lord-Keeper spake to this effect:

'My Lords and Gentlemen, I am commanded to let you know, that it is his Majesty's Pleasure, that both Houses adjourn forthwith, till Tuesday the 4th of August next; not that his Majesty intends that then there shall be a Session, but that the Members that are about Town, shall then meet, and adjourn themselves from time to time, as there shall be occasion till Winter. And when his Majesty would have a full House, he will give notice of it by Proclamation.

The Lords immediately adjourn'd.

The Commons returned to their own House, and adjourn'd accordingly.

Meets again.

Monday Nov. 9, Both Houses of Parliament met, pursuant to the last Adjournment, His Majesty being seated in his Royal Throne in his House of Peers, commanded the GentlemanUsher of the Black-Rod to give Notice to the House of Commons, that they immediately attend his Majesty in the House of Peers. Where being come, his Majesty was pleased to make a most Gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament.

After which, the House of Commons returned to their own House, and Mr. Speaker reported His Majesty's Speech to the House, which being read at the Clerk's Table, is as followeth.

The King's Speech to both Houses.

'My Lords and Gentlemen,

'After the Storm that seemed to be coming upon us when we parted last, I am glad to meet you all again in so great Peace and Quietness; God Almighty be praised, by whose Blessing that Rebellion was suppressed: But when I reflect what an inconsiderable number of Men begun it, and how long they carried it on without any Opposition, I hope every body will be convinced, that the Militia, which have hitherto been so much depended on, is not sufficient for such Occasions, and that there is nothing but a good Force of well-disciplined Troops in constant Pay that can defend us, from such as either at home or abroad are disposed to disturb us. And in truth, my Concern for the Peace and Quiet of my Subjects, as well as for the Safety of the Government, made me think it necessary to increase the number to the proportion I have done: That I owed as well to the Honour as the Security of the Nation, whose Reputation was so infinitely exposed to all our Neighbours, by having lain open to this late wretched Attempt, that it is not to be repaired without keeping such a Body of Men on foot, that none may ever have a thought of finding us again so miserably unprovided. It is for the Support of this great Charge, which is now more than double to what it was, that I ask your Assistance in giving me a Supply answerable to the Expences it brings along with it; and I cannot doubt but what I have done so much to the Honour and Defence of the Government, will be continued by you with all chearfulness and readiness that is requisite for a Work of so great Importance. Let no Man take exception, that there are some Officers in the Army not qualified according to the late Test for their Employment: The Gentlemen, I must tell you, are most of them well known to me, and, having formerly served me on several Occasions, and always approved the Loyalty of their Principles by their Practices, I think them now fit to be employed under me, and will deal plainly with you, that, after having had the Benefit of their Services in such time of need and danger, I will neither expose them to disgrace, nor my self to the want of them, if there should be another Rebellion to make them necessary to me.

'I am afraid some Men may be so wicked to hope and expect that a difference may happen between you and me upon this Occasion, but when you consider what Advantages have risen to us in a few Months by the good Understanding we have hitherto had, what wonderful Effects it hath already produced in the change of the whole Scene of Affairs abroad, so much more to the Honour of the Nation, and the Figure it ought to make in the World, and that nothing can hinder a further Progress in this way to all our Satisfactions, but Fears and Jealousies amongst our selves; I will not apprehend that such a Misfortune can befall us as a Division, or but a Coldness between You and Us; nor that any thing can shake you in your Steadiness and Loyalty to me, who by God's Blessing will ever make you all returns of Kindness and Protection, with a Resolution to venture even my own Life in the Defence of the true Interest of this Kingdom.'

The Earl of Middleton, a Member of the House of Commons, and one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, moved, that the House would immediately return their Thanks to His Majesty for his most Gracious Speech, and also proceed to the Consideration of answering the Ends therein mentioned.

After some Debate, it was resolved, That the House resolve it self into a Committee of the whole House on Thursday Morning next at Ten of the Clock, to take into Consideration. His Majesty's Speech: And the House adjourned till Thursday the 12th Instant, Ten o'Clock in the Morning.

The 12th, the House resolved it self into a Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration His Majesty's Speech.

Mr. Sollicitor in the Chair.

Debates thereon.

The King's Speech was read.

The Lord Middleton moved to have it considered by Paragraphs.

Sir William Clifton.

'Some other Force than the Militia is necessary to be found'; and moved a Supply for the Army.

Lord Preston.

'We have lately had an unfortunate Proof how little we are to depend upon the Militia, and therefore sure we must all approve of His Majesty's increasing the Forces to what they are. France is formidable, now Holland's Forces are greatly increased, and we must be strong in proportion, for preservation of our selves and Flanders, and toward that the good Harmony betwixt the King and this House hath greatly contributed. It has had two other great Effects abroad:

'1. The French King's Army last Spring was marching towards Germany, Crequi was far advanced; but when the King of France heard the Kindness of this House to the King, and the Defeat of Monmouth, he recalled them.

'2. The French and Spaniard had also a difference about Huy and Fontarabia: The French advanced their Troops; and recalled them on this News.

'This is the noble effect of the Harmony between the King and this House, who have (I hope) brought the same Heart and Loyalty they had the last time here.

'Hence we may conclude, these Levies made by the King are just, reasonable, and necessary. And so let us vote a Supply, to answer His Majesty's present Occasions.'

Lord Ranelagh.

'The Question is, whether a Supply or not. I do not intend to arraign the Militia, but seeing a Soldier is a Trade, and must (as all other Trades are) be learned, I'll shew you where the Militia has failed, viz. At Chatham, and in June last, when the late Duke of Monmouth landed, and had but 83 Men, and 300 l. in Money; who in spight of the Militia, nay, in spight of such other Force as the King could spare hence, brought it so far as he did.

'If the King of France had landed then, what would have become of us? I say, the Militia is not insignificant, but an additional Force is necessary, and so a Supply that is answerable to it.'

Sir T. Clarget.

'If it shall appear to you, that the King's Revenue he hath already, be sufficient to supply all his Occasions, what then need we give him more?

'Tis moved we should proceed by Paragraph.

'To come first to the Militia, who (let me tell you) did considerable Service in the late Rebellion, and if a great Nobleman of this Kingdom had been supplied and assisted, it had soon been quelled.

'A Confidence betwixt the King and his People is absolutely needful, let it come whence it will, our Happiness consists in it.

'His Majesty, on his first entrance on the Crown, told us, he had been misrepresented, and that he would preserve the Government in Church and State now established by Law, and to maintain us in all our just Rights and Privileges.

'Over-joyed at this, we run hastily in to him, we gave four Millions (reckoning what we added to him for Life was worth) at once.

'The present Revenue is 1,900,000 l. or two Millions yearly; the Charge of the Government (admitting this Army kept up) is but 1,300,000 l. yearly: And pray let us not forget that there was a Bill of Exclusion debated in this House; I was here, and shewed my self against it; the Arguments for it were, that we should, in case of a Popish Successor, have a Popish Army.

'You see the Act of the Test already broken, but pray remember what the late Lord Chancellor told you when the late King (of Blessed Memory) past that Act; (the Words were to this effect:) By this Act you are provided against Popery, that no Papist can possibly creep into any Employment. I am afflicted greatly at this Breach on our Liberties, and seeing so great difference betwixt this Speech and those heretofore made, cannot but believe this was by some others Advice.

'This struck at here, is our All; and I wonder there have been any Men so desperate, as to take any Employment not qualified for it, and would have therefore the Question put, That a standing Army is destructive to the Country.'

Sir J. Ernley.

'The number of the standing Forces is about 14 or 15000 Men, and they were about half so many before, and I conceive we are not safe without these Forces to aid and help the Militia. I am not for laying the Militia aside, but I say, there is a necessity for a standing Force.

'Half the Charge of those Forces is about 300000 l. yearly, the whole, being 600000 l. yearly, I conceive is all we need to give for it; of that there remains 200000 l, unreceived of the 400000 l. given last; so that 200000 l. may go towards it, and the rest may be supplied by a Tax on such Commodities, as, for balancing of Trade, may better be charged than not. I am for a Supply.'

Sir Hugh Cholmondely.

'I stand up for, and would not have the Militia reflected on, it was very useful in the late Rebellion of Monmouth, it kept him from Bristol and Exeter, and is as good as any Army we can raise against any at home. I am for the Militia.'

Mr. Coventry.

'I see just cause for a Supply, and would give it, and to reward the Officers not qualified, or take them off some other way.'

Mr. Aubrey.

'I dread a standing Army, but am for a Supply.'

Mr. Wogan.

'Kings in old time used to send not only an account of their Revenues, but of the Charge they were going to be at, to the Parliament, when they demanded Aids. Henry the Vth had but 56000 l. and Queen Elizabeth had 160000 and odd pounds yearly. I am for a Bill for making the Militia useful, and would know if we give Money, that it be not for setting up a standing Army.'

Sir William Twisden.

'I am for good Guards, the Kingdom guarded by Law; we are now in perfect Peace; the King is both feared and loved; an Army little needed; Men justly afraid: That which made the last Rebellion as it was, the Man that headed it, was a Favourite of the Faction, and though he had got such a number, he was beaten by 1800 Men only. I am against an Army.'

Mr. Seymour.

'This last Rebellion has contributed to our future Peace, and those engaged in it have sung their Penitential Psalm, and their Punishment is rejoiced at by all good Persons. I do not commend the Militia, yet it is not to be rejected, but to be new modelled; and for my part, I had rather pay double to these, (meaning for keeping up the Militia) from whom I fear nothing, than half so much to those, of whom I must ever be afraid; and say what you will, 'tis a standing Army.

'The last Force preserved the Peace, and was sufficient to do it in the late King's time, and is now; all the profit and security of this Nation is in our Ships, and had there been the least Ship in the Channel, it would have disappointed him.

'Supporting an Army, is maintaining so many idle Persons to lord it over the rest of the Subjects.

'The King declared, no Soldiers should quarter in Private Houses, but that they did; that they should pay for all things they took, but they paid nothing for almost all they took.

'And for Officers employed not taking the Tests, is dispensing with all the Laws at once; and if these Men be good and kind, we know not whether it proceeds from their Generosity or Principles, for we must remember, 'tis Treason for any Man to be reconciled to the Church of Rome, for the Pope by Law is declared Enemy to this Kingdom.

'A Supply given as moved for, is a kind of an establishing an Army by Act of Parliament, and when they have got the Power into their Hands, we then are to derive it from their Courtesy; and therefore I would have the Question be,

'That the Safety of the Kingdom doth not consist with a standing Force, and this, it may be, will disappoint those Persons that make it their Business this way to make themselves useful.'

Sir T. Clarges.

'Then moved for an Address.'

Sir T. Meers.

'I am first for a Supply, that hinders not an Address; His Majesty in his Speech only says, that the Militia is not sufficient.

'The late long Parliament always owned some Force necessary, we are not to name the number, the King is best Judge of that, a great Soldier, and a good Prince.

'For I hear the number is 14 or 15000, and I am for a Supply, and never saw but Money was always one part of the Business of every Parliament.

'There was a bitter Spirit in the three last Parliaments, not yet well allay'd, and so I conclude a considerable Force needful besides the Militia. I call those raised, Guards, and would have a Supply given to support his Majesty's Extraordinary Occasions.'

'The Navy wants 6 or 800000 l. and I would give any Reason for it, so a Supply may without a Negative be given.'

Serjeant Maynard.

'There is already a Law, that no Man shall, on any Occasion whatever, rise against the King. Lords and DeputyLieutenants have power to disarm the disaffected: If you give thus a Supply, it is for an Army, and then may not this Army be made of those that will not take the Test? which Act was not designed as a Punishment for the Papists, but a Protection for ourselves, and giving this Money is for an Army, I am against it.'

Sir Richard Temple.

'I must concur with the King, that the Militia, is not sufficient; I am for mending the Militia, and to make it such as the King and Kingdom may conside in it; to trust to mercenary Force alone, is to give up all our Liberties at once.

'If you provide a constant Supply to support them, by setting up an Army, Sir Thomas Meers has turned it into a Supply for the Navy.

'There is no Country in the World has a Law to set up an Army, we have already made an ample Supply for the Government. Tis for Kings to come to the House from time to time on extraordinary Occasions, and if this Army be provided for by Law, they will never more come to this House.

'I am for giving for the extraordinary Charge past. Armies are useful when occasion is for them, but if you establish them, you can disband them no more.

'I am for a Supply, but not on this score of the Militia; there was not a Company formed till 1588, and as soon as Queen Elizabeth had done with her Army, she disbanded it. Armies have been fatal often to Princes. The Army in the late King's time often turned out their Leaders. I am for moving the House for leave for a Bill to mend the Militia.'

Sir William Clifton.

'The Beef-eaters at this Rate may be called an Army.'

Mr. Thomas Howard.

'The Colonel may say what he will of the Beef-eaters, as he nick-names them, but they are establish'd by Act of Parliament.'

Mr. S.

'I can make out that the King's Revenue is sufficient to maintain the Force on foot.'

The Question, That a Supply be given to his Majesty.

Sir Thomas Clarges moved, that the Words (toward the Support of the additional Forces) may be added.

The Committee divided. Yeas 156. Noes 225. It was carried in the Negative, and then these Votes past.

That a Supply be given to his Majesty, and that the House be moved to bring in a Bill to make the Militia useful.

And then adjourned.

The 13th, A Motion being made by the Earl of Middleton, that the House should proceed to the further Consideration of his Majesty's Speech.

The House thereupon resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, and the previous Question being then put for the House to go on with the Supply, or proceed to the next Paragraph. The House divided.

For proceeding to the Supply—182.

For proceeding to the next Paragraph.—183.

Then the House adjourned.

The 14th, An Address was moved in the Committee by Sir Edward Jennings.

The House resolved itself into a Committee on that Paragraph of his Majesty's Speech, which next follows the Supply. When Sir Edward Jennings moved for an Address humbly shewing: That those Officers of the Army who are not qualified for their Employments, by the Acts for preventing Dangers which may happen, from Popish Recusants cannot, by Law, be capable of the said Employments, and that it be part of the said Address: That his Majesty would be pleased not to continue them in their Employments.

Others moved the inconveniency of it, if not granted, and so let it alone. Others to have the Catholics, who had been so useful and well known to his Majesty, named and compensated. Some seemed to doubt his Majesty's Compliance. Others that it was not to be doubted, when addressed by such a House.

At last it came to this Conclusion, That Instructions be given to a Committee, to draw an humble Address to his Majesty; wherein the last Words in the above Motion were ordered to be alter'd as follows. That his Majesty would be graciously pleased to give such Directions, that no Apprehensions, or Jealousies may remain in the Hearts of his Majesty's good and faithful Subjects.

Then the House adjourn'd.

The 16th, Mr. Sollicitor reports, That the Committee appointed had drawn up an Address to his Majesty: which was read and agreed to, and is as follows, viz.

The Commons Address.

'Most Gracious Sovereign, We your Majesty's most loyal and faithful Subjects, the Commons in Parliament assembled, do in the first place (as in Duty bound) return your Majesty our most humble and hearty thanks for your great Care and Conduct in suppressing the late Rebellion, which threatned the Overthrow of this Government, both in Church and State, to the Extirpation of our Religion as by Law establish'd, which is most dear unto us, and which your Majesty hath been pleased to give us repeated Assurances you will always defend and maintain, which with all grateful Hearts we shall ever acknowledge.

'We further crave leave to acquaint your Majesty, that we have with all Duty and Readiness taken into our Consideration your Majesty's Gracious Speech to us: And as to that Part of it, relating to the Officers in the Armies not qualified for their Employments according to an Act of Parliament made in the 25th Year of the Reign of your Royal Brother, Entitled, An Act for preventing Dangers which may happen from Popish Recusants.

'We do out of our bounden Duty, humbly represent unto your Majesty,

'That these Officers cannot by Law be capable of their Employments, and that the Incapacities they bring upon themselves that Way, can no way be taken off but by an Act of Parliament.

'Therefore out of that great Reverence and Duty we owe unto your Majesty, who has been graciously pleas'd to take notice of their Services to your Majesty, we are preparing a Bill to pass both Houses, for your Royal Assent, to indemnify them from the Penalties they have now incurred, and because the continuing of them in their Employments may be taken to be a dispensing with that Law without an Act of Parliament, the Consequence of which is of the greatest Concern to the Rights of all your Majesty's Subjects, and to all the Laws made for the Security of their Religion.

'We therefore, the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of your Majesty's House of Commons, do most humbly beseech your Majesty, that you would be most graciously pleased to give such Directions therein, that no Apprehensions or Jealousies may remain in the Hearts of your Majesty's most loyal Subjects.'

A Motion being made for going to the Lords for their Concurrence.

Some debated, that it would carry with it the greater Weight, and be more likely to have good Effect, and if the Concurrence of the Lords were asked, the Judges in the Lords House would have an Opportunity of speaking their Opinion to it.

Others oppos'd it, for the Lords having already given their Thanks to the King for his Speech, as being contented therewith, and that it would be more for the Honour of the House of Commons to Address alone.

Those that were against the thing itself when it past first, were about going to the Lords for their Concurrence.

The House divided. For asking Concurrence, Yeas 138, Noes 212. It pass'd in the Negative. Then the Members of the House that were of his Majesty's Privy-Council, were ordered to know when his Majesty would be pleas'd to be attended therewith.

Mr. Sollicitor in the Chair. The House being resolved into a Committee of the whole House, to consider of a Supply for his Majesty.

Debates on the Supply. ; Lord Campden.

'Moved, 200,000 l. to be given to the King for a Supply, which with 200,000 l. confessed of what was given for suppressing the late Rebellion, makes 400,000 l.'

Sir J. Ernley.

'Moved, that 1,200,000 l. was needful, and that such a Sum had been given before in the same Session, when there was an Address of this kind made to the late King.'

Sir T. Courtenay.

'We have this Session already given Customs and Excises for his Majesty's Life.'

Additional Duty on Wines 8 Years Yearly 150,000 l.
Tax on Sugar and Tobacco 8 Years Yearly 200,000 l.
Tax on Linnen and East-India Commodities 5 Years. Yearly 12,000 l.

In all six Millions.

'Let us give little now, to have Opportunity to give more another time; for if we give too much now, we shall have nothing left to give; and if we proceed thus, what we have more will be taken from us.'

Sir Edmund Jenkins.

'To give 1,200,000 l. now, because such a Sum has been given, is no Argument; once 2,400,000 l. was given here, and therefore should it be so now? 200,000 l. with what is already confess'd to be in Cash, makes 400,000 l. and that will maintain the Charge one Year and better; and giving all at once is doubting the Affection of the People'

Lord Preston.

'You unanimously voted a Supply last Night, and naming so little now, is not so ingenuous a Way of proceeding. We are told six Millions have been this Sessions given; I would have you, Gentlemen, take notice, the giving his Majesty what the late King had, is but settling a Revenue that before was not sufficient for the Support of the Government; what was given besides, was part for the late King's Servants, part for the Fleet and Stores, and part for suppressing the late Rebellion.

'To give so little now, is not to enable the King to defend and preserve us, which he has promised to do. I am for 1,200,000 l.'

Lord Ranelagh.

'The Question is for 200,000 l. or for 1,200,000 l.

'What has been given already, ought not to be weighed in this Matter at all; and what is called six Millions, had all Uses (when given) tack'd to it.

'The Revenue his Brother had, had Uses enough, as—
The Wine and Vinegar Act, rated at yearly 150,000 l.
For the Fleet, Stores, Ordnance, and Servants.
The Sugar and Tobacco Act, rated at yearly 200,000 l.
For the said Stores, Ordinary, and Fleet—

'And the Additional Duty on French Linnen and East-India Commodities, rated at yearly 120,000 l. was employ'd

'For suppressing the late Rebellion—
So there are Uses for all that; and what is now given, must be taken for supporting the Forces.—
And therefore I am for 1,200,000 l.'

Sir William Clifton.

'Two hundred thousand Pounds is much too little: Soldiers move not without Pay. No Penny, no Pater Noster.'—

Mr. Ewers.

'Moved for 700,000 l. and mention'd to have it rais'd upon the new Buildings, which might produce 400,000 l. and a Poll-Bill for the other 300,000 l.'

Mr. Wogan.

'If I knew the King's Revenue were short, I would give as far as any Man; but now we are going for this particular Use, and if this 200,000 l. will not do, how can we be sure that 1,200,000 l. will?—

'If we give too little now, hereafter, if we see Occasion, we may give more; but if we now give too much, I do not see how we shall ever have it again, though I have heard of such a thing in Queen Elizabeth's time,

'The King (reckoning what he had of his own into it) has 600,000 l. yearly, more than the late King had, and when there is need, I am for more; but now only 400,000 l. and to raise that easy you will be put to it: How will you do it?

'If you lay it upon Trade, that will make it Revenue, and when once in the Crown for some time, it will never get out again. I am for only 400,000 l.'

Lord Castleton.

'If the King wants 200,000 l. I would give him 200,000 l. but I am for giving no more than he really wants.—'

Mr. Wyndham, of Salisbury.

'We give because we are ask'd; I am for the least Sum, because for an Army, and I would be rid of them as soon as I could; and am more now against it than I lately was, being satisfy'd that the Country is weary of the Oppression of the Soldiers, weary of free Quarters, Plunder, and some Felonies, for which they have on Complaint, no Redress: And since I heard Mr. Blathwaite tell us, how strict Rules were prescribed them by the King, I find by their Behaviour, the King cannot govern them himself, and then what will become of us?

Sir William Honeywood.

'The Rebellion is suppress'd, and the Army is urged to be small, but it is so thick of Officers, that by filling up the Troops, which is easily at any time done, increases their Number to a third Part more. I am for providing for them but one whole Year only, and only for 400,000 l.'

Mr. Christley.

'I agree to the 400,000 l. We owe besides that, a Duty to our Country, and, are bound in Duty to leave our Posterity as free in their Liberties and Properties as we can; and there being Officers now in the Army, that have not taken the Test, greatly flats my Zeal for it, and makes me esteem the Militia; which, if we well modelled, and placed in Men's Hands of Interest in their Country, we are certain of, and so is the King secure; for there is no such Security of any Man's Loyalty, as a good Estate.

'Reasons I have heard given against Armies, that they debauch'd the Manners of all the People, their Wives, Daughters, and Servants.

'Men do not go to Church where they Quarter, for fear Mischief should be done at their Houses in their Absence.

'Plowmen and Servants quit all Country Employments to turn Soldiers; and then a Court-Martial in time of Peace, it most terrible.

'In Peace, Justices of it, and the Civil Magistrate ought to punish, if applied to.

'And what Occasion then can be for them?

'Is it to suppress a Rebellion in time of an Invasion? All then will go towards that.

'Or is it to assist Allies? The House will give aid when wanted on that Score.

'The Guards I am not against, those shewed themselves useful in Venner's Business, and the late Rebellion; I am not against them, I only speak of those that have been new rais'd.

Colonel Ashton.

'I'll tell you the Use of these Forces; they expected the rising of a great Party, and were not these Forces standing, to prevent a Rebellion, you would have one in few days.

Mr. Blathwaite.

'If any Disorders have been committed, it is not yet too late to have them redress'd; and Martial Law (if by that clear'd) does not hinder proceeding at Common-Law for the same thing.

'Four hundred thousand Pound is not enough; no State near us in Proportion, but what exceeds this small number of Men.'

Sir Thomas Chages.

'There are seven Millions of Souls in England; but the Strength of England consists in our Navy, in which (for want of Men) France can never equal us; their Trade will not breed them; a Ship of 50 Tuns will carry 100,000 l. of their Goods, Linnen and Silks. Ours are bulky Goods, and employs twenty times more, unless you (by burdening of Trade) let them into the West-Indies. Armies are not manageable, Commanders have been very often known to rebel: The Measure of our Supply is our Security.

'His Majesty's Declaration says, if on Complaint, the Officers give no Redress, then complain to the King; and so Justice is baulked by that Hardship put upon the Complainant.'

Sir William Twisden.

'Moved to have it temporary for two Years.'

Sir Christopher Musgrave.

'Let it be to enable His Majesty to preserve us in Peace at home, and to make His Majesty formidable abroad: I am for 1,200,000 l. as a Supply answerable to the Loyalty of this House.'

Sir Hugh Cholmondeley.

'This House was so forward to give last Time, that the King's Ministers gave their Stop to it.'

Sir Jo. Williamson.

'The Use is to direct the Quantum. I see a present Necessity for continuing these Forces till the Militia is made useful; I am for trying two Years, and so for 400,000 l. and so leave the Door open for coming hither to give another time.'

Sir Thomas Meers.

'The Principle of the Rebel-Party is never to repent. I am for 1,200,000 l, and if so much be given, I would have you, Gentlemen, to remember the Fanatics are the Cause of it.'

Mr. Pepys.

'An Island may be attacked notwithstanding any Fleet. Ours is much mended, a thousand Men daily at work, ever since we gave Money for it, and not one Man in it an Officer, that has not taken the Test.'

Colonel Oglethorp.

'New Troops are not so good as old, and more subject to commit Disorders, but will be less so, when they are longer under Discipline. The King of France never sends Troops to his Army, till they have been two or three Years on foot in a Garrison.'

Sir Thomas Clarges.

'The Trained Bands at Newbury-Fight did brave things.'

Then the Question was put, That a Sum not exceeding 400,000 l. should be given to the King.

The Previous Question being put. Yeas 167. Noes 179. It passed in the Negative.

700,000 l. voted.

Then the Question was put for 700,000 l. and no more. Yeas—212. Noes—170. So it passed in the Affirmative. The Words not exceeding the Sum being added, instead of the Words and no more.

The Question for 1,200,000 l. being thus waved, it was Ordered, that the Committee of the whole House should tomorrow proceed on his Majesty's Supply, and on Wednesday to consider of Heads for a Militia-Bill.

The 17th, The House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider the way of raising his Majesty's Supply.

Farther Debates on the Supply. ; Sir John Ernley.

Mr. North in the Chair.

Moved, that such an additional Duty might be upon Wines as might yield 400,000 l. yearly; and upon other Goods he named, as might raise about 600,000 l. Yearly; which with the Continuance for some Years of the late Act of Imposition of French Linnens, and East India Silks, &c. might make up the Sum; and told the House, he propos'd this way, to avoid a Land-Tax.

The Goods he named to be rated, were Soap, Pot-ashes, to pay 7 d. ½ to treble; unwrought Silks, Deals, Planks, and other Boards to double. Raisins and Prunes 2 s. per Cent. to double. Iron now pays 7 s. per Cent. to double. Copperas 18 s. per Cent. to double. Oils to 8 or 10 per Tun, pay now 30 s. Drugs will bear ⅔ more than rated. Drugs and Spice from Holland, Salt, and all prohibited Goods, 20 l. per Cent.

And this I hope may do what is now intended to be rais'd at this time, supposing 4 l. per Cent on French Wines.

Sir Dudley North.

Moved much to the same effect, and enlarged on it, and said, the Book of Rates had been well consider'd, and these Goods were capable of bearing the Duties propos'd; but if the King took the 4 l. per Tun on French Wines at above twenty thousand pounds Yearly, he would be a loser by it.

Other Gentlemen insisted on having French Linnen higher charg'd.

Mr. Neale.

'The Pepper that is expended here, paying one Penny a Pound, might pay one Penny more, and so yield 70 or 80000 l. yearly; and that Bullion exported to the Indies, might bear 5 l. per Cent. and encourage the sending of other Goods (in some measure) instead of it thither.'

Sir Richard Temple.

Moved Subsidies or Land Tax; but the House inclining to what was first propos'd, and being consented to by the King's Ministers, seem'd contented with it; so was voted, That an Act for laying an Imposition on French Linnens, East-India Goods, Brandy, &c. should be continued for five Years from Midsummer 1690. and be given to his Majesty as 400,000 l. And that

An Imposition of 4 l. per Tun be laid upon all French Wines, on which to be rais'd 300,000 l. which makes up the 700000 l.

The time how long this 4 l. per Tun shall be laid, is not yet determined, an Account being first to be brought from the Custom-House Books, of what Number of Tuns are yearly imported; 'twas said 100,000 Tuns: Others affirm'd, there were near double so many.

The House seemed to incline to 8 or 10 Years, and that the Duties already on it should still continue for the same time; which 4 l. per Tun, with the Duty it already pays, is near 20 l. per Tun.

The 18th, Mr. Speaker acquaints the House, that his Majesty having been yesterday attended in the BanquetingHouse at Whitehall with the Address of Thanks from this House for his great Care and Conduct, in suppressing the late Rebellion; and likewise concerning the Officers of the Army not qualified for their Employments, was graciously pleased to return an Answer, to the effect following.

The King's Answer to the Address.

'My Lords and Gentlemen, I did not expect such an Address from the House of Commons. For, having so lately recommended to your Consideration the great Advantages a good Understanding between us had produc'd us in a very short time, and given you warning of Fears and Jealousies amongst ourselves; I had reason to hope, that the Reputation God had blessed me with in the World, would have seated and confirmed a good Confidence in you for me, and of all that I say to you.

'But however you proceed on your Part, I will be steady in all my Promises I have made to you, and be just to my Word in this, and all my other Speeches.'

Debates therein,

The said Answer was read with all due Reverence and Respect, and there being a profound silence in the House for some time after it;

Mr. Wharton moved, that a Day might be appointed to consider his Majesty's Answer to the late Address of this House, and named Friday next.

Mr. Coke stood up and seconded that Motion, and said, I hope we are all Englishmen, and not to be frighted out of our Duty by a few high Words.'

Lord Preston took present Exceptions against the Words, which, as is usual, were writ down by the Clerk, and Mr. Coke call'd upon to explain—

Mr. Coke said, 'he intended no ill by it; and that he did not believe these the Words: And that if he had said any thing that had given that House Offence, he was sorry, and would ask them Pardon for it.'

Sir Christopher Musgrave.

'It is not enough to say these were not the Words, but you are to say what the Words were.'

Mr. Coke.

'I do not make set Speeches: I cannot repeat them; and if they did drop from me, I ask the King and you Pardon.'

So these being took for granted to have been the Words, Mr. Coke, as the Custom is in such Cases, withdrew into the Speaker's Chamber.

Sir J. Talbot.

'Not our own Honour, but the King is concern'd in this; and moved, that he should be brought to the Bar, and there to receive a Reprimand from Mr. Speaker for it.'

Sir H. Cholmondeley.

'He is a Gentleman of great Loyalty, never before of the House; I do desire he may have what Favour may be.'

Mr. Aubrey.

'A great Reflection upon this House, if this be let pass. Several spoke of his Loyalty, but none to excuse him for this'

'Send him to the Tower.'

'The meaning of this seems like an Incendiary. The Tower!'

Lord P. Lord Middleton. Mr. Solicitor.

'This needs no Aggravation; a Reprimand for an Offence to this House, might do; but this does not end there, and 'tis a question whether it be in the power of the House to pass it by; the Offence is given to the King as well as you: I am for calling him to the Bar in the first place.'

Mr. Coke sent to the Tower.

But 'twas then order'd, that Mr. Coke for his undecent Speech, should be sent to the Tower.

Mr. Seymour.

'Now this is over, I cannot but consent to those that moved for a day, to consider of His Majesty's Answer; nor think my self as honest as I should be, if I now hold my tongue.

'And if we do take this Matter into Consideration, I doubt not but we shall behave our selves with that decency to His Majesty, that we may hope for a more satisfactory Answer, than as yet this seems to be to me.'

Sir J. Ernley.

'I did hope the Acquiescence that was this Morning in this House, on reading His Majesty's Answer, had ended this Matter. I do think the King will do all what he promised, and am for resting there.'

Sir T. Meers.

Mov'd to adjourn, and said, 'he did not know what to say to it.'

Sir T. Clarges.

'For that very Reason I move for a Day to consider of it; and I do not think we shew that Respect we ought to do to the King, if we do not.' Adjourn'd.

Proceedings on the Supply.

The 19th, The Committee appointed to search the Custom-House Books, how many Tuns of French Wines were yearly imported, report to the House, That 4 l. per Tun laid upon French Wines, would, all Deductions allowed, bring in yearly 350,000 l.

Mr. Sollicitor took the Chair.

And 'twas thereupon resolved, That the 4 l. per Tun, to be laid on French Wines, for the raising of 300,000 l. be continued from the first of December 1685 yearly, for nine Years and a half.

To which the House agreed, and Mr. Sollicitor was order'd to bring in a Bill on the Debates of the House, with a Clause of Loan for the said Imposition of 4 l. per Tun for the said nine Years and a half, from the first of December 1685. And then adjourn'd.

The 20th, A Message from the King by the GentlemanUsher of the Black-Rod.

'Mr. Speaker, It is His Majesty's Pleasure, this Honourable House do attend him immediately in the House of Peers.' Where being come, the Lord Chancellor, by His Majesty's Directions, said as followeth.

Lord Chancellor prorogues the Parliament.

'My Lords, and you the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the House of Commons, I am commanded by His Majesty to let you know, that it is His Majesty's Pleasure, for many weighty Reasons, that this Parliament be prorogued till the 10th day of February next: And accordingly this Parliament is prorogued till the 10th day of February next.'


'Tis remarkable the King lost 700,000 l. by this Prorogation; to which he added three more; and, after trying all sorts of Practices to render the Members more ductile in vain, dissolv'd the Parliament July 2. 1687.

Prince of Orange lands. ; The King withdraws. ; House of Lords meets. ; Their Address to the Prince of Orange.

The next Year the Prince of Orange came over by Invitation from the People, and the King being deserted by his Army, Friends, and Children, withdrew to France; which was no sooner known, but the House of Lords exerted their Authority, and immediately assembled themselves in their House at Westminster; where, after a long Debate, relating chiefly to the Prerogatives of a King of England, they resolv'd to begin with the following Address to the Prince of Orange: 'We the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, assembled in this Conjuncture, do desire your Highness to take upon you the Administration of Public Affairs both Civil and Military, and the Disposal of the Public Revenue, for the Preservation of our Religion, Rights, Laws, Liberties and Properties, and of the Peace of the Nation; and that your Highness will take into your particular Care the present Condition of Ireland, and endeavour by the most speedy and effectual Means to prevent the Dangers threatning that Kingdom: All which we make our Requests to your Highness to undertake and exercise, till the Meeting of the intended Convention, the 22d day of January next; in which, we doubt not, such proper Methods will be taken, as will conduce to the Establishment of these things upon such sure and legal Foundations, that they may not be in danger of being again subverted.' Dated at the House of Lords, Westminster the 25th of December.


Having made this first Step, their Lordships proceeded to consider of the most effectual Way for summoning the said Convention, and the same Day drew up their Opinions, in this second Address to the Prince: 'We the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, assembled at Westminster in this extraordinary Conjuncture, do humbly desire your Highness to cause Letters to be written, subscrib'd by your self, to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, being Protestants; and to the several Counties, Universities, Cities, Boroughs, and Cinque-Ports of England, Wales, and the Town of Berwick upon Twede: The Letters for the Counties to be directed to the Coroners of the respective Counties, or any one of them; and in default of the Coroners, to the Clerk of the Peace of the respective Counties: And the Letters for the Universities, to be directed to every Vice-Chancellor: And the Letters to the several Cities, Boroughs and Cinque-Ports, to be directed to the Chief Magistrate of each respective City, Borough and Cinque-Port; containing Directions for the chusing, in all such Counties, Cities, Universities, Boroughs and CinquePorts, within ten Days after the Receipt of the respective Letters, such a Number of Persons to represent them, as are of Right to be sent to Parliament: Of which Elections, and the Times and Places thereof, the respective Officers shall give Notice, within the space of five Days in the least. Notice of the intended Elections for the Counties, to be publish'd in the Churches, immediately after the Time of Divine-Service, and in all the Market-Towns within the said respective Counties: And Notice of the intended Elections for the Cities, Universities, Boroughs and Cinque Ports, to be publish'd within the said respective Places. The said Letters, and the Execution thereof, to be return'd, by such Officer and Officers who shall execute the same, to the Clerk of the Crown in the Court of Chancery; so as the Persons so to be chosen may meet and sit at Westminster, on the 22d day of January next.' These two Addresses were subscrib'd by about ninety Lords, that were then present in the House.

The Proceedings of the Prince of Orange. ; He summons the Commons, &c.

In the mean time the Prince of Orange proceeded with all Vigour and Diligence. His Highness seem'd never to doubt a considerable Party among the Peers; therefore the regular Concurrence of the Commons of England appear'd the most important Point; and to assemble them after a legal Manner, was no small Difficulty. There was no King in the Nation, nor any particular Style or Form of Government; the Writs were destroy'd, and the Great Seal thrown away and lost. After a long Consultation upon this weighty and knotty Affair, a late Precedent was produc'd, which seem'd to agree with the present Exigency. About the latter End of the Year 1659, General Monk, with the Nobility and Gentry that labour'd for King Charles's Restoration, in opposition to the Rump Parliament, who pretended to continue sitting, issu'd forth their Summons in the Names of the Keepers of the Liberties of England, for a Convention or Parliament, to meet on the 25th of April, 1660. And tho' this was done by unqualify'd Persons, without the formal Consent of the People, yet after the King's Return, he was so well satisfy'd with their Proceedings, that it was Enacted by the King and the Three Estates of the Realm, 'That the Lords and Commons then sitting were the two Houses of Parliament; notwithstanding any Want of the King's Writs, or any other Defect whatsoever.' From whence his Highness's Council inferr'd, 'That if the Necessity of Affairs was a forcible Argument in 1659, it was certainly of a greater Force in the present Conjuncture:' Now because the Commons of England have not the same Power to assemble as the Peers, the Prince publish'd this following Order; 'Whereas the Necessity of Affairs does require speedy Advice; We do desire all such Persons as have serv'd as Knights, Citizens or Burgesses in any of the Parliaments that were held during the Reign of the late King Charles the Second, to meet us at St. James's, upon Wednesday the 26th of this Instant December, by ten of the Clock in the Morning. And we do likewise desire, That the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the City of London would be present at the same time; and that the Common-Council wou'd appoint fifty of their Number to be there likewise. And hereof we desire them not to fail.'

His Speech to them.

Pursuant to this Summons, many Members of the Parliaments in King Charles's Reign, to the Number of about a hundred and sixty, and the Aldermen and Deputies of the Common-Council of the City of London, assembled at St. James's, on Wednesday the appointed Day; where the Prince made this following Speech to them: 'You, Gentlemen, that have been Members of the late Parliaments, I have desired you to meet me here, to advise the best Manner how to pursue the Ends of my Declaration, in calling a Free Parliament, for the Preservation of the Protestant Religion, and the Restoring the Rights and Liberties of the Kingdom, and settling the same, that they may not be in danger of being again subverted. And you the Aldermen and Members of the Common-Council of the City of London, I desire the same of you. And in regard your Numbers are like to be great, you may, if you think fit, divide your selves, and sit in several Places.' The Lord Mayor being absent, upon the account of his Indisposition, the Prince gave the Copy of his Speech to Sir Thomas Allen, as being eldest Alderman, and styled Father of the City, desiring that he and the rest wou'd take that Paper into immediate Consideration.

They form themselves into a House.

Accordingly, by Agreement, they all repair'd to the Commons House in Westminster; where being seated, and having chosen Henry Powle Esq; for their Chairman, the first Question they debated, was, What Authority they had to assemble? Upon which it was soon agreed, That the Request of his Highness the Prince was a sufficient Warrant. The next Question of Moment was, How his Highness cou'd take upon him the Administration of Affairs without a distinguishing Name or Title? Which Objection being started by Sir Robert Southwell, was sufficiently answer'd by Serjeant Maynard, who said, That the Assembly wou'd lose a great deal of time, if they waited till Sir Robert cou'd conceive how that was possible. A Temporary Offer of the Government being made to his Highness, one propos'd that it shou'd be, not for a Month only, but for a whole Year; to whom it was answer'd, that the Convention ought only to consider of that. Others mov'd that the Association, that had been sign'd by the Lords, might likewise be subscrib'd by this Assembly; but it was carry'd, that the said Association shou'd be left upon the Table, and every one be at liberty to sign it or not. After these previous Debates, they resolv'd upon Heads for an Address to be made to his Highness, and appointed Persons to draw up and prepare the same; and in the Afternoon it was done accordingly, and read and approv'd in this Form:

Their Address to the Prince.

'We who have serv'd as Members of Parliaments during the Reign of the late King Charles the Second, together with the Court of Aldermen, and Members of the Common-Council of the City of London, assembled at your Highness's Desire, in this extraordinary Conjuncture, do, with an unanimous Consent, tender to your Highness our humble and hearty Thanks, for you coming into this Kingdom, and exposing your Person to so great Hazards, for the Preservation of our Religion, Laws, and Liberties, and rescuing us from the Miseries of Popery and Slavery: And desire your Highness, (for the Pursuance of these Ends, and for the Preservation of the Peace of the Nation) will take upon you the Administration of Public Affairs, both Civil and Military, and the Disposal of the Public Revenues. We do also desire, that your Highness will take into your particular Consideration, the present Condition of Ireland; and endeavour, by the most speedy and effectual Means to prevent the Dangers threatning that Kingdom. All which, we desire your Highness to undertake and execute, until the Meeting of the intended Convention, the 22d day of January next.' Then, for the Chusing of Members for the said Convention, they propos'd the same which has been mention'd in the Lords Address; and so concluded in these Words, 'This we humbly offer to your Highness, as our best Advice, in this Exigency of Affairs, for attaining the Ends of your Highness's Declaration; and as the best Means tending to such an Establishment, as that our Religion, Laws and Liberties, may not be in danger of being again subverted.'

His Highness's Answer to the Lords, and their Address.

His Highness having appointed to receive the Address the next Morning, he was then attended by a Body of them; and the Address was presented and read by Mr. Powle to his Highness; who was pleas'd to declare, That it being a Matter of Weight, he wou'd consider thereof, and give his Answer the next Day. Accordingly, on Friday Morning, December 28, his Highness first gave the following Answer at St. James's to the Lords Spirtual and Temporal: 'My Lords, I have consider'd of your Advice; and, as far as I am able, I will endeavour to secure the Peace of the Nation, until the Meeting of the Convention in January next; for the Election whereof I will forthwith issue Letters, according to your Desire. I will also take care to apply the Public Revenue to the most proper Uses that the present Affairs require; and likewise endeavour to put Ireland into such a Condition, as that the Protestant Religion and English Interest may be maintain'd in that Kingdom. And I further assure you, That as I came hither for the Preservation of the Protestant Religion, and the Laws and Liberties of these Kingdoms; so I shall always be ready to expose my self to any Hazard, for the Defence of the same.' And in the Afternoon, his Highness was pleas'd to return the very same Answer to the Commons.