Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, 1560-1618. Originally published by [s.n.], Edinburgh, 1839.
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Maitland Club, 'Acts and Proceedings: 1601, March', in Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, 1560-1618(Edinburgh, 1839), British History Online [accessed 11 February 2025].
Maitland Club, 'Acts and Proceedings: 1601, March', in Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, 1560-1618(Edinburgh, 1839), British History Online, accessed February 11, 2025,
Maitland Club. "Acts and Proceedings: 1601, March". Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, 1560-1618. (Edinburgh, 1839), British History Online. Web. 11 February 2025.
In this section
The Generall Assemblie of the Kirk of Scotland haldin at Montrois, the 18 of Marche 1600 ȝeirs: Quher the Kings Maiestie being personallie present, were conveinit the Commissioners of Schyres.
Sessio 1a.
Exhortatioun being made be Mr Peter Blackburne, Moderatour of the last Assemblie, Mrs Robert Bruce, Patrick Galloway, Robert Wilkie, Patrick Sharp, James Melvill, and Patrick Simsone, were appointit on the leits: Be pluralitie of votis Mr Robert Wilkie was electit Moderatour hac vice.
Sessio 2a. Eodem die.
The Commissioners appointit in the last Generall Assemblie for visitatioun of the kirks within every Presbitrie, as are particularlie divydit in the said Commissioun, being requyrit quhat diligence they had done in discharge of the said commissioun: It was ansuerit for the most part of them, that they were not able to discharge any part of the said commissioun, in respect they wantit moyen to make thair expenssis during the tyme of the visitatioun: and therfor the Assemblie thocht good that it sould be meanit to his Maiestie, that through inlake of expencis the worke of visitatioun was lyke to cease, and to crave that some remeid may be provydit therto.
Forsameikle as it was regratit, that the act made in the last Assemblie, anent the ordinar keiping of Presbytries, and the resorting therto, was not regardit be sundrie of the Ministrie, and speciallie be them of the Presbitries of Air and Irwing: Therfor the Generall Assemblie ordaines the said act to be put to executioun in all points, throughout all the Presbitries within this realme; and quhosoevir contemnes and violats the samein, after twyse admonitioun, that he be suspendit from his ministrie: ordaining the visitors, that salbe appointit fra this Assemblie, to report to the nixt Assemblie quhat diligence they find done, tuiching the keiping of the said act.
Sessio 3a. 19 Martij.
Anent the supplicatioun givin in be the Synodall of Galloway, making mentioun, that quher they had ane act for the erecting and bigging of ane kirk at the burgh of Stranrawer, within the Presbitrie of Wigtoun, and annexatioun therto of the 20 pound land of the parochine of the Inche, Iyand towards the coast of Ireland, pertaining to the Lairds of Garthland, Stranrawer, Kinhilt, and Sorbie, with the 29 mark land of the parochin of Salsett, the fyve mark land of Auchterlure, and fyve mark land of Stranrawer, as being most commodious for the inhabitants of the said lands, for resorting to the said kirk for heiring of the Word; vnto the quhilk erectioun and annexatioun forsaid, the heritours and kyndlie tennents of the saids lands, hes alreadie givin thair consent: desyreand, therfor, the Generall Assemblie will ratifie and approve the same, as at mair lenth is conteinit in thair supplicatioun. The Generall Assemblie [ratifies and] approves the erecting [and annexatione] forsaid, of the said Synodall of Galloway in all points.
Because the generall questioun was proponit to the haill Assemblie, quher congregatiouns are so spatious, that a great part therof may not commodiouflie resort to thair awin paroch kirk, be reason of the great diftance of thair habitatioun therfra, If it be lawfull to ane number of the said congregatioun to big ane new kirk, and intertaine a Pastor at the same vpon thair awin expenssis: The Generall Assemblie, after lang reasoning, thinks it both lawfull and expedient, and declares they will assist the samein as a godlie wark, and will crave the samein to be ratified in Parliament, how so oft it sall occurre.
Because it was reportit, that a great number of gentlemen, and vthers of this realme, wilfullie and obstinatelie abstaines from the holie communioun; some vnder collour of deadlie feids, and some for some vther licht causes: Therfor, for remeid of the said abuse, it is statute and ordainit, That all Presbitries, within this realme, give expresse charge and command to every particular Minister within thair bounds, charging them to take vp the names of all them within thair parochines, quho hes not communicat ilk ȝeir anes at the leist; and therafter summond them [to compeir] befor the Presbitrie, to heir and sie themselves decernit to communicat within thrie monethis nixt after the charge; certifieand them and they failȝie, the act of conventioun made aganis non communicants salbe put to executioun agains them: quhilk being done, and the saids persons, non communicants, remaining obstinate, and the saidis thrie monethis expyred, that the Presbitries delate the names of the saids non communicants to the Kings Maiestie, to the intent the forsaid act of conventioun made against non communicants may be put to executioun agains them: And in the parochin quher ther is no Minister, that this ordour be supplied be the Presbitrie within the quhilk the said paroch lyes.
Forsameikle as it was heavilie lamentit in the Kings Maiesties presence, that quhenas sundrie of the Ministrie were occupied in thair lawfull calling, in persewing malefactours, such as adulterers, murtherers, and vther slanderous persons, vrging them to purge [themselves of] the slanders committit be them, conforme to the statutes of the Kirk, daylie observit within this realme, that at such tymes they were drawin from thair calling, and chargit to compeir befor the Secreit Counsell, be letters privielie obtainit vpon false narratives be the saids slanderous persons; quherby not only were they distractit from thair lawfull functiouns, but also the discipline of the Kirk and punishment of vyce [was] greatlie [neglectit and] contemnit: Therfor the brethren of the Assemblie most humblie requeists his Maiestie not to suffer such contempt of the discipline of the Kirk, quherby the brydle wald be lousit to all impietie and licentious living.
To the quhilk his Maiestie promist, that, in tyme comeing, no letters sould be direct from the Secreit Counsell, at the instance of any person, aganis any Minister in particular, or any Presbitrie in generall, for quhatsoevir thing he or they sall doe in the executioun of their offices, befor the person, requyrer [of the saids letters,] produce ane testimoniall under forme of ane instrument de denegata justitia of the Minister or Presbytrie judge ordinar.
Sessio 4a. Eodem die, post meridiem.
The brethren appointit to await vpon the Kings Maiestie, for advyseing of such articles as sould be cravit of the nixt Conventioun for taking ordour with Jesuits, Papists, Seminarie Priests, &c., hes, with the Kings Maiessties advyse, formed the articles vnderwrytin, to be givin in to the nixt Conventioun.
1. That all Jesuits and Seminarie Priests, excommunicat and trafficking Papists, that sall happin, in any tyme comeing, to returne within the countrey, or that are presentlie within the countrey, sall, immediatlie after thair delatioun to his Maiestie, be apprehendit and put in ward, ther to be deteinit ay and quhill they be convertit to the religioun, or els punischit according to the acts of Parliament, or els removit aff the countrey.
2. That the resetters of obstinate excommunicat Papists, and thair cheife friends and acquaintances, in whose houses they haunt, be chargit to find catioun, vnder a pecuniall paine according to thair abilitie and rank, that they sall no way receit nor intertaine the said excommunicats.
3. That all excommunicat Papists be chargeit to satisfie the Kirk within the space of thrie monethis, vnder the paine of horning; and if they failyie, to be denuncit therto, that thair escheitts and lyferents, in cace of ȝeir and dayes rebellioun, may be intromettit with be his Maiesties Thesaurer, and not disponit to any donatour.
4. That the Marqueis of Huntlie be chargeit to [exhibit and] present before his Maiestie and Secreit Counsell, John Gordoun of Newtoun, Patrick Butter, and Alexander Leslie, according to his band, that they may be committit to ward ay and quhill they satisfie the Kirk.
Bonytoun Ʒonger, alledgit resident within the Presbitries of Ellon, Aberdeine, and Breichin, is ordainit be the General Assemblie to be conveinit befor the Presbitrie of Brechin, and ther to offer his satisfactioun as to his judges ordinar.
Tarwes, and Methlik, kirks of the Synodall of Aberdeine, vpon the xj day of November 1597 ȝeirs, with mutual consent of the parochiners, and heritours of the lands to be interchangit and annexit, with consent of the said Synodall, excumbit certaine lands, and annexit them in respect of the farre distance from thair awin paroch kirks, and contiguitie to the kirks quhervnto they are annexit, but prejudice alwayes of thair rents of the Personage and Viccarrage of the saids lands, to be payit to the auld Persons and Viccars, as befor the said excambion. The Generall Assemblie, at the desyre of the said Synodall, ratifies and approves the said excambion and alteratioun in all points, and ordaines the samein to take full effect.
Forsameikle as diverse and great inconveniences arises daylie through the vntymeous marriage of ȝoung and tender persons befor they come to age meit for marriage; and that ther is no law, nor statute of the Kirk, [made] as ȝet desyning the age of persons to be married: Therfor it is statute and ordainit, that no Minister within this realme presume to joyne in matrimonie [any persones], in tyme coming, except the man be of fourtein ȝeirs, and the woman of twelve ȝeirs at the leist: ordaining lykewayes the Commissioners of the Generall Assemblie to desyre this statute to be ratified in the Conventione.
Anent the questioun, Whither a man being blind may discharge all the parts of the office of a Pastor; and in speciall anent the admissioun of Mr Johne Boyle to the ministrie of Jedburgh, being blind: The Assemblie referres the ansuer of the generall questioun to the next Generall Assemblie.
And as to the admissioun of the said Mr Johne, referris it to the Commissioners of the said Generall Assemblie; and in the meanetyme discharges the said Mr Johne fra vsing any part of the office of a Pastour, except the preaching of the Word.
Because the mariage of persons convict of adulterie, is a great allurement to maried persons to committ the said cryme, thinking therby to be separate from their awin lawfull halfe marrowes, to injoy the persons with quhom they have committit adulterie: for eschewing quherof, the Generall Assemblie thinks it expedient, that ane supplicatioun be givin in to the nixt Conventioun, craveand ane act to be made, dischargeand all mariages of such persons as are convict of adulterie; and that the samein be ratified in the nixt Parliament: ordaining the brethren appointit to awaite vpon the nixt Conventioun to give in this article with the rest.
Sessio 6a. 20 Martij, post meridiem.
Forsameikle as, in the last Assemblie, ther was commissioun givin to every Synodall within this realme, to elect and choose out thrie of the wysest of thair number, to be readie vpon his Majesties advertisement, and to conveine with his Hienes, and treat vpon such heids, concerning vote in Parliament, as were not condiscendit vpon in the last Assemblie, and, in cace of agriement, to conclude the haill matter; vtherwayes to referre the same to the nixt Assemblie, as at mair lenth is conteinit in the said commissioun: conforme to the quhilk, the saids Commissioners being conveinit at Falkland, the 25 day of Julij 1598, they being rypelie advysit with the heids following, gave thair advyce and conclusioun, as follows:
1. Concerning the maner of choosing of him that sall have vote in Parliament in name of the Kirk: It is condiscendit vpon, that he sall first be recommendit be the Kirk to his Majestie; and that the Kirk sall nominat fixe for every place that sall have neid to be filled, of quhom his Majestie sall choose ane, of quhom he best lykes; and his Majestie promises, obleises, and binds himselfe to choose no vther but ane of that number: And in cace his Majestie refuses the haill vpon ane just reason of ane insufficiency, and of greater sufficiencie of vthers that are not recommendit, the Kirk sall make ane new recommendatioun of men according to the first number, of the quhilk, ane salbe chosin be his Majestie without any farther refuisall or new nominatioun; and he that salbe chosin be his Majestie, salbe admittit be the Synods.
2. It is concludit, that the Generall Assemblie sall have the nominatioun or recommendatioun of him that, in the name of the Kirk, sall vote in Parliament, quho sall take the advyce of the Synods and Presbytries theranent, direct from them in wryte: and the Synod sall have libertie to nominat asweill within thair province as without; provyding that there be a man within the province meit for the place, cæteries paribus, he be preserrit to another.
3. Anent his rent: It is advyseit, with one consent, that the Kirk being plantit sufficientlie, the Colledgis and Schooles alreadie erectit not prejudgeit, that the Kings Majestie sall provyde him to all the rest that may be obtainit of that benefice, quherto he is preferrit.
As to the cautions to keip him, that sall have vote in Parliament, from corruptiouns: They be these following:
1. That he presume not, at any tyme, to propone at Parliament, Counsell, or Conventioun, in name of the Kirk, any thing without expresse warrand and directioun from the Kirk, and sick things as he sall answer [for] to be for the weill of the Kirk, vnder the paine of depositioun from his office: neither sall be consent, or keip silence, in any of the saids Conventiouns, to any thing that may be prejudiciall to the weill and libertie of the Kirk, vnder the samein paine.
2. He sall be bound, at every Generall Assemblie, to give ane accompt anent the discharge of his commissioun sen the Assemblie gangand befor; and sall submitt himselfe to thair censure, and stand at thair determinatioun quhatsumever, without appellatioun; and sall seik and obtain ratificatioun of his doings at the said Assemblie, vnder the paine of infamie and excommunicatioun.
3. He sall content himself with that part of the benefice quhilk salbe givin in be his Majestie for his living, not hurting nor prejudging the rest of the Ministers of the kirks, within his benefice, plantit or to be plantit, or any vther Minister [of the countrie] quhatsumever; and this claus to be insert in his provisioun.
4. He sall not delapidat in any wayes his benefice, neither make sett nor dispositioun therof, without the special consent of his Majestie and Generall Assemblie: and for the greater warrand heirof, he sall interdyte himselfe not to delapidat his benefice, nor consent to delapidatioun thereof made be vthers to the Generall Assemblie; and salbe content that inhibitiouns be raised on him to that effect.
5. He salbe bound faithfullie to attend vpon his awin particular congregatioun, quherat he salbe Minister, in all the points of a Pastor; and heiranent salbe subiect to the tryall of his awin Presbitrie and Provinciall Assemblie, as any vther Minister that beares not commissioun.
6. In the administration of discipline, collatioun of benefices, visitatioun, and all vther points of ecclesiasticall government, he sall neither vsurpe nor acclaime to himselfe any power or jurisdictioun farther than any vther of the rest of his breither, unlesse he be imployit be his breither, vnder the paine of deprivatioun: And in cace he vsurpe any part of ecclesiasticall government, and the Presbitrie, Synodall, or Generall Assemblie, oppone or make any impediment therto; quhatsoevir he doe, after that impediment, to be null, ipso facto, without any declaratour.
7. In Presbitries, Provinciall and Generall Assemblies, he sall behave himselfe in all things, and be subject to their censureing, as any of the brethren of the Presbitrie.
8. At his admissioun to his office of Commissioner, thir and all vther points necessar he sall sweare and subscryve to fulfill, vnder the paine of the penalties forsaids; and vtherwayes not to be admittit.
9. And in cace he be deposit be the Generall Assemblie, Synod, or Presbitrie, from his office in the Ministrie, he sall also tyne his vote in Parliament, ipso facto, and his benefice sall vaik.
And farther cautions to be made as the Kirk pleases and finds occasioun.
Anent his name that for the Kirk sall [have] vote in Parliament: It is advyseit, be vniforme consent of the haill brether, that he salbe callit Commissioner of such a place; and in cace the Parliament, be his Majesties moyen, be induceit to acknowlege that name, it fall stand so: if not, the Generall Assemblie sall conclude this questioun anent his name.
The questioun being demandit, Whither the commissioun of him that for the Kirk [sall vote in Parliament,] sould indure for his lyse tyme, except some cryme or offence interveine, or for a shorter tyme at the pleasure [of the Kirk]: The Commissioners of the Provinciall Assemblies being of diverse opiniouns, thoght good to referre this questioun to the nixt Generall Assemblie.
Quhilks haill conclusiouns being red in presence and audience of the haill Assemblie, and they being rypelie advyseit therwith, ratified, allowit, and approvit the samein; and thocht expedient that the said cautiouns, together with sick vthers as salbe concludit vpon be the Assemblie, be insert in the bodie of the act of Parliament, that is to be made for confirmatioun of vote in Parliament to the Kirk, as most necessar and substantial parts of the samein.
Anent the supplicatioun givin in be James Leirmonth, ȝonger of Dairsie, James Kynninmonth of that ilk, Johne Traill of Blebo, for themselves, and in name of thair tennents, and vthers, parochiners of the paroch of Sanct Androes, makand mentioun, That albeit they are parochiners of the said paroch kirk, lykeas they and thair predecessours hes bein [continually subject to the discipline of the said kirk, and hes been] ever readie to vnderly quhatsoevir burdein was imposit for furtherance of the said kirk, and concurre with the rest of the parochiners, according to thair rent and portioun of the said paroch: nevertheles the Ministrie and Sessioun of the said kirk refuses to suffer them and thair saids tennents to enjoy the benefits of the Kirk with the remanent of the said paroche; but debarres them from the heiring of the Word, receiving of the sacraments, and benefite of marriage, within the said kirk of Sanct Androes, but any reasonable cause: Desyreand, therfor, ane command to the Ministrie and Sessioun of the said kirk of Sanct Androes to admitt the forsaids persons and thair vassalls to the hearing of the Word in the said kirk of Sanct Androes, and the injoying of the haill remanent benefites of the Kirk, as at mair lenth is conteinit in the said supplicatioun.
The Generall Assemblie having considderit the premisses, commands and ordaines the Ministrie and Sessioun of the said kirk of Sanct Androes to admitt the saids complainers, and thair vassalls and tennents, parochiners of the said kirk, to the hearing of the Word, mariage, and receiving of the sacraments of the Kirk, within the said kirk of Sanct Androes, as thair proper paroch kirk, in all tyme comeing, ay and quhill thair awin consent be obtainit in the contrair.
Sessio 7a. 21 Martij.
Anent the supplicatioun givin in be the parochiners of Tulliebodie, makeand mentioun, Albeit the said paroch of Tulliebodie be ane auld paroch, separate from all vthers, having within itselfe the number of foure or fyve hundreth communicants or thereby, and payes thair teinds to the Abbot of Cambuskenneth, quho rigorouslie exacts the same: Neverthelesse the Presbitrie of Striveling hes, be thair ordinance, commandit the said kirk of Tulliebodie to be vnittit to the Chappell of Alloway most wrangouslie; seeing the saids complainers, be ane anterior command of the said Presbitrie, not only reedified thair said Kirk of Tulliebodie, but also, vpon thair awin charges, furnischit a Pastor to the said kirk; lykeas ȝet they are most willing to doe, notwithstanding thair teinds are most wrangouslie led away be the said Abbot, as said is: desyreing, therfor, thair said supplicatioun to be considderit, and the said unioun to be dissolvit, as, at mair lenth, is conteinit in the said supplicatioun.
The brethren of the Presbitrie of Striveling being callit to give a reason of this thair vnioun of the said kirks, ansuerit, That the cause moving them was, First, That both the saids parochines lay verie commodiouslie to the said kirk of Alloway: Secondlie, That the number of both the saids parochines wald make but one sufficient congregatioun: Thirdlie, That ther could not be ane stipend obtainit to the said kirk of Tulliebodie, in so farre that at the desyre of the saids complainers, ther being ane Pastour appointit to the said kirk, vpon promise that they wold furnisch him a sufficient stipend, he was sorcit, for povertie, for to leave them: quheras, be the contrair, be the vnioun of the said two kirks, the Erle of Marre furnisches a sufficient stipend to ane Pastour, resident at the same.
The Generall Assemblie having considderit the premisses, ratifies and approves the vnioun of the saids kirks of Alloway and Tulliebodie, and ordaines Alloway to be the paroch kirk in all tyme coming.
Anent the supplicatioun givin in be the Presbitrie of Deir, makand mentioun, that quher the Laird of Phillorth having erectit ane Colledge vpon the towne of Fraserburghe, and aggreit with Mr Charles Ferme to be both Pastour of the said burgh, and Principall of his Colledge; quhilk burdein the said Mr Charles refuses to accept vpon him, without he be commandit be the Generall Assemblie: Desyreand, therfor, ane command to be givin to the said Mr Charles to accept both the said charges, as at mair lenth is containit in the said supplicatioun:
The Generall Assemblie having at length considderit the necessitie of the said wark, and how the said Laird of Phillorth hes resufit to intertaine a Pastour at the said kirk, vnlesse he vndertake both the said charges, Therfor commands [and charges] the said Mr Charles Ferme to vndertake and awaite vpon, asweill the said kirk, as to be Principall of the Colledge of Fraserburghe.
Sessio 8a. Eodem die.
Forsameikle as the Commissioners of the Synodalls conveinit at Falkland, the 25 of Julij 1598 ȝeirs, being of diverse opiniouns concerning the continuance of his commissioun that sall have vote in Parliament, Whither he sould indure for his lyfetyme, except some cryme or offence interveine, or for a shorter tyme, at the pleasure of the Kirk, they thocht good to referre the same to this present Assemblie: Therfor the Generall Assemblie having reasonit at length the said questioun, tuiching the continuance of him that sall have vote in Parliament, after votting of the same, finds and decernes, that he sall annuatim give count of his commission obtainit from the Assemblie, and lay downe the samein at thair feitt, to be continuit or alterit therfra be his Maiestie and the Assemblie, as the Assemblie, with consent of his Maiestie, sall think most expendient for the weill of the Kirk.
It is statute and ordainit, that nane of them that sall have vote in Parliament, sall come as Commissioners to any Generall Assemblie, nor have vote in the same in any time comeing, except he be authorizit with a commission from his awin Presbitrie to that effect.
It is found be the Assemblie, that crimen ambitus salbe a sufficient cause of deprivation of him that sall have vote in Parliament.
It is statute and ordainit, that every Minister intimat this Generall Assemblie, that the vote in Parliament is concludit be the Assemblie; and that nane vtter speich in pulpitt contrair the same.
Forsameikle as it hes bein found necessar of before, and profitable for the weill of the Kirk, that certaine Commissioners be appointit fra Assemblie to Assemblie, whose speciall care and travell sould be to give thair advyce to his Maiestie in all affaires concerning the weill of the Kirk, and intertainment of peace and concord betuixt his Maiestie and the Kirk: Therfor the Generall Assemblie, continowing in that same course, hes givin and grantit, lykeas be the tenour heirof gives and grants, thair full power and commissioun to Mrs Johne Strachane, James Nicolsone, Andro Mylne, Alexander Forbes, Alexander Dowglas, Robert Howie, James Melvill, Johne Caldcleuch, Robert Wilkie, Harie Livingstoun, Alexander Lindsay, George Glaidstanes, Robert Pont, David Lindsay, Robert Bruce, Johne Hall, Johne Clappertoun, Johne Knox, Andro Lamb, James Lowsone (Law ?) Johne Spottiswood, Gawin Hamiltoun, David Barklay, Andro Knox, with the Kings Maiesties Ministers, or any nine of them; Giveand, grantand, and committand to them thair full power to plant such kirks in Burrogh Townes as are destitute of Pastours; and in speciall, the kirk of Leith, in place of Mr Johne Hall last removit thersra, and the southwest kirk of Edinburgh, vaikand be the deceis of vmquhile Mr Robert Rollock: to present the greives of this present Assemblie to the nixt Conventioun, and to receive the ansuers of the samein. And lykewayes, in cace his Maiestie find himselfe greivit at any enormities committit be any of the Ministrie, to try and cognosce vpon the samein, and take sick ordour theranent as salbe meitest to the glorie of God, and weill of the Kirk; to advyse with his Maiestie anent the effectuating of the constant platt: Promitten de rato &c.
Thir are the Commissioners appointit to await on the Conventioun; Mrs David Lindsay, Robert Bruce, James Nicolsone, Andro Lamb, William Couper, Alexander Lindsay, Johne Spottiswood, with the Kings Maiesties Ministers.
Because it was vnderstand be the Assemblie, [that Mr Andrew Lamb,] Minister at Aberbrothok, was licklie to be transportit to some vther flock, quher his gifts micht profite the Kirk in some greater aboundance: Therfor the Generall Assemblie gives licence to the said Mr Andro Lamb to be transportit from the said kirk of Aberbrothok.
The said day, the Generall Assemblie receivit and admittit Mr Thomas Hope to be Solister for the Kirk in place of James Mowat; quho being personallie present, dimittit the same in the Assemblies hands, after the said Mr Thomas had givin his oath of fidelitie in the said office.
Anent the processe of appellatioun persewit be James Lord Lindsay of the Byres, and remanent gentlemen and parochiners of the paroch kirk of Seiris, agains the Presbyteries of Couper and Sanet Androes, concerning the admissioun of Mr Robert Buchannan, Provest at Kirkheuch, to the Ministrie [at the kirk] of Seiris, and transportatioun of him from the kirk of Forgane in Fyfe: The brethren appointit to visite the said process, having made thair report to the haill Assemblie, the rights, reasons, and allegatiouns of all the said pairties beeand [heard and] considderit, The General Assemblie decernes and ordaines the said Mr Robert to remaine Minister at tke said kirk of Seiris: And sick lyke gives thair power and commissioun to Mrs James Melvill, Robert Wilkie, James Nicolsone, Alexander Lindsay, and William Scott, giveand them power to elect and choose out a discreit man, with consent of the saids parochiners of Seiris, to be adjoinit to the said Mr Robert as Minister and fellow helper with him at the said kirk of Seiris; with power also to them to modifie how mikle of his stipend salbe modified [payit ?] be the said Mr Robert, and how mikle be the saids parochiners of Seiris. And in speciall, the Assemblie recommends vnto them thair brother, Mr William Symsone, Minister at Bruntiland.
Forsameikle as there are diverse parts of the countrey, that, for lake of visitatioun, are become almost desolate, Therefor the Generall Assemblie hes thocht good that certaine visitours be directit for visiteing of the bounds of Kirkudbright and Wigtoun, Mrs David Barklay, Alexander Scrymgeour, and Nathan Inglis; of the bounds of Murray, Mrs George Hay and Andro Crombie; of the bounds of Orknay and Cathnes, Mrs Robert Pont, John Monro elder, and John Monro ȝonger; of the bounds of Rosse, Mrs Alexander Dowglas, Johne Carmichaell, and William Scott; and for Nithesdaile, Mrs Robert Wallace and Johne Welsche: with power to them to inquyre in the lyfe, doctrine, and qualificatioun of the Ministrie within the saids bounds; to try the sayers and heirars of messe within the samein: with power also the plant and transport Ministers to such places as they sall think most expedient for the glory of God and weill of the Kirk; and to report to the nixt Assemblie.
Because the Iland of Errone lyes most commodious and adjacent to the Presbitrie of Irvin, Therfor the Generall Assemblie annexis the same to the said Presbitrie.
Anent the supplicatioun givin in be the Presbitrie of Migle, makand mentioun, That seeing the said Presbitrie had vnited the kirks of Essie and Neua to be and remaine a congregatioun vnder the charge of ane Pastour, at ane kirk to be biggit in the mids of the saids two parochines; partlie in respect of the fewnes of the number [of] both the saids parochines, not extending [to] the number of fyve hundreth persons; partlie in respect of the commoditie of the place, seeing the farthest part of both the saids parochines will not be distant halfe a myle from the place, quher the said kirk sould be biggit; and partlie in respect of the impossibilitie of moyen to sustaine two sundrie Ministers at the saids two kirks: Desyreing, therfor, ane ratificatioun of the vnioun in this Assemblie, together with a command to the brethren direct to the Estates conveinit at Perth, to crave the samein to be ratified in the said Conventioun, as at mair lenth is conteinit in the Supplicatioun:
The Generall Assemblie ratifies and approves the vnioun forsaid; and ficklyke [ordaynes] the brethren appointit to gang to the Conventioun at Perth, to crave the said vnioun to be ratified in the said Conventioun.
Anent the appellatioun persewit be the Presbitrie of Dumfermling fra the decreit pronuncit be the Synodall of Fyfe, haldin at Couper the 6 of Marche 1598, finding that the said Presbytrie had done wrong in planting of the kirk of Dalgatie with hurt and prejudice of the Kirk of Aberdoure, being the most great and populous congregatioun, and the haill stipend being but a meane stipend, and therfor decernand the haill stipend to remaine with the kirk of Aberdoure: The said Presbytrie of Dumfermling com peirand be Mr Johne Fairfull, Minister of Dumfermling, thair Commissioner, and the Commissioners of the Synodall of Fyfe being lykewayes present, with the Commissioners of the Towne of Aberdoure, the rights and reasones of both the saids parties hard and considderit, The Generall Assemblie decernes and ordaines Mr William Patoun, Minister at Dalgatie, to serve the cure of both the saids kirks of Aberdoure and Dalgatie, and to have assignit to him for his service thereat, the haill auld stipends of Aberdoure and Dalgatie befor the divisioun therof, for the crope and ȝeir of God 1599, and ȝeirlie in tyme comeing, ay and quhill sufficient provisioun may be gottin for planting of both the saids kirks.
The Generall Assemblie grants libertie to Mr William Symsone, Minister at Bruntiland, to transport himselfe from the said kirk, in respect he hes servit therat thir many ȝeirs bygane, but any stipend; and the Queines Maiestie and her Chamerlanes, quho was in vse of payment of before of the Ministers at the said kirk, resufes to make payment to the said complainer of the samein: and therfor recommends him to the Synodall of Fyfe, to have confideratioun of him in planting of their kirks.
The nixt Generall Assemblie is appointit to be haldin at Sanct Androes the last Tuesday of Julij 1601.
[The General Assemblie appointit to be hauldin at Sanct Andros was be the Kings proclamation at Mercat crosses, commanded to be keipit with him at Brunteyland in the monethe of May. C.]