Acts and Proceedings: 1580, July

Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, 1560-1618. Originally published by [s.n.], Edinburgh, 1839.

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Maitland Club, 'Acts and Proceedings: 1580, July', in Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, 1560-1618(Edinburgh, 1839), British History Online [accessed 11 February 2025].

Maitland Club, 'Acts and Proceedings: 1580, July', in Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, 1560-1618(Edinburgh, 1839), British History Online, accessed February 11, 2025,

Maitland Club. "Acts and Proceedings: 1580, July". Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, 1560-1618. (Edinburgh, 1839), British History Online. Web. 11 February 2025.

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The Generall Assemblie conveinit at Dundie, and begun the 12 day of Julij 1580: Quther ther was present the Laird of Lundie, Commissioner for his Majestie, Commissioners of Provinces, Townes and Vuinversities.

Sessio 1a.

Exhortation [being] made be Mr Thomas Smeitoun, Minister of Paisley, [Moderator of the last Assemblie, the brethren proceeded to the election of a Moderator:] Leits, Mrs Robert Pont, James Lowsone, Johne Duncansone, Andro Hay. The said Mr James, be pluralitie of votes, was chosin Moderatour, quho desyrit certaine brether, quhom he wald nominat, to be appointit to conferre with him, and give their advice in such matters as are to be treated and reasoned during this Convention, to the effect that matters may proceed more formaly, and with reddier expedition: Upon whose desyre, because [it was meaned] that certaine brether were offendit with the ordour of Assessours, [which were wont to be joyned to the Moderator, to give their advice to him,] as through some tyrranie or vsurpation might creip in therby, or libertie [might be] takin from the brether, question was movit to the haill Assemblies, If the said ordour was worthie to be [allowed and] continued as it hed begin befor, or to be rejectit as prejudiciall to the libertie of the brether; and to the effect that all occasioun of murmure may be tane away, all that wald reason in this questioun beeand requyrit publicklie [to reasone:] in fine, the Assemblies concludit the said ordour to be good and necessar, and to be kepit as it was befor, without any hurt or prejudice to the libertie of the brether. [And for conference with the Moderator, as is above said, the Assemblie appointed their brethren following at his own nomination, to wit, Mrs Robert Pont, Thomas Smeitoun, Andro Melvill, George Hay, William Christesone, David Fergusone, Johne young, Patrick Auchinleck, Thomas Bunchannan, the Laird of Braid and Johne Johnstoun, to conveen at extraordinar hours, 7 in the morning, and two afternoon, in the Assemblies place. C. & B.]

[A Missive directed from the kings Majestie, in favour of George called Bishop of Murrey, craving the rigour of the commission given to Mr Patrick Anchinleck to be superceeded, &c., was presented to the Assembly. The Assembly appointed the answer to be given afternoon.

Sessio 2a.

Anent the answer to the kings Majesties letter directed in favours of George called Bishop of Murray: The Assembly delivered to the bearer of his Graces missive an answer: The Assembly warned him to attend upon the reasoning of his cause before them, when the samen should come in before the dissolution of this Assembly; certifying, whether he compeared or not, they would proceed and determine therein, notwithstanding his desire that the matter might be superceeded till Saturday, in respect of a great cause he had depending before the Lords of Council; which was refused be the Assemblie: whereupon he exhibited instantly certaine desences against the commission given to the said Mr Patrick Aunchinleck concerning him, with his titles to the Bishoprick; which was delivered to the Clerk.

In the triall of such as bear charge of visitation, sundrie were found absent: Mr John Robertson, Commissioner of Ross, removed furth of the Assembly, and none of his Country being present, was found fault with, That he had chosen no Commissioners to the General Assembly. He excused himself be the Slackness of the gentlemen of the Country, sickness and occupation of others, and poverty of them that bear charge of the ministrie; wherewith nottheless the brethren found fault.

Mr George Hay being removed, it was meaned be some brethren, That he had set a tack of the Personage of Edleston for 19 year, without advice of the Assembly. He answered, He had set a tack for 14 bolls victual, for six shilling eight pennies the boll; wherewith if the Assembly found fault, because the samen as yet is in his own hand, he promised to mend it; which the Assemblie commanded him to doe.

Mr Andrew Graham being removed, first, it was alledged, That he had no ordinar flock which he fed; that there were many papists and excommunicats dwelling in Dumblane, and no order put to them; that he had set his benefice to Mr William Stirline without consent of the Assemblie; that the Reader of Muthell ministred the sacrament at Pasche last; that the sacraments are commonly bought and sold in Auchterarder: Returning he answered, His speciall flock was Dumblane, where he taught, howbeit not so diligently as his duty and office required; he grants that there are many papists and excommunicats in Dumblane. The Assembly ordaineth him to proceed against some of the papists, that they may be examples to the rest: and siclyke to proceed with letters of caption against the persons excommunicat. He grants he set his benefice to Mr William Stirline, but with restriction, that he should purchase the consent of the Generall Assemblie: And because it was longsome and tedious to deduce the whole matter before the Assembly, he desired the Assembly would committ the cognition thereof to the Moderator and his assessors; which was granted. The two last heads were confessed to be true, but order was already takin with them in their Synodal Assemblie.

Mr Thomas Buchanan being removed, complaint was made, That faults being delated to him, no order was taken for punishment thereof; that when the rest of the country was humbled in fasting, no fasting was keeped in Fife. He answered, Such faults, as the Ministers themselves within the bounds might put order to, he directed to be punished be them; others, that neither they nor he could remeed, he hath committed to his book; alwise the accusation being made particular, he shall answer more particularly thereto: As to the first head, He did his duty, as appeared by his book, which was read and seen by the Assembly.

Mr Andrew Hay being removed, it was complained, That he had subscrived a nynteen year tack, alledged made be Mr George Hay his brother. It was inquired, what he had done anent Mr John Colvill: He answered, That yet he had not subscrived the tack, howbeit he had promised; and that Mr John Colvill was presently at the point of excommunication. C.]

Sessio 3a.

Mr Johne Craig, ane of the Ministers of the Kings house, presentit his Hienes missive [directed to the Assemblie,] quhilk was opinly red in face of the haill brether, with all humilitie; and God praised in his Hienes good zeale. The tenor of which missive [followeth:]

Trustie and welbelovit freinds, We greit ȝou weill. We have directed toward ȝou our trest friends, the Pryour of Pettinweime, and the Laird of Lundie, instructit with our power to that effect, for assisting ȝou with thair presence and counsell in all things that they may, tending to the glorie of God and preservation of Vs and our estate; desyreand you heartlie accept them, and our good will committit to them, for the present in good part. So We commend ȝou to Gods blessed protectioun. From our Palace of Falkland, the 12 of July 1580. Sic subscribitur,
James Rex.

[Mr David Lindsay, Commissioner of Galloway, being removed, it was meaned to some brethren, That he remained not with his flock, as became him, but was often times absent from home; siclyke was desired to declare what diligence he had used in his visitation: Answered, He attended on his flock, as accorded with his duty, and was not absent from them without their licence, when he was minded to visit; he received command of the Kings Majestie to wait on the Duke of Lennox; and as to his visitation, He had not visited, nor nothing was allowed therefore. The Assemblie desired him to attend diligently upon his flock; and if the charge of visitation be committed to him again, to use other diligence.

Anent complaint of Visitors of Countries upon Ministers, with whom they could not take order in their Synodal Assemblies: The Assembly nominats their brethren underwritten, to wit, Mr David Lindsay, Mr Thomas Buchanan, Mr James Melvil, the Laird of Colluthie, John Johnston, Commissioner of Edinburgh, and Mr John Keith, to conveen at two afternoon, and hear the said complaints, and give their advice to the said Commissioners to put order thereto; and if the complaint be of such weight that they are not able to resolve thereupon, to remitt the same again to the Assembly. C.]

Sessio 4a.

Forsameikle as the office of a Bischop, as it is now visit, and commounly takin within this realme, hes no sure warrand, auctoritie, nor good ground out of the [Book and] Scriptures of God; but is brocht in by the folie and corruptions of [mens] invention, to the great overthrow of the Kirk of God: The haill Assemblie of the Kirk, in ane voyce, after libertie givin to all men to reason in the matter, none opponing themselves in defending the said pretendit office, Finds and declares the samein pretendit office, vseit and termeit, as is above said, vnlaufull in the selfe, as haveand neither fundament, ground nor warrant within the word of God: and ordaines, That all sick persons as bruiks, or sall bruik heirafter the said office, salbe chargeit simpliciter to demitt, quyt and leave of the samein, as ane office quhervnto they are not callit be God; and siclyke to desist and cease from all preaching, ministration of the sacraments, or vsing any way the office of pastors, quhill they receive de novo admission from the Generall Assemblie, vnder the paine of excommunicatioun to be denuncit agains them; quherin if they be found dissobedient, or contraveine this act in any point, the sentence of excommunicatioun, after dew admonitions, to be execute agains them.

And for better executioun of the said act, it is statute [and ordained,] That ane Synodall Assemblie salbe haldin in every province quher any vsurpit Bischops are, and begin the 18 day of August nixt to come; quherto they salbe callit and summound be the Visitours of the saids Countreyis, to compeir befor thair [Synodall] Assemblies; and namely, the Bischop of Sanct Androes to compeir in Sanct Androes, the Bishop of Aberdein in Aberdein, the Bischop of Glasgow in Glasgow, the Bischop of Murray in Elgine, to give obedience to the said act; quhilk if they refuse to doe, that the saids Synodall Assemblies sall appoint certaine brether of thair Ministrie to give them publick admonitiouns out of the pulpitt; and warne them in case they dissobey, to compeir befor the nixt Generall Assemblie to be haldin at Edenburgh, the xx day of October nixt to come, to heir the sentence of excommunicatioun pronouncit against them for thair dissobedience: And to this act the Bischop of Dumblane aggreit, submitting himselfe to be rewlit therby.

As to the ordour to be takin with the patrimonie of the Kirk, bruikit and possest be the saids Bischops; the Kirk referres the reasoning therof to the nixt Assemblie.

Sessio 5a.

[Forsameekle as commission was given to Mr John Row, Commissioner of Dunkell, to charge Mr James Paton to demitt the Bishoprick of Dunkell, &c., under the paine of excommunication; and if he disobeyed, after admonitions, to proceed with excommunication against him, as the said commission bears; wherein nottheless there is nothing proceeded: The Assembly therefore hath ordained, and ordaines the Commissioner that shall be appointed to the visitation of these bounds, to put the said commission in all points to due execution, according to the tenor thereof, under the pain of suspension of the said Commissioner from his function and ministrie. And because decreets already given be the said Assemblie against him, for dilapidation of the patrimonie of the Kirk; whereunto yet he hath provided no remedie, nor any wife repaired the prejudice done to the Kirk: therefore the Assembly giveth their full commission and power to the same Commissioner, to charge the said Mr James to repair the hurt done be him to the Kirk be his dilapidation, and unjust alienation of the patrimonie thereof, under the paine of excommunication: and if he disobey, after admonitions, to pronounce the sentence thereof against him, with all diligence, betwixt and the next Generall Assembly, under the pain of suspension of the said Commissioner from his said function of Ministrie: and further to try if the said Mr James hath usurped the pretended office of a Bishop upon him, since the giving furth of the sentence of deposition be the Generall Assemblie against him: and what shall be done in the execution thereof, to report again to the next Generall Assembly of the Kirk.

Sessio 6a.

Ordaines the Bishops of Brechin, Argile, Isles, Orkney, and Caithnes, to be summoned to compear before the next Generall Assemblie, the third day thereof, to answer to such things as the Assemblie shall inquire of them, as they will answer upon their obedience to the Assemblie; and ordaines them to be warned be the brethren after following, to wit, the Bishops of Argile and the Isles by Mr Robert Montgomerie; the Bishop of Brichin by Mr John Hepburn; the Bishop of Orkney be John Brand; and the Bishop of Cathness be Mr Thomas Buchanan. C.]

Forsameikle as albeit ther be diverse acts concludit in sundrie Assemblies of befor, to [bridle and] stay vniust alienatioun, dispositioun, and wasting of the Kirk rents and patrimonie therof, be sick persons within the Ministrie as are cled with benefices; and nottheless, neither respect nor feare of God, nor reverence to his Kirk, nor good laws sett out in the contrair, hes represt thair insatiable and cursed avarice from sick inordinat dealing, to the greit and heavie prejudice of the Kirk of God, and commoun greife and regrate of all good men: For better remeid quherof, the [haill] brethren assemblit, after [long] reasoning and mature deliberatioun of the matter, in vniformity of votes, hes thoght meitt and concludit, That all persons within the Ministrie, asweill they that vsurps the style of Bishops as vthers, that salbe tryit heirafter to diminisch the rents of thair benefices, either be diminution of the auld rentall, be setting of victuall at small pryce and within the worth, or vtherwayes vniustly dilapidating and putting away the rent therof, be the sight and judgement of the General Assembly, sall vnderly the sentence of excommunicatioun, but farder [proces.]

For purgatioun of the Kirk fra slander: The Kirk requyres, and, in the name of God, defyres all men, asweill gentlemen as vthers conveinit at this tyme, if they knaw any within the Ministrie slanderous in life, vnable to teach, vnprofitable or curious teachers, negligent in preaching, non residents or deserters, havers of pluralitie of benefices and offices, dissolute in manners, haveand mixt jurisdictiouns, givers of pensiouns out of benefices, or receivers therof, to give in thair names in a tickett to the Moderatour and his assessours, the morne at vij houres in the morning, that order may be takin with them be the Moderatour and his assessours, if present ordour may be had therwith; vtherwayes to report to the Assemblie.

Anent the office of Reidars that hes no farther gift of God bot simple reiding of the Scriptures: The Generall Assemblie hes concludit, after long reasoning, That thair office is no ordinar office within the Kirk of God: and because some of the brether movit the question, Whither, in respect of thair necessitie and circumstance of tyme, they sould be sufferit to continue, the disputation heirof was remittit to the morne.

Sessio 7a.

William Stewart, brother to the Laird of Traquair, presentit ane wryting to the Assemblie in name of the Erle of Lennox, [directed be his Lordship to them.] The tenour therof [followeth:]

[Salute with peace through Jesus Christ our Lord. C.]

It is not, I think, vnknowin to ȝou, how it hes pleased God of his [infinit] goodness to call me be his grace [and mercy,] to the knowledge of my salvation since I came into this land; quherfor I render most earnestlie humble thanks vnto his divyne Majestie, finding my voyage toward thir parts most happilie bestowit in this respect: And althogh I have made opin declaratioun of this my calling, first, be my awin mouth in the Kirk of Edenburgh, and nixt, be my hand wryte in the Kings Kirk at Striveling, quher I subscryvit the consession of my faith; ȝet I sand it was my duetie, ȝe being generallie conveinit, to send this gentleman, my cusing and friend, accompanied with my letter towards ȝou, to make ȝou, in my name, frie and humble offer of dew obedience, and to receive ȝour will in any thing it sall please ȝou I did farder anent the accomplishing of my said consession; assureing ȝou that I salbe readie to perform the samein with all humilitie; as also to promove and advance all vther things that may further the glorie of God and increase of his Kirk, the commoun wealth of the countrey, and Kings Majesties service at my vtter possibilitie: And so hoping to be participant in all tymes coming of ȝour godlie prayers and favour, I salute ȝou most lovingly in Jesus Chryst our Saviour. From Sanct Androes, the 14 day of Julij. Sic subscribitur,
Your humble and obedient at all power,

[To the Generall Assemblie presently conveened at Dundie. C.]

The Generall Assemblie hes concludit, That all reidars within this realme salbe tryed and examined de novo be the Commissioners of the Countreyes, with the advyse of thair assessours, so farre as possible they may, betuixt and the nixt Generall Assemblie; and so many as beis found to be tryit to have travellit in reiding be the space of two ȝeirs, and hes not so profited that they are able to be pastors and preach the word of God, salbe deposit from the reiding be the saids Commissioners, with assistance of thair saids assessours; and the diligence to be done heirin to be reportit againe to the nixt Generall Convention of the brether.

Sicklyke, because Reidars hes no ordinar office within the Kirk of God, the Generall Assembly [hath declared and] declares, That no simple Reider salbe capable of any benefice, or bruik or possesse the same in tyme [cuming,] or ȝet bruik or joyse the manse or gleib, quher ther is any Minister actually serving.

[Anent the Kings proclamation lately set forth concerning papists, and the diligence done be the Commissioners of Countries for execution of their duty in that point: In respect that sundrie of the Ministers pretended ignorance of the said proclamation,] The Assemblie hes recommendit the execution of the Kings proclamatioun concerning papists, vnto the haill Commissioners, as they will ansuer vnto his Hienes and the Kirk.

[For as much as the Assembly mindeth to direct certain articles and petitions to the Kings Hienes and Council, and that] It is thocht meitt to crave of his Hienes, That the Kirk of God within this realme may be restoreit to the benefite of the act of Parliament made concerning the Thrids, in respect of the many and greivous hurts quhilk the Kirk recognosces to have receivit be the takeing away of the said act from them: Therfor it is thocht expedient, that the Moderatour [conferr] with sick as are assessours to him vpon the articles; and namely vpon the article of reposition and restitution; [and their advice] to be presentit againe to the Kirk, and considderit be commoun advyce and consent of the haill Kirk.

Sessio 8a.

Compeirit Mr Hendrie Keir, servitour to the Erle of Lennox, and declarit, That albeit he had long remainit in blindnes and papistrie, it pleasit God to illuminate him [after his long blindness and rebellion, and to call him] to the knowledge of the true word, quherin, be his grace, he is now resolvit, acknowledging the same word to be truelie preachit and profest within this realme, and be act of Parliament establischit, and to be the only true religioun of God; quherto he is content, either now, or quhen the Kings Majesties house beis settled, with his heart to subscrive, at the will of the Kirk, and as they sall think best.

[Forasmuch as, be the confusion and misorder of the plurality of kirks sustained in the person of one Pastor or Minister, the flocks of Christ Jesus universally throughout the realme are overseen, and destitute of the true food of their souls, discipline and good order is allutterly neglected, and the consciences of the Pastors burthened with heavier charges nor they may comport with; whereas be the word of God, every several congregation ought to be provided of their own Pastor: C.] It is [therefore] be vote of the haill Assemblie, after lang disputatioun [in the matter,] resolvit and concludit, That it is not lawfull be the word of God, that ane [Minister or] Pastour be burdenit with the charge of feiding of twa particular flockis, or mair congregatiouns nor ane, or be callit Pastor of mair kirks nor ane.

[For as much as divers persons with this realme professing the true religion, presently established within the same, before their departure furth thereof to France and other parts, have declined sincesyne to idolatrie and papistrie, past to the masse, and now returned within the country, to the great slander of the Kirk: For remedy hereof,] The Generall Assemblie of the Kirk hes statute, That Commissioners of Countreyes sall call persons, who hes, after thair professioun of religioun within the countrey, declynit to idolatrie, and now returnit within the countrey, ilk ane within thair awin bounds, befor thair Synodall Assemblies, and accuse them therof: and if they be tryit to have committit the said defectioun, to charge [every one so tried] to make repentance therof, vnder the paine of excommunicatioun; and if they dissobey, to be excommunicat be sick persons to be appoyntit be the saids Synodall Assemblies to that effect, laufull admonitiouns preceidand; and if they offer obedience and [to make their] repentance, to superseid the taking therof, the forme of the same to be advysit on [in] the nixt Generall Assemblie; suspending them, in the meane tyme, from the participation of the sacraments quhill the said Assemblie; and heirin to report thair diligence thereto, as they will ansuer to God: and the same ordour to be observit with them that willinglie acknowledges the said defectioun, and comes and offers thair repentance.

Compeirit Captaine Anstruther, and lamentit to the Kirk, that he beeand in France, and certaine yeirs bypast had givin his bodilie presence to the Mess, albeit in his conscience he hattit the same as idolatrie, and keipit alwayes vpright mynd toward the religioun profest in this realme; and feiling greife in his conscience for his defectioun, is come to vtter his repentance vnfainedly for the same, submittand him to quhatsoevir correctioun the Kirk will injoyne him, desyreand to be reconcileit therto; and, in tokin of his sincere meaning, held vp his hand: And [as] to the boutchery and massacre at Pareis, declares he keipit the Kings yate of Lovar [the tyme therof,] but past no farder. [The Assemblie remitted him to the Synod of Fife, and Presbytrie of Sanct Andrews, to be received in the favour of the Kirk.

Because some brether meanit, that the transporting of Mrs Andro Melvill and Thomas Smeitoun sould be many wayes hurtfull, and aught not to be permitted; at the desyre of thair brether, Mr Andro Hay, alledgand that he had many great reasons privatelie to propone, if the Kirk wald aggrie therto, appointit the Moderatour with his assessours to the heiring therof.

[The Laird of Colluthie, Mr David Lindsay, Mr James Melvill, Mr Andrew Melvill, Mr James Balfour, Mr Patrick Auchinleck and John Johnston, Commissioner of Edenburgh, were appointed to read and answer the bills. C.]

Sessio 9a.

Anent the act made in the last Assemblie, concerning the suspension of Visitours fra giving of collatioun of benefices to vthers nor serves actuallie at the kirks quher the samein vaikes, vnder the paines exprest in the said act: The Kirk [hath ordained, and] ordaines the said act to stand in full [force] strenth [and effect,] with this additioun, That if any collatioun or admissioun beis givin be any Visitour agains the tenour therof, salbe null and of none availe, [force nor effect:] And sicklyke declares all collatioun or admissiouns that salbe givin heirafter be any pretending the style of Bischops, salbe [void] null in the selfe [and of non effect] in tyme comeing.

[Anent the proposition moved be Mr Robert Pont, upon appearance of some offence, as he thought, conceived be some brethren, by reason of his office in the Colledge of Justice, craving the judgment of the Assemblie, If he should leave the same, or not; seeing he neither entred therto without their consent, nor would continue therein without the samine: The Assembly continued their reasoning upon this matter, and their judgment therein, till the next Assemblie.

It is statute and ordained, That all Commissioners of Countries in their Synodall Assemblies, shall take trial of the Ministers and Readers; what kirks have made payment of the Bibles, and make an inventarie of their names, and receive the acquittances of the payment thereof; to be presented to the next Generall Assemblie, to the effect it may be known, who have made payment, and who not.

Sessio 10a.

The Assemblie continueth the whole Commissioners of Provinces in their offices of visitation and planting of kirks to the next Assemblie, except Mr James Boyd; in whose room they place Mr John Young and Mr David Lindsay to be joined in commission, and John Duncanson for visitation of Galloway, and either conjunctly or severally to visit the same, while the next Assemblie. C.]

Forsameikle as through a great part of all this countrey, the afternoones exercise and doctrine vpon the Sabboth dayis is vnvsit, and speciallie in landwart, and therfor the peiple are not dewlie instructit in the Catechisme and rudiments of religioun: The Kirk hes [statute and] ordainit, That all Pastors and Ministers sall diligentlie and zealouslie travell with their flockes, to conveine to the afternoones sermons, asweill they that are in landwart, as they that are in burgh, as they will ansuer to God.

It is concludit be the Generall Assemblie, That in every Provinciall Assemblie ther salbe certaine Assessours nominat be them, to concurre with the Commissioners of the countrey, quho sall subscrive with them in all weightie and great matters.

The Generall Assemblie of the Kirk gives full power and commissioun to thair honourable and welbelovit brether, the Lairds of Lundie, Braid, Colluthie, Keyris, and Carletoun, Mrs James Lowsone, Johne Craig, and Johne Duncansone, [the Kings Graces Ministers,] Thomas Smeitoun, David Lindsay, Robert Pont, Andro Hay, Andro Melvill, George Hay, Thomas Buchannan and Johne Brand, Ministers of Gods word, Johne Johnstoun, Commissioner of Edenburgh, and Richart Blythe, Commissioner of Dundie, George Elphingstoun, Commissioner of Glasgow, or any sixe of them, to passe with all convenient diligence to the Kings Majestie and his noble Counsell, and with all due humilitie and reverence present vnto his Hienes and Counsell sick heids, articles and supplicatiouns as are conceivit in wryte, and delyverit to them be the Kirk; most humblie supplicand and requyreing his Majestie and Counsells good ansuer thervnto, and to travell effectuouslie and with earnest sute for granting of the same; and also, if neid be, to conferre and reason vpon every article and petitioun proponed therin: and quhat heirin beis done, to report againe to the nixt Generall Assemblie.

[Here wanteth the begining of the supplication and articles presented to the King and Council. C.]

[Unto them farther the Commissioners appointed for visitation of Countries, that are destitut of stipend for their labours: Item, They that are assigned to the Generall Collectors payment, are not answered be him; beside many other and weighty causes, wherevpon our Commissioners, if need be, will reasone before your Majestie and Counsell. And this libertie being granted to us, to gather up the revenues of the Kirk, according to the first assumption of the thrids, be faithfull men to be appointed thereto; wherein your Majestie shall have a sufficient superplus for sustaining your Hienes publick affaires, all pensions being revocked which are not necessar to be granted; and your Majestie shall be relieved of these importunat soliciters. Farther, Please your Majesty and Council, we have given in divers articles before, concerning the affairs of the Kirk, which have received no resolut answer, but long tyme drifted therein; beseeking your Majestie and Council to let us receive determined answer to every article; namely, concerning the heads following. C.]

Articles proponit be the fornamit Commissioners to his Majestie and Counsall.

First, That ordour may be takin with sick as puts violent hand on Ministers, or troubles them in exerciseing of thair office.

2. That they, quho for just cause are deposed from the Ministrie, may lose asweill thair benefices, as vther qualified persons [being] provydit therto, the Kirk may be servit.

3. That ane punishment may be made for sick as passes in pilgrimage to kirks or wells; and that ordour may be tane with them that past [in pilgrimage] latelie to the Halie Rud of Peibles, and sick vther places.

4. That no presentation of benefice be directit to any persons bot sick as beirs commission from the Generall Assemblie, according to the act of Parliament; and if any be vtherwayes receivit, that thair admissioun be declarit null.

5. That all benefices vaikand, quher Ministers are planted, be givin to the Ministers serving the cure quher they vaik, they beeand able therfor; and that no presentation givin to any vther person be receivit, vnlesse the Minister serving the rowmes be first found vnable.

6. That ordour may be takin with Alexander Arbuthnot, that the Bybles may be delyverit according to his receipt of money from every paroch; and to that effect, that he and his soverties may be commandit be letters of horneing for delyverance therof; and no suspension to be grantit without the samein be delyverit.

7. That in respect of the good and godly zeale of James Lord Arran, alwayes shawin in defence of Gods cause and commoun wealth, it will please your Hienes and Counsell to resolve vpon some good and substantiall ordour that may serve both for the health and cureing of his body, and comfort of his conscience.

8. That the Booke of Policie may be establischit be ane act of Privie Counsell, quhill ane Parliament be had, at quhilk tyme it may be confirmed.

9. Because ther is great necessitie of a printer within this countrey, and ther is a stranger banischit for religioun, callit Vautrolier, quho offers to imploy his labour in the said vocation, for the weill of the country, it will please ȝour Grace and Counsell to take ordour heirin, as ȝour Grace thinks meit; and to give licence and priviledge to him for that effect, if it salbe thocht expedient be ȝour Grace and Counsell.