The Llandaff Act Books: Chapter Act Books, volume 1 (1573-1721)

Cardiff Records: Volume 5. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1905.

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'The Llandaff Act Books: Chapter Act Books, volume 1 (1573-1721)', in Cardiff Records: Volume 5, ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1905), British History Online [accessed 7 February 2025].

'The Llandaff Act Books: Chapter Act Books, volume 1 (1573-1721)', in Cardiff Records: Volume 5. Edited by John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1905), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025,

"The Llandaff Act Books: Chapter Act Books, volume 1 (1573-1721)". Cardiff Records: Volume 5. Ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1905), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025.

Llandaff Act Books.

From 1573. Copy made about a hundred years later.

Acta habita in domo Capitulari Landaueñ quarto die Augusti A° Dñi 1573 Coram Arch'o et Cap'lo tunc et ib[ide]m congregat' et Capp'lū facieñ vizt. Ludouico Baker in legibus bacch'io Archi'no, Will'o Evans Thesaurario, Thoma Williams Cancellario, Morgano Nicholas Precent', Will'o Thomas, Johanne Evans, Hugone Lewis et Joh'e Powell canonicis in p'ntia mei Henrici Mathew Reg'rij (fn. 1)

The first item of business recorded is the confirmation unto Thomas Morgan, gentleman, of a lease of the manor of Baslegg, with the rectories of Basleg, Mynithisloyne, Bedwelty &c., for 21 years.

On the first flyleaf is the following, in the original handwriting of the book:—

Juramentum Cuiuslib't Proebendarij

Ego A. B. vnus præbendarior' ecclesiae Cath' Landaveñ Juro me obseruaturñ o'nes consuetudines eccl'æ laudabil' per Ep'ū Archi'ū et Cap'l ū approbat' nec non statuta et acta super statum eccl'iæ prd' fact' et f'iend' per Ep'ū Archiū' et Capp'lum prd'.

Item quod consilia specialia et secreta eccl'æ laudabil' Ep'i Archi'ni et Capp'li ad damnū eor' nemini revelabo.

Item quod fidele consilū et opem quat'us ipse potero prestabo ad manutenend' et sustentand' o'nes libertates eccl'iæ laudabil' et omnia bona temporalia et spiritualia ad eccl'iam Cath' Landaveñ spectan' quoties fuerit per Ep'ū Archi'ū et Capp'lū siue per Archi'ū et Capp'lū sede vacañ congrue requisit'.

[Oath of every Prebendary on admittance.

I A.B., one of the Prebendaries of the Cathedral Church of Llandaff, do swear that I will observe all the good and lawful customs of the church, approved by the Bishop, Archdeacon and Chapter; as also the statutes and acts concerning the estate of the aforesaid church, made and to be made by the Bishop, Archdeacon and Chapter aforesaid.

Also that I will not reveal to anyone the good and lawful counsels, privities and secrets of the church and of the Bishop, Archdeacon and Chapter, to their damage.

Also that I will faithfully lend counsel and assistance, so far as I shall be able, to maintain and uphold all the good and lawful liberties of the church, and all the goods temporal and spiritual belonging unto the Cathedral Church of Llandaff, so often as shall be reasonably required by the Bishop, Archdeacon and Chapter, or by the Archdeacon and Chapter during a vacancy of the see.]

Clauses or prouisoes to be putt in all
Chappr Leases.

Inpr'is that noe alienac'on of Chappr Leases bee made wthout licence, p. 16.

Item that the tenent shalbee bound to shew leases, p. 51.

Item that the daie of paymt of all rents bee Crastino petri. (fn. 2).

Item for renewing seaventh yeare, p. 154. (fn. 3)
Reentrie for non paymt .

Item that in all graunts of Rectorys and tyths that there bee a Couent vizt Vpon nõ paymt of rent &c. Vpon the paymt or tender of vs that then ye dimise to bee voyd &c.

Item contracters for Leases shall specifie the age of the parties.

1574 November 17. Advowson of the dignity of Chancellor confirmed to George Herbert and John Blethin.

1575 July 7. Andrew Vaine, clerk, installed as Prebendary of Holy Cross; and John Williams, clerk, as Prebendary of Saint Dubritius.

Nov. 28. Thomas Evans, rector of Coychurch, installed as Prebendary of ffarewell.

1592 May 15. Indenture between the Archdeacon and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Llandaff of the one part and James Mathew, Morrice Mathew and Morgan Mathew, gentlemen, sons unto Howell Mathew of Sweldon in the county of Glamorgan, gentleman, of the other part. Demise of seven acres of arable land and pasture in the parish of Landaffe, "Wherof fiue acres doe lie neere a place called y clawth helig, sometimes in the hands of Dauid ap Evan ap Rune" and now of John Powell, of Llandaff; and the other two acres lying near the cross called "y crose loyd betweene Landaph and ffayrwater," between the lands of John Ragland, now in the occupation of Elizabeth Mathew, on the south and west, and the lands of the Canons of Landaffe on the east and north.

July 6. Deed Poll. Grant by the Archdeacon and Chapter unto Thomas Daker and John Dakers, "of the Citty of Bristoll, Plommers," of an annuity or pension of 6l. for life, provided that the grantees shall well and sufficiently maintain, keep and repair all the lead or leads of the cathedral church, and also shall cast anew and sufficiently lay all such leads. Provided always that if the grantees do empair any of the lead, or do suffer any leaks, or wet or rain to come to the said church through their default, and do not repair and amend the same within one month after warning and notice given by the Proctor General to any person dwelling within the Castle of Cardiffe within the county of Glamorgan, that then this present grant to be void, frustrate and of no effect.

1594 October 22. feod: reg'rarij.

At which daie and place it was condiscended concluded and agreed by the sd reuerend ffather archdeacon and chappter that the ffee of the Register of this Chappter was not certaine and knowne, that the same should bee laid downe at this prsent Chappter as followeth vizt. That the said register should haue for euery seale that passed the Chappter house, for the registring therof vs if hee were not of Councell, in the drawinge of conveyance that the Chappter did passe, and if he were then to take of the partie as hee could agree with the same party, And that the keeper of the Chappter doore should haue for euery seale passed by the Chappter xijd hee buyinge waxe for the seale.

January 10.

Seats in ye Church.

At which daie and place it was decreed by the said reuerend ffather and the said Chappter That wheras the said reurend ffather appointed seates and pues of waynscoate & ioyned worke to bee made on both sides of the Cathederall churche of Landaffe in manner and forme as now they stand to wyt betwixt the twoe pillers next below mr mathew his tombe on the North side of the churche ffoure seates, ouer against them on the south side betwixt the twoe pillers next beneath the pulpitt foure in like forme eight in order as before that time hee had don, Three more betwixt the twoe pillers next aboue the pulpitt on the same south side, and one on the right hand by the wall as you come in at the south doore. All w[hi]ch seates thus made were paid for by the said reuerend father without any charge to any person kneelinge in them, and disposed of then to such inhabitants of that parrishe of Landaffe as by him were thought meete to kneele and sitt in them offering for priority & posterioritie a due regard of their antiquity liueing and places and soe left free vnto the said churche to bee euer after disposed of by the Bishopp and proctor generall in the Bishopps absence without any title to bee made by any person now kneelinge or sitting therein their children posterity freinds or houses of them that now enioye them otherwise then by consent and likeing of the said Lo: Bishopp for the time beeing or Proctor generall of that churche in his absence In wittnes wherof as well for the prserveing of the auncient liberty of that churche as for peace and quietnes amongst the Inhabitants of that parrish This was decreed vppon and made the daie and yeare aboue written as appeareth by the subscription of their hands

Gerv: Landaven[sis]
Morgan Nicholas arch'on
Tho: herbert. Andr: vaen
Thomas Edmunds
Riceus Morgan
Richard Turberuile.

The same daie yeare and place alsoe the said reuerend ffather and suche officers of the chappter of that churche as herevnto haue subscribed their names considering and dayly seeinge to their great greef the ruinous and decayed estate beeing digged and delued pitts and vnpaued beeing more like a desolate and profane place then like a house of prayer and holy exercises and noe way able with the reuenews left vnto that churche to repaire and amend it as they wish It beeing offered by Mr William Mathew of the Court an inhabitant of the towne & parrishe to haue the north Ile of that churche where his auncesters monuments lie and where hee him self and his family kneeleth & sitteth euen from the particion at the nether end of that Ile to the little Quier at the vpper end of the same paued wtth new & hewen stones as alsoe the walls and windows whited & repred in all defects and soe euer after meintayned by him and his house succeeding after him soe that wee would consent & graunte that after that good worke don and finished none shold bee suffered in the same to bury to the breakeing vp and defaceing againe of the pauement but such as the said William Mathew should well like off or in his absence to suche as he putteth in trust (euer the members of the church excepted) who may haue their libertie so that they make vpp the broken place full as good as it was before Wee the said Bishopp and persons of the Chappter subscribed in carefull desire to haue the house of God soe beutified as alsoe in token of our kind acceptance of that vertuous disposition and godly offer of the gent' willingly & gladdly freely and fully gaue our consent and promise in that sort and binde our selues and our successors to the observing of the same as farr as any way wee maye and in wittnes therof haue subscribed our names.

[Signatures as the last.]

1596 June 30. Rice Morgan, executor of the Testament of Morgan Nicholas, late Archdeacon of Llandaff and Proctor General of the Cathedral Church, hath delivered up to the Chapter in the Chapter House certain records, "counter panes of leases," copies of Surveys, and such other writings which were in his custody and did concern this Chapter or any member thereof.

Morgan Roberts installed as Archdeacon.

David Morrice ap Howell ap Price appointed High Apparitor (Apparitor Generalis.)

1601 June 30. James Lewis, notary public, appointed Registrar (Chapter Clerk), in succession to Henry Mathew, esq., deceased.

Eisdem die et loco the said Archdeacon & Chapter graunted [to William Johns] (fn. 4) one lease of all the roomes that he hath in his occupac'on in the Viccars Court in Landaffe together wt ij gardens and a new edified house in the same gardens of his owne edificac'on to the same belonging in considerac'on of his true long and duetifull seruice in the Cathedrall churche of Landaffe for the terme of his naturall life wth condic'ons that hee shall sufficiently repayre the house ouer the same roomes with laths and tiles and to paye yearely one redd rose to the prctor generall or his assignee at the ffeaste of St Peter & Paull the apostles yearely during the said terme if it bee lawfully demaunded And alsoe that hee shall continew and discharge his place of singingman in the same churche.

October 6. Cadwaladr Hughes, clerk, appointed Proctor General.

1604 August 1 Wednesday. Demise to William Wood, L.L.D., of an acre of arable land or pasture in the parish of Llandaff, called Petty Callys, between lands of the said William Wood on the south, Caer Castle etc. [sic.]

1606 July 17 Thursday. Demise to William Miles of Gabalua, gent., of a messuage and garden in "dobstreet," and lands in the close called "Kayer hanar," Ely Moore and Salt Meade.

Oct. 6. Edward James, M.A., installed as Chancellor in succession to Thomas Herbert, clerk, deceased.

1608 June 30. Robert Robotham, M.A., was Archdeacon. A demise was granted unto Hugh Robotham of Tame in the county of Oxford, gent., of 55 acres of land in the parish of Langoven in the county of Monmouth, now in the occupation of William Harry, of Llangoven; during the lives of Frances, wife of Robert Robotham, Francis their son and Isabel their daughter. And the Archdeacon and Chapter appointed William Jeyne of Matharne to be their attorney in this matter.

"Also then graunted that xli a yeare for this next yere shalbee allowed and payed to Kete the organist of the saide Cathedrall Church as his wages to bee paied vnto him quarterly by even portions." [Margin:—"The chapter did disagree & not Consent to this acte."]

1609 June 29 Thursday. Lease of a house at Landaffe to John Richards of Matherne, gent., together with 5 quarters of ground called "Kay yr skibbor," and 3 quarters at "Maes y dre," 3 quarters lying in Harry Jenkins' close, between Landaffe and Penhill; lands in Ely Moore, &c.

Residentia pr[ae]bendariorum.

At which time and place alsoe the saide Archdeacon and Chappter with the consent of the said Reuerend ffather ffrauncis [Godwin] lord Bipp of Landaffe and of their whole consent and assent haue ordered and decreede That all suche of the prbendaries of this Church as shall not herafter keepe there residencie according to the statute shalbee debarred of their petty commons.

1610 July 19. At which daie and place the said Archdeacon and Chapter of their whole consent and assent agreed that where a pension of xli per ann[um] was hertofore by the archdecon and chappter of the saide church graunted and paied to Sr William Herbert knt late deceased the same pension of xli yearly shalbee continued and payde yearly at the ffeast of St Peter and Paul the appostles vnto the right hoble Sr John Herbert Knt for soe longe time as the same churche shall have meanes sufficient and bee able to paye the same for and duringe the naturall life of the said Sr John herbert.

Alsoe the saide archdeacon and Chapter the same daie and place of their whole consent and assent for good considerac'ons them moveinge have graunted vnto the right ho[noura]ble Henry Earle of Northampton a pension of vjli xiijs iiijd yearly during his naturall life and haue decreed l'rs patens therof to bee made and sealed.

1611 October 2. Lanederne rectory granted unto Oliver Robothan of Thame in the county of Oxon, gent.

1612 June 30. New lease granted unto William Herbert of St ffagans, esq., of the rectory of "Egloys y lan," together with the chapels of Lanvabon and St Martins and Caerfilly; at the rent of xxijli, to be paid upon the font-stone in the cathedral church.

Oliver Robothan is to have a lease of the parsonage of the Radyer, and 12 acres of lands in Canton Salt Mead.

Item the Park, 14a.
Item the Oramy, 14a.
Item the Place Mawr, 4. and a house.
Item 4a. called the Crag, in William Lewis' hands.
Item Pencisly, 6a.
Item Cabalva, 5a.
Item the Morva Bagh by Ely, on the other side of the water.
Item the lands of Agnes Pewterer, 7a.
and other lands concealed
at the old rent and discharging the church from all charges that shall be for the sueing for the same, and he not to compound with any without the consent of the Chapter.

Demise unto Henry Morgan of Rubinay, gent., of one mansion house, with a bakehouse and a garden thereunto adjoining, late in the occupation of Elizabeth Mathew, lying in the highway leading from the Castle of Landaffe to Pencissly; one house lying in the said street or way, late in the occupation of William Griffith; one house and garden thereto adjoining, late in the occupation of Harry Skudmoore, lying in the highway leading from the said castle to the Radyr; one other house, with a garden thereto adjoining, now in the occupation of John Isacke, butcher; together with one close called Kayer Paine, containing 5 acres, on the north part of the way leading from Landaffe to Peterston; one acre of meadow ground lying in Gwayne Killgoed, on the south part of the highway leading from Landaffe to ffayrewater, both closes being now in the tenure of Henry Rimbron; one other close of pasture called Kaer Pooll, containing 4 acres, now in the tenure of Edward Howell; 9 acres of lands now in the occupation of Owen ap Ieuan; 2 acres of lands now in the tenure of William Lewis, the one lying at Penhill, the other near the common or Kymney of Landaffe; two acres of lands now in occupation of Richard Lewis, lying at Pant-y-crappull; one acre of meadow lying in Ely Moor, now in the occupation of Edward Lewis, gent.; three acres of lands called Kay-yr-groes-lloyd, now in the occupation of Ales Lewis, widow; and two acres of meadow lying in Saltmeade, commonly called Dwy-ero-Harry-Morgan-Lewis, now in the occupation of Margaret Spencer.

1614 August 31 Wednesday. Metropolitan Visitation by George, Archbishop of Canterbury.

Andrew Vaen, Prebendary of Wharthacombe (who did not appear), was decreed to be suspended from entrance into the church and from the profits of his prebend.

1616 September 23. A Confirmation of Letters Testimonial or Licence granted by the now Bishop (Francis Godwin) to the parishioners and inhabitants of Whitechurch, for marriages, burials and christenings within the chapel of Whitechurch.

1619 March 17 Friday. Visitation by Theophilus, Bishop of Llandaff.

Quibus die et loco dictus R'd's p'r primo secundo et tertio requisiuit libros vocat' Textus Capp'li et librum Tileai a prfato mro Robothā vt visitaret eccl'iam et Cap'lū an'dictū iuxta officiū suū in prntia dicti mri Roberti Robothan dicen': that he would deliur them in time et tunc dictus R'd's p'r ostendit ei literas Regis attestan' sub sigillo magno Anglie et earundē virtute et etiam virtute iuramenti de Canonica sua obedien' etc. requisiuit dictum Robothan sibi obtemprare in visitatione sua prd' et ne decederet a domo Cap'ri prd' in prntia dicti Robothan allegan' vt prius se non teneri subiere h'mo'i visit' ratione appellac'o'is et Inhibic'o'is sue an'dict' et statim requisitio'e et admonic'o'e dicti Rrdi p'ris nō obstan' decessit et recusavit subiere prd' visitat' deinde decretum fuit ex consensu dictor' Price, Morrice, Arney, Bowen, Dowle, Blethin et Bassett vt cista siue arca in dicta domo Cap'ri in qua libri Registr' et Acta dicti Cap'li ac etiam sigillū Cap're existunt aut existere debent appretur vt viderent acta et archivia eiusdem Cap'li pro pleniori et meliori exequtione et expedic'one h'mo'i visitac'o'is ac vt concess' et prsent' in d'c'o cap'lo concedend' et prsentand' sigillarentur et emanarentur. (fn. 5)

"And the said Mr Robothan being demaunded by the sd Reurēd ffather whether he did thinke that his Mats aucty (fn. 6) was greter than the Archbishopps of Cant' Answered that they were all one, And beeing further demaunded by the sd Reure[n]d ffather whether he did thinke that the Archbipps aucty was subordinat to his Mats he the said Robothan deprted refuseing or not making any answer thervnto."

And then the said Prebendaries (the aforesaid Masters Robothan and Godwyn excepted) made oath upon the Holy Gospels to observe the ordinances and statutes of the said Chapter contained in a certain Table, and the others hereafter lawfully to be ordained.

And afterwards appeared the said Robert Robotan and with an angry countenance held out certain letters, as he said, of inhibition, sealed with the seal of the Court of Canterbury of Arches in London, and by virtue of the same did inhibit as well the said Lord Bishop as the Prebendaries there present. To whom the said Reverend Father said "Doe all ciuilly and in good manner, els I will teache you manners." And thereupon the said Mr. Robothan answered saying "You cannot teach me manners," and thereupon departed.

Then the said Reverend Father, by and with the consent of the Chapter, or at least the greater part of the said Chapter, decreed that the aforesaid Mr. Robert Robothan, for his manifest contumacy in not exhibiting and producing the books aforesaid, namely, the Chapter Text and the Book of Teilo, as also in taking and carrying away the keys of the door and of the coffer or chest aforesaid, as also in not submitting to the aforesaid Visitation although often and repeatedly required and admonished, be from his office of Archdeacon of the church aforesaid amoved, until he shall submit, etc., during the pleasure, etc. (the said Jones, Hughes and Tod not consenting, etc.)

Richard Baxter, the Registrar, was suspended from his office, for contumacy. (A little later he was deprived, for that he absented himself and attended on the Bishop of Hereford.)

1622 July 1. "At which time and place it was agreed by the whole chapter then assembled that the seale of the Chappter should be made a little bigger and the print therof should bee mended but not to bee altered onely some small addition to bee put in some parte thereof and that mr John Dowle mr of artes one of the prbends of the Chappter and their prctor generall to see the doeinge therof and the Chappter to allowe the charge thereof."

1624 June 30. Lease granted to "Dame Margret Lady Morgan of Landaffe," widow, of one acre of arable land within the parish of Landaffe, commonly called Petty Callys, belonging to the said Bishop and Chapter, and lying between the lands of the said Dame Margaret Morgan called Little Callys on the east, the mill-pond of Landaffe on the north, and lands of the said Bishop and Chapter on the west; for 21 years at 2s. per annum. Proviso that Evan Price, of St Athens, clerk, shall have free access by a footpath through the said acre to a parcel of land adjoining to the said acre, commonly called the Twelve Acres.

1626 September 14. "Whereas the Lease of the Rectory of Eglwys Ylan held from the Chappr of Landaffe hath but a short time in beeinge vnexpired beeinge the cheefest support of the church and prbends in expectac'on Wee whose names are vnder-written doe with vnanimous consent protest in the presence of god that wee are steedfastly resolued & decree not to dimise it to any, but to expect the expirac'on of the Lease and then to convert the entire profitts and anuall rent (beeing not minished by takinge any ffine) to the best vse and most valuable aduantage of the said Churche; And the prpetuall augmentac'on of the prbendaries yearely mayntenance, trusting that God in mercy will blesse our designe and that posterity shall see heere the fface of a Church, And this our protestac'on wee close with our auntient forme Qui custodit custodiat, Qui violat Anathema sit."

[Signature of the Bishop and
Archdeacon, and II Prebendaries.]

1627 August 3. Sir Walter Pye, knight, has contributed 20l for the repair of the Cathedral.

1629 September 3. "Eodem die et loco a tender was made vnto the Bip and chapter of Land: of a sume of mony as a rent due vnto the said Bip and Chappter from the Earle of Worcester from certaine Rectories churches and tything barnes houlden from the said Bip and Chappter but could not tell what or marke the same for any prticuler or thinge in certainty. The said reure[n]d ffather Bip of Landaffe and Chapter aforesaid deferred ye receipt and acceptance therof vntill they should better consider & bee aduised by counsell learned in the law therin."

George Carr admitted organist of the Cathedral, at a stipend of 8li per annum.

"Chapr men to come in their formalitys.

1630 June 30. "Eodem die et loco dictus Rrdus p'r Landaveñ Ep'us vt caput Capituli ordinauit et decreuit that all the prbends of this Cath: Church in all their seuerall Chappter daies and all assēblies of Chappter heereafter to bee had or made shall come into the said Chappter house weareing their gownes hoods and surplices according to their seuerall Degrees Dignities and callings and not in clokes or haberdaines as hertofore they haue don.

"Eodem die et loco it was concluded by the said Bip and Chappr that there should be xx nobles a peece allowed and payd vnto sixe singingmen and fiue markes a peece to foure boyes as queresters yearly by the pr?ctorgenerall out of the reuenues of the churche.

"Eodem die the said Bip and Chappr did give xxli to bee payd in 5 yeares vizt. 4li a yeare to wards the repayring of the bridge of Landaffe and the same to bee paid quarterlie as Dr Gwyn shall demaund it if the worke goe on."

1631 July 31. "Eodem die et loco there was an agreement betweene the bipp and Chappter and george burford and Morris Burford for the mending and new making of the bells wheeles frames and stockes and all other defects therevnto belonginge and to keepe them for twenty yeares for a marke a yeare and 20 markes &c.

"Alsoe there was a decree for burialls in the Church and for ringing of bells at burialls and the same to be drawne by the chappr and to bee putt in a frame and to be set vpp in the churche that all may take notice of it.

"Alsoe there shalbee a note made and sett vpp in the church the daies euery prbend is to preach & of their times seurally."

1632 July 31. "The same daie and place a letter of Atturny was made & sealed by the Chappter to Dr Hughs, Doctor godwyn and Dr Dowle to sue for deedes and wrytings belonging to the Chappter from dame Margaret Lady Morgan, Marmaduke Mathew and William Prichard of Landaffe and others.

"The same daie it was ordered that the proctor generall should not paye any petty comons vnto Dr. Hughes vntill it bee otherwise ordered by the Chappter.

"Queristers allowed in the Cathedrall church of Landaffe: George Carr, organist, William Hutton, Rice Dauid, John Woluin, Austin Seldon, Moore and Smith."

1633 July 1. "The same daie and place it was ordered by the Bip and rest of the Chappter, that for as much as it did app're and was manifestly prued that Doctor Hughes hadd receaued petty comons by him self and alsoe by his tenent or ffarmer for many yeares It is ordered that the said Dr Hughes shall repaye twenty nobles for petty comons vnduely receaued by him and his tenents, and further in consideration of the wronge Dr Hughs disclaymeth for demaunding any petty comons augmentac'ons or diuidents whatsoeuer heraffter coming vnto him." (This order was reversed in 1636.)

1635 June 30. Three letters under the Royal sign manual, to the Bishop and Chapter, prohibiting the turning of Chapter Leases for 21 years into Leases for lives: "for by that meanes the p'ñte Bip putts a greater ffine into his purse to enrich him self his wife and children and leaues all the succeedinge bips of what deserts soeuer to Vs and the church destitut of growing means."

1636 June 30. "The same time and place one of the Chappter bookes the workes of William Camden was lent vnto mr Herbert Jones one of the prbends."

1638 June 30. Agreement with Richard Wager, of Cardiff, glasier, for the glazing of "all the windowes lances and all other places fitt for to be glased and at any time hertofore vsed to bee glased of the whole Cathedrall Church of Landaffe The Chauncell or Quire and all the Chappells Chappterhouse library schoolehouse Consistory and all other roomes or places of the same." He is to provide sufficient ladders for the doing of the same, and afterwards shall leave the same ladders to the use of the Chapter; and he is to have 6l.

1643 June—. "At which time and place the aforementioned Bip Archdecon and Chappter vppon complaint made vnto them by a petic'on from Mr Ivy clarke Curat of Cardiffe against Constantine Smith one of the Quire of this Churche for offences by him comitted and specified in the said petition haue vppon considerac'on thereof had suspended him the said Constantine."

Deductions are made from the salaries of the organist and choristers, and the amounts added to the stipend of the Vicar Choral.

[There are no entries between 1645 and 1660.]

1662 June 30. "Eisdem die et loco the said Bip Archdeacon and Chappr did order that Thomas Jones cl' bacchler of arts shalbe schoole maister in Landaffe who shall haue xijli salary for teachinge xij poore boyes and xxli more from the three Cursorie (fn. 7) barnes for beeing one of the Viccars Corroll of the Cathedrall Churche of Landaffe and the saide sumes to bee paid quarterlie accordinge to a former act.

"Ordered moreouer that James Jones of Landaffe shall have xls. for keepinge doggs from coming into the Churche."

September 26. Five pounds of the fine for the rectory of Lantiliopertholly "shalbee payde vnto mr Jenkin Williams and mr Thomas Morgan prbends foresaid who are hereby appoynted to oursee the rebuilding and repayreinge the schoole house and for other necessary vses of the church soe farr as the same allowance shall extend.

"At the same time and place it is alsoe ordered and decreed that a gowne be prpared for William giles the prsent clarke or saxton which is alsoe intended for the imediat successor * * * And whereas xls is allowed to James Jones for his paines to keepe doggs out of this Church at prayer time That hee taking vppon him to ringe the bells sundaies and holy daies Whereby William giles the saxton may the better attend other necessary seruice in and about the saide Quire and Churche shall have xxs. more."

William Deere is to receive 4l a year for teaching eight boys and girls such as neither they themselves nor their parents are competently able to pay for their such schooling and education; and those children to be chosen and approved of by some of the discreetest persons inhabitants there.

Eodem die et loco the Lord Bishop, Archdeacon and Chapter ordered that Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Jones, the two Vicars Choral of this church, shall daily attend in their surplices Morning and Evening Prayer in the choir of the said church. And that Mr. Reynolds shall attend, execute or performe all out-offices upon the week-days; and shall read prayers at Whitechurche upon Sundays, and afterwards attend high service in this choir And that Mr. Jones shall read and perform Welsh service in the "Ladies chappell," and afterwards attend the choir service of this church.

Eodem die et loco it was ordered and decreed by the Bishop, Archdeacon and Chapter, that, forasmuch as they had formerly promised to contribute with Mr. Chancellor Croffts and Mr. Bassett, the Registrar, for and towards the repairing and making up of the ancient Consistory place or room, that if the said Chancellor and Registrar do not cause the same place to be fitted and repaired before "Alhollantide" next, that from thenceforth the said Chancellor and Registrar are prohibited to keep their Court any longer in the Lady Chapel.

1663 June 30. "Eisdem die et loco Georgius Parry in artibus magr iuratū iuxta librum vocat' Textus ecclesie in vim iuramenti sacrosanctis Dei Evangeliis per euū corporaliter tact' et deosculat' suscepit." (fn. 8)

Every Prebendary, in order of seniority, is to preach in the Cathedral each 30th day of January and 29th of May, being the King's holidays; and the Vicar Choral to preach on the 5th of November. The Bishop shall preach on the first Sunday after the Feast of the Assumption; and the Archdeacon on Christmas Day, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Ascension Day; on which days the Vicar Choral shall officiate in his Cure.

The Chancellor and Registrar having neglected to repair the Consistory, the 20 nobles granted for that purpose are recalled. The said Chancellor and his Surrogate shall hereafter forbear keeping Court within the Lady Chapel of this Cathedral, and the Proctor General is to provide locks and keys for the doors of the said chapel.

"The same time and place the said lord Bip of Landaffe decreed Thomas Griffith clarke curate of Whitchurch to bee suspended ab officio et beneficio durante beneplacito for his excesse of drunknes in Cardiffe."

June 30. Mr. Thomas Maddocks, one of the Prebendaries, is ordered to make entry into the Manor or lands called Beganston, to the use of the Chapter, unless the pretended lessee shew a Lease thereof.

1664 June 29. There was exhibited to the Chapter a certain script or writing purporting to be a Lease of "the mannor or Parsonage of Beganston with the chief mannor house &c.," bearing date 16 Jan. anno 12 Eliz. (1570), for 99 years, formerly granted to William Herbert of Cardiffe, esq., by the then Archdeacon and Chapter; annual rent 40s. payable at Michaelmas.

"The same time and place it was ordered that the books of acts of this Chappr beeing very much Decayed and disordered shalbee wholy transcribed verbatim into the new paper booke bought by Doctor Dauis, Archdeacon of Landaffe, ffor the transcribeinge wherof Mr Harpur our Chappter clarke shall haue satisfaction or payment by the sheete or otherwise as in reason may bee though fitt and prportionable to the worke by the said Bip Archdeacon and Chappter.

"The same time and place the Bip and Chappter committed to Dr Dauis Archdeacon of Landaffe vppon his desire certaine acts of this Chappr Vizt the acts made from the yeare 1643 to the yeare 1664 that he might draw breuiats of them."

Testor Ran: Harpur
Nori publus Capli

1665 June 30. Decreed "That they will make vse of suche addresse vnto the nobility and gentry of their Country towards the good of this Cathedrall Churche as other Chappters haue donn in respect of their respectiue Churches successfully.

"Eisdem die et loco dicti Ep'us Archi'n's et Capp'luū vnanimiter promiserunt Vizt That whereas William Johnns sonn to mr Nicholas Johnns beeing now a poore scholler and student in Oxford for his further incouradgment in his studdy if hee the said William liues and becomes capable of ecclesiasticall prferment shall haue the Viccaredge of Caerwent when it next falls voyd and that a coppy of this act bee deliuered to mr Nicholas Johnns."

Manor and rectory of Beganston &c; is demised to Frances Thomas of Wenvoe, widow.

1666 June 30. Lease to John Mathews, son of Maurice Mathew, one of the Prebendaries, for 21 years, of (inter alia) 10 acres of lands at Canton, called Tyr Goleu by the Wattrell, and 2 acres called Kay Joane Bagh.

Decreed that, forasmuch as the old Book of Acts of this Chapter is decayed and has been transcribed into this book, and the same transcription is unexamined, the copy is to be compared with the original by Dr. Davies and Mr. Gamage, the Proctor General, "whether there bee any errors comitted in the said transcripc'on."

No copy of any Act of this Chapter shall be given to any party or person before there be an Act of Chapter for the delivery thereof.

1667 July 1. Mr. Edward Gamage, the Proctor General, shall use the best means possibly he can for the disposing of the demesnes belonging to the Palace or house of Matharne. (fn. 9)

Mr. Gamage shall choose some fit person to read Welsh service in the Lady Chapel or Whitchurch; which done and provided, Welsh service or reading thereof to cease in the choir.

1668 June 30. "ordered vnanimouslie that the seuerall titles of eatch respectiue prbend shalbee fixed in the Vpper end of eatch stale (fn. 10) of euerye perticuler prbend wthin the Quire of this Cath: Churche as was aunciently vsed." (fn. 11)

November 13. The room over the Consistory shall be allowed, converted and ordered for a Registry, or place for keeping of records thereof.

1670 June 30. The six choirmen are to receive 40s. apiece, for their better encouragement to fit themselves for the same. Twenty shillings apiece is to be paid for preparing boys for the choir.

Mr. Owens, Vicar Choral, shall preach twice every quarter in Welsh in the Lady Chapel. Mr. Price, the other Vicar Choral, shall preach once in Welsh every quarter in the said chapel, and shall catechise in Welsh every Sunday from Shrovetide to Michaelmas.

1671 June 30. Twenty nobles are to be given by this Chapter towards the relief and redemption of the Christian captives in Turkey.

Grant of 40s. to Mr. Robert Graunt's relict in tuitu paupertatis, and 10s. to the wife of John Bassett now prisoner in Cardiffe.

1672 July 1. Mr. Wrench, the organist, is to receive 4l. quarterly.

1673 June 30. The organist and all the choristers shall constantly come to church to Morning and Evening Prayer. Fines in case of default. Also they are to meet for instruction in the Lady Chapel every Thursday morning at 9 o'clock.

Jan. 21. Lease granted to William Mathew of Landaffe, of a house and 7a. in Ely Moor and Gwaine Tullgoed, for 21 years at 8s. 4d.

Grant to the Bishop for the time being, and his successors, by Griffith Thomas, Prebendary of St. Cross, of a house, stable and gardens adjoining to the cathedral churchyard, in consideration of the surrender of of 2a. called Gwaine sr Harry, in the parish of Landaffe.

1675 June 30. The Proctor General is to give 30s. to the relict of Theodore Price, late Vicar of Caerdiffe.

1677 June 30. The Proctor General is to provide "a verge & gowne for a verger to serve in this Church."

1678 June 29. Lease of the Prebend of Cayre to Andrew Mathew, of the parish of Landaffe, gent.

The Chapter contribute 15l "towards the rebuilding of the Cathedrall Church of St Paules London."

1679 June 30. The Prebend of Llangwm confirmed to Robert Savor, of St. Mary Church in the county of Glamorgan, yeoman.

Lease of a messuage and gardens &c, together with 9½a. of land, and also a cottage or booth called "tayer Castle," and the Green, in Canton within the parish of Landaffe, is granted to Anne Lewis of St ffagan's, widow.

Order for glazing the windows of the new house built by the Chapter in the Churchyard.

Order for giving 6s. 8d. "to such poore people as now are waiteing att the Church doore," out of the forfeitures of absent Prebendaries who have not preached in their turns.

September 30. Thomas Roberts, notary public, appointed Registrar or Chapter Clerk.

1680 June 29. The sum of 6s. 8d. is to be distributed among "the stragling poore now att Landaffe."

Lease of lands at or near a place called "Plucka hallock," and 2a. of meadow lying below Ely in a place called "Morva bagh," to Thomas Roberts of Landaffe, the Chapter Clerk.

Ten shillings allowed the Proctor General for his journey made to the Audit at Brecknock to receive the Chapter rent.

1681 June 29. The manor and parsonage of Beganston, with its appurtenances (except one house adjoining to the churchyard of Landaffe), is leased to the Honourable Madam Mary Thomas of Ruperrey, widow, for 21 years.

1682 June 29. Licence granted to Thomas Roberts, gent., the Registrar, to build a seat or pew in the vacant place under my Lord Bishop's seat or throne, for himself and his wife to sit and kneel in the choir to hear divine service and sermon.

A benevolence of 10s. to Mrs. Jones of Carwige, now a prisoner in Cardiffe.

Mr. Francis Davies, Junior Vicar Choral, shall have a key at his own proper cost and charges, to enter into the Library; he first having taken his oath not to "imbezil" any of the books.

1683 June 29. Lease of a messuage, garden and curtilage, with an adjoining parcel of waste ground, situate in the Combe in Landaff, granted to Prebendary David Price.

The Bishop is to be reimbursed 5l laid out by him towards the relief of the French Protestants, upon the account of the Chapter.

1684 June 28. Whereas the Charges are like to be very great which must arise upon the necessary repairs of this church and the adorning the same to the honour of God and conscionable discharge of that duty incumbent upon this Chapter: And whereas the said Chapter have been all along sensible of the manifold inconveniences which happen by the continuance of the Chapter Entertainment in a public house; in which place disorders, great expences, and no reputation, does apparently happen to the Community: And whereas there has been a house erected for no other purpose but the Chapter's accommodation, and that there is only wanting furniture and utensils for the Chapter's more convenient and creditable reception on all Chapter Meetings; the which are now designed with all convenient speed to be purchased: It is therefore agreed to break up all such unnecessary entertainments, and that every Prebendary shall bear his own expences, he being allowed at the Chapter held yearly on the feast of Saint Peter 20s.

Among the poor recipients of benevolence is Mr. Barkley Wrench, to whom 1l 5s. is given. Mrs. Agnes Williams, of Cardiff, receives 10s.

Undertaking signed by John Watkins, Prebendary of Warthacum, that he will restore the transcript of Lib: Landaven: with 18 loose leaves, at the next Chapter, under a penalty of 20l. And below:—"The said booke with the eighteen loose leaves was brought in & restored according to this cauc'on by the abovesd mr John Watkins."

1685 June 29.

An order for the Chapter's entertainment.

Whereas it has been heretofore and is still found inconvenient upon several accounts, that the members of this Chapter should dine at a public house, and that there is a house already built for their reception at Chapter time: It was unanimously agreed and ordered that the Proctor General shall lay out 12l or thereabouts, towards the providing of one dozen of chairs, a large oval table with tablecloth and napkins fitting for the same; and shall provide meat and drink fit for the Chapter's entertainment, and lay the same in the said house, where 't is intended that the meat shall be dressed, and where the Archdeacon and Prebendaries do resolve to diet together for the future, upon pain of loss of their dividend.

1686 June 29. Whereas complaint hath been made that divine service hath not been performed at such certain hours as are observed in all other cathedral churches: Ordered, that the canonical hours of ten in the morning and four in the evening shall be observed for English Prayers; and Welsh Prayers at such other hours as have been usual.

William Mathew of the Court, and his family, having neglected and refused to repair the north aisle of the Cathedral, so that it is grown unto miserable and dangerous decay, to the great charge and damage of this church: Ordered, that the liberty granted to the abovenamed family of burying in the said aisle be recalled; and that no person be suffered to be buried there except upon payment of the usual fees.

November 16. Thomas Stafford, L.L.D., and William Beaw, B.L., are granted in succession the dignity of Official. Archdeacon George Bull makes a Latin note in the margin, that he does not acknowledge the authority of the acts of this Chapter Meeting, held in the absence of himself or his proxy.

1687 June 28. Order for the repair of the roof and windows of the room over the Chapter House. Also the "Ivy & other greens" are to be cleared off, and the walls pointed.

A question as to the Bishop's right to a dividend assigned to him by an Act of doubtful validity.

1688 June 28. The worshipful Mr. William Beaw, B.L., is confirmed in the Chancellorship.

Upon the petition of William Giles the younger, the Chapter promise that, upon his good behaviour of assisting his father, the present Clerk and Sexton, who is now antient and decrepid, he should succeed him in those offices after his said father's decease.

1689 June 28. Five pounds contributed to their Majesties' Brief for the relief of the Irish Protestants.

Dispute as to whether the presentation to the Senior Vicar Choralship was in the gift of the Bishop or the Chapter.

Ordered, that whatever fragments or broken meat shall be left after each meal or entertainment of the Chapter, shall be distributed amongst the poor.

1690 July 1. Surveys ordered, for the counties of Glamorgan and Monmouth severally, of the lands, tiths, perquisites and profits belonging to the Chapter.

A Suit in Chancery was brought against Mr. William Beaw by Dr. John Jones, respecting the latter's right to the Chancellorship.

1691 June 29. "The sd Archdeacon & Chapter being fully mett in Chapter and considering the small revenues of this Church & the irregular managem[en]t of the Quire thereof by the Singing men & singing boys belonging to the same voted the Quire Singing to be putt down & discontinued & their respective Salaries to be for the future withdrawn but considering the indigency of some of the Singing men, 't is referr'd to the discretion of the Proctor Genr all to give & bestow to such of them as he shall find occasion what sum of money as he shall judge meet prvided he gives no sum to either of them exceeding one yeares salary.

"The same day the sd Archdeacon & Chapter appointed Mr William Dear Deacon to give the Singing psalmes in the Quire of this Church, and that he should be allow'd four pounds yearly for such his service over & above the eight pounds formrly allow'd him by this Chapter for keepeing school."

1692 June 29. Lease of 7a. of land, and 3 houses with 1¾a., as also of 8½a. more, with one house and garden called Ty Picka, situate in the several hamlets of Gabalva, Landaffe and Ely in the parish of Landaffe aforesaid.

The sum of 7l 10s. is to be paid Mr. Thomas Croft, "philomath:," for surveying the Chapter Lands within the county of Monmouth, and making a card thereof which he left to remain in the Registry of this Chapter.

Other sums paid to various persons for the Survey of the lands in Glamorgan—5l. in all for this county.

The Proctor General is to pay 5l towards the Brief for the redemption of captives out of Turkish slavery.

1693 June 29. The said Bishop, Archdeacon and Chapter, upon the motion of Dr. Jonathan Edwards, Treasurer, ordered that "Tylo's Booke" with the 18 loose folios should be delivered to him upon his giving a caution of the penalty of 20l for the redelivery thereof to this Chapter at next Peterstide.

1694 June 28. The use of the seat or pew in the north side of

The use of the seat or pew in the north side of the choir of this Cathedral (wherein the widow of Mr. Roger Owen, who built the same, formerly sate) shall be continued to Mr. William Turbervill of Wattrell, for his wife and family together with his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Turbervill, to sit in to hear divine service and sermons.

The Chapter granted to their Clerk the use of their house in the Churchyard, where they keep their entertainment, till they have use for it themselves.

1696 June 27. Madam Florence Herbert of Gabalva, widow, was granted leave to erect a seat in the choir, above and close to the seat of Mrs. Maddocks, betwixt the said pew and the rails of the altar or communion table.

Ordered, that the great bell which lately fell down in the steeple of the Cathedral be set up and fixed in its place as formerly, and the clock put to strike thereupon.

Chapter order a benevolence of 40s. to the widow of Mr. John Mathews, late of Llandaffe; also to the widow of Mr. William Deere, formerly a member of the choir, with 4l more for teaching school at Llandaffe since the death of her husband.

1697 June 28. Prebendary Griffith Thomas brought in "Tylo's booke" with the 18 loose folios.

Whereas there are eight corbels put up to support the roof of the Cathedral, and several more are in decay: Ordered, that the Proctor General cause to repair and put up so many more corbels, instead of such as are decayed, as there is old timber ready in the church to fit and do the same.

Benevolence of 20s. to Mr. Edward Crosby "for his attendance vpon ye Quire of this Church in playing vpon ye organs for sometyme there."

1698 June 30. Lease of the fourth part of the cursal tiths or barns, otherwise called the four barns of the Cathedrall Church of Llandaffe, to John Whitfield of Maydenhead in the county of Berks, esq., for three lives.

Appointment of [Edward] Crosby, now of Cardiffe, to be Organist for this Cathedral; who is obliged to attend the choir every Sunday and public holyday, to play with the psalm and to give the usual voluntary upon the organ; for which he is to have 50s. per quarter. [Struck out.]

1699 June 29. The Archdeacon and Chapter "being capitularly congregated" in the said Chapter House, appointed Philip John, of Llandaffe, one of the late choirmen, to give the psalms in the said choir, in the room of Edward Smith deceased.

They also appointed Anne Tanner, wife of William Gyles, to sweep the church and keep the choir and seats therein clean and decent, in the room of Wenllyan Gyles deceased.

Benevolence of 1l to the widow [Jane] Nicholls of Lantwit.

1700 June 29. Benevolence of 5l to Mr. John Evans, rector of Llanllowell, "towards the repaire of his loss sustain'd by Fire."

Lease of two houses and a cottage, with seven acres of lands, near Llandaffe, to Madam Jane Mathews, widow of the late Brigadier General Edward Mathews, assignee of Thomas Williams, of Cardiff, alderman.

[Blank from 1703 to 1705.]

1706 July 2. Complaint by Mr. Thomas Andrews and Mr. Francis Davies, clerks to this Chapter but commonly called Vicars Choral of the Cathedral Church of Llandaffe, that they are prosecuted in the Arches Court of Canterbury by Mr. Thomas Maddocks, one of the Registrars of Landaffe, for desisting reading Prayers in the said church at several times when the said Mr. Maddocks, being an excommunicated person, came in among the congregation. The Chapter resolve to defend the complainants.

1707 June 28. Lease of the rectories of Penclawdd and Langoven to the Worshipful Richard Jenkins of Hensoll in the parish of Pendylon, esq.

Lease of two houses, a barn and seven acres of lands in the city and parish of Landaffe, to Illtyd Nicholl, assignee of Madam Jane Mathews of the Court.

Benevolence of 10l to Dr. Robert Scott, Dean of Glasgow, towards the relief of the distressed Episcopal Clergy of the Kingdom of Scotland.

Also 2l. to Mr. Rice Williams, vicar of Langwm, towards the repair of his loss by fire.

1715 June 28. The Chapter granted a convenient place for Mrs. Alice Roberts, widow, to erect and build a seat on the left side of the choir of the Cathedral, overagainst and opposite to the seat lately erected by Mr. Thomas Davies on the right side of the said choir, and to equal and answer the said Davies his seat in proportion, situation and conveniency.

Agreement with Thomas Rosser, of Cardiffe, glazier, for the repair of the windows in the Cathedral and Prebendaries' House.

1716 July 2. Lease of tenements in Llandaff (lately granted to George Howells, esq., surviving guardian of Edward Herbert, esq., since deceased) to Mariannne Herbert, widow, and Elizabeth Herbert, widow, their executors and assigns, in trust for Thomas Herbert, gentleman, an infant, son of the said Edward Herbert.

William Morgan, elected Master of the Free School.

1718 July 3. Agreement with Mr. William Morgan of Coedygorass, the younger, lessee of the tiths of Lanederne, about his building a tith-barn there.

Leave granted Mr. Thomas Roberts to enlarge his seat under the Lord Bishop's throne, in length towards the west end thereof.

1719 June 27. Beganston manor and rectory leased to Sir Charles Kemeys of Kevenmabley, bart., for 21 years.

1721 June 28. Appointment of Christopher Lewis, of Landaffe, tailor, to give the singing-psalms in the choir of the Cathedral, for 4l a year.

Lease to Mary Davies, spinster (daughter of Francis Davies, clerk, deceased), of 2a. on Eley More, ½a. near Wain Wilt, 1a. more in Eley More called Erw Wen, as also 7a. called Annes Pewterer's Lands.

"July ye 4th

"The sd ArchDeacon & Chapter takeing into Consideration the great Decays of this Cathedral Church & finding themselves utterly incapable, out of their small Revenues, to Support the growing Charge of Repairs occasioned by Sevrall Storms and Tempests and prticularly the Extraordinary one of November ye 20th last past as well by ye general Decay of ye Timber in ye Rooffe & other Materials of the Church by length of time Have Resolved & doe Order an Address or Petition to be drawn up and prsented To the King's most Excellent Majesty, To his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales & To the Nobility, Gentry & Clergy of this Diocess & To the assistance and Contributions for and towards ye repaireing of this Church And accordingly ye Sd Petitions were drawn up and signed by ye Sevrall Members of this Chapter.

"The same day The sd Archdeacon & Chapter continued ye Revrend Mr Morgan Evans Chancellour of this Church to be their Proctor Genral for ye Ensueing Year.

"Deinde Concluserunt hu'mo'j Cap'lum.
Ita Testor.
Tho: Davies, N.P.,
Regrius Cap'li prd'." (fn. 12)


  • 1. Act had in the Chapter House of Llandaff, the fourth day of August in the year of our Lord 1573, before the Archdeacou and Chapter then and there assembled and making Chapter, namely, Lewis Baker, Bachecellor; Morgan Nicholas, Precentor; William THomas Williams, Chancellor; Morgan Nicholas, Precentor; William THomas William, John Evans, Evaus, Huge Lewis and John Powell, Canouns, in presence of me Henry Mathews, Registrer.
  • 2. The morrow of Saint Peter (and Paul's) day ; i.e., on the 31st of June.
  • 3. The number refers to the page in the MS. wherein the clause is set out.
  • 4. The grauntee's name is omitted by a clerical error in the text, but occurs in the margin.
  • 5. At which day and place the said Reverend Father once, twice and thrice demanded the books called the Chapter Text and the Book of Teilo, of the aforesaid Mr. Robothan, that he might visit the church and the aforesaid Chapter according to his office in the presence of the said Mr. Robert Robothan, who said that he would deliver them in time. And then the said Reverend Father shewed unto him the King's letters of attestation under the Great Seal of England; and by virtue of the same, and also by virtue of his oath of canonical obedience etc., desired the said Robothan to submit to him in his aforesaid Visitation, and that he should not go out from the afore said Chapterhouse, in the presence of the said Robothan, who alledged, as before, that he was not bound to submit to such Visitation, by reason of his Appeal and Inhibition beforesaid. And forthwith, notwithstanding the requisition and admonition of the said Reverend Father, he went away and refused to submit to the aforesaid Visitation. It was then decreed, with the consent of the said Price, Morrice, Arney, Bowen, Dowle, Blethin and Bassett, that the chest or coffer in the said Chapterhouse, in which the Register Book and Acts of the said Chapter, and also the Chapter Seal, are or ought to be, should be opened in order that they might see the Acts and archives of the said Chapter, for the fuller and better execution and expedition of such Visitation, and that their grants and presentments in the said Chapter might be sealed and issued.
  • 6. authority
  • 7. Cursal
  • 8. At the same day and place George Parry, Master of Arts, took the oath according to the book called "Textus Ecclesiae," in the force of an oath upon the Holy Gospels of God by him corporally touched and kissed.
  • 9. An ancient official residence of the Bishops, near Chepstow.
  • 10. stall
  • 11. This arrangement is continued in the Prebendal Stalls of the restored Cathedral.
  • 12. They then concluded such Chapter, Witness my signature, Thomas Davies, Notary Public, Registrar of the aforesaid Chapter.