Cardiff Records: Volume 3. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1901.
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'Records of the Cordwainers and Glovers: Company Proceedings, 1676-1801', in Cardiff Records: Volume 3, ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1901), British History Online [accessed 7 February 2025].
'Records of the Cordwainers and Glovers: Company Proceedings, 1676-1801', in Cardiff Records: Volume 3. Edited by John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1901), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025,
"Records of the Cordwainers and Glovers: Company Proceedings, 1676-1801". Cardiff Records: Volume 3. Ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1901), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025.
Proceedings, 1676-1801
3° day of 9ber 1676
The Acoumpt of Thomas Edwards & Nathaniell
Howell Mrs of ye Company of Cordiners &
Glouers for ye yeare Last past
Recd by Tho Edw. of ye ouar plush of ye money w[hi]ch lay in his
hands 5s. 11d.
of quartrage & incomes 15s. 8d.
of rent from mr Cradock wells for ye Last yeare 1l 10s.
this money pd into ye now mr hands & he hath dispurste at this
time Eleuen shillings soe yt thare remains in my hands two
pound on shilline & fiue pence 2. 11. 7.
Chr. Wells
Receued by nathaniell howell for quarterages six shillings eightpence for vse monies thre shillings 3s.—9s. 8d.
Dispurst toward a barell of beare fiue shillings and to the
Warden fower shillings and eight pence Laied out by the
then Warden the som[m]e in all dispurse is 9s. 8d.
Cradock Nowell
The 27° of Xber. 1677
The Acoumpte of Christopher Wells Mr of ye
Companey of shoomakers for ye year '77.
his recaite in All came to 2l 5s. 3d.
his dispursments came to 1. 3. 10.
he pd in two ballence this Acoumpte 1. 1. 5.
this Acoumpt Past & Alowed ye day & year Aboue writen
Alexr Pursell
Arthur Yeomans
The Acoumpte of Cradock Nowell Mr of ye Company of Glouers for ye year '77
his recaite for this year came to 9s. 6d.
his dispursmente came to 9s. 8d.
paid him to balence 2d.
this Acoumpte Paste & Alowd ye day & yeare Aboue writen
Alexr Pursell
Arthur Yeomans
27° Xber 1677.
Memorandum yt I Alexander Pursell haue Recd of Cradock
Wells Esqr 20s. & 5d. beinge with his other dispursements his full
rente dewe for ye shoomakars halle for ye year '77
Alexr Pursell
the 27° of Xber 1678
The Acoumpte of Alexander Pursell M
r of ye
Company of shoomakers for ye year 1678
past & Alowed p' us
Thomas Mayo
James Osborne
ye 9th of 9ber 1678.
Memorandom yt I Alexander Pursell haue paide into ye now Mr Thomas Mayo his hands three pounds thirteen shillings & fiue Pence witness his hand before ye company.
Thomas Mayo
William Wells ye sonn of Christophar wells of Cairdiff cordiner Made free of the company of cordiners & Glouers with ye genarall consente of ye maior parte ye 14° of Aug[us]t 1677.
30e 7ber '78
Joseph Acey Made free p' ye Generall consent of ye companey of cordiners & Glouers.
Theophiluss Price the sunn of Richard Price Made free of ye company of shoomakers & Glouers p' ye genarall consente of ye Maior parte to use ye trade of A Glouer ye 12th of february 1678/9.
Thomas Mayo
James Osborne
29th 7ber '80
Thomas Philip, Charles Lambarte & Thomas Richards hauinge theyr saruis Alowed of p' theyr Mr Are Made free of our Companey this day two use ye trade of A cordwainers before us
Will. Richards
Cradock Nowell
the 7th 9ber '78.
Memorandum yt I Arthur yemans haue past my Acoumpts
before ye now mastars w[hi]ch they haue Alowed witness theyr hands
Thomas Mayo
James Osborne
Memorandom yt I theophiluss Price doe Acknowledg my selfe I'deted unto ye company of shomakars & glouers in ye sum of five shillings w[hi]ch I promise to pay ye 29th of 7ber next following witness my hand ye day & year Aboue saide.
Theophilus Price [Struck out.]
Memer'dam that I Will Richards haue Rec'ued the sonm of one pound six shillings Eight pens from Thomas Mayo Masters of the Cordiners I say Rec'ued bey me
Will Richards
Nouember the 21.
Memerandam that Thomas Mayo And James oesbren has paust thayar A Count And Loued of bey ues Masters of the Comey of shoes cordeins And Glouers
Will Richards
Cradock Nowell
Rec'ued bey me Cradock Nouell the sonm of 5d. recu'ed the 14 day of september
12th 9ber 1680.
Memorandom yt I Wm Wells haue receued of Mr William Richards At ye deliuaringe up of his Acoumpte on pound & thirteen shillings & A peney & for soe doeinge doe discharge him ye said Mr richards p' ye consente of ye hole companey
William Wells
12th 9ber 1680.
Memorandom yt I Arthur yeaman now mr of ye companey of Gloueiers haue receued mr cradock Nowell Late Mr his Acoumpte & doe Alowe thare of with ye consente of ye hole
Arthur Yeomans
nouembr the 25th 1681.
memorandum that I cradok nowell Ald. have Recceued the Accompts of Arthur Yeaman Ald. and Allowed of by me the day and year Aboue Written witnes my hand
Cradock Nowell
December the xxvijth 1682.
Memorandum that Arthur Yeomans junr was then made free of the Company and Society of Glovers within the Towne of Cardiff in the County of Glamorgan by and with the consent and assent of the Masters and their Brethren of the said Society for the Su&bowmov;e of Three
Shillings & four pence in hand paid by the said Arthur Yeomans the time aforesaid Wittnesse our hands
No'ber the 9, 1683.
A memorandom that I Arthur yeomans have Receued of James Osborn Late master the some of 10s. shillings and six Pence of wich was Paid 1 shilling Rent and 5d. towards A barell of all so thar Remains in my hand six Pence
Arthur Yeomans
Tho. Phillips [Struck out.]
No'ber th 9, 1683.
A memorandome that I James osborn Late master haue paste my aCompt befor the nu masters wiche thay haue aLoud of witnes thaer hands
Tho. Phillips
Arthur Yeomans Jun.
May the 8th 1685.
Whaeras it appearith vnto vs thomas Philips Master of the Companey of shoomakers and Arthur yeomans master of the Companey of Glouers that John Smith and Charles dauis both of this towne do sell and Retale Glous in the said Towne wee tharfor with the genarall Consent and Asent Acording to oure Compositione do fine Eche of them in forti shillings a piece witnes Our hands
xxj° die Julij 1685.
Whereas it appeareth vnto vs Thomas Phillips Master of the Company of Cordinrs and Arthur Yeomans junr master of the Company of Glovers & the rest of the masters of the said Companys that John Smith Glover and Charles Davies shopkeeper haveing divers times sold and doe still sell Gloves contrary to our Composic'on being divers times Warned to the Contrary, Wee therefore the persons subscribeing by Virtue of and according to our said Composic'on have by the Generall assent and Consent of the said Companies ffined the said John Smith and Charles Davies fforty shillings a piece. Wittnes our hands the day moneth and Yeare abovewritten.
Arthur Yeomans
James Osborne
Nathan1 NH Howell
Morgan Price
Tho. Phillips
Theophilus price
Arthur Yeomans
Chr. Wells
Thomas Mayo
Alexr Pursell
Will Richards
Thomas Edwards ye marke
Thomas [cross mark] meredeth of
Abrill the 7th 1686.
Memorandume that John Smith the day and yeare aboue said was made ffree of the said companie of cordinars and glouers paieng seuen pounds ten shillings that is to saie five pounds to ward the stoke of the companie & fiftie shillings in to the masters hands and aboue giuen to paie yt fiue pounds to them one st mich' the Arke Angell next surtie to the bond Cradok nowell [Struck out.]
[The following six entries are given in the extracts printed in the Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, but I have not found them in the original book. Probably the pages have since been lost.]
29th Septr 1684. Received of the Master Glover, as a due payable on himself and his Brethren, for their yearly meetings in the Cordwainers' Hall, for the year last past, 5s. I say received in the behalf of the Cordiners by me.
Thos Phillips.
16th April 1685. Memorandum that John Hamans did intrude upon the privilege of our composition within the Town of Cardiff, to be a Chamber Master to make shoes for to sell to any that would buy them. So he was called in and questioned by the Masters for . . . . . . So he was willing to leave it off, and make no more, so that the Masters would pardon the fine due upon him. With consent of all the Masters it was granted.
Thos. Phillips and Arthur Yeoman
Masters of the Company of Cordwainers
and Glovers.
1688 June 1. Arthur Mirick, admitted a Master of the Cordwainers' Company, paid for his freedom.
In the Cordiners' Hall, the 12th Sep. A° Regs Willmi III. Anglie etc. decimo [1698] before Geo. Rees, Chief Master, and other Masters then and there present.
Forasmuch as Wm Phillips, one of the Masters aforesaid, did lately set up a standing to sell shoes out of his shop in open Market, contrary to the tenour and effect of the Charters for incorporating the Cordiners of the said Town, and hath thereby incurred the forfeiture of 40s.; It is therefore, on the submission of the said Wm Phillips, and on his promise not to offend again in the same nature, ordered that the said Wm Phillips be discharged of the said fine.
1705 Octr 24. John Griffith, of Cardiff, cordiner, for buying goods contrary to the Company's privilege, was fined 40s.
1725–7. There was a shop beneath the Hall, which paid a rent of 6d.
[Thus far the items missing from the present volume. The spelling has been modernised by the newspaper editor. We now resume the original documents.]
xxj° die Julij 1685.
Whereas It Appeareth vnto vs Thomas Phillipps Master of the company of cordwainers And Arthur Yeomans Junr Master of the company of Glovers and the rest of or bretheren
October ye 18, 1686
Aerter yeman Master of the Comaney of Gllouers haue past his Acount be for ues
Thomas TM meredeth
John Smith
October ye 18, 1686.
A memorandom that John smeth dispurst out of the 10 Pounds he Resd then 2 and 6 Pence wich was one half of the seaser of skins —1l 17s. 5d.
Nouember the 7th
Reseued then of william Richerds the som of one Pound nine shillins and six pence all soe of nathanel whole two and toe pence 2s. 2d.
Theophilus Price
Nouember 7th
Reseued of william Richard one pound Nine shillings and six pence
Reseued of Nathaniel howel two shillings and two pence 1l 11s. 8d.
Theophilus price
Reseued of Theophilus price one pound a leuen shilling and aight pence 1. 11. 8.
James Osborne
Disbursts 14s.
payd to nathanyell howell 6s. 8d.
By mee John Smith
O'ber ye 25e '92
Nathaniell houell master of ye company of Glouers haue past his
a coumptt be fore vs
nat. NH houell.
Arthur yeman.
xxvj° Die Octobris 1692.
Whereas itt appeareth unto us William Wells and Arthur Yeomans Masters of the Company of cordiners and Glovers, and the rest or maior part of the masters of the said company That John Smith Glover upon considerac'on of paying Seven pounds & tenn shillings of current English mony, was accordingly made free, But the present masters, and allsoe all those whose names are here under written being not justly Satisfied that ever the said seven pounds and tenn shillings was paid, and haveing Lawfully Demanded itt, Doe unanimously joyne & agree with each other to Sue the said John Smith, Wittnesse our hands the Day moneth & Yeare first above Written
Michaell Nowell
Thomas TM muredy
william Cornish
Arthur Yeomans
James Osborne
Theophilus Price
Joseph East
Thomas Phillips
Thomas Richards
July ye 30. '92.
A memerandome of a seisur of 4 skins mad on John Pris of cerfelly by Arth Yemans and theophilus Pris, nathanell Howell master then of ye comp. of glours thay ware praisd to too shillings
Jun ye 17. '93.
A memarndom that Arthur Yemans nathanell houell and
theophilas Pris made a seesure of seuen shepe skins with out ye
north gatt thay ware John Pris skins of Carefly (fn. 1) Boght in our marcett
Praisd and sould at 1s. shill and 8d. pence ye Praisers nams wear
Res Jones
samvell Jons
Nober ye 1, '93.
A memarandem that cradok Hodg was then made free of ye
company of cordeners and glouers by and with ye consent of ye said
Brethern for ye sum of three shilling and four Pence in hand Paid by
ye said cradock Hodg in ye afore sayd witnes our hands
Thomas Richards
William Hodges
Nober ye 6, '93.
wher as it A Pereth vnto vs Thomas Richards and will Hodge
masters of ye cordeners and Glouers and ye Rest of ye Bretheren hear
Present that John Pris of Cerflly glouer haue bought skins in Cardiff
market wich is contrary to our composic'on wee do therfore asent and
consent to fine the said John Pris forty shills
Arthur yemans
nathell Howell
Theopilus Pris
Cradok Hodge
william Hodge
Nober ye 1, '93.
A memarandom that Arthur yemans Latt master of ye company of glouers haue past his a coumpt to will Hodg now master and Paid him 8s. 8d. to Balens his a count wherof 3 shill. and 4 pence is dew to ye counts.
William Hodges
A memorandom that nober ye 13, '93 that the Masters of ye
Company of Glouers made a seesuer of 18 skings thay ware Johen
Prises skings of Landaffe Bought in our marcett Praisd and sould att
fifteen shillings the Praisers nams ware
Rice Jons
Rice Jenkens
Deber ye 26, '93.
Wher as it apereth to vs Thomas Richards and will Hodgs mr of
ye cordeners and Glouers and ye Rest of ye Brethern whous nams
are hear subscribd that John Pris of Cerfley Glouer haue bought
sheep skins in Cardiff marcet wich is contarary to our compositon we
do therfore asent and consent to fine the said John Pris forty shill.
Thomas Richards
William Hodges
Arthur Yemans
× ? Howell
Theophilus Price
Cradok Hodgs
Sep. 30. 1695
Rec. then of ye Mastar Glouars the summ[m]e of ten shill. in full of all acoumpts and for on years Rent for ye hall & and thair shaire for ye barral of all 10s.
Octber. 25. '95.
A memarandom that will Hodge latt master haue Past his acoumpt vnto me Theophilus Price and be fore ye Rest of ye masters
Ocbr. 26. '95
An agrement made then betewen vs masters Glouers whos nams
herar subscribd
Theophilus Price Master
William Hodges
Nathanell Howell
Arthur Yemans
to Pay toopens per week Eech mane vntill next mickellmus following to Rais a stok to ye company wich mony is to be Paid Evry 3 weeks in to ye masters hands and he is to geue a Just a coumpt at years End to next master.
November 16
Reseued of the masters aboue written the some of two shillings
towuard the former agreement 2s.
to the towne clarke 1l. [Struck out.]
Reseued of the master and Jornimen 1s. 4d.
a sesur in a skine 2s.
Debr 30, 99.
A memarandom that I theophilus price haue disburst to the
warduone 1s.
toe the praisers 1s.
toe the clarke for draing the fine 1s. 6d.
toe Mr Thomas for answaring in the county 1s.
for horse hier at two times 2s.
for mouing to the seises 5s. 6d.
for Expences in coubridg 1s.
Desember the 20 4
Aseseuer was made one a skine praised to two shillings 2s. [Struck out.]
Noeuember the 15
disburst six pence to Rise Jones 6d.
Desember the 30 1
disburst six pence more at nathanel wells 6d.
toe Mr thomas the toune clark 1s.
had toward the ale 2s.
desem. ye 2, '96
received of Theofilus prise late maister ye sume of tenn shillings five shillings for ye rent of ye holle (fn. 2) and 5 shillings for ale 10s.
by mee Nathll Wells
Debr 27, '99.
A memarandam that Ar. yeamans Latte master of ye company of Glouers past his A coumpts be fore we now masters and then Remaind dew to ye Latt master 8d.
Thoma meredith
Theophilus price
Mrh. 4, '700
Rese'd then of Theoffhilus Price the sum of 10s. shill. in full for on years Rent of ye hall and our part for ye Barall of ale I say Rese'd by us 10s.
Tho. meredith
Ocbr 14, '701
Rese'd then of Ar. yeamans Latte master the sum of tenshillings in full for the Rent of ye halle and Part of a barall alle I say Rese'ud by mee
Nathll Wells
xix° die Martij A'no d'ni 1699.
Whereas it app'es unto us Thomas Meredith Master of the Company of Cordiners & Theophilus Price master of the Company of Glovers and the rest of the masters of the said company, That John Price of Landaff Glover haveing diverse times bought and doe still buy Woll Skins contrary to our composic'on being seu'all times warned to the contrary Wee therefore the p'sons subscribing By Virtue of and according to or said Composic'on have by the generall consent and assent of ye said companies ffined the said John Price to fforty shillings Wittnesse or hands the day Month and yeare first abovewritten
Nathaniel Howell
Arthur yeamans
Tho. Meredith
Theophilus Price
W'iam Wells
Tho. Richards
Nathll Wells
Geo. Reece
Wll. Phillips
May 31, '700.
Wher as it Appeareth to vs Thomas meredeth master of ye company of cordeners and Theoffeylus Pris master of ye company of Glou'rs and ye Rest of ye said masters of ye said company that John Pris of Landaff Glouer have divers times boght and do still by woll skins contrary to our Composic'on being severall times warnd to ye contrery wee therfore by virtew of our Compocton hos nams hear supcribd do fin ye said John Pris by ye asent and Consent of ye sayd Company forty shill. wittnes ower hands ye furst Above written
Tho meridith
Theophilus price
Thomas Richard
Nathll Wells
Ar. yeamans
nahanel Howell
will ffillippe
23° Aprilis Anno D?i 1701.
Whereas there is a suite now depending in the court of his Majts Great sessions held for the county of Glamorgan wherein John Price is Pl't. and Theophilus Price & others of the Masters of the company of cordiners & Glovers are Def'ts, concerning the takeing and distraineing seizeing of wooll skins w[hi]ch the said John Price bought within the liberties of the Town of Cardiff contrary to the Tenor grant and Effect of the charter or incorporac'on heretofore granted, to the said shoomakers and Glovers, And whereas alsoe the said parties are come to an agreement and end of the said suit whereby the said John Price hath agreed to lett the suit fall, to loose the skins soe seized and to pay part of the defs. charges, It is therefore ordered and agreed, on the said John Price his promise and undertakeing that he will noe more intrude on the liberties of the said company, That the said John Price submission be accepted, and that there bee noe further prosecuc'on in the said suit
Test. Tho. Cradock
John Price
Ar. Yeamans
John Price
In Aula Cordiner' ultimo die M'tij 1703 coram[m] Nathaniel Wells et Arthur yeomans capital' Magistr' Lez Cordiner et Glovers Vill' pr'd' quor' no'i'a subscript'
Ed'r'us Price Cheirothecarius huic admissus fuit in Magister' Lez Glover et solvit p' manibs pr'd' capital' Magister' p' tali admissione iijs iiijd
Nathll Wells
Ar. yeamans
Theophilus price
William Cornish
Cardiff Town. In the Cordwainers' Hall, on the last day of March 1703, before Nathaniel Wells and Arthur Yeomans, chief Masters of the Cordwainers and Glovers of the Town aforesaid, whose names are underwritten: Edward Price, leatherman, was admitted unto this as a Master of the Glovers, and paid by the hands of the aforesaid chief Masters, for such admission, 3s. 4d.
[Attached is the parchment certificate, with two red 1s. stamps,
and the crown stamp in printer's ink. It is inscribed :—]
vlt' Mrtij 1713
Edward Price admitted as master
or freeman of the company Glovers
Edward Price
May ye 22, 1706
Reseied of Edward price ye sum of 10 shilings for rent of ye hall Ended Last Mickels day Master I say by me
Henry Meredith
sepbr 30th 1706
Rese'd then the sum of five shilling in full for the Rentt of halle to this day I say Resevd p' me
Henry Meredith
Sept. ye 29th 1707
received then of mr Arter yeamans ye sume of five shillings in full for rent due this day
Will Phillipps
Memor. Due for arrears of Drinke 8s.
Sep. 29, '708
Rese'd then of Arthur yeomans the sum of five shillings in full for ye Rent of ye hall to this day 5s.
p' me Will Phillipps
Sepbr 29, '709
Rese'd then of Ar. yeomans the sum of five shill. in full to this day 5s. for ye Rentt of ye hall p' me
Will Phillipps
Sepbr 29, 1710
Rese'd then of arthur yeomans the sum of five shill. in full for the Rent of the halle to this day.
Will Phillipps
Sepr 29, 1710
Amamarandom that Arth. yeomans paid his shar tovards the Arers of drink wich was too shill. and pens to his Clobb wich is in full to this day to his share
alovd p' me Will Phillipps
Sepr 29, 1711
Rese'd then the sum of five shill. in full for the Rentt of ye halle to this day
p' Henry Meredith
Sep'br 29, 1711 Rese'd then three shill. in full for ovr partt to the Alle p' me in full for ye present years alle by me
Henry Meredith
Arthur Williams is admitted a mr in The said Company & Paid for his Freedome
Sup'vic' adhuc p' Jo. Edwards (fn. 3)
Henry Meredith
Theophilus price
Sepbr 29, 1712
Rese'd then of the master of the Glovers the sum of five shill. in full for the Rent of the hall to this day p' me
Henry Meredith
Sepber the 29 Rese'd then three shill. in full for the Glover part this prest year tovards the barell of alle p' me
Henry Meredith
Sepbr 29, 1713 Rese'd then of the masters of the glovers the sum of five shill. in full for the Rent of the hall being in full to this day p'
Henry Meredith
Jully 5° 1714 Wher as it appeareth to vs—
July 5, 1714 Whear as it appeareth to vs willam phillip and
Ar. yeomans masters of the Company of shomak'rs and Glou'rs
that three shep skins being in our markett Boght by John Pris we
the masters vnder namd haue mad a sezuer on them thay being Boght
Contrary to our Charter witnes our hands as a Bove
Will Phillips
Ar. yeomans
Theophilus Price
sup'vic' adhuc p' Jo. Edwards
Ocbr. 12, 1714
Rese'd then of the masters Glouers six shillings in part for the Rent of the halle and towards the Barell of alle Rest dew from nathanell howell too shill. wich when paid is in full to this day p'r me
Will Phillips
Sepbr 29, 1715
Res'd of Ar. yeomans master of the Company of glou'rs the sum of five shill. in full for the Rent of the hall and four shill. and four pence to our share for the barell of alle.
Will Phillipps
Cardiffe Villa. In Awla Cordin' ultimo die Septembris Anno R'ni dn'i Regis Georgij nunc Magn' Britan' &c; Secundo [1715] Coram Will'o Phillipp & Arthuro Yeomans Magister' Lez Cordin' & Glovers ville p'd' quor' no'i'a Subscript'
Nathaniel Howell Jun' Chirothecar' admissus fuit un' Magister' Lez Glover & Solvit p' manibus Capital' Magistr' p' tali admissione 3s. 4d.
Will Phillips
Ar. yeomans
Sepbr 29, 1716.
Rese'd then of Ar. yeomas the sum of ten shill. in full for ovr partt of a barell of alle and five shill. for the Rent of the halle wich is in full to this day.
p' Will Phillipps
Sepbr 30, 1717
Rese'd then the sum of ten shill. for the Rent of the halle and our partt for the barell of alle wich is in full to this day
pr Will Phillips
Sepr 29, 1718
Rese'd then of Ar. yeomas the sum of Aitt shill. in full for the Rent of the hall and our shar tou'rds a barall of Alle
Will Phillipps
Sepbr 29, 1719 Rese'd then of Ar. yeomans the sum of Aiett shillings in full for ye Rent of ye halle and our share of the Alle
pr me Will Phillipps
Recd. 7br 29th 1720 of Edwd. Price the sum of five shillings In full for the Rent of the Hall
Will Phillips
Recd 7br 29th 1721 of Arthur Williams the sum of five shillings In full for the Rent of the Hall. I say Recd p'
John Griffith
Rec'd 7br 29th 1722 of Arthur Williams the sum of five shillings In full for the Rent of the Hall. I say Rec'd by me
John Griffith
7br 29th 1722. Memdum that Theophilus Price is own'd & Admitted A master or freeman of this Company of Glovers
Admitted by us—
Arthur Williams
Christopher Pris
John Griffith
Testes: Henry Pris
John meredith
Richard Evan
[Attached is the parchment certificate, similarly worded, with two blue 1s. stamps.
Attached Certificate on paper, with two 1s. impressed stamps:—]
Christopherus Price Cordinr admissus fuit Un' Magror. le Cordinrs & Solvit p' tali Admission' p'r manib's decem solid' Capital' Mag'ro Willo' Phillipps: Dat.' 21° die Junij Anno R'ni D'ne Anne nunc R'ne Magn' Brittan' &c; Septimo Annoq' D'ni 1708.
Will Phillipps.
Recd 7br 29, 1723 of Arthur Williams the Sum of five shillings In full for ye Rent of ye hall. I say Recd.
p' John Griffith
Recd. 7br 29, 1724 of Arthur Williams the sum of five shills In full for the Rent of the Hall. I say Recd by mee
John Griffith
Recd. 7br 29, 1727 of Arthur Williams the sum of tenn shillings in full for two Years Rent of the Hall. Recd by me
Hen. Parry
Recd Sept. 29th 1730 of Arthur Williams the sum of fifteen shillings in full for three Years of Hall Rent Due & Ended the Day & Year above Written wherof Recd by me the Sum of 10s.
Thomas Estons
September 29th 1732. Memorandum that Henry Sweet is
Admitted as Master or ffreeman of ye Company of Glovers
Arthr Williams
Wm. Pursell
Thos. Meredith
Christopher Price
John Griffith
William Phillipes
Thomas Estons
Benjn Bromhead
Inspected By
John Calthorp
[Parchment Certificate attached.]
Sept. 29, 1737. Memorandum that Henry Yeomans is admitted as Master or freeman of ye Company of Glovers
Arthr Williams
Phillip meredith
[Parchment Certificate attached. On a subsequent page 6 Certificates are attached, the first on paper, the rest parchment:—]
Math. Griffithes admitted.
August ye 23, 1721. Memorandum that John Meredith is own & admitted as a master of This Co'pany of Cordiners
vlt' Martij 1703
Henr. Meredith admitted
september 30th 1725. Memorand? that Joseph Howell Is admitted as Master or ffreeman of the Company of Glovers.
November 28, 1727. Memorand? that Thomas Estance is or freeman of this Company of Cordiners
Aprill ye 24, 1728. wee admite William Pursell as one of the masters of the Company of Cordwinders.
sup'vis' p' William Holly [?]
[After a number of blank pages, on the last page occurs the following entry:—]
Septe the 29, 1684.
Arthur yeomans Jone master
and Ha. Jons wardaener.
The Jorney mens nams then that paied thaer income
Gorge Dimond
Thom willams
Ries Lewelling
ffrancis Richards
Ries Jons
mores taner
Hendry sueet
Robert thomas
John Jaruice
Grifeth willams
John Jinkings
mirick Clement
francies Jones
[Inside the end cover is scribbled:—]
Alexander Pursell
James osbern
The Booke of ackownts Betewne the shomakars and Glouers of Cardiffe. amen.
Robert Nowell his hand 1685. amen.
Extracts from Proceedings of the Cardiff Company of Cordwainers and Glovers.
Cardiff 28 September 1783.
Thomas Stibbs and Watkin Morgan, Masters of the Company of Cordwainers of the Town of Cardiff.
Jacob Rosser, Rees David, Edward Young and John Purcell, Freemen of the said Company.
Rees David and Thomas Evans, Wardens.
John Hussey to be made free.
John Bird Senior, Thomas Stibbs junior and William Evans, entitled to the freedom.
Thomas Evans, William Evans, John Roberts, Herbert Rees, William Morgan, Morgan John, Henry Bird, Edward Hussey, Morgan Richards, Thomas Richards, John Thomas, Thomas Newton, William Davies, Evan Thomas and William Leyshon, Journeymen.
Cardiff Town
to wit
The Names of the Masters of the Compy of Cordyners and Glovers of the Town of Cardiff.
29 Sept. 1783
Hy. Yeomans Esq.
Thomas Stibbs
Wat. Morgan
Jac. Rosser
Edward Young
John Purcell.
The names of the Journeymen:—
Rees David
Thomas Evans
William Evans
John Robert
Herbert Rees
William Morgan
Morgan John
Henry Bird
Edward Hussey
Morgan Richards
Thomas Richards
John Thomas Newton
William David
Evan Thomas
William Leyshon
Thomas Edwards, acting as
Clerk to the sd Coy
Square 8vo book bound in marbled boards with vellum back.
Proceedings of the Cardiff Company of Cordwainers and Glovers. 1783–1806.
Form of Summons.
Cardiff Town
to witt
You are hereby required to Summon and Warn the several Bretheren of the Art and Craft of Cordyners and Glovers of the Town of Cardiff that they may severally be and personally appear at the Common Hall of the said Company On [blank] the [blank] day of [blank] at eleven of the Clock in the forenoon of the same day then and there to Conferr and Consult together concerning sundry matters relative to our Craft and the well governing thereof Given under our hands and seals this [blank] day of [blank] 17—
[Then follows a slightly modernised version of the Oaths of the Masters and Wardens, as before written, which are here stated "to be sworn before the Mayor of the said Town of Cardiff."]
Cardiff Town
to Witt
At the Comm[m]on Hall of the Company of the Art and Craft of Cordyners and Glovers of the said Town of Cardiff On Monday the twenty ninth day of September in the year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty three being the feast day of Saint Michael the Archangel.
We the Masters and Journeymen of the said Art and Craft having duly assembled ourselves pursuant to the power and Authority given to us by Divers Antient Charters and Patents enabling us in that behalf Do by the unanimous Consent of all the said Bretheren Elect and Choose Thomas Stibbs Cordwayner and Watkin Morgan Cordwayner Capital Burgess two of the most discreet of our Company to be Masters of the said Company for the year next following.
And We Do also Elect and take Rees David Cordwainer and Thomas Evans Cordwainer two of the Journeymen of the said Art and Craft to be Wardens of the said Company for the year ensuing that they may be sworn into their several and respective Offices before the Mayor of the said Town.
Ed. Hussey
Morgan Richard
Thomas Richard
John thomas
Thomas Newton
Evan Thomas
William Leyshon
Hen. Yeomans
Thos Stibbs
Watt. Morgan
Jacob Rosser
Edward Young
John Purcell
Rees Davis
Thos Evans
Arth. Robert
Wm Morgan
Morgan John
Henry Bird
Cardiff Town
to witt
The twenty seventh day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty three Thomas Stibbs Cordwayner and Watkin Morgan Cordwayner & Capital Burgess were Sworn Masters and Rees David Cordwayner and Thomas Evans Cordwayner were Sworn Wardens of the Company of the Art and Craft of Cordyners and Glovers of the said town of Cardiff before me Sr Herbert Mackworth Barronet Constable of the Castle of Cardiff in the Exchequer of the said Castle
H. Mackworth
Constable of the Castle of Cardiff
and as such Mayor of the said
Cardiff Town
To witt
At the Common Hall of the Company of Cordyners and Glovers of the said Town of Cardiff On Wednesday the Nineteenth day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty three Before Thomas Stibbs and Watkin Morgan Masters of the said Company for the year 1783 and to Come and others then and there present whose names are hereunto subscribed due Summons having been given by the Wardens to the several Members of the said Company.
John Hussey Cordyner was admitted as one of the Masters and freemen of the said Company and paid for such his admission into the hands of Thomas Stibbs Chief Master the sum of three shillings and four pence.
John Bird Senr Cordyner was also admitted as one of the Masters and freemen of the said Company and paid for such his Admission into the hands of Thomas Stibbs Chief Master the sum of three shillings and four pence.
Also Whereas it appears to us whose Names are hereunto Subscribed the several Masters and Bretheren of the said Art and Craft of Cordyners and Glovers of the said Town of Cardiff duly Sumoned and in Common Hall Assembled That Edward Davies contrary to our Charter and the Antient and laudable Custom used and Accustomed Sett up a Shop of the Art & Craft aforesaid and therein Sold and disposed of Great Quantityes of Boots and Shoes without having served Seven years Prentice in the said Town to the great hurt and prejudice of the said Art & Craft whereby he hath incurred the penalty of twenty shillings for every Month he hath or shall keep such Shop Now We whose Names are hereunto Subscribed do therefore on due Consideration had of the said Offence Unanimously Order agree and Request the said Messrs Thomas Stibbs and Watkin Morgan the now Masters of our said Company for the time being that they do by Warrant under their hands Authorize and empower Rees Davis and Thomas Evans to Warn the said Edward Davies of the said Offence. And if the said Edward Davies shall after such notice and warning of such Offence shall willfully and obstinately Continue such his Offences Then We do Unanimously agree Order and Request That the said Thomas Stibbs and Watkin Morgan Masters of the said Company for the time being shall and do proceed against the said Edward Davies by all legal ways and means in raising and levying the penaltye of Twenty shillings for every month the said Edward Davies shall have kept such Shop. As they are authorized and impowered to do, by our Charter and the Antient & laudable Customs of our Art & Craft
Thos Stibbs
Watt. Morgan
Edward Young
John Purcell
John Hussey
John Bird
Rees Davis
Thos Evans
Cardiff Town
to wit
At the Common Hall of the Company of the Art & Craft of Cordyners and Glovers of the said Town of Cardiff On Thursday the 29th Day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Ninety Six being the feast Day of Saint Michael the Arch Angel
We the Masters and Journeymen of the said Art and Craft having duly assembled ourselves pursuant to the Power and Authority given to us by divers Antient Charters and Patents enabling us in that behalf Do by the unanimous consent of the said Bretheren Elect & Choose John Hussey Cordwayner and John Bird Senr Cordwayner two of the most discreet of our Company to be Masters of the said Company for the year next following
And We do also Elect and take Henry Bird Cordwainer and Thomas Evan Cordwainer two of the Journeymen of the said Art and Craft to be Wardens of the said Company for the year ensuing that they may be sworn into their several and respective Offices before the Mayor of the said Town
John Hussey
John Bird
John Purcell
Edward Young
Thos Evans
Henry Bird
Morgan John
Thomas Newton
John Thomas
John Hussey and John Bird Senior sworn Masters, and Henry Bird and Thomas Evan sworn Wardens, before the Constable of the Castle in manner and form as before expressed. The Constable was now John Richards.
1797 September 29 Thursday. John Purcell and John Bird senior, Cordwainers, elected and chosen Masters; and John Thomas and William David, Cordwainers, elected and taken Wardens, in manner and form as before expressed; and so sworn before the Constable of the Castle on the same day.
1798 September 29 Saturday. John Hussey and John Bird the elder, Cordwainers, elected and chosen Masters; and Thomas Evan and Edward Matthew, Cordwainers, elected and taken Wardens, in manner and form as before expressed; and so sworn before the Constable of the Castle on the same day.
Cardiff Town
to wit
At the Common Hall of the Company of the Art and Craft of the Cordyner and Glovers of the said Town of Cardiff On Friday the Twenty Ninth day of September One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Eight Before John Hussey and John Bird Masters of the said Company for the year 1798 and to come and others then and there present whose Names are hereunto subscribed due Summons having been given by the Wardens to the several Members of the said Company
Mr John Wood having proposed taking a Lease of the Shoemakers Hall situate in Duke Street in this Town at the yearly Rent of £1. 2. 6 It is Ordered that a Lease of the same be granted him Accordingly at that Rent for the Term of Ninety Nine years to commence this Day and that John Hussey and John Bird Masters and Thomas Evan and Edward Matthew Wardens do on the part of themselves and the rest of the Bretheren Burgesses and Company forthwith seal and Execute such Lease to the said John Wood
The said John Hussey, John Bird, Thomas Evan and Edward Matthew having now in our presence in pursuance of the above Order Sealed and Executed the said Lease to the said John Wood We do hereby ratify approve of and confirm the same
John Hussey
John Bird senr
Thos Evans
John Thomas
Morgan John
John Purcell
1799 September 29 Sunday. John Hussey and John Bird senior elected and chosen Masters; and John Thomas and Thomas Evans elected and taken Wardens, in manner and form as above expressed; and sworn before the Constable of the Castle on the same day.
1800 September 29 Monday. John Bird senior and John Purcel elected and chosen Masters, and Thomas Newton and Morgan John elected and taken Wardens, in manner and form as above expressed; and so sworn before the Constable of the Castle on the same day.
1801 September 29 Monday. John Hussey and John Bird senior elected and chosen Masters, and William Evan and William Davy elected and chosen Wardens, in manner and form as above expressed; and so sworn before the Constable of the Castle on the same day.
[The forms of election and appointment for the next four years are made out in blank, and not filled up.]
Cardiff Town
to wit.
At the Common Hall of the Company of the Art and Craft of Cordwainers and Glovers of the said Town of Cardiff on Monday the thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Six Before John Hussey and John Bird the Elder Masters of the said Company for the year 1806 and to come and others whose names are hereunto subscribed due Summons having been given by the Wardens to the several Members of the said Company.
Mr John Wood having proposed purchasing the fee Simple of the Shoemakers Hall held by him under a Lease for 99 years at the yearly rent of One pound two shillings and six pence at the rate of Twenty five years purchase amounting to the sum of Twenty Eight pounds two shillings and six pence It is Ordered that a Conveyance thereof be made to him at his expence on payment of the said sum of twenty eight pounds two shillings and six pence.
John Hussey
John Bird senr
The mark X of Wm David
The mark X of William Evans
John Purcell
[The rest of the book is blank.]
ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT Indented had made concluded and agreed upon the Sixteenth day of November Anno Regni Dni. nri. Caroli scdi. Dei gra. nunc Rs. Angl. &c; Tricesimo quarto Annoque Dni. 1682 By and Betweene Alexander Pursell of the Towne of Cardiff in the County of Glamorgan Cordiner Master of the Society of the Cordiners and Glovers of the said Towne and the Major parte of his Brethren of the Society or Company of Cordiners of and in the said Towne whose names are hereunto subscribed of the one parte And Cradock Nowell of Cardiff aforesaid Esquier and Glover thother Master of the Society of Cordiners and Glovers of and in the said Towne and the Major parte of his Brethren of the Society or Company of Glovers in the said Towne of the other parte as followeth vizt IMPRIMIS whereas severall of the late Kings of England of Blessed Memory and of the Lords of Glamorgan and Morgannuck have by their Charters respectively incorporated the Cordiners and Glovers of the said Towne to bee a Corporac'on or Body Politick within themselves for ever as by an Exemplification of such Charters made and granted by our late gracious Queene Elizabeth of blessed memory under the great Seale of England to the said Cordiners and Glovers and Dated the one and Twentieth day of May in the one and Thirtieth Yeare of her Reigne Relac'on being thereunto had it doth and may appeare And whereas alsoe the Cordiners of the said Towne have allwayes since the granteing of such Charters and time out of minde vsed and enjoyed the Grants and priviledges of such Charters and for the better carrying on of their affayres have accquired to themselves a comm[m]on Hall in the said Towne wherein to meete and transact the affayres belonging to the said Company Into which Hall the Glovers since their putting the powers of such Charters in Execuc'on in Relac'on to their Trade which is abouts Eighteene Yeares last past [1664] have been admitted and suffered to meet and consult their Affayres belonging to their Society allwayes paying an Yearely Rent or Acknowledgment therefore It is Covenanted Concluded and agreed upon by and betweene the said parties to these presents And the said Alexander Pursell and his Brethren and Masters of the Society of Cordiners whose names are herevnto subscribed doe hereby for themselves and their Successors Masters and Brethren of the Society of Cordiners of the said Towne for the time being grante Article and agree to and with the said Cradock Nowell and his Brethren Masters of the Society of Glovers whose names are hereunto subscribed and their Successors Masters and Brethren of the Society of Glovers of the said Towne for the time being That they the said Cradock Nowell and his Brethren and Masters of the Society of Glovers and their Successors for the time being and every of them shall and may from time to time and at all times hereafter for and during the space and tearme of ffourscore and Nineteene Yeares now next ensueing and fully to be ended peaceably and quiettly have hold vse and enjoy the benefitt and free liberty of meeting in the said Cordiners Hall to consult about and transact the affayres belonging to their Society and quiett permission of Ingresse Egresse and Regresse to and within the same Hall without the lawfull Interrupc'on of any person whatsoever ITEM in Considerac'on whereof the said Cradock Nowell and his Brethren of the Society of Glovers whose names are herevnto subscribed doe hereby for themselves and their Successors masters and Brethren of the Society of Glovers of the said Towne for the time being grante Article Covenante promise and agree to and with the said Alexander Pursell and his Brethren of the Society of Cordiners whose names are hereto subscribed and their Successors Masters and Society of Cordiners of the said Towne for the time being That he the said Cradock Nowell and his Brethren of the Society of Glovers whose names are herevnto subscribed and their Successors for the time being shall and will well and truly dureing the said tearme yield and pay or cause to be paid yearely and every yeare vnto the said Alexander Pursell and his Successors Masters of the Company of Cordiners for the time being to the vse of the said Company of Cordiners the Sume of ffive Shillings of current English money on every the ffeast day of St Michaell Tharchangell for in the name and in full satisfac'con of a Rent or acknowledgment for the meeting of the said Glovers in the said Cordiners hall as aforesaid ITEM It is further covenanted concluded condiscended and agreed upon by and betweene the said Parties to these Presents and every of them That all such proffitts perquisitts specialties and sume or sumes of money which now are or att any time or times hereafter during the said Tearme shall be raised leavyed rece'd or taken by the said Company of Cordiners and Glovers or either of them respectively shall be taken vsed enjoyed and disposed by and to the vse of the whole Company of Cordiners and Glovers to the Comon Benefitt and advantage of the said whole Company of Cordiners and Glovers and shall not bee taken vsed nor disposed as formerly in severalty to the particular vse of each respective Society or Craft of the said Company EXCEPTING and allways reserving vnto the said Alexander Pursell and to his Brethren of the Society of Cordiners and his and their Successors Masters and Brethren of the said Society for the time being the Rates and profitts of the said Comon hall and all such Sume or Sumes of Money as shall for the future bee leavyed raised rece'd or taken from the Journeymen of the said Society of Cordiners for or in respect of their Quarteriage money as vsually and the Sume of ffifty three Shillings and ffour pence parte of a Bond due from William Wells of the said Towne to the said Society of Cordiners which was made up with the Rents and profitts of the said Cordiners hall All which said Rents profitts Quarterage money and ffifty three shillings & four pence are hereby declared to bee hencefoorth due and payable to the said Alexander Pursell and to his Brethren of the Society of Cordiners and his and their Successors Masters and Brethren of the said Society for the time being and to bee by them rece'd vsed enjoyed and disposed in severalty as formerly anything herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise Notwithstanding IN WITNESSE whereof the parties aforesaid either to other to these presents have Interchangeably sett their hands and Seales the Day and Yeare first above written.
Nathaniell NH Howell L.S.
Morgan Price L.S.
Theophilus Price L.S.
Cradock Nowell L.S.
Arthur Yeoman L.S.
James Osborne L.S.
Signed & delivered in the presence of
m'ke of
William A Griffith
Meyrick Clement
Anthy Philpotts.