Cardiff Records: Volume 3. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1901.
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'Wills: 1618-1700', in Cardiff Records: Volume 3, ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1901), British History Online [accessed 7 February 2025].
'Wills: 1618-1700', in Cardiff Records: Volume 3. Edited by John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1901), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025,
"Wills: 1618-1700". Cardiff Records: Volume 3. Ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1901), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025.
Llandaff Registry.
Johane Babington of Cardiff, widow.
1618 July 28.
"my bodie to be buried in xr[ist]ian buriall w[i]thin St Johns church in Cardiff w[i]th such convenient chardge of funerall as shalbe fitt for a woman of my degree and sorte and as shall please my Executor hereafter named."
To Llandaf cathedral and St John's church 20s. each.
"Item I Geve unto the Poore w[i]thin the Almes howse in Cardif xxs. Item I geve and bequeath unto my daughter the Ladie dame Margarett Wief unto Sir Rowland Morgan knight my coverd greate silver bowle guilt. Allsoe I geve and bequeath unto my said daughter dame Margarett One blacke velvett gowne and his mantell. One black satten gowne and his mantell. One Tuffetty Gowne and his mantell . . . . . . . One satten petticott and One damaske cloak. All w[hi]ch weareing app'aill did app'taine to my owne bodie. . . . . . . Alsoe I geve my said daughter dame Margarett One Turkye cowboord cloth w[i]th my carpett cloth of dormynge stripped w[i]th gould Item I do geve and bequeath unto my Sonne John Babington esquier One silver Bason and ewer Item I geve my said sonne John Babington One Truncke w[i]th all the lynnyng therein being w[hi]ch was his fathers and one arraise carpett w[i]th his armes thereuppon Item I Geve unto Jane Morgan the daughter of my said daughter Dame Margarett my best sadle and furniture in as lardge manr as I used the same Item I give and bequeath unto the said Jane One pair of yeolowe valence curtaines w[i]th one yeolowe rugg."
To "graundchilde Gervase Hawkines" the lease of the Skallehowse.
Residue to son Nicholas Hawkines of Cardiff, Alderman [struck out] Esqe, Executor.
[Testatrix signed by making her mark. The seal bears a griffin segreant.]
John Collins, of Cardiff, Alderman.
1619 April 13.
To Llandaf cathedral xijd.
To St John's church xijd.
To wife Anne "all that my Messuage curtilaige and garden thereunto adioyninge and belonginge togethere w[i]th one stable and garden lieinge at the ende of St Johns chaunsell in the said towne of Cardiffe and com: aforesaid The said Messuage beinge the principall dwellingehowse wherein I doe nowe inhabite w[i]th all and sing'ler his app'tenn'ces lieinge in the said towne of Cardiff in a streete there called Duckes streete," for her life, remainder to my daughter Mawde Collynes.
Best suit of apparel to brother Edward Collins.
"My beste Harpe I Willinglie geve and bestowe vppon my Vnckle Mr Mathew Prichard of Lanissen."
Gronow Bevan, of Cardiff, tanner.
1622 March 25.
Wife Johnett, son William Gronow.
To daughter Kathering Gronow "tenn hides of Clout leather Readie tand and five horse hides."
To wife "five streeking hides and one kipp," and all my bark and implements belonging to my tan-house.
To Sissill William and Elenor Lewis one calf between them.
[Short list of debtors attached.]
Dorothy French, of Cardiff, widow.
1629 April 8.
2s. 6d. towards the reparations of "St. Mary church" in Cardiff, and a like sum to "St. Jones church."
To son Richard messuage or burgage where Thomas Mayo now dwelleth, "beinge neer the high corner or the Northermost parte of the high streate," which said messuage or burgage Richard ffrench my late husband bought of Steeven ffrowde and Thomas Butts of Cardiff, and now is in my own occupation.
To son Robert ffrench a leasehold house in West Streate.
[Not signed nor sealed—even by the witnesses.]
Edward Collins, of Cardiff, "cordiner."
1636 May 11.
All to daughter Sissill Collins.
Inventory. [1637.]
Imprs. in the parlour one table boord iiij stooles two low stooles and one chayer, one Iron backe, two Iron doggs of cast Iron one Iron barr, Two Iron tongues, one slice a frying pan one p're of brigons, one brandiernes two Iron hangers, for to hould the pott, one pott hooke, one back stone, one old chest one p're of tables, one muskett, one glaystafe, one old harpe and one bellice all to —1li 10s. 2d
Item in the little roome next to the parlour one old liver cobberte, iiij broches, one Iron to hang a crocke, two pott hookes, one Iron driping pan, one Iron grediron, one Iron tasting pan, one flesh forke, one minceing knife, & the head of an old brasse skiner att—8s.
Item in the roome next to the shopp two old bedsteeds two old couerletts, one old coffer, two planketts one old bench, one flockbed, one feather & flock boulster and a p're of old blanketts att 18s.
Item in the forestreete chamber, one standing bedsteed, one presse cobbert, one lyvery cobbert, three turne chairs, one table board and iiijer Joynt stooles & one smale boxe, vj old greene cushings, two cobbert cushings one feather bed, two feather boulsters, one feather pillowber, one old greene rugg, three flanen collered curtaines & a paire of valence of the same, two cobbert clothes of p'uietanes, one bench & one heath brush at 3li.
Item in the backer chamber one old standing bedsteed one presse cobbert, one table board, one beench two Joynt stooles, one old chayer, fiue old chests, one other old bedsteed, and an old Trundle bed, two feather beds, three feather boulsters, two pillowbers, three flanen curteines, w[i]th frenge about that bed, one old cobbert cloath, two old cushings, two cou'rleds, one carpett, v blanketts, one old white rugg, one Iron back in the cheymney, two little Iron doggs & one little Iron barr at 4li.
Item in the Gogloft, one old bedsteed made of boords, two old table frames, one p're of horse potts, two old brasse pans for the curriers vse to hold tallowe w[i]th other things att—3s.
Item in the next chamber to it one old table boord, two old hogsheds, two old barrells, one old kilderkine, one tubb to salte meate, a quarter of a thousand of latts And a quantitie of tallow att—2s.
Item in the little chamber going the staires one old peke bedsteed, one old flockbed, one feather boulster one flock boulster, two old coffers & one sword att 15s.
Item the pewter two greate flagon potts fiue smale flagon potts, two quarte potts, one pint pott one halfe pinte pott, one Bassen & ewer, two chamber potts, xvijen platters and pongers, two frute dishes 3 sawsers, ix porage dishes, one pewter pott, xjen Alcome spoones, viijt pewter spoones, iiijer pewter candlestickes, two little smale salt sellers and two Tyning candlestickes all praysed to 2li 5s.
Item the brasse iiijer Brasse kittles one little brasse pan, two crockes, one skillet, one Iron crocke, one chaffing dish, one morter & pounder And one brasse candlesticke at 1li 15s.
Sum[m]e of this side xiiijli xvjs. ijd.
Item one paire of holland sheets vijen p're of canvase sheets, vijen smale table clothes of dowles & canvase 2 doozen of napkines of all sortes two pillowber cases iiijer course canvase washing towells & certaine other smale wearing clothes att—2li.
Item all his wearing apparell at 2li.
Item all the woodden vessells & woodden Implements belonging to the howse, w[i]th the fewell wood att 5s.
Item all the heay in the stable att—1li.
Item xxiiijtie kipps, one backe of leather and fiue slitters att 6li.
Item all the shooes in the shopp being vijen doozen and two shooes, greate & smale & one p're of blacke bootes at 2li 10s.
Item more in the shopp viijt doozen of lests two p're of boote trees, two lead pouncers, one smale turne, one shopp hamer, & a doozen & a halfe of woodden heeles & a whetstone att 10s.
Item the p'fitt or benefitt of one lease uppon the towne ditche w[i]th the close worth—10s.
Item in Mrs Bassetts howse one Cheymneybacke one Irone p're of Aundiers & an old pumpe 3s. 4d.
Item one greate bible booke & an old prayer booke att— 15s. 6d.
Sum[m]e of this side is xvli iijs. xd.
The whole sum[m]e of this Invitorie is Just - - - xxxli 0s. 0d.
The names of the praysers
Nicholas Greene
Tho. Davies
John Jenkine
Rice William
Tho. Morgan.
Rinald Thomas of Listleabont, in the parish of Landaffe in the county of Glamorgan, carpenter.
1636 March 21.
To be buried in Christian burial in the parish church or churchyard of Eglwys Ilan.
To my mother a cow and a coffer.
£4, being in the hands of Morgan William, of Listleabont, and Joan ap Rees, of Lanishan, to my sister Catherin Thomas.
To my brother Edward Thomas my working tools both small and great, and 20s.
To brother Thomas ap Thomas my best hose and doublet.
£3 in the hands of Catherine Morgan, of Listlebont, is to go with other moneys to pay for my funeral.
"My wastcoate and hose that is next to the best, to my brother Morgan Thomas, together with my best shoes and stockines."
To my brother Howell Thomas my gray jerkin.
Rees David the elder, of Cardiff, cordiner.
1637 July 13.
To St John's church 10s.
"to the poor folkes of the Almeshouse" 5s.
Messuage, barn, tenements and lands arable and pasture situate at Weddell, together with a tenement of customary lands situate within the Lordship of Rompney, in the tenure of Lewis Howell; also dwellinghouse and garden where I dwell, to son Rees Davies in fee simple, with 5a. of meadow situate in Roathes-moor; and houses within the town and liberties of Cardiff, either in fee or fee farm.
To wife Ann the corn growing at Weddell, and the lease of lands lying in the higher Weddell; the lands called Tucke's Lands, and the lands at Orchard Streete.
To daughter Elizabeth Erbery my biggest silver bowl. And to her 6 children 6 parcel silver spoons.
To daughter Gwennlean Dauies alias Jones £4 per annum.
To grandchild Philip Greene my silver tankard double gilt.
To Samuel and Margaret Williams, children of my daughter Katheren, "two silver postill spones."
To son Rees Dauies one white silver bo[wl] and silver beaker parcel gilt, and one silver wine-bowl.
Milch kine to wife.
1643 March 7.
"In the name of God Amen. I Ann Matthew being weak in body yet thanks be to God of good and perfect memory, knowing nothing to be more certain than deathe though the tyme thereof be most uncertain, intending with God's permission to settle that little Estate wherewith he has blessed me, lest there should be any doubt about the same, do make my last Will in manner, following. First I commend my Soule to Almighty God and my body to be buried in Christian burial in the Cathedral Church of Llandaff of which I give towards the reparation forty shillings." Then she gives to each of her servants a measure of wheat, and makes provision for her grandchildren.
"I Nicholas Wastell of ye town of Cardiffe Alderman being sick in bodie but of good and perfect memory thanks be to God do make my last Will as follows. First I commend my Soule to the hand and mercy of Almighty God and to His Blessed Son my Saviour always trusting by His merits and passion to be found in the number of the elect and my body to be buried as God shall dispose and as my Executors shall see fit and decent for my degree." The Will then proceeds with a bequest to the Churchwardens of Saint Mary and Saint John, Cardiff, of a messuage, curtilage and gardens in the parish of Saint Mary, "for the use of the poore of the towne of Cardiff for ever."
William Philpot the elder, of Cardiff, mariner.
1644 February 8.
To son William one built house and one "oxe house" without the South Gate; and one fourth share of the Speedwell bark.
To daughter Cisill, wife of John Howell, victualler, the house wherein she liveth, with the garden and barn adjoining, outside the South Gate.
2 houses in Duke Street to daughter Anne.
Brother Lewis Philpot and brother-in-law Arthur Price to be overseers.
Inventory (prices and total not entered.)
4 oxen and 6 kine
horse and mare
30 sheep
silver-gilt salt cellar
old copper kettle
child's chair.
[This Will is in good condition.]
William Herbert "of the ffryers, neere cardiffe," esquire
1645 October 7.
To Llandaff cathedral £5.
"Item I give and bequeath to the church of Cardiff One greene velvett carpett for the com[m]union table."
"Item I doe giue and bequeath to my deare and wellbeloved wife Anne Herbert my Mansion house called the ffryers" for life, with remainder to William Herbert, gent., "his Mats ward, the Eldest Sonne of willia[m] Herbert late of Swansey Esqre deceased," in tail male.
Leases under the chapter of Llandaff. Copies holden under the Earl of Pembrock and Mongomery, and from and under the church of Glocester.
Leaves to his wife the wardship and marriage of William Herbert, the King's ward; but desires him to marry Blanch, daughter of Thomas Morgan of Maghen, esq. Lands in Lordship of Rumney to wife.
Lewis Phillpott, of Saint Mary's in Cardiff.
1645 January 5.
½ a. of land in the Towne ffielde in fee.
[He owned a bark called the Speedwell, as to which see above, the Will of his brother William, 1644 February 8. This Will is in bad condition.]
Edward Thomas, of Lystalybont in the parish of John the Baptist in Cardiffe in the county of Glamorgan, "yeaman."
1650 March 26.
Devises to members of his family a dwellinghouse, cottage and ½ acre of land; also another dwellinghouse with outbuildings, orchard &c., and 4½ acres of land, arable, meadow and pasture.
Anne Evans alias Samford, of Cardiff, widow.
1650 May 22.
To Jenkin ffrancklen, of Cardiff, fisher 20s.
To Thomas Llewellin 20s. "w[hi]ch is now due and owing me by dauid Thomas of Cardiff soldier."
To James Evans "one dowst bead (fn. 1) . . . . . . w[i]th my ould petticott and wascott to his wiefe."
Item I give and bequeath unto William Richards, of Cardiff, my late husband's best breeches.
To nephew Jenkine Evans "the stuff w[hi]ch I haue to make a hungerling w[i]th the furniture I haue for the furnishing thereof."
"Allsoe I give my best petticott Aperne and wascott to my Aunt in lawe Anne Evans the wief of Richard Evans of Cardiff victler."
"To Captaine William Jones one shamy dowblett of my late husbands."
One lamb to William son of William Jones, of Cardiff, drawer.
"To Rice Morgan one paier of wosted stockins of my late husbands."
William Richards, gent., and Mrs Mary Gauler, both of Cardiff, guardians of my daughter Margaret.
"To fflorence Nowell widdow my best demy Caster."
[The seal bears an hour-glass and the letters W.R.
Among list of debtors attached are Edward Want, Alderman, and Thomas Williams, corporal.
Margaret Evans was to be taught the whole art of "semstry worke."]
Katherine Bawdrepp of the Splott in the county of Glamorgan, widow.
1658 May 7.
"And for my bodie when it please the Lord soe to dispose of me to bee buried in Christian buriall in the Parish of St Maries in the towne of Cardiff."
Lease of the demise of William Lewis, esq., unto nephew Anthonie Mathew, gent., of house and 34a. in the parishes of Roath and Saint Mary's.
Bequests to Katherine, wife of William Jones, of Cardiff, apothecary, and their daughter Katherine.
Feather bed lying in the dining-room, "w[i]th one Ares Curtaines and valence."
Residue to niece Grace Avan.
[Skerne Mathew (male) is mentioned.
The Will appears to have been prepared by Griffith Lewis. Seal bears bees.]
Mary Bundy, of Cardiff, widow.
1663 October 13.
A room in her house is called "the Shiffleboard chamber."
Reece Davis of Cardiff, gentleman.
1666 July 21.
Farm called the Lower Weddall, in the parish of Saint John, now in the occupation of Lewis Basset, to be sold for payment of debts, by Colonel Phillip Johnes and Henry Morgan of Ely, as feeoffees in trust, reserving a lease thereon for lives of wife Mary and sons Samuel and John.
To eldest son Samuel my dwellinghouse where I now live, in Shoomaker's Street in Cardiff, in fee.
Sons Tymothy and Esra. Daughters Dorkas, Hanna and Hester. Newbuilt tan-house in Crockertowne, with 2 gardens adjoining, with a house-place and garden over against it, called the Greate House, in Crockertowne, to son Esra in fee.
To daughter Dorcas leasehold house in Shoemaker's Street, held under Rt Hon. Philip, Earle of Pembrocke and Mungumery.
To daughter Hester a "house in St Maries in Cardiff by the Middle Pinnom," in fee.
Rice Dauis.
[Sealed in black wax, initials R.D. entwined with a knot.]
In the Parlour (int. al.) a pair of drawing-boxes. 3 windowcushions.
In the Back Chamber a small spruce chest. Eight old pictures.
In the Little Dining Room. "One old turne spitt wheele and one old ffirme."
In the Kitchen one old cupboard. 3 doz. trenchers. Old iron turnspit jack. 3 little turnspits.
Stable. Here were only "Two Elme plankes and a parcell of coale."
Stable Chamber. 24 small "strikeings" & some hides.
Back Roome. One old cheese press, one "stillen" and other wooden vessels.
Total value of goods £40 . 18. 4.
[Most of the above things are described as old.]
"Samuell Bawdrey of Blacksturton w[i]thin the p'ish of St Jones in the Town of Cardiffe," gentleman.
1680 July 13.
To be buried in the parish church of Saint Marie's in Cardiff.
To eldest son John Bawdrey £20 and a chattel Lease of a house in Cardiff where John Ham[m]ond formerly lived, "w[hi]ch house I haue taken from MrJohn Mathew of Landaffe for thirty nine yeares" or 3 lives.
To daughter Edith Bawdrey £15 besides the £25 given her by her grandfather Robert Davis. Also the best cow and calf in my fold.
£20 apiece to children Edith, Alice and Samuel Bawdrey.
To wife Alice Bawdrey £20 per annum for life, payable out of my estate at Place-Turton, by my son Robert, quarterly.
£2 to my dear and loving friend Mr. ffrancis Goare, of London, "Wine Porter."
£5 to my sister Marth Good of Marshfield in the county of Gloucester, to be applied for her benefit at the discretion of my cousin Elizabeth Vinar and John Vinar her son.
£1 to my sister Anne Emley.
"Itt. I giue & bequeath to all ye aged ffemale Sex in the Almes house of Cardiffe, to each of them a Mourning Goune and linnen Hoods, upon the account that they be ready to goe to Church w[i]th my Corps when it is to be borne to the Graue."
Wife, friends Nicholas Kemise of Cardiffe, esq., Nicholas Green of the county of Wilts, gentleman, and Mr James Lewis, of Michaelston-super-Eley, executors.
[Signature. Seal, a heater-shaped shield bearing 3 martlets.]
A true and p'fect Inventory of all the Goods cattles and chattles of Samuell Bawdrey w[i]thin the p'ish of St Johns in Cardiff in the County of Glamorgan And diocesse of Landaffe gent. late deceased And praysed By the p'sons under named The Twentie fourth day of November in the yeare of our Lord God 1681 vidzt.
Praysers names
James Lewes.
Edward [cross mark] Deacon.
M. Evans.
David Mathew of Llandaff.
1681 October 11.
(He married Jane, daughter of Sir Edward Stradling of Saint Donat's.)
After commending his soul to God and committing his body to the earth from whence it came, to be decently buried in the buryingplace belonging to him and his ancestors in the aisle commonly called the Court Ile within the cathedral church of Llandaff, he bequeathed to the church 50s, and to the poor of the parish of Llandaff 40s; and devised to his dear wife Joan Mathew his capital mansion house wherein he then lived in Llandaff, with his barns, stables, orchards and demesne lands, and all his water-mill situate upon or by the river Taff, known by the name of the Taff Mill, by way of jointure; with remainder to Colonel Thomas Stradling and Captain Thomas James, in trust for his children.
Inventory: Wearing apparel, value £10; books, value 30s; linen comprising 6 pairs of sheets, 7 tablecloths, 6 dozen table napkins, 3 sideboard cloths, 4 fine tablecloths, 7 towels, 3 pillowbars, and 2 wrought sheets. 2 feather beds, 1 pair curtains & "vallians", 1 standing bedstead, 3 feather bolsters, 7 pillows. 1 iron trunk and 1 other trunk, 1 desk, 1 cabinet and frame, and looking-glass, 1 iron grate-back, 1 pair of andirons, steel and tongs.
[The whole personalty was valued at £62. 15. 0, but his income was stated to be £1,200 a year.]
Ralph Lewis, late of the parish of Saint Marie's in the town of Cardiffe, but now of Lanishen, in the county of Glamorgan, yeoman.
1683 April 24.
Daughter Joice, 2 little coffers in the house at Cardiff.
Daughter Alice Jenkins, leasehold lands purchased of Edward Lewis of the Van, esq.
Various moneys in the hands of Edward Deacon.
Objects mentioned in the Inventory are "Binches," a "strawing Chaire & six little Stooles," two "Iron Slices, two Backstones," and "one Silver spoone."
Mary Meredith, of Pengam in the parish of Roath, widow.
1694 November 23.
Remainder of Lease of Pengam to son Edmund, for payment of late husband's debts.
Jennet Thomas, of Landough-juxta-Pennarth, widow.
1694 December 7.
To eldest son George "one horse-Cart or Butt to be used between him & his Grandfather while they live together & afterwards to be his owne for ever."
"One feather bed with ye bedstead and all its appurtenances between Catherine Jane & Elizabeth my three daughters Item I give one dust bed with the bedstead and all its appurtenances between George & John my two sons Item I give one great table standing by ye window in my house with its frame or bench to Catherine my daughter Item I give one Coffer and one bakeing stone to Jane my daughter.
8 cows, 3 bullocks, 3 three-year-olds, 5 other beasts two-yearold, 4 heifers one-year-old, 12 sheep, one part or share of 3 horses in the joint possession "of Thos Reynold my father Law & me, one moiety of all ye cheese & butter now in ye house, one half of ye Swine now by the house, being of all sorts Seaven in number," among children equally.
James William, of Whittchurch, yeoman.
1694 January 8.
To son William "one standing Bedstead, one Table Board & fframe that's in ye lower house."
To grandchild Jenett, daughter of son William, one ewe and lamb.
To daughter Anne "one ffeather Bed & ffeather Boulster & bed Clothes belonging to it & fforty shillings in money & a Colt goeing to two years old."
Maudline Morgan, of Cardiff, Spinster.
1694/5 February 4.
Sixpence apiece to a number of relatives, in token of her love.
"Unto my dear friend & neighbour Catherine Evans Spinster one red rugg, one Blankett & one sheet."
William Herbert "of ye Whiteffryers near Carediffe," esq.
1695 June 20.
To daughter Anne Herbert £1000.
To son Edward all freeholds purchased of Jenkin David and Jenkin Evan at Ystradyvodug. Also all my interest in a chattel Lease which I purchased of the Archdeacon of Llandaff. Also all my interest in one other Lease which I purchased of the Chapter of Llandaff.
To Rees Herbert £100 charged on land at Swanzey in Mortgage to Mr. Serjeant Wyndham.
Remainder of real estate to son William in fee simple.
Cousin John Vaughan of Trouscoed in the county of Cardigan, esq.; Thomas Lewis of Llanishen in the county of Glamorgan, esq.; Madam Jane Herbert, my sister; George Howells of Saint Andrew's, gent.; and Edward Herbert of Cogan, gent., executors and trustees.
John Miles, of Llandaff, batchelor.
1695 July 12.
To cousin Elinor Jones, spinster, 50s and a "Ch ffe Bed, one paire of Blanketts and a small paire of sheets and a fflock Boulster."
To "cozen Ffriswith Basset" similar bedding and also "Curtains and Vallience, one Cupboard, two chaires, one Table Board and fframe, one chest."
Mr Philip Maddocks of Llandaff is to hold the Castle at the rent of 20s per annum.
Anne Lewis, of Rumney, widow.
1695 December 25.
"To Georg Mathew of Rumney one red yearling Steer & an iron Marmatt w'ch I paid for fifteen shillings."
To Blanch, daughter of Anne Young, the best red cow. To my maidservant Gwenllyan Richard one black yearling heifer.
William Richards, Alderman of Cardiff.
1695 December 28.
To son Michael £700.
Residue to wife Christian and son William.
Anthony Mathew of Splott, in the parish of Roath, gentleman.
1696 July 13.
Body to be buried in "Radir Tomb" within the nave of Llandaff cathedral.
Real estate to son John in fee simple.
Elizabeth Jenkins, late of Ogmore but now of Cardiff.
1696 September 14.
Bequeaths unto the poor of Monknash £10, and to the poor of Merthyr Mawr £5, to be respectively set at interest by the churchwardens and overseers, and the interest yearly paid to the poor.
To cousin Margaret Watkins, of Cardiff, "three peices of Gold called Guineas."
Cousin William Thomas, Town Clerk of Cardiff, to be guardian of Robert and Ann Gamage, infants.
Ann Edwards, of the town of Cardiffe in the county of Glamorgan, spinster.
1696 September 19.
"My boxes & Linnen & woollen & wrought Curtains I give to Ann Thomas that is att mr [Lewis] Cox & to Charity Gibbon all my Brass And to mrs [Anne] Cox all my peawter & Irons And to Eleanor Jenkins & Mary Thomas tenn Shillings Each & to ye nurse five Shillings."
Margarett Herbert of Eglwys Ilan, relict of Edward Herbert of Cogan, esq.
1696 October 3.
To nephew Edward Herbert of Cogan, my stock.
To niece Mary, daughter of Thomas Gamage of Bristol, deceased, £100.
To cousin William Jones of Brecon, £4.
To executor Thomas Herbert, son of Philip Herbert of Cogan, gent., freehold land and messuages and residue of personalty.
Thomas William, of Canton in the parish of Llandaff, yeoman.
1698 August 4.
2 houses and 4 acres of land with curtilages and gardens in fee simple, lying in Llandaff and Canton, to son John, remainder to son William, remainder to son Jenkin, remainder to daughter Anne.
To son John a successive Lease purchased from David Matthews, esq., deceased; also "my two best suits of Cloaths."
To wife Elizabeth and son William the Lease purchased from Theobald Mathews, esq., successively as their lives are therein named.
To four children "four feather beds a peice with their severall appurten'ces Item I give and bequeath unto my sayd son John ten milch sheep two two yeare old heifers two two year old steers and two of the four best oxen."
"The corn that grows upon the ground which I hold from Esq[ui]re Harvey" is to pay the rent.
To son John "seaven quarters of wheat growing on the lands that I hold from Illtyd Nicholl and mr Thomas Roberts of Landaffe."
Edward Dunne, of Rumney, yeoman.
1698 October 2.
Bequeaths to the poor of Rumney half a stake of wheat and one stake of barley.
Thomas William, of Llanishen, yeoman.
1698 November 16.
To nephew William James "one yoak of oxen of four year old." To nephew Henry Williams "the Lease of the tieth Barne" in the parish of Llanishen.
Felix Fox "of Kate Hays, near ye Town of Cardiffe," yeoman.
1698 November 21.
To wife Mary 2 feather beds, one of my best green rugs, one of my best red rugs, 2 feather bolsters, one pair of holland sheets, one pair of Dowlas sheets, half a dozen of red russia-leather chairs, 6 pewter porringers & 6 pewter platters.
Joseph Robins, of Lavernock, yeoman.
1698 February 6.
To son Richard the messuage called Sutton's Farm, now in my possession, for the remainder of the term or lives.
To son Edward "all my right and title which I hold by vertue of one ch'ell Lease upon ye flatt holmes with all the priviledges and appurtenances thereof."
To daughter Jane Hawkins 2 heifers of 3 years old.
To son Richard "one young horse now grazeing upon ye flatt holms."
Thomas Panniell, of Cogan, yeoman.
1698/9 February 10.
To wife Mary "three young cows best of milk and my blacker mare. Two feather beds, one of which stands in the Hall, with all ye cloaths, & curtains. Two of ye lesser brass crocks & one brass pan & a brass skillet."
Thomas Treharne, of Eley in the parish of Landaffe, yeoman.
1698 March 20.
To Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Charles, of Eley, "one brass Kettle, one Posnett, one little Table-board in ye Buttrey of my now dwellinghouse and one Bedsteed in the same Roome."
To grandson Thomas Charles "one large Brasse Pan and one large Brasse Kettle, one Iron Pott, one Pewter platter, one Pewter Tankett, one Bedsteed w[i]th Curtains and Valliands in ye same manner as it now standeth in ye Hall of my s'd house, one feather Bed and boulster w[i]th a large Coverlidd, one paire of Blanketts, one large Table board and frame as it now standeth in ye Hall aforesd w[i]th two Benches thereto belonging, one great Chayer, one standing Cupboard as it now standeth in ye sd Hall, and one large Coffer."
Edward Herbert of Cogan, gentleman.
1699 August 20.
"To be buried in Christian Buriall in ye Chancell of ye Parish Church of St Andrews."
Wife Ann. Sons Edward and Philip.
William Lewis, of Whitchurch, yeoman.
1699 February 12.
Freeholds at Whitchurch to son William, "provided he lives and becomes obedient to his mother."
Provision for wife Elizabeth to "bind Apprentices Barbara and Jane my daughters to the trade of a Millener at Bristoll or elsewhere."
Rest of leases to wife Elizabeth "as long as she continues upon my name."
"And my will and meaning is that all my children shall live peaceably and dutifully with their mother: And if either of my children shall prove stubbon and refractory unto her I leave the dispoesal of my Chattle Leases according to her discreation."
To Llandaff cathedral 5s.
Grace Lewis of the Blew House, Llanishen.
1699/700 March 7.
Lands in parishes of Llanishen, Lisvane, Whitchurch and elsewhere by myself purchased in absolute fee.
Gabriel Lewis, of Cardiff, feltmaker.
1700 August 17.
The house in Shoemaker Street "wherein I now dwelleth," to wife Jane during widowhood.
Sons Gabriel, William and Edward, legacies.
"Tenement of Lands called Velindra in ye p'sh of Lanishen and Mannor of Listleaboon, by me held by copy of Court Roll from and under ye sd Mannor" for lives.
Anne Dunne, of Rumney, widow.
[No date.] Proved 1700.
To Jenett Owen "the bed & bedstead & all that belongs to it in the other Roome, one little Table, one Churne, one posnett, one Paile."
To Catherine Dunne one brass pan. To Jane, daughter of Thomas Dunne, one mare-colt, one iron crock. "I doe settle ye best Cow towards my funerall Charge."