Cardiff Records: Volume 1. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1898.
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'Star Chamber Proceedings: 1538-97', in Cardiff Records: Volume 1, ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1898), British History Online [accessed 22 February 2025].
'Star Chamber Proceedings: 1538-97', in Cardiff Records: Volume 1. Edited by John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1898), British History Online, accessed February 22, 2025,
"Star Chamber Proceedings: 1538-97". Cardiff Records: Volume 1. Ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1898), British History Online. Web. 22 February 2025.
In this section
- R.O. Star Chamber Proceedings. Bundle 21. Nos. 10 and 11. 29 Hen. VIII. 1538.
- R.O. Star Chamber Proceedings. Bundle 25, No. 6. 35 Hen. VIII. 1544. Glam.; 1 mem.
- R.O. Star Chamber Proceedings. 2 mems. M. 2, No. 13. 27 Eliz. 1585.
- R.O. Star Chamber Proceedings. M. 6, No. 24. 38 Eliz. 1596.
- R.O. Star Chamber Proceedings. Bundle I.A., No. 10. 39 Eliz. 1597.
R.O. Star Chamber Proceedings. Bundle 21. Nos. 10 and 11. 29 Hen. VIII. 1538.
The deposicions of certeyn witnes, taken in the guyld hall of kardif, the xxj day of January Anno regni Regis henrici viiji xxix°; before sr Rece manxell, knyght, & george mathew, esquyer, on the behalf of Richard hore. (Hore versus Herbert).
William yoman, oon of the bayliffs of the towne of kardif, of thaige of xlviij yeres, deposed & examyned saith that the ship called the valentyne [of London] was at the rode of kardif about xij moneths past . . . . . . and that the said Richard brought the said shipp about August last past to the rode of kardif, laden wt salte & wynes & other things. . . . . . The said Richard entered the costome wt the Baylyffs of the said towne of kardif, for the said ship and lading. . . . . . . The salt was cryed for xijd the busshell in the said towne, and the said Richard sold and delyu'yd to oon John loveday ix tonne at xijd the bz. of water measure, that is to say, xxx bz. water measure to eu'y tonne. The said ship was conveyed from Cogans pill to chepstowe.
John Lyddon, the other of the Baylyffs of the said towne, of thaige of lx yeres, deposed & examyned saith that: By the deceasse of oon John leonard, he was made baylly of the said towne wt John Barfote. Richard hore entred his costom before the' as Baylliffs of the said towne, for the ship called the valentyne & iijc kahithes of whit salte, xxx butts of seck, xiij tony fysshes & xijc of Alem. The said Richard was arested in the castell of kardif, and was conveyed as prysoner from kardif to chepstowe. Aboute ix of the clocke at nyght certein srunts of Water Herbertts entred in to the howse of John loveday, and wold haue had ij chests of the goods of Richard hore, whiche was denyed the'; & thereuppon came to this Deponent, being oon of the bayliffs, And shewed this said Deponent that there master had com[m]aunded hym to delyur the' said ij chests sealled to the said Water his srunts, who conveyed the said ij chests into a balinger whiche went to chepstowe.
Other deponents were:—
Thomas lichefeld, Alderman of kardif, aged 67 years.
Nicholas Baker, Alderman of kardif, 61.
Dauid Baker, Alderman of kardif, 70.
John Tanner, Alderman of kardif, 43.
John Colchester, Alderman of kardif, 54. Saw in a eventide xvj straungers wt bills & staves, repayring toward the said ship.
Roger Baylly, Alderman of kardif, 52.
John Wylly, Alderman of kardif, 52.
John Whit (and Whytte), Alderman of kardif, aged 34 years, saith : The said Richard was acquytted by an enquest for the deth of Agnes vernands, before the Justice of thadmyraltie.
Dauid ap Ieuan ap llewelyn, of kardif, servant, aged 59 years.
Walter Herbert was the agent of the Earl of Worcester.
Rece knapp, of landoghe, aged 50. Was som[m]oned by willyam Carne, Crowner of Glamorgan, to appere at the blacke fryars at kardif; And there was sworn aboute ix of the clocke aforenone, uppon the view of the body of Agnes Vernands, by the said Willia' Carne. And uppon there charge was com[m]mytted to a chamber in the blacke fryars; & there kept by ij of Water herberts servaunts, having wepons on them, so that the said enquest shuld not be suffred to speke wt any man for to have evidence. And there kept wtoute mete or drinke for the tyme that they were charged, vntill they were redy wt their verdicte. The Crowner sent for ij portingales, oon named George lopus, & a nother beyng lernyd, who reported vnto the said enquest that by the said Richard hore the said Agnes Vernands came to here deth. And the said enquest coud understond nor know what the portingals did say, but by the report of oon James, servaunt to Water herbert.
The ship brought twelve "kyntall" of alum from Lisbon and S. Lucas.
At Chepstow, "a certayn p'son namyng hym self baylly wt a horne aboute his necke" boarded the Valentyne and took Richard Hore to Cardiff.
William Herbert of chepstow, wt xx p'sons wt hym, aboute the x day of September toke the said ship out of a place called cogans pill, wt the helpe of other people of the countrey assembled wt them for their aide, by the space of vij dayes or thereaboute labored to haue out the said ship. And after they had the said ship therhence, brought her to kyngrode & there rode a nyght & a daye, & therhens brought here to chepstowe ; & in that time did spend wyne and victualls, & somtymes shott the ordynauncs & so wasted artillary.
Richard Hore was kept in prison in Cardiff Castle although Miles Mathew Esqe offered to be bound for him.
There was "waste of bowes & arrowes & firings att cogans pill."
Sir Morgan William, vicar of Pennarthe, aged 44.
Sir Thomas Johns, vicar of Landoghe, aged 30.
(Agnes Fernandez seems to have met her death at Cogan Pill).
R.O. Star Chamber Proceedings. Bundle 25, No. 6. 35 Hen. VIII. 1544. Glam.; 1 mem.
The Aunswers of Thomas Mathewe, William Treharne, David Thomas ap griff', henrye David and Nicholas David, to the bill of compleinte of the p'sident and Chapter of the Cathedrall churche of Landaf.
* * Richard Harrye, mencioned in the seid bill of compleynt, willed his body to be buried in the Cathedrall churche of Landaff, as in thesseid bill of compleynt is alledged. And after died, after whose deathe thesseid Deff., and dyuers other honest men beinge his neighbours while he lyued, accordinge to the auncyent custome ther vsed, the next daie after thesseid Richard Harrye departed out of this transytorye worlde, brought his deade corps into theseid Cathedrall churche of Landaff in moust peseable maner, and then and ther desired the Curat ther to bury theseid corps. Whereupon on Sr Henrye Morgan clerke, beinge on of the Canons of theseid Cathedrall churche and on of the Kinges Maiesties Justices of the pease in that p'tes, cam vnto thesseid Deff. sayenge vnto them, that no suche persons shulde be buried in theseid Cathedrall churche; willinge and commaundynge them and eu'y of them, yn the Kinges Ma[jes]ties name, to avoide. And thesseid Deff. perceivinge thessame, yncontynent toke the deade corps of thesseid Richard Harrye and conveyed hym into the towne of kaerdiff, beinge the next parrishe therevnto adioynynge, where thessame corps was buried.
Plaintiffs alleged:—That afterwards the bodie of thesseid Richard was brought yn a bere and leid downe w[i]thin thesseid churche, ther to staie duringe the tyme that certein dyvyne services shulde be ther seide for his soule, accordinge to theold vse tyme out of mynde for like purposes ther to be donn ; the seid Deff., with dyuers other evill persones, being yn defencyble arraye like men of warr, that is to sey w[i]th cotes of defence and harneys and hadd in their handes billes, swordes, buckeleres and other unlefull weapons, . . . . . . at Landaf forseide, vnlefullye agenst yor lawes assembled themsellfes togither, and then and ther w[i]th forse of armes, of their extorte strengthe and willfullnes, into thesseid churche entered, and the bodie of thesseid Richard Harrye, beinge in thesseid bere ther readie to be buried, then and ther w[i]th strengthe and w[i]th force of armes toke and bere awey, agenste yor peace and agenst thold vse and custome ther allweis afore that tyme vsed. . . . . And did give terryble and evell example to yor graces subiectes dwellinge in the countre thereaboutes, to the great vnquyetnes and dysturbaunce of yor graces seid sub iectes, & to the vtter ruyne and Decaye of the dyvyne seruyce of godd ther hereafter to be celebrated and donn.
R.O. Star Chamber Proceedings. 2 mems. M. 2, No. 13. 27 Eliz. 1585.
Bill of Complaint of David Morgan and Thomas Hughes versus Edward Kemys, esquire; with Demurrer of the Defendant annexed.
The Bill of David Morgan, gent, and Thomas Hughes of the town of Uske in the County of Monmouth, gent: Complains that whereas the said Thomas Hughes, about one year past, did by due course of law outlaw one Richard Whyte, of Moulton in the County of Glamorgan, for a certain debt, and did at Michaelmas last take out one Writ of Capias utlegatum against him, directed to the Sheriff of the County, Edward Kemys, esquire; who by virtue thereof did take the body of the said Richard and him detained in his charge, and so returned; which in prison under his custody did remain languishing, by reason whereof he could not have his said body at Westminster before the Court of Common Pleas at the return of the said Capias; whereupon the said Thomas Hughes was enforced to take out of the Common Pleas another writ, called an Habeas corpus, to bring the said Richard White before the Justices at Westminster; the said Edward Kemys, in respect of a reward received from the said Richard White, hath suffered the said Richard to go at large and will not return the said Habeas corpus. And whereas the Queen's Highness, by her Letters Patent bearing date in the 21st year of her reign, did grant unto the said David Morgan the custody of Her Highness' Gaol in the County of Glamorgan, together with the prison and prisoners in the same Gaol and all profits to the same office belonging; whereupon the said David Morgan made his deputy one John Hughes of Cardyff in the said County of Glamorgan, gent, to have the charge and custody of the said Gaol and prisoners; who by the space of three years did hold the same, until now the said Edward Kemys hath unjustly taken money and bonds of the said John Hughes for the said Gaolership, and afterwards put out the said John Hughes from that office, and also hath imprisoned him and doth wrongfully detain him in close prison in the said Gaol. and the said Edward Kemys hath also sold sundry offices belonging to his said Sheriffship; to one John Andrewe the under-Sheriffship for 70l; to Thomas Williams the Clerkship of the County for 70l; his Bailifship to Thomas Llewelyn for 8l; the Bailiwicke of the Hundred of Gibon and Cardyffe to Morice Hoell for 12l; the Bailiffwick of the Hundred of Singhenith to Watkin Jeuan for 30l; the Bailiffwick of the Hundred of Llantrissen to one Jevan Gryffith for xlijli xs "the bayliffe wicke of the Hundred of Denis powis to one John Mathewe for xlijli xs., the bayliffwicke of the hundred of Cowbridge to one Jankin Jevon for xxxvjli, the bayliffwicke of Newe castell to one Jevan Morgan for xlijli xs, the bayliffwick of Egmore to one Rice Will'm for xxli, the bayliffwicke of the Hundred of Neathe to one John Edward for xxxvjli, the bayliffwick of the Hundred of llangevellache to one Hopkin Will'm for xxxli, the bayliffwicke of the Hundred of Suansey to one Richard Gwin for xxxviijli, and the same Gaielershippe to one John Hughes for the some of xiijli vjs viijd all theise wtin her highnes countie of Glamorgan."
[The Defendant replied by a Demurrer.]
R.O. Star Chamber Proceedings. M. 6, No. 24. 38 Eliz. 1596.
(Bundle of paper and parchment, in bad condition).
[Faint and torn].
Interrogatories to be ministred to Edward lewis, esqr.; phe' prichard, will'm watkin, James prichard, Mathew Jones, John watkin, Edward howell, Thomas Johnes, Will'm Harbert, John Jenkin, John yarde, Thomas Davis, John lewis duy, Giles Morgan and Howell Jeuan, Deffs., to be examined vpon these Inter' and no other, on the part and behalf Of Edmund Mathewe, esqr., Thomas Johns and John Thomas, pli'
Mem' that the name of Mathewe Jones was incerted in the articles by the plts. Direcc'on, 4 December 1596.
[On paper in a rapid running hand].
Ex. capt' viij° Julij anno R. R'ne n're Eliz. xxxviij°
Sup' Interr' ex p'te Edmundi Mathewe et al' quer' ministr'.
Edward Stradling, of Cardif in the Countye of Glamorgan, gente, aged 26 yeares or thereabouts, sworne & exa'ned:—
To the nynthe Interr' saith : That he dyd not see or knowe that Charles ffroude, a bailief, came at the tyme artyculat to or nere the howse of the sayd Edmunde Mathewe or made any p'clam'c'on at that tyme, or that he made any such p'clam'c'on then or there as ys mencyoned in the Interr' . . . . . . .
To the xth Interr' he sayeth : That he dyd not neyther dothe he knowe that any other p'son or p'sons dyd deliur any Weapons out of the howse of George lewes on the daye articulat, neyther was he the sayd lewes or this dep't at that affraye ; and more he cannot saye.
To the xvijth Interr' he sayeth: That the sayd Edmunde Mathewe on the day artyculat iournied home from london to his dwelling howse at Cardif.
To the Eighteenth Interr', he denyeth also that he dyd or dothe knowe of his owne knowledg of any the matters mencyoned in the Interr'.
To the xixth Interr' he sayethe : That he knowethe that the sayd Miles Glm[m]s, howell Morgan and harrye Jenkin went vppon the day articulat from the howse of the sayd Edmunde Mathewe towards the howse of will'm wells in Cardif; but denyeth that he oute his owne knowledg that the p'sons articulat or any of them followed the sayd Miles Glm[m]s or his fellowes from the howse of harrye Ball to or nere the howse of the sayd Will'm Welles, as ys supposed by the articul.
To the xxth Interr' he sayethe: That he knowethe not of his owne knowledge to depose to any the parts of thartycle.
Edward Stradlinge.
"Edward Hoell, gente, Srvant to Sr Wm Harbert, kt, aged 25 yeares":
10. He saw the said George Lewes at the house of Thomas Spenser, a stone's cast distant from the place where the said affray was.
20. He being in the house of Sir William Herbert, knight, his master, at the ffryers near Cardif, at such time as affray was begun in Cardif, did thereupon take his sword and buckler in his hands, being accompanied only by one Watkins, went to Cardif to the place where that affray was reported to be. They had not any privy coats, quilt caps, or any other weapons; saving that the said Watkins had a staff in his hands.
Morgan Thomas, of Cardiff, yeoman, aged 30.
9. Acknowledges that the said Charles ffrowde, one of the Bailiffs of the said Town of Cardif, came to or near the house of the said Edmund Mathewe at such time as this Deponent heard the windows of the said house were broken with throwing of stones ; and that the said ffrowde then and there made open proclamation in her Majesty's name, that all men should lay down their weapons and depart.
John Watkins, of Cardiff, gent, aged 30.
15. In the time of the affray he saw the said George Lewis in the High Street, in the company of Mr. ffroude, the Bailiff there, going to the Town Hall of Cardiff.
"To the xviijth Interr' he saythe: That in shorte tyme after the Returne of the sayd Edmonde Mathewe to his foresayd howse in Cardif, the sayd hoell Jeuan met this Dep't in the streate in Cardif, having then Rice Morgan wm in his Companye; and that this Dep't demaunded of the sayd hoell Jeuan whither he was going. To the Sadler, sayd Jeuan, for a Sadle, for that his Mr Edward lewes Esquier was going out of Towne; wherevppon this Dep't accompanyed them Two (Mathewe Johnes not being then in theire Companye) to the Sadlers howse; and being there the sayd howell, or his sayd fellowe Rice Morgan Wm, called to the Tapster at the howse of Henry Ball articulat, being a com[m]on Inne, to bring them some beare or ale, w[hi]ch he dyd prforme, and they at that Inne dranke to gether; but denyeth That he oute his knowledg yt any of the sayd Companye dyd drinke flinging theyre cappes at the ayre or vsing any wordes or gestures of Contempte or quarrell as ys supposed by the article."
John watkins.
William Lambert, of the Van in the County of Glamorgan, yeoman, aged 26.
"To the Second Interr' he saythe That he, w[i]th wm watkyn & Rees Thomas, clerke, onlye, went on the ffrydaye articulat in Company together to the Towne of Cardif; and that the cause of this dep'ts then repayre thither was onlye to vnderstande whether this Dep'ts Sister, Elizabeth lambert, had bought for this Dep't, at St powlestyde fayre lately before at Brystowe, such Glasse as formerlye [he] bespake to hir for to buye for him there, this Dep't being a Glasier; and as he thinketh, Mr Watkyn came then to the howse of Sr will[ia]m herbert, K't, at the ffriers nere Cardif, with l'res from this Dep'ts mr Edward lewes, Esquior, touchg Srvyce of her Ma[jes]ties. This Dep't in the time of his suche Repayre to Cardif had a little bearing bill & a dagger at his back, w[hi]ch vsually he carryethe, & noe other weapon or armoure; and the said waiter watkyn had theis lite weapons & noe other weapons or armoure, to his knowledge; and more he cannot saye."
3. He and William Watkin and Rees Thomas remained all the night in the town of Cardif, and were lodged at the signe of "the Pannyers"; at the house of Charles ffrowde, then Bailiff of the town of Cardif; and that Richard Powell, Clerk, and Sir William Harbert accompanied this Deponent and Rees Thomas and William Watkyn that night there.
7. This Deponent having received some great hurt on his head, in an assault and affray that was made on him by the aforesaid Lewis ap Ieuan Higgins on the day articulate in Cardif town, & thereby for a space being void of memory, and afterwards returning to himself again, did all alone, bleeding, run after such persons as had hurt him or assisted the said Lewis ap Ieuan Higgins, near the house of Edmond Mathewe, esquire, this Dep't having only a dagger; but that this Dep't, by reason of his fresh hurts, became so faint and senseless that he was for safety of his life carried thence.
11. There was sent in the time of this Dep'ts extremity and of Watkin Mathew his fellow (upon wounds and hurts that they received in the foresaid affray, to the surgeon or other for the relief & cure of this Dep't and his said fellow) by the said Edward Lewis, Esquire, their master, the sum of five pounds or thereabouts.
13. "The sayd Edward lewes w[it]hin shorte tyme after that this Dep't was hurte as aforesayd, this Dep't then lying in bed in Cardif Towne languisshing therevppon, and this Dep't., came to the Towne of Cardif."
26. Sir William Herbert, Edward Lewis, Nicholas Herbert and Thomas Lewis went to the town of Cowbridge on the day articulate, to the Quarter Sessions there then holden; and all other persons Justices of Peace came then about other services for her Majesty in Ireland. With them went Philip Williams, John Lewis, Thomas ap Rice, Watkin Thomas Meiryck, James ap Richard, Thomas Llewelin, William Miles, John Jenkyn, Thomas Davyd, Hoell Jevan, Edward Howell, John Watkin, John Cullen, Rees Lewes, William Richard, William Morgan, William Jones, this Deponent, and divers others; this Deponent then having sword, buckler and dagger, but no other armour or weapons; other some of the said persons, swords and daggers; and other some, swords and bucklers and daggers.
35. The said town of Landaphe was this Dep'ts and eight of his company's best and nearest way, as he supposeth, from their dwellings to the place where the musters were appointed to be kept; and they did go the nearest and directest way, as he supposeth, after they came from the said town of Landaphe.
38. The said Edward Lewis and his company, as they passed by coming from the muster, did drink in Landaphe, but remained not there the fourth part of a quarter of an hour, and so departed thence.
James Prichard, of the Vanne in the County of Glamorgan, yeoman, aged 30. ("Wm Vaughan Interprete Jur.")
6. He came to Cardif town to market on the 31st January.
7. Being in Cardif on his own market affairs, he afterwards drank with two of the servants of Henry Mathewe, esquire; where he had intelligence that the said William Lambert, his fellow in livery, and servant to the said Edward Lewes, was slain; and thereupon did take a pike staff in his hands and repaired, in company with William Watkin and Howell Jevan only, towards the place where it was said he lay dead.
13. After the time that the said Lambert was said to be slain as aforesaid, the said Edward Lewes came to the town of Cardif and from thence went to "the ffriers" near that town, to the house of Sir William Harbert, knight, and that about her Majesty's aftairs, touching soldiers to be sent into Ireland for her Majesty's service; where he remained by the space of three days or thereabouts, as he supposeth, about those business.
33. He doth not know that the said Edward Lewes sent into several parishes within his limits, requiring all men to come to the said musters with their armour and weapons.
36. He knoweth not of any special art that was observed in marching through the country, but that they went as at other times they usually did to musters.
Thomas Jones, of the town of Cardif, gent, aged 38.
10. He heard that the said Edward Lewes sent money in or about the time articulate to certain of his servants as then were wounded, to relieve and succour them and for their cure at surgery.
23. He doth not know of any such "Hughe & Crye" or pursuit made after the persons articulate, concerning the said John Thomas.
John Lewis Dio, of the Vanne aforesaid, yeoman.
2. He came to Cardif on the day articulate on purpose only to seek for money that was owing him by one ffrewen, of Cardif, servant to Mr. Robert Marten, and had a little short bill and dagger which usually he beareth, and no other weapon or armour; and the said Watkin had a javelin and dagger, which usually he beareth.
11. Edward Lewes did send to Cardif on the day articulate, by this Deponent, certain money to be employed towards the relief, cure, help and surgery of certain of his servants that then there lay at surgery, sore hurt and wounded.
Nicholas Harbert, of Cardif, Esqre, aged 53.
24. Saith: That the said Sir William Harbert, knight, and this Deponent, went to the said town of Cowbridge, on or abouts the time articulate as he supposeth, about business of her Majesty's service in Ireland, having in their company such their ordinary servants in livery weapons as is usually when as they ride with their masters, neither sent any footmen or other weapons to the said town.
15. Money being required for the performance of that service upon their meeting, which was settled in the hands of Mr. Edmond Mathewe the now Complainant, who then was absent, it was then moved by some one of the Justices then there being, touching the said service, that the said Edward Lewis might do well [to] disburse it in the said Mathewe's behalf; whereunto the said Lewes answered, as he now remembereth, to this effect and not otherwise: That if they would certify the money collected for such and other like purposes for his [sic] Majesty's use or service by the said Mathewe was not to be had to supply the necessaries of that present service of Ireland, that then he would lay out of himself; otherwise he would not lay out any money for the said Mathew, being not his friend.
28. Some of the said Justices, as they sat on the Bench of Justice, did call for the Sheriff's Return; which being seen and perused, was by this Deponent and the other Justices disliked withal, for that there were returned persons wholly out of some one, two or three hundred that ought, as they thought, to have been returned, some out of every Hundred of their limits, for the better understanding of the enormities of their country dispersedly within their said limits; and therefore thought it requisite, by their general consents, that the said Return might be amended in that respect; which was done accordingly.
29. There was a Bill of Indictment exhibited at the Sessions, against the said John Thomas; but at whose suit the same was exhibited, or in whose name, or who gave evidence for the finding of the said Bill, he knoweth not certainly to depose; but saith that the same Bill was found by the said Jury Billa vera, and that the said Sir William Harbert, this Deponent, Edward Lewis and Henry Mathewe Gryffithe continued in the said town until the Sessions was ended.
30. He himself hath often been at the Quarter Sessions held at Cowbridge within these seven years last past, and before hath seen the said Sir William Harbert and, as he thinketh, Edward Lewes divers times to come to the Quarter Sessions held there.
Philip Prichard, of the town of Cardif, gent, aged 32 years.
1. He of late hath known of some displeasures that have risen, and dislikings that the said persons have conceived and had against the said Mathewes and their servants, and of some fights and quarrels had between their servants & well-willers.
2. The said Howell ap Jeuan, being a Bailiff of the Hundred of Denys Powes to the Sheriff of the County of Glamorgan, came to this Deponent's house alone on the day articulate, where he stayed all night next after that; whom this Deponent then lodged at his (this Deponent's) house in Cardiff town, so for that he had arrested by warrant upon process under or from the said Sheriff divers persons, but brought some of them to this Deponent's charge, being gaolkeeper of Glamorganshire and town-dweller in Cardif.
7. After such time as it was voiced that there was an affray happened in Cardif town, betwixt the servants and friends of the Lewes' on the one part and the servants and friends of the Mathewes' on the other part, which had for a long time continued, and could not be pacified; and the Common Bell of that town rang out, which usually is done in time of affrays and fairs or other special cause; whereupon every Burgess and, as he thinketh, every "Sessor," of that town, whereof this Deponent is one, is bound in duty to rise and go to understand the cause of such ringing, and to assist the officers and magistrates for the preventing of misdemeanours there happening. Thereupon this Deponent, at the ringing of that bell, and not before, then not knowing who began that affray, or of anything that was intended or done therein, otherwise than by report, did alone go and draw near to the persons so assembled in fight, having a piked staff then in his hands, and persuaded some of his friends in that affray to leave and go away. This Deponent did help to carry Watkin Mathewe out of the affray, being hurt in that assault, to the house of John Grene then Serjeant-at-Mace of that Town; and there left him to be lodged, where he remained after that by the space of one month or thereabouts, as this Deponent hath credibly heard; and that is all he did do or procure or consent to be done, on the day articulate, touching the matters in the Interrogatory mentioned, or any of them.
8. The said John Jevan and Thomas Rosser the younger, and others whose names he remembereth not, threw stones at the windows of the said house, and towards the people that were thereat and therein ; and thinketh that there were about forty persons in the affray. They drew down all together towards the said Mr. Mathewe's house. The names of such persons as in that affray did fight against the said Matthewe's servants and friends were Hoell Jeuan, William Watkin, David Hoell, Robert Howell, Watkin Mathewe, Thomas Jones of Whitchurch, and divers others whose names he remembereth not; some having then weaponed with pikes, other some with long staves, and other with swords and bucklers.
10. He denieth that the said George Lewis assisted or countenanced the riot; but rather drew himself away thence, as one disliking thereof, and went with the said Bailiff ffroude unto the Town Hall of Cardif.
12. The said Edward Lewys, about a sennight after that such said affray and battery of house was made, came to Cardif town; at which time he brought with him in company abouts eight of his servants in livery, being weaponed some of them with swords and bucklers, and other some with swords and daggers. Their names were James ap Richard, John Lewes, Thomas ap Rees, Howell Jeuan, Thomas Jones, Gabriel Lewes, gent, his servant, &c. At which time the said Edward Lewes stayed in the said town, or in "the ffryers" near there, abouts one day and night, and not above
16. The said Edward Lewys came to the town of Cardif, as this Deponent heard, about training and receiving of soldiers to go to Ireland, and stayed in Sir William Harbert's house in "the ffryers" near to Cardif town.
24. Upon report and voice given out in Cardif town, that Mr. George Lewys was driven to take a house for safety of his life, at Listalabowne, being pursued from Landaffe bridge by certain persons friends of John Thomas: Thereupon divers of the servants of Sir William Harberte, and some others of the servants of Mr. Nicholas Harbert, together with this Deponent, forthwith thereupon went to the said house, of mere love, to fetch home the said George Lewes to Cardif where he then and now dwelleth; where they found the said George, and saw eight or ten of the persons above remembered, being near to that house, weaponed with bills and staves; who thereupon departed thence and went away. The names of such persons as so accompanied this Deponent, to fetch him the said Mr. George Lewes being pursued and housed at Lystalabone, were Sir Lewes Clerke, Jevan John, Rees Lewes, Anthony Ockfild, William Watts, James William and this Deponent, with divers other.
32. There were musters appointed for certain Hundreds in the County of Glamorgan, for the setting forward of men for her Majesty's service; but whether for sea or land he cannot say, or whether only for four of the "Esterne" Hundreds of the said County that muster was appointed; but it was appointed and required by warrants put forth by the "lyve tenaunts" or their Deputies of the said County, that all persons able to serve, from the age of 15 to the age of three-score, should appear before them on or abouts the time articulate, at St. Lython's Downe.
35. The said Mr. Edward Lewes, esquire, hath certain tenements or houses in Landaphe, and all the rest or most part of that town is Mr. Harry Mathewe's.
38. At the return of the said Edward Lewes and his company and followers, he the said Edward stayed a little while in that town to see a kinswoman of his named Joan Button, and saluted her and drank there with Mr. Harry Mathewe Gryffithe; and in the meantime some of the said Mr. Edward Lewes' servants and followers drank in that town, and some after departed thence away.
Edward Lewes of the Van, esqe, aged 36 years.
1. "Heretofore there haue byn controursies betwene this Dept's father's srvants & followers, & the said mathewes & theire Srvants, frends & followers; w[hi]ch after this Dept's father's deathe were appeased & conclusion made therein by frendly or eche ptie's principall reconscilemt; & soe became frends, & contynued so vntill that one lambert, srvant of this Dept, and one lewes Jevan higgin, vppon private quarrell betwene themselves & one srvant of Mathewe's, to this Dept's knowledg beganne & raysed the varyances late that happenyd nowe in question."
2. Watkin Mathewe was this Deponent's "cate" and purveyor for his messuages, and provisioner of house.
11. Gabriel Lewes was this Deponent's cousin.
15. This Deponent was spoken unto and moved by one John Gwyn, esquire, Justice of Peace of the said County of Glamorgan, to disburse for the then present despatch of the said soldiers such money as the said Edmonde Mathewe had received as Treasurer for the County, he being then out of the country. Whereunto this Dept answered and said to Gwyn "I think you're a fitter man for to disburse money for the said Mathewe, for that I do not use to lay out any money for my enemy, whom I do account the said Mathewe to be; but for my part I will join with the rest of the Lieutenants and will pay so far towards such service as any other shall p' rate."
16. The reason of this Deponent's going to Cardif town on the day articulate was to see the men furnished in all things for their then present despatch into Ireland, touching her Majesty's service.
26. The reason of this Deponent's going to the town of Cowbridge was to confer with the other Justices touching the levying and disbursing of moneys to furnish certain soldiers to Plymmouthe for her Majesty's service.
27. In the time of the Sessions, Mr. Anthony Maunsell and Thomas Aubraye, two Justices of Peace of the said County of Glamorgan, departed thence for the performance or doing of such matters and things as were expedient to be done touching the foresaid service for her Majesty.
28. The Return of the Sheriff was delivered to the Bench as is usual; when this Deponent, then disliking with one or two therein that were special friends or kinsmen of the Mathewes, did thereupon strike out or caused to be stricken out of that Return their names and no other; and he thinketh that the said Sheriff after that impannelled in their steads some that held lands of this Deponent.
31. Divers poor men, being the persons in the Interrogatory mentioned, not caring to continue at their own habitations for fear of their lives by the servants or followers of the Mathewes or some of them, were thereupon enforced, for their reliefs and safeties of life, to go to Cardif town, where they have for a long time and yet do inhabit and continue in lamentable case; and this Depon't hath sent about 20s. to be distributed amongst them.
37. After view taken of the Hundreds of Senghenithe and Kebor, this Dep't went with the rest of the Deputy Lieutenants to take view of the Hundreds of Miskin and Denys Powes; and took then with him only two of his servants, and willed the rest of his servants and friends to stay on the Down of St. Lython's until he came back.
Howell Jevan, of the Van, yeoman, aged 37.
2. This Deponent was in Cardif town on the day articulate and came thither alone in the evening of that day from the Hundred of Denys Powes, uppon occasion to do such service as was requisite and fit for him to do touching his office of Deputy Bailiwick of the foresaid Hundred of Denys Powes under Mr. Gabriel Lewes, Chief Bailiff of that Hundred. This Deponent had then and there a paddle staff and dagger, and no other weapon or armour.
"To the Sixt Interr' this Dep't sayeth: That he being in the Towne of Cardif at the howse of Nicholas harbert, Esquior, on the daye articulat, for a warrant from her highnes sayd Sherif to be executed in the behalf of the said mr harbert vppon one Mayo, being comorant within the foresayd hundred of denys powes . . . . . and receaving that Warrant, dep'tyd thence & went towards the highe Streete of Cardif; where he sawe dyvers p'sons assemblyd together running towards the highe Corner of that Streete, some of them being this Dep'ts fellowes, and other some being srvants & frendes of the sayd Mathewes. Therevppon this Dep't then drewe neare vnto them, being then weaponyd w[i]th a pikestaff & dagger only, seeinge them ffyghting together, to vnderstande the cause of such assemblye & fighting; and then he p'ceavyd that hurte had byn done, and there sawe dyvers p'sons of the mathewes p'te runing awaye towards the howse of mr Edmonde mathewe, and dyvers others on the other syde pursue them To or nere to the howse of Edmonde mathewe, fighting to gether & throwing of Stones violently eche at other."
8. In the time of the foresaid affray and fighting he saw divers persons, being the friends and servants of Sir William Harbert, Edward Harbert and Nicholas Harbert and against the said mathewes—as namedly John Jeuan & Watkin Lewes—with stones batter the glass windows of the said house; and the same was so done for that such persons as had hurt and wounded the said William Lambert and Watkin Mathewe were run into that house, and the doors thereof shut upon them that they might not be apprehended thereupon.
Edward Stradling, of Cardif, gent, aged 26.
14. There was a rumour of a hue and cry that Mr. George Lewes, gent, was slain at a place called Menaughtee, near Landaff. Thereupon this Dep't and others went to that place, and finding Mr. Lewes beset with enemies, brought him home to his house in Cardif, and there left him.
Morgan Thomas, of Cardiff, yeoman, aged 30.
Edward Howell, servant to Sir William Harbert, knight, aged 25.
Nicholas Harbert, Esquire, aged 53.
17, 18. The said Harry Mathewe, abouts the time articulate, sent his man with a warrant in the said Bawdrippe's name, as it seemed, requiring this Deponent to sign the same; and thinketh that the same warrant was in like manner sent to Sir William Harbert, to be by him signed, for a Special Sessions to be held for Inquiry of the misdemeanours articulate; which to do this Deponent refused, for two respects: The one doubting lest, in bringing of them and their company together, greater frays or outrages might rise between them than formerly there were; and secondly for that there were then divers languishing and lying at the point of death, which formerly were hurt by the servants, friends or followers of the said Mathewes and Baudrippes, and that thereby fresh matter might arise which easily, as he thought, would not be appeased.
John Watkin, of Cardif, gent, aged 30.
John Y'an, of Cardif, tailor, aged 28.
Was present when Charles ffrowed and Morgan Will'ms, Bailiffs of the Town of Cardif, did cause open proclamation to be made in her Majesty's name, that all men should lay down their weapons and depart.
Mathew Jhones, of Lansamled, within the County of Glamorgan, gent, aged 29.
3. Being told that one in the said Mr. Edmund Mathew's house, namely Thomas Bawdrip, esquire, was ready to discharge a pistol, he did throw a stone into one of the windows of the said house.
5. The said Howell Jeuan did at that time call the said Mr. Baudrip "Pockie Raskall."
9. As he and the rest of his said company were passing along the street, over against the house of Thomas Basset, the said John Herbert espied the said Thomas Basset ready to discharge a pistol out of a window; at which time the said John Herbert with his pike or glory [?] staff did either thrust or strike at the window of the said house, and did tear down the casement of the said window.
John Y'an, of Cardif, tailor, re-examined.
6. Upon the day in this Interrogatory mentioned, he this Deponent according to his oath did attend upon the Bailiffs of the said town of Cardif, for the preservation of her Majesty's peace; at which time there were assembled in the said town of Cardif divers of the friends and followers of the said Sir William Herbert, Edward Lewes, Nicholas Herbert and George Lewis, and divers others of the friends and followers of the said Mr. Mathewe the Complainant, being on both parties weaponed with pike-staves, swords and bucklers, glaivestaves and suchlike. Thomas ap John, a servant of the said Mr. Mathewes the Complainant, and William Lambert and Watkin Mathewe, both servants to Edward Lewis, esquire, were all hurt; but by whom he cannot depose.
9. Mr. Bailiff ffrowde made his proclamation at a place in the town of Cardif called the High Corner.
Being driven for safety from his dwellinghouse into the street, and coming to the High Corner, this Deponent did there see a pike leaning against a wall or lying in the street, and did take up the same in self defence.
Mathew Jhones re-examined.
19. At the time mentioned, Miles Gu'll'ms, Howell Morgan and Harry Jenkins did go from the house of Edmond Mathewe to the house of William Wells in Cardif; at which time John Cullin came to fetch this Deponent home, being then in the town. Thereupon he this Dep't and the said Cullin going homewards, did see Howell Jeuan, John Jenkins, Thomas David, with one or two others of the servants of the said Mr. Edward Lewes, standing at the High Corner; whom the said John Cullin called and told them that their master was ready to go homewards; and immediately thereupon this Dep't, John Cullin and the rest did pass along the street towards the house of Sir William Herbert, knight, this Deponent's master, their way lying near to the house of the said William Wells.
Thomas Davyd, of the Van, yeoman, aged 30.
William Watkins, of the Van, yeoman, aged 36.
2. This Dep't on the day articulate was sent by his master, Edward Lewes, esquire, to Sir William Harbert, knight, with certain warrants; and in Cardif lay that night, for that the said Sir William's leisure would not permit him that day to despatch that business. He and William Lambert, and Rees Thomas, clerk, were lodged that night at the sign of the "Porcupen," at the house then of one Robert, an Englishman; which house Anthony Attwell lately held. This Deponent had then no weapon but a hunting staff.
Giles Morgan, of Cardif Town, yeoman, aged 40 years.
John Jenkyn, of the Vanne, yeoman, aged 32.
[Annexed is a letter to Edward Mill, esquire, about the Depositions, signed by Edmond Mathew and sealed in red wax. Arms: Lion rampant, quarterly with three chevronels. Crest: Heathcock. Date, 1590].
Selections from the Interrogatories.
Edward Lewis, esquire.
4. Did you, together with the said William Lambert, Watkin Mathewe, Howell Jeuan and William Watkin, come to one Lewis ap Jeuan Higins, as he was standing quietly at or near the house of one Nicholas David, a haberdasher, upon the last day of January, being Saturday, and in friendly sort desire the said Lewis ap Jeuan Higin to walk with you into a place called the Castle Baylie?
5. Did you, after you had trained him the said Lewis ap Jeuan Higins to go with you towards the said Castle Baylie, quarrel with the said Lewis as he was going in at the gate of the said Castle, and make an assault and affray upon him, and give him divers strokes and blows upon divers parts of his body, and enforced him to take the house of one Richard Cooke in safeguard of his life?
Do you know that within less than two hours after the return of the said Edmond Mathew to his house in Cardif, that Howell Jeuan & others, in all four servants of Sir William Herbert, &c, came to the house of one Harry Ball, distant from the said Edmond Mathew's house but a stone's cast, and there in the street called for drink, and in view of the said Edmond Mathew's house, turning their faces towards the same, did drink, flinging their cups into the air and using divers words and gestures of contempt and quarrel?
Do you know that Howell Jeuan, John Hughes &c did call to Miles Guill'ms as he was entering the house of William Wells, and ask whether he and his said company took the house?
Whereas there was a Quarter Sessions appointed to be holden there that day, do you know that some of the Justices refused to accompany the said Gwill'm and Edward Lewis in the said service, and went their ways out of town?
Do you know that Sir William Herbert &c caused divers of their servants, tenants and friends to be returned in the Jury?
Do you know that divers of the inhabitants of the town of Landaph took the castle of Landaph for their safety, being terrified by the manner of the said Edward Lewis' coming? And whether did you publish and say, that Landaph should be yours that day?
R.O. Star Chamber Proceedings. Bundle I.A., No. 10. 39 Eliz. 1597.
Atturn' Regine vrsus Mathewe et al.
[Bundle of 6 membranes, decayed at the bottom corner.]
To the Queenes moste excellent ma[jes]tie.
In all humblenes complayninge, sheweth and informeth on Your highnes behalf Edward Coke, Esquire, Your Ma[jes]ties Attorney gen'all: That whereas aboute the ende of November in the xxxvth yere of yor Ma[jes]ties Reigne Edmund Mathewe of Cardiff in the Countie of Glamorgan, Esquire, was appointed and by Yor Ma[jes]ties comission vnder the greate seale of England aucthorized to be highe Sheriff of yor said Countie of Glamorgan during yor highnes pleasure; Wherevppon at his firste entraunce into the said office, he the said Edmund Mathewe did take his othe accordinge to the generall course of other yor higness Sheriffs of this and other counties, wherein (amonge other thinges) he did expreslie sweare that he shoulde trulie and rightfullie treate the people of his Sheriffwick, and doe righte aswell to pore as to riche, in all that belonged to his said office, and shoulde doe no wronge to any man for guifte or other beheste. And whereas by vertue of his said office the said Edmunde was accomptable to yowre Ma[jes]ties for all manner of proffitts and comodities arisinge, growinge and to be leuied w[i]thhin the said countie duringe the tyme of his contynuaunce w[i]thhin the said office. The said Edmund Mathew, after the ende of his said office of Sheriffwick, vppon his accompte made before Thomas Handberry, Esquire, yor highnes Auditor for yor highnes Dominion of wales, did take his Corporall othe for and concerninge A trewe Accom[m]pte by him to be made of all the said dueties leuied to yor Ma[jes]ties vse, As followeth, viz: He did sweare that he woulde yelde vnto youre Ma[jes]tie A trewe and laufull Accompte of the yssues and proffitts of his late office of Sheriffwick in the Countie of Glamorgan, due to youre Ma[jes]ties from the feaste of Ste Michaell the Archangell in the xxxiiijth yere of your mates reigne, vntill the same feaste then nexte followinge in the xxxvth yeare of yor highnes reigne, w[hi]ch is for one whole yeare. And that in the same Accompte he shoulde charge him self w[i]th all suche somes of moneie, as he or anie of his deputies had leuied to yor Ma[jes]tie vse. And that in the same Accompte he shoulde make no p . . . 'con, aske no allowaunce nor discharge, but suche as shoulde be good and trewe, and well and trulie behaue himself in yeldinge the said Accompte, as A trewe Accomptant oughte to doe, w[i]thoute omission or concealmente. But so it is, maie it please yor moste excellente Ma[jes]tie that the said Edmund Mathewe, nothinge at all regardinge his said seuerall othes so taken by him as aforesaid, nor his dutie to yor Ma[jes]tie nor yet fearinge the punishmte inflicted by the lawes and statuts of this Realme vppon such grieuous offenders, but beinge caried awaie w[i]th A corrupte and greedie mynde vnsatiablie sett vppon gaine and lucre, vppon his firste entraunce into the said office of Sheriffwick of the said Countie of Glamorgan, knowinge that yor Ma[jes]tie had then som[m]oned A Parliamente to be holden and begynne at westmr the xixth daie of ffebruarye then nexte followinge, Wherein yor Ma[jes]tie of yor accustomed princelie and mercifull disposic'on moste gratiouslie inclined towards yor louinge and dutifull Subjects, haue alwaies been pleased and contented by yor gracious free and generall pardon to discharge yor said subjects of diuers paines, penalties and forfeytures whereinto diuers Waies theie had fallen, the said Edmunde Mathewe then beinge Sheriffe of the said Countie, and myndinge for his owne vnlaufull gaine to bereaue yor subiects of the said Countie of Glamorgan of the mercie and clemencie w[hi]ch yor Ma[jes]tie intended towardes them, and vnderstandinge that diuers ffynes, issues, Amercyaments and forfeytures vppon diuers Inhabitants w[i]thhin the said Countie of Glamorgan weare extreated from yor Ma[jes]ties greate Sessions holden for the said Countie in the xxxiiijth yere of yor Ma[jes]ties reigne, he the said Edmund Mathewe, at his firste com[m]inge into the said office, of a corrupte minde seekinge therebie only his owne lucre, made greate meanes to have the said extreate deliuered vnto him, or at leaste to knowe the perticuler contents thereof; w[hi]ch hauinge obteyned, the said Edmund Mathewe afterwarde, before the laste daie of the Parliamte holden in the said xxxvth yere of yor Ma[jes]ties reigne, did by waie of seazure, distreyninge and sellinge the goodes and cattells of diuers of yor Ma[jes]ties subjects of the said Countie of Glamorgan, leuie and receiue diuers of the fynes, Amerciamts and forfeytures conteyned in the said extreats. And after, whereas, in the said Parliamente holden in the said xxxvth yere, yor Ma[jes]tie of yor moste aboundaunte mercie and priuitlie and mercifull disposic'on, by yor moste liberall and generall pardon did release and discharge all yor subjects of all suche Amercyamts, fynes, penalties and forfeytures as weare conteyned in the said extreats; Yet not w[i]thstandinge, the said Edmunde Mathewe, in the said xxxvth yeare of yor Ma[jes]ties reigne, after the said generall pardon published, then beinge Sheriff of the said Countie, of his corrupte and wicked mynde, w[i]th his owne handes and by the handes of Marmaduke Mathewe, his deputie Sheriff, and by one Will'm Mathewe, John Thomas Griffith, Jenkyn Jeuan, Phillipp Llywellin, John Powell, Arthur John, Reignolde Gwyn, Will'm Thomas and others his Bailiffs, by waye of distresse, seazure and sellinge of the goodes of diuers of yor Subiects of the said Countie of Glamorgan, and by arrestinge and ymprisoninge of theire bodies, in moste cruell, tirranous and vnlaufull manner did leuie, receuie and take vp the residue of the said Amerciamts, ffynes, penalties and forfeytures conteyned in the said extreate and in truth pardoned by yor Ma[jes]ties said generall pardon, as namelie, of Harry Edwardes, one of the Jury ympannelled to inquire for her Ma[jes]tie wthin the said Countie of Glamorgan in the seconde inqueste, for that he appeared not in the said xxxiiijth yere as he was somoned, ffyve shillings. Of George Kemys for the like offence, vs. Of John Bassett for the same, vs. Of Mathew Gibon for the same, vs. Of Robert Cotton for the same, vs. Of Lle'n ap Rees ap Jenkin for the same, vs. Of Will'm Powell for the same, vs. Of Howell Mathewe pro licentia concordand', xs. Of Thomas Griffith for the like, vjs. viijd. Of Rees ap Rees for the like, vjs. viijd. Of John Morley, for not appearinge vppon A Jury, iijs Of Harry Morgan for the same, iijs. Of Rees Jenkin for the same, iijs. Of Thomas Will'm Lewis for the like, iijs. Of Will'm Griffith for the like, iijs. Of John ap John Goughe for the like, iijs. Of Morgan Rosser for the same, iijs. Of Rees Morgan for the like, iijs. Of Henrie Thomas Nicholas for the like, iijs. Of Thomas Morgan Lloide for the same, iijs. Of Giffith Lewis for the same, iijs. Of Hopkin Jenkyn for the same, iijs. Of Jeuan Morgan Ychan for the like, iijs. Of Guill'm ap Jeuan for the like, iijs. Of Morgan Gibon pro licentia concordand', vjs viijd. Of John Dauid for the like, vjs viijd. Of Lewis Rees for the like, vjs. viijd. Of John Lewis for the like, vjs viijd. Of Lison Will'm for the like, vjs viijd. Of xtofer Richard for the like, vjs viijd. Of John Harrie ffrancklin for the like, vjs viijd. Of Will'm Roberte and Will'm Howell ap Rees ychan for the like, vjs viijd. Of Hughe Powell Clarke and John Jenkin Dauid Powell for the like, vjs viijd. Of Thomas Powell ap Morgan for the like, xs. Of Morgan Dauid for the like, vjs viijd. Of Rees ap Rees and xtofer Dauid for the like, vjs viijd. Of John Sherry, for not answeringe Alexander Seyse, ijs. Of Phe' Will'm, for not answeringe Alexander Seyse in A plea of Trespasse, ijs. Of Will'm yeuor, because he did not come to make A certeine Jury betwene John Andrewe and John Saunders, ijs vjd. Of Jenkin John Gitto for the same, ijs vjd. Of Will'm Rosser for the same, ijs vjd. Of Gibon Dauid for the same, ijs vjd. Of John Lougher for the same, ijs vjd. Of John Richard Harry for the same, ijs vjd. Of Morgan Thomas for the same, ijs vjd. Of John Morgan Dauid for the same, ijs vjd. Of Will'm Morgan Jones for the same, ijs vjd. Of Lle'n Gronoughe for the same, ijs vjd. Of Trehayarne Morgan for the same, ijs vjd. Of John Jeuan ap John Lewis for the same, ijs vjd. Of Will'm Thomas Griffith for the same, ijs vjd. Of Jeuan Lle'n Phe' for the same, ijs vjd. Of John Jeuan for the same, ijs vjd. Of Thomas Hopkin for the same, ijs vjd. Of Will'm Hopkin for the same, ijs vjd. Of Jeuan Jenkin ap Jeuan Maddock, for not coming to make a certeine Jurie betwene John Roberts and Dauid ap Jeuan, ijs vjd. Of Jeuan ap Jeuan for the same, ijs vjd. Of Howell Merrick for the same, ijs vjd. Of David John Will'm for the same, ijs vjd. Of Jeuan Watkyn for the same, ijs vjd. Of Miles Wilcock for the same, ijs vjd. Of Dauid Harry for the same, ijs vjd. Of Griffith John Merricke for the same, ijs vjd. Of Dauid Thomas John Roberte for the same, ijs vjd. Of Harry James for the same, ijs vjd. Of Morgan Lle'n, for that he came not to make A certeine Jurie Betwene Thomas Lewis, Esquire, and John Will'm, iijs iiijd. Of Roberte Morgan for the same, iijs iiijd. Of Will'm Craddock for the same, iijs iiijd. Of John Harry ap Owen for the same, iijs iiijd. Of Gwill'm Thomas Wilkin for the same, iijs iiijd. Of Jenkin ap Jeuan for the same, iijs iiijd. Of Thomas Will'm Hopkin for the same, iijs iiijd. Of Thomas ap Jeuan ap Rees for the same, iijs iiijd. Of Jeuan Richard Lle'n for the same, iijs iiijd. Of Thomas Watkin for the same, iijs iiijd. Of Phe' Rees Will'm Leya, for not comynge to make A certeine Jurie betwene John Lewis Phillpott and John Philpott, ijs vjd. Of Morgan Lewis Rees for the same, ijs vjd. Of Phe' Bartock for the same, ijs vjd. Of Rees Harry for the same, ijs vjd. Of Griffith ap John for the same, ijs vjd. Of Will'm Howell Morgan for the same, ijs vjd. Of Lison Thomas for the same, ijs vjd. Of Hopkin John for the same, ijs vjd. Of Merick Lle'n for the same, ijs vjd. Of James Thomas for the same, ijs vjd. Of John Will'm for the same, ijs vjd. Of Lle'n ap Jeuan for the same, ijs vjd. Of John Thomas for the same, ijs vjd. Of John Dyer for the same, ijs vjd. Of Howell ap Howell for the same, ijs vjd. Of Dauid Powell Dauid, for that he came not to make A certeine Jurie of Lief and deathe betwene the Queenes Ma[jes]tie and the prisoners att the barre, vs. Of Morgan Powell Dauid for the same, vs. Of Griffith Thomas Howell for the same, vs. Of Lewis Dauid for the same, vs. Of Dauid John Will'ms for the same, vs. Of William Dauid Dee for the same, vs. Of John Gibon Watkin for the same, vs. Of Morris Mors for the same, vs. Of John Philley for the same, vs. Of Roberte Cotton for the same, vs. Of Howell ap Owen for the same, vs. Of Phe' Williams, bailiff of the hundred of Llangavelagh, for not cominge before her Ma[jes]ties Justices of the said countie on mondaie, to make that seruice and attendaunce w[hi]ch did apperteine to his office, xls. Of Griffith ap Jeuan, keeper of her Ma[jes]ties gaole of the saide countie, bicause he did suffer Rees ap Jeuan Morris and Thomas ap Thomas, prisoners com[m]itted by the Courte, to goe at Libertie, contrarie to the charge geuen him, xls. Of James John Will'm, pro licentia concordand' w[hi]ch Rees Griffith Lle'n, vjs viijd. Of Robert Maddock, bycause he came not to her Ma[jes]ties Courte before her highnes Justices of the greate Sessions, xxli. Of George Hopkin, one of the suerties of the said Robert Maddock, bicause he had not the said Robert Maddock before the Justice of the said Cessions, xli. Of John Thomas, gent, one of the Jurors, beinge sworne in an Attainte betwene Edward Stradlinge, knighte, and Jeuan Rosser def't, because theie came not in w[i]th theire verditt in due time, xxs. Of Nicholas Andrewe for the same, xxs. Of Jeuan Jenkin for the same, xxs. Of Rees Lloide for the same, xxs. Of Ph'e Craddock for the same, xxs. Of Jenkin Will'm for the same, xxs. Of Rees ap Jeuan for the same, xxs. Of Thomas Watkin for the same, xxs. Of Jeuan ap Jeuan Will'm for the same, xxs. Of Lewes Thomas for the same, xxs. Of Jeuan Lewes for the same, xxs. Of Will'm Stephan for the same, xxs. Of Thomas Lewis for the same, xxs. Of Rees Knapp for the same, xxs. Of Thomas John Crooke for the same, xxs. Of Dauid Thomas Griffith for the same, xxs. Of Morgan Trehairne for the same, xxs. Of Eustace ap Jeuan for the same, xxs. Of Will'm Morgan James for the same, xxs. Of Will'm Morgan for the same, xxs. Of Jeuan Richard Lle'n for the same, xxs. Of Will'm Vaughan for the same, xxs. Of Jenkin John ap Henry for the same, xxs. Of John Dauid ap Hopkin for the same, xxs. Of Ph'e Will'm and Lewis Lle'n, pro licencia concordand', vjs viijd. Of Thomas Rosser for the same, vjs viijd. Of Will'm Lewis for the like, vjs viijd. Of John Thomas for the like, vjs viijd. Of Thomas Morgan for the like, vjs viijd. Of Harry Jones, gent, and Jeuan Thomas Lle'n for the same vjs viijd. Of Edward Prichard, Esquire, for the same, vjs viijd. Of John Tanner for the same, vjs viijd. Of Charles ffrowde, senior, for the same, vjs viijd. Of Edward Kemys, Esquire, for the same, vjs viijd. And whereas the said Edmund Mathewe, before the laste daie of the saide Parliamte, had distreyned the cattell of diuers of yor subiects, for some of the said Amerciamts, issues, fynes and penalties, but before the said Somes weare leuied or receaued, yor ma[jes]ties said gen'all pardon was published, Wherebie diuers of yor said Subiects did refuse to paie the said Amerciamts, fynes and forfeytures to the said Edmonde Mathewe, but did require theire cattell taken by him as distresses for the same, Yet the said Edmund Mathewe woulde not delyuer backe youre said Subiects cattell, vntill he had exacted and extorted dyuers somes of money from them, to theire greate oppression, for composic'on bribe and Reward to haue againe their said cattell. And the said Edmund Mathewe, not satisfied wthall the foresaid Somes of money vniustlie exacted, extorted and leuied as aforesaid, by coulor of the said extreats, but caried awaie more and more w[i]th a desire of vnlaufull proffitt, in the said xxxvth yere of yor Ma[jes]ties Reigne, and since yor Ma[jes]ties laste free and gen'all pardon, he the said Edmond Mathewe, Marmaduke Mathewe, Will'm Mathewe, John Thomas Griffith, Jenkyn Jeuan, Ph'e Lle'n, John Powell, Arthur John, Reignolde Gwyn, & Will'm Thomas, by the appointmte and procuremte of the said Edmund Mathews, did counterfeite and fayne an extreate of diuers Amerciamts, fynes, penalties and forfeytures assessed at the said greate Sessions holden w[i]thin that Countie vppon diuers youre Ma[jes]ties louinge subiects in the said Countie of Glamorgan, and by the false pretence and shewe thereof, whereas in truthe there was no such extreate made or deliuered to the said Edmund Mathewe; he the said Edmund Mathewe then contynuinge sheriff of the said countie, by the said Marmaduke Mathewe his vnder sheriff, and by Will'm Mathewe, John Thomas, Griffith, Jenkyn Jeuan, Phe' Lle'n, John Powell, Arthur John, Reignolde Gwyn, Will'm Thomas and others his bailiffs or som[m]e of them, by his appointemte and direcc'on, did demaund, and by menacinge to distreine, seize and sell the goods of diuers of yor subiects, did leuie and receiue of yor said Subiects diuers Somes of money, affirminge that the same Somes so demaunded and leuied weare Amerciamts, ffynes and forfeytures imposed vppon yor said Subiects extreated and deliu'ed to the said Edmund Mathewe as Sheriff of the said Countie, to demaund leuie and receiue, whereas in truthe there weare no suche Amerciamts, fynes or penalties forfeyted or assessed, nor suche estreate made nor deliuered vnto the said Edmund Mathewe to leuie or demaund. All w[hi]ch Somes of moneie so had and receiued did come vnto the handes and possession of the said Edmund Mathewe, who vppon his Accompte made before the said Thomas Handberry, yor Ma[jes]ties Auditor for Wales, aboute October in the xxxvth yere of yor Ma[jes]ties reigne, did not charge himself w[i]th the said seu'all Som[m]es so by him had, taken and receyved of yor Ma[jes]ties said Subiects as Amerciamts, fynes and forfeytures, before the laste daie of the said Parliamte, neither any Waie accompted therefore to yor maMa[jes]tiesties vse, but vppon his said Accompte did make his petic'on to haue allowaunce of them as thinges pardoned by Yor Ma[jes]tie nor yet restored the same to yor pore subiects againe, but did corruptelie and vnlawfullie reteine and converte the same to his owne priuate vse and benefitt; wherein the said Edmund Mathewe hath not onelie contemned his dutie to yor Ma[jes]tie and abused his said office, but alsoe have com[m]ited manifeste, corrupte and wicked periurie, contrarie to his said seuerall oathes taken as aforesaid, for that he did not yelde vnto yor Ma[jes]ties A trewe and lawfull Accompte of the issues and proffitts of his late office of Shreifwick in the Countie of Glamorgan due to yor maMa[jes]tiestie, nor in the same Accompte charged himself wthall such Som[m]es of monie as he or any of his deputies had leuied to yor Ma[jes]ties use, neither yet did trulie and rightfullie treate the people of his Sherifwick, but did iniurie and wronge to dyuers and many of youre Highnes Subjects therebie, for his owne wicked gaine and lucre. And moreouer so itt is, moste gracious Soueraigne, that the said Edmund Mathewe, still persistinge in his corrupte, greedie desire of vnlawfull gaine, and practizinge all waies and meanes to obteyne the same, Whereas John Dauid, of Egloys Ylan in the said Countie of Glamorgan, beinge A man suspected w[i]th certeine felonies, aboute the xxth daie of Maye in the xxxiiijth yere of yor Ma[jes]ties Reigne was bounde himself in the Som[m]e of Twenty Poundes, together w[i]th one Jenkin Morgan, of Eglois y lan aforesaid, and an other, as his sureties, in the Som[m]e of Tenne Poundes a piece, by Recognizaunce taken to yor Ma[jes]ties use before Edward Lewes and Miles Button, Esquiers, twoo of yor Ma[jes]ties Justices of Peace of the said Countie of Glamorgan, w[i]th condic'on that the said John Dauid shoulde appeare at the nexte greate Sessions to be holden for the said Countie of Glamorgan to answere such thinges as shoulde be obiected againste him, w[hi]ch Cessions weare after holden vppon the xixth daie of June then nexte followinge. At w[hi]ch Cessions the said John Dauid, being called vppon his said Recognizaunce, did not appeare but made defaulte, wherebie the same Recognizaunce became forfeyted to yor Ma[jes]ties. And afterward by due processe of lawe, execuc'on oute of the said Courte was therevppon awarded at yor Ma[jes]ties suite againste the said John Dauid and his suerties, and the said Writt deliuered to the said Edmund Mathew to be executed in the said xxxvth yere of youre Reigne, he then beinge Sheriff of the saide Countie. But before any execuc'on made thereof, yor maMa[jes]tiestie, by yor said gracious free and gen'all pardon, did discharge and forgiue the same; But notw[i]th standinge, the said Edward Mathewe, of A Corrupte, couetous minde, (omittinge no opportunitie, weare it neuer so vnlaufull, to procure any gaine vnto himself), in the said xxxvth yere after yor Ma[jes]ties said generall pardon published and made knowen vnto him, did by some of his officers and ministers arreste the said Jenkin Morgan by colour of the said Writt of execuc'en graunted for yor Ma[jes]ties, and therevppon comitted him to the gaole of the said Countie of Glamorgan; where the saide Edmunde Mathewe kepte the said Jenkin Morgan in moste hard and extreame ymprisonmente by the space of sixe weeks, vntill he the said Edmund Mathewe by such rigorous meanes had vnlawfullie exacted, wreasted and extorted from the said Jenkin Morgan the some of ffourty shillings for his inlargemente; and also procured him to enter into an obligac'on of A greate Som[m]e of moneie w[i]th condic'on to this effecte, That he shoulde appeare at the nexte Auditt to be holden for the said countie; And not therew[i]th contented, the said Edmund Mathewe, after the saide bonde so taken, and att or before the nexte Auditte holden in October then followinge, hee, the said Edmund Mathewe, at Cardiff aforesaid, extorted and drewe from the said Jenkin Morgan other xls for the deliuering vpp of the said bonde vnto the said Jenkin, and for leauinge him at quiet, and discharginge him of the forfeyture of the said Recognizaunce. w[hi]ch Som[m]e of ffower Poundes so vnlaufullie exacted from the said Jenkin Morgan, hee the said Edmunde Mathewe did reserue and emploie to his owne private vse and comoditie, and after atthe Auditt aforesaid excused the not levyinge of the Som[m]e conteined in the said Recognizaunce, by reason of yor Ma[jes]ties pardon. And furthermore, whereas one Richard Edwardes, of Aberdare in the said Countie of Glamorgan, a man of verie bad lief and one that of longe time was had in greate suspic'on for the comittinge of diuers felonies and for the receiuinge, harbouringe and succouringe of diuers notorious felons, had (as by manie greate presumpc'ons appeared) then lately comitted a felonie in the said countie of Glamorgan in the said xxxvth yere of yor Ma[jes]ties Reigne; the said Edmund Mathewe, then beinge sheriff of the said countie, and hauinge notice thereof, caused the said Edwardes to be arrested for the said felonie, and comitted to the gaole of the said countie of Glamorgan; but the said Edmund Mathewe nothinge regardinge the dutie of the said office, the good of his cuntrie, nor the execuc'on of Justice therein, but wholie sett vppon private gaine and lucre, therebie to enrich himself, after he had deteined the said Edwardes in gaole by the space of xviijteen daies or thereaboutes, beinge offred the some of Three Poundes by the said Edwardes or some of his friends for A bribe and Rewarde to shewe his fauor to the said Edwardes, in the said xxxvth yere of yor Ma[jes]ties reigne, he beinge then sheriff of the said countie, att Cardiffe aforesaid did accepte and receiue the same bribe and rewarde, and therevppon wthoute producinge the said Edwardes before any Justice of Peace of yor said Countie to be examyned touchinge the said felonie, or by any meanes takinge and retorninge his examynac'ons therevppon, did then and there of his owne head sett the said Edwardes at libertie w[i]ththoute baile or mayneprize, expreslie contrarie to yor Ma[jes]ties lawes and statutes of this Realme in such cases especiallie prouided; Wherebie the said Edwards hath euer sithence escaped the daunger and sentence of lawe, and his notorious and grieuous offences remayne vnpvnished, to the greate yncoraginge of like euell disposed persons in that cuntrie. And yor said Attorney gen'all further informeth yor moste excellente Ma[jes]tie that the said Edmund Mathewe, beinge highe sheriff of the said countie of Glamorgan, and hauinge late before been putt into the comission of the peace in the said countie, by meanes of w[hi]ch office and appointmte he was growen A man of greate power and countenaunce; whereas he the said Edmund Mathewe shoulde, by reason of theis fauors bestowed vppon him by Yor Ma[jes]ties haue emploied and exercised himself in yor Ma[jes]ties sruice, and in affaires tendinge to the good of his countrie, he the saide Edmund Mathewe, nothinge regardinge his dutie therein, but caried awaie w[i]th A corrupte and vnsatiable desire of private gaine and lucre, did therein (all other duties despised) onelie seeke howe he mighte enriche and raise greate gaine and profitt to himself, and to that ende, in the said xxxvth yere of yor Ma[jes]ties reigne and since yor maMa[jes]tiesties laste free & gen'all pardon, the said Edmund Mathewe, beinge then Sheriff of yor highnes said Countie of Glamorgan, by color of his said place and aucthoritie, did at seuerall times sende for diuers of yor Ma[jes]ties subiects of the said countie of Glamorgan before him at Cardiff aforesaid, as namelie, one Lewis Thomas Will'm of Llanwonno, John Dauid . . . of Aberdare, and manie others, to the nomber of xlti and vpward, and then and there, vppon pretence and coulor that he had then been latelie putt to greate charges and expences in certeine sutes betwene him and one Thomas Lewis of the Van in the said countie of Glamorgan, deceased, he the said Edmund Mathewe did [demaunde and exacte] of euerie of yor said subiects so broughte before him a contribuc'on and lone of A peece of moneie to wardes his said charges, promising them greate favor and friendshipp in his said office for the same; by meanes whereof, but chieflie in dread and feare of the malice and crueltie w[hi]ch the said Edmunde Mathewe [would haue] caried and shewed to yor said subjects if they had denied him that requeste, the said Lewis Thomas Will'm, John Dauid ap Jeuan Dee and diuers other of yor said Subiects did then by means of that exacc'on deliuer vnto the said Edmund Mathewe diuers som[m]es of money, some xli, some. . . . And Whereas some of yor said Subiects, in respecte of the pouertie of theire owne estates, vppon the perswasion and faire promises of the saide Edmund Mathewe, did denie and excuse in respecte of theire owne wants to deliuer him any moneie, he the said Edmund Mathewe therevppon did . . . . . . threaten and menace yor said Subiects that he woulde plague them for it, and cause them to spende treble the value of that w[hi]ch he required at theire hands; As namelie, the said Edmund Mathewe hauinge then sente for one Will'm Dauid from his owne howse to come vnto him to Cardiff . . . . . . and pretence aforesaid, require of him the Som[m]e of Twentie Nobles, but the said Will'm Dauid, in respecte of his pore habillitie and greate charge of children and housholde, excused that he was not hable to giue or lende so grate A som[m]e, but therevppon offered the [said Edmund Mathewe the som[m]e] of ffourtie shillinges, but the said Edmund Mathewe not there w[i]th contented did not onelie most terriblie rate and reuile the said Will'm Dauid w[i]th wordes not fitt to be remembred or repeated in this honorable courte, but also the said Edmund Mathewe in his owne house att [Cardiff aforesaid did beate] and strike the said Will'm Dauid [in the] face, and therevppon thruste him headlonge oute of his house. And the said Edmund Mathew hauinge still vnnecessarie and troublesome sutes w[i]th diuers gent' of that cuntrie, by color of his office of Justice of peace in the saide Countie, doth dailie moste [wickedlie and wrongfullie] exacte, demaund and leuie like [som[m]es] and contribuc'ons of yor Ma[jes]ties said Subiects, either in moneie, cattell, parcells of wood or other like thinges of greate value, towardes the aide and mayntenaunce of his said sutes, to the greate oppression, hindraunce and allmoste vtter vndoinge [of your said subiects and] . . . . . . ire not repaid the same, neither [hath he] any meaninge that theie shoulde haue it or any parte thereof backe againe. But by means thereof the said Edmund Mathewe hath greatelie inriched him self, and notw[it]hstandinge his dailie sutes and greate charge therebie, doth enter into many . . . . . exeadinge greate comoditie, althoughe [it be] the vtter vndoinge of many other of yor Ma[jes]ties subiects. All w[hi]ch wicked, vnlaufull, wilfull and corrupte practizes, periuries, exacc'ons, extorc'ons, briberies and other the Abuses, misdemeanors and offences of the said Edmund Mathewe, Marmaduke Mathewe, Will'm Mathewe, John Thomas Griffith, Jenkin Jeuan, Phe' Lle'n, John Powell, Arthur John, Reignold Gwyn and Will'm Thomas haue been done and com[m]itted since youre Ma[jes]ties laste free and generall pardon, and are contrarie to yor ma[jes]ties lawes and statuts of this Realme, and in derrogac'on and contempte of yor highnes crowne and dignitie [and to the the yncoraginge] of other like euill disposed persons to be therebie encouraged to attempte and execute the like offences, if condigne punishmente be not in this behalf inflicted vppon the said offendors. In regarde whereof, and to thende the said Edmund Mathewe and the residue of the saide offenders maie . . . . . ire so grieuous . . . . . . It maie therefore please yor moste excellente ma[jes]tie to graunte yor moste gracious Writt of Subpena to be directed vnto the said Edmund Mathewe, Marmaduke Mathewe, Will'm Mathewe, John Thomas Griffith, Jenkin Evan, Phe' Lle'n and John [Powell] and euerie of them to come att a certeine daie and vnder a certeine [pay]ne therein to be lymited, personallie to be and appeare before yor highness in yor honorable courte of Starre Chamber, then and there to answeare the premisses; And further to stande to and abide such order and direcc'on [as to yor moste honor]able Counsell shall seeme meete and conveniente. And yor said Subiects (accordinge to theire bounden duties) shall dailie praie to god for yor moste excellente ma[jes]tie in peace and happynes longe to lyve and raigne ouer vs.
Edw. Coke.
[The various Answers are annexed; they are a denial of the charges in toto.]