Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London Camden Society Old Series: Volume 53. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1852.
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'The Chronicle of the Grey Friars: Mary', in Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London Camden Society Old Series: Volume 53, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1852), British History Online [accessed 1 April 2025].
'The Chronicle of the Grey Friars: Mary', in Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London Camden Society Old Series: Volume 53. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1852), British History Online, accessed April 1, 2025,
"The Chronicle of the Grey Friars: Mary". Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London Camden Society Old Series: Volume 53. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1852), British History Online. Web. 1 April 2025.
Maria Regina
Item the xix. day of the same monyth, [which] was sent Margarettes evyne, at iiij. of clocke at after-none was proclamyd lady Ma[ry to] be qwene of Ynglond at the crose in Cheppe with the erle of Shrewsbery, the earle [of Arundel], the erle of Pembroke, with the mayer of London, and dyvers other lordes, and many of the ald[dermen] and the kynges schrffe master Garrand, with dyvers haroldes and trompettes. And from thens cam to Powlles alle, and there the qwere sange Te Deum with the organs goynge, with the belles ryngynge, the most parte alle [London], and that same nyght had the [most] parte of London Te Deum, with bone-fyers in every strete in London, with good chere at every bone [fyer], the belles ryngynge in every parych cherch, and for the most parte alle nyght tyll the nexte daye to none. (fn. 1)
Item the xxij. day of the same monyth was tane the duke of Northhumberland at Cambryche by the mayer, and proclamyd a traytor, and soo kepte in a prysone tyll they harde from hare grace and hare cownselle. And on saynt James day at after-none at iiij. of cloke at after-none was browte unto London worshyppfully as he had deservyd, and browte in at Byshoppes gatte by the earle of Arndelle, the wyche browte hym unto the tower of London. And Whan he came in at Byshoppes gate he was commandyd to put of hys atte, and soo dyd tylle he came to the tower; and after he came onsse to Shordych alle the pepulle revyled hym and callyd hym traytor and herytycke, and woulde not seyse for alle the(y) ware spokyn unto for it. Wyth hys sones, as the erle of Warwyke, Ambrose Dudley, Henry Dudley, Androw Dudley, (fn. 2) the erle of Huntyngtone, lorde Hastynges, sir John Gattes that was captayne of the garde, and sir Henry Gattes hys brother, sir Thomas Palmer, doctor Saunder. Item here went the byshoppe of London (fn. 3) that was goynge un-to the qwene to begge hys pardon, but he was tane at Ipsege, and there was put in warde.
Item the xxij. day of the same monyth began the wache at every gatte in London in harnes, viij. be syde the viij. comeners.
Item xxvj. day of the same monyth was browte to the tower of London at ij. a clocke at after-none doctor Redley that was the byshope of London, lorde markes of Northhantone, Roberte Dudley that was the dukes brother, (fn. 4) master Corbet that was shreffe of Essex, and after them that same nyght was browte in sir John Chamle (fn. 5) cheffe justes of the kynges bench, sir Edwarde Montageu cheffe justys of the comyn place; and the next day came in sir John Jorke (fn. 6) and Sir Thomas Wrathe, (fn. 7) with dyvers other, as it shalle apere afterwarde.
Item the iij. of August came in the qwenes grace (fn. 8) after vij. a clock at nyght from Newhalle with the lady Elzabeth hare syster, and a grette company of ladys wyth hare; and she goodly imparelde with alle the resydew of hare ladys, and so to Whytte-chappell; and there the mayer with the aldermen reseved hare, and he delyveryd hare the swerde, and she toke it to the erle of Arnedelle, and he bare it before hare, and the mayer the masse. (fn. 9) And whan she came at Algate there it was goodly hangyd with cloth, banner, and stremers, and syngers, and goodly aparelde alle the way downe to Ledynhalle, and hangyd with clothes, banners, and stremers, and syngers, as is above sayd; and also on the one syde the crafftes of London with-in raylles in their best aparelles and clothe hangynge before theme; and so downe Graschesstret and in-to Fanchersse strete, and soo downe Marke lane, and soo to the towere; and every hows hangyd as is above sayd, wyth syngers, organs, and shalmes; and whan she came to the tower, that she was with-in the tower, ther was soche a pelle of gonnes what bothe smalle and gret and soo longe and soo thecke that hath not be hard; soo gladde dyd the pepulles harttes rejoyse in hare comynge in, as God save hare grace, and longe to contynew, and prosper hare in goodnes! Amen.
[The v.] of August at vij. a clocke at nyght came home Edmond Boner byshoppe [from the Ma]rchelse lyke a byshoppe, (fn. 10) that alle the pepulle by the way badde hym welcom home [both] man and woman, and as many of the women as myghte kyssyd him, and soo came to Powlles, and k[nelt on the] steppes and sayd hys prayeres; and then the pepulle range the belles for joye; and whan he left the Mareshelsey there came in doctor Cokkys (fn. 11) for hym. And the nexte day the duke of Norfoke, the byshoppe of Wynchester, (fn. 12) the byshoppe of Durrham, (fn. 13) the byshoppe of Chechester, (fn. 14) and the byshoppe of Wyssiter (fn. 15) had their pardone, and ware dyschargyd, and soo went abrode and restoryd un-to there [dig]nytes agayne alle hole.
Item the vj. day of August was lefte the wache at the gattes in London.
Item the vij. day of the same monyth was the kynge Edwarde the vi. removyd un-to Whythall un-to Westmyster by the byshoppe of Canntorbery wyth-owte any crose or lyght; and berryd the nexte day with a comynyone and that powely, (fn. 16) and the byshoppe of Chechester (fn. 17) prechyd a good sermon.
Item the xiij. day of August prechyd master Borne (fn. 18) at Powlles crosse at the commandment of the quenes grace, and there was pullyd owte of the pulpyt by vacabonddes, and one threw hys dagger at hym.
Item the xviij. day of August was the duke of Northumberlond (fn. 19) was browte by watter un-to Westmyster with the markes of Northhamtone and the yerle of Warwyke hys sone, and there was condemnyd by them-selffes and had no qwest went apone them but them selfe, and submyttyd them selfe un-to the qwenes grace and here lawys; and the nexte day both the Gattes and Andrew Dudly the duke's brother and Palmer in lyke wyse condemnyd.
Item the xxti day of August prechyd at Powlles crosse master Watsone, (fn. 20) and there was dyvers of the quenes cownselle, and the captayne of the garde with a CC. and more of the garde browte hym to the pulpytte, and stode there alle the sermone tyme with there halberttes.
Item the xxijti day of the same monyth sufferd at Tower-hyll the duke of Northhumberlond, sir John Gattes captayne of the garde before, and sir Thomas Palmer, alle three beheddyd; and the day before harde masse in the tower and reseved the sacrament in forme of brede.
Item the xxix. day of August satte the qwenes commissioneres for the new byshoppes, that was put in for them that was put owte and in to prisone at the commandment of the byshoppe of Cauntorbery as is above sayd, and as it shalle follow.
Item in August was the aulter in Powlles set up agayne, and fenysys (fn. 21) in September.
Item the xiij. day of September was the byshoppe of Cauntorbery comyttyd unto the tower from the sterrechamber, Thomas Creme (fn. 22) by hys name; and the xv. day was comytted also unto the tower the byshopp of Bath [William] Barlowe by name.
Item the same tyme was alle the new byshoppes dyschargyd and put downe.
Item the xvij. day of September the byshoppe of London, Boner, sange masse in Powlles, and gave holy watter hym-selfe, and soe continuyd.
Item the laste day of September was the qwenes grace browth from the tower of London unto the Whyth-hall goodly, and many pagenttes in dyvers places as she came by the wey in London, with alle the crafttes and aldermen, and also a pagent in Powlles churcheyerde at the est ende of the church, and there she stode longe, for yt was made of rosemary with alle here armes and a crowne in the myddes. item also there was a man made too tope-castelles above the crosse of the stepulle, and there stode with a flagge in hys honde and viij. flagges hangynge besyde; and a castelle made in the myddes of the hye waye at the denes place. And the furst day of October she was crowned at Westmyster by the byshoppe of Wynchester Stephyn Gardner, and she was browth from Westmyster halle with iij. crosses with a gret qweer and many byshoppes with their myteres on their heddes and crose-stavys in ther honddes, as many as had none other lette, and they had other that bare them before nor to mynyster in hare presence, that in soomoch she had alle that was in Powlles save only them that ware maryd, that in somoch that the day was no servys in Powlles, nother mattens nor masse nor evynsonge [nor] sermone at the crosse as that day.
Item the vth of the same monyth beganne the parlament; and whan they ware in the parlament howse the byshoppe of Lyngcolle doctor [John Taylor (fn. 23) ] beynge byshoppe of Lyngcolne hys parlament robe was tane from hym and he was comy[tted] to the tower; and iij. dayes in the weke the qwene satte in the parlament howse and harde alle soche thinges as was there done.
Item the vij. day of October beganne the convocacion in Powlles, aud there had [mass of] the Holy Gost. And there the byshoppe of London sange the mass in hys pontyficalibus, and that [was the] furst masse that was songe at the hye alter after that it was sett up agayne, and had a good[ly] sermon ad clerum in the qwere.
Item the xxj. day of that same monythe baganne the dyspu[tacion] in the longe chappell in Powlles betwene the new sortte and the olde, as monday, wedyns[day, and] fryday, and there came moche pepulle; but they ware never the wyser, and with many worddes of . . . ., that the qwenes graces cowncell was fayen to send worde that there shulde be no more dy[spu] tacions, but that it shulde be dyscussyd by the hole parlament. And as at that tyme the wet[hercock] of Powlles stepulle was tane downe, and new made and gyltyd, and sett up agayne the iiij. day of November.
Thys yere the xiij. day of November the byshoppe of Cantorbery Thomas Creme (fn. 24) and lady Jane that wolde a bene qwene, and iij. of the Dudleyes (fn. 25) condemnyd at the yelde-halle for hye tresone.
Item this yere the qwere of Powlles went abowte the stepulle on sent Kateryns day at nyght. (fn. 26)
Item on sent Andrewys day begane the generalle procession in Latten in powlles churche, (fn. 27) with the parsons and curattes of London, with the prebenttes in their gray ammes, and the mayer with dyvers of the alderman; and the same wyse iij. dayes followynge.
Item the vj. day of Januarij [1554] came from the emperor im bassotors in the name of the hole howse of Bowrgone, as dyvers erles, as the erle of degmonde (fn. 28) with dyvers other.
Item the xiiij. day of Januarij began the procession on the sondayes abowte the church (fn. 29) with the mayer and the aldermen in their clokes, and the precher takynge hys benediccion in the body of the church of the bysshoppe.
Item the xv. day of the same monyth began the insurreccion at Maydstone by sir Thomas Wyett knyght, lorde Cobhame, (fn. 30) Harper, and Colpeper, with dyvers others.
Item the xvj. day of the same monyth in the mornynage began the wache at every gatte in London in harnes, both men and their servantts, etc.
Item the furst day of Februarij the qwenes grace came (in) hare owne person un-to- the yelde-halle of Londone, and showyd here mynde (fn. 31) un-to the mayer, aldermen, and the hole crafttes of London (in) are owne persone, with hare cepter in hare honde in tokyn of love and pes, and wente home agayne by watter at the Crane in the ventre.
Item the xxiij. of januarij was condemnyd at the yelde-halle of London lorde Robert Dudley.
Item the xxxti day of the same monyth the duke of Norfoke came to Strode, and bent hys artyllery agaynst Wyett; but the Londoneres with their captayns, as Brian, Fyztwilliams, and Bret, whoo came with the duke agaynst Wyet, made a shoute and fled from the duke to Wyet, that the duke hardly scapyd from them.
Item the furst day Februarij came Wyett with hys host in to Southwarke at iiij. a clocke at after-none, and or it was v. he had made a bulwarke at the bryge fotte, and kepte Sothwarke tyll it was the vj. of the same monythe, and dyd no harme there; and this was Shroft tewsday; for the brygge drawebrygge was drawne agayne hym, and the nyght before many of hys men fled from hym; and the same tewsday was ij. men hongyd on a gybyt in Powlles churchyerd be-fore sent Gregory's. And that same day Wyet with hys host departyd owte of Sothwarke at ix. a cloke in the mornynge, and went un-to Kyngstone. and also at the same tyme the duck of Soffolke with hys brother was tane by the erle of Huntyngtone; and that same day was Te Deum songe in the qwenes chapelle for joye of it. And that same day the lorde Cobhame (fn. 32) and Harper whar put in-to the tower. [The vij.] day Wyet with hys host came un-to the parke besyde sent James and soo wolde [have entered, and there] most traytorys shott at the corte gattes that the arres stoke there longe after. And he hymselfe came in at Te[mple bar, and] soo downe alle Fletstrete, and soo un-to the Belle savage. And then was hys trayne [attacked at] the commandment of the erle of Pembroke, and sartayne of hys men salayne. And when [he saw] that Ludgatte was shutt agayne hym he departyd, saynge " I have kept towche," and soo went [back] agayne; and by the Tempulle barre he was tane, and soo browght by watter (fn. 33) unto the [tower] of London. And then alle the qwens host came thorrow London goodly in araye with sperys. And that same day was tane one William Albryght parsone of Kyngstone besyde Barrame downe, (fn. 34) precher of the gosspelle, besyde Charynge crosse in this rebellyone. Also it is to be supposed that Wyett hadde come in at Ludgat had not one John Harres a merchant-taylor in Watlynge stret [ha]d not sayd, " I know that theys be Wyettes ancienttes;" but some were very anggre wyth hym because he sayd soo, but at hys worddes the gattes ware shutte.
Item the viij. day of Februarij the ducke of Suffolke wyth hys brother was browte thorrow Londone wyth a goodly company of spere-men, and soo unto the tower of London.
Item the xij. of Februarij was beheddyd wythin the tower lady Jane that wolde a bene qwene; and hare husband whose name was Gylford Dudley at the Tower-hyll.
Item the xiiij. day of the same monyth for the same rebellyon was hongyd one Vicars a yeman of the garde, Bouthe one of the quenes fotmen, gret John Nortone, and one Kynge; and in severalle places abowte London at the gattes, in Chappe syde, and other strettes, to the number of xxti, the wych ware of London that fled from the duke of Norfoke; and that same day was iij. hongyd in chanys on Hay hylle for the offence in rebellyon.
Item the duke of Suffolke was condemnyd at Westmyster the xvij. day of Februarij; and beheddyd at Towre-hyll the xxiij. day of the same monyth.
Item the xv. day of March was commytted un-to the tower agayne the erle of Devenchere.
And the xviij. day of the same monyth was commytted also unto the tower lady Elzabeth that was the quenes syster, and that was Palme sonday.
Item the epestylle masse begane agayne (fn. 35) the ij. day of Aprille.
Item the viij. day of Aprille was a kette hongyd on the gallos (fn. 36) in Cheppe clothed lyke a preste, and the same day hylde up before the precher at Polles crosse.
And shortly after the qwenes grace gave a generall pardon for alle thoye that ware with Wyet, and som(mon)ed a parlament to be helde at Oxforde, but it was sone rejurnid unto London agayne unto Westmyster.
Item the xj. day of the same monyth was Wyett behedyd at Towre hylle, and also qwarterd; and hys hedde with one of hys qwarters sett apon the gallowys, and the hed with the qwarter was stolne awaye.
Item the ix. day of Aprille began the opposycions at Oxford by Thomas Creme (fn. 37) sometyme byshoppe of Cantorbery, Nicolas Rydley sometyme byshoppe of London, and Hugh Latemer, agayne the lerdemen (fn. 38) of both the universytes; and there the sayd iij. persons was condempnyd as erytykes, and soo remaynyd there in presone a longe tyme.
Item the xxvij. of Aprille was beheddyd at Towre hylle the duke of Suffolkes brother. (fn. 39)
Item the of May was the monday in Wytsone weke and thene the mayer, aldermen, goldsmythes and fyshemongeres (fn. 40) came a procession un-to Powlles as they were wonte to doo, but there was no sensynge; and dyvers other pariches came alle the iij. dayes as they ware wonte.
Item the xviij. day of May was draune from the tower of London Thomas a Vane (fn. 41) unto Tyborne, and there put to execucion.
Item the xxiiij. day of May was Corpus Christi day that some kepte in Colmanstrett, hys name was John Strett, he was in Smythfelde whan the procession of sent the prest, (fn. 42) but he was resysted and tane and put in Newgatte, and then he faynyd him-selfe madde.
Item the iiij. day of June was tane downe alle the gallos within London.
Item the x. daye of June was sonday and theme was a goonne shotte nere Powlles cherch-yerd that the pellyt came nere the precher's face that preched at Powlles crosses. (fn. 43)
Item the xxij. day of June was a proclamacion made for shottynge wyth hand-gonnes and berynge of weppons.
Item the furst day of July was . . . . and whereas there was in the parich of sent Gregory's one John Hylle a cutler [that was] obstenatt that wolde not beleve in the blyssyd sacrament of the alter, nor it (sc. yet) tylle the [n ha]d not resevyd it; but he was conventyd be-fore hys ordenary the dene of Powlles [that] was at that tyme doctor Facname, (fn. 44) and soo revokyd hys opynyone opynly before all the pariche, and askyd them mercy and foryefnes for his evylle insampulle, and prayd them to pray for hym, and then and there he reservyd the sacrament opynly befor them alle.
Item the . . day of the same monyth, wher as ther was a mayd that spake in a walle (fn. 45) in a howse [in] Aldersgat stret stode at the Powlles crosse before the precher doctor Wymbsle (fn. 46) archedekon of [Middlesex], and there shoyd alle the hole matter and asked God mercy and the quene, and alle the pepulle, for ar evy[ll] insampulle. And the xviij. day of the same monyth stode a man on the pyllery for the same matter, with a paper and a scryptor on hys hed, that was consentynge there-to.
Item the x[ix] day of the same monyth the prince of Spayne came in at Hamtone, and there was goodly resevyd. (fn. 47) And the xxijti day of the same monyth, the wych was Mary Maudlyne day, at nyght was commandment gevyn in London to have bonfyers and belles ryngynge thorrow alle Londone. And the nexte day to have Te Deum in every church for joye of hym. Item the xxiij. day of the same monyth he came to Wynchester, be-twene vj. and vij. at nyght, where he was honorably and goodly resevyd. And the xxv. day of the same monyth was honorably marryd with gret solemnite with many honorabull lordys and ladys, and men of worchypp as it dothe apere, both spiritualle and temporalle. Item the furst day of August was a proclamacion made in London for the hole stylle (fn. 48) bothe for the kynge and the qwene and alle ther domynyons of both. They came not unto London tyll it was the xviij. day of Aulgust, and then came bothe unto the place in Sothwarke, and lay there that nyght. And the xix. day came into London, wher they ware goodly resevyd with many pagenttes, as furst at the brige fotte, and alle the howses on the brigge new payntyd whyt and yellow, and in Grachhed strett a goodly pagent and costly; and another in Cornelle; and one at the Gret Condet, and at the standerd the wayttes of London playnge; and the crosse in Cheppe new gyltyd and that costly, and the genologe of hym at the Lyttyll Condet; and alle the crafftes of London stondynge be the way in their best aparelle in alle the strettes as he came goodly hangyd, and soo to Powlles; and there was goodly resevyd of the byshopp wyth the prebenders and the holi (fn. 49) qweer of Powlles, and soo into the qwere, and there was Te Deum songe. And there was one came downe from the chapter-howse apon a roppe. And soo departyd un-to Westmyster. And Ludgatte new payntyd. And a pagent in Fletstret at the cundet. And so un-to the pallys of Whythalle. Item on sent Luke's day the kynge came un-to Powlles, and ther harde masse, and went home agayne.
Thys yer the iij. day of November prechyd at Powlles crosse doctor (Harpsfield) (fn. 50), and there was v. men, as iij. prestes and ij. temporalle men, dyd opyn pennans. The iij. prestes ware maryd. One was a challon of Esynge spettylle, (fn. 51) and one a blacke frere, and the iij. an Austyne freer. And this was their pennans: furst to come owte of the vestre with shettes apone ther backes, and eche of them a rodde in their honddes wyth a taper lych, (fn. 52) and furst came and knelyd before the hye aulter, and there the suffrencane gave them their dyssipline; and than went downe before the crosse: and whan the precher had tane hys benediccion of the byshoppe in the myddes of the church, they came downe unto the byshoppe, and knelyd downe in the myddes of the church, and there had their dyssiplines of hym, and he kyssyd them; and soo went unto the crosse, and stode there alle the [sermon] tyme, and there had their dyssiplines of hym, and he kyssyd them; and soo went unto the crosse, and stode there alle the [sermon] tyme, and whan he came unto the beddes (fn. 53) they turnyd unto the precher and knelyd downe [and asked forgive]ness there of hym, and then he showyd their oppynyons opynly in the pulpyt.
Item the xij. day [of November] began the parlament at Westmyster, wher as the kynge rode in hys parlament robe, and [the que]ne in an opyne charret by hym, (fn. 54) on the ryght honde of hym, goodly aparelde and rychely [in a robe of cri]msone velvyt and cloth of golde; with alle the lorddes in their parlament robbys bothe spiritualle [and tempor]alle. And there was [a serm]on, in the whych was the pope prayd for at the masse of the Holy Gost.
And the nexte day came the convocacion at Powlles, and the masse of the Holy Gost there also, and a sermon in the qwere ad clerum, and there the pope was prayd for also by name.
Item the xix. day of November began the pluckynge downe of the postys at the corte gatte at Westmyster by the hyeway syde for the play of the Spanyardes that was callyd the cane. (fn. 55)
Item the xxiij. of the same monyth came in the cardnalle Powle by watter, and soo came unto the corte at Whythalle; and in the myddes of the brygge the kynge mette hym, and soo eche other salute other goodly and reverently; and soo wente in unto the qwene, and soo she mett them at hare gret chamber, and she salutyd hym; and there they talkyd a whylle, and he departyd un-to the place at Lambyth the wyche was preparyd for hym.
Item the xxv. day of the same monyth was sent Kateryns day, and that day was the play at the corte gatte of the cane: in the wych the kynge with alle the lordes and soch as plesyd hym came from Dyrraham place (fn. 56) goodly aparelde unto the place, and there playd, and havyng their targattes on their sholderes; and thankys be to God that there was no harme done there.
Item the xxviij. day of the same monyth was a sermon in the qwere of Powlles, and Te Deum songe, with a generall procession (fn. 57); and the byshoppe in hys myter and dyvers other other byshoppes in their abbettes; the mayer [and] aldermene in their scarlett with their clokys, and alle the crafttes in their best aparelle; and the nexte day was procession in every parich in Londone with Te Deum.
Item that same day at afternone came the cardnalle un-to the corte, and shoyd hys mynde unto the kynge and qwene and the councelle, with dyvers of the parlament howse, and soo departyd to Lambyth agayn.
Item the ij. day of December after was the furst sonday of Advent, and that day the sayd cardnalle came unto Powlles, and there was reseved of the byshoppe of London and the byshoppe of Wynchester, then beynge chaunsler of Yngland, at the church dore, and alle the parich churches of the dioses of London, parsons, vicars, and curattes, in their coppys, with their clarkes holdynge thier crosses with their banneres.
Item the xvij. of the same monyth came in the prince of [Piedmont (fn. 58) at after-none by watter, and soo to the cortte.
Item the vth day of januarij [1555] was sent Edwardes day and thene was sett up the scrynne (fn. 59) at Westmyster, and the aulter, with dyvers juelles that the qwene sent thether.
Item the xxv. day of the same monyth was the Conversione of sent Paulles day, and then was a generall procession (fn. 60) with the chelderne of alle the scolles in London, with alle the clarkes, curattes, and parsons, and vikeres, in coppes, with their crossis; and the qwere of Powlles in lyke wysse; and dyvers byshoppes in their habettes, and the byshoppe of Londone in hys pontificalles and coppe, berynge the sacrament under a canyppy, and iiij. prebenttes berynge it in ther gray amos; and soo up unto Ledynhalle with the mayer [and] aldermen in scarlet, with their clokes, and alle the crafttes in their best aray; and soo came downe agayne on the other syde and soo to Powlles agayne; and then the kynge with my lorde cardnalle came to Powlles and harde masse, and went home agayne; and at nyght was commandment gevyn to make bonfiers thorrow alle Londone for joy of the pepulle that ware convertyd lyke wyse as sent Powlle was convertyd.
Item the iiij. day of Februarij was John Rogers, that was sometyme viker of sent Sepulkeres and reder in Powlles and prebendary after doctor Royston, (fn. 61) burnyd in Smythfelde for gret herysy. And Hopper and [blank] send un-to Glociter, and ther to (be) burnyd lyke wyse; [and di] vers more un-to other places. (fn. 62)
Item on Ester day was a prest at sent Margaryttes at [Westminster bro]kyn on the hedde and on the arme wyth a wood knyffe in minysterynge of the blyssyd [sacrament] un-to the pepulle in the church. And soo he (fn. 63) was tane and sent unto the tower of [London], and the thursday after was browte unto Newgate; and the fryday browte un-to Pow[lles, and] saterday after also, and there was desgradyd of the byshoppe of London in the con[sis]tery, for he was . . . . . and a prest before. And there in the presens of the cheffe justys of the comyne place, the lorde m[ayer], and the shryffes, and soo commyttyd unto Newgatt agayne; and the xxiiij, day carryd unto W[estminster] and there burnyd for that same dede.
Item the xxv. day of March was another generalle process[ion], and then was delyveryd a poddynge unto one of the prebendes goyng in procession. Item the same man the xxvij. day of that same monyth was betten with whyppes at the peller in Chepe at the standert.
Item the vij. day of Aprelle the Observanttes ware out in at Grenwych agayne by the bysshopp of Rochester, Morys, (fn. 64) that was some tyme a blacke freere, at the commandment of the quene.
Item the xxix. day of may another generalle procession unto sent Maggolles (fn. 65) and soo downe Temstret, and up at Dougat and soo to Powlles.
Item the xxxth day Cardmaker (fn. 66) with another with hym burnyd in Smythfelde for heryse.
Item the xxxj. day of the same monyth was a proclamacion for the blyssyd sacrament and for bokes of scypter. (fn. 67)
Item the xxvij. of June was kept the obijit of the kynges grandhame, (fn. 68) with a goodly herse as ever was sene, and stode a vj. or vij. days after.
Item the xxvj. day of August the jeynge and the qwene came thorrow the citte, and soo to Grenwyche towarde in hys jurné unto hys fader the emperar; and there toke hys leffe.
Item the xvj. day of October was burnyd at Oxforde doctor Ridley that was sometyme byshoppe of London, and doctor Lattimer, for gret herysy.
Item the xxvij. day of September after was the counter in Bredstret removed in-to Wood-strete.
Thys yere was dyvers burnyd in many places in Ynglond. And the xxvij. day of Januarij [1556] was burnyd in Smythefelde v. men and too women for great heryse.
Item the iiij. day of November began the parlament at Westmyster. And the xj. day after began the cardnalles senod at Lambyth, and contnewyd telle the xij. day of February after.
Item the mayer with the cittá enterde into Brydwelle. (fn. 69)
Item the xxiij. of February was Shroft sonday, and then was leppe yere, and that day the byshoppe of London Edmonde Boner, the byshoppe of Lyncolne then beynge [John White], and the byshoppe of Ely doctor Thyrebe, sattle at Oxforde in commyssoners for the pope aponne Thomas Creme (fn. 70) some tyme archebyshoppe of Cantorbert apone hys leggatsheppe and of hys archebyshoppecheppe, and presthed, wyth alle other ecclesiasticall degres, and presthode, and soo comyttyd unto the temperalle honddes and jurysdycion.
Item the xxj. day of Marche folowynge was burnyd there and thether was send by the cownselle the lord John Wyllyams with dyvers others to see the execucion done.
Item the xxviij. day of the same monyth was Newgatte a fyer; but, thangkes be to God, that there was but lyttyll harme done, for it was sone qwenched.
[The . . .] day of May was (blank) ware hongyd, draune and qwarterd . . . .
Item the xviij. day of the same monyth was captayne Taunton drawne from the tow[er to Tybo]rne, and there hongyd and qwarterd.
Item this tyme was dyvers burnyd in Smythfelde [for he]rysy.
Item the viij. day of June was draune from the tower of London unto Tyborne [Throg]mortone, Wooddalle, Stantone, Bedelle, Rosselle, and Darrelle, ware hongyd, hedyd, [and] qwarterd for robery and tresone. (fn. 71)
Item the viij. day of June was hongyd at Towre-hylle master [Pec]kams sone and Danyell for gret robery. (fn. 72)
Item the x. day of the same monyth was a yonge man hongyd within Brydewelle for robery within the sayd howse.
Item in the same monyth [be]gane the procession in every church, that the chylderne with their parents shuld goo monday, wedysday, fryday, and sondayes with their bokes in their bondes or beddes (fn. 73) every person, and one of a howse, on payne of forfettynge of xijd. at every tyme. And the churchwardens with other too that be shsyne (fn. 74) by the hole paryche; and yf that they doo not loke substancially apon it that then they to forfett ij. s. and the sayd mony to be bestoyd on the church at the discrecion of the sayd commyssinores; but it was but lyttyll lokyd apone, and the more pytté.
Item the xviij. day of August the mayer (fn. 75) dynned at the rederes (fn. 76) denner at the Tempulle, and at after-none whane he was goynge the swerde was willed to be borne doune in the closter, [but the swordberer woold not (fn. 77) ].
Item in this same monyth was many herytykes browte owte of Essexe, and owte of other places.
Item the vth day of September was browte thorrow Cheppesyde teyd in ropes xxiiijti tayd to-getheres as herrytykes, and soo unto the Lowlers tower. (fn. 78)