Diary: 1555 (July - Dec)

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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'Diary: 1555 (July - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp90-99 [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Diary: 1555 (July - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp90-99.

"Diary: 1555 (July - Dec)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp90-99.

1555 (July - Dec)

The furst day of July whent in-to Smythfeld to borne (fn. 1) master Bradford, a grett precher by kyng Edwards days, and a talow chandler('s) prentes (fn. 2) dwellyng by Nugatt, by viij of the cloke in the mornyng, with a grett compene of pepull.

The sam day was bered good master Thomas . . . . . altherman, sum tyme shreyff of London, and [a hearse] with ij whyt branchys and xij longe torchys [a hearse] stayffe torchys and iiij grett tapurs, and xij gownes gyffen unto xij pore men of blake peneston, and the compene of the Clarkes and mony prestes and . . . armes of the body and the tapurs, and ther wher . . . blake gownes, and after durge speysse-bred and wine; and the morow masse of requeem, and ther dyd pryche a frere of Grenwyche, and a grett dolle.

The ij day of July was the Marchand-tayllers' fest, and ther dynyd my lord mayre and dyvers of the conselle and juges and the shreyffes and mony althermen and gentyllmen, and thay had agaynst ther dener lviij bokes and ij stages (fn. 3); the master of the compene master Jeye Wade sqwyre, (and the wardens) master Eton, master Rowe, and master Hylle, and master God, and all v borne in London and tayller(s') sunnes alle.

The vj day of July rod to Tyburne to be hangyd iij men, and on drane (fn. 4) upon a hyrdyll unto Tyburne for qwynnyng (fn. 5) of money.

[The viij day of July were three more delivered out of Nugate, and sent into the country to be burned for heretics.]

The xij day of July was bornyd at Canturbery iiij men for herese, ij prestes and ij laye men.

The xxj day of July was cared to the Towre, [in the] morning erlee, (fn. 6) iiij men; on was the good-man of [the] Volsake (fn. 7) with-owt Algatt.

The xxj day of July dyd pryche at Althermare [church] Recherdson the Skott, that was the reder at Wyttyngton college, from on (fn. 8) tyll iij of the cloke, and ther was the grettest audyense that has ben sen in a parryche; and he came thedur to have recantyd, butt he wold nott.

The ij day of August was a shumaker bornyd at sant Edmundebere in Suffoke for herese.

The viij day of August, between iiij and v in the mornyng, was a presoner delevered unto the shreyff of Medyllsex to be cared unto Uxbryge to be bornyd; yt was the markett day—owt of Nuwgatt delevered.

The ix day of August was a generall prossessyon at London with all the chylderyn of skolles (fn. 9) in London; and all sextens, and all clarkes, and all prestes; and the bysshope of London, and my lord mayre, in ther leveray, from Powlles done (fn. 10) Chepesyd, and thrugh Bokelars-bere and Walbroke, and up Watlyng-stret to Powlles.

The iij day of August the Quen and Kynges grace removyd from Hamtun Court unto Hotland, (fn. 11) a iiij mylles of: has her grace whent thrugh the parke for to take her barge, ther mett her grace by the way a powre man with ij chruches, and when that he saw (fn. 12) her grace, for joy he thruw hys stayffes a-way, and rane after her grace, and sche commondyd that one shuld gyff ym a reward.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ox] fordshyre.

The xv day of August was a grett ffett on the see (fn. 13) be-twyn the Frencmen and the Flemmyng, and ther wher dyvers of boyth partes slene, and boyth men and shypes and dyvers taken, and the goodes.

The xxiij day of August was bornyd at [Stratford]-of-bowe, in the conte of Mydyllsex, a woman, [wife] of John Waren, clothworker, a huphulster [over] agaynst sant Johns in Walbroke; the wyche . . . . John her hosband was bornyd with on Cardmaker in Smythfeld, (fn. 14) for herese boyth; and the sam woman had a sune (fn. 15) taken at her bornyng and cared to Nuwgatt [to his] syster, for they will borne boyth.

The xxiiij day of August cam from Rome at afternone the bysshope of Ely, (fn. 16) the bysshope of Banger, (fn. 17) the lord Montycutt vycontt, ser Hare Husse, and dyvers odur.

The xxvj day of August cam from Westmynster, rydyng thrugh London unto Towrs-warff, the Kyng and the Quen, and ther thay toke ther barge unto Grenwyche, and landyd at the long bryge, and reseyvyd by my lord chanseler, and my lord of Ely, and my lord vycont Montyguw, master comtroller, master Sowthwell, and dyvers mo, and the gard, and dyvers holdyn torchys bornynge, and up to the Frers, and ther thare graces mad ther praers, and at her grace('s) landyng received ix or x suplycasyon(s), and so bake agayn to the court with a c. torchys bornyng.

[The xxviii day of August went out of Newgate certain] heretykes to borne in the contrey.

The xxix day of August, (which) was the day of Decolacyon of sant John Baptyst, the Marchand-tayllers kept masse at Sant Johnes be-yond Smyt-feld, and my lord of Sant Johnes dyd offer at masse, and ser Hare Hubylthorne, ser Thomas Whytt and master Harper, althermen, and all the clothyng. And after the iiij wardens of the yeomanry, and all the compene of the tayllers, a 1d. a pesse; and the qwyre honge with cloth of arres, and after masse to the Tayllers' halle to dener.

The same day the Kyng('s) grace toke ys jorney toward Dover, and with a grett compeny, and ther tared for the wynd, and ther the shypes lying rede (fn. 18) for ys grace gohyng over see.

The xxx day of August was cast at yeld-hall, for robyng (fn. 19) of the quen('s) warderobe, one John Boneard, a servantt of hers, dwellyng be-syd the Warderobe at the Blake Frers, and cast. The sam day were cast, for robyng of ther masturs, ij. wher prentes, (fn. 20) and the thurd was a servyngman, the prentes dwellyng in Boke larbere, for kepyng of herers, (fn. 21) and after send (fn. 22) unto the bysshop('s) presun at Startford in Essex.

The xxxj day of August whent out of Nugatt a man of Essex unto Barnett for herese, by the shreyff of Medyllsex, to borne ther.

The iiij day of September the Quen('s) grace and my lady Elsabeth, and all the court, dyd fast from flessh, and toke the Popes jubele and pardon grantyd to alle men.

[The same day were certain bishops, viz. doctor Corwyn archbishop of] Duvylyne, [doctor William] Glyne bysshoppe of Bangor, (and) doctur (James Turberville) bysshope of Exsseter, alle consecratyd at Powlles.

The x day of September was bered my lade Lyons, the mares (fn. 23) of London, with a goodly [herse] mad in sant Benet-sherog parryche, with ij branchys, and xxiiij gownes of blake for pore men; and thay had xxiiij torchys, with v banars, one of armes, and iiij of emages, and vj dosen pensells, and vij dosen of skochyons, and ij harold(s) of armes, and c. mornars in blake, and the althermen folohyng the corsse, and after the [company of] the Grosers, and the morow the masse, and master H . . dyd pryche, and after a grett dener.

The xv day of September dyd pryche at Powlles (blank), and he declaryd (the) Pope('s) jubele and pardon from Rome, and as mony as wyll reseyffe ys pardon so to be shryff, (fn. 24) and fast iij days in on (fn. 25) wyke, and to reseyffe the blessed sacrement the next Sonday affter, clen remyssyon of all ther synes tossyens quossyens (fn. 26) of all that ever they dyd.

The xx day of September was cared from Nugatt unto the lolrar stowre (fn. 27) serten men.

The xxix day of September was the grettest rayn and fludes that ever was sene in England, that all low contreys was drounyd, and in dyver plasses boyth men and catell drounyd, and all the marssys, (fn. 28) and sellers (fn. 29) boyth of wyne and bere and alle (fn. 30) and odur marchandysse, in London and odur plassys, drounyd; and the rayne begane after Bathellmuw-tyd telle sant Edwardes tyde, after not x days fayre.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ij goodly whytt branchys and xij longe torchys . . . . . stayffes torchys grett, and a c. mornars in blake, [xij poor] men and xij women, and all xxiiij in rosett gownes [and the] vomen raylles apon ther heds, and iiij gylt candyllstykes, with iiij grett tapurs and xx prestes and xx clarkes.

The sam day at after-none was bered master Barthelett sqwyre and prynter unto Kyng Henry; and was bered with pennon and cote-armur, and iiij dosen of skochyons and ij whytt branchys and iiij gylt candyllstykes, and mony prestes and clarkes, and mony mornars, and all the craftes of prynters, boke-sellers, and all stassyoners a . . .

The vij day of October was a robere be-syd . . . . parke of clothears, so they foyth (fn. 31) long, at last the th[ieves] over-cam them, and toke alle the goodes, and cot ther hors leges off and kyllyd sum.

The ix day of October was a servyngman, [the] penter('s) broder that war bornyd at Staynes, was bered in Morefeld be-syd the doge-howsse, be-caus he was not resseff (fn. 32) the ryctes of the chyrche, and thys lawe.

The (blank) day of October was bered doctor Wottun, phessyssyon, in Woodstrett, with ij whyt branchys and xij longe torchys and vj stayff torchys and mony (mourners).

The xvj day of October was the Sargent(s') of the law fest, (fn. 33) and vij mad the sam day, and a grett dener after, and kept at the (blank).

[The same day were burnt at Oxford for heresy doctor Latimer, late bishop of Worcester, and doctor Ridley,] late bysshope of London; [they were some] tyme grett prychers as ever was; and at ther bornyng dyd pryche doctur Smyth, sum-tyme the master of Vetyngtun (fn. 34) colege (blank).

The xxvj day of October was sett on the pelere [one] for spykyng of sedyssyous wordes, and had

The xxviij day of October in the mornyng was set up in Fletstrett, be-syd the well, (fn. 35) a payre of galaus, and ij men hangyd, for the robere of a Spaneard, (and they were) hangyng aganst the Spaneardes gate be-tyme in the mornyng, and so hangyng alle the day in the rayne.

The xxix day of October ther wher ij goodly pennes (fn. 36) deckyd with gones and flages and stremars, and a m. penselles, the penes pentyd, on whyt and bluw, and the thodur yelow and red, and the oars and gowne (fn. 37) lyke coler; and with trumpets and drumes, and alle the craftes in barges and stremars; and at the ix of the cloke my nuw lord mayre and the shreyffes and the althermen toke barge at the iij Cranes with trumpets and shalmes, and the whetes playhyng; and so rod to Westmynster, and toke ys othe in the cheyker, (fn. 38) and all the way the penoys (fn. 39) shutyng of gones and playhyng up and done; and so after cam backe to Powlles warffe, and landyd with gret shutyng of gownes and playng; and so in Powlles cherche-yerde ther mett the bachelars and a goody pagyant, and a lxvi. men in blue gownes, and with goodly targates and gaffelynes (fn. 40) and a duwlle, (fn. 41) and iiij talle men lyke wodys alle in gren, and trumpets playing a-for the mare—the iij yere of Quen Mare.

[The xiij day of November doctor Gardiner, bishop of Winchester, and lord chancellor of England, died in the morning, between twelve and one of the clock, at the King's] plasse, the wyche ys callyd Whyt-hall; [and by] iij of the cloke he was browt by water [to his own] plasse by sant Mary Overes; and by v of the [clock his bow]elles was taken owt, and bered a-fore the he (fn. 42) [altar; and] at vj the knyll begane ther, and at durge and masse contenuyd ryngyng alle the belles till vij at nyght.

The xiiij day of November be-gane the knyll for the most ryght reverent father in God my lord chaunseler of England, doctur Sthevyn Gardener, byshope of Wynchastur, and of the preve consell with kyng Henry the viijth and unto quen Mare quen of England; and with a hersse of iiij branchys, with gylt candyllstykes, and ij whytt branchys and iij dosen of stayffes-torchys, and all the qwyre hangyd with blake and armes, and a durge songe; and the morow masse of requiem, and alle bysshoppes and lordes and knyghtes and gentyllmen; and my lord bysshope Bonar of London did syng masse of requiem, and doctur Whyt bysshope of Lynkolne dyd pryche at the sam masse; and after all they whent to his plasse to dener.

The sam day at after-none was durge in evere parryche in London, and a hersse and ryngyng, and the morow masse of requiem, and so prayd for after the old custom.

The xxj day of November at none be-gane the knyll for my lord chanseler, for then was the body browt to the chyrche of sant Mare Overes, with grett compene of prestes and clarkes, and alle the bysshopes; and my lord of London dyd exsecute the offes, and ware ys myter; and ther wher ij goodly whyt branchys bornyng, and the harsse with armes and (tapers) bornyng, and iiij dosen of stayffes; and all the qwyre with blake, and ys armes; and afor the corse the kyng of haroldes with ys cot, and with v baners of ys armes, and iiij of emages wrothe (fn. 43) with fyne gold and inowlle (fn. 44); and the morowe-masse iij masse, one of the Trenete, on of owre Lade, and (the) iij of requiem for ys solle; and after to dener; and so he was put in a hersse tyll a day that he shall be taken up and cared unto Wynchaster to be bered ther.

[The xxvj of November a stripling was whipt about London, and about Paul's cross, for speaking against the bishop] that dyd pryche the Sonday a-for.

The iiij day of Desember was a voman [set in the] pelere (fn. 45) for beytyng of her chyld with rodes and . . . . . to peteusly; and the sam day was a man and a voman cared a-bowt London at a care-arse (fn. 46) for baudry and . . .

The furst day of December was reseyvyd with pressessyon my lord cardenall Pole into Westmynster abbay; and ther mett hym x[viij bishops,] and the bysshope of Yorke dyd menyster with ys myter; [and they] whent a pressessyon a-bowt the chyrche and the cloyster.

The ix day of December was the parlement [adjourned] at the Whyt Hall, her grace('s) place—the iij yere; and so to Sant James thrughe the parke.

The x day of Desember was had to the Towre ser Anthony Kyngston knyght, and to the Flett, and cam owt a-gayn shortely after.

The xiij day of Desember was bered at sant Androwes in the Warderobe master Recherd Stokdun, gentyllman of the warderobe, with ij goodly whyt branchys and xiij stayffes-torchys, and xiij pore men, and thay had gownes of mantell frysse, and iiij grett tapurs, and money mornars; and the strett hangyd with blake and armes; and money prestes syngyng; and the morowe masse and alffe a trentall of masses, and after the offeryng a sermon (by) a doctur callyd master Sydnam, a gray frere of Grenwyche.

[The xv day of December, before the sermon at Paul's cross began, an old man, a shepherd,] be-gane to spyke serten thynges and rayllyng, [whereupon he was] taken and carett (fn. 47) to the conter for a tyme.

The xviij day of Dessember be-twyn [8 and 9] of the cloke in the mornyng, was cared in-to Smythfeld to be bornyd on master (Philpot, archdeacon of Winchester, (fn. 48) ) gentyllman, for herese.

The xx day of Dessember was bered at sant Donstones in the Est master Hare Herdsun, altherman of London and skynner, and on of the masturs of the hospetall of the gray frers in London, with men and xxiiij women in mantyll fresse gownes, a hersse of wax, and hong with blake; and ther was my lord mare and the swordberer in blake, and dyvers odur althermen in blake, and the resedew of the aldermen, at ys beryng; and all the masters, boyth althermen and odur, with ther gren stayffes in ther handes, and all the chylderyn of the gray frersse, and iiij men in blake gownes bayryng iiij gret stayffes-torchys bornyng, and then xxiiij men with torchys bornyng; and the morowe iij masses songe; and after to ys plasse to dener; and ther was ij goodly whyt branchys, and mony prestes and clarkes syngyng.


  • 1. burn, i.e. to be burnt.
  • 2. apprentice.
  • 3. bucks and stags.
  • 4. one drawn.
  • 5. coining.
  • 6. early.
  • 7. Woolsack.
  • 8. one.
  • 9. schools.
  • 10. down.
  • 11. Oatlands.
  • 12. MS. say.
  • 13. fight on the sea.
  • 14. See before, p. 88.
  • 15. son.
  • 16. Thomas Thirlby.
  • 17. William Glynn.
  • 18. ready.
  • 19. robbing.
  • 20. apprentices.
  • 21. whores?
  • 22. sent.
  • 23. mayoress.
  • 24. shrived.
  • 25. one.
  • 26. toties quoties.
  • 27. So in MS. The Lollards' tower at Lambeth palace is meant.
  • 28. marshes.
  • 29. cellars.
  • 30. ale.
  • 31. fought.
  • 32. was not to receive.
  • 33. feast.
  • 34. Whittington.
  • 35. St. Bride's well.
  • 36. pinnaces.
  • 37. guns.
  • 38. Exchequer.
  • 39. pinnace.
  • 40. javelins.
  • 41. See pp. 47, 73.
  • 42. high.
  • 43. wrought.
  • 44. enamel.
  • 45. pillory.
  • 46. cart's tail.
  • 47. carried.
  • 48. This name is supplied by Strype.