Index: L - Z

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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'Index: L - Z', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: L - Z', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: L - Z". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

Lambard, alderman John, his burial, 67, and his wife, ib.; note, 339

Lambeth palace, visited by queen Mary, 110, 122, 143; cardinal Pole dies at, 178; queen Elizabeth dines there, 241; bishops consecrated at, 251

Lambeth, funerals at, 49, 189, 190

Lane, sir Robert, knighted, 335; funeral of his wife, 303; note, 394

Langfold, master, buried at Stony Stratford, 157

Langton, physician, rides in punishment for fornication, 309

Lasen, sir Richard, knighted, 335

Laycroft, armourer, his wife afterwards mistress Gough, 252

Latham, Ralph, his funeral, 144; note, 358

Latimer, Hugh, bishop of Worcester, brought out of the Tower, and conveyed towards Oxford, 57; burnt, 95

Laurans, William, 273

Laurence, sir Oliver, funeral, 187; note, 370

st. Laurence Jury, funerals, 264, 299 (not st. Olave's), note, 393

st. Laurence Poultney, funeral, 127

st. Laurence's, ecclesiastical visitors sit at, 207

Laveroke, Hugh, ("a lame cripple." Foxe, iii. 700.) burnt at Stratford a Bow, 106

Lawes, alias Gryffyn, canon at Elsing spital, does penance at Paul's cross, 74

Laxton, alderman sir William, death, 111; funeral, ib.; notes, 351, 375; his month's mind, 113

Laxton, lady, chief mourner at lady White's funeral, 167; godmother to the son of alderman John White, 198

Lea, sir Harry, knighted, 334

Leadenhall, the city armoury, 292

Leader, sir Oliver, funeral, 128; note, 356

Leathersellers' Company, present at funerals, 118, 235

Lecknolle; see Lewknor.

Lee, sir Richard, at sir Rowl. Hill's funeral, 272

Legatt, Thomas, funeral, 100, note 348

Leigh, sir Thomas, of Hogston, 404
-, —— sir Thomas, chosen sheriff in 1555, 90; mourner, 307; note, 407

Leicester, the under-sheriff of, hanged in st. Paul's churchyard, 54

Lent, proclamations for keeping, 4, 226, 249, 276; note, 315; punishments for not keeping, 168, 249, 302, 304

Lent sermons, 1557, 131; in 1557–8, 168; in 1558–9, 189, 190; in 1559–60, 226–231; in 1560–1, 251–255; in 1561–2, 276–279

Lentall, mistress, her Twelfth-day supper at Henley-upon-Thames, 99

Lentall, Robert, killed in Newgate market, 126

st. Leonard's Foster-lane, funeral, 246

Lestrange, esquire, funeral, 220

Levison, the widow of Nicholas, funeral of, 245; note, 383

Lewen, alderman Thomas, his funeral, 91; note, 344; his two years' mind, 1557, 141; burial of his widow, 294; note, 392

Lewisham, 243

Lewknor ("Lecknolle") condemned to death, 108; his funeral within the Tower, 114

Ley, master, clerk of the paper (pipe?) 151

Ley, lady, buried at st. Dennys Fanchurch, 25

Leyke, auditor, set in the pillory, 105

Libels, proclamation against, 338

Lime street, the Swedish ambassador, lodging there, entertains the queen's council, 262

Licence to beg, forged, 292, note, 408

Licence to kill flesh, 302

Linton, co. Cambridge, 9; funeral at, 168

Liveries, the royal, &c. 397

Loan, from the city to the queen, 168, note, 364

Locke, alderman sir Wm. his funeral, 1; note, 313
-, —— lady, funeral, 12; note, 323
-, —— Harry, son of sir William, christening of his son, 249
-, —— another son of sir William, funeral, 117

Lodge, alderman sir Thomas, chief mourner at sir Wm. Laxton's funeral, 112: chosen sheriff for the queen, 205; sworn in, 213; mourner, 237; at the Grocers' feast, 260; sworn lord mayor, 294; his son christened, 305; note, 375

Logentt and his wife, 277

Lollards' Tower, 94, 118; note, 346

Lombard street, the George inn, 170, 365, 392

London, informed of the designs of the duke of Somerset, 10; presents the queen of Scots with provisions, 11; with 100l. at her departure, 12; visited by the king's lord of misrule, 13; pageants, &c. for queen Mary's coronation, 43, 45; gallows used for the rebels plucked down, 65; preparations for receiving the prince of Spain, 65; rejoicings on king Philip's return to England, 129; commanded to provide arms and armour, 146; rejoicings for victories in France, 147, 150, 152: for peace between the emperor and pope, 154; musters for the French war, 162, 163, 164; parish churches received back temp. Mary the copes of cloth of gold taken from them temp. Edward VI. 165; the general processions in 1557–8, 165; loan negotiated in for the queen 1557–8, 168, note, 364; queen Elizabeth passes in state through, 262

London, Bishop's palace, queen of Scots lodged at, 11; occupied by the French ambassadors, 198; used for a supper by the parishioners of st. Gregory, 288

London bridge, persons drowned at, 36, 41; heads of traitors set on, 101, 104, 106, 109, 137
-, —— see Guildhall and Tower; and churches indexed under the names of Saints

Long Acre, "the back-side Charing.cross," murder in, 121

Longe, mistress, funeral of, 211

Lord mayor's pageant in 1553, 47; in 1554, 72; in 1555, 96; in 1556, 177; in 1557, 155; in 1561, 270; in 1562, 294

Loughborough, lord Hastings of; see Hastings, sir Edward

Loves, master, mercer, funeral of, 240

Lovell, sir Thomas, knighted, 335; his mansion built at Halywell, near Shoreditch, 215

Low, master, mourner at bishop Griffith's funeral, 180

Lucar, Emanuell, chosen master of the Merchant-taylors 1560, 239; note, 380

Lucas, John, funeral, 114; note, 352

Ludgate, traitor's head placed on, 107

st. Luke's day, celebrated by the Painters, with a sermon, 269

Lumley, John lord, made K.B. at queen Mary's coronation, 334

Lumley, lady, mourner at her sister the countess of Arundell's funeral, 155

Lune, Thomas, grocer, his funeral, 110

Luson; see Leveson

Luther, his books ordered to be delivered up, 90

Lutterell, sir John, death, 7; note, 317 a Lye, sir John, knighted, 335

Lyons, sir John, inaugurated lord mayor, 73; at the Grocers' feast, 260; notes, 339, 340; knighted by king Philip, 342

Lyons, John, funeral of his son and heir, 218

Lyons, Lady, funeral, 94; note, 346

Lynsey, master, armourer, hangs himself, 301

Lyster, sir Michael (not Richard), funeral of, 8; note 323

Lyster, Lady, funeral of, 273

Lyttelton, sir Edward, knighted, 335

Macbray, John, vicar of Shoreditch, preaches at a funeral, 24; at Paul's cross, 208; note, 326

Machell, alderman John, second mourner at sir Wm. Laxton's funeral, 112; dines at Thomas Greenhill's, 113; death of, 170; funeral, 171; note, 364

Machyn, funeral of Christopher, brother to Henry, 3

Machyn, Henry, Author of the Diary, Preface; his birthday in 1554, 63; in 1562, 283; present at an oyster feast, 143; a Merchanttaylor, 151; does penance for scandalizing Veron the preacher, 272
-, —— Katharine, birth and christening, 153

Machyn, Kynlure, married to Edward Gardener, cowper, 287

st. Magdalene's, funeral, 232

st. Magnus, London-bridge, funerals at, 106, 136, 176; of bishop Maurice Griffith, 180; the rood burnt, 209

Maid Maryon, 201

Maidstone, 239, 258

Mallory, John, 348
-, —— alderman sir Richard, chosen sheriff in 1557, 141; funeral of his wife, who died of her 17th child, 232; note, 379; his daughter married to William Belliffe, vintner, 247; note, 357; at the Merchant-taylors' feast, 287
-, —— Robert, 348

Maltby, —— condemned for coining, 290

Malton, rebels executed at, 142

Man, Henry, bishop of Man, buried at st. Andrew undershaft, 116; note, 353

Mans, a rich man, in Kent, hanged in Southwark, for his concern in Wyatt's rebellion, 56

Manners, sir Richard, funeral, 3; note, 314

Mansfield, lady Cecily, funeral, 174
-, —— sir Richard, his funeral, 194

Manwaring, master, carted for unclean living, 86

Marche, master, 287

Margaret; see Scots

st. Margaret Moyses, funerals, 224, 269

st. Margaret's Westminster, funerals at, 32, 79, 163, 177, 308; man slain in the churchyard, 246; note, 383

Margyson, skirmish at, 144

st. Mark's day, observance of in 1559, 196

Markets in London, disturbed respecting testerns, 114; regulation of money paid at, 245

Marlow, master, of Crayford, fatal accident to, 304

Marriages, 82, 172, 219, 240, 243, 280, 282, 288, 300

Marruf, or Marlfe, Martin, 336

st. Martin's at Charing cross, a Spanish gentleman buried at, 75; May-game, 89; funerals, 114, 136, 165

st. Martin's le Grand, sanctuary, master Alcock, constable of, 227

st. Martin's at Ludgate, funerals, 158, 181 (two), 220, 237, 248; Veron admitted parson, 228; accident to the steeple, 259

st. Martin Orgars, funeral, 297

st. Martin's Outwich, by "the well with two buckets," note, 367; funerals there, 175, 211, 215; suicide there, 302

st. Martin's in the Vintry, funeral, 140; pretended childbearing within the cloister at, 253

Martin, alderman Roger, sworn in sheriff 1559, 213; at the Grocers' feast, 260; note, 375

Mary, the lady (afterwards queen), her cavalcade through London in 1550–1, 4, 5; visits London, and the king at Greenwich, 20; rides through London to st. John's Clerkenwell, and thence to the king at Westminster, 30; declared illegitimate at queen Jane's proclamation, 35; proclaimed queen of England, 36, 37; note, 331; enters London at Aldgate, and rides to the Tower, 38; removes from st. James's to the Tower, 44; her procession through London, and coronation, 44; opens Parliament, having first heard mass at Westminster abbey, 46; declares her resolution to marry the prince of Spain, 51; visits the city of London during Wyatt's rebellion, 52; pardons the Kentish prisoners in the Tiltyard at Westminster, 56; proclamation that no man should talk regarding her, May 1554, 61; several persons punished for so doing, 63, 64, 65; removes to Richmond on her progress, 64; proclamation respecting her marriage, 66, note, 339; her style, 34, 67, 401; leaves Hampton Court, 69; opens Parliament 12 Nov. 1554, 74; her presumed quickening announced to Parliament, 76; a public thanksgiving thereon, ib.; note, 341; attends the same at Westminster abbey, 77; removes to Hampton Court, to keep Easter and take her chamber, 84; shows herself from a casement, 85; false report of her delivery, 86, note, 343; removes from Hampton Court to Oatlands, 92; rides through London to Tower wharf, and takes barge for Greenwich, 93; takes the pope's jubilee, 94; adjourns the Parliament at Whitehall, and returns to st. James, 98; removes to Eltham, visiting Lambeth on her way, 21 July, 1556, 110; removes from Croydon to st. James's, 114; note, 403; attends even-song at Westminster abbey, 122; removes to Lambeth, and Greenwich, ib.; receives king Philip at Greenwich, and rides in state through London, 129; removes from Greenwich to Westminster 22nd April, 1557, 132; goes in procession on Ascension day, 137; goes to Hampton Court to hunt a great hart, 139; procession on Corpus Christi day, ib.; accompanies king Philip to Sittingbourne, and takes her final leave of him, 142; dines with cardinal Pole at Lambeth, and removes to Richmond, 143; crowns Clarenceux king of arms, 158; creates the lord of st. John's, and makes four knights of Rhodes, 159; opens Parliament, and attends mass at the abbey, 163; note, 405; removes to Greenwich to keep Easter 10 March, 1557–8, 168; woman set in the pillory for reporting her death 12 Nov. 1558, 178; her death 17 Nov. ib.; her body brought into her chapel, 181; her funeral, 182, note, 369; her tomb formed of the altar stones of the abbey church, 256

Mary, queen of Scots, proclamation in London relative to her conduct, 229

Mary-Rose, of London, her fight with the French, 152

Marie-Willoughby, ship launched, 317

st. Mary's, Aldermary, imprisonment of the parson of, 51; funeral at, 173

st. Mary le Bow, cardinal Pole confirmed (?) at, 102; bishops consecrated at, 220; christening, 249; funeral, 143; marriage, 295

st. Mary Colechurch, funeral, 120

st. Mary Mawdlen, in Milk street, funerals, 110, 171

st. Mary's Overy, sermon at, 48; funerals 73, 133; of bishop Gardiner, 97, 100; sermon, 136

st. Mary Somerset, funeral, 149

st. Mary Spital; see Spital

st. Mary Stayning, funerals at, 160, 169

st. Mary Woolnoth, funeral at, 225; marriage 240

Mason, sir John, present at the proclamation of queen Mary, 37; dines with Clarenceux, 248

Mass, revived in London, 42; at the French ambassador's, 225; priests arrested for saying, 291, 292; on Candlemas day, 1563, disturbed, 299

Mastiffs carried from England by the French ambassadors, 199

Masques, at weddings, 172, 288

Masket, in procession from London to the court, 276

Mathew, sir George, knighted, 335

st. Matthew's, Friday street, funeral at, 235

Matson, captain Thomas, funeral of his wife, 185; his funeral 208; note, 405

Mauleverer, sir Edmund, knighted, 335

Maundy, kept by the queen in 1560, 230

May, William, dean of st. Paul's, buried there, 241; note 382

May-day sports on the Thames 1559, 196

May-games, 89, 137, 201; note, 373

Maypole erected at Fanchurch, 20; at Cuckoldhaven, 283

Maydwell, preaches, 3

Maynard, John, chosen sheriff, 24; his preparation for the office, 326; his Christmas lord misrule and morris dance, 28; shriving Jackof-Lent, 33; funeral, 157

Maynard, master, at an oyster feast, 143

Mayor; see Lord Mayor

Meal and malt, prices of in 1556–7, 123; bad meal burnt in Cheapside, 136; proclamation respecting, 306

Meat; see Butcher

Medley, George, chamberlain of the city of London, his funeral, 71

Mellish, Robert, merchant-taylor, funeral of, 279; note, 389

de Mendoca, John, 401

Mercers' Company, their supper in 1559, 205; in 1562, 288; present at funerals, 36, 71, 119, 240, 245, 272

Merchant-adventurers, funerals of, 36, 116, 237

Merchants of Muscovy, funerals of, 160, 170, 172, 236, 237; see Muscovy

Merchants of the staple, funerals of, 36, 51, 115, 116, 240, 245, 311

Merchant-taylors' feast in 1555, 91; mass of st. John, 93; in 1556, 109, note, 350; in 1557, 141, 149; in 1559, 208; in 1560, 238, note, 380; in 1561, 261; in 1562, 287; character of the company, 345; present at funerals, 3, 27, 42, 113, 173, 280, 293

Merchant-taylors' school, foundation of, 380

Merchant-strangers, their service at the Friars Austins, 140; funeral of one, 257

Merick, [William,] chosen second warden of the Merchant-taylors' company 1560, 239

Mering, sir William, knighted, 335

Meteors, 246

Metham, sir Thomas, knighted, 335

Methwold, Hugh, mercer, 385

Meverell, fled beyond sea, proclaimed a traitor, 103

st. Michael, the French order, worn by Edward VI. 9; notes, 321, 396

st. Michael's Basinghall, funeral, 116

st. Michael's in Cornhill, ecclesiastical visitors sit at, 207

st. Michael's, Queenhithe, funeral, 231

Middleton Stony, monstrous birth of double children at, 22; their death, 24

Midsummer-day, pageantry on, 261

Mildmay, Thomas, auditor of the augmentations, funeral of his wife, 154; note, 360

Mile-end green, part of sir Thomas Wyatt's remains suspended there, 60; festival of the queen's cooks at, 191

Mincing-lane, sheriff Hawse's house in, 201

Minories, funeral at, 168

Minster in Shepey, lord Cheney buried at, 184

Mint at the Tower, visited by the queen. 262

Misrule, the king's lord of, visits London at Christmas 1551–2, 13; appointed at Christmas 1552–3, 28; visits London and goes in procession with the sheriff's lord of misrule, ib.; note, 337; the lord treasurer's lord of misrule visits the city, 125; in 1557–8, 162; in 1560, 273

Molineux, sir Richard, knighted, 335

Mollens, John, archdeacon of London, preaches at Paul's cross, 234, 254; at a funeral, 245

Monge? lord, 270

Monk, Carthusian, his funeral at the Savoy, 110

Monks and Friars, dismissed in 1559, 204; ridiculed in a masque, 288

Monsters of the year 1562, 389

Montagu, Anthony Browne, viscount, at the duke of Norfolk's obsequy, 70; bears the sword before king Philip, 72; conducts cardinal Pole to London, 75; receives the prince of Piedmont, 79; comes from Rome, 93; receives the queen and king at Greenwich, ib. chief mourner at bp. Gardiner's funeral, 101; rides with the queen towards Eltham, 110; attends the queen to Westminster Abbey, 122; at a muster of the pensioners in Greenwich park, 124; attends on the Russian ambassador, 127; on the earl of Northumberland at his creation, 134; at st. George's day, 1557, ib.; went with contingent in aid of king Philip, 143; at st. George's feast, 1559, 200; goes ambassador to Spain, 225; at an installation at Windsor, 258; fray between his men and lord Delawarr's, for which he is committed to the Fleet, 270; at st. George's feast, 1563, 305, 306; at installation, 308
-, —— lady, bears queen Mary's train, 122

Montagu, sir Edward, chief justice, committed to the Tower, 38; note, 331; fined, and released, 43; funeral, 128; note, 356

Monteagle, Thomas Stanley, lord, his funeral, 243; note, 382

Month's minds, 2, 9, 24, 70, 113, 128, 152, 175; see Two years' mind

Montmorenci, duke of, his two sons come to London, 23 May, 1559, 197

Moorfields, musters in, 18, 293; heretics buried beside the dog-house in, 95, note, 346; woman drowned in, 111; marsh-fires seen in, 123

Mordaunt, John (first) lord, preparations for his funeral, 291; burial (misprinted "lady") 292; note, 392

Mordaunt, John (second) lord, a mourner at the funeral of sir Humphrey Brown, 297

Morice, lady, her funeral, 6; note, 316

Morgan, Francis, puisne judge of the king's bench, funeral of, 172; note, 366

Morgan, Henry, consecrated bishop of St. David's, 58

Morgan, sir Richard, chief justice of the common pleas, knighted, 335; present at a sermon, 48; funeral of, 106; note, 349

Morgayne, mr., goldsmith, his funeral, 16

Morley, Henry Parker, lord, funeral, 120; note, 359; see Parker

Morning prayer, "of Geneva fashion," 212

Morres-dance round the maypole at Fanchurch, 20; in 1559, 201

Morton, Thomas, buried at Fulham, 171; note, 365

Morton, esquire, buried at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 217

Morwen, ("Murryn,") preaches at Paul's cross, 131

Mosbe, John, and his sister, hanged for the murder of Arden, of Feversham, 4

Mountjoy, James lord, made K.B. at queen Mary's coronation, 45, 334

Mummers, 231

Murders, 30, 126, 225, 296; of Arden, of Feversham, 4, note, 315; see Homicide

Murray, James earl of, 327

Muscovy, ambassador from, enters London, 127; goes to court, and dines with the lord mayor, 130; dines with the abbot of Westminster, and visits St. Edward's shrine, 132; at even-song at Whitehall on st. George's day, 133, 134; note, 355

Muscovy company, their entertainment of the ambassador from Muscovy, 130; funeral of sir George Barnes the "chief merchant," 166; funerals of other merchants, 170, 173, 236, 237

Musters in Hyde park, 12, 323; in Moorfields, 18; of the pensioners in Greenwich park, 124; for the relief of Calais, 162, 163, 164; notes, 362, 404; of the pensioners in Hyde park, 167; in st. James's park, ib.; the city, in 1559, at Greenwich, 202, note, 373; in London, 289, 290, 293

Mynors, master, chief mourner at master Dericote's funeral, 296

Narboone, Nicholas (Risebank pursuivant), created Bluemantle, 181; Richmond herald, 185

Nauncycles, John, 348

Necolles, a taylor, kills a hosier in st. Paul's churchyard, 244

Negro, sir Peryn, or Peter, his funeral, 8; note, 320

Neville, sir Henry, knighted, 18; note, 322

Newdigate, mr. sent to the Tower, 10

Newgate market, murder in, 126

Newgate sessions, 18, 223, 282

New Hall in Essex, inhabited by the lady Mary, 5

Newhaven, captured, 312; note, 396

Newington, co. Surrey, part of sir Thomas Wyatt's remains suspended there, 60; three heretics burnt at, 137, 139; archbishop Parker preaches there, 253

Nicholas, saint, his procession commanded by the bishop of London in 1554, 75; celebration of the feast of in 1554, 77; processions of, 121

st. Nicholas Coleabbey, the mass revived there, 42; disgrace of parson Chicken, 48; funeral there, 276

st. Nicholas' shambles, 295

st. Nicholas "Willyms," mass at, 42; note, 333

Nichols, Thomas, executor to lady Locke, 323

Nicholls, John, festivities at his daughter's marriage to master Cooke, 288; his daughter christened, 305

Nonsuch, queen Elizabeth entertained there, 206, note, 405; sir T. Cawarden dies there, 208

Nonsuch park, 350, 374

Norfolk, Thomas third duke of, rode up and down the hall at queen Mary's coronation, 45; as earl marshal, 46; sent against the rebels of Kent, 52; buried at Framlingham, 70; his obsequy at st. Mary Overy's, ib.; note, 339

Norfolk, Thomas fourth duke of (see lord Howard), a servant of his kills a servant of the marquess of Winchester, 126; accident to, 139; christening of his eldest son, 141; note, 357; present at the proclamation of queen Elizabeth in London, 178; justs at the Tiltyard, 187; elected K.G. 196; present at the sermon at Paul's cross, 197; installed at Windsor, 200; made free of the Fishmongers' company, 274; challenger to a just, 276; rides into London with his duchess, accompanied by a hundred horse and four heralds, 294; at st. George's feast 1563, 306; at installation, 308; his decree respecting funerals, 309; his mansion by St. Katharine Creechurch, 392

Norfolk, Mary duchess of, attends queen Mary on her entrance into London, 38; her hearse set up, and funeral, 149; note, 359

Norfolk, Margaret duchess of, accompanies the duke to London, 294; note, 359

Norris, master (usher of the Garter, or Black Rod,), 258, 281

North, sir Edward, a servant of his murdered in Charterhouse churchyard, 30; note, 328; (lord North) bears the sword before king Philip, 76; mourner at the countess of Arundel's funeral, 155; visited at the Charterhouse by the queen, 263

North, Alice lady, funeral, 242; note, 382
-, —— sir Roger, made K.B. 370
-, —— master, a tilter, 203

North, William, kills master Wynborue at the west door of st. Paul's, 220; trial and execution of, 222

Northampton, William Parr marquess of, conveyed the Garter to France, 320; attends the queen of Scots, 11; his men of arms mustered, 12, 18, 19; great chamberlain at the opening of parliament, 329; committed to the Tower, 1553, 38; arraigned and condemned, 41; delivered from the Tower, 58; elected K.G. on st. George's day, 1559, 196; present at the sermon at Paul's cross, 197; witnesses the city musters, 202; conducts the prince of Sweden into London, 214; is a judge at justs, 233; attends the queen to the mint, 263; at st. George's feast 1563, 306

Northampton, marchioness of, 30; godmother to sir Thomas Chamberlain's son, 216

Northumberland, John Dudley earl of Warwick created duke of, 10, note, 322; receives the queen of Scots at court, 11; his men of arms and standard, 12, 19; sits with the council at Guildhall, 20; departs to assume the office of Lord Warden of the Marches towards Scotland, 21; note, 325; receives the lady Mary, 31; assembles an army to withstand the supporters of Mary, and moves towards Cambridge and Bury, 36; arrested at Cambridge, 37; committed to the Tower, ib.; arraigned and condemned, 41; preparations for his execution, but deferred, 42

Northumberland, Jane duchess of, receives the lady Mary at court, 30; her funeral, 81; note, 342

Northumberland, Henry Percy, made a knight and baron 30 April, and created earl 1 May, 1557, 133, note, 356; sends news of fight with the Scots, 158; justs, 233; said to have borne the sword before the queen on the opening of parliament, 299; elected K.G. 306; installed, 308

Norwich, a suffracan bishop of, 105

Norwich, lady, funeral, 110; note, 351

Nowell, Alexander, dean of Paul's, preaches at funerals, 84, 272, 280, 283, 284, 293; at Paul's cross, 226, 259, 280; at court, 251, 253, 276, 277, 278, 279 (thrice); at the opening of parliament, 299; spital sermon, 305

Nuns; see Syon

Oatlands, king Edward at, 21; king Philip and queen Mary, 29; queen Elizabeth there, 241

Offley, sir Thomas, his mayoralty show, 117; knighted, 125; at Merchant-taylors' feast, 149, 261, 287; godfather to Thomas White, 248; mourner at funerals, 272, 303, 307; note, 353

Ogle, mistress, her funeral, 124

Oglethorpe, Owen, elected bishop of Carlisle, (described as dean of Durham instead of Windsor,) 103; buried at st. Dunstan's in the West, 221; note, 378

Oggrave, Ellis, death of, 310

st. Olave's, Hart street, funeral, 218

st. Olave's, Silver-street, parish feast, 145

st. Olave's, Southwark, christening at, 242; funerals. 118, 221, 303

Olyffe, sir John, his funeral, 116; note, 352

O'Neil, "the great," brought to England by the earl of Kildare, 274; rides into Cheapside, 275; runs at the ring, 277

Onyon, Alexander, or Ninion Saunders, drowned, 36

Oranges, 196, 237; see Glossarial Index

Ordination, very numerous one, at st. Paul's, 224

Organs, played in a church for rejoicing, 343

Ormond, earl of, sent against the rebels of Kent, 52; challenger to tilt, 203

Ospring, execution at, 4

st. Osyth, (Sythe) funeral at, 218

Owen, John, drowned, 36, 330

Owen, doctor George, his funeral, 177; note, 368

Oxenbridge, sir Robert, Lieutenant of the Tower, 108, 127; mourner at the king of [Portugal's] obsequies, 148

Oxford, burning of Latimer and Ridley at, 95; of Cranmer, 103

Oxford session in 1556, 115

Oxford, Anne countess of, her hearse at Lambeth, 189; note, 371

Oxford, John earl of, bears the sword at the opening of Parliament, 329; conducts the prince of Sweden into London, 214; his funeral, 290; note, 391

Oxford, Edward earl of, after attending his father's funeral, rides into London with seven-score horse, 291

Oyster feast, 143

Packington, sir Thomas, knighted, 335

Page, lady, buried at Clerkenwell, 147

Pageants, prepared in London for queen Mary's coronation, 43, 45
-, —— see Lord Mayor's pageants

Paget, sir Henry, made K.B. at queen Mary's coronation, 45, 334; dines with Clarenceux, 248

Paget, William lord, sent to the Tower, 10, 12; conducts cardinal Pole into London, 75; examines lord Stourton's servants, 126; at st. George's day 1557, 134; commissioner to negociate a loan from the city, 168; dines with the lord mayor, 169; dines with Clarenceux, 248; at an installation at Windsor, 258; death, 309; funeral, ib.; note, 395

Pagm . . . . master, his funeral, 24

Painters' company, present at funerals, 32, 77, 185, 296; Richard Wethers, a cunning man, 77

Palden, Humphry, 332

Palmer, sir Thomas, knighted, 335; committed to the Tower, 37; arraigned and condemned 41; note, 332

Palmer, vintner, funeral of his wife, 234

st. Pancras, Soper-lane, marriage at, 247; notes, 379, 384

Pargeter, George, his funeral, 56; note, 337

Paris, sir Philip, knighted, 335; funeral of, 168

Paris garden, bear and bull baiting at, 198; landing place, 26, 225

Parker, sir Henry, made K.B. at queen Mary's coronation, 334; his funeral, 50; note, 337

Parker, Matthew, preaches before the queen, 189; elected archbishop of Canterbury, 201; officiates at st. Paul's at the French king's obsequies, 210; consecrated, 220; goes to consecration of Bishops at Bow church, 220; preaches at court ("a noble sermon"), 230; queen Elizabeth dines with him, 29, 241; preaches at Newington, Surrey, 253; at mr. Goodrick's funeral, 283

Parliament begins 25 Jan. 1551–2, 15; opening of, March 1, 1552–3, 32, 329; opened by queen Mary, 5 Oct. 1553, 46; end of, 50; opened by queen Mary, April 2, 1554, 59; opened by king Philip and queen Mary, 12 Nov. 1554, 74; is informed by cardinal Pole of the queen's quickening, 76; adjourned 9 Dec. 98; opened by queen Mary 20 Jan. 1557–8, 163; ends 7 March, 168; proclamation of the acts passed in, 169; ended 10 May 1559, 197; opening of queen Elizabeth's second, 12 Jan. 1562–3, 299

Parr, preaches at funeral, 235 (and receives a black gown and tippet)

Parrott, sir John, committed to the Tower, 104; challenger to tilt, 203

Parston, (Paston?) late wife of master Howell, doctor of physick, buried, 289

Partridge, sir Miles, sent to the Tower, 10; arraigned, 15; hanged, ib.

Parys, William, fishmonger, sir W. Walworth's tomb repaired at his cost, 285

Pascal light made for Westminster Abbey in 1557–8, 169

Pate, Richard, bishop of Worcester, sings high mass at the confirmation (?) of cardinal Pole as archbishop of Canterbury, 102

Patenson, brewer, funeral of, 249

Paulet, lord, mourner at st. Paul's at the French king's obsequies, 210
-, —— lord Giles, christening of his daughter, 288; note, 391
-, —— sir William, made K.B. at queen Mary's coronation, 45, 334
-, —— sir George, brother to the marquess of Winchester, embarks for foreign service, 144; funeral, 171

Paull, rebel executed at, 142

st. Paul's cathedral, processions at, 49, 51; hearse for king Edward there, 49; the Apostles' mass recommenced there, 61; thanksgiving for queen Mary's quickening, 76, note, 341; cardinal Pole received at, 77, note, 341; public penance at, 79, 340; hearse for the queen of Spain at, 90; dirge for the souls of Henry VII. and queen Elizabeth, Henry VIII. and queen Katharine, and Edward VI. 62; ceremonies of st. Katharine's eve at, 119; Fishmongers' procession to, 138; hearse for the king of [Portugal] in, 147; ceremonies performed by new serjeants at law there, 195; obsequies for Henry III. king of France, 209, 211; the Protestant morning service begins, at the hour of the Apostles' mass, 312; master Winborue slain at the west door, 220; numerous ordinations at, 224; the spire fired by lightning, 259; measures taken for its rebuilding, 260, 262; the rails set up on the new battlements, 267; service recommenced in, 271; the lord mayor and crafts attend, ib.; fray in the church, 273; funerals at, 15, 181, 257, 307; sermons in the shrouds, 71, 151, 237, 253; the new Rood, temp. Mar. 398; see Jesus Chapel
-, —— Lollards' Tower, 94, 118; note, 346

Paul's, children of, perform a play before the queen at Nonsuch, 206

Paul's bakehouse, 30

Paul's churchyard, burial in, 170; infant supposed to speak there, 88; note, 343; master Bodley slain in, 227

Paul's cross, sermons at, 41 (two), 44, 46, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 88, 100, 101, 131, 135, 140, 147, 158, 164, 165, 166, 168, 178, 192, 194, 197, 204, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211, 212, 215, 218, 222, 226, 227, 228, 265, 267, 286, 299; riot at the sermon in 1552, 41, 332; doctor Pendleton shot at, when preaching there, 65; railings at, 98 (bis); state of the cross in 1559, 372; sermons removed to the Grey friars, on account of the repairs of the cathedral, 262

st. Paul's deanery, the council sit there, 43; the French ambassador lodged at, 225

st. Paul's day, celebration of in 1554–5, 80; procession at, 141

st. Paul's school, funeral of an usher of, 247

Paul's head in Carter lane, 283

Paul's wharf, 198, 271

Pawlett; see Paulett

Payne, skinner, funeral of, 233

Peace with France proclaimed, 193; note, 372

Peckham, sir Edmond, executor to the lady Anna of Cleves, and rides at her funeral, 145; mourner at the king of [Portugal's] obsequies, 148
-, —— sir Robert, knighted, 334
-, —— Harry, committed to the Tower, 102; hung at Tybourn, 109; notes, 348, 351

Pecsall, wife of sir Richard, death of, 175; note, 367

Peerages, conferred by Edward VI. in 1551, 10; note, 321; other creations, 133

Pelham, sir (Nicholas), his funeral, 243; note, 382

Pembroke, William Herbert, earl of, (see Herbert), created earl of Pembroke, 10; receives the queen of Scots at court, 11; attends her out of town, ib.; his men of arms, 13, 19; his entrance into London, 3, 31; present at the proclamation of queen Mary, 37; appointed general against sir Thomas Wyatt, 52; rides into London to the parliament with 200 horse and sixty blue-coats, 74; bears king Philip's sword, ib.; his badge, ib.; mourner at St. Paul's for the queen of Spain, 90; waits on cardinal Pole at Bow church, 103; rides with the queen towards Eltham, 110; takes his barge towards Calais, 119; attends on the earl of Northumberland at his creation, 134; at st. George's day, 1557, ib.; chief captain of an army sent in aid of king Philip, 143; bears the queen's sword, 180; queen Elizabeth sleeps at his place (Baynard castle) 196; keeps st. George's feast at Windsor, 200; judge at justs, and wounded by a splinter, 233; the lord Loughborough brought to his custody, 256; entertains the queen at Baynard's castle, 275; present at the Mercers' supper, 288; godfather to the son of sir T. Lodge, lord mayor, 305; at st. George's feast, 1563, 306
-, —— Henry, second earl; see Herbert
-, —— Anne countess of, funeral, 15; note, 324

Penances at Paul's cross, 73, 79, 100, 101, 271, 302, 340

Pendleton, doctor, shot at, when preaching at Paul's cross, 65; preaches at Paul's cross, 74; at a funeral, 117; spital sermon, 131; of St. Stephen's Walbrook, 152

Penred, punished for severity as a schoolmaster, 311

Pensioners, the queen's, (lord Bray their captain) their muster before the queen in Greenwich park, 124; their standard, ib.; muster in Hyde park, 167; in st. James's park, 167

Penshurst, funeral of sir William Sydney at, 31; earl of Warwick dies there, 72

Pentices, proclamation against, 35

Perce, master, the queen's skinner, his wife's funeral, 177

Percy, master, mourner at Ralph Preston's funeral, 176

Percy, Henry, comes from France with tidings for the queen, 234

Perjury, punishments for, 74, 104, 245, 250

Perro(?) in France, winning of, 152

Peryn, William, a black friar, preaches at Paul's cross, 100; at a funeral, 119; a Lent sermon, 131; funeral of, 171; note, 365

st. Peter's day, fair kept in St. Margaret's churchyard, Westminster, 140

st. Peter's in Cheap, funerals at, 2, 73, 115, 138, 247, 252, 255; procession of, 62; Fishmongers' procession, 62

st. Peter le Poor, funerals, 114, 190

Peterborough, funeral at, 142

Petre, sir William, attends on st. George's day, 132, 134, 306; chief mourner at bishop Griffith's funeral, 180; dines with the lord mayor, 169

Petre, lady, chief mourner at the funeral of lady Cecily Mansfield, 174

Phassett (Fawcett?) gentleman, funeral of, 263

Philips, Robert, 206; note, 374

Philip, king, his style, 34, 67; created a knight of the Garter, 60; preparations in London for his reception, 65; for his marriage at Winchester, 66; attends mass at St. Paul's, 72; attends the opening of Parliament, 74, note, 401; engages in the juego de cannas, 76, note, 401; attends the Parliament, ib.; welcomes cardinal Pole at the court, 76; attends Westminster abbey in state, 77; at a tournay, 79; knights made by him, 342; witnesses the performance of a master of fence, 82; tilts, 83, 84; attends mass on st. Paul's day, 81; joins the procession of the Garter on st. George's day, 85; removes from Hampton Court to Oatlands, 93; rides with the queen through London, 93; takes his journey towards Dover, ibid.; note, 346; sends letters to the queen, 128; returns from beyond sea, 129; attends mass with the queen, and rides through London in state, ib.; removes from Greenwich to Westminster, 132; joins the procession of the Garter, 134; goes in procession on Ascension day, 137; goes to Hampton-court to hunt, 139; goes in procession on Corpus Christi day, ib.; goes hunting in Epping Forest, 141; stands godfather to Philip earl of Arundel, ib., note, 357; takes journey toward Dover, accompanied by the queen, and stops at Sittingbourne, 142; takes shipping for Calais, ib.; married to the French king's daughter, 204

Philpot, archdeacon, burned in Smithfield, 98

Philpott, master, preaches at funeral, 296, 297

Pickering, master, buried at st. Peter's in Cheap, 73

Piedmont, ambassador of, arrives in London, 66; note, 339; prince of, arrives, and visits the Tower, 79; attends mass at st. Paul's, 81; note, 341

Pig, prodigious, 281

Pilkington, James, bishop of Durham, preaches at funerals, 226, 254, 255; at court, 227, 252, 253, 284; a spital sermon, 254; at Paul's cross, 248, 299

Pillory, persons punished in the, 21, bis, and in almost every page

Pilson; see Pylson

Pirates, trial of, 4; see Wapping

Placard, political, 330

Plague, blue cross painted on the doors of houses infected with, 310; and fires lighted in the streets, ib.; note, 396

Plays: "stage-play" of the Passyon of Christ, at the Grey Friars, London, 138; at the parish feast of st. Olave's Silver street, 145; plays forbidden for a certain time, 193; by the children of Paul's, at Nonsuch, 206; at court, 221, 222; note, 378; by the gentlemen of the Temple before the queen, 275; note, 388; Julius Cæsar, 276; after the Barber-surgeons' dinner in 1562, 290

Pointz, sir Nicholas, made K.B. 370

Poisoning, 196, 235, 236; punishment for, 197

Pole, cardinal, returns from Brabant, 75; note, 340; publicly received in London, 77; note, 341; received at court, and takes up his abode at Lambeth, 76; addresses the parliament on the queen's quickening, ib.; attends mass at st. Paul's, 81; received with procession in Westminster abbey, 98; consecrated archbishop at Greenwich, and confirmed at Bow church, 102; note, 348; visited by queen Mary at Lambeth, and rides with her towards Eltham, 110; accompanies the queen from Croydon to St. James's, 114; present at the consecration of abbat Feckenham, 120; attends the queen to Westminster abbey, 122; in Greenwich park, 124; entertains her at Lambeth, 143; at Whitehall, 159; preaches there, ib.; dies, 178; funeral, 181; note, 368

Pollard, sir John, knighted, 335; committed to the Tower, 104; burial of, 148

Ponet, John, bishop of Winchester, his divorce and remarriage, 8, 320; his "Treatise of Politic Power," 323

Pope, sir Thomas, funeral, 188; note, 370

Poplar, dinner at sheriff Maynard's funeral, 157

Portman, sir William, funeral, 125; note, 355

Portsmouth, two French ships brought to, 25; the storehouse burned, 140, 357; city trainbands conducted to, 293; men sent thither from London, 311, 312

Portugal, John III. obsequies at st. Paul's for [called "king of Denmark,"] note, 358

Pott, Gilbert, punished in the pillory, 330

Pottnam (Puttenham?), esquire, his funeral, 189

Poultry, proclamations for the price of, 219, 230

Powis, Edward lord, death, 7; note, 317
-, —— Cecily lady, her funeral, 163; notes, 362, 404

Powlett; see Paulet

Powtrell, Nicholas, made serjeant-at-law, 373

Poynings, sir Adrian, knight marshal in France, 394

Pranell (?), master, his funeral, 157; note, 361

Pre-emption, the queen's right of, abused, and consequent punishment, 189

Prentice, woman punished for cruelty to, 17
-, —— a swaggering one, 262

Prest, or loan, 364

Preston, Ralph, skinner, funeral, 176; note, 367

Priests, marriage of, 216; their wives dismissed, 50, 267; note, 398; one (at Paul's cross) laments his marriage, 69; one hung for cutting a purse, 227; one punished for reading mass, 291

Primrose, launched, 317

Prisons of London, transfer of their custody from the old to the new sheriffs, 268

Processions, on st. Katharine's day at St. Paul's, 49; sermon in favour of, ib.; others, 49; general, 82, 87, 165

Proclamations on the coinage, 7, 114, 122, 243, 245, 260, 272, 276, 279, notes, 383, 384, 388; against ingrating or ingrossing, against usury, for regulating public-houses, and against fighting in churches, 17, note, 325; for holidays and fasts, for curriers and leather-sellers, tinkers and pedlars, 18; Gascon wine, ale, and beer, ib.; respecting the price of meat, 9, 24, 91, notes, 321, 326; of poultry, 219, 230; against the sale of great horses, 26; regulating pentices, and condemning privy lights, 35; respecting vagabonds, 69, note, 339; for delivering up heretical books, 90; note, 344; of traitors fled beyond sea, 103; as to deserted children, 119; of war with France, 138, 357; of peace with France, 193; of the acts passed in Parliament, 169; respecting ale and beer, 147; of five acts, 198; on apparel, 216, 281, note, 376; for keeping Lent, 4, 226, 249; of the conduct of the French king and Scottish queen, 229; by the mayor against keeping gunpowder, 240; that freemen should not wear cloaks in London, 246; respecting the French, 311, 312; note, 396

Proctor, taken at Scarborough castle, 135; condemned, 136

Prodigies; see Calf, Pig

Progress of King Edward in 1551, 21; note, 325

Prophetess, pretended, 88

Protestant funeral service in 1559, 193; the English service commenced in the queen's chapel, 197

Provisions, proclamation respecting meat, 9, 24, 91; notes, 321, 326; penalty inforced by the forfeiture of a cartload of beef, 20; punishments for bad meat, 56, 57; for fish, 189; proclamations respecting poultry, 219, 230; see Purveyors

Psalm-singing, in the Geneva way, 228 (bis); 247

st. Pulcher's procession, attacked by a Protestant, 64; funerals at, 142, 161, 258, 263, 276

Purfew, bishop; see Warton

Purgatory preached by bp. Bourn, 78; its existence plainly denied by bishop Jewell, 224

Purveyors, one of the Queen's, punished by the pillory, 189, note, 371; another, 223

Putney, king Edward there, 21; funeral at, 170

Putnam, gentleman, convicted of rape, 256

Puttenham; see Pottnam

Pye corner, 225

Pylson, sir Edward, knighted 335

Pynoke, master, his funeral, 166

Queenhithe, waterman whipped at, 272; stairs borne away, 279

Quest (jury), on the trial of sir Thomas Arundel, shut up all night without meat or drink, 15

Qwalett, Ralph, 151

Randall, Thomas, married to Mary Rowe, 376

Ramsey, Harry, of Amwell, 143

Ratcliffe, sir Henry, knighted, 334

Rawlins, the two, committed to the Tower, 102

Raynford, sir John, funeral of, 211; note, 375

Reche, lady, funeral of, 144, note, 358

Red Bull, beyond Coldharbour, 267

Red-cross street, lady Walgrave resident there, 266; fray in, 293

"Regamus," a messenger from Spain, 151

Rehearsal service at the spital, 231

Reigate, earthquake at, 6

Reformation, post of, 164

Religion, proclamation respecting changes in, Dec. 1553, 50

Reniger, Michael, preaches at Paul's cross, 272; at funerals, 297, 393; verses on the young dukes of Suffolk, 319

Renold, Roger, fled beyond sea, proclaimed a traitor, 103

Rhodes, knights of, one buried, 158; four made, 159

Rich, sir Hugh, made K.B. at queen Mary's coronation, 45, 334; his funeral, 76
-, —— Elizabeth lady, her funeral, 184; note, 369
-, —— sir Robert, made K.B. 370

Richardson the Scot preaches a sermon refusing to recant, 91; preaches at funerals, 6, 13, 218; parson of st. Matthew's, 262, 269; at the Barber-surgeons' feast, 290

Richardson, sir Richard, priest, 99

Richmond, earl of Devonshire created there, 43; funeral at, 51; queen Elizabeth there, 241

Ridges, master, auditor, funeral of, 173

Riding, punishment by, 218, 220, 221, 227, 229, 238, 245, 248, 253, 258, 295 (twice), 299; with music, to shame a scold, 301; note, 394

Ridley, Nicholas, bishop of London, committed to the Tower, 38; brought out of the Tower and conveyed towards Oxford, 57; burnt at Oxford, 96

Ring, running at, 5, 277, 316

Rings, "false," sold, 109; note, 408

Robbery, 93, 108, 241

Robinson ("Robyn"), William, alderman of London, funeral, 28; epitaph, 328

Roche, lady (widow of sir William), funeral, 190; note, 371

Rochester castle, seized by the Kentish rebels in 1553–4, 52

Rochester, dean of, 231

Rochester, sir Robert, made comptroller of the household, 39; K.B. at queen Mary's coronation, 45, 334; mourner at the duke of Norfolk's obsequy, 70; receives the queen and king at Greenwich, 93; mourner at bp. Gardiner's funeral, 101; chosen K.G. 133, 134; funeral of, 160

Roe; see Rowe

Rogation week, processions in, 61, 236

Rogers delivered from the Tower [an error of the Diarist?], 80

Rogers, John, arraigned, 80; burnt in Smithfleld, 81; note, 340

Rokeby, Ralph, made a serjeant-at-law, 327

Rood in st. Paul's, 397; in st. Margaret's Westminster, 399

Roods, &c., from the churches, burnt in London, 207, 208, 209

Roodlofts, destruction of, 241, 408

Roper, master, at the funeral of lady White, 167

Rose, at Fleet bridge, 16

Rose, at St. Katharine's, 304

Rose tavern, riot at, 221

Rose, [Robert,] chosen master warden of the Merchant-taylors' company, 239

Rose pence, by proclamation, to pass only in Ireland, not in England, 114

Rosse, Thomas, a Protestant minister, sent to the Tower, 79

Rossey, William, keeper of the Starchamber, committed to the Tower, 102; accuses Throgmorton and Woodhall of high treason, 104; himself condemned, and hung, 106

Rotherham, murder of master West at, 107, 165; funeral gear of auditor Swift made for, 266

Rowe, alderman sir Thomas, chosen warden of the Merchant-taylors, 91; at the Merchanttaylors' feast, 149; his daughter married, 215, note, 376; at the Grocers' feast, 260; closes his shrievalty, 268; note, 345

Rowlett, sir Ralph, funeral of his wife Dorothy, 160, note, 362; of his wife Margaret, 169, note, 364

Royston, funeral at, 303

Rud, recants at Paul's cross, and laments that he was ever married, 69

Rudston, master, joins sir Thomas Wyatt's rebellion, 52

Ruffe, a Scot and friar, takes part with the Gospellers, 160; condemned to be burnt, 161

Rufford, Giles, murder of, 102, 103; note, 349

Running at the ring, 5, 277, 316

Russell, Francis lord, (second earl of Bedford,) attends the queen of Scots, 11; committed to the Fleet, 38; receives the prince of Piedmont, 79; see Bedford
-, —— Francis lord, present at the sermon at Paul's cross, 197; accompanies the queen to Deptford, 232

Russell, mistress, funeral, 235

Rutland, Henry earl of, resident in Whittington College, 3; his men of arms and standard, 13, 19; committed to the Fleet, 38; attends on the earl of Northumberland at his creation, 134; takes the muster of the queen's pensioners, 167; elected K.G., 196; present at the sermon at Paul's cross, 197; installed at Windsor, 200; judge at justs, 233; deputy for the queen at an installation at Windsor, 247; at st. George's feast, 306

Rutland, Margaret countess of, death, 215; her hearse, ib.; funeral, 216; note, 376

Rye, loss of the Greyhound at, 302, 308

Ryth, Richard, fled beyond sea, proclaimed a traitor, 103

Sackville, John, esquire, his funeral, 153; note, 360; at the French king's obsequies, 210; sits at Guildhall, 290; chief mourner at master Denham's funeral, 301

Sackville, lady, deputy for queen Elizabeth as godmother to Robert Dethick, 264

Sadler, alderman, and draper, his funeral, 203; note, 374

St. John's, Clerkenwell, the princess Mary's place, 4, 30

St. Leger, sir Anthony, K.G., at St. George'sday, 134; mourner at the countess of Arundel's funeral, 155; his funeral, 192; his wife dies shortly after, ib.; note, 372

St. Loe, sir John, his funeral, 191; note, 371

St. Michael, order of, sent to king Edward 9, 321, 397

Saint Quintin's, winning of, 147; rejoicings in London thereon, ib. 150; lord Bray's death got there, 158; "Book of the army" at, 358

Salisbury, lord Stourton hanged at, 128

Salters' company, a priest bequeaths his all to, 176; their feast in 1562, 286; a funeral(?) 226

Sampson, dean of Christ-church, burns "great riches" at Oxford, 266; preaches at a funeral, 27; at court, 252, 254; at Paul's cross, 192, 231, 280; notes, 347, 372

Samsun, sir Thomas, a priest, does penance for having two wives, 100; note, 347

Sanctuary at Westminster, procession of sanctuary men on st. Nicholas' day, 121; one whipped for murder, 125; the case of Wakham, taken thence and restored, 144, 150, 151

Sandes, Henry, son of lord Sandes, 8; note, 320

Sandes, a younger son of lord Sandes, hung for robbery, 108; note, 350

Sandes, Edwyn, bishop of London, committed to the Tower, 37; preaches before the queen, 190; preaches at court, 227, 276; at Paul's cross, 229

Saunders, sir Edward, knighted, 342

Saunders, Lawrence, arraigned, and cast to be burnt, 81; departed to Coventry, 82

Saunders, captain, taken at Scarborough castle, 135; condemned, 136

Saunders, Ninion, or Alexander Onyon, drowned, 36; note, 230

Savoy, funerals at, 27, 110, 121, 152, 186; procession of the Spaniards at, 78; the processional cross of, 89

Saxsay, Harry, mercer, condemned in the Starchamber, 277

Scambler, Edmund, bishop of Peterborough, consecrated, 251; preaches before the queen, ib.; at Paul's cross, 235; at funerals, 246, 254, 258

Scarborough castle, traitors taken at, 135; their trials, 136, 137; executions, 142; note, 356

Schoolmaster, punished for severity, 311

Schools of London, processions of, 87, 88, 92; see st. Anthony's, Christ's Hospital, Merchant-taylors', and st. Paul's

Scold, punished, 299, 301; note, 394

Scot, Cuthbert, bishop of Chester, commissioner sent to Cambridge to burn the bodies of Bucer and Fagius, 124; preaches at Paul's cross, 165; deprived, 201

Scot, the, minister of st. Peter's, Cornhill, 6, 13; note, 323

Scotland, embassy to, 236

Scots, Margaret queen of, her visit to London in 1551, 11, 322

Scots, battle with, Nov. 1557, 158

Scott, master (Thomas?), funeral of, 247; note, 384

Scory, John (bishop of Hereford), preaches before the queen, 189; preaches at Paul's cross, 206; elected bishop of Hereford, 201 preaches in st. Paul's at the French king's obsequies, 210; at court, 226; at st. Paul's, 227

Scory, doctor, sent to the Fleet prison, 235

Scrope, Richard, 354

Sea-fight between the French and Flemings, 92
-, —— with the French, 152

Sebastian, master of the children of Paul's, 206; note, 374

Seditious words, persons punished for, 69 bis, 71, 150, 154, 164

See, Oswald, goldsmith, funeral of, 211

st. Sepulchre; see st. Pulcher's

Sercotte, executor to sir Peter . . . . 307

Serjeants of the coif, creation of seven in 1552, 26, note, 327; feast in 1555, 95, note, 346; feast in 1559, 195, note, 373

Sermons; see Paul's cross and Spital

Sessions at Newgate, 251, 282

Sextons of London, mass for, at the Grey friars, 65; procession, 140

Seymer, lady, widow of sir Thomas, alderman of London, her funeral, 109; note, 351

Seymour, John, eldest son of Edward duke of Somerset, sent to the Tower, 10; his funeral at, 27; note, 327

Seymour, lady Jane, death of, 253; her funeral, 254; note, 384

Seymour, lord Thomas, his birth and baptism in the Tower, 10 Feb. 1562–3, 300

Seywell condemned, taken at Scarborough, 135; 136

Sheen charterhouse, funeral at, 160

Sheepmaster, a great, 22; note, 326

Sheffield, John lord, made K.B. 370

Shelley, Henry, his widow remarried to captain Matson, 185; note, 405

Shelley, master, of Sussex, the second husband of lady Lyster, 273

Shepherd, an old, rails at the Paul's cross sermon, 98

Sheriffs, election of, 22; John Maynard's provision for the office, 326; sworn at Westminster, 25; chosen at the Grocers' feast in 1555, 90, note on the ceremony, 402; chosen in 1558, 170; swearing of, in 1559, 213; election of, 1561, 265; the old sheriffs deliver the custody of the prisons to the new, on Michaelmas eve, 1561, 268; swearing of, in the Exchequer, ib.; sworn in 1562, 293

Shipping lost, 220

Ships, two French, taken by English barks, 25

Ships, men and guns sent to the queen's, 234

Shoreditch, the vicar of, a Scot, (John Macbray) preaches at sir A. Wingfield's funeral, 24; funerals at, 123, 174, 216

Shrewsbury, Francis earl of, comes to London, 6; attends the lady Mary, 31; at the Tower, 35; present at the proclamation of queen Mary, 37; bore the crown at her coronation, 46; rides into London to the Parliament with six score horse, 74; bears king Philip's cap of maintenance, ib.; conducts cardinal Pole into London, 75; welcomes the cardinal with his barge, 76; mourner at st. Paul's for the queen of Spain, 90; present at the proclamation of queen Elizabeth in London, 178; rides in state into London, 224; funeral, 244; note, 383

Shrewsbury, George earl of, (when lord Talbot) bears the sword of state before king Philip, 132, 134; elected K.G. 23 April 1561, 257; comes into London with a great attendance, 258; installed at Windsor, ib.; godfather to Robert son of sir Gilbert Dethick, 264; at st. George's feast, 1563, 305, 306

Shrewsbury, countess of, 30

Shriving Jack o'Lent, 33

Simmonds, William, made a serjeant at law, 373

Sittingbourne, king Philip and queen Mary sleep there, 142

Skinner, Anthony, his funeral, 179; note, 368

Skinner, Ralph, dean of Durham, preaches at Paul's cross, 261

Skinners' company, present at funerals, 99, 106, 110, 176, 177, 224, 233, 255, 269, 278; their feast in 1560, 237; their feast in 1561, 260; their feast in 1562, 283; the master, four wardens, and beadle, attend at the Merchant-taylors' feast, 287; note, 406

Slips (foreign coins), proclamation respecting, 260; note, 384

Slynford, funeral of sir Harry Hussey at, 150; of his wife, 154

Smelts, man pilloried with a collar of, 189

Smith, sir Clement, uncle to King Edward, his death, 24; note, 326
-, —— sir Thomas, customer, godfather to Mary Powlett, 288; his wife and sons, 367

Smithfield, criminal hung there, 4; Rogers burnt in, 81; other hereticks burnt in, 83, 88, 90, 98, 99, 104, 130, 157, 161; fray in, 282; house of Black friars the first restored by queen Mary, 171; obsequies of lady Cecily Mansfield at, 174; the friars of dismissed, 204

Smithfield pond, fire near, 265

Smyth, doctor, preaches at funerals, 59, 68 (twice), 70, 71; at the burning of Latimer and Ridley, 96

Smyth, master, merchant, committed to the Tower, 102; sentenced to perpetual imprisonment, 118

Smyth, Benett, hanged for murder, 102; note, 349

Smyth, master, oyster feast at his cellar, 143

Snowdel; see Sowdley

Soda, mistress, funeral of, 113; note, 403

Somerset, Edward Seymour duke of, sent to the Tower, 10; charges against, ib.; his trial, 12; beheaded, 14; and buried in st. Peter's church, ib.; note, 323
-, —— duchess of, sent to the Tower, 10

Somerset place, Strand, late the duke of Somerset's, the princess Elizabeth's, 37, 120, 167; she is there as queen, 180, 181, 295

Soothsaying, 251

Southampton, Philip prince of Spain arrives at, 66

Southampton, sir Thomas Wriothesley, earl of, his funeral, 1; note, 313
-, —— countess of, funeral, 2; note, 313

Southcote, John, made a serjeant at law, 373

Southminster, Essex, funeral of William Harris esquire at, 115

Southwark, disturbances in, 44; Kentish men pardoned in, 57; funeral of bishop Gardiner at st. Mary Overies, and dinner at Montacute house, 100, 101; place of the bishop of Rochester at, 180; the duke of Suffolk's park in, the city musters there, 202; Dolman's house in, 204; see st. Mary Overy and st. Thomas a Watering

Southwell, sir Richard, mourner at St. Paul's for the queen of Spain, 90; receives the queen and king at Greenwich, 93; mourner at the king of [Portugal's] obsequies, 148; at lady W—'s funeral, 156; at sir Thomas Pope's, 188; note, 376
-, —— sir Robert, funeral, 217, note, 376
-, —— lady, funeral of, 174; note, 367

Sowdley, Thomas, 336

Spain, ambassadors of, 50; note, 337; reception of a messenger from, 151; embassy to, 225

Spain, Jane queen of, obsequies at st. Paul's, 90; note, 344

Spaniards, dine at Guildhall, 73; their tilting with canes, 79, 82, 83; note, 401; funerals of, 71, 72, 75, 79; sing mass at St. Paul's, 72; at Westminster abbey, 77; at st. Margaret's Westminster, processions, 78, 107; their cross at the Savoy, 89; one hung at Tybourn, 69; one kills a servant of sir George Gifford, 72; he is hung at Charing cross, ib.; fray at Charing cross, 74; kill an Englishman basely, 79; one robbed, and two men hung at his gate in Fleet street, 96; one killed in a riot at court, 134; a duchess, kinswoman to the king, rides to the court, 133

Sparke, [John], chosen renter warden of the Merchant-taylors' company, 239; his daughter married to master Davenet, 300

Sparow, burnt in Smithfield, 158

Speke, sir George, made K.B. 370
-, —— sir Thomas, funeral, 7; note, 318

Spencer, sir John, knighted, 335

Spenser, master, committed to the Tower, 102; hanged for the murder of master Rufford, 102, 103

Spital sermons, 1553, 33; in 1557, 131, 132; in 1558-9, 192; in 1560, 231; rehearsal sermon, ib.; in 1561, 254; in 1561–2, 279; "declared" (rehearsed), 280; in 1563, 304, 305

Springham, Richard, executor to lady Locke, 323; godfather to mr. Nicholls's daughter, 305

Stafford, sir Henry, knighted, 335

Stafford, Thomas, taken at Scarborough castle, 135; condemned, 136; beheaded, 137

Stage-play at the Grey Friars, 138, 357; see Play

Staines, heretic burnt at, 95

Stamford, William, made a serjeant, 27, 327; knighted, 342; his funeral, 172; note, 366

Stamford hill, accident to the duke of Norfolk at, 139

Standing, for shooting deer at Nonsuch, 206; note, 405

Standish, doctor, preaches at St. Paul's, 151

Standley, a priest, and steward to the lord treasurer, his funeral, 251

Stanford, co. Northampton, funeral at, 173

Stanhope, sir Michael, sent to the Tower, 10; arraigned, 15; beheaded, ib.; note, 324

Stanley, [Jam]es, of Le, in Essex, 143
-, —— sir George, knighted, 335
-, —— sir Rowland, knighted, 335
-, —— sir Thomas, knighted, 334
-, —— sir —, at the Merchant-taylors' feast, 1562, 287

Stapleton, sir Richard, knighted, 335

Starke, master, elected fourth warden of the Skinners' company, 260; funeral of his wife, 289; marries the daughter of Wm. Allen (then sheriff), 295

Staunton, captain William, condemned of high treason, 105; hanged at Tybourn, 106, 348

Steelyard, the alderman of, his funeral, 174

st. Stephen's Coleman street, funerals at, 244; 249

st. Stephen's Walbrook, sermons at, 48; funerals, 152, 177, 271

Stepney, funerals at, 24, 157

Stocks, the, 292, 295; in Newgate market, 260; punishment by, 255

Stockton ("Stockdun"), Richard, funeral of, 98

Stokes, John, the queen's brewer, his funeral, 177

Stonor, sir Francis, knighted, 335

Stony Stratford, funeral at, 157

Stop-Gallant, a name given to the sweatingsickness, 319

Storms, 209, 215 (note, 374), 220, 231, 256, 259, 265, 308

Stourton, Arthur, funeral of, 165; note, 363

Stourton, Charles lord, committed to the Tower for the murder of the Hartgills, 125; tried, 126; removed towards his execution, 127; hung at Salisbury, 128; note, 355

Stowe, William, hung at Tybourn, 142, 357

Stradling, sir Thomas, mourner at sir Thomas Pope's funeral, 188

Strange, Henry lord (afterwards fourth earl of Derby), married to lady Margaret Clifford, 82, note, 342; bears the sword of state on st. George's day, 1557, 135; attends on some Frenchmen returning from Scotland, 270

Strangways, sir Giles, articles made for his funeral, 281; note, 389

Strangways, sir Richard, knighted, 335

Strangways, rover of the sea, brought to the Tower, 206; arraigned, 212; removed to the Marshalsea, 213; reprieved, ib.

Stratford (at Bow), death of the miller at, 16; heretics burnt at, 92, 106, 108

Stratford, Essex, the bishop's prison at, heretics committed to, 94

Strete, John, 338

Stukley, master, buried at st. Pulcher's, 142

Stukley, captain, entertains the queen on the river, 309

Stump, sir James, funeral, 308; note, 395

Sturley, —— esquire, buried at Richmond, 51; note, 337

Style, sir Humphrey, funeral, 16; note, 324

Suicides, 204, 225, 258, 259, 283, 284, 301, 302

Suffolk, Henry and Charles Brandon, dukes of, their deaths, 8; their month's mind, 9; note, 318

Suffolk, Henry Grey, third marquess of Dorset, created duke of, 10; attends the queen of Scots, 11; his men of arms, 19; attends the lady Mary, 30; committed to the Tower, 38; delivered, ib.; brought to the Tower with his brother, 54; arraigned, and cast for death at Westminster, 55; beheaded, 57

Suffolk, Frances duchess of, 30; bears the train of her daughter queen Jane when entering the Tower, 35; her funeral, 217; note, 377
-, —— Katharine duchess of, 318; fire at her house in Barbican, 308

Suffolk, heretics, 89

Suffolk, visitation of Clarenceux in 1563, 311

Surcott, master, sits as justice at Guildball, 287, 290; see Sercotte

Surrey, earthquake in, 6, 317

Surrey, Thomas Howard earl of, (afterwards duke of Norfolk,) made K.B. at queen Mary's coronation, 45; and served as doer, 46

Sussex, Henry earl of, created K.G. 60; death, 126; funeral, 127; month's mind, 128; note, 355

Sussex, Thomas, earl of (see lord Fitzwalter), lord deputy of Ireland, elected K.G. 133, 134 (there erroneously styled lord Fitzwalter); banner set up at Windsor, 162; takes his journey to return to Ireland, 169; present sermon at Paul's cross, 197; justs, 233; at the Merchant-taylors' feast, 287

Sutton, earthquake at, 6

Sutton, queen Elizabeth there in 1560, 241; burnt three days after, ib.

Sutton, James, clerk of the green cloth, marries Agnes widow of John Hethe, 15; buried at st. Botolph, Bishopgate, 67; his month's mind at Waltham Abbey, 70; marriage of his daughter, 219

Swallow, esquire, of the Exchequer, buried, 281 the Swan, without . . . . gate, 103

Swan with the two nekes at Milk-street end, 111

Swan in Whittington college, 132

Sweat, the epidemic plague, 7, 8; note, 319

Sweden, prince of (John duke of Finland), lands at Harwich, 213; comes to London, 214; conducted to court, 215; stands godfather to sir Thomas Chamberlain's son, 216; rides to court in state, 221; fatal fray among his men, 223; departs, 230; note, 375
-, —— the ambassador of, entertains the queen's council, 262; his presents to queen Elizabeth, 265
-, —— Eric king of, (false) report that he had landed in the North, 267; sends a present of horses, and other things, 268; the queen's order respecting his portrait, 385

Swift, Peter, auditor of st. Paul's, funeral, 266; note, 386

Swift, Robert, his funeral gear made for Rotherham church, 266; note, 386

Sword-play before the queen, 250

Sydnam, friar, preaches at a funeral, 98; at Trinity church near the Tower, 108

Sydenham, 243

Sydney, sir Henry, knighted (not sir William), 10; note, 322; his place at Penshurst, 72; house in Chanell row, 355; departs to Wales as Lord President 238; deputy for the earl of Warwick at installation of the Garter, 308

Sydney, sir William, his men of arms, 325; his funeral at Penshurst, 31; note, 329

Symonds, master, a master of Bridewell, 205

st. Sythe's; see Osith

Syon, the nuns again closed in, 145; note, 358; the priests and nuns dismissed, 204

Tadeley, master, haberdasher, his funeral, 136

Talbot, Francis lord, rides into London to his marriage, 300; note, 393
-, —— lady Katharine, married to lord Herbert, 300; note, 393

Taverns, regulations of, 31

Tate, sir Richard, knighted, 335

Taylor, John, deprived of the bishoprick of Lincoln, 58; arraigned and cast to be burnt, 81; sent into Suffolk, 82

Tayller, a gold refiner, his funeral, 123

Temple, funerals in, 156, 228; Christmas festivities at, 274; the gentlemen perform a play before the queen, 275; note, 388

Temple-bar, fray near, 296

Tesmond, whipped for falsifying dispensations, 408

Testerns, proclamation reducing their value, 7; disturbances in London respecting, 114, 122; further proclamations, 243, 245; see Coinage

Thame, funeral of lord Williams at, 217

Thames, low ebb, in March 1557–8, 167

Thirlby, Thomas, bishop of Ely, goes to meet cardinal Pole in Kent, 75; comes from Rome, 93; receives the queen and king at Greenwich, 93; receives cardinal Pole at Bow church, 103; commissioner to negociate a loan from the city, 168; dines with the lord mayor, 169; returns from an embassy to France, 194; deposed, 203; sent to the Tower, 237; excommunicated, 249

Thimblebury, master, set in the pillory, 300

st. Thomas of Acres, funerals at, 1, 117, 193, 232; image of the saint broken, 82; again, 83; note, 342

st. Thomas a' Watering, executions at, 30, 34; part of sir Thomas Wyatt's body suspended there, 60; lord Sandes' son hung at, 108; pirates hung at, 213; other executions at, 225, 251

Thomas, William, clerk of the council to king Edward VI. condemned, 61; executed, 63

Thorley, Thomas, of Pricklewell in Essex, 143

T(h)ornburn, master, fishmonger, burial, 143

Thornhill, master, funeral of, 170

Throgmorton, John, committed to the Tower, 102; condemned, 104; hung, ib.; note, 348

Throckmorton, sir Nicholas, tried at Guildhall and acquitted, 60; delivered from the Tower, 80
-, —— sir Thomas, knighted, 335

Thynne, sir John, sent to the Tower, 10

Tide, low, in the Thames, 167

Tilt, running at, 79, 80, 82, 83, 187; in Greenwich park, 203; see Tournay

Tindal, his books ordered to be delivered up, 90

Toddington, lady Cheyne dies at, 282, and is buried there, 284

Tomkins, a weaver in Shoreditch, burnt in Smithfield for heresy, 83

Tomson, the herald, arraigned, 80

Tooly, his body burnt, 342

Torner, captain, condemned of high treason, 108

Toto, master, serjeant painter to Henry VIII. 267; note, 386

Tottenham high cross, 209

Tournay, Henry the Eighth's great justing at, remembered in 1556, 114

Tournay, with swords, 5, 316; see Tilt

Tower hamlets, list of, in 1553, 42

Tower hill, duke of Somerset beheaded at, 14; accident there from gunpowder, 18; executions, 137; the new abbey on, occupied by sir Arthur Darcy, 220

Tower of London, procession of its officers in Rogation week, 61; sir James Crofts replaced by lord Clinton as constable, 35; furnished with artillery and ammunition, 36; prisoners sent to, 104, 139
-, —— ammunition sent to, 155; queen Elizabeth there for a week on her accession, 180; mint visited by the queen, 262; a fire in, 268
-, —— st. Peter's ad vincula, duke of Somerset buried at, 14; other funerals in, 114, 182

Towllys, alderman and sheriff, his wife, 22; note, 408

Townlay, Richard, his funeral, 72

Traitors fled beyond sea, proclaimed, 103

Trapps, Robert, goldsmith, his funeral, 246; note, 383; one of his daughters, 363

Tregonell, sir John, knighted, 334

Trekett, one of the keepers of the vestry at st. Paul's, buried, 125

Tremayne, Richard and Nicholas, fled beyond sea and proclaimed traitors, 103

Tresham, George, 348

Tresham, sir Thomas, executor and chief mourner to bishop Chambers, 348; created lord of St. John's, 159; his funeral, 192; note, 372

Tresham, lady, funeral at Peterborough, 142

Trial by battle, 165

Tribes, the Nine, rumour respecting, 265

Trinity the Little, by Queenhithe, altars consecrated in, 105; the parishioners shoot for a wager in Finsbury fields, 132; their cope of cloth of gold, 166; conduct of their parson; see Chambers

Triumph, of running at ring and tournay, 5

Tubman, Nicholas, made Lancaster herald, 336; dies at Gravesend, 185; buried there, 186

Tunstall, Cuthbert, bishop of Durham, examined and deposed, 26; a commissioner for the deprivation of bishops, 58; preaches at st. Paul's, 71; conducts cardinal Pole into London, 75; rides into London, 204; deposed of his bishopric, 214; buried at Lambeth, 218; note, 377

Turberville, James, bishop of Exeter, consecrated at st. Paul's, 94; sent to the Tower, 238

Turnagain-lane, murder in, 225, 226

Turner, preaches at Paul's cross, 210; preached at the funeral of lady Cobham, 214; a spital sermon, 279

Twins, united, birth of, 23; their death, 24

Twelfth-day, its celebration at Henley-upon Thames in 1555–6, 99; celebration of by the corporation of London, 222

Two-years' mind, 141

Tybourn, executions at, 18, 22, 27, 30, 51, 63, 69 bis, 80, 91, 101, 104, 106, 109, 131; 17 hanged at, 137; and 3 more, ib., 223, 233, 256, 273, 280, 286, 290, 301

Tylworth, master, goldsmith, his funeral, 138

Tyndall, sir Thomas, knighted, 335

Typkyn, mistress, her funeral, 296

Tyrell, sir John, knighted, 334

Tyrrell, sir William, funeral of, 158; note, 361

Tyrone; see O'Neil

Udall, Richard, captain of the Isle of Wight, arraigned for high treason, 104; beheaded, ib.; note, 348, 349

Underhill, mistress, funeral, 280

Underhill, master, 282

Unicorn in Cheapside, 258

Unton, sir Edward, 326; his servant Banaster killed in a fray, 296; note, 393

Uxbridge, heretic burnt at, 92

Vagabonds and loiterers punished, 69

Vane, sir Ralph, sent to the Tower, 10; arraigned, 15; hung, ib.

Vane, master, committed to the Tower for Wyatt's rebellion, 54

Vanholt; see Holstein

Vaughan, Cuthbert, trial at Guildhall, 60; delivered from the Tower, 80

Vaux of Harrowden, Thomas lord, his funeral, 115; note, 352

Vawce, serjeant, 328

st. Vedast Foster; see Foster

Venor, John, 99

Verney, Francis, condemned of high treason, 108

Verney, master of the Jewel-house, his funeral, 182

Verney, sir Thomas, knighted, 335

Veron, John, committed to the Tower, 332; preaches at Whitehall, 214; admitted parson of st. Martin's Ludgate, 228; preaches at Paul's cross, 211, 228, 265; at funerals, 212, 225, 234, 248, 257, 263, 284; at an execution, 301; a young man does penance for slandering, 271; Machyn, the author of the Diary, does penance for the like transgression, 272; notes, 329, 379

Vintners' company, present at funerals, 234, 270

Visitors (ecclesiastical) sit at the bishop of London's palace, 204; sit at st. Paul's, 206, 216

Visions and signs, persons whipped for, 22, 34

Vyntoner, hangs himself in a gatter, 103

W. . . lady, her funeral, 156

Wade, Guy, chosen master of the Merchanttaylors, 91; secondary of the counter in Wood street, 151

Wager of Battle, 165

Waits of London, 65, 73, 113, 117, 139, 140, 156, 260

Wakefield, Joan, married to Thomas Greenhill, 103

Wakefield, execution at, 143

Wakerley, Richard, 348

Wakham, master, a captain of the city musters, 293

Wakham; see Waxham

Walgrave, sir Edward, knighted, 344; sent with his wife to the Tower, 256; dies in the Tower, and his widow released, 266

Walkenden, master, 272

Walker, servant to the earl of Devonshire, condemned to imprisonment for carrying letters, 118

Walker,—— hung for robbery, 290

Walles, hanged at st. Thomas a' Watering, 225

Wallop, sir John, K.G. his death, 8; note, 318

Wallwyne, sir Thomas, knighted, 335

Walpole, serjeant John, his funeral, 156; note, 361

Walpole, master, godfather to George Bacon, 300

Walsingham, secretary, funeral of his mother, 193

Waltham abbey church, fall of the great steeple, 30; note, 328
-, —— month's mind of James Sutton, esq. at, 70; Jakes a merchant taylor buried at, 113

Walworth, sir William, repair of his monument, 285; note, 390

Wanton, master, mourner at sir Wm. Laxton's funeral, 112

Wapping, pirates hung at, 111, 131, 213, 256, 281; note, 351

Warblington, funeral of sir Richard Cotton at, 115; note, 352

Warburton, sir John, knighted, 335

Ward, hanged at st. Thomas a' Watering, 225

Wardrobe, the queen's, robbery of, 93

Ware, marriage of the widow of a priest of, 216

Warham, sir William, knighted, 335

Warner, sir Edward, delivered from the Tower, 80; lieutenant of the Tower, 203; mourner at st. Paul's at the French king's obsequies, 210; his lady buried, 241, note, 382

Warner, mistress, widow of a serjeant of the admiralty, punished for bawdry, 239

de la Warr, Thomas lord, funeral, 71; note, 339
-, —— William lord, sentenced for attempted poisoning, and pardoned, 109, 350; committed to the Fleet for a fray, 270

Warren, John, clothworker, burnt, 88; his widow burnt, and his son and daughter destined to be, 92

Warren, sir Ralph, funeral of, 36; note, 330; his widow married to sir Thomas White, 179; her funeral, 330; his daughter, 277

Warwick, Anne countess of, 296, 393

Warwick, John Dudley earl of, attends the king, 6, 7; created Duke of Northumberland, 10; see Northumberland

Warwick, John Dudley earl of, (eldest son of the preceding), attends the queen of Scots, 11; bears the king's sword on st. George's day, 1552, 17; committal to the Tower, 37; arraigned and condemned, 41; dies at Penshurst, 72; note, 340; his widow, 393

Warwick, lord Ambrose Dudley created earl of, 273; elected K.G. 306; installed by deputy, 308

Warton, or Purfew, bishop of st. Asaph, a commissioner for the deprivation of bishops, 58; translated to the see of Hereford, ib.

Warwick, earl of; see Northumberland

Wast (West?) mistress, funeral, 288

Watch, great, with pageantry, 287

Waters, Edward, serjeant at arms, 152, 359

Watling street, fire in, 309

Watson, Thomas (bishop of Lincoln), preaches at Paul's cross, 41; report of the sermon, 332; elected bishop of Lincoln (misdescribed as "doctor Weston dene of Westmynster," instead of "doctor Watson, dean of Durham") 103; commissioner sent to Cambridge to burn the bodies of Bucer and Fagius, 124; preaches before queen Mary, 128; preaches Lent sermons, 131, 132; preaches at Paul's cross, 166; sent to the Tower, 3 April 1559, 192; deprived 201; sent again to the Tower, 235

Watson, the queen's merchant, buried, 218

Waxchandlers, make the pascal light for Westminster Abbey, 169; their feast, 290; present at a funeral, 187; the waxchandler to cardinal Pole, 186

Waxham, breaks out of the Tower and brought back, 144; breaks out again, 150; and recaptured, ib.; restored to Westminster sanctuary, 151; note, 358

Wayman, sir Thomas, knighted, 335

Weather, processions and prayer for fair, 50

Webbe, Harry, esq. porter of the Tower, funeral 32; note, 329

Welle, John, miller at Stratford, his death, 16

Welles, mistress, her funeral, 297

Welsh, John, made a serjeant at-law, 373

Wendy, Thomas, physician at Cambridge, his funeral, 235; note, 378

Wenman; see Wayman

Wentworth, Thomas first lord, his funeral, 3; note, 314

Wentworth, Michael, officer to queen Mary, his funeral, 176; note, 368

Wentworth, Thomas lord, arraigned for the loss of Calais and acquitted, 195; two of his brethren, James and John, lost in the Greyhound, 302, 394

Wentworth, sir Robert, buried at Greenwich, 67

West, Lewis, slain by George Darcy, near Rotherham, 107; the murderer takes sanctuary at Westminster, 121; his trial, 165; note, 349

West, dr. [Mr. Reginald?] of the "new" doctrine, his sermon against roodlofts, and for the Protestant refugees, 216; preaches at a funeral, 243; note, 406

West, William; see de la Warre

Westcott; see Sebastian

West, sir William, his funeral, 161; note, 362

Westmerland, Henry Neville earl of, elected K.G. 17; note, 324; installed, 27; bears the cap of maintenance at Queen Mary's coronation, 46; and at the opening of Parliament, ib.; present at the sermon at Paul's cross, 197; challenger to a just, 276

Westmerland, Katharine countess of, buried at Shoreditch, 88; note 343

Westmerland place, within Silver street, 278

Westminster abbey, funerals at, 3, 159, 177, 217 (two), 264; hearse erected there for king Edward, 40; mass of the holy-ghost before the opening of Parliament, 40, 74; the king and queen go there in great state, 77; procession of the church, 81; the new abbat (Feckenham) put in and fourteen monks shorn, 21 Nov. 1556, 118; the abbat consecrated, 119; procession of the abbat with the sanctuary men on st. Nicholas day, 121; restoration of the shrine of king Edward the confessor, 130; visited by the Muscovite ambassador, 132; sermon of the abbat on Passion Monday, 1557, 131; procession there on Ascension day, 1557, 137; funeral of the lady Anna of Cleves at, 145; herse taken down, 148; procession at, 159; the queen attends mass there, 164; note, 405; pascal light made for, in 1557–8, 169; funeral of queen Mary at, 183; obsequy for the emperor Charles V., 184; coronation of queen Elizabeth, 186; the abbat and monks deprived, 204; its altars destroyed, and the stones used for queen Mary's tomb, 256; sermons at, 272, 299

Westminster, abbat of; see Feckenham

Westminster hall, prepared for the trial of the duke of Somerset, 12; for that of the duke of Northumberland, 41; trial of lord Wentworth at, 195

Westminster, palace and tiltyard, works done in, 269; the Kentish prisoners solicited the queen's pardon in the tiltyard, 56

Westminster, st. James's palace, procession to on St. George's day, 1554, 60; procession of the queen's chapel of st. James's for three days in Rogation week, 1554, 61; see st. James

Westminster, st. James's fair, 170, 240
-, —— st. Peter's fair, 66, 141

Westminster, st. Margaret's, attack on a priest at, 84; fair kept in the churchyard, 1557, 141; see st. Margaret's

Westminster sanctuary; see Sanctuary

Westminster school, a boy of, employed in selling papers and printed books, killed by a stone thrown by another boy in Westminster hall, 121

Weston, Hugh, dean of Westminster, preaches at Paul's cross, 46; walks in procession to Temple-bar, 81; having been transferred to the deanery of Windsor, is deprived thereof, 161; his funeral, 181

Weston, master, his house at Sutton burnt, 241
-, —— sir Henry, made K.B. 370
-, —— Henry, made a serjeant-at-law, 373

Wethers, Richard, painter, burial of, 77

Wharton, Anne lady, funeral of, 259; note, 384

Whalley, Richard, sent to the Tower, 10; again, 25; note, 327

Whetheley, or Whethill, master, merchant-taylor, bishop Man dies at his house, 116; elected master of the Merchant-taylors' company, 1562, 287

Whettley, master, funeral of, at Bermondsey, 175

Whiddon, sir John, knighted, 342

Whinburgh; see Wynborue

Whipping, 34, 85, 86, 87, 88

Whirlepooles, great fishes, 327

Whitby, rebels executed at, 142

White; see Wyth

White, alderman John, master of the Grocers in 1555–6, 90, 108; marriage of, 172; christening of his son John, 198; receives Dr. White bishop of Winchester on his release from the Tower, 203; his son Thomas christened, 248; his wife churched, 249; at the Grocers' feast, 260; at the Merchant-taylors', 261; his wife godmother to Mary Powlett, 288; a mourner, 307; note, 405

White, John, warden of Winchester, preaches in favour of church processions, 49; consecrated bishop of Lincoln, 58; preaches at Paul's cross, 75; preaches at bishop Gardiner's funeral, 97, 101; receives cardinal Pole at Bow church, 103; elected bishop of Winchester, ib; sings mass on st. George's day 1557, 132, 134; preaches at st. Mary overies to a heretic, 136; preaches at Paul's cross, 164; preaches at bishop Griffith's funeral, 180; at queen Mary's, 183; sent to the Tower, 192; godfather to the son of alderman John White 198; deprived and committed to the Tower, 201; comes out to alderman White's, 203; death, 223; funeral, 224; note, 378

White, Ralph, elected head-warden of the Merchant-taylors, 287

White, sir Thomas, knighted, 335; his pageant as lord mayor, 47; at the Merchant-taylors' feast, 93, 149, 287; death and funeral of his wife, 167; her funeral, ib.; remarried to the widow of sir Ralph Warren, 179, note, 330; bishop White died at his house, 223; biog. note, 363
-, —— sir Thomas, of South Warnborough, knighted, 335; marriage of a daughter, 282; note, 378

White, lady, godmother to ——Cromwell, 277

White, mistress, of Fleet street, punished by riding in a car, 258

White, master of fence, exhibits before king Philip, 82

Whitechapel, 296 (?)

White-friars, on Tower-hill, house given to sir A. Darcy, 26

Whitefriars, near Fleet street, master Goodrick dies in, 283; child-murder there, 298

Whitehall, bishop Gardiner dies at, at which time it is called "the king (Philip)'s-place," 96; procession of Spaniards at, 107; christening of Philip earl of Arundel at, 141; last sitting of Parliament held at, 7 March 1557–8, 168; sermon at 214; play at, 222; bull and bear-baiting at, 270

Whitehead, preaches before the queen, 189

Whiting, sir Robert, knighted, 335

Whittington College, 3; the bodies of Whittington and his wife new coffined, 143; the residence of lord Wentworth in 1559, 195

Whoredom, punishment for, 156, 160

Whythere, parson, (Veron?) his wife punished, 32; note, 329

Wigston, sir William, knighted, 335

Wilford; see Wylford

Williams, Ambrose, esquire and grocer, his funeral, 177

Williams, Francis, nephew to Lord Williams of Thame, burial of, 225

Williams, Harry, son of sir John, his funeral, 8; notes, 320, 396
-, —— sir James, knighted, 335
-, —— sir John, attendant on the lady Elizabeth in 1553, 37; as sheriff of Oxfordshire, receives Cranmer, Ridley, and Latimer at Brentford, and conveys them towards Oxford, 57; created baron Williams of Thame, 59; was lord chamberlain to Philip, prince of Spain, ib.; his funeral, 217; note, 377
-, —— John, esquire, funeral, 225; note, 379
-, —— lady, her funeral, 118; note, 359
-, —— lady (second wife and widow of lord Williams) remarried to William Darcy, 244
-, —— see Wylliam

Willoughby (of Parham), William lord, attends the queen of Scots, 11

Winchester, William Paulet earl of Wiltshire created marquess of, 10; attends the queen of Scots out of London, 12; his men of arms and standard, 12, 19; lives at Austin Friars in London, and his house visited by the king's lord of misrule, 13, 29; at the Tower, 35; at the proclamation of queen Mary, 37; made lord treasurer, 39; at Paul's cross sermon, 332; attends the opening of Parliament, 74; at the earl of Bedford's funeral, 84; mourner at st. Paul's for the queen of Spain, 90; at the consecration of abbat Feckenham, 120; his lord of misrule visits the city, 125; his servant Robert Lenthall killed, 126; at the trial of lord Stourton, ib; at st. George's day, 1557, 134; chief mourner at the king of [Portugal]'s obsequies, 148; commissioner to negociate a loan from the city, 168; dines with the lord mayor, 169; death of his daughter lady Pecsall, 175; present at the proclamation of queen Elizabeth, 178; bears a banner at the funeral of queen Mary, 182; present at the sermon at Paul's cross, 197; bishops deposed at his house, 203; present at the Mercers' supper, 205; chief mourner at the French king's obsequies, 209

Winchester, Elizabeth marchioness of, 30; chief mourner at the funeral of the lady Anna of Cleves, 146; her funeral, 187, 188; note, 371

Winchester, queen Mary's wedding fixed for, 66; bishop White buried at, 224

Winchester, warden of, delivered out of the Tower, 205

Winchester house, the prince of Sweden lodged there in 1559, 214

Windebank, lady, her funeral, 182

Windsor, installation of king Henri II. at, 9; the earl of Sussex's banner set up there, 162; St. George's feast kept at, 200, 234, 258; priests of, ordered to dismiss their wives, 267

Windsor, sir Edmund, knighted at queen Mary's coronation, 334

Windsor, William lord, at queen Mary's coronation, 4G; funeral of, 172; note, 365

Windsor, sir Thomas, his month's mind, 29; note, 328

Wingfield, sir Anthony, comptroller of the king's house, 5; his death, 23; his funeral at Stepney, 24; note, 326
-, —— Sir Robert, knighted, 335
-, —— Robert, 348

Withers, Richard, 336

Withypoll, Paul, 380

Wode (or Wood), ghostly father to Thomas Stafford at his execution, 137

Wodhall; see Udall

Wood, carman, punished for dishonesty, 211

Woodham Walter, lady Fitzwalter buriedthere, 80

Woodhouse, sir Roger, knighted, 335

Woodmonger, punished for dishonesty, 267

Woodroffe, alderman David, the only alderman absent from a sermon, 131; funeral of, 303; note, 395

Woodstreet counter, 205

Woolsack without Aldgate, goodman of, sent to the Tower, 91

Woolwich, sir John Lutterell dies there, 7; the Great Harry burnt there, 43; visited by queen Elizabeth, 203

Worcester, William Somerset, earl of, carver at queen Mary's coronation, 46; said to have borne the sword before the queen on opening Parliament, 299; his place at Garlickhithe, 301

Worcester, countess of, mourner at the countess of Arundel's funeral, 155

Worley, master, burial, 143

Wotton, Edward, a physician, buried, 95; note, 346

Wotton, dr. returns from an embassy to France, 194; sent ambassador to Scotland, 236

Wrestling at Clerkenwell, 207; at Finsbury field, 208; before the queen, 251

Wriothesley, Charles (Windsor herald), funeral of, 275; note, 389

Wrothun, sir—, imprisoned in the Fleet on suspicion of robbery, 128

Wyatt, sir Thomas, events during his rebellion, 52 et seq.: committed to the Tower, 54; arraigned, 58; beheaded, 59; and his body hung on a gallows, 60; note, 337

Wylford, sir James, funeral, 3; note, 314

Wylford, Thomas, condemned for coining, 290

Wylliam, master, buried, 51

Wynborue, master, slain at the west door of st. Paul's, 220; trial and execution of his murderers, 222; note, 377

Wynter, master, tried at Guildhall, 60, 61

Wysdom, master, preaches at court, 229; at Paul's cross, 230

Wyth (White), of Norfolk, condemnation of, 4

Yonge, Thomas, preaches a spital sermon, 131; consecrated archbishop of York, 252

Yorke, sir John, committed to the Tower, 38, note, 331; present at a sermon, 48; lady, bears the train of lady Sackville, the queen's deputy, at the christening of Robert Dethick, 264

York, execution at, 142

Zouche, George lord, made K.B. at queen Mary's coronation, 45

Zouche, sir John, made K.B. 370