The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.
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'Diary: 1563 (Jan - July)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Diary: 1563 (Jan - July)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Diary: 1563 (Jan - July)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
1563 (Jan - July)
The (blank) day of January ther was a Frenche mayd dwellyng in the Whytt frerers in Fletstrett she was delevered of a pratte (fn. 1) gyrlle, and after she brake the neke of the chyld, and cared yt in-to Holborn feld, and bered (it) undur a turffe; and ther was a man and a woman dyd folowe her, and saw wher she layd yt, and toke her, and browth (fn. 2) her thedur, and mad her take yt up, and browth here to the altherman's depute, and he send (fn. 3) her to the conter.
[The xij day of January the Queen's second Parliament began to sit at Westminster, and the] lordes and byshopes rod in ther [parliament robes, and] the Quen('s) grase in cremesun welvett, [and the earl of] Northumburland (fn. 4) bare the sword a-for the quen; [all the] haroldes of armes in ther cotte armurs, and all the trumpettes [blowing], and lythe (fn. 5) at owre lade of Grace chapell, and they [went in]to the abbay, and ther was a sermon (by Nowell, dean of Saint Paul's. (fn. 6) )
The xxix day of January was bered in sant [Olave's?] in the Jury my lade Dormer, late the wyff of ser Myghell Dormer [knyght], latt mare of London and merser and stapuller, . . . . and master doctur Dalle and ser Thomas her chaplen her sekturs, (fn. 7) and ther [were four] haroldes of armes, master Somersett, master Clarenshux, Marshalle and Ry[chmond,] and the qwyre hangyd with blake and armes, and ther was . . . . the corse and hangyd with blake and armes, and then cam the corse [covered with a] palle of blake velvett with armes a-pon bokeram skochyons; [and there were] iij pennons of armes borne a-boutt the corse; and xxvj roset gownes for so many pore women, and a lx blake gownes and cottes; [and there] dyd pryche the vekar, callyd Busken, of the parryche; and a v dosen of skochyons of armes, and after to here plase to dener.
The xxx day of January dyd ij women ryd a-bowtt London in a care; on for a common skold, with a dystaffe in her hand; the thodur with a whyt rod in here hand, with bluw hodes on ther hedes, for okuw-pye her owne gayre.
The ij day of Feybruary callyd Candyllmasse day ther was serten men whent to Duram plase and to sant Mare spyttyll to here masse, and ther was serten of them cared by the gard and othur men to the contur and odur plases.
The vij day of Feybruary dyd pryche at Powlles crosse the byshope of Durram, the sonday callyd Septuagesyma.
The x day of Feybruary was browth a-bed within [the] Towre with a sune my lade Katheryn Harfford, (fn. 8) wyff to the yerle of Harfford, and the god-fathers wher ij warders of the Towre, and ys name was callyd Thomas.
The (blank) day of Feybruary was crystened at sant Androwes in the warderobe Gorge Bacun the sune of master Bacun sqwyre, sum-tyme serjant of the catre (fn. 9) by quen Mare days; ys god-fathers wher yonge master Gorge Blakewelle and master Walpolle; godmodur mastores Sens Draper of Cammerell (fn. 10) be-yond Nuwhyngtun; and after grett chere.
. . . . . . . . . . .
The . . day of Feybruary was mared (fn. 11) at Allalows . . . Davenett marchand-tayller unto master Sparke('s) dowther; . . . . of Wynchester mad the sermon at the marege, and after a grett dener, and at nyght a maske.
The xv day of Feybruary cam rydyng to London [through Ch]epe unto Cold Harbard my yonge lord Talbott with iij skore [horse].
The xvj day of Feybruary were ij men sett on the pelere (fn. 12) at Westmynster, one master Thymbulbere and on (blank) Charnok for . . .
The xvij day of Feybruary was a dobull marege at [Baynard's] Castyll at the yerle of Pembroke('s) plase, my lord Talbot unto my lade (Anne) Harbard, and my lord Harbard of Cardyff unto my lade the [eldest] syster unto my lord Talbot; and after was a grett denner as [has] bene sene, for iiij days, and evere nyght gret mummeres (fn. 13) and m[asks.]
The xx day of Feybruary was bered at sant Brydes in Flettstrett master Denham sqwyre, and the chyrche ther was mad (fn. 14) ray[led] and hangyd with blake and armes, and he was cared to the chyrche, a-for him a mornar bayryng a pennon of armes, and after cam a harold of armes bayryng ys cott armur, and then cam the corse with a palle of blake velvett with armes on yt, and iiij of ys men bare hym; and then the mornars, the cheyffe was ser Recherd Sakfeld, and a xx mo mornars; and the dene of Westmynster mad the sermon; and after ther was a grett dener of all maner of fysse; and a ij dosen of skochyons.
The sam day was bered at my lord of Bedford('s) one master Sant John, with vj skochyons of armes of bokeram.
The xxij day of Feybruary, was Shroyff-monday, at Charyngcrosse ther was a man cared of iiij men, and a-for hym a bagpype playng, a shame (fn. 15) and a drum playhyng, and a xx lynkes bornyng a-bowtt hym, because ys next neybor('s) wyff ded bett (fn. 16) here hosband; ther-for yt (is) ordered that ys next naybor shall ryd a-bowtt the plase.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gayff xxiiij good gownes . . . . . gayff a lx gowne and cottes of blake and . . . . . worshephull men and women to bryng her; [and the] cheyrche was hangyd with blake and armes, . . . skochyons of armes; and master Beycun mad the sermon; [and so] home to ys plase to dener.
The . . day of Feybruary was cared by water unto [the . . . . vj on master Foskue (fn. 17) . . . of the Poolles.
The iiij day (of) Marche ther was a man's dowther dwellyng in sant James in Garlyke heyff, (fn. 18) in the plase that w[as the] yerle of Wosetur('s) plase, she was delevered with a chyld, and after caste yt owt of a wyndow in-to Temes, and after Daker co . . .
The viij day of Marche wher hangyd at Tyburne x men; [one] was Brutun, and (blank) after browth (fn. 19) bake to sant Pulkurs ther to be bered, and ther master Veron the vecar mad a sermon for them.
The sam (day) mastores Bacun was chyrched at sant Androw's in warderobe, the wyff of master Bacun sergantt of the catre unto quen Mare, and after she whent home unto here father's howse master Blakwelle, and so she and a grett compene of gentyll women had a grett dener as cold be had as for lentt, as for fysse.
The xvij day of Marche dyd on master Lynsey armorer dwellyng in Byshope-gatt strett dyd hang hym-seylff in a preve howse with-in ys hone howse, (fn. 20) for he had ys offes taken away from hym by on that he had browth (fn. 21) up.
The sam day ther was a mad (fn. 22) dwellyng in Hay lane with master Campyon berbruar (fn. 23) in grett Allalowes in Temes-strett dyd falle owt of a wyndow and brake her neke.
The sam day at the Well with ij bokettes in sant Martens ther was (a) woman dwellyng ther toke a pere of sherers (fn. 24) for to have cutt here throwtt, butt she myssyd the pype in here syknes and madnes, and with a day after she ded (fn. 25) and was bered ther in the parryche.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and to the Masselsay to the . . . . that he had a lysens for to kyll fl[esh.]
[The . . ] day of Marche ther stod a man at Powlles [with a white] shett (fn. 26) a-bowtt hym for gettyng ys owne dowther . ., that after she ded.
The xxj day of Marche dyd pryche at Powlles crosse the byshope of Wynchastur, and mad a godly sermon.
The xxij day of Marche was mad (fn. 27) for ser Wylliam Fuw[illiam (fn. 28) ] that ded (fn. 29) in the tym of kyng Henre the viijth and was bered [in the county] of Northamtun, furst a nuw standard and a penon and armes, [coat] armur, elmett and mantyll, crest, targett, and sword; and the old tak[en away; the] crest a busse of fethers standyng with-in a crown of gold.
The xxj day of Marche tydynges cam to the cowrt that on off the quen's shypes callyd the Grahond was lost gohyng to Nuwhavyn; the captayn was ser Thomas Fynche knyghtt of Kent, and ys brodur and on of my lord Cobbam('s) brodur and ij of my lord Whentforth (fn. 30) ('s) bredurne and mony gentyll men and mynstorels; [one] of my lord of Warwyke('s) newys, (fn. 31) and a good mastur; and mony [good] marenars and sawgears (fn. 32) to the nombur of (blank)
The xxvj day Marche was bered the good lade Chastur [at] Rayston, the wyff of ser Robartt Chastur knyght, with a pennon of armes and a iiij dosen of skochyons and a vj of bokeram, and the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes, and master Somersett was the harold; and ther was mony mornars in blake, and grett mon (fn. 33) mad for her, and a sarmon, and a grett dolle of money, and mett (fn. 34) and drynke, and after a grett dener.
The xxix day of Marche was browthe (fn. 35) from sant Savyour's late abbay in Barmsey-strett (fn. 36) to be bered my good lade Lane the wyff of ser Robart Lane of Northamtunshyre, and was bered in sant Towllys (fn. 37) in Sowthwarke, and ded (fn. 38) in chyld-bede; and with xx clarkes, and a-for the corse a xij of her servandes in blake cottes a-for here, and then cam serten gentyll-men mornars, and then cam the penon of armes borne by a gentyll-man, and then cam master Clarenshux, and next the corse borne by vj women, and iiij gentyll-men mornars beyryng the iiij corners of the palle of blake velvett, and with armes, and after to the chyrche, and syngyng the clarkes; andt her dyd pryche master Coverdalle.
[The . . day of March was buried master David Woodroffe, alderman and haberd]asher [of London,] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and I blake gownes and cottes and . . . . . whent a-for hym and after a xx clarkes [with their surplices] a-pon ther armes, and next iiij althermen in [violet]; then cam a morner, beyryng hys pennon of ys [arms], a harold beyryng ys cotte armur, and next master Clarenshux [in his] cott armur kyng of armes, and next cam the corse covered with a pall of blake velvett and with armes hangyng of ytt, and vj [mourners] beyreng the corse, and next ij pennons borne on evere syd; [the chief] mornar master Voderoff ys eldest (son), and next master Stonhowse ys sune [in law, and a]nodur sune and a-nodur sune-elaw (fn. 39), and mony odur mornars, [to the] chyrche, and then mony women mornars; the iiij althermen [sir William] Garrett, ser Thomas Offeley, ser Wylliam Chastur and master Cristoffer D[raper]; and (the) chyrche hangyd with blake and armes rond a-bowtt, andin . . . . the chyrche was raylles mad (fn. 40) and hangyd with blake, [and] the strett hangyd with blake and armes, and the howse; and . . . . dyd pryche; and after they offered ys cott and pennon of armes, and all the mornars and the craft offered, and after [to his place] to dener.
The xxx day of Marche in Kent master Marlow, a marchand [living] at Crayford, dyd ryd to ys farme a mylle off to loke [over it], and after ryd in-to the marche (fn. 41) a-pon the walle, and by mysf[ortune] fell of on ys horse, and ded (fn. 42) for lake of help, for ther [was no]body with hym to help ym.
The furst day of Aprell ther was a man dwellyng at the Bryghowse, on Chalenger a baker of the Bryg-howse; he was send for to the yeld-hall a-for my lord mayre and the althermen, and he was juged to go be-twyne ij of the off-ffesars of the hospetall to the bryg-howse, and a-for him was cared a fyne pelere (fn. 43) by on of the hospetalle.
The vii day of Aprell at sant Katheryns be-yond the Towre the wyff of the syne of the Rose a tavarne was set on the pelere (fn. 44) for ettyng of rowe flesse (fn. 45) and rostyd boyth, (fn. 46) and iiij women was sett in the stokes all nyght tyll ther hosbandes dyd feyche them hom.
The (blank) day of Aprell cam serten of the consell to the Byshope('s) hed in Lumbardstrett.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ys fase toward the hors taylle . . . . . . . . . . . . hym and that he was taken for tellyng . . . . honest men of talle pellettes. (fn. 47)
The xij day of Aprell, was Ester monday, dyd pryche at sant Mare spyttyll master Horne the byshope of Wynchastur, and ther was my lord mare and the althermen in skarlett, and certen juges and serjantes of the law, and mony worshephulle men and women, and the masturs of the hospetall with ther gren stayffes in ther handes, [and the] chylderyne of the hospetall boyth boysse and wenchys in bluw [coats and] red capes (fn. 48) to the nombur of a (blank), and ther was geydered at the sermon for the Frenche men [refugees] in-to England women and chylderyn the sum of xlv li.
The xiij day of Aprell dyd pryche at sant Mare spyttyll tuwysday in Ester weeke master Colle parsun of Hehenger (fn. 49) in Essex and (dean elect) of Norwyche, and my lord mare and ij juges and the althermen and byshopes, with all the masturs of the hospetall and the chylderyn.
The xiiij day of Aprell dyd pryche at the spyttylle the wedynsday the dene of Powlles in Ester wyke.
The xviij day of Aprell dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master Bradley, and he declaryd (fn. 50) the iij sermons that was prychyd at the spyttylle.
The sam day at after-none was cristenyd my lord mayre['s son;] the godfathers wher, on (fn. 51) the yerle of Penbroke, and (unfinished)
The sam day in Sowthwarke was cristenyd the dowther of master Necolles, the god-father master Spryngham, the godmodurs my [lady] Garrett and my lade Bowyes, and after to the bryghe-howse to her father('s), and ther was a grett bankett at master Necolles plase.
The xxij day of Aprell, was sant Gorge's evyn, at v of the cloke the knyghtes of the Garter cam downe from the quen('s) chambur thrugh the halle to here (fn. 52) chapell, and yt was strod with gren ryssys, (fn. 53) [and all] the haroldes in ther cott armurs, master Perkullys, master Ruges-dragon, master Lanckaster, master Rychmond, and master Somersett, and master Norray and master Clarenshux, master Garter, and master dene, my lord of Hunsdon, my lord Montyguw, my lord Robartt, my lord of Lughborow, the yerle of Shrowsbere, my lord admeralle, my lord chamburlayn, the yerle of Ruttland, the yerle of Darbe, the marques of Northamtun, the duke of Northfoke, (the) yerle of Arundell, and the yerle of Penbroke, and so evere man to ys own plase in the chapell of ther owne sett. (fn. 54)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cam a prosessyon up thrugh the halle to . . . . . furst the serjant of the vestre with a sylver rod, [then the] chylderyn in ther surples, and then the qwyre sy[nging the English] prosessyon in copes of cloth of gold to the nombur of . . . . haroldes of armes and sergantes of armes, furst Ruges[croix and] Ruge-dragon, and then cam master Lonkastur and master Rychmond and master [Somerset;] furst (fn. 55) my lord of Hunsdon, my lord Montyguw, my lord Robartt, (fn. 56) my lord of Lowthborow, my lord admeralle, my lord chamburlayn, the yerle of Rutland, the yerle of [Shrewsbury,] the yerle of Darbe, the yerle of Penbroke, the marques of [Northampton,] the yerle of Arundell, the duke of Northfoke; and then [master Garter,] master Norres, the dene of the chapell, they iij in cremesun saten v[elvet;] and next the byshope of Wynchestur and ser Wylliam Peter in [robes of] cremesun velvett with red crosses on ther robes, and ser . . . . and the yerle of Northumberland bare the sword, and the(n) the [Queen] in her robe, and master Knolles bare the quen('s) trayn, and after . . . .
The xxiiij day of Aprell was a proclamasyon by my [lord mayor] that no mylle-man shuld bryng nodur melle (fn. 57) nor whet [from] May-day unto Myghellmas next, a-pon pene (fn. 58) of (blank), tyll they had spentt the whett and rye that the cete (fn. 59) [had made] provessyon for.
The sam day was elected knyghtes of the Garter the yerle of Northumberland and the yerle of Warwyke.
The xxv day of Aprell ded (fn. 60) master Chamley the recorder of Lo[ndon.]
The xxx day of Aprelle was cared to berehyng from sant Margett in Lothbere unto sant Donstones in Whest master Chamley the recorder, and ther was a C. mornars in blake, and the swardbayrer, and my lord mare and dyvers althermen and the reseduw [...] vyolett, and a lx gowne to pore men; and sant Donstones cherche hangyd with blake and armes, and raylles mad for the body; and so they whentt throughe Chep-syd, and so to Nuwgat, and so up Flett strett to sant Donstones, furst ij porters in blake, and then the pore men, and then serten mornars, and on bayryng ys baner of armes, and then ij haroldes of armes, and on ys cot beyryng, and then cam the corse with a pall of blake velvett and with armes, and then cam ij mornars baryng ij pennons of armes, and then the mornars cam, ser Thomas Lee, ser Wylliam Garrett, ser Thomas Offeley, master John Whytt, and after my lord mayre; and after ij C. of the yn of the cortes (fn. 61) to the chyrche, and a xx of clarkes syngyng; and master Goodman mad the sermon; and after to the plase to dener, for ther was the grettyst dener that ever I sawe.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . strett, and he gayff for ys . . . . . of rattes coller unto xxx pore men, and . . . . . . . chyrche was hangyd with blake and armes . . . the mornars and the corse hangyd with blake and armes . . . furst whent the pore men, then cam a mornar beyryng a pennon of armes, and next a harold beyryng ys cote armur, and then cam the corse with a pall of blake velvett and with [arms, and] then the clarkes metyng the corse, and then cam master . . . cheyff mornar, and dyvers odur mornars; and the dene of Westmynster mad the sermon.
The v day of May was bered at Powlles ser Peter . . . . sum-tym Popes collectur and prebendare of Powlles; master Sercotte was ys sectur; (fn. 62) with a ij dosen of skochyons, . . master (blank) mad the sermon, and bered a-for wher that the postulles mas (fn. 63) was keptt and songe.
The x day of May was cared to be bered from Chanell row unto sant Margattes at Westmynster ser James Stumpe knyght, with ij haroldes of armes, one beyryng ys helmet and crest, and master Somersett beyryng ys cote armur; furst pore men whent a-for a mornars, and then a clarke syngyng, and next a mornar beyryng ys standard and anodur ys pennon of armes, and then the haroldes, and then cam the corse with a pall of blake velvett a-pon hym, and with armes, and a herse for the body hangyd with blake and armes, and the chyrche hangyd.
The (blank) day of May was mad for on master Gyfford of Northamtunshyre sqwyre a pennon and a cote of armur and a ij dosen of armes.
The (blank) day of May was mayd for a gentyllman of Dovre ys nam (blank) the wyche he was drownyd at Rye [going] with ser Thomas Fynche; (fn. 64) he had a pennon of armes and a cote armur and a dosen of skochyons.
The xj day of May was a fyre in Barbykan at my lade Suffoke's
plase be-syd the Red-crosse strett, by a Frenche man that kept the
plase—a part bornyd.
. . . . . . . . . . .
The xxiij day of May . . . . . . . . . lord the duke of Northfoke was . . . . . . vycont Montyguw and my lord of Luthborow . . . . . . and the yerle of Northumberland and the yerle of [Warwick] stallyd knyghtes of the Garter; and ser Henry Sy[dney was] depute for the yerle of Warwyke, and he bare ys hode and ys coller of the garter a-pone ys arme.
The xxix day of May be-twyn iij and iiij a[fter noon] came a grett clape of thondur and after a grett [rain] that yt rane in-to many men's howses, [and lasted] tylle nyght.
The iij day of June was bered in sant James [Garlick-hithe?] master Coldwell gentyllman and a laer (fn. 65) with halff a [dozen] skochyons of bokeram, and ther was a x mornars . . . . . and women, and ther was a xij clarkes syngyng . . . . . . ded of a laske (fn. 66); and master Beycon mad the sermon.
The x day of June was a degre (fn. 67) mayd a-for my lord [the duke] of Northfoke, and master Garter and master Clarenshux and master Norrey, that master Garter have the berehyng (fn. 68) of all knyghtes of the Garter and all yerles and ther [wives] and all lordes and ther wyffes and vyconttes.
The sam day ded my lord Pagett at Draytun.
The xiij day of June by a stylle the fyre had taken hold of a pese of tymber; yf that ther had not bene good helpe yt had done myche hurt, for yt was a-monge the drapers in Watlyngstrett be-syd Bowe lane.
The xiiij day of June the Quen('s) grace removyd from Whythall by water toward Grenwyche, and a-bowt Ratclyff and Lymhowse capten Stukely dyd shuwe here grace the pleysur that cold be
on the water with shuttyng of gones after lyke warle (fn. 69) with plahhyng
of drumes and trum[pets.]
. . . . . . . . . . .
[The . day of June was the funeral of the lord Paget] . . . . . . . . with a standard and a grett banar . . . . . . . . . banar-rolles of armes and a cott armur . . . . . . . . . garter, helme, and crest, and mantylles and sword . . . . . . . dosen of skochyons, and a iiij dosen of penselles [about the] herse.
The xvj day of June dyd ryd in a care [to the] yeld-hall docthur Langton the phesyssyon in a g[own] of damaske lynyd with velvett and a cott of velvett . . . . and a cape (fn. 70) of velvett, and he had pynd a bluw ho[od on] ys cape, and so cam thrugh Chepe-syd on the market [day,] and so a-bowtt London, for was taken with ij wenchys yonge a-tones. (fn. 71)
The xix day of June yt raynyd swett showrs tyll x of the cloke.
The sam day in the mornyng ther was sett on dyvers chyrche dorres, be-cause that he (fn. 72) sayd that they dyd not ryng when that the quen whent to Grenwyche, and that they shuld not open the chyrche dors tyll that he had a nobull on evere chyrche by the water syde from Tempull bare unto the Towre, but he cold gett no thyng yett.
The sam day was browth (fn. 73) to the Towre serten . . . . . . for ther was capten callyd . . . . . . . . conveyed them away for they [were gone to] Grayff-ende (fn. 74) and browth bake to the Towre agayne.
The xxvj day of June ther was taken in Dystaffe lane the persun of Abchyrche be-syd London stone . . . . . . he havyng a wyff, and wher that he la a-bowtt . . . . have hys pleasur on her, and offered her serten money, and the plase [ap-] ponted, and she mad her fryndes [aware] of yt, and so they stod in a plases tyll he had mad . . . . . . off with gowne and jakett, and downe with hosse . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . whether that any . . . . . . that the curett and the chyrche wardens . . . . . . howse wher the plage (fn. 75) shall hapen . . . . . they . . . . that they shall not come to the chyrche for the spase. . . . . . . next folohyng after that the plage has bene, and so [a cross was] sett at evere dore of bluw and a wrytyng un[der] . . . . . . . .
The v day of July ded master Ellys Oggraffe of Lan . . . . Harfordshyre sqwyre, and bered the x day of July.
The ix day of July cam a commondementt . . . . . . . that evere man in evere strett and lane for to ma[ke fires] iij tymes in the weke for to have the ere (fn. 76) opon . . . . sese the plage in the cete, and yff ytt plese God so . . . . so to contenew the fyre in evere strett and lane [every] Wedynsday and Fryday.
The viij day of July cam a commondementt that [all] halles of craftes in London shuld fynd to the iiij . . . . in alle the hast that may be, for to goo to Porthm [outh] in all the sped that may.
The xiij day of July master Clarenshux rod toward Suffoke a-pon ys vesytassyon of ys offes.
The xvj day of July was bered in the parryche of saynt Step[hen's by] London stone master Berre sqwyre and draper and marchand of the stapull, [with a] harold of armes, and he had a cott armur and a penon . . . . of skochyons of armes, and ys plase was hangyd with blake . . . . . . the cherche hangyd with blake and armes, and [there were] all the craft in ther leverey; ser Wylliam Ch[ester] cheyff mornar, and master Argall next, and master John Bere, [and then the] corse with a pall of blake velvett and mony . . . . . . mad the sermon, and all dune to the plase [to dinner, for there was a] grett dener.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . bered in lytyl Allalows . . . . . . . . . . . . master Crolley mad the [sermon] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The . . day of July was on (blank) Penred [that had a] chyld to lerne, and for a sm[all fault did] bett (fn. 77) hym so [severely] with a leden (fn. 78) gyrdyll with bu[ckles, that he left] no skyne [on his] body and . . . . . almost pu . . . . . . ys master was sett on the pelere (fn. 79) and wypyd (fn. 80) with [. . . that his] blude ran downe, and with that my lord mare [passed] thrughe Chepe-syd the boye was sett on the pelere, (fn. 81) [and his c]oatt was taken of ys body that my lord and all the [people] myght see how that he was beyten, the petest (fn. 82) [sight to] se at any tyme.
The sam tym was a proclamassyon mad that [no] Englys man so-mever he was had lyberte to take [no] Frenche man by water and by lande, and to take shyp[s, mon]aye and goodes, and the men to ransum; and at after-none wen . . . e that cold take one, they that wold myght have hym.
The xxxj day of July was a-nodur proclamassyon that no man shuldmedyll with no Frenchman, nodur with no in-bas [sador] nor ys servandes, nor fre-denesun. (fn. 83)
The iij day of August was a-nodur proclamassyon . . . . who shuld not medyll with no Frenche man.
The iiij day of August was a-nodur proclamassyon [from] my lord mare that ther ys on (fn. 84) man hyred [to kill] doges as many as he cane fynd in the stretts, and has a fee for loke (fn. 85) every day and nyght.
The xxviij day of July was the gr[eat news that New]haveyn by owr men and the F[renchmen . . . . . . . mony a man slayne ther.
The iij day of August owr . . . . . . . Porthmowth and so evere da . . . . . . .
The viij day . . . . . . . . . . mares (fn. 86) of London . . . . . . . . . late shreyff . . . . . . . . . . Palmer la . . . . . . . . . . . late . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .