Diary: 1557 (July - Dec)

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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'Diary: 1557 (July - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp141-162 [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Diary: 1557 (July - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp141-162.

"Diary: 1557 (July - Dec)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp141-162.

1557 (July - Dec)

The ij day of July the duke of Norfoke('s) sun was crystened at Whytt-hall at after-non, and the kyng and my lord chanseler was the godfathers, and my old lade the duches of North-foke was the god-mother, and ther wher iiijxx storchys bornyng.

The iij day of July the Kyng and the Quen toke ther gornay (fn. 1) toward Dover, and lay all nyghtt at Syttyngborne.

The vi day of July was bered at sant Pulkers with-owtt Nuwgatt, master Stukley; with ij whytt branchys and (blank) stayffes torchys, and with armes.

The x day of July was bered at Peterborow my lade Tressam, with iiij baners, and a herse of wax, (blank) torchys, and a iiij dossen of skochyons.

[The v day of July the King took shipping at Dover] towarde Callys, on hys jornay [toward Flanders].

The (blank) day of Aprell suffered dethe in [several] plases in the Northe for entrying in-to Sk[arborough] castyll, (for) the wyche at London master Thomas [Stafford] was heddyd on Towre hylle; and at Tyborne John Procter aleas Wylliamsun, Wyllyam Stowe, John Bradford, and more in dyvers plases; [in York]shyre, John Wylborne, Clement Tyllyd, John Cawsewelle, and Robart Hunter, at York, [by the] dethe of hangyng, drahyns, (fn. 2) and quarter[ing].

Item, at Skarborow suffered dethe master Thomas Sp . ., John Adames, John Wattsun, skott, John . . a frencheman.

At Hulle, John Browne, Owyn Jones, suffered.

At Beverley, Hary Gardener and John Thomas suffered.

At Whyttby, Thomas Warden and John Deyctam, skott.

Att Malton, Wyllyam Palmer, John Mortfurth, scott.

Att Flamborow, at Assyley, Thomas Wylkynsun.

At Byrlyngton, John Wallys.

At Awdborowre, Antony Persevall.

At Hornesey, Wylliam Wyllamsun.

At Pawlle in Holdernes, Roger Thomas.

At Hassylle, Roger Raynoldes.

At Alefax, (fn. 3) Lawransse Alssope.

At Donkester, in Yorkeshyre, Thomas Jordayn.

At Howden, John Grey, skotte.

At Wakefeld, Robert Hawgatt, skott; and all thes for enteryng in Skarborow castylle.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . es Stanley, of Le, in Essex.

Thomas Thorley, of Prykkyllwell, in Essex.

Hare Ramsey, of Amwell, in conte of Harford.

The xiiij day of July was bered at [saint] Bowtolfe in Temes strett master Tornburn, fysmonger, with ij whytt branchys, and xii torchys, and iiij grett tapurs, and mony morners.

The same day was bered good master Worley in the parryche of sant Mare-bowe, in Chepe, with ij whytt branchys, and xij torchys, and iiij gret tapurs, and a xviij morners, and a ij dosen of skochyons.

The xv day of July the Quen('s) grace dynyd at Lambeth with my lord cardenall Polle, and after dener removyd to Rychmond, and ther (her) grace tares ther her plesur.

The xv day of July was nuw coffend again and le [aded] master Wyttyngtun and my lade ys wyff, at Wyttyngtun college, and had durge over nyght, and the morow masse; the wyche was the fonder of the same colege, and beldyd Nugatt and other places, and was mere of London.

The moneth of July whent a grett army after that the kyng was gone over; my lord of Pembroke, cheyff capten of the feld, and my lord Montyguw whent, and my lord Clyntun, and dyvers lordes and knyghtes and gentyllmen by water and land, and goodly aparelle; they wher sent to Dover. London fond v c. men all in bluw cassokes, sum by shypes and sum to Dover by land, the goodlyst men that ever whent, and best be-sene in change (of) aparelle.

The xxx day of July master Dave (fn. 4) Gyttons, master Meynard, and master Draper, and master Smyth, master Coldwelle, and master Asse and Gybes, and master Packyngtun, and monser the Machyn de Henry, (fn. 5) and mony mo, ded ett alff a busshell of owsturs (fn. 6) in Anckur lane at master Smyth and master Gytton's seller (fn. 7) a-pone hoghedes, and candyll lyght, and onyons and red alle (fn. 8) and clarett alle, (fn. 8) and muskadylle and malmesey alle, fre cope, (fn. 9) at viij in the mornyng.

[The xvi day of July died the lady Anna of Cleves, at Chelsea, sometime wife and queen to king Henry the] viijth, but she was never crounyd, butt [remained in England,] and she was seyryd (fn. 10) the nyght folohyng.

The xv day of July was bered master Reche('s) wyff, [who] was mere of London and knyght and altherman of London, with ij wyth (fn. 11) branchys, and xij torchys, iiij tapurs, and ij dosen of armes.

The xxij day of July was bered in Essex master Latham, with ij whytt branchys, and xij stayff-torchys, and iiij grett tapurs.

The sam day cam from my lord Dacurs of the North, beyond Carlylle, (blank) lyght hors-men to go [beyond] see.

The xxiij day of July sir Gorge Pallett and ser Wyllyam Cortnay toke ther barge at Towre warff, at . . . of the cloke at after-non, toward Dover, and dyvers captaynes.

The xvij day of July was a scresmys (fn. 12) at Margyson be-twyn the Englysmen and Frenchemen, and ther owre men had the beter and had good bote (fn. 13) of cattell; and ther wher slayne ix men of armes and xviij taken presoners of Frenche-men, and of owrs iij taken presoners and v hurtt, by the helpe of men of Gynes and Calles horse-men.

The xxvj day of July was bered masteres Draper of Camurell, (fn. 14) with ij whytt branchys and xii stayff torchys, and iiij grett tapurs, and ij dosen of skochyons of armes.

The xxix day of July was fechyd out of Westmynster (fn. 15) by the constabyll of the Towre of London, the wyche ys constabull, and browth (fn. 16) on (blank) Waxham, the wyche he brake out of the Towre, and was browth thrugh London.

[The same day, being saint Olave's day, was the church holiday in Silver street; and at eight of the clock at night began] a stage play of [a goodly matter, that continued until] xij at mydnyght, and then they mad an end with a g[ood song.]

The sam day began the herse at Westmynster for my lade Anne of Cleyff, with carpynters worke of vij prensepalles, as goodly a hers as . . . .

The first day of August was the nones (fn. 17) of Syon was closyd in by my lorde bysshope of London and my lord abbott of Westmynster, and serten of the consell, and serten frers of that order, of shepe coler as the shepe bereth; and thay had as grett a charge of ther leyfvyng, (fn. 18) and never to goo forth as longe as they do lyffe, but ever . .

The iij day of August my lade Anne of Cleyff, sumtyme wyff unto kyng Henry the viijth cam from Chelsey to be [buried] unto Westmynster, with all the chylderyn of Westmynster and [many] prest (fn. 19) and clarkes, and then the gray ames (fn. 20) of Powlles and iij crosses, and the monkes of Westmynster, and my lord bysshope of Lo[ndon] and my lord abbott of Westmynster rod together next the monkes, and then the ij sekturs (fn. 21) ser Edmond Peckham and ser (Robert) Freston, cofferer to the quen of England; and then my lord admerall, my (lord) Darce of Essex, and mony knyghts and gentyllmen; and a-for her servandes, and after her baner of armes; and then her gentyllmen and here hed offesers; and then here charett with viij baners of armes of dyvers armes, and iiij baners of emages of whytt taffata, wroght with fyne gold and her armes; and so by sant James, and so to Charyingcrosse, with a C. torchys bornyng, her servandes beyrying them, and the xij bed-men of Westmynster had new blake gownes; and they had xij torchys bornyng, and iiij whyt branchys with armes; and then ladies and gentyll-women all in blake, and horsses; and a viij haroldes of armes in blake, and ther horses; and armes sad (fn. 22) a-bowt the herse behynd and be-for; and iiij haroldes barying the iiij whyt baners; and at (the) chyrche dore all dyd a-lyght and ther dyd reseyvyd the good lade my lord of London and my lord abbott in ther myteres and copes, sensyng her, and ther men dyd bere her with a canepe of blake welvett, with iiij blake stayffes, and so browth in-to the herse and ther tared durge, and so ther all nyght with lyght bornyng.

[The iij day of August, in the afternoon, came from the Exchequer about seventeen horses laden with money towards Berwick, and divers men riding with it with javelins and pole-axes, on horseback, and] bowes and sheyffes of arowes, be-twyn viij and [ix of the clock.]

The iiij day of August was the masse of requiem for my lade prenses (fn. 23) of Cleyff, and dowther to [William] duke of Cleyff; and ther my lord abbott of Westmynster mad a godly sermon as ever was mad, and [then] . . . the byshope of London song masse in ys myter; [and after] masse my lord byshope and my lord abbott mytered dyd [cense] the corsse; and afterward she was caried to her tomb, [where] she leys with a herse-cloth of gold, the wyche lyys [over her]; and ther alle her hed offesers brake ther stayffes, [and all] her hussears (fn. 24) brake ther rodes, and all they cast them in-to her tombe; the wyche was covered her co[rps] with blake, and all the lordes and lades and knyghtes and gentyllmen and gentell-women dyd offer, and after masse agrett [dinner] at my lord (abbat's); and my lade of Wynchester was the cheyff [mourner,] and my lord admeroll and my lord Darce whent of ether syde of my lade of Wynchester, and so they whent in order to dinner.

The vj day of August cam anuw commondement that the cette (fn. 25) shuld fynd a M. men with all maner of wepons, cottes and harnes, gones and mores-pykes, and horse-men.

The x day of August was bered master Dause, gentyllman to the quen, at sant Botulff with-owt Altergatt, with armes and ij branchys, xij stayffes, and iiij tapurs.

The xj day of August was bered at Clrakenwell my lade Page, with (unfinished).

The xiij day of August was a proclamasyon of alle (fn. 26) and bere, and whatt men shall pay for barelles of alle and bere and kylderkyns.

The xiiij day of August cam tydynges from beyond the see that the Kyng our master had taken mony nobull men of France gohyng to vetell (fn. 27) Sant Qwynten, the constabull of Fransse and a vj m. presonares taken, and vj . . cartes and wagens laden with tresur and vetell, at a plasse callyd Sant Qwynten, and ther my lord Hare Dudley was slayn at the wynnyng of ytt.

. . . . . . . . . . .

The xv day of August cam a commondement to [all the churches] of London to go to Powlles, all prestes in copes a prosses[sion. Before] they whentt, they of Powlles songe Te Deum laudamus; [and after that] down (fn. 28) they whent a prossessyon into Chepe, round [about] the crosse syngyng Salve festa dies, and my lord mayre [and aldermen in] skarlett round a-bowtt Powlles with-owtt; and after [to Paul's] crosse to sermon; and ther prychyd the archedeken of London, [doctor] Harpfeld, and mad a godly sermon; the wyche day was the [day of the] Assumsyon of owre blessyd Lade the Vyrgyn, and in ys sermon[he] declared how many wher taken, and what nobull men they were.

The sam day at after (fn. 29) evyngsong all chyrchys in London was Te Deum laudamus songe, and ryngyng solemn [ly;] at nyght bone-fyres and drynkynge in evere strett in Lo[ndon,] thankyng be to God Almyghty that gyffes the vyctore.

The xvj day of August be-gane to sett up the herse for the kyng of Denmarke, a frame of iiij-sqware.

The xvij day of August was the obseque of master (blank) Heyron, the sune of the basterd Heyron of the North, with cot armur, and pennon of armes, with torches and lyght.

The xviiij day of August was the hers for the kyng of Denmarke fenysshed, with wax, the wyche was never sen shyche on (fn. 30) in England of that fassyon, of sqware tapurs, and xxj baners and baners rolles of all ther leneges and mareges in baner-rolles. The sam nyght was the durge, my lord tresorer cheyff morner; and after that my lord Darcy, ser Robart Uxinbryge, ser Edmond Peckam, ser [Robert] Freston, cofferer to the quen, and ser Recherd Sowthwell, ser Arthur Darcy, and mony nobull men and gentyllmen alle in blake; and my lord of London begane the durge, with ys myter [on] alle the durge wylle (fn. 31); and after the durge alle the haroldes and the lordes whent to the bysshope of London('s) plasse and dronke; and iiij goodly whytt branchys, and vj dosen torchys, and the qwer hangyd with blake and armes; and vj pilers (fn. 32) covered with velvet, and a goodly hers-cloth of tensell, the crosse of cloth of selver; and the morow masse, and a goodly sermon, and after to my lord('s) of London to dener for the kyng of Denmarke('s) obseque and fenerall, and a mageste and valans fryng of gold, and x dosen pensels, and x dosen skochyns of armes.

. . . . . . . . . . .

The xxij day of August was the herse [of my lade Anne of Cleves] taken downe at Westmynster, the wyche the monkes [by night had spoiled of] all welvett cloth, armes, baners, penselles, of all the [majesty and] valans, the wyche was never sene a-fore so done.

The xxv day of August was bered at (blank) ser John Pollard knyght, with standard, pennon, cott-armur, sword, and a herse; and iiij dosen of torchys and vj dosen of skochyons, . . . . dosen pensells.

The xxiij day of August was the hers of the kyng [of Denmark] at Powlles taken downe by master Garter, and serten of the lord tressorer('s) servandes, and the waxchandlers and carpynters.

The xxiiij day of August was bered master Thomas [Halley, Clarenceux] kyng at armes, and on of cheyff of the haroldes [by ?] ys servand in sant Gylles parryche with-owt Crepullgate, with cotearmur and penon of armes, and skochyons of ys armes, and ij whyt branchys, and xij stayffes torchys, and iiij grett tapurs; and a crowne; and after durge, and [then] whent the haroldes unto master Grenell('s) (fn. 33) the waxchandeler, [and there] thay had spysse-bred and cheysse, (fn. 34) and wyne grett plente. [On the] morow masse, and a sermon; and after a grett dener, with all the haroldes at dener, and the parryche dynyd ther; and soper (fn. 35) ther.

The xxvj day of August was bered master (blank) Barenteyn sqwyre, with cott armur, and penon of armes, and ij dosen of skochyons, ij whyt branchys, and xij stayffes torchys, iiij grett tapurs; bered in sant Mare Somersett at Broken-warff; and he had a godly masse of owre Lade in pryke songe; and after a masse of requiem songe, and so ys cote offered; and after a grett dener.

The xxviij day of August begane to sett up the herse at sant Clementes with-owt Tempull-bare for my yonge duches of Northfoke, the wyffe to the yonge duke of Northfoke.

The xxix day of August was the Marchand-tayllers' fest on the decolassyon of sant John babtyst, and my lorde mayre and ser Thomas Whytt and master Harper shreyff, and master Row, and all the cloythyng, and the iiii wardens of the yomenre, and the compene, hard messe at sant Johns in Smyth-feld; and offered evere man a pene; (fn. 36) and from thens to the halle to dener, ij and ij together. The sam day a grett shoutyng; and the cheyff warden master Horne marchand-tayller.

. . . . . . . . . .

The furst day of September at after-none be[ried the] yonge duches of Northfoke, and the chyrche and the plasse and the strett [hangyd with black] and armes; and be iij of the cloke she was browth (fn. 37) to [the church with] a c morners; and her grasse (fn. 38) had a canepe (fn. 39) of blake [velvet, with] iiij stayffes, borne ower her; and many baners, and baner[-rolls borne ab]owt here; and the byshope of London in ys cope and ys myter [on his head,] and all the qwyre of Powlles; and with ij grett whytt branchys, and xij dosen stayffes torchys; and viij haroldes of armes; and my [lady Lumley] the cheyff morner, and mony lordes and knyghtes, and gentyll lades and gentyll-women.

The x . . . day of August was bered master . . . . in the contrey of (blank) sqwyre with cote-armur and . . . . and ij dosen of skochyons and ij dosen of torchys.

The (blank) day of August brake owt of the Towre master Wa[. . .] (fn. 40) the ij tyme, and toke santtuary at Westmynster agayn.

The iij day of September was bered ser Hare Husse knyght, in the towne callyd Slynford in Sussex.

The sam day at nyght cam commondement that evere chyrche in London, and oder contrey and shyre, to syng and make bonfeyrs for the wynnynge of Sant Qwynten; and ther was slayn my lord Hare Dudley the yonger sone of the duke of Northumberland that was he[aded,] with mony mo, at the wynnyng of yt.

The x day of September was bered in Hardford-shyre master Coke, master of reqwest(s).

The x day of September was browth (fn. 41) to the Towre agayne master Wathan by the consell from Westmynster.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . iiij grett tapurs . . . . torchys and a grett dener.

The xj day of September was a man set in the pelere (fn. 42) for spykyng sedyssus wordes.

The xij day of September was a commondement that matens and masse to be done by ix of the cloke, [and every] parsun or curett to go to Powlles with surples and copes [and to] go a' pressessyon ther thrugh and a-bowt [Paul's] and Te Deum laudamus song; and my lord mayre and the althermen in skarlett; and after they whent into the shroudes [and] docthur Standyche dyd pryche ther; and at after [even-]song Te Deum laudamus and ryngyng thrugh [London] for the good nuwes that cam from owre capteynes beyond the see, the wynnyng of (unfinished).

The xiij day of September ded (fn. 43) ser John Cheyke, sumtyme skollmaster unto kyng Edward the vjth tyll he [died].

The xv day of September Raff Qwalett payd unto master Ley, clarke of the paper, x11. for the wyche was payd for master was secondare of the conter by a oblygassyon bond for Thomas Browne. Wytnes at the pament of thys money Hare Machyn marchand-tayller, and Dave Edward, servant unto my lord bysshope of Wynchester, and with dyvers odur gentyllmen; the wyche sum full payd xij11 and I to have a qwyttans as sone as the wylle of master Gy Wade, sqwyre, and secondare of the kontur (fn. 44) in Wodstrett.

The xvj day of September was bered master Heyns, stuard unto my lord cardenall, at Hamsted heth, with ij dosen skochyons, xij torchys, ij whyt branchys, and iiij grett tapurs; and a grett dener.

. . . . . . . . . .

The xv day of September was restoryd unto Westmynster santuary agayn master Wakham that brake owt of the [Tower].

The xvj day of September cam owt of Spayn [to the] quen('s) cowrt in post monser Regamus, gorgys[ly apparelled,] with dyvers Spaneardes, and with grett cheynes, and ther hats sett with stones and perlles, and sopyd (fn. 45); and by vij of the cloke [were again on] horse-bake, and so thrugh Fletstrett and at the Horne [they] dronke, and at the Gray-honde, and so thrugh Chepe-syde and so over the bryge, and so rod all nyght toward Dover.

The xvij day of September whent owt of Nuwgatt unto Yslyngton beyonde the buthes (fn. 46) towardes the chyrche in a valley to be bornyd iiij; iij men, on women, for herese duly [proved;] ij of them was man and wyff dwellyng in sant Donstans in the Est, of the est syd of sant Donstons cherche-yerd with master [Waters,] sargant of armes, and att ther bornyng was (unfinished).

The xix day of September cam a commondement downe to all parryche(s) in London that they shuld go in prossessyon at Powlles, and Te Deum laudamus songe; all the chyrches in London to synge, and rynge for wynnynge of Perro in Franse and odur plasses.

The xx day of September was bered mastores Fynche with ij whyt branchys, xij torchys, and iiij gylt candyllstykes and ij grett tapurs, and ij dosen of skochyns, att the Sayvoy; on (fn. 47) of the preve chambur to the quen.

The xxj day of September was the monyth myn (fn. 48) and obseque of ser Hare Husse, knyght, with a standerd and pennon of armes, cott-armur, targett, elmett, and sword; and vj dosen of skochyons; with a harold of armes.

The xxj day of September was bered doctur Pendyltun, in sant Stheyn (fn. 49) in Walbroke, wher he was parsun, and browth (fn. 50) with all Powlles qwyre to berehyng ther.

[The iij day of August the good ship called the Mary-Rose] of London, acompanyd [with the Maudlyn Dryvers, and a] smalle crayer of the Whest-contrey, commyng [by south] chansyd (fn. 51) to mette with a Frencheman of war [of the burden] of x skore or ther bowth (fn. 52); the wyche Frenche shyp [had to] the nomber of ij C. men; and in the Mare-Rows xxii [men and . . . ] bowys, (fn. 53) the Maudelyn xviij, the barke of the West-contr[ey xij]. The MareRows saylyng faster then the French [man,] and so in-continent the Frenche shype sett upon the [other] ij shyps, whom seyng the master of the Mare-Rowse cast a-bowtt, and [set upon] the Frence shype, and borded her; and slew to the nomber of C men with the captayn or ever thatt the other came to the fyght; ther wher slayne in Mare-Rowse ij men, and one ded a senett (fn. 54) after, and vj hurte wythe [the master,] whos name was John Couper. Then cam the men of the Mare-Rosse, and shott on pesse (fn. 55) of ordenanse in[to the] Frenche shype('s) starne, and gahyng by here (fn. 56) shott arow[s at the] Frenche-men; the Maudelyn dyd no more hurtt; [the] barke nothyng at all. Thus thay fought ij owrs (fn. 57); [but at] the lengh the Frenche-men wher were (fn. 58) of the[ir parts] and for-soke them, nott haveng men to gyde ther sayls; butt yff the Mare-Rosse had had men to enter the Frenche shype, and a setter on, they had browght her a-way [ere] the othur shypes had helpyd her. After-ward nuws was browght owt of Depe (fn. 59) by a presoner that had payd hys ransom that 1. men was cared owt of the Frenche shype on barows to the surgayns, and the shype sore spoyllyd and hurtt.

The xxv day of September was browth a' bed (fn. 60) with a whenche, be-twyn xij and on at mydnyght, wher-of my gossep Harper, servand unto the quen('s) grace, was dyssesed of rest of ys nest, (fn. 61) and after he whent to ys nest a-gayn—the iiij and v of k. q. (fn. 62)

The xxvij day of September was crystened Katheryn Machyn, the doythur of Hare (fn. 63) Machyn; the godmothers' names masteres Grenway, master altherman('s) wyff, and masteres Blakwelle, and master Grennelle, (fn. 64) godfather; and at byshopyng (fn. 65) the godmother's nam masteres Johnsun in Ive (fn. 66) lane.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . whytt branchys, xij stayffes torchys and . . . .

The v day October was bered master Sakefeld, (fn. 67) squwyre, [the father] unto ser (Richard) Sakefeld, knyght, late chanseler of the [Court of Augmentations], with a penon of armes and cott armur, and iiij baners of armes, . . . . . ij fayre whytt branchys, and iiij branchys tapurs, . . . . dosen of penselles, and iiij dosen of stayffes torchys, and . . . . harold of armes, and viij dosen of skochyons of armes.

The v day of October was bered at Chemford (fn. 68) in Essex the wyff of master Thomas Myldmay, sqwyre, and audetor, with ij whytt branchys, and ij dosen of grett stayffe torchys, and iiij dosen of skochyons, and mony mornars in blake.

The (blank) day of October was bered my [lade] Husse in Sussex, at Slynkford, (fn. 69) by ser Hare Husse (fn. 70) her husband.

The vj day of October cam a comondement in-to London that evere parryche shuld make bon-fyers and ryngyng that the pope and the emperowr be fryndes and lovers, and the ware (fn. 71) endyd be-twyn them.

The Thursday the last day of September ded (fn. 72) master Recherd Docket, grocer of London, and marchand of Flanders and (blank) of Flanders of the Englysmen howse. (fn. 73)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . was bered with a penon of armes . . . . baner of emages, and iij dosen of penselles., and . . . . skochyons, and ij whytt branchys, and . . . . stayffs torchys, . . . .iij grett tapurs; at the monyth myn (fn. 74) was as . . . . and a gret dener after masse.

The xiij day of October was a man sett a-pon the pelere (fn. 75) for heynous wordes and sedyssyus wordes and [opprobrious] wordes aganst my lord mayre and the althermen, [and a common] slander(er) of pepull and ys neyburs; ys nam was Davesun, tayller.

The sam day was a proclamasyon (unfinished)

The xxj day of October was cared thrugh Smyth-feld and Nuwgatt and thrugh Chepe-syde to the Towre 1. grett gones that wher nu mad, (fn. 76) and ij C. men with gones, bowes, and pykes, in harnes and shurtes of maylle.

The xxj day of October ded (fn. 77) my lade the contes of Arundell at Bathe plase in sant Clement parryche with-owt Tempylle-bare.

The xxvj day of October was a goodly hers sett up in sant Clementes parryche with-owt Tempylle-bare, of v pryncepalles, and with viij baner-rolles, and a x dosen penselles, and iiij grett skochyons of armes at the iiij corners.

The xxvij day of October my lade was browth (fn. 78) to the chyrche, with the byshope of London and Powlles qwyre and the master and clarkes of London, and then cam the corse with v baners (fn. 79) of armes borne; then cam iiij harolds in ther cotes of armes, and bare iiij banars of emages at the iiij corners; and then cam the chyff mornars, my lade of Wossetur, and my lade Lumley, and my lord North, and ser Antony Selenger. [Then came a hundred mourners of men, and after as many ladies and gentlemen, all in black; and a great many poor women in black and rails, and] xxiiij pore men in blake beyryng of torchys, and mony of her servandes in blake cotes beyryng of torchys.

The xxviij day of October was the masse of requiem song, and a goodly sermon; and after masse her grasse (fn. 80) was bered; and all her hed offesers with whytt stayffes in ther handes, and all the haroldes waytyng abowt her in ther cott armurs, and my lord abbott of Westmynster [was the] precher, a godly sarman; and my lord of London song the masse, and the byshope of (blank) song the masse of the (blank), and ther was a (blank) masse sayd; and after to my lordes plase to dener, for ther was a gret dener.

The xxix day of October dyd my nuw lorde mayre [take] ys owth (fn. 81) at Westmynster; and all the craftes of London [in their] bargys, and the althermen; and after-ward landyd at Powlles warf; and at the Powlles cheyrche-yerd ther the pagantt stod; and the bachelers with ther saten hodes and a lx pore men in gownes, and targets and gayffelyns in ther handes, and the trumpetes and the whettes playhyng, unto Yeld-halle; and ther dynyd, and after to Powlles, and after to my lord mayre('s) howse, and ther the althermen, and the craftes, and the bachelers, and the pagantt browth (fn. 82) hym home.

The xxx day of October was bered ser Wylliam Cand . . . knight, with ij whytt branchys, and xij stayff torchys, iij grett tapurs, and (blank) skochyons, at sant Botulff with-owt Althergatt.

The iij day of November was bered in the parryche of sant Donstones in the West, sargant Wallpoll, a Northfoke man, with a pennon and a cott of armes borne with a harold of armes; and ther was all the juges, and sergantes of the coyffe, and men of the law a ij C. with ij whytt branchys, xij stayff torchys, and iiij grett tapurs, and prestes, and clarkes; and the morow the masse of requiem.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . my lade W. . . . . . . . . . . wher her husband and she had a harold . . . . mony morners, as ser Recherd Southwell . . . and dyvers odur, with ij goodly whyte branchys . . . grett stayffe torchys, and xij pore men that bare . . . and xij powre women xij gret tapurs of ij . . . and the men had gownes of mantyll frysse and . . . and the women gownes and raylles; and the morow m[ass, and] after a grett dener and a sermon.

The v day of November rod thrugh [the city] a man on horsebake, ys fase toward the horses tail, and a wrytyng on ys hed; and he had a fryse gown, [and] ys wyff leydyng the horse, and a paper on her h[ead, for] horwdom (fn. 83) the wyche he lett ys wyff to ho . . . to dyvers men.

The viij day of November was bered (fn. 84) with-in the Tempull ser Necolas Hare, knyght, and master of the rolles, with ij whytt branchys and (blank) torches, and a herse garnyshed with wax and penselles and armes; and with a harold of armes; and with a standard, and a penon, and cote of armes, elmett, targatt, and sword; and a viij dosen of skochyons.

The ix day of November was bered at Stonesthett ford (fn. 85) master (blank) Langfold, with pennon and cote armour, a sqwyre.

The xj day of November was bered besyd Cambryge ser John Hodyllstone knyght, with standard and pennon, cote armur, elmett, targat, sword, and penselles, and a vj dosen of skochyons and of torchys.

[The xij day of November was buried at Stepney master Maynard, merchant, and sheriff of London in the sixth] yere of kyng Edward the vjth, the wyche kept a grett howse, and in the time of Cryustymas he had a lord of mysrulle, and after the kynges lord of mysse-rulle cam and dynyd with hym; and at the crosse of Chepe he mad a grett skaffold, and mad a proclamasyon. (fn. 86) [He was buried] with ij whytt branchys, and xij torchys, and iiij grett [tapers]; and after to Popeler to dener, (fn. 87) and that was grett.

The sam day was bered at sant Augustyne master . . . anell with ij whytt branchys, and xii stayff torchys, and iiij grett tapurs, and after masse to . . . . . and mony morners, and a ij dosen skochyons of armes.

The xij day of November ther was a post sett up in Smythfeld for iij that shuld have beyn bornyd, butt (fn. 88) boyth wod and colles; and my lord abbott of Westminster cam to Newgatt and talked with them, and so they wher stayd for that day of bornyng.

The xiij day of November was sant Erkenwald eve, the iiij and v yere of king and quen, whent owt of Newgatt unto Smyth-feld to be bornyd iij men; on was [blank] Gybsun, the sun of sergantt Gybsun, sergantt of armes, and of the reywelles, (fn. 89) and of the kynges tenstes (fn. 90); and ij more, the whyche here be ther names—Gybsun, Hali[day,] and Sparow, thes iij men.

The xv day of November was bered ser (blank) Arundell knyght, with iiij branche tapers of wax, and penselles ij dosen, and vj dosen skochyons, and a standard, pennon, and cott armur, elmett, targatt, sword; and ij whyt branchys, and ij dosen torchys, and mony morners, and a grett dener. (fn. 91)

The xvj day of the sam monyth was bered at sant Martens at Ludgatt, master (blank) Terrell, captayn of the galee, (fn. 92) and knyght of the Rodes (fn. 93) sum-tyme was; with a cote, penon, and ij baners of emages, and iij haroldes of armes, and ij whyt branchys, and xij torchys, and iiij gret tapurs.

[The xviij day of November died the lord Bray, within the Black-friars, near Ludgate]; the wyche he gatt ys deth [at St. Quintin's.]

The xviij day of November cam tydynges from the yerle of Northumberland owt of Skottland that the [Scots] and our men mett and ther fowth, (fn. 94) and ther was taken and . . . of the Skotts, att a place callyd (blank).

The xxj day of November dyd pryche my lord [abbat of] Westmynster, and ther he mad a godly sermon, at Powlles crosse.

The Sonday, the xxj day at November, the quen('s) grase [did] sett a crowne of master Norrey('s) hed kyng at armes, [and] created hym Clarenshus, (fn. 95) with a cup of [wine], at Sant James, her grace('s) place.

The xxiij day of November was cared from Blake-freres to Temes syd, and ther wher rede to (fn. 96) grett barges covered with blake and armes hangyng for my lord Bray, and so by water to Chelsey, to be bereyd by ys father, with iiij haroldes of armes, and a standard and a baner of armes, and ij baners of emages borne by ij haroldes of armes in ther cott armurs, and so mony nobull men morners in blake, and xvj porre men had new gownes, and a xvj grett torchys, ij whytt branchys, and iiij grett tapurs, and a cott armur, elmett, target, sword, and mantylles, and a viij dosen of skochyons; and after messe, and ther wher mony prestes and clarkes, and the dener at ys plase at Blake-frers, and so they cam bake from Cheshey (fn. 97) to dener.

[The xxv day of November died the lady Hare, late wife] unto ser Necolaus Hare, knyght, and [master of the rolls, the] wyche she ded at (blank).

The xxvj day of November was bered my lade [Clifford] the wyff of ser Thomas Clyfford knyght, the wyche [was] bered in Westmynster abbay, the wyche lade was bered in the [cou]ntie of (blank), with a harold of armes, and a ij dosen torchys, and iij dosen of skochyons, and iiij baners of armes, [and] a hersecloth of blake saten, the crosse whyt saten.

The xxx day of November was sant Andrewes day, a prossessyon at Powlles, and a preste of evere parryche in [London,] and ther wher a goodly sermon, and after the processyon was Salve festa dyes.

The sam day the Quen('s) grace and my lord cardenell cam from Sant James unto Whytt-halle, and ther they hard masse; and after masse done, and ther wher all the byshopes and the juges and sergantes of the lawe, and ther wer creatyd ser Thomas Tressam lord of sant John's of England, and iiij knyghtes of the Rodes (fn. 98) made; and the sam tyme my lord abbot whent a prossessyon in ys myter, and all the monkes and clarkes syngyng Salve festa dies; and rond abowt the abbay, and my lord abbott sange the masse.

The sam day at after dener my lord cardenall mad a godly sermon in the chapell, and ther wher all juges and bysshopes, and my lord mayre and all the althermen, and mony lordes and knyghtes, and lades and gentyllmen.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . assyon by the mare.

The iiij day of Desember was bered at S[heen at the] the charter-howse ser Robart Rochester knyght, the wyche he was chossen knyght of the garter, but he was never stallyd at Wyndsore, so [he] was not bered with the garter, butt after [the manner of another] knyght, for ther was a goodly herse of wax, v prensypalles, with viij dosen penselles, and viij dosen skochyons, and vj dosen torchys, and ij whyt [branches]; and a standard, and a penon of armes, and cot armur, elmett, targett, sword, mantylles, and iiij baners of emages, and a majeste and valanse, and master Claren[ceux] and master Lankester aroldes, (fn. 99) and mony morners in [black]; and the masse and a sermon, and after a grett dener.

The vij day of Desember ther was a woman [rode] in a care for horedume and bawdre.

The viij day of Desember was bered my lade Rowlett, the wyff of ser Raff Rowllett knyght, in the parryche of santt Mare Stannyng, with ij haroldes of armes and iiij baners of emages and iiij dosen skochyons, and ij whyt branchys, and ij dosen torchys and iiij gylt candyll-stykes, and iiij gret tapurs; and mony morners, and the clothyng of the Gold-smythes; and ys servandes bare torchys in blake cotes.

The v day of Desember was sant Necolas evyn, and sant Necolas whent a-brod in most plases, and all Godys pepull received ym to ther howses and had good chere, after the old custum.

[The xij day of December, being Sunday, there met certain persons that were Gospellers, and some pretended players, at] Yslyngtun, takyng serten men, [and one Ruffe,] a Skott and a frere, for the redyng of [a lecture, and] odur matters; and the communyon was play[ed, and should] have byne butt the gard cam to sune, (fn. 100) or ever [the chief] matter was begone.

The xiij day of Desember was bered in the parryche of sant Pulkurs with-owt Newgatt ser Wylliam West knyght, with iij haroldes of armes, with a standard, penon of armes, cott-armur, elmett, targatt, sword, and ij baners of emages, ij whytt branchys, xij torchys, and the xij powre men had nuw gownes; and iiij gylt candyll-stykes, and iiij grett tapurs; and mony morners, boyth men and women; and iiij dossen of skochyons of armes; and the morowe iij masses songe, on of the Trenete, a-nodur of owre Lade, and the iij of requiem; and a trentalle of masses songe; and ther was ys standard and cott and elmet and the sword and the baners offered; and a sermon; and after to dener, for ther was a grett dener.

The xvij day of Desember dyd ryd in a care a yonge man and a woman the wyff of John a badoo the bowd, and she was the bowd, and she was wypyd at the care-ar[se], and the harlott dyd bett (fn. 101) her: and nold (fn. 102) harlott of iij skore and more led the hors, lyke a nold hore.

The xx day of Desember was condemnyd for herese ser John Ruffe prest, a Skotte, and a woman, for to be bornyd in Smythfeld for (unfinished)

The Fryday x day of Desember was at Wyndsore deposyd of ys denry of Wyndsor doctur Weston.

. . . . . . . . . .

[The xxij day of December were burned in] Smyth feld ij, one ser John Ruffe [the] frere and a Skott, and a woman, for herese.

The xxv day of Desember was bered [the lady] Freston, the wyff of ser Recherd Freston knyght, and cofferer unto quen Mare—the iiij and v of the [king and queen's reign] of England,—in Suffoke.

The x day of Desember ther ryd a man thrugh London, ys fase toward the horse tayle.

The xxv day of Desember wher dyvers [courtiers] was removyd unto he-her (fn. 103) rommys; as ser Edward Hastynges, master of the quen's hors, was mad lord chamburlayn; and ser Thomas Cornwalles comptroller; ser Hare Jarnyngham the master of the hors; and ser Hare Benefeld fee (fn. 104) -chamburlayn and captayn of the gard.


  • 1. journey.
  • 2. So in MS.; read drawing.
  • 3. Halifax.
  • 4. David.
  • 5. A playful designation of the writer's own person.
  • 6. oysters.
  • 7. cellar.
  • 8. ale.
  • 9. all free cups ?
  • 10. cered, i. e. inclosed in waxed cloths.
  • 11. white.
  • 12. skirmish.
  • 13. booty.
  • 14. Camberwell.
  • 15. i. e. out of the sanctuary.
  • 16. brought.
  • 17. nuns.
  • 18. living.
  • 19. priests.
  • 20. amice.
  • 21. executors.
  • 22. set.
  • 23. princess.
  • 24. ushers.
  • 25. city.
  • 26. ale.
  • 27. victual.
  • 28. done.
  • 29. So in MS.
  • 30. seen such an one.
  • 31. while, i. e. duration.
  • 32. pillars.
  • 33. Greenhill ?
  • 34. cheese.
  • 35. supper.
  • 36. penny.
  • 37. brought.
  • 38. grace.
  • 39. canopy.
  • 40. Before Waxham, and afterwards Wathan and Wakham.
  • 41. brought.
  • 42. pillory.
  • 43. died.
  • 44. counter.
  • 45. supped.
  • 46. butts (for archery).
  • 47. one.
  • 48. month's mind.
  • 49. Stephen.
  • 50. brought.
  • 51. chanced.
  • 52. there-about.
  • 53. boys?
  • 54. sevennight.
  • 55. one piece.
  • 56. going by her.
  • 57. hours.
  • 58. were weary.
  • 59. Dieppe.
  • 60. The Diarist's wife, apparently. wench, i. e. a daughter.
  • 61. Harper seems to have been the surgeon-accoucheur summoned to attend on Mrs. Machyn.
  • 62. king and queen (Philip and Mary).
  • 63. Harry.
  • 64. Greenhill.
  • 65. In MS. byshopopyng.
  • 66. Ivy.
  • 67. Sackville.
  • 68. Chelmsford.
  • 69. Slinford.
  • 70. Harry Hussey.
  • 71. war.
  • 72. died.
  • 73. A few lines above the same entry was written, and erased, thus: The last day of September was bered beyond see master Recherd Dokett, grocer, and marchand, and comtro[ller] of the Englysse marchandes.
  • 74. month's mind.
  • 75. pillory.
  • 76. new made.
  • 77. died.
  • 78. brought.
  • 79. paners in MS.
  • 80. grace.
  • 81. his oath.
  • 82. brought.
  • 83. whoredom.
  • 84. buried.
  • 85. Stony Stratford.
  • 86. See before, p. 28.
  • 87. dinner.
  • 88. So in MS.
  • 89. revels.
  • 90. tents.
  • 91. dinner.
  • 92. galley.
  • 93. Rhodes.
  • 94. fought.
  • 95. William Harvey.
  • 96. were ready two.
  • 97. Chelsea.
  • 98. Rhodes.
  • 99. heralds.
  • 100. too soon.
  • 101. beat.
  • 102. an old.
  • 103. higher.
  • 104. vice.