Diary: 1552 (Jan - June)

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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'Diary: 1552 (Jan - June)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp13-21 [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Diary: 1552 (Jan - June)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp13-21.

"Diary: 1552 (Jan - June)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp13-21.

1552 (Jan - June)

The iiij day of Januarii was mad a grett skaffold [in Ch]epe hard by the crosse, agaynst the kynges lord of myss[rule] cumyng from Grenwyche; and landyd at Towre warff, [and with] hym yonge knyghts and gentyllmen a gret nombur on [horseb] ake sum in gownes and cotes and chynes (fn. 1) abowt ther nekes, every man havyng a balderyke of yelow and grene abowt ther nekes, and on the Towre hyll ther they [went in] order, furst a standard of yelow and grene sylke with Sant Gorge, and then gonnes and skuybes, (fn. 2) and trompets and bagespypes, and drousselars and flutes, and then a gret compeny all in yelow and gren, and docturs declaryng my lord grett, and then the mores danse dansyng with a tabret, and afor xx of ys consell on horsbake in gownes of chanabulle lynyd with blue taffata and capes of the sam, lyke sage (men); then cam my lord with a gowne of gold furyd with fur of the goodlyest collers (fn. 3) as ever youe saw, and then ys . . . and after cam alff a hundred in red and wyht, tallmen [of] the gard, with hods of the sam coler, and cam in to the cete; and after cam a carte, the whyche cared the pelere, the a . ., [the] jubett, (fn. 4) the stokes, and at the crose in Chepe a gret brod s[kaffold] for to go up; then cam up the trumpeter, the harold, [and the] doctur of the law, and ther was a proclamasyon mad of my lord('s) progeny, (fn. 5) and of ys gret howshold that he [kept,] and of ys dyngnyte; and there was a hoghed of wyne [at] the skaffold, and ther my lord dranke, and ys consell, and [had] the hed smyttyn owt that every body mytht drynke, and [money?] cast abowt them, and after my lord('s) grase rod unto my lord mer (fn. 6) and alle ys men to dener, for ther was dener as youe have sene (fn. 7); and after he toke his hers (fn. 8), and rod to my lord Tresorer at Frer Austens, and so to Bysshopgate, and so to Towre warff, and toke barge to Grenwyche.

[The xxij of January, soon after eight of the clock in the morning, the duke of Somerset was beheaded on Tower hill. There was as] grett compeny as have bene syne . . the kynges gard behynge there with ther ha[lbards, and a] M1. mo with halbards of the prevelege of the Towre, [Ratcliffe,] Lymhowsse, Whyt-chapell, Sant Kateryn, and Strettford [Bow], as Hogston, Sordyche; and ther the ij shreyfs behyng th[ere present] seyng the execusyon of my lord, and ys hed to be [smitten] of, and after shortely ys body was putt in to a coffin, [and carried] in to the Towre, and ther bered in the chyrche, of [the north] syd of the qwyre of sant Peters, the wyche I beseeche [God] have mercy on ys sowlle, amen! And ther was [a sudden] rumbelyng a lytyll a-for he ded, as yt had byn [guns] shuttyng (fn. 9) and grett horsys commyng, that a M1. fell [to the] grond for fere, for thay that wher at the on syd [thought] no nodur butt that one was kyllyng odur, that [they fell] down to the grond on apon anodur with ther halb[ards], they thought no nodur butt that thay shuld . . . . . sum fell in to [the] dyche of the Towre and odur plasys, . . . and a C. in to the Towre-dyche, and sum ran a way for [fear.]

The xxv day of Januarij begane the parlement [at] Westmynster agayne,—the v yer of K. E. vjth.

The xxvijth day of January was reynyd at Westmynster Hall ser Raff a Vane knyght of tresun, and qwyt of hytt, and cast of felony to be hangyd,—the v yer K. E. vjth.

The xxviij day of Januarij was reynyd sir Thomas Arundell knyght, and so the qwest cold nott fynd ym tyll the morow after, and so he whent to the Towre agayn, and then the qwest wher shutt up tyll the morow with-owt mett or drynke, or candylle or fyre, and on the morow he cam a-gayne, and the qwest qwytt ym of tresun, and cast hym of felony to be hangyd,—the v king Edward vjth.

The v day of Feybruarii was reynyd sir Mylles Parterege knyght of tresun, and qwytt of yt, and cast of felony to be hangyd, the vjth yer of king Edward vjth.

. . . . . .[sir Michael Stanhope was] cast of felony to be hangyd—the vj[th K. E. vjth.]

The xxvjth day of Feybruarii, the wyche was [the morrow aft]er saynt Mathuwe day, was heddyd on the Tower [hill sir] Myghell Stanhope knyght, and ser Thomas Arundell; [and in]-contenent was hangyd the seylff sam tyme sir Raff [a Vane] knyght, and ser Mylles Parterege knyght, of the galowse besyd the . . . . and after ther bodys wher putt in to dyvers nuw coffens [to be be-] red and heds in to the Towre in cases and ther bered . . cent.

The xxviijth day of Feybruarii was mared M. James . . . . clarke of the gren cloth in (the) kyng('s) howsse, unto Annes . . late wyffe of John Heth, serjant of the kyng('s) bakhowsse, [at the] parryche of saynt Botoulffe with-owt Bysshopgate, and . .

The xxviij day of Feybruarii was bered the nobull [lady the] contes of Penbroke, and syster to the late qwyne and wyffe [to the] nobull Kyng Henry the viij. late kyng, and the good lade [the] contes of Penbroke the wyche she ded at Benard Castle, and so cared unto Powlls. Ther was a C. powre men and women had mantylle fryse gownes, then cam the haroldes, [then] the corse, and a-bowt her viij baners rolls of armes, and then cam the mornars boyth lordes and knyghts and gentyll men, and then cam the lades mornars and gentyll women mornars ij C. [then the] gentyll men and gentyll women, and after cam in cotts ij C. servandes and odur servandes, and she was bered by the tombe of [the duke] of Lankaster, and after her banars wher sett up over her [and her] armes sett on dyvers pelers,—the vj King Edward vjth.

The xvij day of Marche rod thrugh London unto [St.] James in the feld, the kyng('s) plase, the kynges syster my [lady] Elsabeth, with a grett compeny of lordes and knyghtes and gentyll men, and after her a grett nombur of lades and gentyllwomen to the nombur of ij C. on horsse-bake, and yomen.

The xix day of Marche cam from Saynt James thrught the parke to the court, and from Parke gate unto the courtt was struys (fn. 10) with sand fyne, and afor her came dukes, lordes, and knyghtes, and after lades and gentyllwomen a gret compeny, and so she was reseyuyd in to the courte goodly.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cared thrugh Nuwgatt and Smyth . . . . . . . s strett, and so a-ways,—the vj yer king Edward the vjth.

The xxj day of Marche dyd ryd thrugh Lo[ndon on horseb]ake ij yonge feylles (fn. 11) boyth of on horse, and on [of them] carehyng a spytt up ryght and a duke (fn. 12) rostyd, and . . . Nugatt, and ther they alyth of ther horse and . . and the duke at Nugatt, and so was led with the . . . begers thrugh Flett lane with many pepull won . . . to the Rose at the Flet bryge, the taverne wher . . . to have hetten (fn. 13) yt there, and I left them ther, and [came to] the court to dener; one of them dweltt at the Sun . . .

The xxij of Marche was bered John Welle . . . myllner, dwellyng at the iiij mylls at Stratford, and . . .

The ix day of Aprell was bered M. Morgayne, gold-smyth, in the parryche of Saynt Foster, in Foster . . .

The xij day of Aprell was bered ser Umffrey . . knyght, with a standard and a penon, and a cott armur . . and sword, elmett, and mantylles, and vj dosen of skoychyons, meny gownes gyffyn to the powre and the ryche, and a [great] dolle, and with a harold, and bered at the towne, and the [company] of the Clarkes wher ther syngyng, and ther was [a great] dener boyth to ryche and the powre.

The xvj day of Aprell rod thrugh London in a c[ar], a woman with a bannor pentyd with (a) yong damsell and a woman, with a carde in the woman('s) hand cardyng her mayd nakyd pentyd, the wyche she left butt lytyll skyn of her, and a-bowt her masters (fn. 14) neke a card hangyng downe; for thys ponyssment her masters (fn. 14) had for her; and she was cared unto her owne dore in a care, and the (re) was a proclamasyon by on of the bedylles of her shamful ded-dohyng, [of] the wyche the damsell ys lyke to dee.

The xxiij day of Aprell, the wyche was sant Jorge day, the Kyng('s) grace, behyng at Westmynster at ys plase, dyd where (fn. 15) ys robes of the garter, and the yong yerle of Warwyke beyryng of the kynges sword afor hym thrugh the halle unto the chapell; and ys grase dyd offer, and the resyduw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . evyngsong, and w . . . Kynges grace dyd chuysse in the sted of the [earl of Som]ersett the yerle of Westmorland, and sir Andrew [Dudley,] captayne of Gynes, was chosen of the garter the . .

The xxx day of Aprell was proclamyd un . . . parlementt that no man shuld nott in-gratt or in-g[ross] any maner of vetall commynge to the feyre after the furst day of May; and that no man shuld [put] ther money unto usery for gaynes nor pr[ivy] exchangyng of gold or sylver; and that no yn, [tavarn,] nor berehowse, but they must be bune in a coynys[ance (fn. 16) to] kepe good rulle and honeste ; and the sam maner and that . . . ay that no man shuld feythe (fn. 17) in any chyrche or chyr[chyards] apon the payne ther-of; the acts be in fulle sthrenght—the morow after May-day, the vj king Edward vjth.

The sam day the Kynges grase removyd from Westmynster unto Grenwyche at viij a-cloke in the mornyng.

The sam day was sessyons at Nugatt for theyfes, and a cott-purs spessyally was for one James [Ellys] the grett pykpurs and cuttpurs that ever [was ar-]raynyd, for ther was never a presun and the Towr (fn. 18) but he had byne in them, —the vj king Edward vjth.

The sam day was bornyd at the Towre-hylle at after[noon] vij mon and viij maymed and lyke to dee, and alle was by takyng [ill] heyde and by beytyng of gunpowder in a morter, and by stryk[ing] of fyre, that a sparke of fyre fell in-tho the powder, and so alle f[ired] . . .

The ij day of May was a proclamasyon for haledaye[s and] fastyng days to be observyd and kept, and alle othur fe[asts;] and for korears (fn. 19) and lethers sellers and tynkares, and pe[dlars.]

The sam day was hangyd at Tyborne ix fello[ns.]

The iij day of May was a proclamasyon how Gaskyn wyne shuld be sold at viijd. the galon; a barelle of alle at iijs. viijd.: a barelle of dobulle bere at iijs. viijd.; thre-holpeny bere the barelle iijs.; syngyll bere the barelle ijs.; and no no dobulle dobulle alle, nor dobulle dobulle no more be callyd no more dobulle dobulle.

. . . . . . tyme callyd Jehesus . . . a penon of armes and a cote . . . blake, and with ij dosen of skochyons . . .

The xij day of May the Kynges grace [rode through] Grenwyche Parke unto Blake-heth, with ys ga[rd with bows] and arowes, and in ther jerkenes and dobeletes. [The King's] grase ran at the ryng, and odur lordes and kn [yghts.]

The xiiij day of May my lord marqwes [of Northampton's] men of armes did muster in More felds . . . compeny and grett horssys, and a trompett blow . . . nombur of a C. men of armes and welle h[arnessed.]

The xvj day of May the Kyngs grace [rode into the said] parke for to se the goodly muster of ys [men] of armes, and every lord('s) men; severall [trumpets] bloghyng a-for ther men, and ther standards, and ther cottes in brodery of yche lords colers, and ther speyres coloryd lyke, and ther fott-men.

The furst the kynges pensyonars, the lord Bray ther captayn, and the kyng's grett baner [of arms] borne of-fore of damaske, blue and red, and the trumpeters blohyng, and the pensyonars in goodly a[rray, and] in harnes from tope to the to, and goodly basses of cotes, and ther men in lyke colers of cloth.

The ij my lord Tresorer's men of armes, a whytt standard with faucon of gold, cotes whyt and red.

The iij my lord Grant Master, with men of armes, ys standard of red damaske, a whyt lyon sylver, crounyd gold, and with ragyd stayffes; cotes alle blake wellevet in-brodery the alff, and th'odur cloth blake in-brodery whyt and red.

The Duke of Soffoke, with ys men of armes, and ys standard a unycorne sylver armyn in a sune-beme gold, whyt and morrey, and ys penselles.

[The vth, the lord Privy Seal his men of arms; his standard of three colours, a whyt goat, the standard powdered with escallop shells; his coat white and red in-brodery, and pensils of the same.]

[The vj, the lord] Grett Chamburlayn, [marqwes of Northampton; his] standard yelow and blakke, a mayden hed [crowned gold; his coats] yelow welvet the alffe ys men, and th'odur [half cloth] and fott men in yelow welvet, and pensels.

The vii, Master of the Horse, Warwyke, ys men of [arms; his] gyttun a red damask, whyt lyon, (fn. 20) crounyd gold, [and pow] deryd with rag(ged) stayffes of sylver, and pensells.

The viij, the yerlle of Rottland with ysmen of armes; [his] standard of yelow and bluw with pekoke in [pride] gold, and pensells with a pecoke; cottes bluw in-brod [ery].

The ix, the yerlle of Huntyngtun, with ys men; hys standard a babyon, (fn. 21) cottes bluw brodered [velvet;] the penselles with bulles hed, crone (fn. 22) a-bowt ys neke.

The x, the yerle of Penbroke ys men of armes; ys coler of hys standard of iij collers, red, whyt, and bluw, and a gren dragon with a arme in ys mowth; and penselles.

The xj, the lord Admerall with ys men of armes; hys gytton the crosse of sant Gorge blake, with a ankur of sylver, cottes blake, and brodered with whyt.

The xij, the lord chamburlayn Darcy ys men of armes; ys standard a mayden with a flowre in her hand; cotes red broderd with whytt; and penselles.

The xiij, the lord Cobham with ys men of armes, and ys standard whyt and blake, and a Sarsunhed (fn. 23) in [it;] ys cotes blake gardyd with whytt; and penselles.

[The xiiij, master treasurer Cheny, lord warden of the cinque ports; his guydon a red cross, and half a rose in a sun-beam black;] spers and pensells and alle companys.

The xxj day of May was a cart-lode [of befe] forfett be cause he wold nott selle ytt [according to the] proclamasyon was proclamyd,—the vj king [Edward the vjth.]

The xxvj day of May came in to Fa[nchurch] parryche a goodly May-polle as youe h [ave seen. It was] pentyd whyt and gren, and ther the men and [women did] wher a-bowt ther neke baldrykes [of white and] gren, the gyant, the mores-danse, and the . . . had a castylle in the myd with pensels, and . . plasys of sylke and gylded ; and the sam [day the] lord mayre by conselle causyd yt to be [taken] done and broken, for I have not sene . . .

The vij day of Juin the duke of Northumberland and dyvers of the kynges consell sat at yeld-hall [to hear] serten causys, and toke up my lord mayre and [his] brodurne for vetell, because he lokyd not to yt, and for sellyng of the sam, and odur causys.

The xj day of Juin cam rydyng to London my lade Mare (fn. 24) grase through London unto Saynt Johns with a goodly compeny of gentyll men and gentyll women.

The xiij day of Juin rod thrugh London unto the Towre warffe my lade Mare grase, the kynges syster, and toke her barge to Grenwyche the kynges courte, and so cam agayn at vj a-cloke at nyght, and so landyd at the Towre, and so unto Saynt Johns beyond Smyth-feld.

The xv day of Juin was bered Baptyst Borow the melener with-owt Crepull-gatte in saynt Gylles' parryche, with a penon, a cote armur, and a harold, and with xxiij stayffes-torches, and so xxiij pore men bere them, and many mornars in blake; and the compeny of the Clarkes wher ther, and ys plase was hangyd with blake, and armes vj dosen.

[The xvj of June the duke of Northumberland took horse at five of the clock in the morning, to look after the Marches towards Scotland, of which he was constituted lord Warden, with a] compeny of lords and knyghts [to bring him on his] way of his jornay,—the vj kyng Edward the vjth.

The xvij of Juin ther wher sett on the pelore [a man and] a woman; the woman boythe (fn. 25) a pesse of mottun [and when she] had ytt, she toke a pesse of a tylle (fn. 26) and frust (fn. 27) yt [into the] myds of the mottun, and she sayd that she had ytt of b[utcher, and would ha]ve ym punnyssyd; for ytt was hangyd over [her head in?] the pelore, and so there wher they sett boythe . . .

The xxv day of Juin was drownyd vj men from Grenwyche by a grett botte (fn. 28) of bere in the . . . of sayntt Kateryns, and thay wher take up on the . . after, and was cared by the serjant of the amr . . and bered in saynt Towllys (fn. 29) ender chyrche yerd in S[outhwark.]

The xxvij day of Juin the Kyng's mageste removed from Grenwyche by water unto Pottney, and ther [he] toke ys horsse unto Hamtun cowrte one ys progres, and ther lyvyng ther x days, and so to Ottland, and to Gy[lford.]


  • 1. chains.
  • 2. squibs.
  • 3. colours.
  • 4. gibbet.
  • 5. i. e. genealogy.
  • 6. mayor.
  • 7. i. e. as great a dinner.
  • 8. horse.
  • 9. shooting.
  • 10. Sic MS. for strewn.
  • 11. fellows?
  • 12. duck.
  • 13. eaten.
  • 14. mistress.
  • 15. wear.
  • 16. bound in a recognisance.
  • 17. fight.
  • 18. i. e. except the Tower of London.
  • 19. curriers.
  • 20. Read his guidon of red damask bearing a white lion.
  • 21. baboon.
  • 22. crown.
  • 23. Saracen's head.
  • 24. Mary's.
  • 25. bought.
  • 26. tile.
  • 27. thrust.
  • 28. boat.
  • 29. St. Olave's.