The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.
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'Diary: 1556 (July - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Diary: 1556 (July - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Diary: 1556 (July - Dec)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
1556 (July - Dec)
The ij day of July rod in a care v. unto Tyborne; on was the hangman with the stump-lege for stheft, (fn. 1) [the] wyche he had hangyd mony a man and quartered mony, and hed (fn. 2) mony a nobull man and odur.
The iij day of July was a man wypyd a-bowtt the post of reformacyon be (fn. 3) the standard in Chepsyd for sellyng of false rynges.
The vij day of July was hangyd on the galaus on Towre-hylle for tresun a-gaynst the quen, on (fn. 4) master Hare Peckham, and the thodur master John Daneell, and after cutt downe and heded, and ther hedes cared unto Londune bryge and ther sett up, and ther bodys bered at Allalows-barkyng.
The viij day of Julii was on (fn. 5) of the laborars of Bryd-welle for brykyng upon (fn. 6) of a chest was hangyd in the mydes of the furst courtt apon a jubett.
[The . . . day of July was buried the lady Seymer, wife of sir Thomas Seymer knight, late lord mayor; with . . . . . . . ] armes; with ij whyt branches, xx torchys, and xx men [had] xx gowne of sad mantyll fryse, and xx women [xx gowns] of the sam frysse, and iiij baners of emages, and iiij grett [tapers] apon iiij grett candyll-stykes gylted, and a vj dosen skochyons; and the strett hangyd with fyn brod clothes, and the chyrch [hung with] armes; and after durge they whent home to her plasse. [On the] morow iij masses songe, on of the Trenete, and on of owr Lade, the thurd of requiem, and a sermon; and after masse hard [to] her plasse to dener, for ther was mony mornars, and a grett mone mad for her for her deyth, and gyffen money . . . wardes in London.
The xvj day of July was the obseque of my lade Norwyche, the wyff of the lord Norwyche juge, cheyf baron, at (blank) in Essex, with baners and armes and dyver mo[urners.]
The xxj day of July the Quen('s) grace removyd from sant James in the ffelds unto Heltem (fn. 7) thrugh the parke and thrugh Whyt-alle, and toke her barge, and so to Lambeth unto my lord cardenoll('s) place; and there here grace toke here charett, and so thrugh sant Gorge('s) ffeld unto Nuhyngton, so over the feldes to-wherd Eltem at v of the cloke at after-none; and ther wher of pepull a-boyff x m. pepull to se her grace; and my lord cardinoll rod with her, and my lord of Penbroke and my lord Montyguu and dyvers lordes and knyghtes and mony lades and gentyll women a grett nombur rod with her grace.
The xxvj day of July was bered at the Sayvoy a whyt monke of the Charterhowsse, and bered in ys monke('s) wede with grett lyght.
The xxvij day of July was bered Thomas Lune grocer in sant Mare Mawdlyn in Mylke-strett, with ij whytt branchys and xviij stayffes torchys and iiij grett tapurs; and alle thay (fn. 8) had mantyll fryse gownes, and dyvers women had lyke gownes, pore men and women; and mony morners in blake, and dyver althermen with gren stayffes; and the masturs of the hospetalle with gren stayffes; . . . . . . . . . . and vj long torchys and vj tapurs of iijli a [peice] and iiij grett tapurs with armes, and the cherche hangyd with blake a-for-none; and mony mornars and mony prestes and clarkes, [and so] home to dener; and a vj dosen of skochyons, and the powre. . . . The sam day was bered at saynt Katheryn . . . cherche master Thomas Henege, with a penon and a harold bayring his cott armur, and ij whyt branchys, and a dosen stayffes [torches, . . ] tapurs and a v. dosen of skochyons; and the cherche hangyd with blake; and after to the hosse (fn. 9) to dener.
The same day at nyght be-tweyn viij and ix ded (fn. 12) ser W[illiam Laxton] knyght and late mayre of London, and grocer, in Althermary.
The xxxj day of July was raynyd (fn. 10) at the Yeld-halle . . . . robars of the see a vj, and the morow after thay wher hangyd at Wapyng at the low-water marke.
The sam day stod on the pelere (fn. 11) in Chepe a man and a woman, the wyche wher offesers of Brydwelle, [the which] favered them and convayd from thens sondry harlottes, the wyche dyver of them wher taken a-gayn and browth a-gayn.
The (blank) day of August was bered the bysshope of Chechastur doctur Day, with armes, in the contrey.
The v day of August dyd drowne here-seylff in More-ffeldes, in corner by the tre, a woman dwellyng besyde the Swane with the ij nekes at Mylke-street end.
The (blank) day of August ded (fn. 12) ij bysshops, the bysshope of Chechastur Day, and the bysshope of Wosseter doctur Belle sumtyme bysshope.
[The ixth day of August was buried sir William Laxton, late lord mayor, in the church of saint Mary Aldermary; with] a goodly hers with v prynsepalles, [and the majesty] and the valans gyltyd, and viij dosen of penselles [and] xiij dosen of skochyons and a half of bokeram; and a standard and iiij penons, and ij baners of [images]; and the howsse, chyrche, and the stret hangyd with blake [and] armes; and a cott armur and helmett, target, and sward, mantylles and crest a teyger-hed with a colynbyn and the slype. (fn. 13) [There were two] grett and goodly whyt branchys, and xxxiiij stayffes torchys, and xxxiiij mantyll frysse gownes to powre men, and a c blacke gownes; morners master Loges altherman cheyff mornar and master Machyl secund morner and master Wanton iij morner, and dyver odur, the lord mare and master Whytt and dyvers odur, and alle the thodur althermen in vyolett; and then cam the women morners, lades and mony althermens wyffes and gentyll-women; and after durge to the plasse to drynke and the compene of the Grocers, and after prestes and clarkes, to the place to drynke, and the harolds, and the Waxchandlers and the Penters, to drynke, with mony odur. And the morow iij masses song, ij pryke songe and (the) iij(d) requiem; at masse dyd pryche doctur Harpsfelle archeydekyn; and after to dener, for ther was a grett dener as I have sene at any berehyng, for ther dynyd mony worshepfull men and women.
The xiij day of August was bered at Clarkynwell doctur Belle sum-tyme bysshope of (Worcester), and wher that he was put in ys coffen lyke a bysshope, with myter and odur thynges that longyst to a bysshope; with ij whyt branchys and ij dosen of stayffes torchys and iiij grett tapurs, and a surmon; doctur Harpfelle dyd make yt.
The sam day a woman for baldry and procuryng a chyld, she and the chyld beyng on the pelere; (fn. 14) the wyche she was her chyld browth (fn. 15) to hordome.
The xxiiij day of August was bered at (blank) beyonde Hamtun cowrt master (blank) Banester sqwyre, with cott armur and penone of armes and iiij dosen of skochyons of armes, and xij stayffe torchys, and iiij grett tapurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . cott-armur, helmett, targatt, and swerd . . . of skochyons of armes and iiij baners of emages and iiij dosen of penselles and ij whyt branchys . . . and tapurs; and master Norrey the harold.
The xxviij day of August was bered at Wa[ltham?] abay master (blank) Jakes dwellyng in Cornehylle, sum-tyme the master of the Marchand-tayllers of [London]; with ij whytt branchys and ij dosen torchys . . . . grett tapurs and iij dosen skochyons of armes.
The xxxj day of August was bered masteres . . . Sawde sumtyme weyff unto John Sawde su . . . . quen Katheryn['s ex-] chekare, and here sune (fn. 16) p . . . . unto quen Mare her dowther; with ij grett branchys and xij torchys and iiij grett tapurs, and bered in sant Dunstones parryche in the est, with many morners; and to master Grenway('s) to drynke [ale?] and spyssebred; and the morow masse and a sermon, and after a grett dener; and the morowe after ther was gyffyn for her boyth wod and colles to the powre pepulle.
The xxx day of August was the monyth myn (fn. 17) of ser Wylliam Laxtun knyght and grocer, and the hersse bornyng with wax; and the morowe masse and a sarmon, and after a grett dener; and after dener the hersse taken downe.
The furst day of September was sant Gylles day, and ther was a goodly prossessyon abowt the parryche with the whettes, and the canepe borne, and the sacrement, and ther was a godly masse songe as bene hard (fn. 18); and master Thomas Grenelle, (fn. 19) waxchandler, mad a grett dener for master Garter and my lade, and master Machylle the shreyffe and ys wyff, and boyth the chamburlayns, and mony worshefull men and women at dener, and the whettes playng and dyver odur mynsterelles, for ther was a grett dener.
. . . . . . . . . .
The vj day of September was bered at Barking church in London master Phelype Dennys sqwyre, with cote [armour, . . .] of armes, and ij whytt branchys and xij torchys, [iiij] grett tapurs, a ij dosen of skchochyons of armes; the wyche he was a goodly man of armes and [a great] juster, kyng Henry the viijth behyng at Tornay beyond see in Franse, the wyche was englang t . . . .
The vij day of September was bered within the Towre of London, the wyche was the evyn of the natevete of owre Lade, on master (blank) Lecknolle, sum-tyme grome porter onto quen Mare, the wyche was kast to suffer deth for the consperacy agaynst the kynge and the quen.
The xv day of September was bered at sant Peter the Powr hard by Frer Austyne, with a harold kareyng his cott armur and a penon of armes, and ij fayre whyt-branches and xij stayffe torchys and . . . . tapurs and a dosen and d. of skochyons, and the powre men had mantyll frys gownes; and mony mornars; on master (blank) Lucas sqwyre, sum-tyme on of the masters of the request unto kyng Henry the viijth.
The xix day of September dyd the Quene('s) grace remove from Croydun the bysshope of Canthurbere('s) plasse unto sant James in the feld be-yond (fn. 20) Charyng-crosse, her own plasse, with my lord cardenall and (unfinished).
The xix day of September was proclamyd in London by a xij of the cloke, the crear havyng the quen('s) selle, (fn. 21) that rosse pense (fn. 22) shullde nott be taken after the cry was mad, butt in Yrland to be taken for pense.
The xxj day of September was a grett rumor in London abowtte stesturns (fn. 23) in Chepe, Belynggatt, Leydynhalle, Nuwgatt markett, amonge markett folke and meyllmen, by noythe (fn. 24) parsuns, and that my lord mayre and the ij shreyffes was fayne to go in-to the marketts for (to) sett pepull in a stay, and so to Nuwgatt markett, and ther sold melle for . . . . .
[The . . . day of September was buried at saint] Martens be-syd Charyng-crosse ser [Humphrey Forster] knyghtt of (blank) shyre, with ij goodly whytt branchys, xxiiij stayffe torchys, and iiij tapurs . . . a pesse, and with a harold of armes with hy[s coat armour,] and ys pennon of armes and ys cott armur, [targatt,] and sword and elmett, and crest, and vj dosen of [scocheons]; and the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes; [and many] morners.
The xxvj day of September was bered in Essex at Southmynster, on master William Har[ris,] sheriff of Essex, notabulle ryche both in landes and fermes; with a pennon . . . . and cott armur, and iiij baners of emages of armes, and a vj dosen of skoychyons; and mony morners, and a grett dolle.
The iij day of October was the sessyon at Oxford, and ther wher condemnyd lx to [die.]
The viij day of October was bered in Kentt at a towne callyd (blank, sir John) Champney knyght late mare of London and altherman and skynner, with ij whytt branchys, ij dosen torchys, and iiij grett tapurs; and with a harold of armes beyryng ys cote-armur, hys standard, and pennon of armes, with elmett, targatt, and sword, and vj dosen of skochyons and mony gounes and cottes; and after a grett dener to alle the contrey.
[The . . day of October was buried the lo]rd Waus (fn. 25) of Northamptonshyre, wyth baner of armes, elmett, targett, and sword, [and with a v]j dosen of skochyons, and a dosen of penselles.
The xviij day of October was bered ser Recherd Cottun knyght, and comtroller unto the kyng Edward the vjth of ys honorabull howssehold, with a harold of armes, and a standard, penone, and cote of armes, and a vj dosen of skochyons, and bered at Warlbryltun (fn. 26) in (Hampshire).
The xviij day of October, was sant Luke day, was bered at sant Peter in Cornehyll ser Henry Hobulthurne knyght and late mayre of London, the wyche he was mare at the crownenasyon of kyng Edward the vjth; and marchand-tayller of London, and marchand of the stapull of Calys; and he had [ij] fayre whytt branchys, and xx grett staffe torchys, and iiij grett tapurs a-pon iiij gylt candyll-stykes; and a standard and a penon of armes, and a harold of armes bayreng ys cott armur, and a helmet, target, and sword; and a vj dosen of skochyons; and the chyrche and the strett hangyd with blake and armes; and mony mornars; and pore men had new gownes.
The xx of October was bered ser John Olyff knyght and altherman, and sum-tym he was surgantt (fn. 27) unto kyng Henry the viijth, and after he was shreyff of London; and (fn. 28) he had levyd tylle the next yere he had beyn mayre, for he tornyd from the Surgens unto the Grosers; and bered at sant Myghelles in Bassynghall, with a harold of armes bayryng ys cott armur, and with a standard and a pennon of armes, and iiij baners of emages, and ij grett whytt branchys, and iiij grett tapurs and (blank) dosen of torchys; and mony powre men had gownes; and with a elmett, targat, and sword; and the crest a crowne and a holyff-tre (fn. 29) standyng with-in the crowne.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . hytt and mad a nobull haration.
The xxij day of October was bered doctur [Man], sumtime the pryor of Shen the charterhowse, and after mad bysshope of Man by kyng Edward the vjth; [and] was mared (fn. 30); and bered at sant Andrews hundershaft, London, and ded (fn. 31) at master Whetheley('s) marchand tayller.
The xxx day of October was bered ser [John] Gressem, (fn. 32) knyght and merser, and marchand of the [staple] of Callys, and marchand venterer, (fn. 33) and late mere [and alderman] of London; with a standard and a penon of armes, [cote-] armur of damask, and iiij pennons of armes . . . a elmett, a targett and a sword, mantylles, and ys . . . . and a goodly hersse of wax and x dosen of [pensels] and xij dosen of skochyons; and he gayff a c blake g[owns] unto pore men and powre women of fyne blake [cloth]; iiij dosen of grett stayffe torchys, and a dosen of . . longe torches; and he gayff a C. d. (fn. 34) of fyne blake . . . . ij unto the mare and the old mare, and to ser Rowland Hylle and to ser Andrew Jude and to boyth the chamburlayns, and to master of Blakwelle, and to master the common huntt and ys man, and to the porters that longes to the stapull, and to all ys farmers and ys tenantts; and all the chyrche hangyd and the strett with blake and armes grett store; and morow iij goodly masses song, on of the Trenete, and a-nodur of owre Lade, and the iij of requiem, and a goodly sermon; master Harpfeld dyd pryche; and after as grett a dener as has bene sene for a fysse-day, (fn. 35) for alle that cam to dener, for ther laket nothyng dere. (fn. 36)
The xxx day, a' for-none, was bered at sant Thomas of Acurs, by ys father, master Loke the sune of ser Wylliam Loke, the wyche he ded (fn. 37) at ys plasse in Walbroke, and bered at sant Thomas of Acurs; and alle the qwyre hangyd with blake, and armes, and iiij grett tapurs, and ij whyt branchys and xij torchys; and master doctur Pendyltun dyd pryche.
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . torchys and iiij grett tapurs and [there were at his] . . . bereng the felowshype of the Drapers, master Cha[ster herald and] odur, and greet mon (fn. 38) mad for hym at ys berehying.
The xxx day of October was hanged at the [palace gate] at sant James iiij men for robyng [at the] courte of one of the quen('s) maydes, and ij for robyng [of the] knyght marshall('s) servandes.
The xxviij day of October the new mare toke ys oythe, and so whent by water to Westmynster [with] trumpettes and the whettes (fn. 39) ryalle, (fn. 40) and a galant [pinnace] deckyd with stremars and gonnes and dromes; [the new] mayre master Hoffeley, marchandtayller, and marchand of the stapull of Calles, and the ij heynchmen in cremesun velvett in-brodered with gold an ell brod; and iiijxx [poor] bachelers, and they dyd gyff iiijxx blue gownes, cape, dobelet, and hose to the iiijxx poure men; and there was a godly pageant; and the trumpets had skarlett capes, (fn. 41) and the whetes. (fn. 42)
The xx day of October was delivered out of the Lowlar towre (fn. 43) alle the heretykes that cam out of Essex, and odur plassys, and so to kepe them (fn. 44) good and truw to God and to the king and quen.
The iij day of November was bered in the parryche of sant Towlys (fn. 45) in Sowthwarke master (blank) Goodyere, sum-tyme altherman of London and letherseller, marchand of the stapull of Callys, with ij whytt branchys, xij stayffes torchys, and iiij grett tapurs, and mony mornars in blake, boythe men and vomen, and the compene of the Lethersellers, in ther levere. (fn. 46)
The iiij day of November was bered my lade Wylliams of Tame, with iiij baners of emages and vi dosen of skoychyons of armes, &c.
. . . . . . . . . . . . other]wys called the kynges henchmen.
The xvj day of November cam out of the Towre [to be arraigned] at Westmynster on (blank) Walker servant [to my] lord of Densher, (fn. 47) for carehyng of letters, and cond[emned to] perpetuall presun, and for kepyng consell with the[m that had died] affor.
The xxj day of November was raynyd (fn. 48) [at Guild?] halle on (fn. 49) master Smyth a marchand, for kepying [the counsel] of them that wher put to deth, and condemnyd to perpetual presun.
The xxj day of November a-fforen[oon was taken] ronde a-bowtt Westmynster halle a servand of master . . . the master of the rolles, with a paper on ys hed, and so to the . . . in Chepe, and ther he was sett apone the pelere (fn. 50) with [the paper] on ys hede that every man shuld know what he [had done], the wyche was thes wordes (not added).
The sam day was the new abbott of Westmynster putt in, docthur Fecknam, late dene of Powlles, and xiiij moo monkes shorne in; and the morow after the lord abott with ys coventt whentt a prossessyon after the old fassyon in ther monkes' wede, in collys (fn. 51) of blake say, with ij vargers carehyng ij sylver rodes in ther handes, and at evyngsong tyme the vergers whent thrugh the clostur to the abbott; and so whentt in-to the churche affor the he auter, (fn. 52) and ther my lord knellyd downe and ys coventt, and after ys praer mad was browtt in-to the qwyre with the vergers and so in-to ys plasse, and contenentt (fn. 53) he be-gane evyngsong—xxij day of the sam monyth, that was santt Clementt evyn last.
[The xxiv day of November, being the eve of saint Katharine, at six of the clock at night,] sant Katheryn('s) lyght [went about the battlements of Saint Paul's with singing,] and sant Katheryn gohying a prossessyon.
The xxv day of November my lord of Pembroke toke ys barge toward Cales, and (unfinished).
The xxvj day of the sam monnth was bered masteres H[eys] a mersere('s) wyff in Althermanbere, with ij whyt branchys [and] ten stayffe torchys, and iiij grett tapurs, and xvj women bayreng them and holdeng them, and they had nuw gownes and raylles, and a iiij dochen of skochyons, and mony morners; and alle ys howsse and ys gatt hangyd with blake and [with ar]mes, with hers and Mersers' and Stapull and Venterers' armes: and doctur Perryn dyd pryche at her masse, and after a grett dener.
The xxvij day of November was a proclamassyon in London thatt ever (fn. 54) man to loke that no enfanttes shuld be layd in the streetes nor men('s) dores, and that ther shuld be a day watche, and a nyghtes, that ther shuld be non led (fn. 55) in no plase in London by nyght nor day, and he that do take ane shytt (fn. 56) person shall hayffe xxs. for ys payne.
The xxix day of November was my lord abbott consecratyd at Westmynster abbay; and ther was grett compene, and he was mad abbott, and dyd wher (fn. 57) a myter; and my lord cardenall was ther, and mony byshopes, and my lord chanseler dyd syng masse, and the abbott mad the sermon, and my lord tressore (fn. 58) was [there].
The xxviij day of November came rydyng thrugh Smythfeld and Old Balee and thrugh Fletstrett unto Somesset place my good lade Elisabeth('s) grace the quen('s) syster, with a grett compene of velvett cottes and cheynes, her graces gentyllmen, and after a grett compene of her men all in red cottes gardyd with a brod gard of blake velvett, and cuttes; and ther her grace dyd loge at her place; ther her grace tared (blank) days till the iij day of Dessember or her grace dyd remowyffe.
The iij day of Desember was bered in Essex my lord Morley, with iij harolds, master Garter and odur [heralds, a] standard and a banur of ys armes, and iiij baners [rolls], and iiij baners of emages, and elmett, and cott[-armour,] targett and sword, and viij dosen of skochyons . . . dosen of torchys, and ij whytt branchys, and [many] mornars, and after the masse a grett dener.
The sam day at after-non in London [at saint] Mare Colchyrche in Chepe, on master Robart Downes the master of the Yrmongers with xij torchys, [ij white] branchys, and iiij grett tapurs; and vj pore men [did bear] hym to the chyrche, and all theys pore men had gownes, xxij gowns (fn. 60); and he had [a] tombe m[ade, in the] tombe a caffen (fn. 61) of led, and when that he cam to the grayff (fn. 62) he was taken out of one of wood, and putt in-to that of lede; and the morow ij (masses) song, and a godly sermon, and after a grett dener; and ther wher mony blake gownes gyffyn to men and women.
The iij day of Desember cam rydyng from her plasse my lade Elizabeth('s) grace, from Somersett place downe Fletstreet, and thrugh Old Bayle, and thrugh Smyth-field, with a grett compene; and her servandes alle in red gardyd with velvett; and so her grace toke her way toward Bysshope Atfeld (fn. 63) plasse.
The v day of Desember was Sant Necolas evyn, and Sant Necolas whentt a-brod in most partt in London syngyng after the old fassyon, and was reseyvyd with mony good pepulle in-to ther howses, and had myche good chere as ever they had, in mony plasses.
[The vj day of December the abbot of Westminster went a procession with his convent; before him went all the] santuary men with crosse keys apon [their garments, and] after whent iij for murder; on (fn. 64) was the lord Dacres sone of the Northe was wypyd (fn. 65) with a shett (fn. 66) a-bowt [him, for] kyllyng of on master West sqwyre dwellyng be-syd . . . . ; and anodur theyff that dyd long to one of master comtroller . . . . . dyd kylle Recherd Eggyllston the comtroller('s) tayller, and k[illed him in] the Long Acurs, the bak-syd Charyng-crosse; and a boy [that] kyld a byge boye that sold papers and pryntyd bokes [with] horlyng of a stone and yt (fn. 67) hym under the ere in Westmynster Hall; the boy was one of the chylderyn that was [at the] sckoll ther in the abbey; the boy ys a hossear (fn. 68) sune a-boyff London-stone.
The ix day of Desember was berd (fn. 69) at Hyslyngton (fn. 70) ser Recherd Brutun knyght, with a dosen torchys, and ij whytt branchys, sum tyme of the preve chambur unto kyng Henry the viijth.
The x day of Desember was bered at the Sawvoy master Clarenshus' syster, with a herse mayd with ij stores, (fn. 71) and a c. whytt candyllstykes, and in evere candyllstyke a grett qwarell of alff a lb. of wax, and her armes apon the herse, and a dosen of torchys and her armes apon.
The xvj day of Desember, was the sessyons at Nuwgatt, and ther was John Boneard, (fn. 72) and on Gregory a Spaniard, a smyth, raynyd for a robere that thay wold have done to Halesandur (fn. 73) the keper of Nuwgatt; and ther was one that gayff evydens aganst them that Gregore had a knyff, and he dyd ffrust (fn. 74) in-to the man a-for the juges, and after he was cast; and contenent (fn. 75) ther was a gebett sett up at the sessyons gatt, and ther ys ryght hand strykyn of, and nayllyd apone the jubett, and contenent he was hangyd up, and Boneard was bornyd in the hand, and Gregore hangyd all nyght nakyd.
[The xx day of December the Queen rode in her chariot through the park from] Santt James unto the galere, and so [took] her barge unto Westmynster, and landyd [at the palace,] and so in-to the abbay, and ther her grace hard [even song], and my lord cardenalle and my lord Montyguw, [and my] lord Darse of Essex dyd bere the sword a-for [her grace], and my lade Montyguw bare up the quen ['s train].
The xxij day of Desember the Quen('s) grace [removed] from Sant James thrugh the parke, and toke [her barge] unto Lambyth unto my lord cardenalles place, [where] her grace dynyd with hym and dyvers of the [council]; and after dener her grace toke her gornay (fn. 76) to Grenwyche, to kepe her Cryustynmus ther.
The xxiij day of Desember was a proclamasyon thrugh London, and shall be thrugh the quen('s) reuym, that watt man somover thay be that doysse forsake testorns and do not take them for vjd. a pesse (fn. 77) for corne or vetelles or any odur thynges or ware, that they to be taken and browth a-for the mayre or shreyff, baylle, justus a pesse, or constabulle, or odur offesers, and thay to ley them in presun tyll the quen and her consell, and thay to remayn ther plesur, and to stand boyth body and goodes at her grace('s) plesur.
The xx of Desember was bered at Westmynster master Brysse the sergantt of the quen('s) wod-yarde, with (unfinished) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . strett ma . . .
The xxix day of Dessember was bered [at] Barkyng towne yonge masteres Bowes, the [daughter] of my lord Skrope, with ij whytt branchys and . . dossen torchys and iiij grett tapurs, and a iij dosen of skochyons of armes, and after a grett dener.
The xxxj day of Desember was maltt sold in Gracyous strett markett for xliiijs. a quarter, melle (fn. 78) sold for vj s. a bussell; of whett melle after at xlvj s. a quarter.