Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1880.
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'A Short English Chronicle: London under Richard II (1377-99)', in Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe, ed. James Gairdner (London, 1880), British History Online [accessed 7 March 2025].
'A Short English Chronicle: London under Richard II (1377-99)', in Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Edited by James Gairdner (London, 1880), British History Online, accessed March 7, 2025,
"A Short English Chronicle: London under Richard II (1377-99)". Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Ed. James Gairdner (London, 1880), British History Online. Web. 7 March 2025.
London under Richard II (1377–99)
Ricardus ijdus.
Thes bethe the names of the Maires and Shoreffes of the Cite of London in the tyme of the renge of Kyng Richard the ije.
This yere every man, woman, and childe after the age of xiiij yere payd to the kynge iiij d.
(fn. 1) John Philpot, Mayre | Thomas Cornwales | A° ije. |
John Basham |
This yere was a bushell of whete at vj d. And galon of white wyne at vj d. and a galon of rede wyne at iiij d.
This yere was the Parlement at Northampton, and ther was Kyrkeby drawen and hanged for the dethe of Marshaunt Janyn. And in the same yere, be for the feste of Seint Michell, were the gallyes in Temmes brent at Gravysende; and for the same cause was Sir Rauffe Ferres appellyd. In the same was a bataylle at Westmester be twene Sir John Aunsell, knyght, appellaunt, and Thomas Katerton, defendaunt. And in this yere come a grete people oute of Kentt and Essex to London and brent the Savey and a parcell of Seynt Johns and the maner of Heybury. And so entryd in to London and fette oute of the Toure the Erchebysshoppe of Caunterbury, the priour of Seint Jonys, and a Frere Robert Halys, and Frere William Appylton, and a Frere Menor, and John Legge, a sergeaunt of armes, and Richard Somner, were be hedid at Towre Hill. And Richard Lyons behedid at the Standard in Chepe. And on the morowe after was William Walworth, Nicholas Brembyll, John Philpott, and Robert Lawnde, made knyghtis in Smythfeld. And uppon Samfford Hill was the Erle Marchall, and the Erle Pembroke, and Syr Nicholas Twyfford and Sir Adam Fraunces, knyghtes, with in a shortt tyme. And this was called the Hurlynge tyme.
This yere the kynge hade of every man and woman be twene lx and xvj yere xij d., for the whiche þerysinge afore be ganne.
This yere, the vij day of Januer, on a Saterdaye, Quene Anne came to the Toure of London, and the Sonday followinge she was weddid to Kynge Richard the Secounde. And the xxiiij day of Maye was a grete Erthe quawe.
A post Dunstanum post tempore meridianum
C circulm vixi terre motum tibi dixi. (fn. 2)
This yere the Bysshoppe of Norwyche went in to Flaundres and slewe many Flemynges. This yere was John Norhamton, John More, John Norbury, dampned in the Toure of London for certeyne congregaciouns that were made a yenes þepese.
Nicholas Bremble, Mair | Nicholas Exton | A° vije. |
John Fresche | ||
Nicholas Bremble, Maire | Symond Wynchecombe | A° viije. |
John More |
This yere the kynge wentt in to Scotlonde with a riall power and distroyed all the londe to the Scottes see.
This yere went the Duke of Lancaster in to Spayne for to chalange the crowne.
This yere was the Erle of Arondell mad Amell of the see, and toke in that yere lxxxxx (fn. 3) shippis of enmyes and mo with xiiijmlton wyne.
This yere was a grete dissencion amonge the lordis, that is to sey, the Duke of Glowcester, the Erle of Derby, the Erle of Arondell, the Erle off Warwyk, and the Erle of Notyngham, a gayne the Erle of Oxynford, and the Erle of Southfolke, and the Erchebysshope of Yorke, Sir Robert Tresylyan, and Sir Nicholas Bremble, the whiche Sir Robert and Sir Nicholas were drawen and hanged, and the Erle of Oxynforde and the Erle of Southefolke fled in to Braband, and ther died, and the Erchebysshuppe of Yorke fled in to Scotlonde and ther died, and all ther godes fell in to the kynges hande.
Nicholas Twyffor, Mair | Thomas Austyn | A° xije. |
Adam Carlhill | ||
William Venor, Maire | John Walcotte | A° xiije. |
John Loveney |
This yere was a grete Pestylence.
Adame Bamme, Maire | Thomas Vyment | A° xiiije. |
John Fraunces | ||
John Hende, Maire | Harry Vanner | A° xve. |
John Shodworth |
This yere was the Mayre and bothe the Shoryves were putt downe of her offyce, and Syr Edwarde Delyngrege made wardeyn by the kynge. And after him Syr Bawdewyne Radynton in the xv yere of the kynge and Gebonde Mandfeld and Thomas Newnton chosyn Shoreffys, and London rawnsoned at a ml marke.
William Staunton | Gylberd Mansfeld | A° xvje. |
Thomas Neunton | ||
John Hadle, Maire | Drue Barentyn | A° xvije. |
Richard Wytington |
This yere on Witsondaye dyed Quene Anne and lithe at Westmester; and in the same yere the kynge wentte in to Irlonde and toke all the rebelles of that londe.
This yere came the kynge oute of Irlande.
William More, Maire | Roger Elys | A° xixe. |
William Heryngham | ||
Adame Bamme, Maire | Thomas Welford | A° xxe. |
William Perker |
This yere Quene Isabell was wedded to Kynge Richard at Caleys. And also the same yere, the xxi day of June, was the Duke of Glowcester, the Erle of Arondell, the Erle of Warwyke, the Lord Cobham, Sir Thomas of Arondell, the Exchebysshoppe of Caunterburye were a rested, and the Duke of Glowcester was sent to Caleys and ther mortherd, and the Erle of Arondell behedid at the Toure Hill on Seint Matheus Eye. And the Erle of Warwyke, the Erle of Arondell, the Lord Cobham, and Sir John Cheyne, were dampned to perpetuall prison.
This yere the kynge made v Dukes and a Markes and iiij Erlys. Fyrst was the Erle of Derby was made Duke of Hereforde, and the Erle of Rutlonde Duke of Arondell, and the Erle of Kent Duke of Surre, the Erle of Hontyngdon Duke of Excester, and the Erle Marchall Duke of Northefolke, the Erle of Somersed Markes of Dorsett, and the Lord Spencer Erle of Glowceter, the Lord Nevell Erle of Westmerlond, Sir Thomas Percy Erle of Worseter, and Sir William Scroope Erle of Wilshire.
This yere dyed the Duke of Lancaster and is buryed at Seint Poules in London. Also the Friday after Seint Peter and Poule the Duke of Lancaster after his fader disses came in to Englonde, with him his sonne Thomas Arondell that was Erchebysshoppe of Caunterbury, and they londed in the northe contre at a place called Ravenspore, to whom came in haste the Erle of Northehomberlonde and his sonne Sir Harry Percy, and many other lordis with grete power, and thei went to Brystowe wher thei fonde Sir William Scrope, Tresourer of Engelonde, and Sir John Busshe, and Sir John Grene, and all were be heded. And in þe monthe of Septembre the kynge resseyved his dignite in Toure of London.