The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1876.
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'William Gregory's will', in The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century, ed. James Gairdner (London, 1876), British History Online [accessed 12 February 2025].
'William Gregory's will', in The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century. Edited by James Gairdner (London, 1876), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025,
"William Gregory's will". The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century. Ed. James Gairdner (London, 1876), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025.
[From Register Godyn, f. 16.]
In the name of God, Amen. The vjth day of the moneth of Novembre, in the yere of our Lord God ml iiije lxv, and in the vth yere of the reigne of Kyng Edward the iiijth, I, William Gregory, Citezein and Skynner of the Citee of London, and late Maire and Aldreman of the same, beyng hoole of mynde and in my goode memorye, thanke be it to God, make and ordeyne this my present testament or last will in this maner: In the first, I biquethe and commende my soule to All myghty God my Creature and Savyour, and to the blissed Virgyn Mary his modir, and to alle Saintez, and my body to be buried where it please God to dispose it. And I will and ordeigne that, first and principally afore all thinges, alle the dettes which of right I owe to eny persone or persones be paied. After payment of which dettes I biqueth to the high Awter of the chirch of Saint Mary Aldermary of London, where as I am parisshen, for my dymes and offringes forgoten or withdrawen, and for my buriyng there to be had, xl s. Also I wille that immediatly after my deces there be celebrate for my soule and for the soules of Johane, Julian, and Johane, late my wifes, and for all Cristen soules, ij ml masses. And I biqueth to be disposed for the same ij ml masses viij li. xiij s. iiij d. Also I will that myn executours the day of myn decesse dele among pouere people after their goode discrecions xl s. Also I wille that the preestes and parissh clerkes that shulbe of the saide chirch of Aldermary the day of my decesse, doo and syng every day byfore noon, from that day unto that day a moneth than nexte suyng, a masse of Requiem by note, and every day after noon Placebo and Dirige by note for my soul, and the soules of my said wifes, and all Cristen soules. And I biqueth to everych of the saide preestes and parissh clerkes that shalbe present dailly at the saide masse, Placebo, and dirige, by all the said moneth, viij s. iiij d. Also I wille that myn executouris undrewriten by v yeres next suyng after my decesse fynde an honest preest to syng for my soule, and for the soules of my said wyfes, and all Cristen soules in the chirch aforsaide. And that the same preest sey every Wednesday and Friday for my soule and the soules aforsaide, Placebo, dirige, commendacion, and the sawlter of our Lady Saint Mary. And I biqueth and wole that the same preest have yerely for his salary xj marc sterlinges. Also I wol [th]at myn executours ayenst the moneth day after my decesse ordeyne xij yerdes of blak clothe, price the yerde iij s. iiij d., to cover therwith my bere. And after my terment fullfilled I woll that the same xij yerdes of clothe be gyfen and departed among iiij pore men or wommen moost needefull to pray for my soule. Also I wille that myn executours, the day of my moneth mynde, dele, and gif to pouere men and women cs. Also I biqueth to the chirch werk of [th]e said chirch of our Lady Aldermary, xvj li. xiij s. iiij d. to thentent that the parisshens there pray for my soule and the soules aforsaide. Also I biqueth towarde the amendyng and reparacion of the fowlest weyes aboute London, after the discrecions of myn executours, x li. Also I biqueth to the wiyfe of John Elys, dwelling in Saint Antonynes parissh, xxxiijs. iiijd. Also I biqueth to Johan Johnson, a pouere woman, dwelling by the same John Elys wife, vj s. viij d. Also I biqueth to gyf among pouer folk liyng sike in the hospitall called Saint Mary Spitell without Bishoppesgate, xxs. And to the pouere people liyng sike in Saint Bartholomewe Spitell, xxs. And to the pouere seke people of the hospitall of Saint Mary of Bethelem, xl s. Also I biquethe to [th]e pouere people of Elsyng Spitell, to pray for my soule, xiij s. iiij d. Also to Richard Warners cosyn, beyng suster in the same Elsyng Spitell, vj s. viij d. Also I biqueth to the pouere people liyng in the hospitall of Saint Thomas the Martir in Southwerk, xxs. Also I biqueth vj li. sterlinges equally to be devided and departed among the prisons of Ludgate, Newgate, and the ij Counteres in London, that is to wite, to euerych of the same iiij prisons, xxx s. Also I biqueth to acquite prisoners out of Ludgate and Newgate moost needefull, x li. after the discrecion of myn executours. Also I biqueth to parte and gif amonge pouere folk moost needefull, liggyng bedred in London and the subarbes therof, xl s. Also I biqueth to the fraternite of Corpus Christi of Skynners of London to be put in their comen box to the sustentacion of pouere people of the same fraternitee to pray for my soule and the soules aforsaid, x li. Also I biqueth to the fraternite of our Lady of the Skynners of London to be put in the comen box therof toward the sustentacion of the pouere people of the same fraternite, c s. Also I biqueth to the preest of the said fraternite of Corpus Christi to pray for my soule and the soules aforsaid, vj s. viij d. Also I biqueth to the fraternite of Saint John Baptist of Taillours of London, xx s. Also I biqueth to the hous of freres minours in London, to pray specialy for my soule and the soules aforsaid, lxvj s. viij d. Also I biqueth to the frere Kiry, frere mynour, to pray for my soule, xx s. Also to maister Godard thelder, a nother frere minour, xx s. And to maister Godard the yonger, his brothir, a nother frere minour, xiij s. iiij d. to pray specialy for my soule and the soules aforsaide. Also I biqueth to the hous of frere prechours in London to pray specialy for my soule and the soules aforsaide, xls. Also I biqueth to the hous of frere Augustines in London to pray for my soule and the soules aforesaid, xl s. Also to [th]e hous of Frere Carmes in Flete Strete in the subarbes of London, to pray for my soule and the soules aforsaide, xxvj s. viij d. Also to the hous of Crouched Freres in London to pray specialy for my soule and the soules aforsaid, xiij s. iiij d. Also I biqueth to every prisoner convict in the prison of thabbot and Covent of Westmynster, to pray for my soule and the saules aforsaid, xx d. Also I wille that oon tyme after my decesse myne executours after their discrecions shull kepe an obite in the parissh chirch of Mildenhale for my soule and for the soules afore rehersed. And I will that they spend aboute that obite among preestes, clerkes, wex ringyng of belles, brede, chese, and ale, and in distributing to pouer people moost nedy, xl s. Also I biqueth to Maister Thomas Sygo, my cosyn, to pray for my soule, xiij s. iiij d. Also I biqueth to the fraternite of Jesu founded in the Crowdes undir the Cathedrall chirch of Saint Paule of London, to pray for my soule and the soules abovesaid, vj s. viij d. Also I biqueth to the Priour and Couent of [th]e Chartirhous next London to pray for my soule and [th]e soules aforsaide, xxvj s. viij d. Also I biqueth to the priour and covent of the Chartirhouse of Shene, to pray for my soule and the soules aforsaid, xx s. Also I biqueth to the hous of nonnes at Syon, xl s. and to my goddoughter, the doughter of Rauf Skynner, nonne in the same hous, xx s. to pray for my soule and the soules aforsaide. Also I biqueth to Margarete Toon, my goddoughter, servaunt in the same hous at Syon, xiij s. iiij d. Also I biqueth to the Prioresse and Covent of Clerkenwell, xiij s. iiij d. Item to the Prioresse and Covent of the Meneresse beside London, xls. And to [th]e Prioresse and Covent of Halywell beside London, xxxiij s. iiij d. to pray for my soule and the soules afore rehersed. Also I biqueth to the doughter late of Henry Thurstone, xiij s. iiij d. Also to Allelya taillour, vj s. viij d. Also I biqueth lxvj s. viij d. to be departed among pouer housholders, bothe men and women, dwelling in the warde of Cordewanerstrete of London, after the discrecion of myne executours. Also I will that myn executouris of my goodes aftre their discrecions pay for pouere people dwelling in the same ward, [th]e next xvth that shalbe assessed ther after my deces, xl s. Also I biqueth to Thomas Curson, bedell of the same warde, vj s. viij d., and to his wif vj s. viij d., and to his son vj s. viij d., to pray for my soule. Also I wille that myn executours of my goodes after their discrecions pay for pouer people dwelling in the parish of Saint Johnnes in Walbrok, the next xvth [th]at shalbe assessed ther after my decesse, xiij s. iiij d. Also I biqueth to everiche of the prisons of Kyngesbenche, the Marchalsie, and the Flete, xiij s. iiij d. Also I biqueth xx marc sterlinges to by frise to make gownes and cotes, and lynnen cloth to make shertes and smokkes, and for c paire of shone for pouer men and women hauyng moost neede, after the discrecion of myn executours. Also I biqueth ls. for to by c quarters coles to be gyven to pouere men and women in the parissh of Aldermary forsaid, and in other parisshes where moost nede is after the discrecion of myn executours. Also I biquethe to Margarete Croke, my doughter, x li. wherof I will that she haue to hir owne use c s. to pray for my soule. And the othir c s. residue of the same x li to be gyven to pouere men and women after hir discrecion to pray for my soule. Also I biqueth to everych of the children unmaried of the same Margarete, [th]at is to say, v sonnes and ij doughters, euerych of hem v marc. And if so be that any of hem decesse, as God defende, than I will that [th]e parte of him, hir, or theim so de[ce]ssing shall remayne to that othir of theim than beyng on lyve egally to be departed by myn executours. And if it fortune all the same v sonnes and ij doughters to decesse befor the day of my buriyng, than I wille that the xxxv marc by me to theym biquethed be disposid by the discrecions of myn executours in masses to be songen, finding of clerkes to scole, amending of foule weyes and feble briggys, in mariages of pouere maydens of goode name and fame, and in other warkes of charitee for my soule and the soules afore rehersed. Also I biqueth to Kateryn, doughter of Thomas Ryche, my goddoughter, xxs. Also I biqueth to Cecile Mildenhale, my doughter, lxvj s. viij d. Also to either of the ij doughters of [th]e same Cecile, xl s. And if either of the same ij doughters dye, than I will that the othir doughter have the parte of hir so decessing; and if bothe ij doughters dye before that I decesse than I will [th]at [th]e iiij pounde to the same ij doughters by me afore biquethed be disposed in goode uses and waies of charitee after the discrecions of myn executours. Also I biqueth to Robert Mildenhale, husband of the said Cecile, xiij s. iiij d. Also I biqueth to my cosyn and godson, William Essex, the sone of William Essex, to pray for my soule, lx s. Also I biqueth to Maister Duffeld, one of the Chauntery Preestes of Aldermary chirch aforsaide, to pray for my soule, xiij s. iiij d. Also to either of William Fissher and his wife, vj s. viij d. Also to the wife of John Snype, Skynner, xiij s. iiij d. Also I biqueth to Walter, late my servaunt, his wife, and to their son and doughter my godchildren, xl s. Item I biqueth to Richard Tritrap, late my servaunt, xxvj s. viij d. Item I biqueth to Thomas Lansell, late my servaunt, xx s. Also to Slapton, late my servaunt, xl s. Also I biqueth to William Martyn, nowe my servaunt, iiij li. and a borde clothe, vj napkyns, and a towaill. Also to Baron, nowe my servaunt, lx s. and vj napkyns, and a towaill. Also to Alice Wylcok, my seruaunt, iiij li. and vj napkyns, and a towaill. Also to William Stanley, my godson, lx s. Also to William Lussher, myn apprentice, xx s. Also to John, the childe in my kechyn, xxxiij s. iiij d. Also I biqueth to Mary, the wife of William Gregory, xx s., and to the son and doughter of the same William and Mary, xx s. Also to Johanne, dwelling at frere Augustines, to pray for my soule, xiij s. iiij d. Also to William More, Skynner, xiij s. iiij d. Also to the wife of [th]e same William vj s. viij d. Also to John Aunger vj s. viij d.; and to Johane his wife, vj s. viij d. And to the preest of the fraternitee of the Trinitee in the chirch of our Lady of the Bowe founded, to pray specialy for my soule, vj s. viijd. Also I biqueth to John Cok, Skynner, xx s. and to his wife xx s. Also to John Laurence vj s. viij d.; and to his wife vj s. viij d. Also I biqueth to Anne Wheler vj s. viij d. And to Julian Arthure xxvj s. viij d. Also I biqueth to Baron the elder v s., and to his wife v s., to pray for my soule. Also I biqueth to the Recluse at Alhalowes in London Wall vj s. viij d. Also to the Ankeresse without Bisshopesgate vj s. viij d.; also to the Ankeresse without Temple Barre vj s. viij d.; and to the Ankeresse at Westmynstre vj s. viij d., to thentent that they and everyche of them pray specialy for my soule and all the soules above saide. Also I biqueth to Margarete Caryngton, my god doughter, vjs. viijd., to pray for my soule. Also I biqueth to the reparacion of London Brigge c s. sterlinges. The residue of all my goodes, joialx, and dettes above not byquethed, after my dettes paied, my enterrement doon, and this my last will in maner and forme above saide in all thinges fulfilled, I gif to myn executours undre writen, to thentent that they dispose it for my soule and the soules of my said wifes, and of my fadir and modir, and all Cristen soules, in masses to be songen, and in making, repairing, and a-mending of pore chirches and of feble waies and brigges, in finding of scolers to scole, in mariages of pouere maydens and wydowes of good name and fame, in acquiting and redemyng of prisoners oute of the prisons in London, in distributing to pouere people moost nedy, and in such other werkys and usees of pitee and charitee as they by theyre goode conscience and discrecions shull thinke mooste expedient to the pleasure of God and the helthe of my soule. And of this my testament I make myn executouris John Croke, gentilman, my son in lawe, and John Snype, Citezein and Skynner of London. And I ordeyne Maister Thomas Eborall, clerke, overseer of the same my testament, to oversee that my willes and ordenaunces in this my testament conteyned in all thinges be trieuly accomplissed and fulfilled in maner and forme as is aforsaid. And I pray, require, and desire the said Maister Thomas Eborall, and I will that he be consaillyng, aiding, and assisting my saide executours in distributing, gifing, disposing, and doing the saide almesdedes and werkes of pitee and charitee as he wolde I counsailled and did for hym if he stode in case like. Also I biqueth and gif to the saide John Croke, so [th]at he take upon hym the charge of execucion of this my testament, xli. sterlinges for his labour in that behalf to be had. And I biqueth to the saide John Snype, so that he with [th]e saide John Croke take upon hym the charge of execucion of this my present testament for his labour to be had in that partie xli. sterlinges. And I biqueth to the said Maister Thomas Eborall for his diligence and attendaunce in the premissez iiij li. sterlinges. In witnesse wherof to this my present testament I have sette my seale. Yoven at London the day and yere aforsaid.
In Dei nomine Amen. Ego, Willelmus Gregory, civis et pelliparius ac nuper Aldermannus Civitatis London, compos mentis et sane memorie mee existens, volensque certis de causis menti mee post scripcionem testamenti mei cui presens codicellus annectitur, et post sigillacionem ejusdem testamenti noviter concurrentibus, quedam necessaria eidem testamento prius per me facto addere et augmentare, facio et ordino presentem codicellum in hunc modum:—Inprimis, cum ego prefatus Willelmus per dictum testamentum meum inter alia dederim et legaverim fraternitati Corporis Cristi artis pellipariorum dicte Civitatis ad sustentacionem pauperum ejusdem fraternitatis decem libras sterlingorum, ego idem Willelmus donacionem et legacionem illas per presentem codicellum casso, revoco et penitus adnullo, nolens illas ullo modo executioni demandari in parte aut in toto. Sed ob sinceram affecetionem dileccionem quas ad eandem fraternitatem Corporis Christi gero et habeo, ac ad intencionem quod fratres et sorores ejusdem fraternitatis animam meam in suis oracionibus Deo specialius habeant recommendatam, ad perpetuam rei memoriam do et lego supradicte fraternitati Corporis Christi sex ollas meas optimas argenti deauratas. Item ego, prefatus Willelmus, legata mea de sexaginta solidis, sex napkyns et uno towaill Willelmo Martyn nuper apprenticio meo, necnon de sexaginta solidis sex napkyns et uno towayll Alicie Wylcok, servienti mee, in dicto testamento meo facta, casso et adnullo per presentes, volens jam, concedens, et legans, quod idem Willelmus Martyn habeat de bonis meis x marcas sterlingorum ac sex napkyns et unum towayll, ac quod dicta Alicia habeat eciam de bonis meis centum solidos et sex napkyns cum uno towaill. Volo itaque, lego et ordino per presentes quod omnia et singula alia legata et ordinaciones in dicto testamento meo contenta et in presenti codicello minime revocata fideliter perimpleantur, exequantur et perficiantur juxta formam, tenorem et effectum ejusdem testamenti mei; Salvo semper et excepto quod cum ego, prefatus Willelmus Gregory, per dictum testamentum meum fecerim et constituerem Johannem Snype, Civem et Pelliparium London, in eodem testamento nominatum, unum executorum meorum, idem Johannes jam mortuus est; qua de causa facio, ordino et constituo Margaretam Croke, filiam meam, uxorem Johannis Croke, alterius executorum in dicto testamento meo nominatorum coexecutricem cum eodem Johanne, viro suo, tam ejusdem testamenti quam presentis codicelli, ad perficiendum et exequendum omnia et singula in dictis testamento et codicello specificata juxta formam et effectum eorundem. Item, licet ego, prefatus Willelmus Gregory, ordinavi per dictum testamentum meum quod unus capellanus idoneus per executores meos eligendus celibret pro anima mea et alijs animabus in eodem testamento expressatis per quinque annos in ecclesia beate Marie Aldermary London tantum; Volo tamen, lego, et per presentes jam finaliter ordino quod capellanus per dictos executores meos elegendus celebret pro anima mea et alijs animabus predictis ubicumque eisdem executoribus meis melius videbitur Deo placere et saluti anime mee proficere. In cujus rei testimonium sigillum meum huic codicello apposui. Hijs testibus, Magistro Johanne Palmer clerico, Johanne Cok, Waltero Smert, pellipario, Thoma Hardyng scriptore, et alijs. Datum London secundo die Januarii, anno Domini millesimo ccccm sexagesimo sexto.
Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum una cum codicello xxiij die Januarij Anno Domini M.cccc lxvjto ac approbatum et insinuatum, &c. Et commissa fuit administracio omnium et singulorum bonorum ac debitorum dicti defuncti, &c., citra primam Dominicam quadragesime proximo future &c., ac de plano compoto, &c. jurato, &c. reservata protestate, &c.