Appendix: Surrender of Falaise Castle

The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1876.

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'Appendix: Surrender of Falaise Castle', in The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1876), British History Online [accessed 7 January 2025].

'Appendix: Surrender of Falaise Castle', in The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1876), British History Online, accessed January 7, 2025,

"Appendix: Surrender of Falaise Castle". The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1876), , British History Online. Web. 7 January 2025.


(See page 121, noted.)

[These articles are not printed by Nicolas in the Chronicle of London, and as already stated only the two first are printed in Rymer in the original French. I therefore give the whole text of the treaty as given in the English Chronicle, MS. Cott. Jul. B. I. f. 43. After the words "first day of Feverer" in this MS., it is added]:—

Which day the capitayne and al they of the forseid castel desirid to trete with our sovereigne lord the Kyng, which committid the trete and appointment to be made with the worthie prynce the Duke of Clarence; which trete and appointment was made in maner and forme as foloweth:—

Here folowith the trete and appointment of the accorde made the first day of Feverer, the yere of our Lord ml iiijc xvij, by me Oliver de Mauny, knyght, capitayne of the castel and dongeon of Faloys, in my propre persone grauntyng and bihotyng for me, and al tho of my compeigny and garison to the ful worthy prince the Duke of Clarence to yelden the xvj day of this present moneth the castel and the dongeon of Faloys into the handis of the right excellent Kyng of England, or into the handes of [other on] (fn. 1) his by half therto committid that to receyve if it so ne be or sone come that thaboveseid castel and dongeon of Faloys be nought rescowed the forseid day withynne the houre of mydday (fn. 2) by bataile of the doutful lord, persone or persones of the right excellent Kyng of Fraunce or of the right doutful lord the Dolphyn his eldist sone, or by therle of Armonak, Constable of Fraunce, and upon [that] (fn. 3) the full excellent Kyng of England to put or do put in the seid castel and dongeon such kepyng that hym shal like.

Also it is tretid, accordid, and by hight by me thaboveseid Olyver de Mauny that at the day of yeldyng of the seid castel and dongeon of Faloys, I and al tho of my compeigny and garison, we shul yeld us presoners to thaboveseid right excellent Kyng of England, out take Geffrey of Chasteulx which shal abide and dwelle of al pointes, his body, his lif, and al his goodes, to the grace and mercy of thaboveseid excellent Kyng of England, he of his benigne grace to command upon the forseid Geoffrey his good likyng.

Also it is set, tretid, and accordid and by hight by me aboveseid Olyver de Mauney, that at the day of yeldyng up of the seid castel and dongeon of Faloys, I and tho of my compeigny and garison shuld leven in the forseid castel of Faloys all our horses, armures, staves, artilries, without eny therof in any maner to bere away or to distroie atwix this tyme and the yeldyng of the seid castel and dongeon of Faloys, and [t]t we shal take hede to put al the forseid armures, staves, and artilries sool in an house of the forseid castel without eny thing therof to sparen.

Also it is tretid, accordid, and bihight by me aboveseid Oliver de Mauney, in caas that rescowe as it is aboveseid be not done, that I and al tho of my compeigny and garison at oure owne cost and expenses shal do make ageyne and strengthe ageyne and reparaile the walles and the diches of the castel and dongeon of Faloys, as wel without as withynne, and forto put the dongeon and castel in such state, or as good, as it was bifore that thaboveseid Kyng of England there leide his worshipful sege.

Also it is tretid, accordid, and bihight by me above Olyver de Mauney and al hem of my compeigny or garison, that at the day of the yeldyng up of the seid castel and dongeon of Faloys we shul yelden, take, and delyver to the handes of such as it shall like to thaboveseid right excellent Kyng of England to committe, al the presoners, Englisshe subjectes obeisauntz, and other holding the partie of England, [t]t for the tyme be presoned in the castel and dongeon of Faloys, without that any empechment be put to the forseid presoners by any of her maisters at this tyme or in tyme to come, be it by sommonyng, requyryng, or askyng in any maner what it be, but fynally al tho of the seid garison that seien or mowe seien hem han any right upon any of the condicion aboveseid, be it by fait of preson or of plegge, the forseid folke of the garison she (fn. 4) renouncen al the trouthes, feithes, bihestes, or othes that aboveseid presoners mowe have done bicause of takyng or in any other condicion or maner what so it be, without fraude or malengyne.

Also it is tretid, accordid, and grauntid by me aboveseid Olyver de Mauney that at the yeldyng up of the castel and dongeon of Faloys (fn. 5) into the handes of hem committid by the right excellent Kyng of England all th Englissh born, Walshe, Irisshe, and Gascoigne that bifore this tyme han holden the partie of England, and nowe for this present tyme ben withynne the seid castel and dongeon, if eny be there.

Also it is tretid, accordid, and promittid by me Olyver de Mauney, and hem of my compeigny and garison, that al the vitaile and artilries, that is to sey, arblastes, bowes, arowes, quarelles, (fn. 6) poudres, gonnes, stanes, and all other abilementes for the werre and defence of the seid castel and dongeon of Faloys, be they alweies present in the forseid castel and dongeon fro the first day of thentreting of this present trete and appointment, and fro the date of this present trete shal dwel and abide in the forseid castel and dongeon of Falois without distruccion or wast in any maner, sauf onely of vitaile, wherof reasonably we shal use and take our suffisaunce as we were wont to done bifore this present composicion.

Also it is tretid and accordid and grauntid by me aboveseid Olyver de Mauney, and al hem of my compeigny and garison, that in like wise of artilries aboveseid we shul not make ne suffre to be made eny broilyng, brekyng, beryng awey, ne none other distruccion in eny wise.

Also it is tretid, accordid, and bihight by me aboveseid Olyver de Mauney, capitayne of the castel and dongeon of Falois, aswele for me as for hem of my compeigny and garison, that unto tyme the forseid castel and dongeon of Falois be ageyne strengthid and reparailid and ageyn put in thastate as it is aboveseid and declared, aswele without as withynne, we ne non of us shal not enarmen us ageyne thaboveseid excellent Kyng of England, ne ageyne his partie that (fn. 7) no maner maundementz that to us moowe be made ne for non other occasion what so it be. And that bihete we knyghtes and squiers of the seid castel and dongeon upon our feithes and honours, and al other of the garison bihoten it upon the Holy Evaungelies.

Also it is tretid, accordid, and bihight unto thaboveseid ful high and right myghtie prince Duke of Clarence by me aboveseid Olyvere de Mauney, knyght and capitayne of the castel and dongeon of Faloys, that upon this present trete and appointment I shal take and delyver viij gentilmen, knyghtes, and squiers notables, which shuld welle and abide to the commandment of thabove right excellent Kyng of England as for hostages, to that ende that the promyses aboveseid be the better togider holde for our partie.

Also it is tretid, accordid, and bihight by the ful high myghty prince the Duke of Clarence, in the name and by commaundment of aboveseid right excellent Kyng of England, his sovereigne lord, that whan the forseid castel and dongeon of Faloys, as wele withynne as without, be made ageyne, refortifieid, and repareilid, and put ageyn in the point and astate as it is above declarid, that I thaboveseid Olyver de Mauney, knyght and capitayne of the seid castel and dongeon of Faloys, with al tho of my compeigny and garison, shalbe dischargid and quiet of our prison ayenst aboveseid excellent Kyng of England, and that hath the Kyng accordid to us of his benigne grace.

Also it is to understand that the pleasunce of thaboveseid right excellent Kyng ne is nought that Geoffrey de Chastiaulx shal use ne have benefice of the grace of tharticle precedent.

Also it is tretid, accordid, and bihight by the ful high and myghty prince the Duke of Clarence, in the name and by the commaundment of thabove seid right excellent Kyng of England, and of his grace grauntid to me Olyvere de Mauney aboveseid, as wel as to hem of my compeigny and garison, al our goodes whatsoever thei ben, beyng nowe withyn the seid castel and dongeon of Faloys, out take our horses and armures and other goodes above expressid and declarid.

Also it is tretid, accordid, and grauntid by me Olyver de Mawney, knyght aforseid, capitayne of the castel and dongeon of Faloys, that by me, ne by hem of my compeigny and garison, ne other that ben withdrawen hem into the seid castel, shalbe askid, required, borne, ne (fn. 8) moevid out of the forseid castel and dongeon, under colour of this present appointment, none other goodes in no maner but onely oure propre goodes.

Also it is tretid, accordid, and grauntid, aswele on that oo partie as on that other, that hangyng the seid trete and appointment no maner of werre shalbe made bitwene hem and thoste of thexcellent Kyng of England and hem of the garison of the castel and dongeon of Faloys.

And for this present trete wel and truely to holde togidre have I, above seid Olyvere de Mawney, knyght, capitayne of the castel and dongeon of Faloys, for my partie to this present cedule of appointment set the seale of my propre armes and ensealid it with my signet of myn hand for the gretter approbacion of verite and trouthe bifore the seid castel of Faloys, the second day of the moneth and yere aboveseid.

And this present appointment entierly to holde and fulfill on our partie we Thomas, sone and brother of Kynges of England and of Fraunce, Duke of Clarence, Erle of Aumarle, High Steward of England, Chief Capitayne of the Vawarde, and Constable of thoste of my lord the Kyng, have done set to this cedule the seale of our armes, bifore the forseid castel of Faloys the second day of the moneth and yere aboveseid.


  • 1. Omitted in MS. The original has "d'autre de par luy a ce commys."
  • 2. Orig. "de deux heure de mydye."
  • 3. Omitted in MS. Orig. "sur ce."
  • 4. shall.
  • 5. There is here an omission in the MS. corresponding to these words in the original: "je delivrere et baider (baillerai) hors de dit chastell et dongon de Faloize."
  • 6. quarelles. The word is "virtons" in the original French.
  • 7. that. Should be "for." The original French has "pour."
  • 8. ne. me, MS.