Gregory's Chronicle: 1427-1434

The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1876.

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'Gregory's Chronicle: 1427-1434', in The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century, ed. James Gairdner (London, 1876), British History Online [accessed 12 February 2025].

'Gregory's Chronicle: 1427-1434', in The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century. Edited by James Gairdner (London, 1876), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025,

"Gregory's Chronicle: 1427-1434". The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century. Ed. James Gairdner (London, 1876), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025.

1427 – 1434

Ande same yere, the vj daye of Marche, Arthure of Bretayne with othyr lordys, the nombyr of x. ml. knyghtys and squyers, made a saute to the towne of Synt Jakys de Bouerne. Ande there were slayne of hem a ml and v c of men of armys, of the whiche were viij c legge harnys with hyr cote armourys one of hem. (fn. 1) And he toke alle hyr ordynauns of gonnys and alle hyr vytayle, with alle the othyr stoffe that was at the sege, that is to saye, xiiij gonnys, with the powdrys, and iij c pypys of wyne, and ij c pypys of brede and floure, and a ml. (fn. 2) panyers with fyggys and raysonys, and herynge, and othyr stuffe of pavys and tentys, &c.

John Raynewelle, the goode Mayre of the cytte of London Robert Arnolde A° v°.
John Hygham

Ande that yere John Duke of Bedforde and Regaunte of Fraunce wennte in to Fraunce agayne, and the Byschoppe of Wynchester whythe hym, and they londyd at Calys. And ther the Byschoppe of Wynchester was made Cardynalle upon oure Lady Daye in Lentyn, in Saynt Mary chyrche. Ande there was grete solempnyte, for there come two legatys and broughte hys bullys and hys hatte from the Pope, (fn. 3) and the Regaunt set on hys hatte ond hys hedde.

Ande that same yere a theffe that was i-callyd Wille Wawe was hangyd at Tyborne. And that yere was smytte owte many buttys of Romnaye of Lumbardys makyng in dyvers placys of the Cytte, for they were corrupte and also they very pyson, &c.

Ande that same yere, the xiiij day of Juylle, cam the Erle of Saulysbury in to London owte of Fraunce. And that yere there was a Parlyment at Westemyster, and that beganne a Synt Edwardys day in Lent. And that yere the towre on the draught brygge of London was be-gonne. And the Mayre layde the fyrste stone, and mo othyr aldyrmen with hym.

John Gedney, Mayre of London Robert Otle Anno vj°.
Harry Frowyke

Ande that yere the Erle of Warwyke com home in to Inglonde owte of Fraunce, and he was made governer of the kynge.

Ande that yere the Pope (fn. 4) sende into Inglond, and in to alle Crystyn londys, a pardon ayenste the erytekys the whyche were in the londe of Hungery, yn the cytte of Prage; the whyche pardon was that me[n] shulde every Sonday in the begynnyng of every monythe shulde goo in processyon, whythe vij Psalmys and the Letany, and they shulde have a c dayes of pardon unto the same processyon. The kyng and the quene, and alle othyr lordys spyrytualle & temporalle, wentt on processyon thoroughe London the ij day of June. And that same day the Erle of Saulysbury toke hys jornaye towarde Fraunce the secunde tyme; and he schyppyd at Sondewyche, and he londyd in Normandy, and wente forthe unto Orlyaunce, and there he layde sege unto the towne as hyt ys a-bove sayde.

Ande that same yere, the fyrste of September, the Cardynalle and Byschoppe of Wynchester came yn to Ingelonde, and soo to London; and he was ressayvyd there worthely and ryally of the mayre and of alle hys bretheryn, for they roode and fette hym yn to the cytte of London, ande the spyrytualle party whythe processyon. And [t]at yere hyt was a wete somer for hyt raynyd for the moste party from oure Lady Day in Lentyn unto the feste of Mychelmas nexte folowynge. And that yere there was a grete morayne of bestys, and pryncypally of schyppe, for the more party of alle Inglonde, for sheppe deyde ynne every contray of Ingelonde.

Harry Barton, Mayre of London Thomas Dufhous Anno vij°.
John Abbotte

Ande that same yere, the xxx day of October, there was a grette fyre at Baynardeys Castelle, the whyche fyre dyde moche harme.

And the viij day of Novembyr the Duke of Northefolke wolde have rowyde thoroughe the brygge of London, and hys barge was rentte agayne the arche of the sayde brygge, and there were drownyde many men, the nombyr of xxx personys and moo of gentylmen and goode yemen.

Ande the same yere, the xxx day of October, the Erle of Saulysbury was hurte at the sege of Orlyaunce beforesayde, and the secunde day of Novembyr he dyde. Ande the fyrste Sonday of Advente he was enteryde at Poulys by the Cardynalle of Wynchester and ij Arche-byschoppys, one of Cantyrbury and that othyr of Yorke, that tyme beynge in London.

And the secunde daye of Advente there were ij heretykys objuryd atte Poulys Crosse, and the iij herytyke commyttyde to preson, for he was convycte. And that same yere the bonys of Mayster John Wykclyffe were take uppe and brentte at Lutterworthe in Layceter schyre there that he was buryde. And thys was done by the commaundement of [t]e pope and alle hys clargye. And the xij evyn aftyr was i-broughte unto London, and hadde hys masse at Poulys, and hys bonys buryde at Birsham.

Ande the same yere, the xij day of Feverer, Syr John Fastolfe, Syr Thomas Ramston, and Syr John Salveyne, toke and slowe (fn. 5) the nombyr of viij schore Schottys of cote armyvorys, and toke iiij c Dolfynnys mayne that were towarde Orlyaunce for to have brokyn the sege, &c.

And that same yere the Duke of Burbone (fn. 6) was sworne Englysche in the kyngys manyr of Eltam besyde Grenewyche. And the xxj day of Feverer Syr Rycharde Nevyle was made Erle of Saulysbury. And that same yere there was a stronge thefe that was namyd Bolton was drawe, hanggyd, and i-quarteryde. And that same yere there was a ryche wedowe i-slayne at Whyte Chapylle; and the same theffe that kylde hyr fledde to Syn Gorgys yn Sowtheworke; and the Fryday nexte folowynge he for-swore the londe; and he was a-sygnyd the same way that he slowe the woman, and there wemmen mette with hym and slowe hym in the waye by twyne the Whyte Chapylle and Algate.

Ande the same yere, the v day of June, there was a fryer i-slayne in the Towre of London, and the person of the same Towre with hym also. And that yere hyt was a dyre yere of corne and pryncypally of whete and of alle maner of vytayle, for a buschelle of whete was worthe xx d. And that same yere, in the monythe of May, was the sege of Orlyaunce i-broke with the Pusylle, Bastarde of Burbon, and othyr Armynackys. And there was slayne the Lorde Molaynys, and Glasdale, squyer, and many moo worthy men. And the x day of June the Erle of Sowthefolke brothyr, and the Lorde of Ponyngys sone hys ayre, were slayne at a jornaye be-syde Orlyaunce, and the Lorde Talbot, and the Lorde Schalys, and Syr Thomas Ramston were takyn, and the erlys brother of Sowthefolke was slayne, and many mo othyr, &c.

Ande the xxij day of June the Cardynalle of Wynchester toke hys jornay, and was purposyd into the londe of Beame; but he cam not there, but bode stylle yn Fraunce whythe the Regaunte that tyme. And on Synte Petrys day aftyr Syr John Radeclyffe wentte unto Fraunce unto the Regaunte with a nothyr mayny. And the same yere, the xxij day of Septembyr, be-gan the Parlyment at Westemyster, and hyt duryde unto the xxiij day of Feverer nexte folowynge; in the whyche Parlyment was grauntyd that John Raynewelle shulde (fn. 7) be mayre of the stapylle of Callys iij yere folowynge.

Wylliam Estefylde, Mayre of London Wylliam Russe A° viij°.
Raulyn Holande

Ande that yere, the vj day of Novembyr, the yere of oure Lorde a Ml.cccc.xxix and the Sonday letter or Dominical letter B, Kyng Harry the vj was crownyd at Westemyster on Syn Lenardys day. And at the coronacyon was made xxxij knyghtys of the Bathe; and on the morne aftyr the Pryncys sone of Portynggale was made knyghte in the Whyte Halle at Westemyster.

Nowe of the solempnyte of the coronacyon. Alle the prelatys wente on processyon beryng eche of hem a certayne relyke; and the Pryor of Westemyster bare a rodde callyde Virga regia, ande the Abbot of Westemyster bare the kyngys ceptoure. And my Lorde of Warwyke bare the kynge to chyrche in a clothe of scharlet furryd, evyn as the newe knyghtys of the Bathe wente whythe furryde hoodys with menyver. And thenne he was led up in to the hyghe schaffold, whyche schaffolde was coveryd alle with saye by twyne the hyghe auter and the quere. And there the kyng was sette in hys sete in the myddys of the schaffold there, beholdynge the pepylle alle a-boute saddely and wysely. Thenne the Arche-byschoppe of Cantyrbury made a proclamacyon at the iiij quarterys of schaffolde, sayynge in thys wyse: "Syrys, here comythe Harry, Kyng Harry the v ys sone, humylyche to God and Hooly Chyrche, askynge the crowne of thy[s] realme by ryght and dyscent of herytage. Yf ye holde you welle plesyd with alle and wylle be plesyd with hym, say you nowe, ye! and holde uppe youre hondys." And thenne alle the pepylle cryde with oo voyce, "Ye! ye!" Thenne the kynge went unto the hyghe auter, and humely layde hym downe prostrate, hys hedde to the auter warde, longe tyme lyyng stylle. Thenne the arche-byscoppys and byschoppys stode rounde a-boute hym, and radde exercysyons ovyr hym, and many antemys i-song by note. And thenne the arche-byschoppes wente to hym and strypte hym owte of hys clothys in to hys schyrte. And there was yn hys schyrte a thynge lyke grene taffata, whyche was i-lasyd at iiij placys of hym. Thenne was he layde a downe a yenne, and helyd hym with hys owne clothys yn the same maner a-fore sayde. And thenne the Byschoppe of Chester (fn. 8) and of Rouchester (fn. 9) songe a letany ovyr hym. And the Arche-byschoppe of Cantyrbury radde many colettys ovyr hym. Thenne the arche-byschoppys toke hym uppe a gayne and unlasyd hym, and a-noyntyd hym. Fyrste hys bryste and hys ij tetys, and the myddys of hys backe, and hys hedde, alle a-crosse hys ij schylderys, hys ij elbowys, hys pamys of hys hondys; and thenne they layde a certayne softe thynge as cotton to alle the placys a-noyntyd; and on hys hedde they putt on a whyte coyffe of sylke. And so he wentte viij dayes; and at the viij dayes the byschoppys dyde wasche hit a-waye with whyte wyne i-warmyd leuke warme. And the knyghtys of the Garter helde a clothe of a-state ovyr hym alle the whyle of his waschynge. To the fyrste processe, aftyr the oyntynge he layde hym doune prostrate a-gayne. Thenne the arche-byschoppys raddyn solempne colettys with a solempne prefas. And thenne they toke hym up a-gayne and putte a-pon hym a goune of scharlette whythe a pane of ermyn, and Synt Edwarde ys sporys, and toke hym hys cepter in hys honde, and the kyngys yerde i-callyd Virga regia in hys othyr honde, sayyng there-with, Reges eos in virga ferrea, (fn. 10) &c., he syttyng thenne in a chayre by fore the hyghe auter. And thenne alle the byschoppys seseden with a swerde, they alle syttynge there hondys thereon, ande alle they saynge thes wordys thys to hym, Accingere (fn. 11) gladio tuo super femur tuum, potentissime. (fn. 12) And at every tyme the kyng answeryd and sayde, Observabo. Thenne toke they the swerde a gayne fro hym, and layde the swerde on the hyghe auter. Thenne bought the kyng hys swerde a gayne of Holy Chyrche for an c s. in signe and in tokyn that the vertu and power sholde come fyrste fro Hooly Chyrche. Thenne sette they on hys hedde Synt Edwarde ys crowne. Thenne rose he owte of hys chayre and layde hym downe prostrate a gayne. And there the byschoppys sayde ovyr hym many hooly colettys. And thenne they toke hym up and dyspoylyd hym of hys gere a-yen, and thenne a-rayde hym as a byschoppe that sholde synge a masse, with a dalmadyke lyke unto a tunycule with a stole a bowte hys necke, not crossyd, and a pon hys fete a payre of sandellys as a byschoppe, and a cope and glovys lyke a byschoppe; and thenne sette a yen on hys hedde Synt Edwarde ys crowne, and layde hym a-pon the schaffolde and sette hym a sete of hys astate, and ij byschoppys stondyng on every syde of hym, helpyng hym to bere the crowne, for hyt was ovyr hevy for hym, for he was of a tendyr age. And then they be-ganne the masse, and the Arche-byschoppe of Cauntyrbury songe the masse. And a nothyr byschop radde the pystylle. And the Byschoppe of Worsethyr radde the gospelle at the auter. And at the offretory come the kynge downe and made the oblacyon of brede and wyne, there whythe offerynge a pounde weyght of golde, the whiche contaynyd xvj marke of nobbelys. And thenne wente he uppe agayne in to the schaffolde and satte there in hys sete tylle the iij Angus Dei, and thenne he come downe agayne and layde hym downe prostrate, sayng there hys Confyteor, (fn. 13) and alle the prelatys sayde Misereator. (fn. 14) And thenne he sate uppe, knelynge with humylyte and grete devocyon, ressayvyng the iij parte of the holy sacrament apon the paten of the chalys of the Arche-byschoppe handys. Thenne there come the Byschoppe of London with the grete solempne chalys of Synt Edwarde and servyd hym whythe wyne; the whyche chalis by Synt Edwarde ys dayes was praysyd at xxx.Ml marke; and the Cardenalle of Wynchester and a nothyr byschoppe helde to hym the towelle of sylke; and so he knelyd stylle tylle mas was i-doo. Thenne rosse he up a-gayne an yede a-fore the schryne, and there was he dyspoylyde of alle the ornamentys that he weryde, lyke the ornamentys of a byschoppe, as hyt was sayde by-fore; and thenne he was a-rayde lyke a kynge in a ryche clothe of golde, with a crowne sette on hys hedde, whyche crowne Kynge Rycharde hadde made for hym selfe. And so the kynge was ladde thoroughe the palys yn to the halle, and alle the newe knyghtys be-fore hym in hyr a-raye of scharlette; and thenne all the othyr lordys comynge aftyr hym; thenne come the othyr lordys comynge aftyr hem. Thenne come the chaunceler with hys crosse bare heddyd; and aftyr hym come the cardenelle with hys crosse in hys abyte lyke a chanon yn a garment of rede chamelett, furryd whythe whyte menyver. And thenne folowyde the Kynge, and he was ladde by-twyne the Byschoppe of Dyrham and the Byschoppe of Bathe; and my goode Lorde of Warwyke bare uppe his trayne. And byfore hym rode my Lorde of Saulysbury as Constabylle of Ingelonde in my Lorde of Bedforde hys stede, and thenne my Lorde of Glouceter as Stywarde of Inglonde. And aftyr hym rode the Duke of Northefolke as Marchalle of Ingelonde. And before the kynge iiij lordys bare iiij swerdys, ij in there schaberdys and ij nakyde. And one wa[s] poynteles of the iiij swerdys above sayde. And as they [were] (fn. 15) syttyng at mete the kynge kepte hys astate. Ande on the ryght honde sate the Cardynalle whythe a lower astate; and on the lyfte syde sate the chaunceler and a byschoppe of Fraunce, and noo moo at that tabylle. And on the ryght honde of the halle at that borde kepte the baronys of the Fyffe portys, and soo forthe, clerkes of the Chaunsery; and on the lefte honde sate the Mayre of London and hys aldyrmen, and othyr worthy comynerys of the cytte of London. Ande in the myddys of the halle sate the byschoppys, and justysys, and worthy knyghtys, and squyers, and soo fyllyde bothe the myddylle tabyllys of the halle. And at the ryght honde of the halle, uppon a schaffolde, stode the kyngys of harowdys alle the mete tyme in hyr cote armorys and hyr crownys in hyr heddys. Ande at the fyrste course they come downe and wente by fore the kyngys champyon, Syr Phylyppe Dymmoke, that rode in the halle i-armyde clene as Syn Jorge. And he proclaymyd in the iiij quarterys of the halle that the kynge was ryghtefulle ayre to the crowne of Ingelonde, and what maner man [t]at wolde nay hyt, he was redy for to defende hyt as hys knyghte and hys champyon. Ande by that offyce he holdythe hys londys, &c.

The fyrste course that was i-servyd yn to the halle before the kynge.

The fyrste that come yn was a berys hedde, enarmyde in a castelle ryalle. Furmenty with venson. Vyant ryalle gylte. Grosse chare. Swanne. Capyn stewyde. Hayryn. Grete pyke. Rede lesche whythe a whyte lyon crownyde there yn. Custarde ryalle with a lybarde of golde sette there ynne holdyng a flowredelys. Frytoure like a son, a floure de lysse there yn. Ande a sotelte, Synt Edwarde and Synt Lewys armyd in hyr cotys of armys, bryngyng thys yong kyng, Harry the vj, in fygure y-armyde by twyne hem two, in hys cote of armys, whythe thys reson:
"Loo here ben ij kyngys ryght profytabylle and ryght goode,
Holy Synt Edwarde and Synt Lowys.
Also the branche borne of hyr blode,
Lyvynge a monge Crystyn moste soverayne of pryse,
Enherytoure to the flowredelysse.
God graunte he may thoroughe grace of Cryste Jesu
The vjte Harry to raygne, and be as wyse,
And hym resemble in kynghode and vertu." Amen.

The secunde coursse unto the kynge syttynge in the halle.

Viaunde blanke. Gely (fn. 16) wrytyn and notyd, Te Deum laudamus. Pygge in doory. Crane. Byttore. Cony. Chykynnys endoryd. Parteryche. Pecoke. Grete breme; leche whythe an antloppe crownyde there yn, and schynynge as golde. Flampayne pouderyde with lybardys and flowredelyssys of golde. Frytoure. Custarde. A lybarde ys hedde why[t]e ij esterygys fetherys. And a sotellete,—The Emperoure and Kynge Harry the vte in mantellys of garterys, bryngyng yn Kyng Harry the vjte yn the same sute, whythe thys reson imperyalle:
"Ayens myscreaunt[s] the Emperoure Segysmounde
Hathe shewyde hys myghte which is (fn. 17) imperyalle
Sythe Harry soo nobylle and worthy knyghte (fn. 18)
In Crystys cause yn actys mercyalle.
Cheryschynge the Chyrche, the Lollers hadde a valle
To geve ensampylle to kynges that shulde shewe hyr ryght.
And to thys branche in specyalle
Whylys he dothe raygne to plese God, and drede hys myght
eternalle." (fn. 19) Amen.

The thyrde course of thys ryalle feste in to the halle.

Quynsys in composte. Blaundsore. Veneson rostyde. Egretys. Curlewys rostyde. Wodekocke. Ploverys. Quaylys. Snytys. Grete bryddys. Larkys. Grete crabbys. Lesche i-made as vyolet colourys. Bakemetes. Chekynnys, i-pouderyde with losyngys, gylte whythe the flourys of borage. Frytoure cryspe. A sotelte,—Owre Lady syttynge, and hyr Chylde in hyr lappe, holdyng in every honde a crowne, Syn Gorge knelyng on that one syde and Synt Denys in that othyr syde, and they ij presentyng the kynge to owre Lady whythe thys reson:
"O blessyd lady, Crystys modyr dyre,
And Syn Gorge callyd hyr owne knyght;
Hooly Syn Denys, O martyr, moste entere,
To the here vjte Harry we present to the in youre syghte.
Shechythe (fn. 20) youre grace on hym,
Thys tendyr and whythe vertu hym avaunce, (fn. 21)
Borne by dyscent and tytylle of ryght
Justely to raygne in Ingelonde and yn Fraunce."

Ande that yere there was a Parlyment at Westemyster, and that be gan the xxij day of Septembyr and hyt duryd unto the xxiij day of Feverer nexte folowynge. And in that Parlyment was grauntyde ij fyftenys to brynge thys yonge kynge in to Fraunce.

And that same yere, the xx day of Janyver, there was an erytyke, one Rycharde Hundenne, wolpacker, brent at Toure Hylle. And the xxiiij day of the same monythe there was a batylle in Smethefylde by twyne two men of Fevyrsham, that on John Upton, pellaunte, and that othyr John Downe, fendaunte. And on Syn Mathewys daye, in Feverer, the kynge toke hys leve of the cytte of London, and he rode thoroughe London unto Eltham towarde Fraunce. And that yere the kynge helde hys Ester at Cauntylbury. And in Syn Gorgys day in the mornyng the kyng schippyd in the mornyng, and he londyd at Calys the same daye at x of the belle be fore none whythe hys lordys. And the xxiij day of the monythe of May the Pusylle was takyn be fore Compayne by the Duke of Burgayne. And the xxx day of May the Arche byschoppe of Burdowys (fn. 22) dyde in the wyntyr in London, and he ys buryd at Whythe Freers in Flete Strete. And in the monythe of Auguste, the iij day, deyde the Contasse of Urmonde be syde Schene, and the viij day of the same monythe she was broughte to London and ys buryde at Syn Thomas of Acrys. And that yere there come enbassytourys oute of Spayne and also oute of Portynggale for to trete whythe oure kynge.

Nicholas Wotton, Mayre of London Watyr Chyrchesey A° ix°.
Robert Large

Ande that same yere, the xiij day of Janyver, be-gan the Parlyment at Westemyster. And the xix daye of the same monythe come the bonys of the Lord Bowcer to London and they ben buryde at Westemyster. Ande the same yere com enbassystourys from the Kyng of Scottys unto the Parlyment for to trete of pes bytwyne Ingelonde and Schotlonde. Also the same yere, the secund day of Marche, there was an erytyke i-brente in Smethe fylde whas name was Mayster Thomas Bagle. And the xx day of the same monythe endyd the Parlyment above sayde. And that yere in Lentyn deyde Pope (fn. 23) Martyn. And at Estyr aftyrwarde the Erle of Perche of Mortenne, the Lorde of Fewater, ande the Lorde of Audeley, wente in to Fraunce with a new retenewe to the kyng; in the secunde day of May wente the Cardynalle of Wynchester in to Fraunce, the Byschoppe of Northewyche and the Lorde Cromewelle whythe a nothyr mayny; and the ij day of June aftyr went the Erle of Salysbury in to Fraunce whythe a fulle fayre mayny.

Ande that yere there was on namyd hym selfe Jacke Sharpe that wolde have made a rysynge in the cytte of London, for he wolde have take owte the temperalteys of Hooly Chyrche; but the xix day of May he was take at Oxforde and v moo of secte, and whythe yn fewe dayes he was drawyd, hangyde, and quarteryde, and hys hede sete on London Brygge, and hys quarterys i-sent to dyvers townys of Ingelonde, as to Oxforde, Abyngdon, and to moo othyr. And sum of his (fn. 24) felowys were takyn at Covyntre, and there they were drawe, hangyd, and quarteryd; and a woman was be-heddyd at the galous. Ande the xxiij day of May the Pusylle was brent at Rone, and that was a pon Corpus Crysty evyn. And the xxiij day of Julyy there was one Russelle i-drawe, hanggyd, and quarteryde, and hys hedde was sette on Londyn Brygge, and hys quarterys in dyvers placys in London; for he wolde have made newe lordys, dukys, erlys, and baronys, aftyr hys entente & hys oppynyon, &c.

Ande the same yere, in the monythe of Juylle, the xvij day, the posterne be-syde the Towre sanke downe into the erthe vij fote and more. And the same yere, the xj day of Auguste, the Erle of Warwyke, the Erle of Stafforde, slowe and toke a grete nombyr of pepylle be-syde Bevys; and ther was take on Potyn and a scheparde that was namyd le Bergere, and he namyd hym sylfe hooly and a saynte, for the Fraynysche men hadde a be-leve on hym that yf he hadde layde hys honde on a castelle walle that hyt shulde have fallyn downe by the power of hys holynys.

John Wellys, Mayre of London John Adyrley Anno x°.
Stevyn Browne

Ande that yere the kyng passyde the see in to Fraunce, and wente unto Parysse; and he come thedyr the thyrde day of Decembyr. And the xiij day of the same monythe he was crownyde at Parysse; for there he was worthely and ryally ressayvyd as they cowthe devyse whythe alle the statys of the towne. And there he hylde hys feste raylly to alle maner of nacyons that were in that contre, that yf hyt plesyde hem thedyr for to come. And in Syn Johnys day in the Crystysmasse weke the kynge remevyd towarde Roone, and on the xij evyn he come unto Calys. Ande the xxix day of Janyver he londyd at Dovyr. And yn Syn Volantynys day he come unto London; and he was worthely fette in to the cytte whythe the mayre and hys aldyrmen whythe alle the worthy comyns of the cytte and every crafte in hyr devys.

And whenne the kynge come to Londyn Brygge there was made a towre, and there yn stondynge a gyaunte welle arayde and welle be-sene, whythe a swerde holdynge uppe on hye, sayynge thys reson in Latyn, Inimicos ejus induam confusione. And on every syde of hym stode an antiloppe, that one holdynge the armys of Ingelond and that othyr the armys of Fraunce. Ande at the drawe brygge there was a nothyr ryalle toure, there yn stondynge iij empryssys ryally arayde, whythe crownys on hyr heddys, the whyche namys folowyn here: fyrste, Nature; the secunde, Grace; the thyrde, Fortune, presentyng hym whythe gyftys of grace. The fyrste gaffe hym Scyence an Cunnynge, and the secunde gaffe hym Prosperyte and Ryches. And on the ryght syde of the emperyssys stode vij fayre maydyns clothyde alle in whyte, i-powderyde whythe sonnys of golde, presentynge the kyng whythe vij gyftys of the Holy Goste in the lykenys of vij whyte dovys by fygure owtwarde, whythe thys resonys: Impleat te Dominus spiritu (fn. 25) sapiencie et intellectus, spiritu consilij et fortitudinis, sciencie et pietatys, spiritu timorys Domini. And on the lyfte syde of thes emperysse stode vij othyr fayre maydyns in whythe, powderyde whythe sterrys of golde, presentyng the kyng whythe vij gyftys of worschyppe. The fyrste was a crowne of glorye, the seconde with a cepter of clennysse, the iij whythe a swyrde of ryght and vyctorye, the iiij whythe a mantelle of prudence, the v whythe a schylde of faythe, the vj an helme of helme, the vij a gyrdylle of love and of parfyte pes. And thys maydens song an hevynly songe unto the kynge of praysynge and of hys vyctorye and welle comynge home. And whenne he come unto Cornehylle, there yn the vij scyence, and every scyence schewynge hys propyr comyng wondyrly i-wroughte.

And whenne he come to the Condyte of Cornhylle there was a tabernacule, and there yn syttynge a kynge whythe a ryalle aparayle. And on the ryght syde sate the lady of Mercy, ande on the lyfte syde sate the lady of Troughthe, and the lady of Clennysse hem inbrasyng with Reson. And by-fore the kyng stode ij jugys of grete worthynys, whythe viij sergauntys of lawe ther presente for the comyn profyte representynge of dome and of ryghtuysnysse, with thys scryptura,
"Honowre of kyngys in every mannys syght
Of comyn custome lovythe equyte and ryghte."

And so the kyng rode forthe an esy passe tylle he come unto the Grete Condyte, ande there was made a ryalle syghte lyke unto Paradys, whythe alle maner of frontys of delys. And there were vyrgynnys there, drawyng waterys and wynys of joye, and of plesaunce and comforte, the whyche ranne to every mannys comforte and helthe. Thes maydyns were namyd: Mercy, Grace, and Pytte. And in thys Paradys stode ij olde men lyke hevynly folke, the whyche were Ennocke and Ely, saluynge the kynge whythe wordys of grace and vertu.

And soo rode he forthe unto the Crosse in Cheppe. There stode a ryalle castelle of jasper grene, and there yn ij grene treys stondyng uppe ryght, shewyng the ryght tytyllys of the Kyng of Inglond and of Fraunce, convaying fro Synt Edwarde and Synt Lowys be kyngys unto the tyme of Kyng Harry the vjte, every kynge stondynge whythe hys cote armowre, sum lyberdys and sum flouredelysse; and on that othyr syde was made the Jesse (fn. 26) of owre Lorde ascendyng uppewarde from Davyd unto Jesu. And so rode he forthe unto the Lytylle Condyte. And there was a ryalle mageste of the Trynyte, fulle of angelys syngyng hevynly songys, blessynge ande halowynge the kyngys whythe thes resonys in Latyn wrytyn: Angelis suis (fn. 27) mandavit de (fn. 28) te ut custodiant te, etc. Longitudinem dierum replebo in eum (fn. 29) et ostendam illi salutare meum. (fn. 30) And thenne wente he forthe unto Poulys, and there he was ressayvyd whythe many byschoppys and prelatys whythe dene and the quere, and whythe devoute songe, as hyt longythe to a kynge. Ande so he offerryd there and thankyd God of hys goode speede and of hys welfare. And thenne he rode to Westemyster, and there he restyd hym; and on the nexte day folowynge the mayre and the aldyrmenf whythe a certayne comeners that were worthy men, and they presentyde the kynge whythe an hampyr of sylvyr and gylte, whythe a M1 li there yn of nobellys, &c.

Ande the xij day of May be-ganne the Parlement at Westemyster, and that duryd unto the xvj day of Juylle nexte followynge.

And that same yere on Syn Kateryn ys eve was the Lorde Fewater drownyd, and moche pepylle whythe hym. And moche harme done in the see of loste of schyppys that were lade whythe wyne fro Bordowys by the grete tempasse in the see.

John Parnys, Mayre of London John Olney Anno xj°.
John Padysley

Ande that same yere be ganne the generalle consayle at Basyle of alle Crystyn londys; and thedyr come the Parganers, that ys to saye they of Parge; (fn. 31) and Mayster Perrys, clerke, of Ingelonde, a regeaunte (fn. 32) and a herytyke, come from Oxforde thedyr whym (fn. 33) as an herytyke; and there were many artyculys and poyntys of the faythe determyte ande spokyn. And soo they partyde, and wente agayn unto Prage whythe owte any lettynge; and the cause was for they of Prage hadde worthy clerkys of oure faythe in plegge for hem of Prage for to goo save and come save, and ellys they hadde gon to the fyre, as moste men supposyd.

Ande that same yere, a-non aftyr Ester, was the conselle of Ingelonde holdyn at Calys by the counselle of Ingelonde, for there was the Duke of Bedeforde, Regaunte of Fraunce, and the Duke of Glouceter, with many moo lordys of the Counselle; and there were cartayne personys done unto dethe, that ys to wete, iij sowdyers were banyschyde the towne of Caleys. And the same yere deyde the Duchyes of Bedforde in Fraunce, the wyffe of the Regyaunte, whos terment was solempny holde at Syn Poulys in London. And the same yere the Duke of Bedforde, and Regyant of Fraunce, weddyde the dukys doughter of Syn Powle the xxij day at Tyruyn. (fn. 34) And that same yere the kynge hylde hys Parlyment at Wystemystyr, that be ganne the viij day of Juylle; and soo forthe hyt induryd unto Lammas, and thenne hyt was enjornyde unto Syntte Edwarde ys day nexte folowynge; unto the whyche Parlyment came the Regaunt of Fraunce. Ande he come unto London on Syn Johnys evyn the Baptyste, and was worthely ressayvyde of the Mayre of London whythe alle hys aldyrmen and worthy comyners of the cytte. And the same yere the Erle of Hontyngdone wente into Fraunce whythe a fayre mayny for to kepe the contreye, and he dyde many fayre jornayes. And that same yere a-non aftyr the xij day, the xxix day of Janyver was the Lorde Fehewe ys brothyr (fn. 35) was stallyd Byschoppe of London.

Ande that same yere apperyde stella comata, othyr wyse namyde a blasynge starre, yn the sowthe weste, etc.

John Brocle, Mayre of London Thomas Chalton A°xij°.
John Lynge

Ande that same yere, the ix day of November, was the terement of the Erle of Syn Powle worthely i-holde at the chyrche of Syn Poulys in London.


  • 1. one of hem. upon hem, V.
  • 2. m l. ijml, V.
  • 3. Pope. This word is crossed through.
  • 4. Pope. This word crossed through, and "bishope" written over in a later hand.
  • 5. This is the action commonly spoken of as "the battle of Herrings."
  • 6. John Duke of Bourbon, who had been a prisoner in England since the battle of Agincourt.
  • 7. shulde repeated in MS.
  • 8. Bishop of Chester, i. e. of Coventry and Lichfield. His name was William Heyworth.
  • 9. John Langdon.
  • 10. ferrea. feria, MS. Psalm ii. 9.
  • 11. Aooingere. Accinge, MS.
  • 12. Psalm xliv. 4 (xlv. 3).
  • 13. Sic.
  • 14. Omitted in MS.
  • 15. Gely. Goly, MS.
  • 16. which is. with hys, MS.
  • 17. Sythe Harryknyghte. Sithen Henry the vth so noble a knyght was founde, J.
  • 18. These verses are not written in lines, and were evidently transcribed from another copy which was not written in lines either. The copyist has consequently made some mistakes. Among other things he seems to have thought that "myghte" and "knyghte" were rhymes in the poem.
  • 19. So in MS. Fabyan reads "Shedyth;" J. reads "Shewith of grace on hym your hevenly light."
  • 20. The reading both in Fabyan and in J. is, "His tender youth with virtue doth avaunce."
  • 21. David de Montferrand.
  • 22. Crossed out, and "byschope" written in a later hand.
  • 23. "his" inserted in a later hand.
  • 24. spiritu. spiritus, MS.
  • 25. Jesse. Perhaps the writer meant "Geste," a history; but more probably he has left out some words. Fabyan speaks here of "the sprynge of Jesse, wherin was shewyd the genelogy of our blessed Lady."
  • 26. Angelis suis. Angelus suus, MS.
  • 27. de. This word is crossed through as if it were positively inaccurate, and the sentence read "Angelus suus mandavit te."
  • 28. Longitudinemin eum. So in MS.
  • 29. meum. eum, MS.; see Ps. xc. (xci.) 11, 16.
  • 30. aldyrmen. aldyrman, MS.
  • 31. The heretics of Prague in Bohemia.
  • 32. The writer means, apparently, a renegade, as Fabyan calls him.
  • 33. whym. The writer probably meant to have written "with them."
  • 34. Therouenne.
  • 35. Robert FitzHugh, LL.D. He was appointed bishop in 1431, and consecrated on the 16th September in that year.